• Show GPS coordinates. How to find a point using latitude and longitude coordinates

    Coordinates are called angular and linear quantities (numbers) that determine the position of a point on any surface or in space.

    In topography, coordinate systems are used that make it possible to most simply and unambiguously determine the position of points on the earth's surface, both from the results of direct measurements on the ground and using maps. Such systems include geographic, flat rectangular, polar and bipolar coordinates.

    Geographic coordinates(Fig. 1) – angular values: latitude (j) and longitude (L), which determine the position of an object on the earth’s surface relative to the origin of coordinates – the point of intersection of the prime (Greenwich) meridian with the equator. On a map, the geographic grid is indicated by a scale on all sides of the map frame. The western and eastern sides of the frame are meridians, and the northern and southern sides are parallels. In the corners of the map sheet the geographical coordinates of the points of intersection of the sides of the frame are written.

    Rice. 1. System geographical coordinates on the earth's surface

    In the geographic coordinate system, the position of any point on the earth's surface relative to the origin of coordinates is determined in angular measure. In our country and in most other countries, the point of intersection of the prime (Greenwich) meridian with the equator is taken as the beginning. Being thus uniform for our entire planet, the system of geographic coordinates is convenient for solving problems of determining the relative position of objects located at significant distances from each other. Therefore, in military affairs this system is used mainly for conducting calculations related to the use of combat weapons. long range, for example, ballistic missiles, aviation, etc.

    Plane rectangular coordinates(Fig. 2) - linear quantities that determine the position of an object on a plane relative to the accepted origin of coordinates - the intersection of two mutually perpendicular lines (coordinate axes X and Y).

    In topography, each 6-degree zone has its own system of rectangular coordinates. The X axis is the axial meridian of the zone, the Y axis is the equator, and the point of intersection of the axial meridian with the equator is the origin of coordinates.

    Rice. 2. System of flat rectangular coordinates on maps

    The plane rectangular coordinate system is zonal; it is established for each six-degree zone into which the Earth’s surface is divided when depicting it on maps in the Gaussian projection, and is intended to indicate the position of images of points of the earth’s surface on a plane (map) in this projection.

    The origin of coordinates in a zone is the point of intersection of the axial meridian with the equator, relative to which the position of all other points in the zone is determined in a linear measure. The origin of the zone and its coordinate axes occupy a strictly defined position on the earth's surface. Therefore, the system of flat rectangular coordinates of each zone is connected both with the coordinate systems of all other zones and with the system of geographical coordinates.

    The use of linear quantities to determine the position of points makes the system of flat rectangular coordinates very convenient for carrying out calculations both when working on the ground and on a map. Therefore, this system is most widely used among the troops. Rectangular coordinates indicate the position of terrain points, their battle formations and targets, and with their help determine the relative position of objects within one coordinate zone or in adjacent areas of two zones.

    Polar and bipolar coordinate systems are local systems. In military practice, they are used to determine the position of some points relative to others in relatively small areas of the terrain, for example, when designating targets, marking landmarks and targets, drawing up terrain diagrams, etc. These systems can be associated with systems of rectangular and geographic coordinates.

    2. Determining geographic coordinates and plotting objects on a map using known coordinates

    The geographic coordinates of a point located on the map are determined from the nearest parallel and meridian, the latitude and longitude of which are known.

    The topographic map frame is divided into minutes, which are separated by dots into divisions of 10 seconds each. Latitudes are indicated on the sides of the frame, and longitudes are indicated on the northern and southern sides.

    Rice. 3. Determining the geographic coordinates of a point on the map (point A) and plotting the point on the map according to geographic coordinates (point B)

    Using the minute frame of the map you can:

    1 . Determine the geographic coordinates of any point on the map.

    For example, the coordinates of point A (Fig. 3). To do this, you need to use a measuring compass to measure the shortest distance from point A to the southern frame of the map, then attach the meter to the western frame and determine the number of minutes and seconds in the measured segment, add the resulting (measured) value of minutes and seconds (0"27") with the latitude of the southwest corner of the frame - 54°30".

    Latitude points on the map will be equal to: 54°30"+0"27" = 54°30"27".

    Longitude is defined similarly.

    Using a measuring compass, measure the shortest distance from point A to the western frame of the map, apply the measuring compass to the southern frame, determine the number of minutes and seconds in the measured segment (2"35"), add the resulting (measured) value to the longitude of the southwestern corner frames - 45°00".

    Longitude points on the map will be equal to: 45°00"+2"35" = 45°02"35"

    2. Plot any point on the map according to the given geographic coordinates.

    For example, point B latitude: 54°31 "08", longitude 45°01 "41".

    To plot a point in longitude on a map, it is necessary to draw the true meridian through this point, why connect the same number of minutes along the northern and southern frames; To plot a point in latitude on a map, it is necessary to draw a parallel through this point, for which you connect the same number of minutes along the western and eastern frames. The intersection of two lines will determine the location of point B.

    3. Rectangular coordinate grid on topographic maps and its digitization. Additional grid at the junction of coordinate zones

    The coordinate grid on the map is a grid of squares formed by lines parallel to the coordinate axes of the zone. Grid lines are drawn through an integer number of kilometers. Therefore, the coordinate grid is also called the kilometer grid, and its lines are kilometer.

    On a 1:25000 map, the lines forming the coordinate grid are drawn every 4 cm, that is, every 1 km on the ground, and on maps 1:50000-1:200000 every 2 cm (1.2 and 4 km on the ground, respectively). On a 1:500000 map, only the outputs of the coordinate grid lines are plotted on the inner frame of each sheet every 2 cm (10 km on the ground). If necessary, coordinate lines can be drawn on the map along these outputs.

    On topographic maps, the values ​​of the abscissa and ordinate of coordinate lines (Fig. 2) are signed at the exits of the lines outside the inner frame of the sheet and in nine places on each sheet of the map. The full values ​​of the abscissa and ordinate in kilometers are written near the coordinate lines closest to the corners of the map frame and near the intersection of the coordinate lines closest to the northwestern corner. The remaining coordinate lines are abbreviated with two numbers (tens and units of kilometers). The labels near the horizontal grid lines correspond to the distances from the ordinate axis in kilometers.

    Labels near the vertical lines indicate the zone number (one or two first digits) and the distance in kilometers (always three digits) from the origin of coordinates, conventionally moved west of the zone’s axial meridian by 500 km. For example, the signature 6740 means: 6 - zone number, 740 - distance from the conventional origin in kilometers.

    On the outer frame there are outputs of coordinate lines ( additional mesh) coordinate system of the adjacent zone.

    4. Determination of rectangular coordinates of points. Drawing points on a map by their coordinates

    Using a coordinate grid using a compass (ruler), you can:

    1. Determine the rectangular coordinates of a point on the map.

    For example, points B (Fig. 2).

    To do this you need:

    • write down X - digitization of the lower kilometer line of the square in which point B is located, i.e. 6657 km;
    • measure the perpendicular distance from the bottom kilometer line of the square to point B and, using the linear scale of the map, determine the size of this segment in meters;
    • add the measured value of 575 m with the digitization value of the lower kilometer line of the square: X=6657000+575=6657575 m.

    The Y ordinate is determined in the same way:

    • write down the Y value - digitization of the left vertical line of the square, i.e. 7363;
    • measure the perpendicular distance from this line to point B, i.e. 335 m;
    • add the measured distance to the Y digitization value of the left vertical line of the square: Y=7363000+335=7363335 m.

    2. Place the target on the map at the given coordinates.

    For example, point G at coordinates: X=6658725 Y=7362360.

    To do this you need:

    • find the square in which point G is located according to the value of whole kilometers, i.e. 5862;
    • set aside from the lower left corner of the square a segment on the map scale equal to the difference between the abscissa of the target and the bottom side of the square - 725 m;
    • From the obtained point, along the perpendicular to the right, plot a segment equal to the difference between the ordinates of the target and the left side of the square, i.e. 360 m.

    Rice. 2. Determining the rectangular coordinates of a point on the map (point B) and plotting the point on the map using rectangular coordinates (point D)

    5. Accuracy of determining coordinates on maps of various scales

    The accuracy of determining geographic coordinates using 1:25000-1:200000 maps is about 2 and 10"" respectively.

    The accuracy of determining the rectangular coordinates of points from a map is limited not only by its scale, but also by the magnitude of errors allowed when shooting or drawing up a map and plotting various points and terrain objects on it

    Most accurately (with an error not exceeding 0.2 mm) geodetic points and are plotted on the map. objects that stand out most sharply in the area and are visible from a distance, having the significance of landmarks (individual bell towers, factory chimneys, tower-type buildings). Therefore, the coordinates of such points can be determined with approximately the same accuracy with which they are plotted on the map, i.e. for a map of scale 1:25000 - with an accuracy of 5-7 m, for a map of scale 1:50000 - with an accuracy of 10- 15 m, for a map of scale 1:100000 - with an accuracy of 20-30 m.

    The remaining landmarks and contour points are plotted on the map, and, therefore, determined from it with an error of up to 0.5 mm, and points related to contours that are not clearly defined on the ground (for example, the contour of a swamp), with an error of up to 1 mm.

    6. Determining the position of objects (points) in polar and bipolar coordinate systems, plotting objects on a map by direction and distance, by two angles or by two distances

    System flat polar coordinates(Fig. 3, a) consists of point O - the origin, or poles, and the initial direction of the OR, called polar axis.

    Rice. 3. a – polar coordinates; b – bipolar coordinates

    The position of point M on the ground or on the map in this system is determined by two coordinates: the position angle θ, which is measured clockwise from the polar axis to the direction to the determined point M (from 0 to 360°), and the distance OM=D.

    Depending on the problem being solved, the pole is taken to be an observation point, firing position, starting point of movement, etc., and the polar axis is the geographic (true) meridian, magnetic meridian (direction of the magnetic compass needle), or the direction to some landmark .

    These coordinates can be either two position angles that determine the directions from points A and B to the desired point M, or the distances D1=AM and D2=BM to it. The position angles in this case, as shown in Fig. 1, b, are measured at points A and B or from the direction of the basis (i.e. angle A = BAM and angle B = ABM) or from any other directions passing through points A and B and taken as the initial ones. For example, in the second case, the location of point M is determined by the position angles θ1 and θ2, measured from the direction of the magnetic meridians. System flat bipolar (two-pole) coordinates(Fig. 3, b) consists of two poles A and B and a common axis AB, called the basis or base of the notch. The position of any point M relative to two data on the map (terrain) of points A and B is determined by the coordinates that are measured on the map or on the terrain.

    Drawing a detected object on a map

    This is one of the most important moments in object detection. The accuracy of determining its coordinates depends on how accurately the object (target) is plotted on the map.

    Having detected an object (target), you must first accurately determine various signs what is discovered. Then, without stopping observing the object and without detecting yourself, put the object on the map. There are several ways to plot an object on a map.

    Visually: A feature is plotted on the map if it is near a known landmark.

    By direction and distance: to do this, you need to orient the map, find the point of your standing on it, indicate on the map the direction to the detected object and draw a line to the object from the point of your standing, then determine the distance to the object by measuring this distance on the map and comparing it with the scale of the map.

    Rice. 4. Drawing the target on the map with a straight line from two points.

    If it is graphically impossible to solve the problem in this way (the enemy is in the way, poor visibility, etc.), then you need to accurately measure the azimuth to the object, then translate it into a directional angle and draw on the map from the standing point the direction at which to plot the distance to the object.

    To obtain a directional angle, you need to add the magnetic declination of a given map to the magnetic azimuth (direction correction).

    Straight serif. In this way, an object is placed on a map of 2-3 points from which it can be observed. To do this, from each selected point, the direction to the object is drawn on an oriented map, then the intersection of straight lines determines the location of the object.

    7. Methods of target designation on the map: in graphic coordinates, flat rectangular coordinates (full and abbreviated), by kilometer grid squares (up to a whole square, up to 1/4, up to 1/9 square), from a landmark, from a conventional line, in azimuth and target range, in the bipolar coordinate system

    The ability to quickly and correctly indicate targets, landmarks and other objects on the ground is important for controlling units and fire in battle or for organizing battle.

    Targeting in geographical coordinates used very rarely and only in cases where targets are located at a considerable distance from a given point on the map, expressed in tens or hundreds of kilometers. In this case, geographic coordinates are determined from the map, as described in question No. 2 of this lesson.

    The location of the target (object) is indicated by latitude and longitude, for example, height 245.2 (40° 8" 40" N, 65° 31" 00" E). On the eastern (western), northern (southern) sides of the topographic frame, marks of the target position in latitude and longitude are applied with a compass. From these marks, perpendiculars are lowered into the depth of the topographic map sheet until they intersect (commander’s rulers and standard sheets of paper are applied). The point of intersection of the perpendiculars is the position of the target on the map.

    For approximate target designation by rectangular coordinates It is enough to indicate on the map the grid square in which the object is located. The square is always indicated by the numbers of the kilometer lines, the intersection of which forms the southwest (lower left) corner. When indicating the square of the map, the following rule is followed: first they call two numbers signed at the horizontal line (on the western side), that is, the “X” coordinate, and then two numbers at the vertical line (the southern side of the sheet), that is, the “Y” coordinate. In this case, “X” and “Y” are not said. For example, enemy tanks were spotted. When transmitting a report by radiotelephone, the square number is pronounced: "eighty eight zero two."

    If the position of a point (object) needs to be determined more accurately, then full or abbreviated coordinates are used.

    Working with full coordinates. For example, you need to determine the coordinates of a road sign in square 8803 on a map at a scale of 1:50000. First, determine the distance from the bottom horizontal side of the square to the road sign (for example, 600 m on the ground). In the same way, measure the distance from the left vertical side of the square (for example, 500 m). Now, by digitizing kilometer lines, we determine the full coordinates of the object. Horizontal line has the signature 5988 (X), adding the distance from this line to the road sign, we get: X=5988600. We determine the vertical line in the same way and get 2403500. The full coordinates of the road sign are as follows: X = 5988600 m, Y = 2403500 m.

    Abbreviated coordinates respectively will be equal: X=88600 m, Y=03500 m.

    If it is necessary to clarify the position of a target in a square, then target designation is used in an alphabetic or digital way inside the square of a kilometer grid.

    During target designation literal way inside the square of the kilometer grid, the square is conditionally divided into 4 parts, each part is assigned capital letter Russian alphabet.

    Second way - digital way target designation inside the square kilometer grid (target designation by snail ). This method got its name from the arrangement of conventional digital squares inside the square of the kilometer grid. They are arranged as if in a spiral, with the square divided into 9 parts.

    When designating targets in these cases, they name the square in which the target is located, and add a letter or number that specifies the position of the target inside the square. For example, height 51.8 (5863-A) or high-voltage support (5762-2) (see Fig. 2).

    Target designation from a landmark is the simplest and most common method of target designation. With this method of target designation, the landmark closest to the target is first named, then the angle between the direction to the landmark and the direction to the target in protractor divisions (measured with binoculars) and the distance to the target in meters. For example: “Landmark two, forty to the right, further two hundred, near a separate bush there is a machine gun.”

    Target designation from the conditional line usually used in motion on combat vehicles. With this method, two points are selected on the map in the direction of action and connected by a straight line, relative to which target designation will be carried out. This line is denoted by letters, divided into centimeter divisions and numbered starting from zero. This construction is done on the maps of both transmitting and receiving target designation.

    Target designation from a conventional line is usually used in movement on combat vehicles. With this method, two points are selected on the map in the direction of action and connected by a straight line (Fig. 5), relative to which target designation will be carried out. This line is denoted by letters, divided into centimeter divisions and numbered starting from zero.

    Rice. 5. Target designation from the conditional line

    This construction is done on the maps of both transmitting and receiving target designation.

    The position of the target relative to the conditional line is determined by two coordinates: a segment from the starting point to the base of the perpendicular lowered from the target location point to the conditional line, and a perpendicular segment from the conditional line to the target.

    When designating targets, the conventional name of the line is called, then the number of centimeters and millimeters contained in the first segment, and, finally, the direction (left or right) and the length of the second segment. For example: “Straight AC, five, seven; to the right zero, six - NP.”

    Target designation from a conventional line can be given by indicating the direction to the target at an angle from the conventional line and the distance to the target, for example: “Straight AC, right 3-40, one thousand two hundred – machine gun.”

    Target designation in azimuth and range to the target. The azimuth of the direction to the target is determined using a compass in degrees, and the distance to it is determined using an observation device or by eye in meters. For example: “Azimuth thirty-five, range six hundred—a tank in a trench.” This method is most often used in areas where there are few landmarks.

    8. Problem solving

    Determining the coordinates of terrain points (objects) and target designation on the map is practiced practically on training maps using previously prepared points (marked objects).

    Each student determines geographic and rectangular coordinates (maps objects according to known coordinates).

    Methods of target designation on the map are worked out: in flat rectangular coordinates (full and abbreviated), by squares of a kilometer grid (up to a whole square, up to 1/4, up to 1/9 of a square), from a landmark, along the azimuth and range of the target.

    Uses navigation system from Yandex large number people living in the CIS. Convenience and ease of use are perhaps the most important characteristics Yandex Navigator. Despite these characteristics, some aspects of the application raise questions even among experienced users. One of the frequently asked questions is “How to enter coordinates into Yandex Navigator?” In today’s material, our resource will answer exactly this question, paying attention to all the subtleties.

    Coordinate format

    In order to understand how to enter coordinates into Yandex Navigator, it is important to have an idea of ​​their format. As is known from the school geography course, the coordinates of a certain place are indicated using degree measure its latitudes and longitudes, which in a certain way permeate the entire globe. In navigation from Yandex, the format for displaying and entering coordinate data fully complies with generally accepted standards. As a basic example, you can take a coordinate such as “21 o 43’54.67’’N” for latitude and “11 o 23’34.77’’E” for longitude, where:

    • 21 o and 11 o - degrees of latitude and longitude;
    • 43’ and 23’ - minutes of latitude and longitude;
    • 54.67” and 34.77” - seconds of latitude and longitude;
    • N (North - North) and E (East - East) - direction indicators.

    Note that navigation from Yandex only supports degree coordinate format. More precisely, by entering the exact indicators of a specific longitude and latitude into the appropriate fields, it is quite possible to find this place. The method looks like “45.342324” for longitude and “32.34234243” for latitude.

    Important! You can enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator using any of the methods described above, except when the input field requires a specific one of these data formats.

    Entry procedure

    When wondering how to set coordinates in Yandex Navigator, many people not only do not understand how simple it is, but do not even suspect that in this application you can find out the coordinate data of a specific place and save it for future use. The latter, by the way, is very useful if you want to use navigation offline (that is, without an Internet connection).

    So, returning to the procedure for entering coordinates, let's look at its typical procedure:

    1. Firstly, it is important to find out the coordinates of a specific location. The preferred presentation format would be in the form of degrees with a decimal “tail” (32.3231321), since this type data is recognized in absolutely all versions of Yandex Navigator, while the other format discussed earlier began to be used for searching information relatively recently. Note that to search for a place, it is important to know both its coordinates, that is, longitude and latitude.
    2. Secondly, the existing coordinate data must be entered into the appropriate field of the application. To do this, just go to the search menu (click the magnifying glass icon) and enter the coordinates, separated by commas, in the order: latitude, longitude (22.323132, 21.543555).
    3. And thirdly, all that remains is to click on the search button, after which the place with the given coordinates will be found. You can plot a route to the found position on the map, view the presence of traffic jams, determine the distance and perform other navigation functions from Yandex relative to it.

    It is worth noting that in latest versions The application now has the following features:

    • enter coordinates in the format “degrees, minuses, seconds, location”;
    • communicate coordinate data to the navigator using your voice;
    • listen to given coordinates after they are found (information is provided in the format “degrees, minuses, seconds, location”);
    • set a route solely based on coordinate data; to do this, just select the appropriate function and enter the coordinates of the place where you want to lay the path.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Now that everything is clear about how to enter GPS coordinates for a specific location in Yandex Navigator, it would be useful to consider other frequently asked questions about using this application. Having studied the relevant forums, our resource has identified the three most asked questions

    and provided the answers to them below:

    1. Is it possible to work Yandex Navigator without access to the Internet?- Yes, however, in this case the application will not perform all functions. More precisely, the navigator will not be able to show existing traffic jams or provide information about places of stay. At the same time, to work with the application offline, you need to download maps of the area of ​​your movement, then turn on the GPS module on your device and use navigation.
    2. How to download or update Yandex Navigator?- To do this, just go to the application on your device called GooglePlay or AppStore and find navigation from Yandex in the search, after which you can carry out the necessary operations on an intuitive level.
    3. What should I do if Yandex Navigator does not work correctly (does not indicate the route, displays maps poorly, etc.)?- In order to configure the application, you must perform the following steps: restart the application, restart the device, check the Internet connection and GPS, reinstall the application. Naturally, it is necessary to stop carrying out these manipulations when desired result will be achieved.

    With this, perhaps, today’s article has come to its logical end. We hope that in the material presented above you have found answers to your questions. Good luck on the roads!

    Video review of the program:

    In one of the articles we looked at the question of how to determine your coordinates and tell them to a friend. By the way, a very popular article.

    Now consider the inverse problem. Let's say you received SMS message or an email or a message from any messenger from a lost friend, in which he reports the coordinates of the place where he is and asks to drive up to him and help him out.

    What do you need to do? The answer is very simple: you need to use, for example, the application GoogleTOarts or YandexTOarts(you can download and install them using the links provided), enter the received coordinates in the search bar, find this place on the map and get directions using these applications. Let's see how it's done.


    1. When opening the application, the system determines your location and shows this place in the center of the map. In this case there should be GPS enabled navigation ( Geodata in the curtain).

    2. In the bottom line, click Search.

    3. In a new window enter in sTRoku Search the coordinates you received. You need to enter them definitely in this form : only in form decimal numbers(without any degrees, minutes and seconds) with a dot as a separator, first latitude, then longitude and with a comma between them. For example, like in the screenshot: 60.0, 30.3 Press on the on-screen keyboard Search. The found location appears in the center of the screen in the form of a mark.

    4. Click below Finding a route. The application finds route options (you can choose for driving or public transport) and, with the Internet turned on, taking into account traffic jams at the moment.

    5. Select the one you need and click yellow arrow in the right top corner or option Travel with Yandex navigator. And you go, you meet a friend who is waiting for you and says thank you. :)

    Google Maps

    The steps are almost the same as those described above. I provide explanatory screenshots.

    1. Open Maps, enter coordinates in the search bar.

    2. Click the car icon in the lower right corner. Choose the type of transport.

    3. Choose one of the proposed routes. Click on the arrow icon in the lower right corner.

    4. You are driving, walking, etc.

    AND one more note. If in a friend’s message the coordinates are given in as a link like http://maps.google.com/maps?q=loc:60.0,30.3, then everything is much simpler and faster: you just need to click on the link and select Open URL. This will automatically open Google app Maps (if it was set by default for such links) or a browser window with maps and the desired point will be in the center. And then everything is as described above: we are looking for a route, etc.

    If in the found area there are no roads, there are no pedestrian roads (for example, in a forest) and it is not possible to automatically build a route, then, seeing your position and the position of a friend on the map, you can simply you go "in azimuth". :) But it is clear that a friend should in any case remain at the point whose coordinates he gave you. Warn him about this by phone or ask him for new coordinates.

    Good luck to you, see you again on the pages of my site.

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    Google maps: search by coordinates. So let's get started. The first thing you need to do is go to the Google maps website. To do this, go to link, or go to google.com and go to maps there by clicking on the menu icon in the upper right corner and selecting "Maps":

    After going to Google maps, you can start searching for a place by coordinates. Just copy the coordinates you need and paste them into the search bar on the site. All you have to do is click on the search button:

    In the example, the coordinates of the Eiffel Tower were used.
    You can also simply enter the coordinates you need by hand, Google will still understand:

    For example, when entering two coordinates 0 and 0 separated by commas, it showed the point that is located at the intersection of the equator and the prime meridian.
    There are also a few rules worth mentioning:
    1 - latitude is indicated first, and then longitude
    2 - you need to separate decimal values ​​with a period, not a comma (incorrect option: 50.56948, 29.59211. Correct option: 89.39281, 65.59684)
    3 - for latitude you need to use a range of values ​​from -90 to 90
    4 - for longitude you need to use a range of values ​​​​from -180 to 180 degrees
    Another way to search by coordinates is to simply enter them in the line Google search, after analyzing your request, the system will understand that you entered the coordinates. After which search engine, before the result links will display your point on the map:

    It is also worth noting that using Google service maps, you can not only search by coordinates, but also do the opposite, that is, use maps to find out the coordinates of a particular place. All you need to do is open Google page, go to the "Maps" application and then click anywhere on the map, you can also use the search. After which, a marker will appear on the maps, and the name of the place where the marker is located and its coordinates will be displayed at the bottom of the window:

    That's all, now you can find any place knowing its coordinates, and vice versa, find out the coordinates of any place in the world.

    On Yandex Maps, geographic coordinates are recognized in degrees, presented as decimal fractions. At the same time, several other formats for recording coordinates are used in the world, for example, in degrees, minutes and seconds.

    Coordinates are a pair of numbers that determine the location of an object on the map.

    The first digit in the format adopted on Yandex Maps is , or the angle between the local zenith direction (that is, the direction pointing directly upward over a specific location) and the equatorial plane. Northern latitude is designated by the letter N, southern latitude by the letter S.

    The second number is longitude, or the angle between the meridian plane (the section line of the surface globe plane passing through a given point and the axis of rotation of the Earth) and the plane of the initial prime (Greenwich) meridian. Longitudes from 0° to 180° east of the prime meridian are called eastern (E), and to the west - western (W).

    Entering coordinates on Yandex Maps

    Open your browser and address bar type maps.yandex.ru, or open the Yandex Maps application on or. Enter the coordinates in the search bar, for example: 55.751710,37.617019 - then click “Find”. In the calling application search string You must first click on the magnifying glass icon (usually located at the bottom of the screen). Please note that the format for entering coordinates should be exactly this: first latitude, then longitude; the integer part of the coordinates is separated from the fractional part by a dot; numbers do not contain spaces; latitude and longitude are separated by a comma.

    After clicking on the “Find” button, the marker on the map will move to the point that the coordinates describe - now you can build a route.

    To the left of the map, the address corresponding to the coordinates will be displayed, as well as an alternative representation of them - with degrees, minutes and seconds. In our case it will look like this:
    Latitude: 55°45′6.16″N (55.75171)
    Longitude: 37°37′1.27″E (37.617019)

    If you enter coordinates in the wrong order - for example, first longitude and then latitude (some navigators and other electronic mapping services work with data in exactly this sequence) - on Yandex Maps you can quickly change the order of numbers. To do this, click on the “Swap” link under full description coordinates, and the marker will move to the correct point.