• Why does echo occur on Skype and how to remove it? Why can I hear a conversation on the phone? Why can I hear myself on the phone when talking on my cell phone?

    at Android platform you can hear yourself, make noise, crackle, or any other defects appear. What to do and how to fix it.

    Many users encounter a problem when phone or tablet on Android based starts to be capricious. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

    For example, the device has problems with the fact that during a conversation (call) any distortion or defects in sound transmission/reproduction appear. The reason for this may be:

    1st: Software glitch - i.e. the problem is a software glitch

    2nd: Hardware failure - i.e. the problem is in the hardware (i.e., replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget is required)

    However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases there are problems with the operation of the data transmission and playback system and directly with the adjustment and correction of incoming and outgoing calls smartphone a or Android tablet is to blame software glitch, which you can easily fix on your own.

    Fixing a software glitch:

    Method 1. Quite simple - go to "settings", find there « backup and reset", in which you choose full reset settings with deletion of all data. Be careful, using this method is often effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if even after this the problem is not resolved, see Method 2.

    Method 2.

    Based on solving problems with communication and network reception phone number and tablet based Android method implementation of additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a lot of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more effective it is, as a rule. Best monitors system functions, adjusts, and fixes everything possible errors settings and synchronization is small and easy to use, free utility for Android devices. Download the app from Google Play and watch it additional options in the description it is possible . After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, in principle, nothing more is required from you. The application will take full control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will begin to charge 20% faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs at 50% faster.)

    Method 3.

    Changing the device software, or as it is also called "re firmware".This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and can be resolved by contacting the Service Center. To carry out this task yourself, you need to contact the website of the manufacturer of your device, download the utilities necessary for flashing the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

    If none of the methods brings results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center for repairing your tablet a or smartphone a.

    phoning when talking on a phone or tablet / when talking on a smartphone or tablet on the Android platform, you can hear yourself, phoning, crackling, or any other defects appear. What to do and how to fix it.

    While espionage passions flare up in the United States and follow, ordinary citizens of both countries are having fun with “harmless wiretapping” of other people's cell phones.

    It must be said right away that it is impossible to listen to a cell phone by intercepting its signal using some kind of box with an antenna. The data transmission channel is well encrypted, so “wiretapping” at this level can only be carried out by telecom operators themselves at the request of certain intelligence services. However, you can keep an eye on your beloved wife in less high-tech ways.

    There are many programs readily available on the Internet that can secretly work on the victim’s phone and save or transfer recordings to the side. telephone conversations, SMS messages, geographical coordinates and even pictures from the built-in camera. Some programs can work like a full-fledged “bug”: you call the device and, unnoticed by the owner, hear everything that is happening around. This is quite convenient when you need to eavesdrop on a secret meeting or an equally secret date.

    Operating room phone users are at risk Symbian systems And Windows Mobile. There are spy programs for the iPhone, but you won’t be able to install them on an unjailbroken phone (in the official store App Store Such programs, of course, are not for sale).

    It is quite difficult for an untrained user to determine that a “bug” lives on a phone. However, there are several signs that can indirectly confirm the presence of "".

    1. High temperature batteries

    If your phone's battery is hot, it means it is actively discharging. This is normal during a call, but if no one has touched the device for a couple of hours, and it still remains noticeably warm, then something is happening inside it, for example, it is working spy program.

    2. Your phone runs out of battery too quickly

    This point follows from the previous one: if the battery discharges too quickly, especially if the phone has not been used more than usual, it means that there is some potential “running” inside it. dangerous application. However, remember that over time, batteries “wear out” and a decrease in operating time is normal. You only need to think about it if a week ago the phone worked on one charge for three days, but now it only works for one.

    3. Delay when turning off

    Pay attention to the delay when turning off the phone. If this process takes a suspiciously long time, is accompanied by blinking of the backlight (it may remain on for some time after turning off), or shutdown fails at all, then something is happening to the phone. These can, of course, be ordinary technical problems, but more unpleasant options cannot be ruled out.

    4. General strange behavior

    If the phone spontaneously turns on the screen backlight, turns off, reboots, installs or launches programs, then most likely you are already “under the hood”. Of course, some malfunctions cannot be ruled out here either. operating system, but it’s impossible not to pay attention to this.

    5. Interference and interference

    Interference can be of two types: those that you hear during a conversation, and those that occur when you bring the phone near, for example, audio speakers. In the first case, the echo or any other noise (clicks, hissing, etc.) that accompanies your conversation with any subscriber at any time is suspicious. Sometimes the appearance of interference is the result of poor signal reception or other similar problems, but if the noise is heard everywhere and not for the first day, then this is a reason for concern.

    The second case is when the phone's transmitting antenna points to other devices, primarily to speakers or speakers. You've probably heard this "gurgling" sound many times. It occurs during a conversation, as well as in standby mode at short intervals when the phone accesses the base station. Continuous gurgling when no one is talking on the phone is considered abnormal. This may mean that the spy program has contacted another phone and is transmitting all surrounding sounds to it.

    Anyone can become a victim of wiretapping. The attacker could be a nosy neighbor or business partner. Location, SMS messages, conversations, all this can be found out stranger. Personal data, such as your details bank account, passwords from email and accounts social networks may be obtained by a third party.

    The first step towards protection is understanding by what means it can be implemented mobile phone wiretapping. Development modern technologies made it possible to combine the majority electronic devices in a smartphone, on the one hand it makes our life easier, and on the other hand it simplifies the possibilities of wiretapping and theft of personal data. Currently, it is easier to spy on people using a device that can be installed on a smartphone than using special means wiretapping, so that a person will not even suspect that he is being watched.

    How to find out if your cell phone is tapped?

    Before spending money on having your phone checked by a specialist, you can do it yourself. There are several simple tests you can run to identify listening software.

    Unusual sounds during a conversation

    Have you started to notice that there are clicking sounds, distant voices coming during a telephone conversation? This should not be the case, since modern digital networks do not interfere with conversation. If you hear them, then there is a chance that your phone is being tapped.

    Battery drains quickly

    Often, installed listening software It works stealthily, but it still uses your battery power. To determine the rate of battery discharge, you can use a mobile phone of the same model: insert your battery into another mobile, if your phone uses more energy, then the likelihood of wiretapping is high.

    Your phone is active when not in use

    Does the phone make alert sounds, the screen light up, and reboot when in standby mode? All of these could be signs that someone has remote access, and your cell phone is tapped.

    Shutdown cell phone takes a long time

    A smartphone is very similar to a computer; when you turn it off, all running programs close. If you do not have applications running, and shutdown takes a long period of time, then there is a possibility that some software is installed and running secretly. It is quite possible that wiretapping programs have been installed.

    Interference on third-party electrical household appliances

    A sign of a tapped cell phone may be the appearance of interference when it approaches home appliances. A tapped mobile phone may cause audio or visual distortion in speakers and monitors.

    Most of us have heard strange sounds, coming from the speakers if there is a mobile phone next to them. But, just because you hear strange sounds does not mean that your cell phone is being tapped. This also happens under normal conditions when the phone receives incoming call, sends, receives messages, then the sound is natural, but if the sounds appear after the connection, then this is a signal for additional checks.

    Sometimes, you can understand whether your phone is being monitored by analyzing a specific life situation and determining who can listen to you

    As for the latter, wiretapping programmatic method possible only in very rare cases... What about others?

    If you are a minor, then your parents have the right to track who you communicate with, talk to and all other actions that you carry out. Even if you go to court, it will be on the side of the parents, so if you don’t want problems, then don’t do what you’re forbidden to do. This will help avoid family conflicts.

    Employers have certain rights to control their subordinates from their equipment and corporate phones, but are required to notify about this. You must sign certain agreements. If your superiors wiretap you illegally, then you have the right to monetary compensation, as well as prosecution for interference in your private life.

    A large number of people, having broken off relationships, try by any means obtain compromising information about your partner. Whether it’s a divorce or a division of a business, every, even the most insignificant piece of information can turn things in one direction or another. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that it is precisely these people who most often resort to illegal wiretapping methods. If you are in such a situation, then you should be wary.

    Of course, you only need to install licensed software, but sometimes you have to resort to untested applications. In this case, you need to be especially careful. Often together with necessary program installed and malicious application, which may be eavesdropping. When installing new applications, most of us do not read the terms of service included by the publisher. We independently approve undesirable settings that allow us to collect, store and use the information received. Do not install applications on your smartphone without reviewing the terms of service.

    What is an echo and where does it come from?

    There are two types of echo - linear and acoustic. Linear create electrical circuits, connected to wire lines. Acoustic echo is a problem for all devices that read and reproduce sound. It occurs when sound is reflected, due to it entering the microphone from an external speaker. In this case, the interlocutor hears not only the speech of the other subscriber, but also his own, returned to him as an acoustic echo.

    Consequently, the causes of echo can also be divided into two groups. The first is subscriber equipment (your phone) and its accessories, the second is the equipment of your operator, or the company providing wireline services telephone communication.

    The first group of reasons. Since the speaker and microphone of your device are located in the same housing, under certain conditions an acoustic echo may occur. Sound from the speaker can get into the microphone for two reasons: the first is the lack of a “tightness” of the connection between the speaker and the hole for it in the housing, due to which the sound from this speaker spreads throughout the housing and enters the speaker. This phenomenon can be caused either by mechanical loosening of the housing during operation, or by its design; second possible reason- case. After some time has passed since the start of use, the covers tend to “wear out” somewhat, due to which a certain amount of free space between the case and the phone body, which helps shield sound from the speaker to the microphone.

    In the second group of reasons, the following can be distinguished: the first is the transceiver base stations your operator, near which you are located, the second is the wireline telephone provider whose subscriber you are talking to. This happens due to the reflection of part of the signal when moving from the local line to the main line.

    How to determine the cause of the echo effect in your mobile phone.

    To effectively solve a problem, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to be done with 100% accuracy, but the probability is still high.

    So, if the echo is a constant phenomenon or, on the contrary, it is impossible to trace any pattern in its appearance, then the reason is most likely your device. To be sure of this, try turning down the speaker volume. In cases where the echo disappears after this, the cause of its occurrence was in the phone. Also try removing the cover. The echo disappeared - the case is the reason.

    If the echo occurs in any specific places, or when calling to some certain numbers, or occurred for a certain period of time, then your terminal should not be blamed. One of the second group of reasons is at work here. The BS is to blame if an echo occurs in some place, and it is not to blame if, when an echo appears, you contact a landline telephone. When you experience an echo, try a SIM card from another operator in the same place. The echo disappeared - the reason for the NDE, no - no.

    How to deal with this.

    If the problem is in your device, the solutions are as follows: reduce the volume of the speaker; if the problem is in the case, if this does not help, there is only one way out - replacing the phone. The reason is in the cover - the solution to such a problem, as you might guess, is to refuse to use the cover, or, if this option is not acceptable, to replace it with a new, denser one.

    If the operator is to blame for your unbearable torment, then you need to call subscriber service and report a place where you constantly feel shortcomings in the quality of communication. Your application will be accepted, but when the reason will be eliminated (and whether it will be eliminated) is unknown. The average user has only one way to influence the operator - call and call. Or, if everything is really bad, you can change the operator, after making sure that you will not have similar problems with the new one.

    To combat the echo that occurs when calling a regular landline phone There are special echo suppressors. These devices identify human speech coming from one end of the connection and suppress all signals coming in the opposite direction.

    As you can see, the problem is not solved without costs in all cases, but it can still be solved. By the way, echoes can occur due to the fault of listening devices; here you need to read less books about spies.

    What should you do if you hear an echo on your phone during a conversation? And in general, why is this phenomenon observed? These questions arise among citizens more and more often. In fact, telephone echo can be due to various reasons. Sometimes it turns out without special problems resolve the situation, in some cases this cannot be done. In general, if the subscriber has the described problem, you will have to go through several options for the development of events, the diagnosis of which is very difficult without outside help. So what should you do if you hear an echo during a conversation? Why is this happening? How dangerous is the phenomenon?

    Is it subject to adjustment?

    The first step is to understand how realistic it is to solve the problem. Perhaps there is no way to eliminate the echo in the handset that is interfering with the conversation?

    As practice shows, echo during a telephone conversation is a phenomenon that usually needs to be corrected. And without radical actions. Accordingly, do not be alarmed if this problem occurs. But what causes an echo in the tube? And what to do in this or that case?


    The most obvious option is a manufacturing defect. Relevant for new phones. It is likely that the device was faulty to begin with. As a result, an echo is heard when talking.

    It is worth paying attention to the fact that the problem begins to bother the buyer immediately after the first call. That is, from the very beginning. You can act in several ways:

    1. Submit your phone for repair. If the reason is not a defect at all, but some kind of breakdown, then it will definitely be fixed. And you can pick up an already working device.
    2. Exchange the gadget in the store and write a complaint about the purchase of a defective product. This is relevant if the echo is detected immediately after purchase. Usually sellers quickly exchange defective phones for working ones.

    However, marriage is only one of the reasons. It has already been said that it is detected immediately after you start using the phone. What situations occur in real life more often?


    Why can I hear an echo on my phone during a conversation? Sometimes subscribers complain about exactly this situation. Moreover, regardless of the services of which operator they use. Why can you hear your interlocutor or yourself repeatedly?

    It is likely that the volume of sounds is to blame. Or, as people say, phone settings. The other person's speaker or microphone is too loud. Because of this, the mentioned problem occurs.


    Why is there an echo? If the device has been in use for a long time, it is possible that a bug is installed on the mobile phone. He helps someone wiretap phone conversations. This is where the echo comes from.

    Fortunately, such a situation is extremely rare. If you suspect wiretapping, you can take your cell phone to service center, report any suspicions and wait for the diagnosis and repair to be completed. This technique is the fastest, most logical and simple solution. After all, it is very difficult to get rid of a bug on your own.

    Factory Feature

    If an echo occurs while talking on the phone, do not be alarmed. And immediately think that a low-quality product was purchased, too. The thing is that each mobile phone has its own “stuffing”. That is, all phones are designed differently. The cause of the problem may be a factory feature.

    That is, the phone was originally assembled in such a way that an echo would be heard when working with a mobile network. Mainly relevant for older models of gadgets. The solution is only 2 options:

    1. Deal with the echo. You will have to listen carefully to the words. But sooner or later it will get boring.
    2. Buy immediately new phone. It is advisable to make a test call before making a purchase.

    There are no other solutions for this situation. How to remove echo on your phone when talking? It all depends on the cause of the problem. What other control methods should you pay attention to? For example, what if all the previously listed scenarios do not explain the resulting echo?


    In such a situation, only a service center will help. Or buying a new phone. But we are not talking about the features of the mobile phone device. An echo on the phone during a conversation may occur if the speaker is broken.

    A fairly common problem faced by subscribers who do not monitor their mobile phones. If your phone has been dropped or dropped into water, it is likely that an echo problem will occur.

    By the way, if you leave this phenomenon unattended, eventually the speaker will refuse to work at all. That is why, after some negative impact on the phone and the appearance of the specified problem, you need to contact a service center. There the speaker will either be repaired or replaced. Luckily, in most cases you don't need to buy a new phone. But also expect that the repaired speaker will last for a long time, also should not be.

    Housing tightness

    An echo in the phone during a conversation can occur if the seal of the gadget’s case is broken. The situation does not occur too often, but it is very problematic to deal with it.

    If the subscriber is wondering how to get rid of the resulting echo, you can suggest the following steps:

    1. Take the phone to a service center. There they will be able to hold full diagnostics and fix the problem. Although few people are engaged in correcting the tightness of the case.
    2. Change body. This method does not always work. The body panels need to be replaced with denser ones. You can buy these components in any store, depending on the model of the gadget.
    3. Change phone. The most logical, although not the most pleasant, solution. It is almost impossible to fix device seal problems. This is why you often have to buy new mobile phones.

    But even on this possible options don't end. There is another fairly common reason why an echo will be heard in the phone when talking to the interlocutor. You also need to know about it.

    Mobile network operator

    It's about the operator's job. mobile communications. In every city, such companies have a huge number of transmission lines. Because of this, the signal is blocked for some operators in certain places. This is where the echo appears in the phone during a conversation.

    There are several ways to fight. Usually at least one of them is effective:

    1. Change of location. Often the echo is heard only in certain places in the city. IN in this case It's best to avoid such areas.
    2. Change mobile operator. Another way that helps to get rid of the problem forever. Usually this is what the population uses. Especially now, when you can easily change the operator mobile network, while maintaining old number phone.
    3. Call the operator. Alternatively, if the echo is not constant problem, you can call the company providing communication services and then report problems. Be sure to name a place where it is inconvenient to communicate with interlocutors. The operator will try to correct problems on the line or explain why an echo is heard.

    Perhaps this is where we can complete all the most common reasons for the appearance of an echo during a conversation. It is now clear what to do in this or that case. In reality, everything is not as scary as it seems.


    However, before going through all the previously listed problems, it is recommended to use a little trick. Sometimes you hear an echo when talking on your phone due to minor system glitches. Both on the line with the operator and in the mobile phone itself.

    The situation can be corrected by turning off and restart phone. Or you can end the call and call the other party again. It is still recommended to reboot the smartphone. This technique, as practice shows, helps quite often.


    What conclusions should be drawn? There are many reasons why an echo occurs during a conversation. It can be very difficult to diagnose it yourself. But most often this phenomenon occurs due to:

    • phone settings;
    • violations of the tightness of the device casing;
    • factory defects;
    • careless handling of the phone/due to the long service life of the device;
    • telecom operator work;
    • assembly features;
    • listening to conversations;
    • network or phone failures.

    Most often, the problem can be dealt with. And as already mentioned, only in some cases it is necessary to act radically.