• How to record your conversations on a cell phone. Convenient applications for recording telephone conversations on Android


    Remember that not every telephone conversation can be recorded. This limitation applies to third parties, since, according to the law, you can only record a conversation if you are one of the parties taking part in the conversation. In any other situations, it is necessary to warn about keeping a record, as, for example, they do it in the call centers of all large companies.

    You can buy a voice recorder as separate device, but this option is not very convenient to use. Therefore, if you figure out all the pros and cons, it is better to refuse such an idea.

    Find the folder in the phone menu where the recording program is hidden. Check it out in action, and then, in order to save money, call any federal number(begins with the numbers 8-800-…) and try to get to the desired section while waiting for the operator and record the answering machine monologue on the voice recorder. After such an operation, you will understand how much time it will take to prepare for recording. If the phone does not provide such an opportunity, or if you need to record a conversation from the very beginning, then you can do the following: take two devices, use one for a conversation, after turning it on to the speakerphone, and the second as a recording device. In this case, you can not be afraid that the first seconds will be crumpled, because you can turn on the recorder in advance.

    Test the phone's capability before recording. Some phone models (such as Samsung) have the function to turn on the device in the menu bar, which is displayed when a call is established. Therefore, to start the recorder, just press one button. Nokia, on the contrary, differs more complex system navigation, but the function of recording the current conversation installed in every more or less new device. The only point is that it must be searched through the exit to the main menu (during conversation you have to press the left top button and select the "menu" icon in the pop-up window).

    It happens that during a conversation on mobile phone, you are given information that would be nice to write down. But here's the problem - no paper, no pen is not at hand. You can, of course, rely on your memory. What if the information is too difficult to remember? How to be? Use the call recording feature.

    You will need


    First, check if the voice recorder is already installed on your phone along with the factory settings. To do this, during a conversation, view all the functions available for execution. Perhaps you will find among them the "Turn on the voice recorder" function. Then you should only activate this menu item, after which your entire conversation will be recorded in the phone's memory. Then you can easily listen to this recording again or transfer it to your computer.

    If the voice recorder is not on your mobile, you can install it yourself. To do this, connect your phone to the computer via a cable, IK-port or Bluetooth. You may need to install drivers to do this. Then copy the voice recorder app to your phone storage. After that, on the mobile itself, install the copied application. In the settings of the voice recorder, there may be such a function as "Start recording automatically." Then you don't have to do it manually every time. Most of these applications, when you turn on the recording, emit a characteristic squeak. But if you search, you can find voice recorders that suppress the squeak.

    Perhaps each of us at least once faced with the desire to record a telephone conversation. And if in the 90s not a single mobile phone would have had enough resources for this, then modern devices can cope with this without much difficulty. However, many smartphone owners still do not know how to record a telephone conversation on Android. That is why we decided to publish this material. Today we will tell you in detail about what to do in order to record a conversation on Android, where audio recordings are saved and whether all this is always possible.

    Google is in no hurry to implement in android light the ability to record a telephone conversation. The fact is that in many countries it is impossible to record a person’s voice without his permission, or at least his notification about it. That is why the American search giant does not seek to add the function of recording a telephone conversation to absolutely all smartphones. He simply does not want to contribute to an increase in the number of violations of the law.

    However, some manufacturers still make the application " Dictaphone» more functional, providing access to its activation right during a call. They do this at their own risk. However, it is often possible to call to account only the user, and not the creator of the smartphone.

    There are numerous applications that can record phone conversations. In connection with the legislation of many states, before starting the recording, they notify the interlocutor with the help of sound signal. Fortunately, in most cases this signal is turned off. By the way, you can most often listen to the resulting result directly in the program, without involving a third-party audio player for this.

    Built-in tools

    First you should try to record a conversation using the possibilities operating system. It is possible that the proprietary shell installed on your device allows you to do this. So, follow our guide:

    Step 1. During a conversation, pay attention to the smartphone screen. You will see several icons that serve to activate speakerphone and some other features. Go to the second screen containing additional icons, or click on the " More».

    Step 2. Here click on the button " Dictaphone', if present. If it is not there, then your smartphone does not allow you to write conversations with a pre-installed voice recorder. You should try to install third party application, which records the conversation.

    Note: conversations recorded in this way are usually stored in the phone's memory, unless otherwise specified in the program settings " Dictaphone". The exact name of the folder depends on the operating system version. Android systems and branded shell.

    Using Automatic Call Recorder

    Many third party solutions do not require something to press during a call. They work automatically, starting when you receive a call or after you have dialed a number. For example, the program has this capability Automatic Call Recorder, which is clear from its name. To use the utility, do the following:

    Step 1. Download and install the application, then launch it.

    Step 2. At the first launch, you will be prompted to select a theme, increase the volume of calls and set up cloud saving of audio recordings (services are supported Google Drive and Dropbox). You can tweak these settings if you like. When you make it or choose to skip this step- press the button " Ready».

    Note: On Samsung smartphones and some others, there is a special power-saving feature that disables applications that have not been launched for a long time. If there is one in your device, the program will immediately warn you about it.

    Step 3. Pull out the curtain with the main menu (you can simply click on the three strips available in the left upper corner). Click here on " Settings».

    Step 4. Here, make sure that the switch is activated opposite the item " Call recording».

    Step 5. On this main setting programs completed. Of course, you can stay in this section for a while, but these are already conventions. The main thing is that the application will now automatically record every telephone conversation.

    Step 6. You can view all saved audio recordings in the program window. Here you can listen to them, delete and perform other simple actions.

    Note: by default, all audio recordings are contained only in the utility itself. Only after pressing the button Save» The file is moved to a folder that can be viewed by other applications. Until then, for example, you will not be able to transfer the recordings of conversations to a computer.

    Using Other Applications

    Note that on some devices, the ability to record calls is tightly blocked at the operating system level. As a result, any program that records a telephone conversation refuses to work. Fortunately, there are not very many such smartphones - this mainly concerns old devices that operate under Android control 4.4 or more old version OS.

    As for other applications that are used to record a telephone conversation, they are almost equal in their capabilities to the utility discussed above. In particular, you can try installing the following programs:

    • Call recording- has quite rich settings, but may not work if you are in this moment are using Bluetooth. Paid version can automatically send the recording result to the e-mail specified by the user.
    • Auto Call Recorder 2016- there is a function here Reserve copy, which is useful to those people who change their smartphone very often. It is also one of the few utilities of its kind, the launch of which can be password protected.
    • call recorder- works on a huge number of devices, trying to bypass their protection. It is possible to send an audio recording to a cloud service - the list of services is surprising in its length. Even the creators have not forgotten the scheduled backup function. There is also password protection.


    In this article, we have reviewed all the most popular methods for recording a telephone conversation. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that Google does not like functions that violate the laws of certain countries. In this regard, programs of this kind are removed from Google Play almost on the first complaint. Therefore, do not be surprised if you do not find any of the utilities discussed today in the online store.

    Some gadgets include standard means, which allow you to record telephone conversations directly into memory. Let's take a closer look at the most best options how to record a telephone conversation on Android, and consider all the pros and cons of each of them.

    If your device does not have such functions, do not despair. There is a huge selection of programs on the Internet that will help you record a conversation on Android. Having a call record on hand, it will be difficult for your interlocutor to oppose something to his own words. No less useful is a feature such as recording a conversation will be for private detectives. You can record a telephone conversation if you need to quickly remember a large amount of information in a conversation. After that, you can always listen to the recorded audio files and document the necessary information.

    Using Standard Functions

    On most android devices standard functionality allows you to record, so you don't have to install a third-party recording application. The files will be saved in special folder PhoneRecord, which you can find through a standard file browser or using the installed file manager.

    To carry out such an operation as recording a conversation on an android phone, follow a few simple steps:

    On some devices, right on the main call panel, there is already an icon that activates the voice recorder on Android. To stop, click on it again.

    Recorded conversations can be deleted or transferred at any time, for example, to a computer or another phone via Bluetooth.

    Call Recording App (C-Mobile)

    The standard function is not always convenient. The problem is that you need to manually activate call recordings on android every time. It's long and inconvenient. In addition, not all smartphones have such a function. Help solve the problem various programs for the record telephone conversations.

    Find out which one is the most the best program for the record, it is quite difficult, since each application has its own characteristics. The list of the most popular includes the Call Recorder application. The program has a Russian interface, and also works correctly and without glitches on almost any gadgets from Samsung, Lenovo and other manufacturers. Additional benefits include auto-recording of calls, as well as saving finished files in various formats(wav, amr, mp4).

    To record a call on your phone, you need to set up the app. The following instruction allows you to do this:

    This program for Android devices for recording telephone conversations also allows you to set up self-cleaning. You can install automatic deletion files that are older than a certain time. Provides synchronization with the cloud, as well as setting a password. How to disable the application? Just move the slider to home page to an inactive state.

    Call Recorder (Appliqato)

    An alternative is the app of the same name from Appliqato. This application absolutely free, while in Russian. Automatic recording is also available in this version. Otherwise, the application has a similar functionality: a list of records made, synchronization with the cloud, the ability to listen and edit.

    A feature can be called the fact that the product from "Applicator" allows you not to record calls from certain subscribers. Thus, you can flexibly configure your phone so that it records conversations only for certain people. How to delete junk file? Go to the call list, click on a specific call, and then select the "Delete" line with the image of a trash can.

    call recorder

    If you need more functionality, we suggest you take a closer look at the application call recorder. This popular program to record telephone conversations. Its main advantages include the ability to set the sampling rate of the recording from the voice recorder during a call, sending calls via Bluetooth, Skype and e-mail.

    You can record a conversation in MP3, MP4 and 3GP format. To enable or disable recording, you need to check the box next to the corresponding item in the settings. You can find out where the records are stored on the same page by looking at the line “Path to the folder with files”. Hidden recording of calls for Android devices can be carried out.

    call recorder

    An interesting application offers Killer Mobile. In terms of the ability to synchronize with services, this is best voice recorder. The saved conversation can be sent to Gmail, Google Drive, DropBox, Evernote, SoundCloud, Mega, SMTP Email and more. Even if the file is not saved on the device, you can always download it from the cloud or email.

    Also, the application offers users quite good functionality. You can select the type of recorded calls (incoming, outgoing), format selection, name setting and password protection. The program can write calls even remotely via SMS. You can disable recording for individuals. The files will be saved in AMR, WAV, 3GPP and MP3.

    Perhaps we do not use the call recording function too often, however, there are many situations when it can be useful to us. For example, we need to write down the phone number that is voiced to us, but we don’t have a pen at hand. By recording a conversation, you can listen to it again and slowly transfer the entire necessary information in paper or electronic form.

    Or a bad person calls you and is openly rude. By recording such a conversation, it will be possible to hold him accountable. In general, the recording function is a very useful thing. Let's figure out how to use it.

    Recording conversations with standard Android features

    The easiest and most accessible method for recording a conversation is to use the internal means of your android device.


    To listen to the recording go to internal memory phone, to the folder phone record”, in which our records are saved.

    This is the simplest and convenient option, for those who do not want to bother with installing additional software.

    This article was written using a smartphone running Android 5.0.2. On other versions of the OS, there may be minor deviations from the first instructions.

    Recording a conversation with the Call Recorder app


    Now any telephone conversation will be recorded automatically. For example, I called 611 again so that Tele2 employees would not relax.

    Let's return to the main menu of the program and see our entry in the inbox tab. By clicking on it, we can perform a series of actions: save, delete, make another call and, of course, play.

    Let's add that in the settings of the "Call Recording" program, we can choose the format in which the recording will be made, choose the storage location, etc.

    Recording conversations through the application "polis callrecorder"

    Our next experimental "rabbit" is a program called "Call Recording" from the developer C Mobile.


    The storage location and the number of records will be indicated here. Here you can also configure automatic cleaning old recorded conversations.
    Let's add that this program It has a user friendly interface and is easy to use.

    Recording conversations through the application "Call Recording" from lovekara


    The call recording function is not something unusual for Android, however, for its full functioning, it is necessary to have a special device on the smartphone. software, which is played by numerous mobile applications.

    Technical limitations

    Recording telephone conversations is illegal in some countries, so smartphone manufacturers are often insured at the core or system libraries disable this feature, despite the fact that it is standard for Android. Therefore, the applications described below may not work for you.

    There are two ways out of this situation:

    • Use a different phone model, the creators of which are not so scrupulous in legal matters.
    • Get root rights, and then install a custom kernel that includes required driver for the record. This option does not always work, since one of the conditions is that the phone's chipset supports the selected core.

    These are the main problems that arise when it is necessary to record a telephone conversation on Android. However, to make sure they are present or not, you must first download the application for recording conversations.

    Appliqato Call Recorder (Automatic Call Recorder)

    One of the most popular and downloaded apps for saving conversations is Appliqato. It is distributed free of charge, but also has a Pro version, which includes several additional features. The main window of the program has two sections - "Incoming" and "Saved".

    In the first one you will find records of all calls (their number is limited in the settings), in the second - only those conversations that you have saved.

    The application does not require presetting and starts working immediately after installation. You only need to specify which cloud service to save the recordings to (Google Drive or DropBox).

    The default mode is automatic recording, so when you call, you will see a red dot at the top.

    After the conversation ends, a notification will appear that you have one new entry. You can view it on the "Inbox" tab in the main application window.

    If you do not want to record a conversation, disable in the settings auto mode. Don't forget to activate it again afterwards, otherwise the app won't work.

    In addition to playback, you can perform the following actions with the recording:

    If you saved the recording and enabled synchronization with cloud service, you can find it on Google Drive or Dropbox. In the Google app, the file is located in the "Auto Call Recorder" folder.

    Application Settings

    The Appliqato call recording application has a convenient settings menu in which you can specify all the significant parameters of the program. In addition to the above possibility of deactivating the program, there are the following functions:

    One of the most important sections of the settings is called "Filter" and allows you to specify the number of calls that will be stored in the Inbox folder, as well as set the recording mode.

    By default, the Record All mode is selected, but you can set to ignore all contacts or only certain calls.

    Other similar applications

    IN Play market You can find many applications that allow you to record a conversation on Android. They work according to the same scheme and differ mainly in the quality of communication and the presence of additional functions.

    Call recording (Clever Mobile)

    This program for recording telephone conversations has similar functionality to Appliqato, but differs in some features:

    • Recorded conversations can be blocked from being automatically deleted.
    • Ability to specify the channel mode - mono or stereo. Sometimes it helps to improve the quality of the recording.
    • Support for 3GP and MP4 formats.

    Sending recordings becomes available only after purchase full version, which is a significant drawback compared to Appliqato. In addition, the application from Clever Mobile rarely works immediately after installation: on different models you have to choose the optimal settings.

    Call recording (VictorDegt)

    The program has another name - "Call Recorder and Voice Recorder (2 in 1)". Unlike the applications described above, the utility from VictorDegt has a built-in voice recorder (you need to download it additionally in the same Appliqato).

    The main advantage of the program is manual control recording, its stop and start right during the call. There are several ways to start recording a conversation:

    • By pressing the "Favorites" button (the entry will be automatically added to the "Favorites" folder).
    • By shaking the phone.

    In the settings, you can specify the parameters of the application, including the duration of the file (do not save short conversations) and the presence of a pause before starting the recording.

    Automatic Call Recorder (Global Effect)

    The main difficulty when choosing an application for recording conversations is the lack of original titles. All programs are named the same, with minor differences, they can only be identified by the developer.

    This application is called the same as the one that was described first. The functions of both programs are similar, but Global Effect's Automatic Call Recorder has another convenient option to restrict access to recordings by setting a password.


    These are just a few programs that have been tested on Android 4.2.2 and have shown good result. Hidden entry when using the described applications, it turns out to be quite high-quality, but sometimes you have to suffer a little with choosing the right settings.

    Using a Bluetooth headset for recording is possible in almost all cases, but the quality of the resulting file decreases, so it is better to talk through the built-in microphone and speaker.