• Step by step: How to open guest access to Yandex Metrica, Y.webmaster, Google analytics and webmaster tools from Google. Guest access to Direct and Metrica

    Hi all! Today we will learn how to set up guest access to Yandex Metrica. This is convenient when, for example, an SEO company is promoting your website and needs statistical data.

    Or when you need Yandex.Metrica data to be visible from another account.

    Installing a counter on the site

    For those who are not familiar with Yandex Metrica.

    Yandex.Metrica is statistics that track site positions, traffic, number of views, session duration, etc. It is similar to traffic counters (LiveInternet).

    You can install it by going to the website http://metrika.yandex.ru/ and clicking on the “add counter” button. After this, you will need to provide a number of information about the site (Name, URL, etc.), only then you will receive a counter code. You can install this counter on your website to track resource statistics.

    In general, there shouldn't be any problems with this.

    Setting up guest access to Yandex Metrica

    To set up guest access to Yandex.Metrica, you will need to go to the administration panel and select the “edit counter” icon. After this, from the “General” tab you will need to go to the “Access” tab, as shown in the screenshot below.

    Then click on the “Add user” button and indicate the login of his account on Yandex mail.

    After this, you will need to select an access level. There are two of them:

    • view only (guest access);
    • full access(administrative access).

    In “full access” mode, users will be able to add other accounts themselves in the same way.

    The “view only” mode is what interests us, as it opens guest access to Yandex Metrica. Select this mode.

    That's all, we have opened guest access to Metrica statistics. Now from the specified account you can view all materials available to the administrator.

    Opening the counter to everyone

    By default, the counter is closed and its data cannot be viewed. But you can also make it open. To do this, go to the counter control panel, click “edit counter”, go to the “access” tab and check the box “public access to statistics”:

    Now, if necessary, you can copy the link that appears below and give it to a person interested in the statistics of your site. You can also simply install the informer on your website.

    If you want to install an informer on your website, then you will also need to check the box next to the inscription “show informer data”. After that, go to the “Counter Code” tab and check the box next to “Informer”:

    Below you will see the counter code, which you will need to install on the site. Now users will be able to see all the statistics of your site.

    To give access to your statistics to another Yandex user:

    1. On the Access tab (in the block Individual access) press the button Add user.
    2. In the window that appears, enter the login of the user to whom access is granted, and select the access level in the drop-down list:
      • "View Only"- the user will only be able to view settings and statistics for your counter. In this case, the user will not be able to save segments when generating a report, save the report, or add it to favorites.
      • "Editing access"- the user will be able to fully manage the counter (except for deleting it).
    3. Click the Add button and then Save.

    To view statistics on guest access, the user must be registered and authorized on Yandex.

    To provide access to statistics to any Internet users, in the block Public access to statistics set the switch to On. A field with a URL will appear where statistics will be available of this counter.

    If the Yandex.Metrica informer is installed on your website, then access to public statistics can be obtained by clicking on it.

    A user viewing public access statistics will not see the following data:

    • search engines;
    • search phrases;
    • group reports Target Call and Direct;
    • report Contents of group orders E-commerce;
    • playback of visits in Webvisor.

    Executive access

    The representative system is designed for joint and equal management of Yandex.Metrica counters from several accounts.

    The owner of an account in Yandex.Metrica can add representative access to his account to any user who has a Yandex login. The representative receives full rights to view, edit and delete all account counters (including guest counters).

    To add a new representative, go to the Representatives section and in the field New representative indicate his login.

    When you create a new counter, access to it will be automatically granted to all added representatives.\n

    To view and edit counters under another account of which you are a representative, use the link Account in the right top corner pages.

    Access to Monetization reports

    Using the Monetization group of reports, site owners participating in the Yandex Advertising Network can analyze the effect of ad impressions in more depth and increase income. For example, identifying the most profitable traffic sources - up to search query, - track the effectiveness of each section of the site, as well as monitor the average income per visitor.

    For more information about connecting a report, see the Monetization section.

    Rights for a user with access to the meter

    If the user has editing access, then the reports of the “Monetization” group are already available to him.

    If the user has access type "View Only", change it:

    Rights for a user without access to the meter

    Give the user special access to your Metrics counter:

    1. Go to page Settings → Access.
    2. Click the button Add user.
    3. Fill in the fields in the window that appears.
    4. Select the type of rights with access to the Monetization report group. The user will be able to view reports, add groupings and metrics from the Monetization group to other reports.
    How to revoke access to reports

    Change the user's access type to the Metrics counter:

    Transferring a counter to another account

    If you are the owner of the counter

    To transfer the counter to another login, do the following:

    1. Log in to Yandex.Metrica using the login to which the counter is registered.
    2. In the Settings section (Counter tab), click the button Transfer to another account and follow the instructions in the window that opens.

    If you need to transfer more than 10 counters to another login or the counters must be transferred to the Mail login for the domain, fill out the form:

    It is necessary to transfer more than 10 counters to another login

    If you are not the owner of the counter

    To transfer the counter to another login, confirm the rights to the site for the new login in Yandex.Webmaster. After that, fill out the form:

    Rights have been confirmed, you need to transfer the counter

    Please note: the support team only answers questions about email. Do not follow the instructions of people who call you and introduce themselves as Yandex.Metrica support service.

    The website statistics counter from Yandex Metrica is necessary for any website. This is one of the simplest analytical tools. You add tracking code to all pages and get detailed information by attendance and traffic sources, visitors, their socio-demographic characteristics and other important information in Metrica reports.

    Very often there is a need to grant access to the Metrica counter to several users. For example, for your business partner, fellow marketers, freelancer. If your Yandex Direct advertising campaigns are on another account, then it also needs to be given access to the account where Yandex Metrica is located. Only in this case will the data be transmitted to the appropriate direct reports.

    Now we will show how this is done.

    Login to your Yandex Metrica account

    Open the Yandex Metrics website. We enter your existing username and password for Yandex mail, as they already exist. If not, please register:

    Now we will not dwell in detail on adding and creating a counter for a new site. Suffice it to say that using the “Add counter” button you can get a code that is installed on your website and Metrica starts working.

    Three types of access to meters

    Yandex Metrica has three different accesses to counters:

    • Individual access to view or edit
    • Public access to statistics via link
    • Through the creation of a representative

    Individual access to the meter

    You can provide individual access for other accounts through the settings button. It is located in general list counters, to the right of the “owner” column is a gear icon.

    Or go to the counter itself (click on it) and see black on the left vertical menu, the last button with the “settings” gear.

    After going to the settings, we see the tabs “Basic”, “Counter Code” and so on. We are interested in the “Access” button. Go to it and click the “Add user” button.

    Add a user to Metrica

    In the window that opens, you can select the type of individual access:

    • View only - can open reports, sort information, etc.
    • Editing access - can give access to other users, create goals and segments.

    If you want to connect Yandex Direct to Yandex Metrica (since they are located on different accounts), it is necessary to open access for editing.

    Enter the user login - this is the Yandex account login. That is, you can open the counter only for a user registered in Yandex. If desired, write a comment and click “Add”.

    In the general list of logins, you can always remove access (“cross”) and change the status from viewing to editing.

    After granting permissions, be sure to click on the yellow “Save” button at the very bottom of the settings page to commit the changes.

    Public access via link

    In the "Access" section of the counter settings there is an OFF/ON switch for opening public access see the statistics link. Enable this access and you will receive a link through which anyone can access reports on your site.

    We do not recommend using such access at all. Information from reports on your site is a real boon for competitors. Even information sites that attract advertisers do not share full access to Metrica reports, but provide selective reports with screenshots/Excel tables and other tools.

    Access to Metrica through creating a representative

    You can give access to all counters in your account by creating a representative.

    A new representative is entered through the “Representatives” menu in the “New Representative” input field. If necessary, you can enter a representative's comment. Don’t forget to complete the entry again by clicking on the “Save” button.

    This access provides access from full rights to all counters from the representative's account. It can delete, create targets and segments, grant access, and so on.

    If you have been registered as a representative, then in the metrika.yandex.ru section under your login a rectangle will appear for selecting views.

    Access to Yandex Metrica using login and password

    Unfortunately, Yandex does not have the ability to provide access to Yandex Metrica using a login and password. Some advertising systems to which you connect as a webmaster (a platform for advertising) require full access to statistics; you need to provide a link or a link with authorization using a login and password. If you need to open statistics in this way, create a separate Yandex account and give it access to the counter of the desired site.

    N but in fact, everything here is elementary and I already mentioned this in the article on Metrica 2.0. But I’ll repeat myself and write in more detail. For example, I or someone else asked you for access to metric statistics for analysis. You ask someone who needs access to login from any Yandex mail under which it is convenient for him, go under your login to your statistics. Here is a list of your counters (or just one)

    WITH To the right of the counter there is a button called “access”. Click on it

    T Here you can select access levels for the guest and sign any comment.

    • View only
    • Full access

    How to give guest access to Direct

    D The access in Direct is hidden under the name “Registered Representatives”. The link in the interface is here. It's at the very bottom of your campaign list.

    T There are several options for providing access.

    1. You ask the person who needs access to give you a Yandex login that has never been advertised in Direct.
    2. You register a separate clean email yourself, make access and give away the login password to the person in need.
    3. You register a login directly from the access page.

    T The third option is the simplest, and I recommend it for use. Yes, I must say that even more simple option will give you a direct login and password, but it may be that your Direct is located on personal mail and you don't want random people to get into it. This is a natural desire.

    TO By the way, access levels in Direct are very different from those in Metrica. There is no level of just viewing campaigns and statistics. Any of the access options implies that the person who has access can do whatever they want with the campaigns. There is, of course, the so-called “Chief Representative” and there are everyone else. The main one can add new representatives, everyone else cannot. That's all the levels. This is the reality and you need to be prepared for it. Of course, it is unlikely that a director will rush to copy your campaigns and sell to competitors, but it is still possible. Okay, we scared you a little, now to the instructions themselves.

    D to provide access. Click the link to appoint a new representative. See the screenshot below. For the first two access options described above, simply enter your login and personal data (any, even taken out of thin air).

    P After entering the data, you go back and fill out Step 2 and click “Register”

    AND a new representative appears on the list.

    IN from and all that remains is the login and password you registered, send it to the person who needs access. You see everything is banal and simple. I wish you good luck!

    Hello everyone!

    Congratulations to you, my readers, subscribers and visitors, on the great holiday - Happy Victory Day! This is the greatest Day in the history of mankind, in the history of our country. So let's pay tribute to the memory of our soldiers, thanks to whom we live and see clear, peaceful skies every day. Let's just say “Thank you!” to them, bring flowers to the monuments and bow.

    Well, now let's move on to the lesson.

    I decided to devote today’s post to such a topic as providing guest access to and , and . Still, not everyone knows how to do this, and sometimes it is very necessary, for example, when you are being audited advertising campaigns(by the way, you can order an audit of advertising campaigns from me, this can be done).

    Guest access to Direct account

    Access to your Yandex.Direct account is provided exclusively with the authority of a representative - this means that the person to whom you open your account will be able to change the settings of advertising campaigns, rewrite advertisements, change key phrases and other actions. For this reason, you need to be extremely careful.

    There is one more point that should be taken into account - access to campaigns can only be granted to an account that has not previously been registered in the system contextual advertising from Yandex.

    So let's begin:

    Now you know how to provide access to Yandex Direct. It's simple!

    Access to Yandex.Metrica

    Giving access to a Yandex.Metrica counter is also easy, but you can also manage it: You can allow a new representative to edit the counter, or only view statistical data.

    Access to Google Adwords

    After these steps, the owner of the account to whom you gave access to Adwords will need to accept the invitation.

    Access to Google Analytics

    To provide access to Google Analytics, You need to do the following:

    The specified user should receive a confirmation email.