• How to quickly add a row in Excel. How to insert a row or column in Excel between rows and columns

    Excel - Basic office program, which is used by almost all office workers. Excel is used for various accounting and financial calculations, calculations of future value, analysis of statistical data, etc. Based on this, it is extremely important to be able to freely work with this program and perform any actions. This article will show you about this simple action V Excel spreadsheet, like adding a line.

    So, to add a row in an Excel table, you need to do the following:

    Open Excel

    In order to open Excel, you need to enter the word “Excel” into the search. The result will appear, clicking on which you will open new document. This is done if you want to create a new table. In the same case, if you need to open an existing one, enter the file name into the search. A list of existing tables will also appear if you simply enter the name of the program into the search.

    Inserting a Row

    Each line has its own serial number. These numbers start from one and go down to an indefinite number. In order to insert a row in Excel tables, you need to right-click on the row number above which you want to insert an additional field.

    Consider this example: lines from 1 to 10 contain numbers from ten to one hundred. For example, we want to insert multiples of five between these numbers as follows: 5, 15, 25, etc. Click on the line with serial number 1 right-click and select the “Insert” tab from the drop-down menu.

    Row inserted. We enter the value we need there and continue these actions until we achieve the result we need.

    As you may have already noticed, the process of adding a row to an Excel table is very simple and straightforward. Learn to use this program correctly, because knowledge of it is required in almost every job.

    When creating various kinds of new tables, reports and price lists, it is impossible to predict in advance the number of required rows and columns. Using Excel is largely a matter of creating and customizing tables, which involves inserting and deleting various items.

    First, let's look at ways to insert worksheet rows and columns when creating tables.

    Please note that this lesson specifies hotkeys for adding or removing rows and columns. They must be used after selecting an entire row or column. To select the line on which the cursor is located, press the hotkey combination: SHIFT+SPACEBAR. Hotkeys for selecting a column: CTRL+SPACEBAR.

    How to insert a column between columns in Excel?

    Let's say we have a price list that lacks item numbering:

    To insert a column between columns to fill in price list item numbers, you can use one of two methods:

    Now you can fill the new column with price list item numbers.


    Inserting multiple columns between columns at once

    Our price list is still missing two columns: quantity and units of measurement (pcs. kg. l. pack.). To add two columns at the same time, select the range of two cells C1:D1. Next, use the same tool on the main tab “Insert” - “Insert columns into sheet”.

    Or select the two column headers C and D, right-click and select the "Insert" option.

    Note. Columns are always added to left side. The number of new columns appears as many as they were previously allocated. The order of insertion columns also depends on the order of their selection. For example, after one, etc.

    How to insert a row between rows in Excel?

    Now let’s add a title and a new product position “New Product” to the price list. To do this, insert two new lines at the same time.

    Select the non-adjacent range of two cells A1;A4 (note that instead of the “:” symbol, the “;” symbol is indicated - this means select 2 non-adjacent ranges, for convincing, enter A1;A4 in the name field and press Enter). You already know how to select non-adjacent ranges from previous lessons.

    Now use the Home - Insert - Insert Rows in Sheet tool again. The figure shows how to insert a blank line in Excel between rows.

    It's easy to guess the second method. You need to select the headers of rows 1 and 3. Right-click on one of the selected rows and select the “Insert” option.

    To add a row or column in Excel, use the hotkeys CTRL+SHIFT+plus after selecting them.

    Note. New lines are always added on top of the selected lines.

    Removing Rows and Columns

    When working with Excel, you have to delete rows and columns of a sheet no less often than insert them. So it's worth practicing.

    For a clear example, let’s remove the numbering of product items and the column of units of measurement from our price list - at the same time.

    Select the non-adjacent range of cells A1;D1 and select “Home” - “Delete” - “Remove columns from sheet”. The context menu can also be deleted if you select the headings A1 and D1, and not the cells.

    Deleting rows occurs in a similar way, only you need to select the corresponding tool menu. And in the context menu - no changes. You just need to highlight them accordingly by line numbers.

    To delete a row or column in Excel, use the hotkeys CTRL + “minus” after selecting them.

    Note. Inserting new columns and rows is actually a replacement. After all, the number of rows 1,048,576 and columns 16,384 does not change. Just the latest ones replacing the previous ones... This fact should be taken into account when filling the sheet with data more than 50%-80%.

    If you are working with an editor that is included in the general Microsoft package Office, then you definitely need to know how to add a row in an Excel table, since this action is very often required when carrying out certain operations when editing a document. Let's try to understand this issue. To add a row to an Excel table, you don't need to use any additional services. Everything is done directly using standard means that are present in this program. Today we will talk about how to correctly add and remove rows and columns in an Excel table. Surely this article will help you in resolving such issues, since the entire process will be outlined step-by-step.


    First of all, you need to click on the Start menu button, which you will be able to notice in the lower left corner of your screen. Next, you should go to the “All programs” item, respectively, after that we find Excel application. This program can be launched directly from shared folder, which has Microsoft name Office.


    Second step. In order to edit a specific table, you first need to launch the application, and to do this, select from the list provided Excel program and open it. Once the document is active, you need to load an existing file or start from clean slate, here everything will depend only on your needs.

    Additional field

    Third step. You should go down to the bottom of the table and select the very last cell, which is located in the outermost row of the column. After this, press the special Tab button on the keyboard, this is necessary in order to create a new empty line. That's not all, follow the instructions - and you can learn how to add a row in an Excel table.


    Fourth step. Now you are required to enter the required value into the cell; this can be either symbols or specific text. You can also add a new line or drag the page size symbol down. The limiter is located at the bottom right of your table that you plan to edit.

    Fifth step. It should be done as carefully as possible. You need to select the line before which you plan to create a new (additional) one, after which you must open a special menu called “Cells”. This feature is at top panel Microsoft Office. To make the process of adding to Excel more understandable to you, we recommend remembering all the steps so as not to harm your document in the future and do everything as correctly as possible.

    In the sixth step, you will need to select a special command called “Insert”, and then click on the index arrow next to the line. However, it is very easy to notice, so you can’t go wrong.

    Seventh step. Now you are required to indicate special item, which is called "Insert Table Rows at Top". In order to carry out the adding procedure, you need to use a similar function “from below”. This is necessary to add the required element at the end of the document. However, everything is clear here, and you already practically know how to add a row in an Excel table.

    The eighth step is also very important for the element to appear in a certain place. First, you should select the line before which you want to install a new one. In the future, you can easily move it to the desired location. After selecting the line, you should open it. This is done using the right mouse button. Next, select the “Insert” command, so you should see new line, which you can edit as you wish.


    Ninth step. When you right-click on a specific line to add a new one, you can select the desired action or call context menu cell that must first be specified. Next, select the “Insert” tab from the drop-down menu. This step provides a separate method that will help you understand how to add a row in an Excel table, so do not confuse it with the instructions given, this method is an alternative.

    Completion. Tenth step. You will need to select the “Table rows above” option in the context menu; this is required in order for the selected operation to be performed. You can insert new fields at your discretion, and you can also quickly delete them if necessary. In conclusion, we note that Excel is a program that was created specifically for processing spreadsheets. Thanks to the capabilities of the application, you can carry out economic and statistical calculations and use graphical tools. On at the moment Excel is one of the most popular programs in the world.

    MS Word has an almost limitless set of tools for working with documents of any content, be it text, numerical data, charts or graphics. In addition, you can create and edit tables in Word. There are also quite a lot of tools for working with the latter in the program.

    When working with documents, there is often a need to not just change, but supplement a table by adding a line to it. We will tell you how to do this below.

    Before I talk about how to do this, it should be noted that this instruction will be shown using Microsoft Office 2016 as an example, but it also applies to all other, older versions of this software. Perhaps some points (steps) will differ visually, but in terms of meaning you will definitely understand everything.

    So, you have a table in Word, and you need to add a row to it. This can be done in two ways, and about each of them in order.

    1. Click on the bottom row of the table.

    2. A section will appear on the top control panel of the program "Working with tables".

    3. Go to the tab "Layout".

    4. Find a group "Rows and Columns".

    5. Select where you want to add a row - below or above the selected table row by clicking on the corresponding button: "Insert on top" or "Insert from below".

    6. Another row will appear in the table.

    As you understand, you can add a line in exactly the same way not only at the end or beginning of a table in Word, but also in any other place.

    Add a Row Using Insert Controls

    There is another method by which you can add a row to a table in Word, even faster and more conveniently than described above.

    1. Move the mouse cursor to the beginning of the line.

    2. Click on the symbol that appears «+» in a circle.

    3. The row will be added to the table.

    Here everything is exactly the same as with the previous method - the row will be added below, therefore, if you need to add a row not at the end or beginning of the table, click on the row that will precede the one you plan to create.

    That's all, now you know how to add a line to Word table 2003, 2007, 2010, 2016, as well as in any other versions of the program. We wish you successful work.

    Tables in text documents are used everywhere to enter and save data in a certain order, if necessary with characteristics and detailed description. There are times when you inserted a table into the text, enter data, but it turns out that you did not calculate the number of rows. What to do in such a situation? Regardless of the version used text editor MS Word 2003-2007-2010-2013, there are several ways to solve this problem.

    To get started you need to open it yourself Word document. Use the shortcut to launch a new document or open an existing one with a table in which you want to change the number of rows. A Word worksheet will open. Go to the place in the table where you need to add a line, and move the cursor to the left of the table so that a plus appears in the circle; to add a line, click on it - the number will increase by one. Rows will be added down. Click until you get the desired number of lines. There are several other ways to add a line. As you enter the required data into the table, move from one cell to another by pressing the TAB key. When you reach the end of the table, press TAB and the cursor will jump down to the newly created row. If you need to add more than one row, press the Tab key until you have the number you need. Now continue entering your details. Another simple technique for adding a row to a table is using the ENTER key. Place the mouse at the end of the desired line, press ENTER (this can be the beginning or middle of the table). A new line will appear below the one where the cursor was before pressing ENTER. This method is inconvenient because new line will be added only down from the current one. Select the number of lines you want to add, a window will pop up, in it click “Insert” - “Insert from below”. There is also an “Insert on top” option. After the marked lines, new ones will appear, their number will be equal to how many were selected at the beginning. Depending on the selected option, stitches will be added either at the top or at the bottom. This method is similar to the previous one, but manipulations are carried out through the context menu. Place the cursor on the line below which the next one will be inserted, click and right-click to open the context menu. Next “Insert” – “Insert rows from below”. If you use Word more old version, for example, 2003, you can also add lines through the RMB context menu. But by default, the lines will be added above the highlighted one. To insert correctly, do the following. To the left of the table, left-click to highlight the entire row. Click the “Table” item at the top, the “Insert” sub-item, “Rows below”.

    There are many ways to insert a row in a table; everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. Using the above techniques, you can add rows not only at the end of the table, but also in the middle of the table and even before the first row. Follow the instructions carefully and you will succeed. Good luck!