• Search for WWII soldiers by awards. Information service “Memory of the People”: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

    Generalized electronic data bank "Memorial"

    The main goal of the project is to enable millions of citizens to determine the fate or find information about their dead or missing relatives and friends, and determine the place of their burial.

    The implementation of the technical part of the project - the creation and content of the OBD Memorial website (www.obd-memorial.ru) was entrusted to the ELAR corporation.

    The data for filling the Generalized Data Bank is taken from official archival documents stored in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Military Archive, the State Archive of the Russian Federation and its regional branches, the Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland . The main body of documents are reports from combat units about irretrievable losses, other archival documents clarifying losses (funerals, documents from hospitals and medical battalions, captured cards of Soviet prisoners of war, etc.), as well as passports of burials of Soviet soldiers and officers.

    OBD "Feat of the People"

    In 2010, a generalized data bank “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945” was launched. ((podvignaroda.ru)).

    Generalized electronic data bank "Feat of the People"

    The resource was created on the initiative of the Development Department information technology Russian Ministry of Defense. With its help, citizens can find information about the awards of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, find out the circumstances of the feats they performed by reading their descriptions in archival documents.

    The data bank contains tens of millions of records from protocols on presentation and stubs of temporary certificates for awards, as well as on the awarding of orders and medals.

    The goal of the project is to provide open access full information about military awards for exploits during the Great Patriotic War, available in Russian archives.

    Portal "Memory of the People"

    In 2015, the “Memory of the People” portal was launched (pamyat-naroda.ru). This resource provides for the development of projects previously implemented by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the Second World War, OBD “Memorial” and “Feat of the People,” and also contains information about the losses and awards of soldiers and officers of the First World War.

    Interactive service “Memory of the People”

    The “Memory of the People” portal was created by decision of the Russian organizing committee “Victory” and supported by instructions from the President Russian Federation and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The main goal of the project is to provide users with the opportunity to obtain the most complete information about the participants of the Great Patriotic War through new interactive tools and the development of generalized data banks.

    Combining all the data in one project made it possible for people to search for documents themselves, create personal archives, and study the circumstances and tragic moments of hostilities.

    As part of the “Memory of the People” project, 425 thousand archival documents from the fronts, armies and other formations of the Red Army were digitized and posted on the Internet for the first time. These are original documents about the course of hostilities, orders, reports from commanders, operational descriptions of the combat situation. In addition, more than 100 thousand military maps were scanned and systematized, from which the positions of all military units marked on them were subsequently entered into the database.

    In addition, more than 18 million records from award sheets with descriptions of feats and nominations for awards are available on the portal. Over 12.5 million numbered awards have been digitized. Information has been opened about the primary burial places of more than 5 million soldiers and officers who died in battle or died from wounds and illnesses in hospitals and medical battalions.

    The curator of the project is the Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland. Technical support carried out by the ELAR Corporation.

    History of development


    PT Application Inspector improves the security of the online archive about World War II

    For automatic check web applications of information resources about the Second World War, the PT Application Inspector application source code security analyzer is used. This allows for even more high level information security of online applications: risks of vulnerabilities in them source code are minimized, and by automating the search for vulnerabilities, the time spent on code acceptance as a whole is significantly reduced.


    Predicted winner of the Ministry of Defense tender

    Company "Elar" Electronic archive") will predictably begin to replenish interactive service“Memory of the People” with information about the losses and injuries of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War and the modernization of special software for the “Memorial” data bank, containing information about those killed and missing during the war and the post-war period. She became the only participant in the Ministry of Defense tender with a starting price of 932.38 million rubles.

    In the absence of competitors, the competition was officially declared invalid, but this will not become an obstacle to concluding a contract with the applicant, as stated in the protocol of the competition commission.

    Elara's price offer amounted to 930.91 million rubles. Now the company has until November 24, 2017 to complete all the work, the stated purpose of which is to increase the completeness and visibility of information about the fate of front-line soldiers, “visually reflect the results of the work of the Ministry of Defense” in this area, as well as solve the problems of patriotic education of the younger generation.

    Cancellation of tender

    Tender for replenishment of the “Memory of the People” service and modernization of the “Memorial” data bank

    The Ministry of Defense will add information to the interactive service "Memory of the People" and modernize the "Memorial" data bank. The corresponding competition with a starting price of 932 million rubles was announced on March 20, 2017.

    The Ministry of Defense will replenish the “Memory of the People” service and modernize the “Memorial” data bank

    The project requires increasing the completeness and visibility of information about the fate of front-line soldiers, including those killed and missing during the Great Patriotic War (WWII). It is also necessary to reflect the results of the work of the Russian Defense Ministry to perpetuate the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland.

    The contract executor will have to develop the “Memory of the People” interactive service, based on operating results and user feedback. This should result in an increase functionality, improving the ergonomics of the web interface, increasing relevance search results according to user requests, facilitating user navigation through historical documents while simultaneously increasing their type and volume.

    In addition, the customer expects to analyze information security events and optimize the software and hardware complex that ensures the functioning of services and databases.

    The main part of the work is related to the processing of archival documents and the creation of electronic information resource for replenishment existing sections service "Memory of the People". In particular, documents clarifying losses (burial books, files with ZSP information), as well as documents about injuries and deaths from wounds in hospitals and medical battalions must be processed. Additionally, the service should be supplemented with information from captured documents and documents contained in foreign archives about Soviet prisoners of war and those buried abroad.

    In addition to this tender, on March 20, the Ministry of Defense announced two more similar competitions. The first requires supplementing the data bank “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” of the interactive service “Memory of the People”, containing information about awards and military operations during the Great Patriotic War. The work is estimated at 328 million rubles.

    The second competition involves filling the Memorial data bank personal information and electronic images of documents on losses during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. The works for this competition are valued at 15 million rubles.


    Modernization of the "Memory of the People" portal

    On the portal containing the most full database data and documents on the course of hostilities and participants in the Great Patriotic War, updated and fully adapted for use with mobile devices interface, and the search system has been improved.

    In addition to modernizing the site interface, the ability to search for information on the portal has been improved. For example, you can now more accurately determine the circumstances of the end battle path participants in the war. Data on places of disposal and places of primary burials are distinguished, as well as lists of those who died in a particular hospital at the time of its location in a certain place and lists of those who died in the same hospital in other territories.

    During 2015, data from geographic maps during the war were correlated with modern maps, which now show recruiting sites, military transit points, and deployments of military units. By tracking the combat path of a soldier or officer on a map, the visitor studies in detail the history of military operations of specific units using combat logs and unit documents - all documents relating to specific person, the system communicates automatically. In 2015, data on the place and time of feats were also introduced, and lists of awards, sorted by date, appeared on the search results page in the “War Heroes” section. Thus, users immediately get an idea of ​​the chronology of heroic milestones in the fate of their grandfather or great-grandfather, and then can find out the circumstances of the exploits.

    According to a representative of ELAR, during the May holidays of this year, the portal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “Memory of the People” was visited by almost 1 million people, and more than 9 million documents were viewed.

    The People's Memory portal has been updated with 3 million new pieces of information

    The ELAR Corporation, together with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, completed in the spring of 2016 the next stage of entering records from documents of military transit points and military commissariats into the data banks of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: the Memory of the People portal and the Memorial OBD website were replenished by more than 3 million information.

    During 2015, information on 15 million records of fates, places of disposal and primary burials was plotted on modern maps. More than 250 thousand documents were entered to clarify losses. Added 6 million records of awards for the defense, capture and liberation of cities and territories. As a result of the digitization of case files, 500 thousand data were identified about awards not given to heroes with the history of their exploits. 12.5 million records are supplemented with the place and date of the feat. Data and documents “In Memory of the People” are also available on the portals “Memorial” and “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” accordingly,” Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Dmitry Bulgakov, commented on the current results of the work.

    The speaker recalled that the “Memory of the People” portal was opened exactly a year ago to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The project of the Russian Ministry of Defense is based on the use of new IT tools based on the combined data banks “Memorial” and “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,” as well as the digitization and placement in the public domain of new archival documents and data.

    Thanks to the pooling of resources, users search for information in a consolidated way using intelligent system search. The “Memory of the People” portal system automatically displays a selection with similar data about a war participant about his awards, exploits, place of death or burial. Moreover, now users can see the entire combat path of a WWII participant. Places of conscription, participation in military operations, military transit points, and deployment of military units are marked on a modern map, correlated with maps from the war. The portal contains more than 100,000 original battle maps. By tracking the combat path of a soldier or officer on a map, the user has the opportunity to study the history of military operations of specific units in detail - the portal system automatically displays a selection of combat logs and documents operational management. The portal has published more than 425 thousand documents from armies and fronts on 216 military operations. The resource developers have recreated the structure of the Red Army on a given date.

    Today, the portal has collected and made available information about the primary burial places of more than 5 million soldiers and officers who died in battle or died from wounds and illnesses in hospitals and medical battalions. Relatives and friends, having found out the address of the primary burial and finding this place on the historical and modern maps, will be able to bring back the memory of the feat of their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, noted Maxim Bayuk, Deputy Director of the Projects Department of the ELAR Corporation.

    On the portal you can see the lists of those who were conscripted in one or another military registration and enlistment office, find out how the roads of battles of fellow countrymen crossed. Users can save the found data in the “Personal Archive”. “Personal archive” can be supplemented independently with documents, photographs, letters - everything that is stored in home archives, and accessed from any electronic devices.

    2014: Development of data banks and creation of the “Memory of the People” service

    In 2014, the Ministry of Defense held a competition for the development and replenishment of publicly available data banks “Memorial”, “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” and the creation of an interactive service “Memory of the People”.

    The project required modernization software generalized data banks and develop the “Memory of the People” service.

    In addition, it was necessary to carry out work on processing documents from the period of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, replenishing sections of the system with new documents related to irretrievable losses and awards, and operational actions.

    New service “Memory of the People” based on interactive maps wartime and modern systems navigation should have been filled with archival documents on decision-making on the management of combat operations, on the results of the main military operations, allowing one to visually trace the movement of units during combat operations and link specific episodes of these operations with the corresponding documents from the Memorial ODB and the Feat ODB people."

    The winner of the competition and the executor of the contract was the ELAR Corporation. All work cost the ministry 1.1 billion rubles.

    2007: Creation of OBD "Memorial"

    In 2007, on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Generalized Data Bank "Memorial" was created.

    The Military Memorial Center of the RF Armed Forces carried out work that was unique in scale, technology and timing, as a result of which an information and reference system of global significance was created, which, according to the project developers, has no analogues in world practice.

    The OBD was created by scanning, processing and entering archival documents stored in the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defense and in the Military Memorial Center of the Russian Armed Forces into an Internet information retrieval system.

    Information technology opens up enormous opportunities for us. Now we can find a person via the Internet without leaving home. Some people use this chance to find out at least something about the participants in the war of 1941-1945. After all, how many destinies were then lost, missing. Today, relatives are trying to restore information and find out the details of what happened. Previously, it was very difficult to find a veteran of the Patriotic War by last name or other information, but now it is quite possible. There are many electronic resources and databases for this. We will write about them below.

    Where can I find information about participants in World War II?

    Get ready for a difficult task to solve. Below we list the largest electronic resources, created with government support and central archives:

    1. “Memorial” is a project that is a generalized repository. There are more than 33 million records about the fate of soldiers and burial places. A search on the site is carried out both by a person’s last name and by any other indicators. You can indicate your year of birth, place or rank. You can additionally use the " Advanced Search" By default, the system will work with summary records compiled for each person from available documents;
    2. “Memory of the People” is another project dedicated to the heroes of the Second World War. To search, you need to enter your full name in the line located at the top of the page " Heroes of War" You can also use the following points: “ Combat operations», « Military graves», « Parts documents" In them you can see the addresses of burials and the names of fallen soldiers, material about military operations, the fate of its participants, etc.

    Both sites are easy to use. A colossal number of unique documents are stored here. electronic form, which are not found anywhere else.

    Search for WWII veterans by awards

    The electronic archive “Feat of the People” contains information about more than 6 million awards issued for the capture, defense, and liberation of cities and territories.

    You can search both by full name and by dates and names of orders. And if you have any documents on hand, you can enter text from them into the appropriate fields using the “ Advanced Search" Then the resource will issue all award certificates and orders in which it appears this set proposals.

    You can also use the portal “About Awards.ru”. It contains more than 20 million awards records.

    List of military archives and departments

    There is an option to go directly to military storage facilities and departments and inquire there:

    In addition, projects on which you can read old wartime newspapers. They often posted texts with photographs about the achievements of our troops at the front, in order to raise patriotism among the people, and listed the names of heroes and leaders:

    You may have to spend a lot of time, but the more resources you visit, the more applications you leave, the more likely you will be successful.

    How to find those killed or missing in the war of 1941-1945?

    Here we list resources where you can find out about the fate of people left on the battlefields:

    • Project "Archive Battalion" created with the aim of restoring information about participants in the wars of the 20th century. You can leave a request on the website with a request to conduct research on the exploits of your hero, where and how he fought and died. It is also possible to contact the office directly to the employees. The address is here;
    • Book of memory "Immortal Regiment". The platform allows you to obtain information about Muscovites, both those who returned home and those who died;
    • Electronic memorial “Remember About” is a social site for those who are trying to preserve the memory of relatives and friends who participated in the Second World War. You can create a page in memory of a veteran here, tell his story, publish photographs and documents. And also do a search;
    • On site

    ” – this is, in fact, a real historical monument. All documents collected on the resource are authentic and taken from military archives. This approach to collecting documentation makes it possible to stop all attempts to falsify the history of the Great Patriotic War. The website www.podvignaroda.ru is completely open to access - to find information, there is no need to register or pay a fee. The documentation located on the resource helps to clarify the course of military operations and find out their real results. They also allow you to see what awards each fighter received and what feats they accomplished. In this article I will tell you how to search on the website www.podvignaroda.ru by last name, first name and patronymic, how to find documentation and other information about the course of the war.

    Portal "Feat of the People"

    Before starting a search on www.podvignaroda.ru, let's understand the purposes for which this resource was created. There are several of them, but they all serve to ensure that we, as well as our descendants, remember the Great Feat of the people. So, the project is open to:

    • educate young people in a military-patriotic spirit based on the examples of the exploits of their grandfathers and fathers;
    • to perpetuate the memory of each hero of the Victory, despite the status of awards, titles, scale of feats, etc.;
    • create a documentary basis that will counteract attempts to introduce deliberately false information into the history of the War.

    The resource “Feat of the People” has no analogues among other portals reflecting the events of those years. This is the most complete and voluminous bank electronic documents, which is of great significance for history and the society in which we live.

    How to look for heroes of Victory on www.podvignaroda.ru

    1. Let's go to home page website “Feat of the People”.
    2. We hover the cursor over the “People and Awards” section and see that the search for heroes of the Victory is carried out by last name, first name and patronymic in various documentation: orders for awards, card index and award sheets.

    Section "People and Awards"

    Simple search

    Now click on “People and awards” and go to another page, where in the search field you need to enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the hero whose information you need to find in the documents. It is advisable to enter information as accurately as possible, since there may be many people with the same data, in which only one letter will differ.

    Easy search for people and awards

    After clicking on “Search”, another page will appear with search results, the number of which can be configured - 10, 30, 50 or 100. Here we will see all the documents found, and you can immediately go to each of them.

    Simple search results

    For example, here is the document on awarding the medal “For the Defense of the Caucasus”.

    Found award document

    The surname, name and patronymic of the hero of the Victory, his rank and place of service are listed here, as well as documents from the military archives about this award. By clicking on the link leading to the main page of this order, we see detailed information about this act and its scanned copy. At the top right above the document there are icons with which you can enlarge or reduce a copy of the act, print it, or expand it to full screen.

    Scanned copy of the act

    Advanced Search

    If, according to the data we entered, there are too many people in www.podvignaroda.ru, or we do not know the full last name, first name and patronymic, then we can use the advanced search for heroes of the Victory. To do this, go again to the “People and Awards” section and, instead of entering information in the search bar, click on “Advanced Search”. Here we enter such values ​​as year of birth, place of conscription (or select one of the union republics from which the fighter was conscripted), and rank. We determine which documents to search in and click “Search”. If this data is not enough, or it is unknown, click “Even more” and enter everything we know about the Hero of Victory in the special fields.

    Advanced Search

    We are looking for documents on the website Feat of the People

    In addition to people, on the resource “Feat of the People” you can find various decrees and orders on rewarding. To do this, go to the “Documents” section, located in top panel site. If there is no exact name of the document, expand the panel with advanced settings and enter the date of the document (select from the list), the award, the delivery of which is confirmed by this order, and other data known to us.

    Search for award documents

    We are looking for information about the progress of the war

    In the “Geography of War” section we look for data indicating the place and time of the event. In special fields, select from the drop-down list the type of order (instructions, report, certificate, etc.), the date of the document - month and year, or the entire period, the name of the combat operation and enter the rest of the data.

    We are looking for data on the location and date of the event

    The resource “Feat of the People” is available in both Russian and English languages(the switch button is on the right top corner site). If in the process of searching for heroes of Victory or documentation questions arise or clarification is required, you can always look at the “Questions - Answers” ​​section at the bottom of the page, or ask your question in “Feedback”.

    Today's development modern technologies has taken a step forward and you can find any information. Every resident of Russia can use the official website to learn about the participants of the Second World War, the period 1941-1945. Therefore, answering the question of how to find WWII participants by last name is not so difficult; this will be described below.

    WWII participant, find by last name - official website

    Created today special resources, thanks to which you can find missing soldiers and war veterans who are still alive. It is worth noting that this useful resources which many people use. Today, several sites have been created, but reliable information should be taken from the official one. http://www.obd-memorial.ru. It’s easy to work with, you just need to fill out the fields that are presented on home page. On them you can get acquainted with extracts and documents that were relevant about seventy years ago.

    To find a specific person, you should set up filters. The information that is needed is the full name, if there are other data, then thanks to them you can find the desired person faster. You can indicate years of service, military awards, orders and relatives of the veteran. If you were unable to identify necessary information- then this is not a reason for frustration. You can try your own after a while. Data on the sites is updated regularly. You can try to find a person using search sites like Yandex.

    It is worth noting that the data on the site is filled out by volunteers who conduct excavations at war sites. Everything they find in the margins relating to the war, the period 1941-1945, is published on this portal. The sites can be replenished by people and social services that work with the elderly. Often war veterans share facts from their lives with their interlocutors. And war is such a period of life that sinks into the soul of an old man for a long time.

    Find awards of a WWII participant by last name

    Several years ago, a resource appeared on the Internet, thanks to which you can find awards received by participants in the war. On this resource in electronic format documents are kept that confirm the awards of people who took part in the war. All data is publicly available and anyone can view it. There is information taken from the archives.

    The purpose of creating this project is to preserve the memory of each of the heroes of the Victory. There are only facts and no false information. It was recently determined that the resource contains more than twelve million award records. To find out if your relative has been awarded, you need to enter his initials in the Award Search column. If no information is found, you can subscribe to updates that will be sent to you by email.

    Find a relative of a WWII participant by last name

    To date, no such resource has yet been invented where one could find out about the relatives of war participants. But over time it is planned to create it too. Although on the official website, where you can find participants in the war, information about his relatives may also appear, if it was known earlier. Also on this site you can independently indicate your relationship with a war veteran. Only this needs to be supported by some documents, you need to prove your relationship with the veteran.

    But if there is such a need to find relatives of war veterans, then you can contact the military registration and enlistment office and raise the entire archive of documents that should contain the information you are interested in.

    How to find WWII participants

    The question of how to find a WWII participant by last name is not uncommon today. But the answer to it will be formulated below. Lately, people have been interested in the participants in the war, prompted by the seventieth anniversary of victory, which does not leave a single veteran unattended. Good base WWII participants are on the database "Memorial" Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which is freely available, that is, anyone can use it. You can fill out a questionnaire about a WWII participant if he is your relative, but the knowledge must be reliable.

    To find a member Great War, you can contact the military registration and enlistment office that called the person to serve. You will need to write a statement stating that you are a relative and want to find out about the fate of the person or talk about him. After some time, your proposal will be considered and you will be contacted.

    If you were unable to search for your relative, you can contact the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense, which is located in the city of Podolsk. You don’t have to go there in person; you can write a letter so that they can tell you about your missing relative. After some time, you should receive an official response, which will indicate either the place of burial or the place of residence of the person.

    If a war participant died from combat wounds or died in captivity, then in order to find out as many facts as possible about him, you need to write a letter to the FSB, who can search the archives for information about the person.

    How to find war participants using a television program?

    Many people are looking for people who went missing on the battlefields to find out whether they are alive or not. And there are a lot of ways to do this. You can use specially created search sites, broadcasts, some associations and groups on social networks, archives and other places. Every year there are fewer and fewer unmarked graves or veterans who were unable to find their relatives. Therefore, the state is doing everything so that the participants of the Second World War find their relatives, and the whole country is proud of them.

    Programs that search for missing people lately have gained wide popularity, especially when it comes to program "Wait for me" where War Veterans are often found. After all, many veterans watch this program in the hope of finding their relatives and colleagues. This television project searches for missing people not only in Russia, but also in other countries, which increases the chances of finding the missing person. You can write a letter to the studio if you cannot come in person. You must include a description of the person and a photograph, if available, with your description.

    In this article, we looked at how to find WWII participants by last name, what methods and sites there are for this. But in reality this will not be so easy. You may have to use several methods at once to find out about your missing relative.

    On at the moment official service to search for awards of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, please follow the link.

    Additional resources for finding veterans are described in this article.

    Video about search methods











    Otechestvort.rf, rf-poisk.ru





    soldat.ru – a set of reference books for independent search information about the fate of military personnel (including a directory of field postal stations of the Red Army in 1941-1945, a directory of the code names of military units (institutions) in 1939-1943, a directory of the location of Red Army hospitals in 1941-1945);

    www.rkka.ru - a directory of military abbreviations (as well as regulations, manuals, directives, orders and personal documents of wartime).


    oldgazette.ru – old newspapers (including those from the war period);

    www.rkka.ru – description of military operations of the Second World War, post-war analysis of the events of the Second World War, military memoirs.

    Military cards

    www.rkka.ru – military topographic maps with the combat situation (by war periods and operations).

    Search Engine Sites

    www.rf-poisk.ru is the official website of the Russian Search Movement.


    www.archives.ru – Federal Archive Agency (Rosarkhiv);

    www.rusarchives.ru – industry portal “Archives of Russia”;

    archive.mil.ru – Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense;



    rgavmf.ru – Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF). The archive stores documents of the Russian Navy (late 17th century - 1940). Naval documentation of the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period is stored in the Central Naval Archive (CVMA) in Gatchina, which is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense;

    victory.rusarchives.ru – a list of federal and regional archives of Russia (with direct links and descriptions of collections of photo and film documents from the period of the Great Patriotic War).

    Partners of the Stars of Victory project

    www.mil.ru – Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    www.histrf.ru – Russian Military Historical Society.

    www.rgo.ru – Russian Geographical Society.

    ", "Russian Female");" type="button" value="🔊 Listen to the news"/>!}


    www.podvignaroda.ru – a publicly accessible electronic bank of documents on recipients and awards during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945;

    www.obd-memorial.ru – a generalized data bank about defenders of the Fatherland, those killed and missing during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period;

    www.pamyat-naroda.ru is a publicly accessible data bank about the fate of participants in the Great Patriotic War. Search for places of primary burials and documents about awards, service, victories and hardships on the battlefields;

    www.rkka.ru/ihandbook.htm – awarded the Order of the Red Banner in the period from 1921 to 1931;

    www.moypolk.ru - information about participants in the Great Patriotic War, including home front workers - living, dead, dead and missing. Collected and replenished by participants in the all-Russian action “Immortal Regiment”;

    www.dokst.ru – information about those killed in captivity in Germany;

    www.polk.ru – information about Soviet and Russian soldiers missing in action in the wars of the 20th century (including the pages “The Great Patriotic War” and “Undelivered Awards”);

    www.pomnite-nas.ru – photographs and descriptions of military graves;

    www.permgani.ru – database on the website of the Perm State Archive modern history. Includes basic biographical information about former servicemen of the Red Army (natives of the Perm region or called up for military service from the territory of the Kama region), who during the Great Patriotic War were surrounded and (or) captured by the enemy, and after returning to their homeland underwent special state inspection (filtration);

    Otechestvort.rf, rf-poisk.ru – electronic version books "Names from Soldiers' Medallions", volumes 1-6. Contains alphabetical information about those killed during the war, whose remains were discovered during search work, managed to identify;

    rf-poisk.ru/page/34 / – books of memory (by regions of Russia, with direct links and annotations);

    soldat.ru – books of memory (for individual regions, types of troops, individual units and formations, about those who died in captivity, those who died in Afghanistan, Chechnya);

    memento.sebastopol.ua – Crimean virtual necropolis;

    memory-book.com.ua – e-book memory of Ukraine;

    soldat.ru - a set of reference books for independently searching for information about the fate of military personnel (including a directory of field postal stations of the Red Army in 1941-1945, a directory of the code names of military units (institutions) in 1939-1943, a directory of the location of Red Army hospitals in 1941-1945 years);

    rgvarchive.ru – Russian State Military Archive (RGVA). The archive stores documents about the military operations of the Red Army units in 1937-1939. near Lake Khasan, on the Khalkhin Gol River, in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. Here are also documents of the border and internal troops of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD-MVD of the USSR since 1918; documents of the Main Directorate for Prisoners of War and Internees of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and institutions of its system (GUPVI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR) for the period 1939-1960; personal documents of Soviet military leaders; documents of foreign origin (trophy). On the archive's website you can also find guides and reference books that make working with it easier.

    rgaspi.org – Russian State Archive of Socio-Political Information (RGASPI). The period of the Great Patriotic War in RGASPI is represented by documents of an emergency body of state power - the State Defense Committee (GKO, 1941-1945) and the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief;