• Total Commander program. Its main features and instructions for use. Expanding the functionality of Total Commander

    Hello everyone, today I’ll tell you about what kind of program this is. Total Commander, so that you can easily understand whether you need it or not. In general, well, whoever doesn’t know this program, probably everyone knows it. But here’s a small correction: EVERYONE KNEW this program BEFORE, but now not everyone knows it anymore. It's just that it used to be very popular, but now not so many people use it...

    Well, Total Commander is like that file manager, which can do everything with files, copy them there, create folders and all that. In general, this program has no equal in this matter. What’s interesting is that I just didn’t know, it turns out that the program was previously called Windows Commander. But in 2002, Microsoft said, well, they quickly renamed the program! And since then the program has been called Total Commander. I think that Microsoft didn’t want users to think that it made the program, but Windows name Commander is hinting at exactly this.. In general, this is a trifle, just interesting

    The program works very quickly and it’s even difficult for me to imagine a computer on which it would slow down. As for me, the program is simply excellent, although I admit that I hardly used it. I don’t know why, well, I didn’t have such a need.

    If you want to install it for yourself, please note that there is a version for both 32-bit Windows and 64-bit. But if you suddenly download the 32-bit version of the program on 64-bit Windows, then in principle there will be nothing terrible, the program will work, but if it’s the other way around, then you won’t even be able to install the program

    Total Commander runs under the process TOTALCMD64.EXE, here it is in the manager:

    The program is installed in the root system disk, in this folder:

    After launching Total Commander, you will see a window where it will be written that you can use the program for free for a month. And then you need to either buy it or delete it. That's how strict things are, guys. This is the window:

    And at the bottom of the window there’s also this thing, like, press some number, well, do you know what this is? This is such a cartoon for programs that give free trial period. You know, they are creating something like this artificial complexity, because if you had bought Total Commander, then nothing like this would have happened. Such a complex thing should seem to push you to buy..

    After I pressed the number, the Settings window itself appeared:

    Well, I looked at these settings and I don’t think there’s anything worth changing there. Unless you know, on the Panel Contents tab, there you can check the boxes to display hidden files, system files:

    But again, these checkboxes are worth checking if you are a more or less advanced user, hidden files are hidden for a reason

    Here is the main window of Total Commander:

    This is the window, this is the whole principle of the program, the whole essence of the Commander! On one side you have one disk, on the other side you have another disk. And now you can copy and move files back and forth. To select or change a drive, you need to click here and select the drive letter:

    Well, then you can do something in the program. Now, if you call up the Network menu, then look, Commander still supports working with network drive, with FTP, and even some kind of connection can be established via the LPT/USB port:

    To be honest, I haven’t tested all these possibilities to see how they work. But due to the fact that the program is not new and has been known for a long time, I think that everything works here clearly and without gags

    Although, you know, just for fun, I’ll still try to go to the free and open FTP Opera server, by the way, here is its address:

    In the Network menu, I selected New FTP connection, then I inserted the Opera server in the window and clicked OK:

    Then a window popped up asking me to enter some postal address. Honestly, I don’t know why this is needed, but I entered a fake one, I just wrote [email protected], and then this Firewall window appeared:

    It's simple Windows Firewall asks us if Total Commander can go online. After all, to access an FTP server, it goes without saying that you need to go to the Internet. In general, just click Allow access and don’t worry

    That’s it, after this, in the first half of the program there will be the selected disk, well, which was selected earlier, but in the second half the contents of the FTP server will appear:

    And that’s it, now you can drag something from the FTP server to the disk. You can upload something to an FTP server, but I’m not sure that the Opera server supports this. And so in general you can calmly

    For example, I dragged the opera-developer folder (don’t pay attention to these brackets, this is kind of the design) from the FTP server to drive C (that is, to the drive on the left). A window like this pops up, just click OK:

    Well, look, files have started downloading from the FTP server to disk:

    Well, that is, everything works clearly, which we are convinced of

    Then, to delete the folder, I clicked on it once and then pressed the Del button (or you can also press F8), after which the following window popped up:

    Then some other confirmation popped up, after which the folder was quickly deleted.

    In general, Commander has a lot of functions, I don’t even know all of them, but I don’t think it will be difficult for you to understand them.

    Well, what do you think, do you need this Total Commander program or not? It seems to me that although the program is useful, it is unlikely that an ordinary user will use it. Some advanced users can and will use it, but the average user is unlikely to need all the functions that are in Commander. And even in such a format as the Total Commander program, you still need to spend a couple of minutes to understand it

    Total Commander is a program that makes working with your documents simple and convenient. When it loads, you will see a window divided into two fields. You can select the file you need that you want to open in any of the parts; then you need to click on the name the desired disk folders will open at the top and below it. Then click on the file line.

    Working with files in Total Commander

    If you want to copy a file, in one part of the window go through the process of opening the folder in which it is located, and in the other part - the folder into which you want to copy it. Next, drag with the left mouse button this file from the first window to the second. Also you can apply button click F5(copying).

    If you want to go through the process of selecting several files located in a row, hold down the key with the name Shift, simultaneously clicking on the line with the first file, and then on the last one. If the files are not located in a row, but scattered, you need to also hold down the keys Ctrl+a, click on each of them.

    To rename a file, you need to use the left mouse button to click on it and at the bottom - the “rename” key or click the buttons together Ctrl+ F6. After this you need to enter a new one.

    In order to view a file without opening it, you need to press the F3 key, and to delete a file, press the F8 key.

    Navigation Total Commander

    The navigation system of this program is easy and convenient. To go to the root of the disk, click the corresponding button in the upper area of ​​the panel. Changing the position of the disk occurs by pressing buttons Alt+F1(left panel) and Alt+F2(right).

    To go to a level higher on the first line “...” you need to click on Enter or double click.

    In this program you can change existing settings interface, for which you need to log in through Configuration to point Settings. For example, you can configure the context menu to be called using the right mouse button. Also there you can interface, window design, change button types, etc.

    Thus, working with this program is very easy and simple. Using its features can speed up your interaction with .

    » » Working with Total Commander. Lesson 1

    Working with Total Commander. Lesson 1

    In this lesson I would like to tell you about such useful program, How Total Commander, - I think some of you have heard about her one way or another. I’ll tell you briefly what it is and why it’s needed, in case you don’t know. The program itself belongs to the category of so-called file managers. If we talk about their functionality, they are designed for more comfortable work with files and folders. To which, perhaps, you can object that an ordinary conductorWindows. That's how it is, of course. But this very conductor has one drawback, which reduces all its convenience to nothing. Let's say we have standard task, — copy files from one disk to another. What should we do if we take into account that we are dealing with standard conductor? We must go to the drive from which we want to copy something, hold down Ctrl + C, go back, go to where we want to copy something and press Ctrl + V. The time it will take us to complete this entire operation will ultimately be depend directly on the nesting depth of the destination and source folders. And the main disadvantage of this is that we will perform the above operations within one window. It's not very convenient.

    This is where file managers come to our aid. On older computers where things may still dominateMS-DOS , it is quite possible to meetNorton Commander (NC) or, which is also often,Volkov Commander (VC) .

    What will appear to our eyes when we open Total Commander ?

    As we see here there are already two windows, and not one as in Explorer.

    Below command line, into which you can drive various commands. And right at the bottom there are tips with which we can perform various actions on files and folders.

    We can switch between two windows with the keyTab, or by mouse. But I prefer to use the keyboard, because knowing the keyboard shortcuts well makes working with the program faster.

    To move inside the window use arrow keys, or keys and PgUp And PgDown , thanks to which we can navigate page by page. If we want to leave a subfolder one level higher, then use the arrow to move to the very top, where it is located“ .. ” and press the key Enter.

    To select another drive, just click on the corresponding drive letter just above the panel, or use the key combinations: Alt + F1, Alt + F2 – left and right panels respectively.

    Creating and deleting a directory.

    Let's say a friend comes to you with a flash drive with movies recorded on it. And you, in order not to throw all the files in one heap, decided to create a corresponding directory on the disk. In Total Commander this is done like this - press the key F7, or use the mouse at the bottom of the panel to select F7 Catalog. Moreover, please note that the directory will be created exactly in the place where you at the moment were. And if you inadvertently made a mistake, then it’s okay, you can delete the directory by pressing F8.

    Copying files and directories.

    We have created a directory. Now we need to decide how to copy. Let's say our folder is called Video. We want to copy some movie into it. So, first of all, we need to go to this folder, where we will copy. And in another panel, select the flash drive, and using the cursor using the arrows or the mouse, select what we want to copy - to in this case some movie from a friend’s flash drive. And then click F5 .

    A confirmation window appears to perform the operation, and here we can click OK by giving permission for copying, or Cancel, thereby canceling the operation.

    To summarize, thenT otal C ommander copies information from one panel to another, from where the cursor is to where there is no cursor. To perform the opposite operation - copy a movie from the Video folder to your friend’s flash drive - you will need to press the keyTab , thereby moving to another panel - to the Video folderand carry out a similar operation.

    But what should you do if there is already a file with exactly the same name where you are copying? What to do then? Then the file manager will ask you what to do in this case.

    Replace - and then the file that already exists will be overwritten by what is already on the disk.

    Replace everything -if there are several such files, then all files will be overwritten. And at the same time you have for the current operationTotal C ommanderwill no longer ask what to do with the file, if any.

    Skip -do nothing but move on to the next file.

    Cancel - cancel copying.

    Replace older ones - existing files will be replaced by a newer copy.

    Skip all - skip everything, do nothing with all files of the same name, but continue to about feasting.

    Rename - specify a different name for the copied file.

    Add – combine, in other words, write information to the end of an existing file.However, it is not a fact that such files will be read.

    Working with a group of files. Methods of selection.

    IN This is all good, of course, but all this time we were operating with only one file. But what if there are a lot of such files? How can we let the system know that we want to copy them all at once? We must select all those files on which we want to perform some kind of operation - for this use either the keyIns , or right mouse button.In this case, the file name itself will turn red. But uh This method of selection is not the only one. You can also press the key combinationCtrl+A , then all the files that are in the directory will be highlighted. Pressing it again will, on the contrary, remove the entire selection. If you press the big key+ on the right, you can set a mask by which the selection will occur. For example,*.* means that all files will be selected. Star * means any number of characters. In other words, will be allocated files whose names and extensions can contain any number of characters.

    Let's say we need to select only text files. As we remember m , they have this extension - doc. To select only them, you need to set a mask like this:*. doc .

    A question mark can also be used as a mask symbol. ? — it serves to replace a single character. For example, you have a file in your directory called catalog.doc, but you cannot remember whether it is written catalog or katalog. Then we set this mask - ?atalog.doc. Really simple?

    View files.

    Let's say you found this file, catalog.doc. How can I view it now? This is a simple matter - as a rule, when you double click on a file, the document is loaded in the program that is associated with it. But if there is no such program, then the built-in file viewer - which is called Lister, however, they will be able to view mostly only text files. In the same program, you can change the encoding, in case the program could not guess it correctly.

    Moving and renaming files and directories.

    Let's assume we find ourselves in the following situation. We have a folder on our hard drive that contains a bunch of e-books. And suddenly, one fine day, we decided to sort them by genre. The first thing we would do is most likely create a separate folder for a separate genre, which would be logical. Of course, you could copy all these files so that they appear in a new folder. But why should we waste space on our hard drive when we can simply move files from the old location to the new one? We do exactly the same as with copying files. Namely, in one window we select what we will move, in the other - where we will move it. We place the cursor in the place from which we will move. But this time we press the key F6 – Moving.

    Please also note that when T otal C ommander asked you for confirmation of movement, he began it with the words: “ Move/Rename" This means that using this command we can rename files - to do this, you just need to enter a new file name. For example, like this:

    There is also such a trick as getting exactly the same file in the same directory as the one on which the cursor is located. This is done like this: you press the F5 key as usual, but this time, in the same way as with renaming, you specify a new file name. This is what it looks like:

    Upon completion of the operation, you will have a file in the current directory with the same content as file.txt, but with a different name.

    We can easily rename a group of files; let’s give all files with the .txt extension the .doc extension. How is this done? Select all the files to be renamed and press the big + key in the block Num Lock. Press the F6 key and set the *.txt mask. Like this:

    By clicking the OK button, all files will be renamed to the ones we need.

    We can also copy a file with a different name at once, that is, perform two operations at once - copy and rename on the fly. This operation is similar to regular copying, but this time, when copying, we do not delete the entire path, but simply change the file name.

    With this operation, file2.doc will be copied as file3.doc.

    Deleting files and directories.

    To delete a file, use the F8 key.

    Let's summarize.

    In this lesson, we looked at the basic operations with files and directories that can be done using the Total Commander file manager. As you probably already noticed, this is much more convenient and simpler than doing the same thing using a regular Explorer - the result is the same, and there are fewer operations to perform. Moreover, mastering any other file manager will now not be difficult for you, because the essence is always the same: there are two windows in one program. See you in the next lessons!

    Many have heard about the Total Commander program and what it is useful application for PC, but few people tried to install this manager to your computer. Even fewer people know how to use the Total Commander program. Many of those who have installed this application on their computer do not use it to the maximum. For example, not everyone knows that Total Commander can be used as an FTP manager for working with servers. This is just one of the features of this application. This article is an instruction that will teach you how to work with Total Commander and show you the basics of managing the manager.

    Why do you need the Total Commander program?

    If we literally translate the name of the program from English, we get “total control” or “full control”.

    This is the essence of the Total Commander program - it is needed to manage the file system of various devices.

    For example, you will be able to control the computer, or removable media or even use an application to upload files to a remote server. It cannot be said that without this program your the computer will disappear, but with Total Commander it will be much easier and more convenient to perform various operations.

    Many people use this program rather than the standard explorer, because by default the computer takes a long time to complete operations, but Total Commander works quickly. You can almost instantly copy, move, rename, cut and paste any files you have access to. Your computer will quickly turn into an organized system with Total Commander. And although at first it will seem to you that using the manager is not very convenient, over time you will get used to it and realize that there are many advantages to this!

    However, the program also has negative sides. So, it is better to use for an FTP connection not Total Commander, but FileZilla - a manager that is designed to work with FTP protocol. The fact is that the application in question has a lower speed of downloading data from the Internet, so use it to work with FileZilla servers somewhat more convenient and practical.

    How to use the Total Commander manager

    Like many similar programs, the Total Commander application has an interface consisting of two panels: active and passive. Using these panels, you can issue various commands to the program and perform operations on the file system. The active panel is the panel that your cursor is currently working with - it is usually highlighted. And it is called active because the commands that you execute will be implemented in this panel.

    As you understand, using panels you can make changes to the file system. Above the panels are the toolbar commands that you will use all the time. And even higher is the main menu for changing program settings. At the very bottom you will find a horizontal list of the commands that you use most often. Essentially, the commands of this program are key combinations that launch certain processes. Here are the most frequent commands that users use:

    1. F4 - in normal mode the computer copies the file or folder under the cursor. In FTP mode, downloading to the computer begins, and if the cursor is hovered over the archive, it is unpacked.
    2. F6 - two commands in one key: rename and move.
    3. F7 - create a directory.

    Unfortunately, this instruction will not contain all the commands that are in this program, because there are more than a hundred of them. Basically, you will use the F, Ctrl, Enter and Shift keys. Over time, you will learn the necessary commands, especially when you need to speed up your work with the program.

    Total Commander is convenient because, thanks to two panels in the interface, you can quickly compare the availability of certain files on different disks and media. To open a device, click on the arrow at the top of one of the panels, and a list of available media will appear in front of you. Select a drive or storage device from the list and it will open in the panel above which you clicked the button. Now you can quickly view and find the file that you need to transfer from one place to another. Otherwise, if you didn't have this file manager installed, you would have to first open two folders, and then look through first one and then the second to find the document you need.

    One more useful feature Total Commander is searchable necessary files. To do this, select the binoculars icon in the toolbar, which activates the search mode. You can find a file or folder using various filters. Enter the name, format, text that appears inside the document, indicate approximately where to search, and Total Commander will quickly display the result. This search is much smarter than the standard Windows Search. It’s strange that Microsoft hasn’t yet bought a license for Total Commander and hasn’t added this application to the list of standard ones - that would have been much more convenient for users.

    Beginner users often have problems when working in Total with a large stack of files. I don’t know how to select many documents; beginners start working with files separately, which is completely inconvenient. To select many files, you need to hold down Ctrl and then click on each file with the mouse - this will highlight them all. Also note that Total Commaner does not work exactly like your computer. For example, to delete a file or folder, you need to either use the line or press F8 instead of Del. Knowing all these nuances, you will quickly learn how to apply Total program Commander for your purposes, and you will understand that this is an indispensable application for daily use!

    Total Commander is essentially an analogue Windows Explorer, but it is much more efficient and easier to manage. For many users, this file manager has long been vital necessary tool, from which work on the PC begins. The popularity of Total Commander is also largely determined by its weak level of payment protection. This file manager is distributed under a Shareware license, i.e. it is implied free use within a month. But in fact, even after free month use of Total Commander is not blocked.

    Just press one of the three numbers (1, 2 or 3) and after counting down the seconds, the manager will start. There will be no restrictions on the functionality of the program.
    Download Total Commander current version can be found on the official website page. At the time of writing, the infinite trial version of Total Commander 8.51a is current, both 32-bit and 64-bit.
    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that during the installation of Total Commander you can select the folder where the configuration files are located, for which you need to click on the “Set path to INI files” button. Now you can easily transfer your Total Commander settings to another computer simply by copying the INI files.

    I chose the program directory to store INI files (convenient when the program is used from different operating systems). If you use several Total versions Commander, then it is better to store INI files in the Windows directory.

    The Total Commander user interface is designed in a classic two-panel form, which is very convenient when performing a variety of manipulations with files and folders.

    Setting up Total Commander

    Let's go through the settings of Total Commander, for this you need from top menu select "Configuration" - "Settings". Window view - here are concentrated some of the most important settings, which determine the appearance of the file manager window.

    In order to add or remove certain components of the main window, just uncheck or check the checkbox; after clicking the "Apply" button, you can see with your own eyes changes made. If you are satisfied with everything, click “OK”.
    On the tab "Panel Contents" provides the opportunity to configure work with files and folders on the manager panels.

    Settings items: Icons, Fonts, and Colors arrange to your liking.
    In the tab "Tabulators" we configure tab stop positions (size, file type, date), and also set a template for displaying file sizes. For me personally, it is more convenient when the size of files (folders) is shown not in bytes, but in Mb, Gb or Kb.

    Agree that it is not very convenient to often open a folder that is located somewhere deep in the directory.
    You can pin frequently used tabs to the file panel as follows. Open the desired folder and right-click on it. From the context menu, select the option or "Rename/Lock tab" . You can also use hotkeys: Ctrl+T - create a tab, Ctrl+W - delete a tab.

    If there are a lot of blocked tabs, then they can be evenly distributed across both manager panels simply by dragging them with the mouse. Don't forget to save changes from the top menu "Configuration" - "Save position" and "Save settings" . Now you have the necessary tabs, which will not disappear until you change the settings. During long work With the program, it may happen that you have many tabs open. In order to close them on any of the tabs, right-click and select the item from the menu "Close all tabs" or click on the hotkey combination "Ctrl+Shift+W". After this, all unlocked and inactive tabs on the file manager panel you selected will close.
    The next important setting item "Basic Operations" .

    Connecting the Notepad++ editor to Total Commander by default

    Best editor text files, in my opinion, is Notepad++ . How can I make it the default editor in Total Commander? On the next settings tab "Edit/View" you can connect external programs to view and edit files in Total Commander by pressing the F3 (view) or F4 (edit) button.
    Choose Editor program- a path selection window will open where you need to find Notepad++ on your computer.

    Setting up hot keys in

    It is worth noting that Total Commander by default has a huge number of keyboard shortcuts to work with. The list of hot keys can be viewed by clicking on the "Help" button in the right top corner Total Commander. It is noteworthy that in the settings item "Miscellaneous" You can redefine hotkeys in the manager at your discretion. Let's set, for example, showing and hiding system files keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H - cm_SwitchHidSys.

    So, I recommend assigning the following hotkey combinations:
    "Ctrl+W" - cm_CopyNamesToClip- copy file names to the clipboard. You can copy one or several file names at once.
    "Alt+W" - cm_CopyFullNamesToClip- copy file names with their location paths to the clipboard. Significantly saves time!
    "Shift+Home" - cm_OpenDesktop- open the "Desktop" tab in the Total Commander window. It is often convenient to start work from the desktop, and from here you can go to the Control Panel, etc.
    "Shift+BackSpace" - cm_GoToRoot- go to the root directory of the disk from anywhere. Also a very useful thing. Clicking "Ctrl+\" you also, by default, go to the root directory of the disk. Well, just a key "BackSpace" by default in Total it moves one level higher.

    On the official website of the Total Commander developer you can find and download a great variety of plugins: http://www.ghisler.com/plugins.htm. If you don’t want to bother translating their descriptions into Russian, then visit the Russian-language website http://wincmd.ru. New plugins are also available from the unofficial TC website (http://www.totalcmd.net/).
    If you open the tab "Plugins" in the settings of Total Commander, you will see that the plugins themselves are divided into four types: Archive plugins (have the WCX extension), Plugins file system(WFX), Internal Viewer Plugins (WLX) and Information Plugins (WDX).

    Archiving plugins allow you to work with archives that are not initially supported in the file manager or are supported with restrictions. Using archiving plugins, support for working with a number of other file formats- CHM, MSI, ICL, DLL, etc. File system plugins allow you to access drives that are not accessible from Windows, remote systems, internal modules Windows, media with other file systems. Internal viewer plugins allow you to view files various formats, incl. not supported by Lister's internal viewer, such as images, tables, databases, etc. Information plugins are designed to provide access to extended information about files (MP3 tags, image attributes, etc.)
    There are two ways to install plugins: automatically and manually. Automatic installation does not cause any difficulties: just open the downloaded archive with the plugin in the Total Commander panel and the manager itself will offer to install the detected module. Is it true, automatic installation Not available for all plugins.

    Connecting additional plugins manually is also not difficult. To install the plugin, unpack the contents of the archive into a separate folder. Best in the catalog with Total manager Commander create a subdirectory "Plugins" , where you can create separate folders for each plugin separately. In the future, this policy will allow you to avoid confusion in the Total Commander folders.
    Now you need to open the Total Commander settings Configuration - Settings , where in the section Plugins you should click on the button "Settings" With the right type plugin. In the drop-down window, click "Add" and select a file with the extension .wfx (wdx, wcx or wlx) - the actual file of the plugin to be installed from the folder we created. All! The plugin is installed.

    To see which plugins of each type are installed in your Total Commander build, click the button "Tune" in the relevant area. I emphasized the archiver plugins in my manager build.

    Thanks to installed plugins you can view any folders and files on the adjacent Total Commander panel using a hotkey combination "Ctrl+Q". If you navigate through files in one panel, their contents will be displayed in the adjacent viewing panel.

    There are many software for managing Windows OS parameters - these are plugins built into the system, and various tweakers, and system utilities. There are many plugins developed for Total Commander that solve the same problem. Using TC file system plugins provides the opportunity to keep your finger on the pulse of your computer's OS from the familiar and very convenient interface TS file manager and perform many operations much faster than through the built-in Windows toolkit.

    File system plugins are available in Total Commander via Network environment

    Very easy to use Uninstaller 64 plugin , which is designed to quickly uninstall applications that are in the list "Add or remove programs" panels Windows management. The plugin allows you to view all entries, including hidden ones, and works much faster than the built-in one. Windows uninstaller. To uninstall an application using this plugin, you need to highlight the line with the program name and press the Enter key. The plugin is also used to remove broken links (Del or F8 buttons) and view the uninstallation command (F3 or Ctrl+Q).

    Thanks to the plugin ProcFS Task Manager you can view running processes on your PC, including those that may be hiding from standard dispatcher Windows tasks. The panel shows the name of the process, its type, the amount of memory occupied by the process, and the time it started. The plugin allows you to view properties running processes and the libraries they use (F3), change processes' priorities (double-click on the process) and unload them (Del).

    Services2 plugin - This handy tool to work with Windows services. This plugin allows you to view a list of services, and by appearance icons you can immediately understand whether the service is running or stopped. The plugin allows you to quickly change the launch mode of a specific service (manual, automatic, disabled), you can pause the service, delete or start the service. All of the above operations are performed in the service properties window, which opens double click mouse on the service line or by pressing the Enter key.

    Quick Tabs and Files in Total Commander

    Open the folder in Total Commander that you want to save and have access to quick access, and press the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + D" or click on the star in the upper right corner of the panel. IN Google Chrome this keyboard shortcut adds to bookmarks, and in Total Commander – to the quick access menu. From the context menu, select "Add current directory" .

    You can select any of the proposed submenu types. By clicking again on the star or keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + D" you can view a list of your directories that you have quick access to. This menu can also be called up using the mouse - double click by the name of the current directory.

    Total Commander Control Panel

    Add shortcuts to programs, internal teams, as well as to any system team to the Total Commander toolbar is quite simple. You must either drag the exe file of the program onto the panel itself or enter the path to the program manually.
    First option. Go to the "Program Files" folder and drag the exe file of the program onto the Total Commander panel.

    Second option. Right-click on empty space toolbar and then "Edit". In the window that opens, click “Add” and add the program by specifying the full path to it exe file. I prefer to use the first option.

    If, after clicking the “Add” button, you click the small button with a magnifying glass, then you will see a huge list of commands provided in Total Commander.

    At the bottom of the window in the box "Filter" , indicate, for example, the command number 2400 (group renaming) and click "OK". An additional icon will appear in the toolbar; by clicking on it, you can rename an entire list of files at once.

    The Total toolbar is also interesting because other files and folders can interact with the programs pinned here. Drag, for example, the folder containing mp3 files onto the AIMP3 player icon in the toolbar. Your audio files will start playing one after another. Similarly, drag the CSS file onto the text icon Notepad editor++ and the program will immediately open it. Drag"n Drop (take and throw) from file panels to the shortcuts of the folders we created earlier will cause files to be copied to these folders!
    If your Total Commander is in startup, then thanks to installed icons launch programs directly from the TS manager toolbar, you will not need to install extra shortcuts to the desktop. If necessary, unnecessary icons can be easily removed from the toolbar in the same way as they were installed: by highlighting unnecessary icon, click on the "Delete" button and the icon will disappear.
    At the bottom of the manager there are function key buttons

    These buttons also support Drag"n Drop, so the most convenient way to use them is not by pressing the F3, F4, F5 buttons themselves, but by dragging selected files and folders onto these buttons. Believe me, it’s more convenient this way. And if you right-click on the F8 button, it will open context menu, where you can empty the Trash or view its properties.

    The FTP client integrated into Total Commander allows you to connect to your website (blog) without any problems and provides necessary information. To select a connection, just press the key combination CTRL+F, and if you have not configured a single connection yet, then in the window that opens, simply click on the “Add” button.

    The FTP connection settings are not much different from the FileZilla FTP client settings, so you already know what to do next.

    Connecting network drives in Total Commander

    Turn on "Net" in the Total Commander setup menu. Select function .
    In the window that appears, select the drive and folder in which you want to store the information. You can specify the path to the site where images and documents will be stored.

    Basic operations with folders/files in Total Commander

    All actions with folders/files in the file manager are performed extremely simply, literally, by pressing one or two buttons.

    Selecting files

    Before performing operations on several objects at once, they must first be selected. This can be done by right-clicking on each object or left-clicking, after holding down the Ctrl key.

    Renaming files

    Place the cursor over the desired file/folder and double-click on the object (but not very quickly!) with the left mouse button, the object will turn blue, and then set a new name.

    Deleting files

    Select the desired file/folder or select several at once. Then, press F8 - the delete key.

    Copy/move files

    Select the desired file/folder or several at once in one file manager panel. Then, in another panel, select the folder where you want to copy/move these objects and press the F5 or F6 button accordingly.

    Select on any panel the required number of files that will need to be renamed using a specific mask and press the key combination Ctrl+M.

    Setting up internal associations is available from the "Files" menu. All files that you open in Total Commander with a double click can be associated i.e. configure their opening by any programs on your computer.

    Working with archives

    You can pack (Alt+F5), unpack (Alt+F9) and check (Alt+Shift+F9) archives using the archive plugins installed in Total Commander. In addition, you can enter archives like regular folders, which significantly saves your time.

    Search by files in Total Commander

    To quickly find important folders or files on the disk, use the search function integrated into the file manager by clicking on the “magnifying glass” icon on the toolbar or use the Alt+F7 key combination. If you search for files in Russian, do not forget to check the “UTF-8” checkbox. All additional settings(size, creation date, available attributes) for searching you will find in the tab "Additionally" .

    Splitting a file into fragments

    Breakdown large file into fragments given size available from menu "Files" . The cut file can be assembled in reverse order through the same menu. This function can be useful, for example, when sending large files by email.

    Here is the most basic thing you may need when using Total Commander. However, if you delve deeper into the study of this file manager, you can use its capabilities much more widely!
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