• Which operating system is better 32 64. What is the bit depth of Windows and Linux systems

    Sooner or later, every user is faced with the question of the bit capacity of their own processor and operating system. Despite the fact that both are determined quite simply, the issue of choosing the bit depth of a new operating system is very confusing and primarily depends on the user’s requirements for his computer.

    What is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit

    The system bit depth, also sometimes called “bit depth,” does not necessarily have to correspond to the processor bit depth and modern computers has only two main types: 32 and 64.

    Difference between architecture and bit depth

    Despite the external similarity of the values ​​86 and 32, the difference between them is large.

    86 is a processor architecture, correctly written as x86, and defines the microinstruction set of the processor. The number 32 is the processor bit, which is correctly written as “32-bit”. It determines the register width of the processor.

    Typically, the x86 architecture is 32-bit oriented, and the x64 architecture is 64-bit oriented. However, this statement is not always true. For example, there are 64-bit processors based on the x86 architecture and 32-bit processors based on a third, completely different architecture. But still, these cases are very rare and you can remember that x86 corresponds to 32 bits, and x64 is oriented towards 64 bits.

    Difference between x86 and x64

    As mentioned above, the processor architecture mainly determines its bit depth, and the bit width determines the register width. The register width determines the amount of data to be processed at a time and the volume RAM, which the computer is capable of using. A 32-bit register is capable of simultaneously interacting with 2 32 addresses (covers 2 32 bits of information flow, which is equal to 4 gigabytes), and a 64-bit register can interact with 2 64 (covers the previous information flow squared, which is impossible to implement even on the most powerful computers).

    To make it clearer: the register width is like the throughput of an intersection, RAM is like the number of cars, and the processor is a traffic controller. A processor with x86 architecture can easily control an intersection with throughput 4 gigabytes - so many machines can be run on it. A processor with x64 architecture is theoretically capable of controlling an extremely large intersection. In computer language, this means that such a processor can ensure the correct operation of computers not only of its own, but also of the future generation. At Windows installation there is a choice between x86 and x64

    Thus, installing more than 4 gigabytes of RAM on a computer with an x86 processor will not lead to its practical expansion.

    Despite the extremely large and unclaimed register width for 64-bit processors, creating an intermediate stage between a 32-bit and 64-bit processor is almost pointless. In general, there is not much difference in implementation complexity between the x86 and x64 architectures. It's just that when developing the 32-bit registry, which is still used by most programs, RAM amounts beyond 4 gigabytes seemed impossible, as 2 64 seem to be now.

    How to choose the system bit size

    Continuing the above allegory, we can say that the bit depth of the operating system determines what kind of intersection will be created.

    All x64 processors support a 32-bit operating system as well as a 64-bit operating system, but x86 processors only support 32-bit systems.

    If you have a processor with x86 architecture, then you have no choice. If you have an x64 architecture, it's worth installing a 64-bit system, even if you don't have 4 gigabytes of RAM. The reason for this choice is simple: most new programs and extensions are released exclusively for 64-bit systems, and 32-bit systems are unwittingly being forced out of the market.

    In fact, 64-bit systems have only two significant advantages: support for more than 4 gigabytes of RAM and support for 64-bit operational support. All 32-bit programs are also supported without any difficulty.

    Yes, there are few positive aspects, but there are almost no cons. The only exception is if you are using some very old hardware that does not have 64- bit version drivers. For example, 32-bit drivers that will not work on a 64-bit system.

    The difference in performance between systems of different capacity is a myth. It arose due to different requirements for operating systems, but they are purely conditional. In addition, some programs or games have settings that are only available on x64, which is why performance comparisons for different games arise on the Internet. If there are such functions or settings, then they are all disabled and in fact there is no difference.

    Video: Differences between 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems

    How to find out the system capacity

    Many users do not even suspect that they have been using a 64-bit system instead of 32 for a long time. This is very easy to check.

    Checking through Computer Properties

    Checking through the root directory

    Checking via the command line

    Video: how to find out the bitness of a Windows system

    How to find out the processor bit depth

    Before installing the 64-bit version, you should make sure that its installation is possible and find out the architecture of your processor.

    Processor size on the command line

    Find out the bit depth through the BIOS

    Find out the bit depth via the Internet

    Open any browser and type “find bit depth online.” Links to many sites will appear, go to any of them. The site will automatically detect the bit size of your processor.

    The bit-processor website can automatically determine the bit size of your processor

    Video: how to find out the processor bit depth

    How to install a 64-bit system

    All licensed editions and most torrent distributions include a 64-bit version of the operating system by default, and you will only need to select at the beginning of installation which option you want to install.

    At the very beginning - before starting the installation - you will see a choice of bit depth.

    The choice of bit depth at the very beginning of installation does not matter

    At this point it doesn't matter what you choose. This is an overhead of your BIOS and all modern installers have a procedure that allows you to select the bit depth during the installation process.

    If you have an installer with two versions, but at this stage there is no choice between bits, then you have an x86 architecture and installing the 64-bit version is impossible.

    After this, there will be a short download of the installer, then the selection of the region and the stage of selecting the system bit size.

    The choice of system architecture at the end of the installation will determine the capacity of the installed system

    This choice will decide which version will be installed. Although the difference is represented by the choice between architectures, it is actually the system bit depth that is chosen. Select x86 - a 32-bit system is installed, select x64 - a 64-bit system is installed.

    If you are unable to select a version or there is simply no choice, there are only two possible reasons: you downloaded the installer image with only one bit version or you have an x86 architecture and your computer does not support 64-bit systems.

    Video: how to install a 64-bit system on Windows 7

    IN lately 64-bit systems are increasingly displacing their competitors, and processors with x86 architecture are moving to mobile devices. This is another step towards progress and you shouldn’t resist it.

    Microsoft's Windows comes in many flavors with subtle differences. They are visible only at the moment when we need to choose between a 32-bit or 64-bit system. When it comes to choosing the appropriate version, the lack of knowledge about these types of OS leaves us perplexed.

    Microsoft began releasing 64-bit systems shortly after the launch of the beloved Windows XP. It had the longest service life - about 14 years.

    Historical information confirms the fact that the very first implementation of 64-bit systems was UNICOS - a Unix-like system created in 1985 by the supercomputer Cray Inc. Today, many operating systems - Mac OS X, Windows, Solaris and Google's latest Android - are based on the 64-bit version.

    32-bit and 64-bit operating systems support a specific type of processor architecture and are named accordingly. A 32-bit OS uses the resources supported by a 32-bit processor (such as an Intel x86). The same applies to a 64-bit system.

    What does "bit" mean? The smallest piece of data is known as a bit or binary code. This is what the computer understands, so each bit can have only one value - 0 or 1. The device stores data in the form of sets of such bits, called bytes. 8 bits make up one byte or octet.

    Something about 32 and 64-bit processors

    The processor or CPU contains registers and logic. It is also called the brain of the computer. The processor register size is 32-bit on a 32-bit CPU and similar on a 64-bit CPU:

    • the number of values ​​that the CPU stores in registers is 2 32. These values ​​are used to map the address of the memory cells present in physical memory. So, 2 32 = 4 gigabytes is the amount of RAM that a 32-bit processor can access;
    • The 64-bit register stores the values ​​2 64. They correspond to 16 EB (exabytes) of OP. Compared to 4 GB of memory, this is much more.

    Moreover, a 32-bit processor can process 4 bytes of data in one cycle, since 8 bits equal 1 byte. Thus, if the data being processed is larger than 4 bytes, the CPU must start another loop to move on to the remaining data.

    In the case of the 64-bit version, all data, if it is less than 8 bytes, can be processed at once. Even if there are more of them, the processing process will not take much time. You won't see much of a difference in your daily use of the device unless you're used to running multiple large apps at the same time.

    Nowadays, 32-bit processors are almost obsolete. Even a 10 or 12 year old computer on 64-bit architecture would perform better. This processor has more cores, which speeds up its processing power without increasing the size of the hardware.

    Differences between 64-bit and 32-bit Windows

    Now you know that 64-bit operating systems are designed to support more RAM, so 32-bit ones are significantly inferior to them in this regard. Heavy Applications, such as image editing programs, AutoCAD and games will run much better on a computer with 16 exabytes of RAM, at least in theory. The limit of physical memory that the system can access also depends on the variant motherboard and its functional limitations. In fact, you don't need hundreds of gigs of RAM to play games.

    Compared to 32-bit Windows, which requires 1 GB of RAM, the minimum amount of RAM required for the 64-bit version is 2 GB. This is obvious because to support more registers require appropriate memory.

    The computer must have at least 4 GB of RAM if you want it to run 64-bit Windows. The Home version of the Tens supports up to 128GB of memory, while the Pro supports up to 2048GB! This way you can increase the virtual memory to the maximum. Windows users 10 Microsoft recommends at least 8 GB of RAM.

    There is another reason that explains the widespread adoption of 64-bit OS: today it is much more difficult to map files in physical memory. This is due to the fact that their average size increases each time and is usually more than 4 gigabytes.

    Note! The only thing you need to keep in mind is that don't expect miracles. To fully enjoy the power of a 64-bit computer, you need to install the appropriate version of Windows. In addition, the drivers and applications used must also support the new architecture.

    Windows for 64-bit processors has a Kernel Patch Protection feature that blocks unsupported changes to the kernel and also prevents data from being processed at the hardware level. Required for all drivers digital signature. This way, the system blocks the installation of modified versions that could be used to embed malware.

    Many legacy applications and drivers may not work on 64-bit Windows. To solve this problem, some developers and companies have released new versions of their products with improved compatibility.

    Mozilla has implemented a 64-bit version Firefox browser back in December 2015. The rate of adoption of more powerful Windows has increased significantly over the past decade.

    How can I check if my OS is 32 or 64 bit?

    You can easily find out.

    Note! To conclude this section, we recommend switching to , as you need to account for future problem situations. On at the moment, almost every computer comes with a 64-bit processor. So you can already harness its power.

    If you have a 32-bit version installed on a 64-bit device operating system, which means you're wasting the computing resources you paid for. As for the availability of programs and applications, their number is increasing every day.

    Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantages of 64-bit systems:

    • ability to use more RAM;
    • improved efficiency. When the optional RAM is installed, 32-bit systems cannot take advantage of it due to address space limitations. But 64-bit systems are capable of this, which often leads to a significant increase in computer performance;
    • more virtual memory. The 64-bit Windows architecture can theoretically offer 8 TB of virtual memory for a single application. 32-bit is limited to 2 GB. Modern programs, especially games, videos and photo editors, require more OP. Thanks to more efficient memory allocation on a 64-bit processor, applications optimized for this architecture can take full advantage of the new space;
    • additional security features. The 64-bit version provides additional security in the form of D.E.P hardware, kernel protection features and improved drivers.

    It is important to consider the disadvantages, which include the following:

    • possible driver incompatibility. Even though the 64-bit OS supports everything more programs For those who are still using old, reliable and often functional hardware, moving to a new architecture can be quite painful. It's unlikely that 64-bit drivers are available for older systems and hardware;
    • some limitations of the motherboard OP. Most often, the latter supports early 64-bit processors, but does not offer the use of more than 4 GB of RAM. You can experience some of the benefits of a 64-bit processor, although without access to more RAM. It might be time to update your OS;
    • problems with old applications. Software, most likely, will not make the transition to 64-bit architecture. Older tools, including 16-bit ones, require virtualization. Otherwise, it will take you time to update them.

    Why was 64-bit architecture developed?

    The main reason for the development was to satisfy the ever-increasing demands from servers. The latter process hundreds of requests simultaneously and use terabytes of databases. Servers also access information in an almost random order, so it is necessary to store as much of it in memory as possible.

    Why not use 64-bit processors when developing various applications and programs? In the days of 16-bit architectures, memory was a major concern for developers. With the advent of 32-bit systems, speed became a priority. As a result, 64-bit devices were offered better performance. Every year we need everything more memory to play audio, video, games, etc., so development new architecture not far off.

    Running 32-bit applications on a 64-bit computer

    If we look at what happens when we run a 32-bit application on a 64-bit device, we see that the CPU has switched to what is called 32-bit compatibility mode, in which it behaves like any 32-bit processor.

    However, the system constantly jumps between applications several thousand times per second. This jumping is called a “schedule”. Every time the scheduler moves from one application to another, it also needs to switch the CPU mode between 64-bit and 32-bit, which invariably takes some time. This extra time may seem insignificant, but it still affects the performance of the device.

    Among other things, any application interacts with the operating system because it needs to use some services. However, since the OS is 64-bit, the interaction request must first be converted from 32 to 64-bit mode, and then launched in the “Dispatcher”.

    Don't be afraid to open 32-bit applications on a 64-bit operating system. If there is any slowdown, it will be minimal.

    Video - Which Windows to install 32 or 64 bit and what is the difference

    On modern market In computers, a steady trend is noticeable: instead of 32-bit operating systems, 64-bit operating systems are gaining popularity. Accordingly, PC equipment manufacturers are beginning to produce hardware adapted to the specifics of the corresponding software products. What are the features of a 64-bit OS? Which OS is characterized more high performance- 32-bit system or 64? Which is better for the modern user?

    What is the difference between 32 and 64 bits?

    First, some facts. Before determining which type of OS is preferable - a 32-bit system or a 64-bit system, which is better, let's examine how they actually differ.

    Digital information is transmitted in bits, which are either zeros or ones. With 1 bit you can thus encrypt 2 commands. In turn, with the help of 32 bits, the number of possible commands increases by several tens of degrees. If we are talking about 64 bits - even more. Thus, it becomes obvious, for example, which Windows - 32 or 64-bit, works faster. Microsoft produces versions of both types of OS. Are there any fundamental differences between them in terms of interface and other nuances of operation?

    Are there any differences between 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems in terms of use?

    Relatively speaking, which “seven” is better - 32 or 64-bit, in terms of ease of management? In principle, there is no difference in this aspect There is no difference between the specified versions of Windows. All the differences between them come down to command support. These are processed almost unnoticed by the user. As we noted above, 64-bit commands provide a higher digital data transfer rate. However this parameter- not the only criterion for effectiveness computer system. A number of other aspects of the OS are important - such as, for example, stability, versatility, resource intensity, and level of support for various hardware components.

    Let's study which OS has more advantages for the modern user - a 32-bit system or 64. Which is better from a launch point of view popular games and programs?

    Comparison of 32 and 64-bit OS: stability

    The stability of the OS is determined primarily by the quality of interaction between the corresponding and hardware components of the PC. In many ways, its level depends on the compatibility of the OS with the drivers produced by the manufacturer of a particular device. In this aspect, the difference between a 32 and 64-bit system can be significant, and a brand that has released some hardware component for a 32-bit OS, it may take time to prepare and test the driver for a 64-bit operating system.

    Note that the world's leading hardware manufacturers generally successfully avoid situations in which the owner of a 64-bit OS cannot find the required software for the purchased device. But this thesis is true mainly in relation to new devices. Those that were purchased before the mass distribution of 64-bit PCs - around the beginning of the 2010s - cannot always be installed correctly due to the lack of up-to-date drivers.

    Comparison of 32 and 64-bit OS: versatility

    An operating system classified as a 32 or 64-bit solution requires installation on a PC that can support the operation of the corresponding OS. That is, you can correctly install a 32-bit OS only on a PC that has a 32-bit processor. The same pattern is typical for 64-bit operating systems. In this sense, there is generally no mutual compatibility between operating systems, and their versatility becomes limited.

    Resource intensity

    The operation of any OS requires hardware resources - first of all computing power processor, as well as the amount of RAM. Which system is better - 32 or 64-bit - in terms of resource consumption? We noted above that a bit is a unit of data transmission. If we are talking about large-volume information, then, accordingly, additional resources will be required to work with it. Therefore, it is completely natural that 32-bit OSes are much less demanding on resources than 64-bit ones. If, for example, 2 GB of RAM for a computer with a 32-bit operating system is, in principle, considered normal indicator, then for the full functioning of a 64-bit OS this resource- minimal. It is desirable that the amount of RAM be 4 GB or more.

    As for processor resources, in principle, if we are talking about 64-bit chips, then their structure contains the necessary technological components in order to satisfy the OS's need for computing speed. Therefore, it cannot be said that 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions fundamentally different in terms of processor resource consumption.

    Hardware support

    We noted above that for correct operation For a 64-bit OS, the computer must have up-to-date drivers. But their presence guarantees the stability of the PC, primarily at the software level. It is also necessary that the OS has hardware compatibility with key hardware components. As for devices such as, for example, a graphics accelerator, network card, printer - from the point of view of compatibility with them, it does not matter what OS is on the computer.

    In turn, when it comes to support for RAM modules, the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems can be significant. The fact is that 32-bit OSes do not support RAM modules larger than 4 GB. In turn, 64-bit operating systems are fully compatible with them.

    Another thing is whether in practice the user will have to use memory resources exceeding 4 GB. If the PC is used primarily for Internet access, office applications, then the need to use even half of the specified amount of RAM may not arise. It's another matter if the PC is used for games. Let's consider which operating systems may be preferable in this case.

    Which OS is best for gaming?

    Which better system for the game - 32 or 64 bit? Provided that the installed OS is fully hardware and software compatible with the hardware, a 64-bit OS will generally have higher performance due to the objective reasons we outlined above.

    But this rule has an exception: the program code algorithms in the game itself must provide support for 64-bit commands. If this criterion is not met, then there will be no practical difference in comfort gameplay the user will most likely not notice.

    Which OS is better for applications?

    Which OS, in turn, is more optimal for running applications - a 32-bit system or a 64-bit one? Which is better? IN in this case The pattern is approximately the same as in the case of games.

    If the user has a 64-bit PC, and program code If the application being used has implemented algorithms for processing 64-bit commands, then the corresponding software will work faster. If not, then a person will not feel much difference in computer performance.

    “Megahertz” is a priority?

    In the environment modern users There is a widespread point of view according to which more high speed PC performance can be achieved not by “doubling” bits - that is, switching from 32-bit processors and OS to 64-bit, but by optimizing hardware resources that directly affect PC performance. Such as, for example, processor frequency.

    According to many experts and users, it may be more effective, in particular, to replace a 32-bit chip operating at a frequency of 1.2 GHz with one that operates at 2.4 GHz than replacing it with a 64-bit chip operating at the same frequency. In some cases, it is possible to overclock a 32-bit processor so that its actual operating speed increases more noticeably than when replacing the chip with a 64-bit one.

    This approach can be all the more justified if the user does not use programs and games adapted for 64-bit commands in his work. Thus, the practical significance of replacing 32-bit software and hardware components with 64-bit ones does not always become obvious.


    So, which system is better - 32 or 64 bit? Objectively, the transfer of digital data when using 64-bit commands is faster, and therefore the corresponding OS will generally be more productive than a 32-bit one. But its successful use requires the PC to meet a number of conditions: the presence of a 64-bit processor (otherwise a 64-bit OS simply will not be installed on the computer), hardware support for operating in 64-bit mode, and the presence necessary drivers to it, compatibility of the software used on the computer, 64-bit commands.

    Some users (especially many fans of modern computer games) may be faced with the need to determine the bitness of their operating system. This may be due to the requirements of a number of programs for which only a certain OS is suitable, the need to install drivers that are suitable only for a certain system, and so on. In this article I will explain how to find out how many bits are 32 or 64 Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, what methods exist for this and how to use them.

    Before answering the question of how to determine how many bits are 32 or 64 in Windows, you need to describe what bit depth is and what its specifics are. In this case, by bit depth is called the ability of a device to simultaneously process a certain number of bits(bits, information). That is, the higher the bit capacity of your processor, the more information per unit of time it can process, and the speed of your system definitely benefits from this.

    There are currently two main versions of the Windows operating system:

    • 32-bit (it is also called x86 - from the architecture of the I8086 microprocessor, which at one time was used for 32-bit programs);
    • 64-bit (x64) is a more modern and actively promoted version of the system.

    The difference between them is not only in the bit capacity of the central processor, but also in the maximum supported RAM. A 32-bit (bit) OS can support a maximum of about 3.5 gigabytes of memory, and even if you install more memory, only the specified 3.5 gigabytes will be supported.

    A 64-bit system can support much more (about 200 gigabytes), which significantly increases the capabilities of the computer. That being said, the visual difference between 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows is often minimal, if you see it at all.

    At the same time, for installing a 64-system it is extremely important that CPU was 64-bit and supported the appropriate instructions. Otherwise, when installing a 64-bit OS on a 32-bit machine, you will not notice much of a difference; moreover, the 64-bit version will consume more PC resources due to its more extensive needs (which may negatively affect the speed of your OS). And this is not to mention the problem with drivers, because not all devices have drivers for a 64-bit OS. In general, there is something to think about here.

    Methods for identifying the bitness of the operating system

    So, how can you identify whether your OS is 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 7, 8, 10, XP? I suggest doing the following:

    How to find out how many bits are 32 or 64 Windows 7, 8, 10, XP - helper programs

    In answer to the question, “How to determine how many bits are 32 or 64 Windows 7, 8, 10, XP” they can also help us auxiliary programs, created to view the characteristics of your computer. I recommend paying attention to these software products How EVEREST, Speccy, SiSoftware Sandra, System Spec and a number of others, after installing them on your computer you will receive detailed information about the hardware of your PC, including information about the bit depth of your OS version.


    In this material, I looked at options on how to find out how many bits are 32 or 64 in your Windows 7, 8, 10 or XP. Most universal advice, which works for almost all of the listed operating systems, will be the use of the Win+Pause key combination, which will allow you to open access to system information, which will also indicate the bitness of your OS. If this option is not suitable for you for some reason, then you can use the alternatives described above, and also use a number utilities, intended specifically for the purposes I am considering.

    Many computer users ask - “ what is the bitness of the operating system, what does it affect?" And " How can I determine the bit depth of my installed operating system?. I will try to conduct a small educational program on this topic and answer the most common questions.

    What is the processor bit size?

    If we talk in simple language, That processor capacity This is its ability to work simultaneously with a certain number of data units (bits). For a 32-bit processor, this number is from 0 to 4294967295. In other words, a 32-bit processor cannot work with RAM larger than 4 Gigabytes.

    For 64-bit processors, this number is significantly higher, so 64-bit OSes can handle up to 32 GB of RAM.

    Designation of processor bit capacity

    Processors are currently divided into 32-bit and 64-bit. At the same time, the abbreviations x86 and x64 are found in the designation of processor architectures. Know that x86 is a 32-bit processor and x64 is a 64-bit processor.

    Why is the processor 32-bit and the architecture is called x86?

    The name comes from Intel, whose early processor models ended with the number 86 and had a 32-bit architecture.

    • 80386 (i386),
    • 80486 (i486)

    To do this, right-click on the My Computer icon and select “Properties” from the menu that opens. From my own experience I can say that if you have an operating system installed Windows XP, then in 99% of cases it is 32-bit.

    If you have installed Windows 7 Starter, then it is also 32-bit (and there are simply no others). Bit type of other editions Windows 7 or Windows 8 can be found in the section "System type".

    As I already said, the main thing for home user- this is the amount of RAM installed in the computer. If you have less than 3 GB of RAM, you should not switch to a 64-bit OS. If the RAM is 4 GB or more, then the transition is advisable because PC performance should increase.

    Programs and drivers, released for 64-bit Windows THERE WILL NOT BE work in 32-bit. Keep this in mind. In turn, 32-bit versions of programs on a 64-bit OS work fine.

    How to change the bitness of the operating system?

    You cannot change the bit depth on the fly. Windows definitely needs to be reinstalled “cleanly”. Licensed Microsoft key Suitable for any version of Windows (corresponding edition), regardless of its bit depth.