• How to archive a file and send it by email!? Archives and archivers


    Getting Started with Packing file ov to the archive, make sure that the WinRAR application is installed on your computer. Choosing file s for archiving, remember that they are best compressed file s in text format. Videos, music and images are reduced in size only slightly. To install maximum size compression, in the archiver window, make the “General” tab active.

    In the “Archive Format” group, find the “Compression Method” field. WITH with help in the drop-down list, set the value to “Maximum” by left-clicking on it and click on the OK button. The files will be compressed into an archive with the selected compression settings.

    If necessary, you can access the compression settings and set your own values. To do this, in the archiver window, make the “Advanced” tab active and click on the “Compression Options” button in the “NTFS Options” group.

    A new dialog box will open in which you can assign appropriate values ​​for text, audio and full-color graphics compression, select the main compression algorithm, and so on. If you are not sure that you have configured everything correctly, simply click on the “Default” button to restore the original values. To get more information about certain parameters, open help desk by clicking on the “Help” button.

    The very addition file ov to the archive is carried out as follows: select those file s and folders that should be zipped, right-click on the selection and select one of the “Add to archive” commands from the drop-down menu.

    To add a new one file into an existing archive and compress it as much as possible when packing, open file RAR and select “Add” from the “Commands” menu file to archive" or simply drag and drop the icon of the desired file and into the program window. A new Archive Name and Options dialog box will automatically open. Set the compression method to "Maximum" for the new file but in the same way as described above. Click on the OK button.


    • how to compress an archive

    When transferring large files over the Internet, it is recommended to use archivers. These programs can significantly reduce the size of data, which speeds up the loading of information to external resources.

    You will need

    • - 7-Zip;
    • - Unreal Commander.


    Select the appropriate archiver. Use the popular programs WinRar or 7-Zip. You can also apply file managers with built-in plugins. Examples of such programs include the Unreal Commander and Total Commander. First specified program spreads .

    Install the selected utility. If you decide to use separate archivers, restart your computer after installing the program. This is necessary to embed files into the operating system.

    Create on your hard drive new folder. Move or copy files into it that will be included in the archive. After preparing the information for compression, right-click on the icon of the desired directory.

    In the menu that opens, select 7-Zip (WinRar). Wait for the new submenu to open and click on “Add to archive”. After some time, the archiver program window will be launched.

    Enter the name of the future file. If you plan to upload information to external resources, do not use Russian letters, spaces or punctuation marks. Select the archive format. Expand the “Compression level” column. Select "Maximum" or "Ultra".

    Please remember that some resources have a limit on the maximum size of a single file. Fill out the “Split into volumes” field by entering the required value. After preparing all the necessary parameters for creating an archive, click Ok.

    Wait for the program to complete. The length of this process can vary greatly depending on the size of the source folder, the compression ratio chosen, and the type of files being processed.

    If you included installation files for programs or utilities in the archive, extract them from the archive before installation. Archivists are not always able to obtain full access to certain data stored in compressed form.

    It so happened that you needed to send by email audio file and you find that its size is clearly approaching the maximum possible for mail attachments on the service through which you send mail. In such a situation, there is a fairly simple solution: convert file to mp3 format and reduce the bitrate.

    You will need


    Open file, which you want to compress, in the converter program. To do this, left-click on the folder in which this file is located. file, on the left side of the program window. The contents of the folder will open on the right side of the window. Left click on the name file oh, select it. If you are going to compress several file ov from open folder, check the checkboxes to the left of the names file ov.

    Click on the mp3 button, which is located under the main menu. After this, the program will open a window for a step-by-step wizard for setting up conversion parameters.

    In the File Name field, enter the name under which the compressed file will be saved. file and specify the location on your computer where it will be saved. Name file Or you can enter it directly into the File Name line. You can save file under the old name, adding a few characters to it so that you can understand that this is a compressed file without viewing its properties. Click on the folder icon to the right of the line with the name file and in order to specify the folder in which the compressed file will be saved file. Select a folder in the window that opens and click on the OK button. Click the Next button at the bottom of the Settings Wizard window.

    Select the audio sampling rate by clicking on the circle next to the selected value. The lower this indicator, the smaller the final amount will be. file A. Click the Next button.

    Select stereo or mono compressible mode file and by clicking on one of the list items. Naturally, the size is mono file but it will be much smaller file and with stereo sound.

    Specify the bitrate of the saved file a by selecting a value from the drop-down list. This value must be less than the original bitrate file A. You can see information about the source bitrate at the bottom of the main program window in the Info field. If the Settings Wizard window is blocking this field, use your mouse to drag the window to the side. Click Next.

    In the window that opens, check the compression settings and start the conversion by clicking the Finish button. As soon as the conversion is completed, a window will open for the folder where the compressed file was saved. file.

    Video on the topic


    For more than a decade, PC users have been actively enjoying the superior capabilities offered by using graphic format png. This format has replaced the simple GIF format and complex TIFF. One of the features of the png format is the ability to compress an image without losing information.

    You will need


    Download the OptiPNG program (there are several program options, so you can choose exactly the one that is designed for installed on your PC operating system). Install the program and run it. “Program” the compression level: to do this, configure the parameters of the following keys: i (interlace type (0-1)), zs (zlib compression strategy (0-2)), zc (zlib compression levels (1-9), the default is 9), f (PNG filters (0-5)), zm (zlib memory levels (1-9); default is 8). These are just the basic keys: with information about correct setting Additional keys can be found by typing optipng –help. Perform compression using the optipng -k -o7 command, in which the k switch is necessary so that the original file is not accidentally deleted during the optimization process.

    To improve the compression level of png, use special compression filters. In a graphic saved in png format, each can have one of five available filters. Correctly select the optimal filter for each row. The png specification algorithm can help with this, which can be downloaded on the Internet: this software distributed freely.

    Effective method png compression – color reduction graphic image. Execute this procedure possible using special program, and in particular, . Reduce brightness and contrast using available software filters.

    Please note

    Be responsible in studying the filter selection algorithm for each horizontal line drawing! An incorrectly selected filter will not give the desired result.


    • PNG: A simple introduction to the format's features in 2019

    Disk images are their full copies, presented as a file. Typically, the information stored in it can be compressed to save space. There are several options for solving this problem.


    One way to compress a disk image is to use an archiver program. The most common of them are WinRAR and 7-Zip. Download one from http://www.rarlab.com or http://www.7-zip.org respectively. They are free (WinRAR is shareware). You can also use any other archiver at your own discretion.

    Launch WinRAR. Using the program's built-in file manager, find the disk image you want to compress. Select it, then select “Commands” -> “Add files to archive” from the menu, or click the “Add” button on the toolbar, or press the Alt+A key combination.

    In the window that appears, specify the settings for the archive being created. Write its name, select the desired compression format (ZIP or RAR), specify the compression method. You can also specify additional settings if required. After that, click OK and wait until the archive creation process is completed.

    The sequence of actions in the 7-Zip program is similar. The same applies to other archiving programs.

    The second method is to save the disk image in ISZ (Zipped ISO Disk Image) format. Files in this format represent compressed images disks. ISZ was developed by ESB Systems. To save the desired disk image in this format, use a program from the same company, called UltraISO.

    Select “File” -> “” from the menu. In the file manager that appears, find the required disk image, select it and click the “Open” button. After that, select “File” -> “Save As”. In the window that appears, enter a name and select the .isz format from the list, then click the “Save” button. Wait for the process to complete.

    WinRAR is one of the most popular archive utilities today. It successfully works with a variety of archive formats, allowing you to exchange several documents at once. WinRAR also allows you to reduce the size of archived files, which makes it possible to transfer and download documents faster on the Internet.


    Archiving files allows you to significantly reduce the size of files to reduce their disk space and increase the transfer speed of the data channel. Install WinRAR program, downloading it from the official website of the developers. Install it according to the instructions that appear on the screen.

    The program does not require works additional settings, and therefore can be used immediately after launch. Open the utility using the “Start” menu - “All Programs” or through a shortcut on the desktop.

    In the application window, go to the desired section of your file system and find the files you want to compress. You can compress documents of any format and entire folders. How more files is present in the catalogue, the longer archiving and unpacking will take. After selecting the desired file, click the “Add” button.

    Please note

    Program files and text documents are the best ones to reduce in size. Video files, music and pictures are difficult to compress.

    Useful advice

    To unpack a file, just double-click the left mouse button on the archive and click the “Extract” button at the top of the program window. You can also extract the file to the same directory by right-clicking on the archive and selecting “Extract to current folder.”

    A situation often occurs when photos, video files and text documents on the PC hard drive take up too much space, there is a need to save the data on a medium, or you need to send a file by email large size. In such cases, you have to compress the file to save space. Compressed file takes up significantly less space on electronic media and is transmitted faster by e-mail.

    You can find archiver programs freely available on the Internet, as well as in online stores (in different versions). After downloading the program file, you will need to install it on your PC. In some cases, you need to register your copy of the program by clicking on the appropriate button.

    How to compress a file

    The file compression ratio can be set in the archiver settings. The minimum compression size is 1.3-1.4, which is available for the standard Windows archiver. To compress a file with a factor of 4-5, you will need to use one of the many third-party archivers. Do not forget that with strong file compression, the file processing time will increase, and for their subsequent recovery you need to add a self-extracting function to the settings, you can add a password, etc. These options are not available for all standard archivers, but only for programs that are distributed for a fee.

    The biggest savings come from archiving text files, and photos and pictures in TIF, BMP, JPG or JPEG formats will not save much space. If you need to place a very large video file in an archive, you can split it into separate parts - volumes that will correspond given dimensions. If it is possible to compare the compression ratio of files in different archive programs, you need to do this, then it will be clear which program is better to use.

    In order to archive documents, you need to right-click on the desired folder call the context menu and select “Add to archive”.

    After this you will be able to configure required parameters archiving: select required format archive, method of updating, compression, ability to divide into volumes, test the archive after compression, etc. You need to select in the “Split into volumes” field and set the upper limit for each part of the archive (volume).

    If there is a need to restore files from an archive, the actions should be similar: right-click on the desired archive to open a context menu and select the necessary parameters: folder name, archive unpacking settings.

    Video on the topic

    I’m often asked: “How to send a file by email?” or vice versa, I ask someone to send me this or that file, and the person I ask has no idea how to do it...
    Therefore, I decided to write this guide.
    First, let's prepare a file that we will send by mail.
    To do this, the file can be sent unpacked, i.e. as is, just attach the file to the letter, as an attachment, or packed in an archive...
    If our file is small, then it can be sent without "Archiving", i.e. no compression...

    If the file is large, it is better to pack it in "Archive", thanks to this, the file can become much smaller, which will speed up the transfer significantly.
    Also, it must be said that today, some mail services do not allow sending executable files and many program library files. In the case of Windows, executable file this is .EXE - i.e. file-program, and .DLL - file-libraries (libraries can be not only dll files, but I won’t list them all). This approach postal services This is understandable, this is due to the fact that when transmitting such files, the latter can simply turn out to be viruses, Trojans and various similar nastiness... Therefore, mail servers, in order to avoid problems, during the transmission of a letter, simply cut off attached files that they consider suspicious. This also applies to script files and files containing sets of commands, such as .BAT and .CMD...
    Therefore, such files should be packed into an archive, and not just packed, but packed and protected with a password!
    And also, a few words about packaging and archiving of files... Picture files, such as .JPG, .PNG, are almost not compressed during archiving, they can be packed into an archive only if you want to send a lot of files in a letter, and adding them all one by one is very “tedious”... Text files, on the contrary, are compressed very much when packed into an archive; it happens that after compression, the archive has approximately 30% of the original file size. In this case, it is better, of course, to pack the files, because... the size will be significantly reduced.
    This means that we have found out that packing files into an archive, i.e. should be archived:
    — If we want to transfer many files, after packaging, we will need to add only one file, and not 20 or 30 for example...
    — If we want to transfer text files, because... when packaging, the size is significantly reduced, and naturally, if we have a lot of these files, then it is much easier to add one file to the letter...
    — If we want to transfer a program file, etc. — the file(s) need to be archived so that the mail server does not cut them off...
    Also, we know that images like .JPG, .PNG should be archived only if we want to transfer several files, because these files almost do not lose size when packaged...
    Now let's talk about everything in order...
    How to archive files:

    For example, I have prepared several text files that have a total size of 3.73 megabytes.
    To pack files into an archive, we must have an archiver installed. Today the most common archiver is WinRar http://www.rarlab.com/) one minus of this program is that it is paid.
    And the program 7-zip(official website of the program: http://www.7-zip.org/) this archiver is free, but less common.
    Also, today, almost all operating systems support .ZIP archive files - this means that if you send a person a ZIP archive, he will simply be able to open it.
    Now let's add the files to the archive. To do this, select the desired group files:

    Click on them with the second (right) mouse button and select "Add to archive" (if you have some other archiver installed, the name of the menu item may differ).

    The Add files to archive window will open:

    In which we need to configure some parameters:
    1 - Set the file name (to transfer files over the Internet, it is better to set names in Latin letters, so that there are no problems with encodings, etc.)
    2 - Select the archive type (we already talked about this)
    3 - Set the compression level (the stronger the compression, the smaller our archive file will be)
    4 - Press the button OK to create an archive.
    Here is the dialog of the archiver program 7-zip:

    As you can see in the picture, almost everything is the same, well, yes, they are called a little differently, but in principle, it’s easy to understand...
    After packaging, we now have an archive file that is only 31.6 kilobytes in size, down from 3.73 megabytes!

    Now, how to set a password for the archive:
    WinRar— To create a password-protected archive, in the archive creation window, go to the tab "Additionally" and press the button "Set password".

    A password setting dialog will open:

    In which both fields should be filled in, i.e. password field and password confirmation field and click the button OK.
    7-zip— To create a password-protected archive, in the archive creation window, fill in two fields, naturally the password and password confirmation:

    After that, we carry out all the related settings, as described above.
    Well, that’s it, we’ve sorted out the packaging, let’s now move on directly to sending the file by mail...
    Adding a file to a letter.
    Now, we need to figure out some things... In what way do we use mail - through some mail program or through web interface, i.e. by going through a browser to the mail server website, enter your data there, etc. (a browser is a program that you use to view Internet sites)
    If you use Web Interface, then go to your mail account...
    Create a new letter. (I will show as an example how this is done on servers google, mail.ru And yandex)
    And after you write the text of the letter, if of course you need it, click:

    Link "Attach file"- V google

    button "Attach file"- V mail.ru

    button "Attach file"- V yandex

    After which, you will see a file selection dialog:

    In which you need: - specify the path to the file, i.e. go to the folder in which you store files for transfer, or in which you created the archive. Choose required file and press the button Open.
    After which, the file will be uploaded to the mail server and added to the letter:

    If you need to add any more files, then click on the “Attach file” button or link again, and actually do everything that was described above...

    Actually, that’s all, after creating a letter and adding an attached file, click on the send button and send the letter...
    Now let's look at how to do all this through email programs. For example, I will talk about the two most common email programs, these are The Bat! And Microsoft Outlook.
    First about Microsoft Outlook.
    As in the case of the Web Interface, create a new letter, enter the addressee, subject, text of the letter...

    Attach file

    (in older versions this button is located in a different location)

    In the same way, you can add several more files if necessary...
    Now about "The Bat!"
    As in all previous cases, we create a new letter, enter the addressee, subject, text of the letter...
    To add a file, click the button Attach file

    After which we will have an attachment file:

    In the same way, you can add several more files if necessary...
    That's it, to send the letter, click the send button...
    Using this guide, you will be able to send files through most Mail Servers, using their Web Interface and Most Mail Programs... Because. almost everywhere, these functions are very similar, almost always, named the same and located in the expected places.
    In many ways mailers, at the time of creating a letter, you can add attachments simply by dragging files with the mouse into the editing window of the new letter (as from folder to folder).

    Probably, many in childhood were faced with a situation when, when preparing us for a hiking trip or to a recreation center, our parents packed our things so compactly that there was even extra space. When we were going back home, we couldn’t pack even half of our things. Approximately the same situation occurs with computer data. The 7-Zip program acts as a compression device to compress information and place it in one container. But few people know in Zip. Therefore, the article will analyze popular programs, their capabilities and detailed steps for archiving and unzipping files and folders.

    Information about archives and their purpose

    Archiving files has been practiced for quite a long period of time. Previously, almost every user computer device knew how to zip and unzip a file, because every byte of memory counted. With the growth and improvement of technology, and with it the speed of the Internet, users are gradually beginning to forget about this program. By downloading or uploading a file to Global network, people are increasingly interested in questions about what is how to archive files?

    One of most popular programs 7-Zip is currently the best archiver for compressing information. It is faster than its analogues and is optimized for new versions of operating systems. This program is created based on an advanced algorithm using an optimal compression method. Files with the .zip extension do not take up much space, and their archiving process is the fastest. Agree, in our age of the Internet it is easier to transfer data in one file than to attach one document to a message. But how to archive a file or folder if you have never encountered an archiver program before? To understand this issue, you first need to install the necessary software on your computer.

    Installing the program

    Installing and configuring 7 Zip is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Previously, archivers were paid, so users tried to download installation applications from websites that were not scanned by antivirus software. Now, to download the program, you just need to go to the official website of the developers of the 7-Zip archiver and get complete package fun is completely free. How to install the program? You just need to launch the downloaded application that is compatible with the type of your operating system, select the path to the folder where it will be installed (by default it is selected system folder Program Files), and wait until the installer finishes copying and unpacking the files. The installation process takes a split second, after which you can move on to the question of how to archive the file in Zip. But you should remember that if you do not configure the program correctly, you will not be able to read any file, so below you need to read brief recommendations according to parameter settings.

    Easy setup of 7-Zip archiver

    The first launch of the program requires minor settings. To do this, select the “Service” item in the menu. Open “Settings” and in the “System” tab, check the boxes next to all available formats. This way your program will be able to decrypt literally all known archive formats, be it ISO, RAR or any others.

    Step-by-step instructions for creating and adding files to the archive

    If you are wondering how to archive a file in Zip, you need to follow this procedure:

    So we figured out how to compress. Archiving a folder and files, as you can see, is not particularly difficult.

    data archiver

    • LZMA. This algorithm is based on a scheme for compressing materials using a dictionary. It compresses data quite well, which is why the 7-Zip program has gained quite a lot of popularity.
    • LZMA2 is an improved compression algorithm. It has some advantages over the previous method.
    • PPMd. This algorithm is based on context modeling. It is good for its compression without data loss.
    • BZip2 is probably the oldest compression algorithm. It is quite efficient, but can only execute one command at a time: decompression or compression.

    We looked at compression methods, now you can choose how to archive a file in Zip.

    Ability to set a password for the archive

    There is an excellent opportunity to install a simple or complex password. How to install it, thereby protecting the archive from attackers who are trying to capture your data and files on the Internet? After you click on the "Add to archive" button, a window appears with the ability to select a compression method, future expansion and other parameters for creating an archive. On the right, in the same window, you can see an empty line for the encryption password. It must be entered twice and then saved by pressing the “Ok” button.

    So we figured out the main points using the 7zip archiver. The unzipping process is as simple and convenient even for novice users.

    The use of archives is in a convenient way storage and transmission of information. Let's talk about how to archive a file or folder, about the types electronic archives and how to properly send them by mail.

    By archiving data, you can easily reduce the size of the original document. Let's say it weighs 1 MB. After data compression, its size will be significantly reduced. In addition, this method is very convenient for grouping media documents and folders for sending to the Internet, since all data can be sent as one. Agree, it's convenient.

    Program overview

    Today the most popular services for creating archives are WinRar and 7ZIP. And if 7ZIP is intended purely for creating and processing archives, then the functionality of WinRar is much broader. For example, it can recognize disk images and open them as a folder. Another difference is distribution: 7ZIP is free program, while WinRar (VinRar) is a conditionally paid one. That is, even if we download it for free from the official website, it will have full functionality, and its only inconvenience will be the dialog box about purchasing the program, which can be closed. Let's look at how archiving works in the VinRar program.

    Add Dialog Box

    And yet, how to archive a file in WinRar? It's actually simple. Open the program. Then click add. A new dialog box will open in which the main parameters are:

    • Name. For example, document.rar, where "document" is the name and rar is the type (format). We'll talk about their types a little later;
    • format. As standard, you can choose from three extensions, namely: rar, rar5 and zip;
    • Compression mode. That is, roughly speaking, how much the size of our document will decrease. It should be remembered that the higher the compression level, the longer the processing takes.

    If desired, in the same window, without which working with the archive will be impossible. Now let's talk about their types, namely, find out what the difference is between “zip” and “rar”. Which type is preferable to use for sending by mail, and also in which format is it better to archive.

    The application is a mega popular archiver that processes almost any format

    Rar or zip, which is better to use?

    The main advantages zip extensions You can highlight processing speed and popularity. So, if you want to send a document by mail, then it would be better to use zip. As for the speed, it is higher for a zip archive compared to rar, but not so significant as to choose this type of archiving.

    As for the rar format, it provides better compression compared to the zip type. In addition, recovery information can be added to RAR archives, making the recovery process easier.

    How to archive documents?

    Let's learn how to properly archive a document for mailing.

    1. To begin, select the documents that need to be packed and transfer them to a separate folder;
    2. Open VinRar. In the window that appears, open the folder with documents and select them (the easiest way is to use the key combination ctrl+A). Click on the “Add” button, select the name of the archive, its compression level and type, and then click OK.
    3. Now an archive file has appeared in the folder with our documents. We go to the mail and send the file.

    Everything seems to be clear with files and folders. But we relaxed early - after all, when working in Windows, you will often have to deal with another type of information storage - compressed folders or “archives”.
    On the one hand, it seems that every archive is separate file. On the other hand, it is similar to a folder: after all, you can pack not one file into an archive, but several at once! Just like your school bag fits a bunch of all sorts of things - textbooks, notebooks, pens, diaries... Look from the outside - you’ll never guess how much stuff is crammed into this small and bright backpack?

    We know why we need bags: so that all this can be easily carried at one time. “Compressed folders” or archives are needed for the same thing: no matter how much information we have, all of it can fit into one single file!

    But the most important thing is that when packaged into an archive, files and folders lose some of their volume! This happens because repeated groups of characters in each file are replaced, for example, by one or two special characters.

    Let's say you created text document a large volume, which, well, it’s terrible how it needs to be delivered to the other end of the city. Or even not one document, but several. The capacity of the floppy disk, alas, is not rubber - only 1.44 MB! But what if your documents take up 2-3 megabytes?

    You will encounter the same problem if you need to send a file by email. Data crawls along the telephone cable through the modem at a snail's pace, and the issue of reducing the amount of transmitted information is always relevant.

    This is where archiving comes in handy, that is, the operation of placing a file or folder in a special archive file with simultaneous compression of information.

    Any file can be compressed, but in different ways. For example, a table or database is sometimes compressed tens of times. The text is compressed less, losing weight by 50-70 percent (depending on the text format). For example, the text of this book before packaging into an archive takes about 850 kb, and after compression - only 190 kb! But music files or images are almost impossible to compress.

    Windows allows the user to work with archives as with ordinary folders. You can open “packed” files directly from “archive” folders by simply clicking the left mouse button. Windows itself will unpack them into a “temporary” folder, and after the work is completed, it will place them back into the archive.

    Although Windows itself does a good job with archives, most often this work is entrusted to special archive programs. For example, WinRAR or WinZip - they pack faster and are more convenient to work with.

    Select with the mouse the folder or all the files that you want to send to the “compressed folder” (archive). Now call by right click Context menu and select Send / Compressed folder. Now, next to your original folder, a new one has appeared - or rather, similar to the folder archive file. This is what you can copy to a floppy disk or send by e-mail (the easiest way to do this, we remind you, is using the same Send item of the Context menu).