• Checking Flash functionality in the browser. Which one to install and what suitable version of Flash Player is needed for the Yandex browser

    Adobe Flash Player For Windows platforms exists in two versions:

    1. Component for Internet Explorer (and other browsers that support Internet Explorer ActiveX components and plugins)

    2. Browser component Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera.

    It follows that for games through Internet Explorer and the client, you need the first component, the one that is ActiveX. To play through Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, you will need a second component.

    Not knowing or not remembering this point is the source of problems associated with starting the game. Because Adobe Flash Player installed via Firefox or Opera, will not be distributed on Internet Explorer and the game client. Similarly, Adobe Flash Player installed via Internet Explorer will not be distributed on Firefox, Opera, etc.
    I hope that after reading this you already clearly understand which Adobe Flash Player you need in at the moment. Next, I will tell you how to install, check the installed version and update Adobe Flash Player.

    Version check installed by Adobe Flash Player.
    To check whether you have Adobe Flash Player installed and how up-to-date it is (is it the latest version), just follow this link http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ ATTENTION! Once again, please note that Adobe Flash Player different For different browsers. You must open this link with the exact browser you want to check the Flash version in. Those. To check the flash version in FireFox, you need to open this link in Firefox. To check the flash version for Internet Explorer and the client, you need to open this link in Internet Explorer.
    And so, we opened the link in the browser we need. The Version Information frame will indicate the version of the flash you have installed. Just below there will be a table that lists the current (i.e., the latest at the moment) versions of Adobe Flash Player components for different operating systems and browsers. If the version of your flash matches the version for your browser and OS indicated in the table, then this means that you are happy owner most latest version Adobe Flash Player. If the numbers are different, then you need to update your flash.
    Installation and Adobe update Flash Player.
    We will assume that you already know which Adobe Flash Player component you need. If not, then read from the very beginning again. If we know what we need, I can offer two installation options and one update option for Adobe Flash Player.
    The first option is to open the link http://www.adobe.com/go/EN_US-H-GET-FLASH. Again, the link must be opened in the browser for which you need Flash. The Adobe website will detect (or at least try to) your OS and browser and offer the component you need and installation instructions.
    The second option is to open the link http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/ and select the component you need. It doesn’t matter which browser you use to open this link. Important to do right choice, i.e. choose the right OS and browser. Windows users 7 will get to this page in any case; they need to select Vista as their OS. Selected, download the file, install. To be even more important, you can check what is installed there as described above.
    Now for the update. For now in a universal way To update the flash, use one of the two options proposed above. I don’t see any point in deleting the existing flash before installing a new one and have never done it. But the choice is yours, if you really want to, you can delete it. It won't get any worse. There is also an option to use the update utility located here c:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\. The file is called FlashUtil10c.exe The number and letters may vary depending on the version. If you run this file, it will automatically download and install the latest Adobe version Flash Player ActiveX. Attention! This utility updates ActiveX ONLY flush, i.e. the one needed for the client and Internet Explorer.

    In order for the browser to work correctly, you need to install a mandatory set of add-ons and monitor their updates. This also applies to Adobe utilities Flash Player, designed for watching videos, listening online music and some games. Like any software, the plugin needs to be updated periodically. How can I check if this add-on needs to be updated? Let's tell you how to find out the flash player version to decide whether to update.

    Let's consider several ways.

    Checking Flash Player via Browser

    Testing Adobe Flash Player through your own browser is one of the easiest ways.

    For example, in Chrome you need to go to Settings > Show additional settings> Content settings > subparagraph " Plugins" Once in it, you need to click “ Managing individual plugins..." A window will open that will show all installed and running utilities with information about their versions.

    Browsers are updated frequently and the location of any settings change over time.

    How to check flash player on the official website

    The developer of the utility makes it possible to obtain information about the type of add-on you have installed. For example, if you have an Opera browser, then all you need to do is follow the link https://helpx.adobe.com/ru/flash-player.html - there is a button at the top of the screen Check now" Clicking on it will display information about the version of the component, the name of the program for viewing sites and the operating system.

    Check via computer

    If the first two options do not suit you, let's look at the version via your personal computer.

    Go to Control Panel > Programs and components. A list will open installed software, which will definitely contain Flash Player with current number against. This method valid in all operating systems ah Windows, including “seven” and “ten”.

    What to do if the Adobe Flash Player plugin is outdated? It's simple: it needs to be updated. Although, in principle, this is not necessary. But then you will not be able to listen to music on VKontakte, watch videos on Youtube and play games in the browser. And all because in in this case special drivers are required. And all of them are available in Adobe Flash Player. Therefore, whatever one may say, you still have to update it.

    But I have 3 good news. Firstly, this is done in literally 2-3 minutes. Secondly, it's completely free. Thirdly, below is detailed instructions, how to update Adobe Flash Player on a computer or laptop.

    How to update Adobe Flash Player correctly?

    First, let me explain one thing important point, which you definitely need to know. While working in the browser on any website, the message “Adobe Flash Player is out of date” (or “An outdated module / plugin of Adobe Flash Player is blocked”) periodically appears. In principle, the text may differ slightly, but the essence remains the same. What does Adobe Flash Player mean? It's simple: the developers have released a new version, and your current one is no longer relevant. Therefore it needs to be updated.

    The following may also remind you of the need to update:

    • antivirus;
    • online player on some website;
    • Flash Player itself (for example, in the tray).

    Under no circumstances agree to this reminder and do not click the “Update” button! Just read the message and close it. The fact is that it may contain viruses. Especially if the message appears on an unknown site.

    Adobe Flash Player must be updated only from one single source - the official website of the developer. Otherwise, you risk infecting your computer or laptop with all sorts of viruses (most often it is a ransomware banner that blocks the operation of the PC).

    Is everything clear with this? Then let's move on to the main thing.

    Below I will show an example of how to update Adobe Flash Player for Windows 7 (in Firefox). However, this procedure is universal. That is, in the same way, you can install Adobe Flash Player for Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Yandex and all OS browsers (Windows XP, 8 or 10).

    So, to properly update an outdated Adobe Flash Player to the latest version:

    1. Go to the address - https://get.adobe.com/ru/flashplayer/ (this is the official website of the developers and you only need to update it here!).
    2. Pay attention to the first column. The OS version and browser are indicated here. If they are defined correctly, go to step 4.
    3. If the OS or browser is identified incorrectly, then click on the line “Do you need Flash Player for another computer?” After this you will be able to manually select Windows version and installed browser.
    4. The second column indicates additional applications, which will be installed along with Adobe Flash Player. Usually, few people need them, so it is recommended to uncheck the boxes here.
    5. In the third column, click on the “Install” button.
    6. After this, a small window will appear in the browser where you need to click the “Save file” button (save it to any location - for example, to the desktop).

    Hide the browser and run this file. The Adobe Flash Player installer will open, where you need to select update settings. There are 3 options to choose from:

    • automatic update Adobe Flash Player;
    • notify before installing updates;
    • never check for updates.

    After this, the installation of the latest version of the plugin will begin. In this case, you need to close the browser. If you do not do this, the following message will appear during installation:

    Close the browser and click “Continue”.

    After updating Adobe Flash Player, your browser will automatically start and open official page developers.

    It will say something like “Thank you for using our product.” You don’t have to pay attention to this - just close this tab.

    Ready. You were able to update an outdated Adobe Flash Player plugin. As you can see, this is not difficult at all.

    But there may be one problem. Updating the plugin to the latest version periodically fails. And as a result, videos, music and games still don't work. Or they work, but poorly: the video is slow, the browser is glitchy, sites freeze, etc. This happens sometimes. In this case, you need to roll back Adobe Flash Player to previous version and then install it again. That is, it is required complete reinstallation flash player.

    How to remove Adobe Flash Player?

    There are no difficulties here. To remove Adobe Flash Player:

    Done – the plugin is completely removed from your computer (or laptop).

    If you have already deleted installation file on the desktop, then you need to download the Adobe Flash Player update again from the office. site and install it from clean slate. Typically this should help. After this, games, videos and music will play normally.

    Sometimes standard procedure removal does not help resolve audio or video errors in the browser. In this case, I recommend reading: ?

    That's it. Now you know how to update the Adobe Flash Player plugin (as well as its removal). And if necessary, you can easily do this. And you will have to update it regularly, since new versions are released quite often.

    Full-time work in virtual network It’s hard to imagine without using Adobe Flash Player, which processes almost all multimedia content on Windows and Linux operating systems. But often there is a problem with watching videos, downloading audio services, launching games and other content due to the lack or incorrect operation flash player. On many sites, a warning about the absence of a player pops up, and a message similar to this is displayed on the screen: “Adobe Flash player is required to play the video.” On some sites, the warning does not appear and multimedia applications simply do not launch. In this article you will learn how to correctly install a flash player on a computer running Windows system 7/8/ХР

    The latest version of Adobe Flash Player must be downloaded exclusively from the official website. Otherwise, there is a possibility of contracting a virus or malware when downloaded from other sites. For example, there are frequent cases when, when downloading a file, a completely different page opens or the installer is interrupted during the installation process. Therefore, download only from an official source.

    Before installing Adobe Flash Player, you need to update your browser to the latest version. If something doesn’t work out or malfunctions occur, this is a consequence of the fact that the Yandex, Chrome, FireFox, Opera browser is not updated.

    Now let's look at how to properly update the most common browser versions.

    Mozilla Firefox

    IN Mozilla browser Firefox go to the menu. A window will open, at the bottom of which you will see. Click on it and select About Firefox.

    Here you will see the current browser version. If there are updates Firefox browser will offer to download them.


    A distinctive feature of Opera is its availability check new version every time you start the browser. If a new version is found, the browser will immediately offer to install it. To make sure that the latest version is installed, follow a few simple steps: “Menu -> Help -> Check for update.”

    In case browser will find updates, install them. To find out which version Opera browser downloaded to your computer, go to “Menu -> Help -> About”.

    Google Chrome

    This browser is being updated in an automatic way. For verification purposes current version, go to “Menu -> About Browser” Google Chrome" If Google Chrome needs an update, it will notify you about it.

    Internet Explorer

    Like the previous browser, it is updated automatically. You just need to make sure that the checkbox next to “Menu -> Help -> About” is checked.

    The process of installing Adobe Flash Player on a computer

    Once you have updated your browser, you can start downloading and installing Adobe Flash Player. Go to the official website of Adobe. The first step is to check whether your operating system and application installation language are correctly identified.

    Please note two existing versions installations: for Internet Explorer and for other browsers. Choose the option that suits you to avoid problems in the future. To install the correct version, you need to download using the appropriate browser for which you are installing the player.

    If you install the version for all browsers, the plugin will be installed in all browsers: Chrome, FireFox, Opera. And vice versa, if the player version is intended only for Internet Explorer, the plugin will be installed exclusively in it. Note that Google Chrome already has a built-in flash player. However, it is updated to the latest version less frequently than the official player.

    Here you can also uncheck the box that allows installation additional package programs.

    Let's proceed to the second step. Here the program asks you to download the installer file to disk, click “Save file”.

    After downloading, proceed to launch the application and follow the recommendations of the installation wizard.

    At this point, the installer will ask you to close all browsers. When a notification about how to update the program appears, allow automatic installation updates. Click "Next". Then click “Finish”. Flash Player installed!

    How to check if Adobe Flash Player is installed correctly

    Load the verification page https://helpx.adobe.com/ru/flash-player.html in your browser and select “Check Now”. If you see a congratulations message, the flash player has been successfully installed.

    If the “Check Now” button is not highlighted, it means that the Flash Player plugin is not enabled in browser add-ons. For example, to enable the Flash plugin in Firefox, go to the browser menu and select Add-ons. In the plugins section, look for the line “ Shockwave Flash" and using the drop-down switch we switch it to the "Always on" state. If you have a different browser, perform the same steps and enable “Shockwave Flash”.

    Afterwards, go back to the verification page and make sure correct operation flash player.

    Enabling Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser (video)

    Incompatibility, failures, conflicts and other problems often arise due to incorrectly selected program modifications and additional module. The question is which version of Flash Player should be installed for stable operation browser and flash content, this also occurs for users of the Yandex browser. There is no clear answer in this area today, but we will try to understand the main features of choosing a plugin and browser combination.

    Most users, when asked which plugin to choose Yandex browser, we advise you to pay most attention to the latest stable version available today. The remaining approaches have several disadvantages, although they are also associated with advantages.

    Which Flash Player to install for Yandex browser:

    • Old version. Many users leave outdated versions plugin, since they do not see significant changes after updates. We rarely notice differences between versions, since innovations are often aimed at closing old security holes, improving the performance of functions, adding new functionality, etc. All of the above changes are invisible to the naked eye. Disadvantages of the approach: system vulnerabilities that have been fixed in the latest versions, lack of support for some functions, frequent page crashes, freezes and animation lags, excessive loading of browser resources. Advantages: no need to update the plugin, support for older browser versions. All versions up to are considered old.
    • New version. At first glance, the best approach is to install the most latest versions, but it is important to understand how the development team works on the plugin. Conventionally, the development process can be divided into 3 stages: programming, closed testing and open testing. At the last stage, a suitable version is already available to everyone, but it is not complete and often has problems with optimization and support for some operating systems. Disadvantages: crashes and lags often appear, and sometimes it is completely impossible to load the plugin; there is no support for sites using outdated versions of Adobe Flash Player. Advantages: ability to use new functions, high performance(if there are no glitches), improved graphics.

    Taking into account all of the above, when choosing which Flash Player is suitable for the Yandex browser, it is better to give preference to the stable version. Typically, stable Adobe Flash Player is marked as Stable, but it can be difficult to find information about the development stage of the version and you have to use technical documentation.

    A simple method to find out the current version is to visit the page official website dedicated to this topic.

    Another way to check stable version or not - install Flash Player on the system (we can do it from the link) and set its automatic update settings. Only stable versions will be loaded into the system.

    Interesting! Moreover, the rule for choosing a stable modification of a program applies to most software products.

    Which Flash Player for Yandex browser is relevant today?

    As of Q3 2018, it is best to use Flash Player versions Latest update plugin occurred on September 11, 2018. Before, current version there was a player There were no significant differences in the latest version, so we can consider all modifications starting from fresh and suitable.

    It will be useful to know which type of Flash player is best for the Yandex browser, since not all modifications of the player work in the browser. For example, we often receive questions about installing the NPAPI player; we immediately note that these versions are no longer supported by the Yandex browser; now only the PPAPI module is installed, which is placed outside the main process. Thanks to the method of moving the plugin into another process, which was achieved by introducing a PPAPI plugin, the developers increased the performance of the entire browser and reduced the likelihood of the program freezing.

    How to check the plugin version?

    Finding out the version is easy; we can do this in several ways:

    Knowing which Flash Player is needed today, it’s easier to choose correct version Yandex browser for comfortable surfing on sites with flash content. In order not to spend a lot of time selecting versions for an undemanding user, we recommend installing automatic updates of the Yandex web browser. To do this, go to the tab, click on “Show additional settings”, look for the “System” section and activate “Update the browser even if it is not running”.