• How to find out who a person likes on VKontakte. What is a like, what is it for? Where are likes used online and for what purposes?

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    Click-click-click. Like, like, like... The brain works on autopilot. The eyes glaze over. You spin and spin the endless feed, liking pictures, updates, statuses and links to anything. Social media at its worst hypnotizes us to the point of nausea. What remains from what we read and why do we like it even when we are not delighted with what we have written?

    "Like" is a form of recognition

    Login to Facebook. Click the "like" button. What happened? An act of recognition. Social interaction occurred between at least two people. You can call “like” an example of virtual empathy. We all understand very well what it means to empathize with someone. It is the ability to understand and share another person's emotions or situation. By clicking the “like” button, we establish a connection. We acknowledge the existence of the interlocutor. We don't necessarily like what we see. But we seem to say: “I see. I understand. I'm with you".

    “Like” is an attempt to gain social capital

    What is social capital? The encyclopedic dictionary explains that it is a network of social connections between people, their common values ​​and norms of behavior that contribute to mutually beneficial social cooperation. In the online world, social connections are formed on the Internet. It logically follows that transactions with social capital are carried out online. Mutually beneficial social cooperation occurs when we click “like.” When we realize that social interaction occurs on the Internet, and “like” is one of its main tools, everything takes on a new meaning.

    “Like” is a way to express yourself

    The weekly The Time recently described Facebook's activity algorithm. The introduction of the “like” button in 2009 made it possible to “tailor” the feed to what gives the user pleasure. An important parameter is your closeness with certain people, and it is determined by the number of “likes” you give to their posts.

    The journalists' observation was confirmed scientific research. The Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences recently published the results of a study involving almost 60 thousand Facebook users. Its authors concluded that the use of “likes” in their algorithm can determine the user’s skin color with 95% accuracy, sexual orientation with 88% accuracy, Republican or Democratic party affiliation with 85% accuracy, gender with 93% accuracy, and age with 75% accuracy.

    “Like” is an attempt to receive psychological feedback

    When we like someone's status or photo, we assume that we will like them back. Few of us are willing to admit it, but the more “likes” we get, the stronger our confidence that we are loved. We like to be liked, and the number of “likes” is no less important to us than the quality. So we click “like”, hoping for reciprocity.

    What if we don’t get the desired number of “likes”? Status for us is an extension of our “I”, and if it is ignored, we perceive it as a slight on us personally. We don't actually go to Facebook to see how others are doing, do we? We want to get something important for ourselves. We like things for the same reasons we go to parties or bars or meet friends. It's about psychological feedback. We want to be valued, recognized and loved for who we are.

    “Like” is often a substitute for deeper interaction

    “Likes” have not only positive, but also negative sides. For example, they blur deeper levels of interaction. "Like" is just a click of the mouse button. And relationships and conversations are work. With the number of friends we make on Facebook, it's impossible to find time to build real relationships. "Like" is a form social connection without risks and obligations.

    So what should we do now?

    Don't get depressed, don't leave Facebook forever. Just understand what a social network is and get the most out of it that it can give.

    For more information, see the Marketing Land website.

    Man is a complex creature. We cannot live on our own, without the influence of others on us. When communicating on a social network, we post photos, videos, write our thoughts and save statuses for a reason, all this is done so that we are understood, approved and praised. To support any content posted by the author, there is a like on “VKontakte” or another popular network.

    What does Like mean?

    For many, it is not clear what a “like” is. This word is borrowed from English language and is translated as “like”. The network term has become very popular in lately. Initially, this button simply served to approve something on the page; moreover, many did not even know about its existence. Nowadays, every user registered on the Internet strives to conquer higher rating through the number of “likes” collected.

    What is "like" for?

    When many people know what a “like” is, it is interesting for the author to see who exactly approved his information. Some even encourage active online liking, signing off with, “If you like it, give it a like.” What is it for? Believe it or not, it’s also for communication. The interest is to see who visited the page, which quote or photo was rated, what is in less demand, and so on. Following the opinion of the community, roughly speaking - the crowd, a person is unlikely to watch any video with a low rating, with a small number of “likes”. In this situation, the visitor is sure that he will find a lot of useful and interesting things for himself in the provided content, because many people liked it!

    The main purpose of introducing “likes” in networks is convenience for users, as well as finding things in common with many people. This is a great opportunity for self-realization for single people. When a person clicks like where there are already many of them, he feels like he is part of something big, in demand and needed. There is another loophole that allows someone’s page to be in demand - getting “likes”. The trick is that the rating of information increases without viewing it, it becomes popular and viewed by millions of people.

    How to give a positive rating online

    If you are a beginner and don’t know what “like” is and how to press it, some recommendations will help you. Let's say you want to positively evaluate someone's photo.

    • You need to go to your page and click on the name of the person you are interested in.
    • Click on the photo album and look for the photo you like.
    • Then either click on the heart at the top in the middle of the picture, or click the “Like” button under the picture - and your rating is entered. You can reset the “like” by pressing the button again.

    In the same way, you can “like” videos, statuses and comments.

    Ability to delete “likes”

    We have already figured out how to remove your “like” from a friend’s photo, but there are also situations when you don’t like a “like” from a certain user. In this case, several operations should be performed.

    1. First you need to select a picture or photo with a certain number of “likes”. This can be done through the “My Photos” button or on the wall.
    2. Then you should click the “Like” button, and then a window will appear displaying a list of people who rated the photo.
    3. By hovering the cursor over the image of a specific user, you need to click the cross and confirm your click in the window that appears again. But! It is important to remember that along with canceling a “like” you will blacklist the user, so think twice before deleting their “like”.

    If you have already figured out what “like” is, feel free to click on the corresponding button on all good statements, funny pictures, funny and cute photos, mesmerizing videos. Do not skimp on positive assessments, because any person is pleased to receive them!

    Psychologists assure that a person cannot feel completely happy in the absence of the so-called " stroking" - actions aimed at emphasizing the importance of a person on the part of the people around him. In this case, it is not necessary to “stroke” a person physically, in order to recognize him as a person, it is enough to smile at him, make a gesture, listen carefully or approve of him with a simple gesture. For example, nodding his head or shaking hands .

    People living in harmony with themselves, loved ones and close people, they do not feel “hunger” for such “strokes”. That's why they lead active lifestyle and do not sit at the computer all day long. They don't need virtual dating and communications, with them and in real life many relatives, friends and acquaintances who do not give them feel feeling lonely and unwanted.

    For this reason, we can safely say that “strokes” or emotional warmth are needed by everyone who spends a lot of time on social networks, studying a variety of information and trying to find different ways establishing virtual contacts. One of these methods of non-verbal communication is like, with which you can get a “stroking” just for the fact that you - alive and just like others, you are present on the network.

    Translated from English, the word "Like" means "liked" or "liked". The original source of "Like" was the Facebook website. It was there that users for the first time had the opportunity to like a photo, audio or video they liked by clicking on a special button that represented a thumbs up. A little later the opportunity " like" has appeared on many sites, including VKontakte, where users can add hearts in statuses, photos, videos and audio recordings. A similar opportunity on Twitter is provided by retweet, and in Odnoklassniki - the orange "Class" button.

    A like is your “opinion” that you express in relation to a site, page, article, photo, friends and other users on social networks. According to programmers, likes create convenience for network users. By the number of likes that automatically appear next to the button after it is clicked, you can determine how many people expressed their positive attitude towards what they read or saw.

    The more likes, the more interesting the information and picture. Therefore, pages with a large number many more users will watch or read likes than those without them. However, in order to earn a like, it is not always necessary to write an interesting and useful article, post original and funny pictures. Often pages with a large number of likes are an attempt to increase the ranking of a page or site by increase likes for a certain price. Today on the Internet you can find a huge variety of offers and services that are ready to be “liked” at a purely symbolic price.

    Thus likes are needed not only by those users who are hungry for “strokes”, they are most often used to increase traffic from social networks, which is reflected favorably at work search engines and makes visitors want to join some group or view page.

    Moreover, recently many sites They actively use the so-called “Social Locks”, which help to hide a certain part of the text from visitors, prohibit copying of any file or visiting a necessary resource. This lock opens only after you like it. At the same time, it is very important to know that click The like button is necessary only after opening your page on the social network. For example, VKontakte. Otherwise, the lock simply will not open.

    The negative side of likes is that after their appearance, users began to comment less on publications and photos on the Internet. After all, clicking on the “Like” button is much easier than expressing your attitude towards a post or picture using words.

    It is also worth noting that although " Like" is a benevolent approval button; if used unwisely, it can cause psychological harm to the user. For example, if you like the caption: “Help,” it will look blasphemous. Therefore, recently, many Internet users have proposed creating a button: “I I'm not indifferent to your trouble" or "It bothers me."

    Today, social networks such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook cannot be imagined without likes. But just recently, just a few years ago, they could easily do without this function... Today we will talk about what a like is and what it is needed for.

    The Like button (from English Like - like) is a function that allows the user to express his approval of the current content on a social network, for example, a photo or some other post.

    It would seem like just one button, but it is very popular. Why? Perhaps, main reason is ease of use. Imagine what you saw in your news feed beautiful photo. Of course, you can write under the photo that you liked it, but you can simply click on the like button - the user will see that you approved his image.

    What are likes for?

    The main reason is the assessment of the material (read - content). At the same time great value has a number of likes - the more, the better: the user who posted the content will be satisfied. Experts say that the number of likes directly affects the user - the more likes, the happier he is. There is another explanation for this - the number of likes is directly related to the popularity of the user or content.

    There is another reason - likes in some cases are a ranking factor, that is, the more likes, the higher the user or group in the search. However, this does not apply to all social networks.

    By the way, in recent years a lot of software and services have appeared that generate these likes. If earlier with boosting likes special problems wasn’t, today social networks have learned to distinguish fake likes from real ones. If likes are increased, the user or group may receive various types of sanctions, including a page ban. Therefore, getting likes today has become dangerous.

    Like history

    It is believed that the idea of ​​likes was first implemented back in 1998 on the social network Surfbook. Much later, it appeared on Facebook in the form of a raised thumb (in 2010), and a little later, likes also appeared on VK - in the form of a heart.

    As was written above, today almost no social network can do without likes. Even projects like Twitter or Sundcloud support likes.

    What is Like? and why is it needed at all. This is exactly what we will talk about today, dear readers of the Coolinet website.

    Today? The Internet is increasingly influencing our lives; thanks to the Internet, new expressions and words are coming into use such as: , LOL, repost, life hack, trolling, and many others. Many new words generated by the Internet are gradually entering our lives; the word like, which has already gone beyond the network and is found in everyday life, is no exception.

    Like - where it came from and what it means.

    Let's figure it out what is Like, what it means and how it appeared in the first place, and we will also try to understand how it happened that the like gained such wild popularity.

    First, let's figure out what the word like means in translation, but unlike, for example, the word KEK, like has a completely normal translation and from English Laik means to like or liked, that is I LaikI like, I liked it.

    This idea of ​​liking appeared in 1998 and was first implemented on a social network called Surfbook. Subsequently, the developers of the Facebook social network applied this idea to their project, taking the word Laik as a basis, slightly transforming it and turning it into a kind of criterion for evaluating materials posted by users.

    Using a like, you can express your attitude towards the video you watched, photos, posts, events, or sound recordings you listened to. For example, if you liked someone’s photo, we like it, that is, we express our attitude towards this photo “I liked it” - like it.

    A like has its own designation on Facebook, a thumbs up icon. It’s like before, in our country they expressed approval by showing a fist with the thumb pointing upward 👍 (not to be confused with the middle finger 😄), expressing their approval, and at the same time adding, for example, “Yes! it turned out great,” essentially everything is the same, only it’s called a like.

    Like on VKontakte.

    In the well-known social network VKontakte, the idea with the designation “I like” was reworked and their own icon, a heart ❤, was introduced as a symbol indicating like, the meaning is exactly the same as with the thumb on Facebook. With the help of a like, network users express their attitude towards the materials they see; the criterion is very simple: the more likes, clicked hearts under a photo, video, track or post, the more popular the material is. Based on this, there are popularity ratings, for example, news that is actively liked is more likely to end up in the top, because it is interesting and popular. large number users.

    Here is a simple example in the photo below. I post news on a page or in a group on VKontakte, after a while the person clicks the heart icon, that is, he makes it clear that he liked this post.

    In fact, users, in pursuit of popularity on social networks in general and VKontakte in particular, go to all sorts of methods in order to more people Liked their new photo, for example. The most harmless thing is a call to action for other users to like for some kind of reward or bonus. When you go to the page of some popular online personality, you can see what big numbers are next to the heart icon, how many likes the users gave.

    Like on YouTube.

    The developers of the world-famous video hosting YouTube deepened the idea of ​​liking and introduced the concept of dislike. A dislike is the opposite of a like: like “I like” - press your finger up 👍, dislike “I don’t like” - press your finger down 👎.

    With the help of these simple actions, a watched video on YouTube can gain popularity, both very good and bad due to positive likes, and bad due to negative ones.

    This video contains the most famous video clips from YouTube, the authors of which managed to gain more than a billion views and, of course, the same number of likes and comments.

    And here is a selection of videos with the largest number of dislikes. Moreover, it is unclear why some videos caused such a reaction from users, but the fact is obvious. In general, look and draw your own conclusions.

    Development of like.

    In new social networks, the idea with likes has gone even further, a like is no longer just a finger or a heart, now it is a whole set of emotions, namely six, that is, you can now specify your attitude towards the photo or video you viewed. This idea is implemented, for example, in the new social network Galaxy. This solution looks like a radial menu with a heart inside, and from the pop-up circle you can already select a specific emotion that most closely reflects your opinion.

    Like on Facebook.

    And this is how a menu with a like is implemented on the social network Facebook.

    Like on Facebook

    There are also four different emotions to choose from: laughter, surprise, sadness and an angry smiley. As you can see, a complete merging of the like with everything known is already taking place. And this is probably correct, because the user should be able to express in this way the most complete attitude towards the photo or video material he saw.

    Cheating likes.

    Since likes are so popular and they are necessary for success and promotion on social networks, this moment was of course taken advantage of by enterprising developers who offer for money to increase the number of likes, add them under your photo, video or anything, the main thing is to pay and you will get thousands and thousands of likes and together with them will come universal gratitude and fame.

    There are now dozens, if not hundreds, of such services; they differ slightly appearance and functionality, but the principle is the same for all: promotion services exchange your money for their likes. In general, everything would probably be good if not for one thing, but. For such actions, in principle, the user can be banned (deprived of access to his account) social network where a similar method of getting left likes was used.

    That's probably all there is to it. By the way, in the comments under this article there is a function of likes and dislikes, please try it as a workout with me for any Like your comment 👍. Good luck to everyone and lots of Likes!