• The principle of operation of a compressor in a refrigerator. Inverter and conventional refrigerators. Differences between models with and without the system

    A classic refrigerator without a No Frost system works as follows:

      The motor-compressor (1) sucks in gaseous freon from the evaporator, compresses it, and pushes it through the filter (6) into the condenser (7).

      In the condenser, the freon heated as a result of compression cools to room temperature and finally turns into a liquid state.

      Liquid freon, under pressure, enters the internal cavity of the evaporator (5) through the opening of the capillary (8), passes into a gaseous state, as a result of which it removes heat from the walls of the evaporator, and the evaporator, in turn, cools the internal space of the refrigerator.

      This process is repeated until the temperature of the evaporator walls set by the thermostat (3) is reached.

      When the required temperature is reached, the thermostat opens electrical circuit and the compressor stops.

      After some time, the temperature in the refrigerator (due to exposure external factors) begins to rise, the contacts of the thermostat close, with the help of the protective starting relay (2) the electric motor of the motor-compressor starts and the whole cycle is repeated from the beginning (see point 1)

    1-Motor-compressor; 2-Protective starting relay; 3-Thermoregulator; 4-Internal refrigerator lighting lamp; 5-Evaporator; 6-Filter drier; 7-Capacitor; 8-Capillary; 9-Lamp switch

    Electrical equipment of refrigerators

    The electrical equipment of household refrigerators includes the following devices:
    electric heaters: for heating the generator in absorption refrigeration units; to protect the doorway of the low-temperature (freezing) chamber from condensation (fogging) on ​​the walls; for heating the evaporator with semi-automatic and automatic deletion snow cover;
    compressor electric motor (this applies to compression refrigerators);
    feed-through sealed contacts for connecting the electric motor windings with the external electrical wiring of the refrigerator through the wall of the motor-compressor casing;
    lighting equipment designed to illuminate the refrigeration chamber;
    fans: for blowing air over the condenser of a refrigeration unit (when using condensers with forced cooling in refrigerators) and for forced air circulation in the refrigerator chambers.

    Automation devices for household refrigerators include:
    temperature sensors-relays (temperature regulators) to maintain a given temperature in the refrigeration or low-temperature chamber of household refrigerators;
    start relay for automatic switching on starting winding of the electric motor at startup;
    protective relay to protect the motor windings from overload currents;
    automatic devices for removing snow cover from the evaporator walls

    Electrical circuit of the refrigerator and the principle of its operation.
    When voltage is applied electric current passes through the closed contacts of the thermostat (3), the defrost button (10), the thermal protection relay (11), the starting relay coil (starting relay contacts 12.2 are still open) and the working winding of the motor-compressor electric motor.
    Since the engine is not yet rotating, the current flowing through the working winding of the motor-compressor is several times higher than the rated one, the starting relay (12) is designed in such a way that when the rated current value is exceeded, the contacts (12.2) are closed, and the starting winding of the electric motor is connected to the circuit. The engine begins to rotate, the current in the working winding decreases, the starting relay contacts open and the engine continues to operate in normal mode.
    When the walls of the evaporator cool down to the value set on the thermostat, the contacts (3) open and the electric motor of the motor-compressor stops.
    Over time, the temperature inside the refrigerator rises, the thermostat contacts close and the whole cycle repeats.
    The protection relay is designed to turn off the engine when the current increases dangerously. On the one hand, it protects the engine from overheating and breakdown, and on the other, your apartment from fire.
    The relay consists of a bimetallic plate (11.1), which, when the temperature rises, bends and opens the contacts (11.2); after the bimetallic plate cools, the contacts close again.

    1 - electric motor of the motor-compressor; 1.1 - working winding; 1.2 - starting winding; 3 - thermostat contacts; 10 - defrost button; 11 - protection relay; 11.1 - bimetallic plate; 11.2 - relay contacts; 12 - start relay
    12.1 - relay coil; 12.2 - relay contacts

    What materials is the refrigerator made of?

    To put it simply, a refrigerator consists of an isothermal cabinet and electrical equipment (refrigeration unit)

    The body is a supporting structure, so it must be quite rigid. It is made of sheet steel with a thickness of 0.6-0.1 mm. The tightness of the outer cabinet is ensured by PV-3 paste based on vinyl chloride resin. The surface of the cabinet is phosphated, then primed and coated twice with white enamel ML-12-01, EP-148, ML-242, ML-283 or others. This is done using spray guns or in an electrostatic field. The surface of the serving table, if any, is coated with polyester varnish.

    IN lately Impact-resistant plastics are increasingly being used to make refrigerator bodies. This reduces metal consumption and reduces the weight of the refrigeration appliance.

    Refrigerator interior cabinets
    Metal internal cabinets made of steel sheet with a thickness of 0.7-0.9 mm are made by stamping and welding and hot-enameled with titanium silicate enamel.

    Plastic chambers are made from ABS plastic or impact-resistant polystyrene using vacuum forming. ABS (acrylic butadiene styrene) has high mechanical properties and resistance to freon. ABS plastic parts coated with chrome and nickel are widely used for decorative purposes. Domestic ABS plastics are divided into four groups according to their physical and mechanical properties:
    ABS-0903 medium impact strength;
    ABS-1106E, ABS-1308, ABS-1530, ABS-2020 with increased impact strength;
    ABS-2501K, ABS-2512E, ABS-2802E with high impact strength;
    ABS-0809T, ABS-0804T, ABS-1002T with increased heat resistance.
    ABS plastics are produced in the form of granules with a diameter of no more than 3 mm and a length of 4-5 mm or in powder form and are processed by injection molding, blowing, and thermoforming. The chambers of freezers and the chambers of low-temperature compartments of refrigerators are metal - made of aluminum or stainless steel. Steel chambers are more durable and hygienic, but they increase the weight of the refrigerator and require special methods of attachment to the outer casing for the most effective thermal insulation from the environment.
    The advantages of plastic chambers include manufacturability, low thermal conductivity, and lower weight. However, such cameras age faster, lose their presentation over time, are less durable and less durable compared to metal ones. In refrigerators with plastic chambers, linings covering the thermal insulation are not installed around the perimeter of the doorway, since the role of linings is played by the flanged edges of the chamber.

    Manufactured from steel sheet 0.8 mm thick by stamping and welding. Some refrigerator models have doors made of particleboard or impact-resistant polystyrene.

    The refrigerator door consists of outer and inner panels, thermal insulation between them and a seal. Door panels are made from impact-resistant polystyrene using vacuum molding. Sheet thickness 2-3 mm. Most refrigerator doors open from left to right. All modern refrigerators provide for door re-hanging, i.e. Possibility of opening the door from right to left. Wall-mounted refrigerators have double-leaf doors.

    The refrigerator door must fit snugly against the doorway, otherwise warm air will enter the chamber. To ensure tightness, the inside of the door is edged around the entire perimeter with a magnetic seal of different profiles. Older refrigerator designs used balloon-type rubber seals.

    Doors are held in the closed position using mechanical (usually trigger-type) or magnetic closures. The latter are the most common. If they are available, the door handle can be positioned at different heights, based on the requirements of technical aesthetics. Replacing door hinges with special hinges, fixed at the top and bottom of the door, reduces the overall dimensions of the refrigerator when the door is opened, which is important when installing refrigerators in the corner of rooms.

    Thermal insulation
    Thermal insulation is used to protect the refrigerator compartment from the penetration of environmental heat and is laid along the walls, top and bottom of the refrigerator and refrigerator compartment, as well as under the inner door panel. Thermal insulation materials are required to have a low thermal conductivity coefficient, low volumetric mass, low hygroscopicity, moisture resistance, be fire-resistant, durable, cheap, bio-resistant, odorless, and also mechanically strong. For thermal insulation of cabinets and refrigerator doors, staple fiberglass MT-35, MTX-5, MTX-8, mineral felt, polystyrene foam PSV and PSV-S and polyurethane foam PPU-309M are used.

    Mineral felt is made from mineral wool by treating it with solutions of synthetic resins. The starting materials for producing mineral wool are mineral rocks (dolomite, dolomite-clay marl), as well as metallurgical slag.

    Glass felt is a type of artificial mineral felt. It consists of thin (thickness 10-12 microns) short glass threads bound with synthetic resins. Thermal insulation made of glass felt and superfine fiber is bio-resistant, odorless, water-repellent, easy to install and therefore often used.

    Expanded polystyrene is a synthetic thermal insulation material. It is a lightweight, solid, porous gas-filled plastic with evenly distributed closed pores. Thermal insulation from expanded polystyrene is obtained by foaming liquid polystyrene directly into the walls of the refrigerating chamber and the body of the refrigerator cabinet.

    Polyurethane foam - foam plastics with a fine-pored rigid structure, obtained by expanding polyurethane resins using appropriate catalysts and emulsifiers. To increase the heat-shielding properties, freon-11 and others are used as an intumescent gas. The process of foaming and hardening of the foam occurs within 10-15 minutes at temperatures up to 5 °C.
    Polyurethane foam has a low volumetric mass, low thermal conductivity, and is moisture resistant. It can be foamed directly in the refrigerator. At the same time, it fills the entire space in the walls evenly and without air cavities, adheres well to the walls, increasing the strength of the cabinet.

    Depending on the quality of the thermal insulation materials, the thickness of the insulation in the walls of the refrigerator cabinet can be from 30 to 70 mm, in the door - from 35 to 50 mm. Replacing fiberglass thermal insulation with polyurethane foam insulation allows, with the same body dimensions, to increase the volume of the refrigerator by 25%.

    Door locks and seals
    Previously, refrigerators used trigger and sector door shutters. Modern refrigerators use magnetic closures.

    Magnetic closures are an elastic magnetic insert placed in a sealing profile on the inner panel of the door. When the door is closed, it is tightly drawn to the metal body. The starting raw material for the production of magnetic materials is barium ferrite BaO mixed with rubbers or polyvinyl and other resins that give it flexibility. The produced elastic magnet strips are magnetized in a magnetic field.

    By attracting the seal to the cabinet along the entire perimeter, the magnetic shutter provides a good seal and at the same time does not require force to open the door, which must be checked with a dynamometer with an error of +1 N. The dynamometer is attached to the handle at the distance furthest from the hinges. The force should be directed perpendicular to the plane of the door.

    For door seals in refrigerators with trigger and sector shutters, food-grade rubber is used; with magnetic shutters, polyvinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride seals with a magnetic insert and magnetic seals with additional holders are used. In refrigerators with a mechanical shutter, tight closing of the door is achieved by compressing the profile of the rubber seal.

    In refrigerators with a magnetic shutter, the seal is attracted to the cabinet by the force of attraction of the magnet, and the profile of the seal is stretched. The compactor has two cylinders. The rectangular cylinder, in which the magnetic insert is located, is pressed against the cabinet by its front plane. The thickness of the cylinder wall significantly affects the force of attraction of the seal and does not exceed 0.45 mm. The accordion cylinder serves to compensate for the small free movement of the door. In the free state of the seal, the “accordion” is somewhat compressed and, when the door moves away, it stretches, preventing the seal from coming off from the cabinet. For efficient operation, the “accordion” cylinder profile has low tensile strength, which is ensured by the thin walls of the cylinder, as well as its appropriate configuration.

    The magnetic inserts of the seal units are made of rectangular cross-section. They are made from elastic multicomponent ferrite-filled compositions. It has become possible to improve the magnetic, physico-chemical and thermomechanical properties, as well as the technical and economic indicators of magnetic elastic inserts thanks to the use of new polymer compositions based on EVA copolymers.

    The door seal should be checked without plugging in the refrigerator. A paper strip 50 mm wide and 0.08 mm thick, placed between the door seal and the closed surface of the cabinet, should not move freely in any place.

    It is difficult to imagine a modern apartment without a refrigerator. Everyone knows that the refrigerator retains the cold inside itself, so the food stored in it does not spoil for a long time. How does a refrigerator work?

    The refrigerator has 4 main components:

    1. Refrigerant- a substance that circulates and transfers heat. Freon gas is used as a refrigerant.

    2. Compressor- a motor that operates on the principle of a pump and drives the refrigerant in a circle.

    3. Capacitor- through it the heat goes out into the environment. The condenser is a grill on the back wall of the refrigerator.

    4. Evaporator- it takes heat from the refrigerator. Typically the evaporator is the inner wall of the refrigerator.

    Main parts of a household refrigerator:
    1 - evaporator, 2 - condenser, 3 - filter drier, 4 - capillary, 5 - compressor

    The compressor draws refrigerant from the evaporator. The refrigerant is in a vapor state at this moment. The compressor pumps it under pressure into the condenser. The refrigerant is compressed under pressure, that is, it changes from a gaseous state to a liquid one. At the same time, its temperature rises. Hot gas, passing through the condenser pipes, gives off heat to the surrounding space and, as a result, cools to room temperature.

    The refrigerant then enters the evaporator through a very narrow opening (capillary). Its pressure decreases sharply, and due to this, the refrigerant evaporates - it boils, turning into steam. At the same time, it cools down greatly. As a result, it removes heat from the walls of the evaporator, and the evaporator, in turn, cools the interior of the refrigerator and the food contained in it.

    Thus, the refrigerant works in a cycle: in the condenser, under the influence of high pressure, it condenses and turns into a liquid state, highlighting heat, and in the evaporator under the influence of low pressure it boils and turns into a gaseous state, absorbing warm.

    Scheme of operation of a compression refrigerator
    1 - condenser, 2 - capillary, 3 - evaporator, 4 - compressor

    The refrigerator must have a thermostat, with which the cooling temperature of the refrigerator compartment is set. When this temperature is reached, the thermostat opens the electrical circuit and the compressor stops.

    After some time, the temperature in the refrigerator begins to rise again (under the influence of the environment). Then the contacts of the thermostat close and the electric motor of the motor-compressor starts using a protective starting relay. The entire cycle is repeated from the beginning until the temperature in the refrigerator drops again to the desired value.

    That's why we hear the refrigerator start to "rumble" from time to time, and then go quiet again - this is the compressor motor turning on and off.

    In the refrigerant circulation diagram in the very first picture, you probably noticed one more link - the filter drier. It is needed to clean and dry the refrigerant that passes through it. The filter drier is a cylinder filled with a substance that absorbs moisture (silica gel or zeolite).

    So, the refrigerator is designed in such a way that it doesn't cool air in the chamber, and picks up heat comes out of it and releases it into the environment. This is ensured by the pressure difference in the condenser and evaporator of the refrigerator. The refrigerant comes from the area with high pressure, where it turns into a liquid (condenses), to a low-pressure area where the refrigerant's pressure decreases and it turns to vapor (evaporates).

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    A clear understanding of the structure and the processes occurring inside the refrigeration unit helps to extend the service life and ensure safe operation of the equipment in everyday life. It is not difficult to understand the principle of operation of a refrigerator.

    In any model, it consists in the formation of a cold environment by absorbing heat in the interior of the object and its subsequent transfer outside the device.

    Refrigeration equipment is used in many fields of activity. You can’t live without it in everyday life and it’s impossible to imagine full-time job production workshops at enterprises, trading platforms, catering establishments.

    Depending on the intended purpose and area of ​​application, there are several main types of devices: absorption, vortex, thermoelectric and compressor. The last type is the most common, so we will consider it in detail in the next section.

    Functioning of absorption technology

    In the system of absorption-type installations, two substances circulate - the refrigerant and the absorbent. The functions of the refrigerant are usually performed by ammonia, less often - acetylene, methanol, freon, or lithium bromide solution.

    The absorbent is a liquid that has sufficient absorption capacity. This can be sulfuric acid, water, etc.

    The entire operation of the equipment is based on the principle of absorption, which implies the absorption of one substance by another. The design consists of several leading units - evaporator, absorber, condenser, control valves, generator, pump

    The elements of the system are connected by tubes, with the help of which a single closed circuit is formed. Cooling of the chambers occurs due to thermal energy.

    The process is carried out as follows:

    • the refrigerant dissolved in the liquid penetrates the evaporator;
    • ammonia vapor boiling at 33 degrees is released from the concentrated solution, cooling the object;
    • the substance passes into the absorber, where it is again absorbed by the absorbent;
    • the pump pumps the solution into a generator heated by a specific heat source;
    • the substance boils and the ammonia vapor released goes into the condenser;
    • the refrigerant cools and turns into liquid;
    • the working fluid passes through the control valve, is compressed and sent to the evaporator.

    As a result, ammonia circulating in a closed circuit takes heat from the cooled chamber and enters the evaporator. And it releases it to the external environment while in the capacitor. The loops play continuously.

    Since the unit cannot be turned off, it is not very economical and has increased energy consumption. If such equipment fails, it will most likely not be possible to repair it.

    The dependence of absorption devices on changes in voltage, current and other parameters of the electrical network is minimal. Compact dimensions make it easy to install them in any convenient area

    The design of the devices does not contain bulky moving or rubbing elements, so they have low level noise.

    The devices are relevant for buildings, electrical network which are subject to constant peak loads, and places where there is no constant power supply.

    The absorption principle is implemented in industrial refrigeration units, small refrigerators for cars and offices. Sometimes it is found in certain household models that run on natural gas.

    Operating principle of thermoelectric models

    Reducing the temperature in the chamber of a thermoelectric device is achieved using a special system that pumps out heat according to the Peltier effect.

    It involves the absorption of heat in the area where two different conductors are connected when an electric current passes through it.

    The design of refrigerators consists of thermoelectric elements in the shape of a cube, made of metals. They are united by one electrical diagram. As current moves from one element to another, heat also moves.

    The aluminum plate absorbs it from the internal compartment and then transfers it to the cubic working parts, which in turn redirect it to the stabilizer.

    There, thanks to a fan, it is thrown out. Portable cooler bags work on this principle.

    In most models of thermoelectric refrigeration appliances, when switching the power polarity, you can receive not only cold, but also heat - up to 60 degrees Celsius. This function is used to reheat food

    The equipment is used in the camping industry, in cars and motor boats, and is often installed in cottages and other places where it is possible to provide the device with a 12 V power supply.

    Thermoelectric products have a special emergency mechanism that turns them off in the event of overheating of working parts or failure of the ventilation system.

    The advantages of this method of operation include high reliability and a fairly low noise level during operation of the devices. Disadvantages include high cost and sensitivity to external temperatures.

    Features of equipment on vortex coolers

    Devices in this category have a compressor. It compresses the air, which then expands into installed blocks vortex coolers. The object cools due to the sudden expansion of compressed air.

    Vortex devices are durable and safe: they do not require electricity, have no moving elements, and do not contain hazardous chemical compounds. internal system designs

    The vortex cooler method was not widely used, but was limited to test samples only.

    This is due to high air flow, very noisy operation and relatively low cooling capacity. Sometimes devices are used in industrial enterprises.

    Detailed overview of compressor technology

    Compressor refrigerators are the most common type of equipment in everyday life. They are found in almost every home - they do not consume too much energy and are safe to use.

    The most successful models from reliable manufacturers have served their owners for more than 10 years. Let's consider the structure and principles by which compressor household appliances operate.

    Equipment design features

    A classic household refrigerator is a vertically oriented cabinet equipped with one or two doors. Its body is made of rigid sheet steel with a thickness of about 0.6 mm or durable plastic, which reduces the weight of the supporting structure.

    For high-quality sealing of the product, a paste with a high content of vinyl chloride resin is used. The surface is primed and covered with high-quality enamel from spray guns.

    In the production of internal metal compartments, the so-called stamping method is used; plastic cabinets are made using the vacuum molding method.

    The doors of the device consist of steel sheets. A thick rubber seal is inserted along the edges to prevent outside air from passing through. Magnetic shutters are built into some modifications

    A layer of thermal insulation must be laid between the inner and outer walls of the product, which protects the chamber from heat trying to penetrate from the environment and prevents the loss of the cold generated inside.

    Mineral or glass felt, polystyrene foam, and polyurethane foam are well suited for these purposes.

    The internal space is traditionally divided into two functional areas: refrigeration and freezing.

    According to the shape of the layout, they are distinguished:

    • one-;
    • two-;
    • multi-chamber devices.

    Aggregates are highlighted as a separate type Side-by-Side, including two cameras.

    Single-chamber units are equipped with one door. In the upper part of the equipment there is a freezer compartment with its own door with a folding or opening mechanism, in the lower part there is a refrigeration compartment with height-adjustable shelves.

    Lighting equipment with an LED or incandescent lamp is installed in the cells.

    Devices made of the “side-by-side” type are much larger and wider than their counterparts. Both compartments occupy space along the entire height of the equipment. They are located parallel to each other

    In two-chamber units, the internal cabinets are insulated and each separated by its own door. The location of departments in them can be European or Asian. The first option assumes a lower layout of the freezer, the second - an upper one.

    Components of the unit

    Compressor-type refrigeration units do not produce cold. They cool an object by absorbing internal heat and transferring it out.

    The cold formation procedure involves the following components:

    • refrigerant;
    • capacitor;
    • evaporative radiator;
    • compressor apparatus;
    • thermostatic valve.

    In the role refrigerant, which fills the refrigerator system, most often freon is a mixture of gases with high level fluidity and fairly low boiling/evaporation temperatures.

    It moves along a closed circuit, transferring heat through different parts of the cycle.

    In most cases, manufacturers use Freon 12 as a working element for home refrigeration machines. This colorless gas with a barely perceptible specific odor is not toxic to humans and does not affect the taste and properties of products stored in the chambers

    Compressor- the central part of the design of any refrigerator. This is an inverter or linear motor that provokes forced circulation of gas in the system, increasing pressure. Simply put, it compresses freon vapors and forces them to move in the desired direction.

    The equipment can be equipped with one or two compressors. Vibrations arising during operation are absorbed by external or internal suspension. In dual-compression models, a separate device is responsible for each chamber.

    The classification of compressors provides two subtypes:

    1. Dynamic. Forces the refrigerant to move due to the force of movement of the blades of a centrifugal or axial fan. It has a simple structure, but due to low efficiency and rapid wear under the influence of torque, it is rarely used in household equipment.
    2. Volume. It compresses the working fluid using a special mechanical device that is driven by an electric motor. It can be piston or rotary. Mostly, these are the compressors installed in refrigerators.

    Piston apparatus presented in the form of an electric motor with a vertical shaft, enclosed in a solid metal casing. When the start relay connects power, it activates the crankshaft and the piston attached to it begins to move.

    A system of opening and closing valves is connected to the work. As a result, freon vapor is drawn out of the evaporator and pumped into the condenser.

    If a piston compressor breaks down, repair is only possible if a specialized professional equipment. Any disassembly in a domestic environment is fraught with loss of tightness and the impossibility of further operation

    In rotary mechanisms, the required pressure is maintained by two rotors moving towards each other.

    Freon enters the upper pocket located at the beginning of the shafts, is compressed and exits through the lower hole of small diameter. To reduce friction, oil is introduced into the space between the shafts.

    Capacitors are made in the form of a coil grid, which is mounted on the rear or side wall of the equipment.

    They have different designs, but are always responsible for the same task: cooling hot gas vapors to specified temperature values ​​by condensing the substance and dissipating heat in the room. They can be panel or ribbed-tubular.

    The evaporator consists of a thin aluminum pipeline and welded steel plates. It contacts the internal compartments of the refrigerator, effectively removes absorbed heat from the appliance and significantly reduces the temperature in the cabinets

    Thermostatic valve needed in order to maintain the pressure of the working fluid at a certain level. Large units of the unit are connected to each other by a system of tubes forming a hermetically sealed closed ring.

    Work cycle sequence

    The optimal temperature for long-term storage of food in compression devices is created during operating cycles, carried out one after another.

    They proceed as follows:

    • when the device is connected to the electrical network, the motor-compressor starts, compressing freon vapors, synchronously increasing their pressure and temperature;
    • under the force of excess pressure, the hot working fluid, which is in a gaseous aggregate state, enters the capacitor;
    • moving along a long metal tube, the steam releases the accumulated heat into the external environment, smoothly cools to room temperature and turns into liquid;
    • the liquid working fluid passes through a filter-drier that absorbs excess moisture;
    • the refrigerant penetrates through a narrow capillary tube, at the exit of which its pressure decreases;
    • the substance cools and transforms into a gas;
    • the cooled steam reaches the evaporator and, passing through its channels, takes away heat from the internal compartments of the refrigeration unit;
    • The temperature of the freon rises, and it is again sent to the compressor.

    If we talk in simple words about how a compressor refrigerator works, the process looks like this: the compressor distills the refrigerant in a closed circle. Which, in turn, changes its state of aggregation thanks to special devices, collects heat inside and transfers it outside.

    The operating cycle in the system is repeated until the temperature values ​​​​set are reached system programs, and resumes again when their increase is recorded

    After cooling to required parameters The thermostat stops the motor, opening the electrical circuit.

    When the temperature in the chambers begins to rise, the contacts close again, and the compressor motor is activated by the protective starting relay. That is why, during the operation of the refrigerator, the hum of the motor constantly appears and then subsides again.

    Subtleties of refrigerator control

    There is nothing complicated in operating the equipment: it operates in automatic mode around the clock.

    The only thing that needs to be done when you first turn it on and periodically adjust it during operation is to set the optimal temperature regime in specific circumstances.

    The desired temperature is set by a thermostat. In an electromechanical system, the values ​​are set by eye or taking into account the recommendations specified in the manufacturer's instructions. In this case, you should take into account the type and quantity of food stored in the refrigerator.

    The regulator knob is a round mechanism with several divisions. Each mark corresponds to a specific temperature conditions: The larger the division, the lower the temperature.

    In order to assess the degree of freezing, experts advise first putting the regulator in the middle position, and after some time, if necessary, twist it to the right or left

    The electronic unit allows you to set the temperature with maximum accuracy up to 1 degree using a rotary controller or buttons. For example, set the freezer compartment to -14 degrees. All entered parameters will be displayed on the digital display.

    To maximize the life of your home refrigerator, you should not only understand its structure, but also properly care for it.

    Lack of proper maintenance and improper operation can lead to rapid wear of important parts and poor functioning.

    You can avoid undesirable consequences by adhering to a number of rules:

    1. Clean the condenser regularly from dirt, dust and cobwebs in models with an open metal grille on the rear wall. To do this, you need to use a regular slightly damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a small attachment.
    2. Install the equipment correctly. Make sure that the distance between the condenser and the wall of the room is at least 10 cm. This measure will help ensure unhindered circulation of air masses.
    3. Defrost in a timely manner, preventing the formation of an excessive layer of snow on the walls of the chambers. At the same time, to remove ice crusts, it is forbidden to use knives and other sharp objects, which can easily damage and disable the evaporator.

    You also need to take into account that the refrigerator cannot be placed next to heating devices and in places where direct contact with sunlight is possible.

    Excessive influence of external heat has a bad effect on the operation of the main components and the overall performance of the device.

    For cleaning parts of the product made of stainless steel, only suitable special means recommended by the manufacturer in the instructions for the device

    If you plan to transport from place to place, it is best to transport the equipment in a truck with a high van, securing it in a strictly vertical position.

    In this way, it is possible to prevent engine breakdowns and oil leakage from the compressor entering directly into the coolant circulation circuit.

    Conclusions and useful video on the topic

    How the refrigeration unit works:

    Detailed explanation of the structure of compression refrigerators:

    Information about the operation of absorption machines:

    While refrigeration equipment is working properly, consumers are rarely interested in its design. However, this knowledge should not be neglected. They are very valuable because they allow you to quickly determine the cause of the breakdown. and detect the problem area, preventing serious malfunctions.

    Single chamber refrigerators.

    Single-chamber refrigerators are designed quite simply: a compressor, an evaporator, a start-up relay and a gas-mechanical sensor or electronic sensor (depending on the year of production).

    These are, as a rule, all single-door refrigerators with a small freezer inside, which is also the main source of cold for the common chamber (main evaporator), since according to the laws of physics, cold air always falls to the bottom, then in single-chamber refrigerators the freezer is always located in top.

    It works like this:
    The motor-compressor pumps freon into the condenser, where it partially cools and condenses, i.e. becomes liquid. Then, through the desiccant cartridge (filter), it enters the capillary tube and, having passed through it, enters the evaporator.

    After it enters the evaporator, it begins physical process its transition to a gaseous state. Thus, its temperature changes from positive to negative, due to which the evaporator and, in turn, the temperature in the chamber are cooled.
    The gas, having passed through the entire evaporator, enters the motor-compressor in which it is converted back into a liquid state and the cycle is repeated again until the temperature in the chamber drops to the set temperature, after which the thermostat turns off the motor-compressor.

    Under the influence of the environment, the temperature in the chamber will begin to rise, the thermostat will sense the increase in temperature, turn on the motor-compressor and the cycle will repeat.

    Double chamber refrigerators.

    Double-chamber refrigerators are somewhat more complicated than single-chamber refrigerators; the location of the freezer chamber can be either top or bottom, due to the fact that each chamber has its own evaporator, which cools only the volume of its chamber.
    Also, two-chamber refrigerators come with two compressors, which makes it possible to use only one chamber needed at a given time; the chambers are separated from each other by a heat-insulating partition, which eliminates the loss of cold when one of the chambers is turned off.

    With one compressor, separate use of the chambers is not possible; although there are two evaporators, in a single compressor refrigerator they are closed in one circuit, they have one circuit through which freon circulates. A single compressor refrigerator works like this: first, the freezer compartment is cooled; it is always a priority, until the evaporator of the freezer compartment is cooled to sub-zero temperature and freon begins to flow into the refrigerator compartment. The compressor is turned off by the sensor of the evaporator of the refrigerating chamber; after the evaporator of the freezing chamber is completely frozen, freon begins to flow into the evaporator of the refrigerating chamber, pumping of freon begins from the entry point of the capillary tube and the sensor is always attached to the opposite end of the evaporator. The evaporator of the refrigeration chamber is cooled to minus 14, then the sensor turns off the compressor, after the compressor is turned off, the air temperature in the refrigeration chamber under the influence of the environment heats up and heats the evaporator, the sensor, sensing the increase in temperature, gives a signal to turn on the compressor and the process repeats again.

    Two-chamber refrigerators with two compressors are much more convenient, they allow you to use the chamber you need separately from the chamber you don’t need to use, leaving it turned off, which is impossible in single-compressor refrigerators, it is very convenient and economical.

    With NO Frost system.

    Refrigerators with the NoFrost system differ from refrigerators with conventional system cooling in that the entire cooling process of the refrigerator and freezer compartment is hidden from the user. In such refrigerators, there are no usual shelves in the freezer covered with snow, and there is no frost freezing on the back wall of the refrigerator. Cooling of the chambers in refrigerators with the NoFrost system occurs due to cold air blowing. The question arises, where does this cold air come from? Such refrigerators work like this: a refrigerator with the NoFrost system, as a rule, has one evaporator, it is always located in the freezer compartment, the location of the freezer compartment can be either upper or lower. The evaporator is located behind a plastic casing. Behind the evaporator there is a fan that sucks warm air from the chamber, passes it through the evaporator, thereby cooling it and supplies cold air through special channels to the refrigerator and freezer chambers. Due to this circulation, the air in the chambers is cooled to a given temperature, in the refrigerator compartment it is +4, +6 degrees in the freezer -18 It is generally accepted that snow does not form in refrigerators with the NoFrost system and they do not require defrosting, this is not entirely true snow in In such refrigerators, the build-up on the evaporators is hidden from the user's eyes; the evaporator contains an electric heater (heater), which once every 8-16 hours turns on a mechanical or electronic timer (depending on the model of the refrigerator) and all the formed snow melts, and the melt water drains through a drainage tube into a special container from where it evaporates. This entire process does not require your participation.

    Modern refrigerators are very different from each other. There are many types of their classifications. The main division of refrigerators can be considered according to the principle of operation:

    • Compression;
    • Absorption;
    • Thermoelectric;
    • Steam ejector (with vortex cooler).
    The compression principle is currently used most often in household refrigerators. Therefore, we will briefly consider the design and operating principle of this type of refrigerator.

    Refrigerator device

    Fridge is an isothermal cabinet with electrical equipment installed in it. The sealed cabinet is made of impact-resistant plastic or sheet steel coated with white enamel. The inside of the cabinet can also be metal or plastic.

    Door consists of two panels with a heat insulator located between them. To ensure tightness around the perimeter inside equipped with a magnetic seal. In the closed position, the doors are held using magnetic, less often mechanical, latches. There is thermal insulation along the walls, bottom and bottom of the refrigerator and under the inner door panel. Staple fiberglass, mineral felt, expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam are used as thermal insulation materials.

    Compressor- the main element of the refrigerator, which pumps and distills the refrigerant into the condenser and then sucks its vapors from the evaporator. Domestic refrigerators may have 1-2 compressors.

    Refrigerant- the working substance that removes heat from the object is most often freon.

    Capacitor- a metal tube with a diameter of about 5 mm, curved, usually in the form of a “snake”, connected through 10-15 mm with thin metal rods. In it, freon transitions into a liquid state, during which excess heat is released into the environment.

    Filter driers, which are cylinders with narrowed edges, are installed in or near the condenser. They remove water from the system and clean freon from mechanical contaminants formed during operation.

    Evaporator. Its action is opposite to the action of a condenser: when freon in it passes into a gaseous state, heat is absorbed (cold is released). Appearance completely similar to a capacitor. It can be located inside the refrigerator chambers or built into the walls.

    Capillary- a copper tube 1.5-3 m long, installed between the evaporator and the condenser, reduces the pressure of the freon passing through it.

    Start relay serves to start and uninterrupted operation of the compressor, and also protects against voltage surges.

    Thermostats(temperature sensors) monitor the temperature inside the refrigerator compartment. They operate within a certain temperature range, and when the temperature goes beyond its boundaries, they turn the compressor on or off.

    Impellers provide air circulation inside the refrigerator chamber.

    Lamps, which turn on automatically when the refrigerator door is opened, provide comfortable lighting inside it.

    The principle of operation of the refrigerator

    Cold is formed when the state of aggregation of a refrigerant circulating in a closed circuit changes. The refrigerant goes through four phases: