• How to set an alarm on a wall clock. Electronic desk clock alarm clock with temperature measurement function

    Talking clocks come in a variety of versions: wristwatches, tabletops, and keychain watches. The variety of form factors also determines the variety of control options. Below are instructions for the option talking clock with four control buttons.


    • S1, S2, S3, S4 - Control buttons;
    • “di” is a short beep that the watch can emit during adjustment.

    Note: IN different models watch control buttons can be located differently.

    Brief description of the functions of the control buttons

    1. Press the S1 button to announce the current time;

    Current time broadcasting can operate in the following modes:

    • 12-hour broadcast system;
    • 24-hour broadcast system;
    • Hourly announcement of time from 7 am to 9 pm (7-21 in a 24-hour broadcast system).

      Press the S2 button to set the time, alarm clock, hourly time announcement mode and turn on/off the alarm clock and hourly time announcement mode.

      Press S3 button to select the alarm melody and to adjust the minutes in time setting mode and alarm setting mode.

      Press the S4 button to adjust the clock in time setting mode, and to switch between 12 and 24 hour broadcast systems.

    Setting up 12 and 24 hour broadcast systems

    The S4 button is responsible for switching the talking clock between modes of voicing the current time in 12-hour and 24-hour formats.

    Press the S4 button, if there is no sound signal, then the clock is switched to a 24-hour broadcast format. Then press the S1 button to speak the time and make sure the selected setting works.

    If, when you press the S4 button, you hear a “di” sound signal, it means that the current time audio mode is turned on in a 12-hour broadcast format. Press the S1 button to speak the time and make sure that the selected setting works.

    Continue to perform the steps described above until you set the desired sound mode for the current time.

    Time setting mode

    Press button S1 to check the correct time. If the time is not set accurately, follow the instructions below:

    1. Press the S2 button (a “di” sound signal will appear);
    2. After completing the time setting, wait 5 seconds until the “di” sound signal appears, which means the settings taken into effect;
    3. Press S1 button to check the current time.

    If the announced result does not meet your expectations, repeat setting the current time of the talking clock again.

    Alarm setting mode

    1. Press the S3 button to select the alarm melody, continue until you hear the desired melody;
    2. Press the S2 button twice (a “di” sound will sound);
    3. Press button S4 to set the desired number of hours. Each subsequent press increases the number of hours by one;
    4. Press the S3 button to select the desired number of minutes. Each press increases the number of minutes by one;
    5. After completing the time setting, press S1 button to check the alarm time;
    6. To finish setting the alarm, wait 5 seconds until the sound signal “di” appears;

    To cancel or activate earlier set alarm clock press the S2 button three times (a triple “di” sound will appear). then press the S3 button, if you hear a “di” beep, then the alarm is activated. If there is no beep, then the alarm is turned off

    Press the S3 button until you select desired mode, then wait 5 seconds until the “di” sound appears, indicating that the alarm settings are saved.

    Setting the hourly time mode

    1. Press the S2 button three times (you will hear a triple “di” beep);
    2. Press the S4 button (a “di” sound signal will appear), which means activating the hourly time mode. Attention! The time will be spoken every hour, regardless of the time of day;
    3. Press the S4 button again (you will hear a double beep "di"), which means activating the hourly broadcast mode from 7 am to 9 pm;
    4. Press the S4 button again (a loud and short “di” sound signal will appear), which means turning off the hourly time mode.

    For questions regarding training in use technical means rehabilitation, please contact us in any way convenient for you from those listed on the page.

    02/21/2017 at 22:22

    It’s not news that these days, more and more more people They perceive a wristwatch, first of all, as a stylish and fashionable accessory. And it is quite natural that very few of us can immediately appreciate the variety of useful and almost instantly accessible functions that are hidden in the electronic watches that are so familiar to us.
    Under the term " electronic watch“We mean a watch that has an LCD display with digital display of data (time, calendar, sound signals, etc.).

    Unfortunately, today many of the owners of these wonderful devices do not always use their rich functionality; one of the reasons may be the difficulty encountered in setting up their faithful watch friend.

    By far the most complete and detailed source of information on technical specifications, functional features and setting up any watch, is the original “Operating Instructions”. But it is worth recognizing that often, even very well-known and popular watch manufacturers, unfortunately, do not always provide customers with instructions for watches in our native Ukrainian or Russian language. Or their translation from international English is not entirely correct, and some details of the settings, which are very important for the user, are for some reason simply missed. But if everything is in order with the instructions and translation, then without any difficulties everyone will be able to cope with setting up almost any electronic clock, even on their own. We would also like to additionally remind you that before you start using any technically complex product, for the purpose of safe and durable operation of the equipment you purchase in the future, it is recommended that you read its “Operating Instructions” in accordance with the current Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”(Section II, Article 4, paragraph 3, subparagraph 1).

    Well, now we suggest, having spent very little time, familiarize yourself with general recommendations for setting up some models of electronic wristwatches from one of the most popular watch brands in Ukraine - CASIO.

    So, let's start with the features of the device push-button system clock control, typical for most electronic clocks.

    The watch is controlled by three, four or more buttons, most often located in pairs on the left and right ends of the case, as well as on its front side. Therefore, I would like to start the description of the push-button clock control system with general principles work and its specific features.

    After all, despite the modern dominance of all kinds of screen-touch technologies, the time-tested push-button control of watches does not lose its position, but continues to delight users with its ergonomic convenience and accessible simple interface. For example, is there anyone who will argue that in the cold season, when the hands are protected from the weather by gloves, practically no modern screen-touch technology gives us the opportunity to control any gadgets and, in particular, even the most “smart” ones? for hours. In this situation, only buttons or a rotating watch key can help us, dear readers. So let's continue.

    The buttons are:

    – pressure protruding;

    – push recessed;

    – push-and-pull protruding lugs (CITIZEN, Multi Chronograph).

    Press response:

    – enter settings;

    – mode switching;

    – on/off functions;

    – change of values;

    – reset values.

    Pressing options:

    – one-button single, multiple, with hold;

    – multi-button single, multiple, sequential, simultaneous with hold.

    At least one of the pressing variations, the press and hold, requires closer consideration. This type of pressing is very typical for button manipulations ADJUST(Settings), for most CASIO electronic watch models.

    And no matter if you're going to change general settings clock (current time, time zone, calendar, etc.), or configure settings in any of the functions ( sound signals, timer, stopwatch, etc.) – you must press this button and hold it pressed for at least a few seconds, waiting for a confirmation sound signal. Moreover, the duration of the press can be either 2–3 seconds or 5–7 seconds. In addition to the sound signal confirming entry into the setup mode, you will also notice the current seconds blinking on the display. (The exception is models with radio control, where you will have to press and hold again). Click on this and wait!

    In our opinion, therefore, engineers CASIO, In a simple and very reliable way, we decided to prevent accidental and unexpected entries into the Settings mode by various incompetent users (household members, including inquisitive children, friends, etc.).

    And by the way, don’t forget that there is another very popular button on CASIO watches – LIGHT, which can often also require similar manipulations. It, or another button, should be pressed and held for a long time to activate AUTO LIGHT mode. There may be no audible confirmation, so be sure to wait for the corresponding graphic or alphabetic symbol to appear on the display.

    Now, let’s consider a version of an electronic watch with four end buttons and one front button, using the example of a popular model (module 3230).

    So, if you look at the watch from the display side, there are buttons on the left side:

    ADJUST (Adjustment) - at the top, recessed

    MODE - at the bottom, protruding

    Accordingly, on the right there are buttons:

    SPLIT/RESET - at the top, protruding

    START/STOP (Start/Reset) - at the bottom, protruding

    And at the bottom of the front side there is a button:

    LIGHT – protruding

    Before entering the general clock settings, you must be sure that you are in the Current Time mode (see figure). That is, the display shows the following data: current time (hours, minutes, seconds), day of the week, day and month, and there may also be some icons informing about the enabled state of some other functions (sound signals, summer time, auto backlight, etc.). In this model, the ADJUST button is recessed, and therefore to enter the setup mode you just need to press it once. As a result, the seconds begin to blink. Congratulations - you are in setup mode. Next, you can calmly set up your clock, following the recommendations outlined step-by-step in the instructions for the 3230 module.

    Almost the only remark to this instruction is the not entirely correct title for the section “ Backlight” and, accordingly, determining the purpose of this function. After all, as stated at the very beginning of the instructions: “ To illuminate the scoreboard in any mode, press the “D” button." And it is here that we are actually talking about Backlighting, with the usual 2-second interval of display illumination.

    Therefore, we believe that this section should be called “ Additional lighting" and instead of the inscription "Backlight function indicator", you should use the inscription "Additional backlight function indicator" (see figure). When this function is turned on and a characteristic icon appears on the display, all sound signals emitted by the clock (one-time or multiple) will be synchronously accompanied by flashing electroluminescent backlight. Thanks to this function, for example, in noisy conditions where sound signals may not be heard, it is the flashing of the backlight that informs the user that they have been activated. By the way, sometimes this function in CASIO watches, it performs a special vibrating assembly of the watch mechanism, which, apparently, is even more convenient for some users.

    We hope, dear readers, that in this short article you learned useful information and we managed to reveal basic principles settings of electronic wristwatches from a practical point of view using an example popular models CASIO. We hope that now, having such a functional and compact wrist device, you will be able to use the maximum of its capabilities in your everyday life, without being limited by the minimum capabilities of the model.

    And remember that in case of any difficulties you encounter with setting up your electronic watch, we strongly recommend that you contact the sales consultants of the Secunda store where you purchased your watch, or any other store in our distribution network. Also, you can contact Service center Secunda, where experienced technicians will professionally help you set up almost any model of electronic wristwatch. And the Secunda online store will always take care of the convenience of purchasing and quality service for each client.

    A significant part of electronic watches is manufactured abroad. By ordering them from well-known companies, people receive high-quality and durable electronic watches, the instructions for which do not contain Russian text. Electronic wristwatches contain many functions, but they only have two buttons, which can be confusing when you need to set them up. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem.

    How to set up an electronic clock?

    This is done quite simply. Usually in electronic wristwatch the first button is signed with the word “mod”. It is needed in order to switch device functions, which include settings. The other button is called "set". It is she who changes the value selected by the first button.

    So, to set the time, you need to press the first button. This will cause the number displaying the hour to flash. Now you need to press the second button, and the number will change. When the required value is set, you need to press the first button again to make the minutes flash. They are configured in the same way as the clock, by pressing the second button. Now that the time is set correctly, you need to press the first button again to exit the setting mode.

    Sometimes electronic watches have not two buttons, but four. In this case, setting them up is even easier; you also need to press the “mod” button, and then, when the clock numbers flash, press first “set” and then one of two additional buttons. The first (top or left, depending on the model) increases the value, the second - decreases. After this, you need to click on “mod” again and do the same steps with the minutes.

    How to set up an electronic clock if there are even more buttons?

    In this case, it is better to follow the instructions. Usually additional buttons The clock is called by an electronic thermometer, calendar or stopwatch; it simply displays them, but does not set them. To configure, you need to press the “mode” button several times, scrolling through function by function. When the required option is displayed, you can begin setting using the “set” button. Electronic watches allow you to configure everything that it contains in this way: time, date, alarm, stopwatch, etc.

    Setting an alarm on an electronic watch

    Almost all electronic watches have an alarm. To start it, you need to press the first button several times, thus reaching the “alarm” inscription. The time is set as described above, the alarm is started and turned off by switching using the “set” button in the “on/off” field.

    It is rare that electronics and equipment are sent to Russia from China with a memo or passport in Russian. If you find yourself in such a situation, then most likely you ordered a wall or table clock on Aliexpress or became the owner chinese watches from the store.

    In the Aliexpress online hypermarket, there are more than half a million options for the “electronic watches” item – of all sizes, colors and shapes. There are wall and table clocks with buttons, and even floor-standing solutions with thermometers. There are plenty to choose from! But how to set it up?

    Most often, the buyer has to independently guess the purpose of the buttons and, using ingenuity and intuition, configure the device.

    Fortunately, the experience of numerous users of Chinese products allows us to determine a certain algorithm for trouble-free setting of any electronic clock - wall, table and even floor!

    What are the buttons on a wall or table clock responsible for?

    To set up Chinese electronics, you will need to understand what the buttons on the watch mean.

    It's very simple.

    Workers and important buttons in electronic watches from Aliexpress usually no more than 4. All other buttons are either fake or are responsible for demonstrating a specific function.

    To configure, you will need to know the markings:

    • MODE/MOD – selection. Responsible for switching between categories and parameters. Typically these are the functions “time”, “alarm clock”, “stopwatch”, “date”.
    • START/SET – input. The area of ​​responsibility includes setting the digital indicator of the selected parameter, that is, directly programming the date or time.
    • In addition to MODE and SET, there is certainly a RESET key on the device body - to reset the entered data or reboot the product.

    Location of the RESET button in products from Aliexpress: in desktop and wall clock– usually hidden in the battery compartment or recessed into back panel products.

    All other elements of Chinese watch electronics serve to enable or demonstrate individual functions, but are almost never responsible for setting them up:

    • LIGHT – turn on the backlight;
    • 12/24 – switching between 12-hour time format and 24-hour time format;
    • MIN/MAX – in products with demonstration of temperature and humidity, it is used to display the minimum and maximum data values ​​for a certain period of time;
    • C/F – switching temperature indicators in Celsius or Fahrenheit;
    • ON SC OFF – switching on voice mode For quick activation backlighting the screen when it goes into a “sleeping” state;
    • SNZ – delayed alarm start;
    • ALARM – setting the alarm time;
    • UP – blocking the “sleep” mode when the device is operating;

    Buttons on the back or top panel without designation – turns off the alarm when it goes off.

    Sometimes manufacturers ignore any labeling options. Then one can navigate “by touch.” Two controls are exactly MOD and SET - “select” and “enter”, one is “select” and “set” at the same time.

    In the case of single control, don’t be scared, because everything is simple:

    1. Hold, press the key – “select”.
    2. Short presses – “setting parameters”.


    Setting the date, time and alarm of the electronic wall clock

    The standard version of the push-button configuration is SET, MODE, RESET. And it is this that causes the greatest difficulties for users.

    In fact, setting up a 3-button digital watch is quite simple.

    In them:

    • MODE – choice.
    • SET/START – input of digital data.
    • RESET – reboot and “help” when setting basic parameters.

    The sequence of actions is as follows:

    At help MODE parameter is selected. Each function has a certain number of clicks.

    For example: one press – time, two presses – date, three presses – alarm clock.

    In the absence of instructions, the sequence is determined experimentally; fortunately, there is only one electronic format time and dates and understand which function appeared on the screen is quite simple.

    1. Setting, that is, switching between numerical indicators by flipping, is carried out either using SET, or using SET and RESET. In the second case SET is responsible for hours and months, RESET – in minutes and days. Although there may be other options, since Chinese products are sometimes unpredictable.
    2. The time on the alarm clock is set in the same way: MODE – selection, other buttons – settings.

    The moment of turning off the alarm clock is interesting - this often requires simultaneous pressing of two auxiliary buttons at once.

    The peculiarity of Chinese watches is unpredictability. Buttons on devices have different names and are responsible for different functions or are completely fake. But all this is not scary!

    The operating principle of all models is similar and, having understood the basics of setup, you can quickly set the necessary parameters.

    Electronic desk clock alarm clock with temperature measurement function



    1. Open the battery compartment.

    2. Insert 3 new AAA batteries according to the correct polarity.

    3. Close the battery compartment.

    4. Once the batteries are inserted, the LCD display will light up. The default time is 02:00.


    If the display does not light up, try changing the batteries or pressing the button RESET.


    SNOOZE / LIGHT– press this button to turn off the ringing alarm. In any mode, press this button to turn on the clock backlight for 5 seconds.

    MODE– press this button to switch from normal mode to alarm mode and back.

    ALM ON/ OFF- V normal mode/ alarm mode, press this button to turn on/off the alarm / alarm snooze mode.

    ADJ- In normal mode, press this button to move to date/month/year. In setting mode, press this button to change the setting value.

    °С/°F– press this button to select the temperature display format.

    RESET– Click this button to reset all settings. If there are errors in the clock operation, you need to reset all settings and reset the clock.


    1. Alarm snooze/backlight button ( SNOOZE / LIGHT)

    2. LCD display

    3. Mode switch button ( MODE)

    4. Alarm on/off button ( ALM ON/ OFF)

    5. Set button ( ADJ)

    6. Temperature mode format selection button °С/°F

    7. Button RESET(reset)

    8. Battery compartment cover

    9. Stand

    Arrangement of symbols on the display

    Normal mode

    4. Day of the week

    5. Temperature

    Alarm mode

    1. Alarm time

    2. Alarm icon

    3. Alarm mode

    4. Alarm snooze icon


    1. In normal mode, press and hold the button for 3 seconds ALM ON/ OFF

    2. Press the button ADJ

    3. Repeat the above operation to set HOURS - MINUTES - SECONDS - 12/24 MODE - YEAR - MONTH - DATE.


    1. In normal mode, press the button ALM ON/ OFF once to turn on the alarm, the icon will light up « "; twice – the alarm repeat mode will turn on ( SNOOZE), the “ Zz"; three times – both the alarm clock and the snooze mode will turn on.

    2. In normal mode, press the button MODE to set the alarm time.

    3. Press and hold the button for 3 seconds MODE. The hour number will begin to flash.

    4. Press the button ADJ to set the correct value.

    5. Repeat the above operation to set the minutes.


    1. After turning on the snooze function, the alarm will ring 5 times within 60 seconds with a 5-minute break.

    2. Press the button SNOOZE / LIGHT to stop the alarm from ringing and switch to snooze mode. Press the button if you want to not only stop the alarm from ringing, but also turn it off completely.


    When the symbols on the display become dim, you need to replace the batteries - 3 pcs. type AAA.


    Please dispose of used batteries in an environmentally friendly manner.