Modern engine: power or torque?

For more than a century, internal combustion engines have been used in almost all areas of transport. They are the “heart” of a car, tractor, diesel locomotive, ship, airplane, and over the past thirty years they have come to represent a kind of fusion of the latest achievements of science and technology. Terms such as POWER and TORQUE have become familiar to us and are a necessary criterion for assessing the power capabilities of an engine. But how accurately can you assess the potential of an engine, having only meager figures with the technical data of the car in front of your eyes? I hope you will not rely entirely on the assurances of the car dealership salesperson that the engine of the car you are purchasing is powerful enough and will completely satisfy you? In order not to regret later about an unprofitable purchase, I ask you to familiarize yourself with the following.
Since ancient times, humanity has used all kinds of mechanisms and devices for construction, moving goods, and transporting people. With the invention of HIS MAJESTY'S WHEEL more than 10 thousand years ago, the theory of mechanics underwent major changes. Initially, the role of the wheel was reduced only to a banal reduction of resistance (friction force) and the transfer of friction force into rolling. Of course, rolling a round one is much more pleasant than dragging a square one! But a qualitative change in the method of using the wheel occurred much later thanks to the advent of another ingenious invention - the ENGINE! The father of the steam locomotive is often called George Stevenson, who built his famous steam locomotive "Rocket" in 1829. But back in 1808, the Englishman Richard Trevithick demonstrates one of the most revolutionary inventions in history - the first steam locomotive. But to our general joy, Trevithick first built a steam car for street traffic, and then only came up with the idea of ​​a steam locomotive. Thus, the car is in some way the progenitor of the steam locomotive. Unfortunately, the fate of the discoverer Richard Trevithick, as well as many engineers, but not businessmen, was sad. He went broke, lived for a long time in a foreign land, and died in poverty. But let's not talk about sad things...
Our task is to understand what engine torque and power are, and it will be greatly simplified if we remember the structure of a steam locomotive. In addition to the passive converter of friction from one type to another, the wheel began to perform one more task - to create a driving (traction) force, that is, pushing off from the road, setting the carriage in motion. The steam pressure acts on the piston, which in turn presses on the connecting rod, which turns the wheel, creating TORQUE. The rotation of the wheel under the influence of torque causes the appearance of a couple of forces. One of them - the frictional force between the rail and the wheel - is, as it were, pushed back from the rail, and the second - the same TRACTION FORCE we are looking for is transmitted through the wheel axis to the parts of the locomotive frame. Using the example of a steam locomotive, it is noticeable that the greater the steam pressure acting on the piston, and through it on the connecting rod, the greater the traction force will push it forward. Obviously, by changing the steam pressure, the diameter of the wheel and the position of the connecting rod attachment point relative to the center of the wheel, you can change the power and speed of the locomotive. The same thing happens in a car.

The difference is that all force transformations are carried out directly in the engine itself. At the exit from it we simply have a rotating shaft, that is, instead of a force pushing the locomotive forward, here we get a circular motion of the shaft with a certain force - TORQUE. And the POWER developed by an engine is its ability to rotate as quickly as possible, while simultaneously creating torque on the shaft. Then the car’s power transmission (transmission) comes into action, which changes this torque as we need and delivers it to the drive wheels. And only in contact between the wheel and the road surface is the torque “straightened out” again and becomes a traction force.
Obviously, it is preferable to have the greatest traction force. This will provide the required acceleration intensity, the ability to climb hills and transport more people and cargo.

IN technical specifications car has such parameters as engine speed at maximum power and maximum torque and the magnitude of this power and torque. As a rule, they are measured in revolutions per minute (min), kilowatts (kW) and newtonometers (Nm), respectively. It is necessary to be able to correctly understand the external speed characteristics of the engine.

This graphic image dependence of power and torque on crankshaft speed. It's the shape of the torque curve that's most telling, not the magnitude. The sooner the maximum is reached and the more flat the curve drops as the speed increases (that is, the engine has constant thrust), the more correctly the engine is designed and operates. However, getting an engine with sufficient power reserves, high speeds and even stable TORQUE over a wide speed range is not easy. This is precisely what the use of supercharging of various systems, electronic control of fuel injection, variable valve timing, adjustment of the exhaust system and a number of other measures are aimed at.
Let's look at an example. You have to overcome a rise, and you cannot increase the speed (accelerate the car before the rise) due to the road situation. To maintain the pace of movement, you will need to increase the traction force. Here a situation often arises that looks like this: adding gas does not increase the traction force. This causes a decrease in speed, and hence engine speed, accompanied by a further decrease in the traction force on the drive wheels.
So what to do? How to maintain high traction force at low speeds if the engine “does not pull”, that is, does not provide sufficient TORQUE? The transmission comes into action. You manually, or the automatic transmission yourself, change the gear ratio so that the traction force and the speed of movement are in the optimal ratio. But this is an additional inconvenience in driving a car. The conclusion suggests itself: it would be better if the engine itself adapted to work in such situations. For example, you are driving uphill. The force of resistance to the movement of the car increases, the speed decreases, but the traction force can be added by simply pressing the gas pedal harder. Automotive designers use the term “ENGINE ELASTICITY” to evaluate this parameter.
This is the ratio between the maximum power rpm and the maximum torque rpm (rpm Pmax/rpm Mmax). It should be such that, in relation to the maximum power speed, the maximum torque speed is as low as possible. This will allow you to reduce and increase speed only by operating the gas pedal, without resorting to changing gears, as well as driving in higher gears at low speed. You can practically evaluate the elasticity of the engine by checking the car’s ability to accelerate from 60 to 100 km/h in fourth gear. The less time this acceleration takes, the more elastic the engine.
To confirm the above, let us turn to the results of tests of Audi, BMW and Mercedes cars conducted in Europe and published by the Russian publishing house of the German magazine Auto Motor und Sport in the November 2005 issue. Mainly, let's look at the characteristics of Audi and BMW. From the table above it is clear that the Audi engine, of a much smaller volume and almost the same power, is practically not inferior to the Bavarian in acceleration from a standstill, but in measurements of elasticity and efficiency it beats the competitor on both blades. Why is this happening? Because the elasticity coefficient of the Audi engine is 2.39 (4300/1800) versus 1.66 (5800/3500) for BMW, and since the weight of the cars is approximately equal, the stallion from Munich allows him to give an enviable head start to his compatriot. Moreover, these impressive results are achieved using AI-95 fuel.
So, let's sum it up!
Of two engines of the same volume and power, the one with higher elasticity is preferable. All other things being equal, such a motor will wear out less, operate with less noise and consume less fuel, and will also simplify manipulation of the gear lever. Modern supercharged gasoline and diesel engines fall under all these conditions. Operating a car with such an engine, you will get a lot of pleasant impressions!