• MTS writes off money. Ways to find out why money is withdrawn from a mobile account on MTS

      You need to log in to the official MTS website in your personal account, go to the Internet assistant, a link to the details of expenses and conversations will be available in the Internet assistant menu, details can be ordered by email or viewed on the website, you need to select monthly expense periods. Which SMS should I send to top up my MTS account?

      Only recently connected to MTS Russia - Crimea. And a problem arose - the money began to simply fly away... It turned out that the number was connected paid services(which I did not order((((- these are the tricks of the operators). Some of them can be deleted 7 days after activating the number, and some - after 15. To do this, you need to dial *111*2# call button, following step by step instructions refuse the services provided - beep, they called you, 10 SMS...

      If money flows from your MTS account to an unknown destination, then most likely you have some kind of paid service connected. You can find out about it in several ways:

      1) Dial the USSD command *152*2# and call.

      3) You can also go to the Internet assistant from MTS. There we select the service management team and go to Tariffs, services and discounts

      If you find a paid service. which you don’t need, you can turn it off and stop the leakage of money. Cellular companies do not always warn about the appearance of new paid services; it is important for them to earn more money.

      By the way, on the official website the command is indicated:

      But as users write, this information is incorrect. This command serves only to disable the MMS+ service.

      To find out why money is leaking from the phone of the MTS operator, you just need to dial the command Details *152*1# and the call button, and to unsubscribe from all subscriptions you need to dial the command *111*919# and the call button, and then follow the instructions.

      You can call the operator, I always call 0890. Or you can order account details remotely. You need to go to the MTS Internet Assistant and select the Cost Control option there. In my region, any parts ordered this way are free.

      To control your MTS account, you need to order account details. You can order details one-time, or periodically once a month, for example. To do this, you need to go to your Personal Account and activate the Account Details service.

      Dial star 111 star 2# on your phone. You will receive an SMS, thanks to which you can find out what paid options networks connected to your number and which infotainment subscriptions. You can also cancel them there by selecting which ones in the menu, or selecting the option: cancel all.

      If you have withdraw money from MTS, then most likely you have some kind of paid services or subscriptions connected. In order to find out what is connected, you need to dial *111*2#, a menu will appear on the screen in which you can view subscriptions and unsubscribe from them.

      Ways to find out why they withdraw money on MTS:

      1. Call the operator toll-free number 0890;
      2. Send a request like *152# and call;
      3. Log in to the MTS website and find necessary information in your personal account.
    • To find out why money was withdrawn from your phone at MTS, it is best to use the account detailing service in your personal account through the MTS website.

      MTS also provides the Cost of the last 5 actions service for free. You need to dial the command *152*1# into your phone and press call. You will receive an SMS indicating how much money was written off for the last 5 paid actions(calls, sms, internet, services).

      It is very possible to find out why they are withdrawing money from you from MTS.

      You must visit the official MTS website and log into your Personal Account. In nm at the very top you need to go to the Internet Assistant option. Next in the menu, select the Cost Control option. After that, you need to select the position called Conversation Details.

      There you indicate the desired period and click the Next button. Now you will be presented with the necessary information regarding this order.

      When it suddenly seems to me that for some reason money on my number has started to quickly flow out, the first thing that comes to my mind is that the number may have some paid services connected, so I dial the following request from my phone: *152 # and call key. This request shows which paid services are connected to the number.

      For me personally, the easiest way is to visit personal account. In your personal account, you need to go to the Internet assistant, then manage services. Here you will see full list connected services, their cost, when they were connected, etc. You can disable them at any time by clicking the disable button.

    Modern needs and opportunities are still far apart for many people. Every person wants to receive the most comfortable tariff conditions at the lowest price. But even in this case, at times you can notice that the balance on the phone seems to live its own life. How to find out what money is being withdrawn for on MTS in order to prevent unnecessary charges for unnecessary services?

    Reasons for withdrawal

    MTS company withdraws money as both regular and additional payments. Sometimes it is very difficult to keep track of all the services and often subscribers have a question: why are they withdrawing money from MTS, how to find out why they are withdrawing money from MTS, in time to prevent unnecessary spending of funds.

    There are times when at the most inopportune moment we discover that money is missing from our account, when we need to send a very important SMS or make a fateful call. How to find out why you withdrew money on MTS? You just need to reconsider the main reasons for such an operation:

    • Connecting additional subscriptions;
    • Using paid services or options for which additional money may be debited from the phone;
    • Go to tariff plan, which provides for a mandatory regular payment every month. In this case, writing off money in fixed size It just happens on the same date every month.

    Why does money leave my account?

    Nothing just ever happens like that. The mobile account of each subscriber is no exception. In practice, in most cases, it is not so easy to cooperate with MTS. Not all of the company’s clients read the terms of the chosen tariff. A specific tariff plan may have additional conditions for its use and its own fees. different types services that are included in the package, but additional funds must be charged for them.

    If you are faced with the problem of missing cash from a mobile account, you will be interested to know how to see where they are written off. To do this, it is best to contact a call center operator. During a personal conversation, you can find out all the information on the account, the selected tariff, paid services and their prices.

    Russia is filled with MTS showrooms in all cities. It is in them that the relevant specialists will be able to provide all available information on questions that interest you even without connecting to an operator. The advantage of this opportunity is that there is no need to wait long time, until some operator becomes available to connect with you.

    It is very convenient to check and control the availability of funds using your personal account. This is done thanks to the ability to see all connected services or order a monthly report detailing expenses. Such a controlling order by number is a free option of the mobile operator’s service.

    How to prevent withdrawals

    Personal account is a convenient and easy-to-use service from MTS. Here, thanks to the service management option, you can see all connected additional features, select the unnecessary ones and disable them.

    With mobile subscriptions that don't benefit you as a user cellular communication, you can say goodbye with a small operation: you need to enter the command *152*2# or *111*919#.

    It is very important to monitor your account balance. This will help prevent money from constantly going missing. It is also necessary to adhere to certain precautions. These include.

    Unfortunately, there are often cases when subscribers of a particular operator discover that money from their account is rapidly disappearing in an unknown direction. MTS subscribers are no exception. It would seem that you just deposited an impressive amount of money into your account, were about to make a call, but there are not enough funds for this operation, it’s good that you can. But no one used the phone, and the money was missing from the account. What to do in such a situation? When and for what reasons are funds debited from a phone to MTS? How to view and find out everything about your balance?

    So, for an idea of ​​where the money was transferred from your personal account, you just need to study a certain list of services, as well as connected paid or free services.

    Step-by-step description for subscribers

    1. First, you just need to understand the current state of your account and be sure that the money has been withdrawn from your personal account. To achieve this goal, you can, for example, use the operator's support services. For this there is toll free number phone - 0890. When you call this number, it is best to wait until you are connected to an operator. It is he who can provide information about your tariff, connected options, and so on. In addition, the operator will answer all your questions. The MTS operator will also be able to track where the funds from the account went.
    2. You can quickly and easily find out in which direction the funds are going by contacting the online assistant. To accomplish this goal, you just need to have access to the Internet. So, you should go to the operator’s official website and go to your “personal account”. However, to enter your own account, you need to enter a password and login. And you can get them by dialing *111*25# on your mobile and the call button (green handset). In addition, there is a number by calling which you will also receive data and be able to. This short number 1115, calls to which are completely free for MTS subscribers. If you follow all the steps correctly, then in your case the phone will come SMS with password and login. Moreover, in your own account you can simply click on the “get password” button and do everything as described on the site.
    3. You can get information about the services that are connected to the tariff package in your personal account by clicking on the “Internet assistant” link. Then you will need to go to the “tariffs, services and discounts” menu, and then click on the “service management” button. After all this, the screen will display all the services and options that are connected within your tariff package. You may not even be aware of many of them, so you can disable them here. This will help you reduce expenses and no longer think about where the funds are going. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to analyze the statistics of money debited from your account for a specified time period.
    4. The question “where do they go and for what reasons do they withdraw money from the account” can be answered if you remember all the subscriptions you have completed. Perhaps in the recent past you registered on a suspicious site and used your telephone number. After all, many swindlers and thieves gain access to your funds in your account this way. To detect all unwanted subscriptions, you need to go to your personal account or, more reliably, call the operator. If you have such subscriptions, you need to disable them. You can do this yourself or follow the instructions sent to your phone by your operator.

    Additional information for MTS subscribers

    Relatively recently, a service appeared called “ mobile detailing" Using this service, you can also understand where the funds from your personal account are going.

    Everything is very simple and in order to activate this service, you need to dial *152# and the green handset. A menu will pop up on the screen where you need to make a choice about what information you would like to understand: free actions or paid debits. As for free actions, these include: incoming messages, incoming calls, and so on. This information can be especially useful when a number you recently communicated with accidentally gets deleted.

    The “ ” option is necessary and convenient. It undoubtedly emphasizes the fact that the MTS company cares about its customers and provides the opportunity to control their funds and understand when the funds spent have been spent.

    It is worth noting that you can also be aware of all debits from your account if you activate the “balance under control” service. This can be done very simply by typing mobile combination numbers – *152*3#. By enabling this option, you will no longer be interested in the question of where the money went. The fact is that for 10 kopecks a day you will receive information about the cost of the call. You will also receive information about the balance on your personal account, that is, the money will be under your personal control.

    If you dial the combination of numbers *152*1#, you will receive an SMS on your mobile phone from the operator with information about the cost of five recent actions, which were made on your mobile in the last two days. This way, you will also be able to check what the funds were withdrawn for and where they went from your personal account.

    As for the latest payments that were credited to your account, this information can be obtained by simply dialing the command *152*4#. You also have the opportunity to understand whether the last payment was credited, clarify the exact date of payment and, of course, its amount. A qualified MTS operator will provide you with the same information. Having visited the operator's showroom, you will undoubtedly be provided with quality help and will answer all questions about your tariff, all charges, services, connected options, and so on. You will also be offered promotional offers that are available to your tariff package. Changing the tariff package can also help save money, so it’s better to take an interest in all the promotions and profitable offers.

    Cost control is a sore point for many subscribers, since rather complex and confusing tariff plans are often difficult to understand. The subscriber sees that money is leaving the account, but for what services the charges are being made remains a mystery. Let's take a closer look at how to find out exactly what you're paying for.

    Control of expenses through “Personal Account”

    The best way to control your expenses is the “Personal Account” services. On the MTS website, after registration, you get access to useful services allowing you to control your expenses:

    • Account status. Your personal account displays the current account balance, as well as information about account top-ups, as well as generalized data on expenses (without details).
    • Cost control. The tool provides a more detailed expense report. During the reporting period, a detailed statement is generated about each debit of money from the account. Generating an expense report is free if you order the service through the website. The report includes charges for calls, SMS, MMS, data services and all other services.
    • Expenses for past months. If you need to investigate earlier periods, you can order a detailed report for previous months. Information is available for the last 6 months.
    • Details of conversations. If the total cost of calls is not enough for you, you can detail the bill by dividing the amount into charges for each specific phone number. This way you can “catch” paid premium numbers, calls abroad, too long conversations and other “communication sessions” for which large sums were written off. You can also identify the most frequent directions of calls.
    • Monthly report. A service that involves regular delivery to your address email statements of expenses without details of conversations. The statement is sent monthly.

    Checking expenses through the operator

    To quickly find out why the money was written off (for example, if a large amount was written off quickly), you can call "0890" from your MTS number and after a short identification procedure you will be told why the charges occurred.

    In fact, the operator will read aloud the information that you could obtain via the Internet in your "Personal account". Since it is much less convenient to perceive information in this way, you can check expenses through an operator only if you need to investigate the write-off of money as quickly as possible, but you don’t have a computer at hand, or for some reason you can’t register in the system on the MTS website.

    What can they withdraw money for on MTS?

    Most likely, your expense breakdown will include the following write-offs:

    • Regular subscription fee– monthly or daily
    • Payments for connecting service packages or individual services
    • Payments for calls (above package minutes)
    • Payment for international calls
    • Payments for SMS and MMS (above package volumes of services)
    • Payments for data transfer (above packaged volumes of services)
    • Write-offs for additional services: calls and SMS to premium (paid) numbers, etc.

    The lion's share of the average subscriber's bill should be the subscription fee. If other expense items dominate your cost structure, you should suspect irrational use of the mobile communications budget.

    Where can the unnecessary services for which money is taken come from?

    In conclusion, we note that most often a person notices an increase in expenses in the following situations:

    • By mistake or inattention I subscribed to unnecessary service. Registration on the site, some ordered melody and other dubious services.
    • Background data services were running on the phone, which “burned” traffic.
    • Long calls were made, which, according to the terms of the tariff plan, turned out to be paid.

    To avoid such situations, study carefully!

    A person rarely controls his own tariff plan, and therefore does not notice how much money is spent on a call to a subscriber of another operator, and often inattentively activates paid subscriptions and services. As a result, the user is faced with the fact that he does not understand why the account small remainder. You can find out why the money was withdrawn on MTS by calling the operator. There are other ways to check your account status online.

    Is it possible to find out why the money was withdrawn on MTS?

    Each MTS subscriber can check his account and find out exactly what the money was withdrawn for. There is a misconception that the operator often withdraws money just like that. In fact, the billing system makes mistakes extremely rarely; the main factor here is the human factor - the client simply entered his phone number in the wrong place, or forgot to cancel his subscription. The subscriber simply cannot understand the tariff services on his own, so sometimes he thinks that the charges are too high.

    Eat different ways find out how the funds moved. Service provided to the client who has confirmed that he is the owner of the number. You can get information about how and for what transactions the money was withdrawn by calling 0890 or directly at the operator’s salon. These services are available to every subscriber Russian operator communications.

    You can also see the account status and expenses from it on the MTS website in the subscriber’s personal account. To do this you need to be a registered user. You can also use the application; it is available whenever the Internet is connected. There is an opportunity to do it for free detail report all calls made by a subscriber in a month.

    Why do they withdraw money from an MTS phone?

    If there is an operator salon in your city, you can contact them directly. Employees will provide information about your balance, inform you what services and options you are in for at the moment pay. There are such salons not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

    The MTS website also allows you to find out where the money goes. You can find out information in the user’s personal account. In this section you can see not only when the last replenishment took place and how much in rubles, but also what services are connected, which options are regular and which are periodic. The portal also contains information about paid subscriptions and what part is written off for this per day, per month.

    Subscribers can order free option details of calls to your number. The service is activated through your personal account. To register, the user will need to indicate his last five actions (incoming and outgoing call, sent by SMS). If there is no information about this, then you will not be able to enable the reporting function. The service is provided only once every 30 days.