• A program for tracking a person via phone. The most common surveillance techniques are. Top Spy Lite and Hidden Camera

    People often contact our agency with a request to arrange external surveillance. There are also clients who “need to be followed up very urgently, in half an hour!” Of course, we have to refuse such clients, since it is simply impossible to prepare a group in such a period of time. Why exactly - let's look at a simple example:

    We received an order to search for the actual place of residence of the debtor. The following is known about him: married, has a 14-year-old son, color and make of car. Taking the child’s age and time of year as a basis, it’s autumn, which means the child goes to school. It was decided to find his son in social networks, and find out where he studies, and when his classes are, and from the school establish surveillance of the child.

    The planning of this event consisted of the following - it was necessary to contact the child and identify the key points of his route and an approximate schedule of movement, which was actually done. Our specialist found out from a fake account that in at the moment The student is sick, so it makes no sense to set up an outdoor activity group behind the school until he recovers.

    In this specific case, the preparation consisted precisely in clarifying the route and schedule for the tracking object. If it is not carried out, but immediately sends a group, the result could be zero for the business, and negative for our client’s finances, because the student simply would not have been there.

    You also need to understand that each case is unique, and each application to the Berkut detective agency requires its own, special approach. In detective work there are no strict established rules or recommendations for all occasions.

    How to conduct surveillance correctly?

    There is no clear answer to the question of how to monitor a person and do it correctly so as not to miss the object of surveillance and not be discovered - here experience and operational skills play the main role.

    It will be quite difficult for an unprepared “stomper” to cope with such a task for a number of reasons. Firstly, outdoor surveillance is carried out not by one specialist, but by a group of people who continuously insure each other, “overlap” possible ways and are in touch all the time. Secondly, if the object of surveillance knows you personally and knows you by sight, then the risk of being discovered increases.

    Thus, if you want to order surveillance services for a person, contact only professionals in their field, and do it in advance (3-4 days) so that this operational event takes place as quickly as possible. top level, and brought the desired results.

    In this article we will tell you how to properly set up surveillance and monitor a person (pedestrian, car). But from the very beginning I want to raise the issue of the legality of surveillance of a person. So, Article 5 of the law “on private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” allows private detectives and detectives to conduct necessary information. Along with oral questioning and making inquiries.

    Therefore, this article is aimed specifically at private investigators with a license for private investigation activities. For everyone else, the article will be useful and interesting solely as a counter-surveillance measure.

    You need to follow people for a specific purpose:

    • their detailed development for the intended recruitment, exposure (theft, espionage, treason), etc.;
    • reaching a wanted person who may have contact (or may have contact) with the object;
    • pinpointing like-minded people of the object.

    The person performing the surveillance should have, if possible: inconspicuous appearance, good memory, good endurance, steely endurance, lightning-fast reaction, one hundred percent vision, excellent hearing, a pronounced ability to improvise and navigate the situation.

    Considering that the periodic appearance of the same persons can alert the object, it is necessary to alternate means of camouflage - false glasses, removable bags and packages, reversible jackets, constantly updated hats. It must be remembered that sometimes it is preferable to lose the target of surveillance than to be noticeable and ultimately be detected.

    How to set up surveillance?

    As a rule, from three to eight people and a number of vehicles take part in professional, high-quality surveillance. There are usually two or three people sitting in each car, and it is desirable that one of them is a woman. The agents communicate with each other using radio communications (which is sometimes very difficult to do in public), simple telecontrol of local electric shocks, and of course, through a thoughtful and pre-agreed special visual code.

    All signs of the code used in tracking are oriented towards naturalness and in one of the advertised versions they look, for example, like this:

    • “the object is standing” - arms crossed behind the back;
    • “the object turned to the left” - the left hand rests on the left thigh;
    • “the object turned to the right” - the right hand rests on the right thigh;
    • “an object crosses the street” - a half turn to the side with one arm bent at the chest;
    • “the object has turned around and is walking in the opposite direction” - one hand is raised to the head;
    • “the object is out of control” - both hands rise to the head;
    • “I need to be changed” - a concentrated look at the clock with imitation of surprise.

    Any inclinations of the object of surveillance and his contacts (route, car numbers, train schedules) are dictated, if possible, onto a miniature pocket voice recorder, and upon completion of the surveillance, they are meticulously recorded on paper.

    How to track a person?

    The conducting agent needs to be able to spot his pursued object in a crowd of people and, based on previously collected data, have a good knowledge of his daily wardrobe, gait, preferred routes, residential addresses (relatives, dacha, friends and acquaintances): typical daily routine, frequent contacts, brands , color and numbers of the vehicles used.

    Spying on a person

    You should follow the person you are interested in while tuning in to a specific task, since a general attitude to observe is less productive than a clearly defined task. The method of visual control depends significantly on both your personal capabilities both the existing goal and the accompanying conditions, including the degree of alertness (sophistication) of the pursued object.

    Surveillance methods for tracking a pedestrian

    Only 1 agent is directly following the pursued object, and all the others in an extended chain are behind, and each of the subsequent agents is guided by the previous one. Contact between intelligence units is carried out via radio (preferably satellite) or visual code, and the distance between them depends on specific external factors(on empty, deserted streets - more, on fairly crowded streets - less...). If the main leading agent is accidentally exposed, he must immediately give way to the second agent and, avoiding visual contact, use personal camouflage means.

    Double chain
    This option is played on crowded streets with large quantity people, and it is characterized by the fact that the followers walk on both sides main road, occasionally moving from one side to the other. Sometimes they can walk along parallel streets, marking the object of observation at street intersections and maintaining contact with the main agent by radio.

    Ahead of time
    In this technique, the trackers at times get ahead of the pursued object, which thus ends up between them, which provides the most dense, and therefore the most effective observation.

    With connection
    The pursuers occupy (as a rule, transferred by transport) optimal places along the path of the intended movement of the object and actively join the tracking at various points of its movement. This is advisable in a situation where it is very difficult not to attract unnecessary, other people's attention.

    In unpleasant moments of sudden loss of the pursued object, the entire nearby area is covered by a ring, which, after finding the cherished goal, again stretches into the same standard chain.

    Tight with safety net
    Being present in places with the greatest concentration of people (at train stations, in shopping centers, in subways or subways), you can not avoid approaching the pursued object closely, which is usually carried out by one or two agents, while others are outside and passively exercise control over all entrances and exits. Here, as always, it is not recommended to intersect with the observed eyes.

    One-time with transfer
    An agent from a surveillance group enters a cafe, restaurant or tavern together with the subject, sits down not far from him and, simply without entering into any conversations, leaves the establishment directly behind him. After exiting, the object is “transferred” to other agents, and the controller who appears here is removed from the next observation if possible.
    Sometimes it happens that an experienced person tries to “test himself”, trying to identify people constantly appearing nearby or to notice in the actions of certain people around him some strangeness or unnatural behavior. Counter observation is carried out with the involvement of another individual or without the help of others, using reflective surfaces (mirrors, shop windows), observation from buildings (from an apartment window or staircase), and simply through a reasonable turn of the head (inspecting products on a tray, simulating loss some important item).

    Unusualities in neighborly behavior are sometimes revealed by sharp “zigzags” of one’s movements (sudden changes in the direction of movement and pace; leaving the cinema hall at the start of the show) with noting the reaction of people around.

    Methods of surveillance when tracking a car

    Monitoring a moving vehicle is essentially similar to monitoring a pedestrian. Here, as a rule, several cars are used, of different colors and dull appearance, some of which move along parallel streets and connect to the working situation using a walkie-talkie. “Sitting on the tail” of the car driving in front is only permissible for hundreds, or at most a couple of thousand meters, after which a mandatory separation will be required and the next car will be connected to the tracking. In order to avoid annoying surprises, you should know everything very well technical capabilities(turning radius and speed of acceleration), road characteristics of the road in a given section of the area, the level of professionalism and habits of the driver.

    Car tracking

    When a cautious target of surveillance is overly wary or afraid of something, he may try to evade the expected control, using template techniques for this, for example: changing the rhythm, direction and type of movement; creating certain barriers behind you; lulling the vigilance of those watching.

    Quite often they use tricks such as:

    • Long winding in crowded places (clothing markets, metro, train stations).
    • Use of entrances, courtyards or apartments and other “back” entrances.
    • Constant change of vehicles.
    • Transitions in the metro from one to another line.
    • Using labyrinthine routes.
    • Sudden acceleration after turning a corner with the intention of going significantly further than would be expected at normal walking speed.
    • Sudden abandonment of speeding vehicles.
    • Unpredictable driving through a red traffic light or under a lowering railway barrier.
    • Giving the accompanying person the impression of moving in a well-known direction and suddenly disappearing from the intended route.
    • Sharp entry and exit public transport the moment its doors close.
    • Changes in appearance and gait during short periods of reasonable evasion from visual control (at the entrance, in the toilet, with friends).
    • Open aggression towards an identified agent with the prospect of inciting a public scandal.

    If the object of surveillance suddenly disappears, it is advisable not to act at random, but after waiting a little, take careful control of all possible places of its appearance.

    I can really help you with this if your husband has a smartphone running on Android, iOS.. It is actually very likely that his mobile phone has any of these OS. Now we will see ways to spy on your mobile phone without coming in contact with your mobile phone.

    What you should do is download compensated TheTruthSpy iPhone app from their formal website. Now once you have downloaded the app you just have to install it secretly in your husband's phone and this app will do everything for you.

    If you put it in TheTruthSpy will cover itself and send all the details online which you can log into your TheTruthSpy and view.

    It is standard for large companies to retain this type of information for company phones and computer equipment, but Singer doubts that everyone is using these types of apps as they are intended. TheTruthSpy can be purchased on Android. This is not available in App Store from Apple and, therefore, can only be downloaded to "jailbroken" iPhones, which allow users to download programs not unauthorized by Apple.

    Many features are provided through the mobile phone spy iPhone application

    1. Tracks GPS location

    TheTrustSpy can be installed for GPS monitoring scope of your respective target mobile phone. Get to know if your son is where he should be, or if your coworker is really stuck in traffic.

    2. Message Text / SMS Tracker

    This cell phone tracking software allows you to examine all messages text messages and multimedia messages by mail or purchased with the target phone user. They are available for immediate viewing despite deletion.

    3. Call Tracker/Call Spy

    TheTrustSpy allows you to see all incoming/outgoing calls using their period and timestamps. Also, It's mobile software Phone monitoring can be created for a history of phone calls intended to or from a predetermined number. You won't forget a few!

    – Call Documentation

    4. Internet Usage Monitor

    View all URLs were in with the user's cell phone Internet browser. Check what they're up to online by rummaging through your browsing history.

    5. Contact Magazines

    Investigate each contact's entered cell phone reserve address and keep track of each and every incident in the phone's work schedule.

    6. Social monitoring software

    Use this feature to record an activity with IMessage, Instant sharing solutions Skype messages and WhatsApp and Viber used on the target mobile phone. Monitor social networking conversations and find out, as a rule, and what the focus on the mobile phone consumer sends text messages O.

    – Spy Whatsapp

    Pay attention to the history surrounding the cell phone.

    8. Photo/Video Media

    This cell surveillance computer software allows you to see any videos and photos that have been saved on target phone. Every time your child or employee records a YouTube video or takes a photo from behind their phone camera, it will be promptly submitted to TheTrustSpy account.

    9. Remote control

    WITH touch screen phones often get dropped or taken over, robbery details are becoming quite common. You will make sure that your personal data does not fall into the wrong hands by remotely erasing the target's phone data or blocking the device.

    10. Rate it

    You can install this software for mobile devices monitoring your phone to obtain thorough research into telephone use target. Use this feature if you need to track and control many cell phones straightaway.

    Download and install TheTruthSpy

    1.Go to d.thetruthspy.com from your device's browser and download TheTruthSpy to your device.

    2. After installing TheTruthSpy, you can register new account here by clicking on the Register button, or if you have registered an account on the user control panel site already (HTTP://my.thetruthspy.com) then you can click the Login button to join this device to your account.
    3. Login to HTTP://my.thetruthspy.com to start monitor and view all tracking data from the target device

    How to track your wife/husband's phone number

    Today, one of the most exciting topics that most people with significant other are interested in is how you can check the phone of your loved one. That is why we would like to tell you how you can do this so that the person whose phone you need to monitor never finds out about it.

    Reasons why you need to track through your phone

    + Your spouse began to behave suspiciously;

    + Your loved one began to stay late from work;

    + You have noticed changes in the appearance of your partner.

    Is it possible to track a phone: ways to find out the whole truth quickly and easily

    When there is no trust in a family, it is not surprising that there will be a desire to check the device of a loved one and find hidden information. But it is not always easy to achieve the desired result.

    The first step is to bypass the password

    To begin with, you may encounter the problem of a password-protected device. That is why, to begin with, you may encounter some difficulties in this matter.

    How can you bypass the password on your wife/husband’s device?

    Try it yourself. This will be easy to do if you have the opportunity to spy on how the person you are interested in enters their password. However, if this is not possible, then you just have to try to choose it yourself. An example suitable combination might be:

    - date of birth;

    - significant date;

    - favorite number.

    Another way to find out the required combination is to use the techniques social engineering, which by answering simple questions by a specific user will allow you to get the necessary information.

    Use specialized programs. This option is already more effective than the previous one, since you don’t have to guess anything or select information of interest yourself - they will do it for you special utilities. Today there is large number similar software, but still getting what you want with its help is not always possible. Types of programs that can be found in open access:

    Searching through combinations from previously created dictionaries;

    Saving all entered information into a separate file;


    Contact professional burglars. This option is the most proven, since only real specialists will be able to provide you with the necessary information in full in the shortest possible time. Only with experienced hackers will you be able to monitor the correspondence of any person unnoticed and without time limits.

    However, today there are also difficulties that can be encountered when using this option. Not so easy to find good specialist, with which you can work in the future. Most of the offers that you can find today are tricks of scammers who not only will not provide you with the desired result, but in some cases they can even deceive you by stealing money.

    And although experienced hackers today good option to get what you want, you should not always trust the first offers you come across, since most of them are fakes.

    Check accounts on social networks and instant messengers

    The second step, after you manage to break into someone else’s phone, is the need to check all the created accounts on social networks and instant messengers. But in order to do this, in some cases you will have to hack the password that is set on the applications installed on the smartphone.

    In order to penetrate the account of some specific application, you will need to use a method convenient for you to open the page and then check its contents.

    - List of contacts and interlocutors;

    - Photos and saved images;

    - Video and audio recordings;

    What to check on your spouse's device

    Usually standard check SMS and a book of outgoing and incoming calls made from the user’s device are exposed. But you can often encounter a situation where a user deliberately deletes all messages and clears the call log so that no one can find out about his secrets.

    What to check first:

    - SMS messages;

    - Contact list;

    - All incoming and outgoing calls;

    - Photos and videos;

    - Audio recordings.

    If you need to find out with whom the user you are interested in is corresponding, then to do this you will need to use one of the well-known methods that allow you to do this quickly and quietly. This way you can not only remain unnoticed, but also get all the information you need.

    How can you get all the data from another person’s device?

    This question may concern a large number of people who are interested in how they can obtain data from another device. That is why we would like to talk about the basic services that allow you to get everything you need.

    Printing and detailing

    With this option you can get everything you need in a format convenient for you. So, with the help of printing and detailing you can get:

    - Printout of all messages;

    - Details of incoming and outgoing calls;

    - Full list contacts.

    Direction finder

    With this functionality You will be able to track the location of the device. This can be useful if you want to keep track of where your spouse is.


    + You always know where your loved one is;

    + You can find out the location if you have lost your soulmate.

    + You don’t have to call or write to your loved one, since the direction finder will show his exact location.

    Install a gadget spy

    You could read about this method a little higher when we talked about specialized programs. There we described what you can get if you install them on the device of the user you are interested in. That is why this option can be highlighted as a separate option in the list of services with which you can achieve the desired result. Their relative ease of use allows you to get what you want in the shortest possible time, without resorting to using any complex techniques or putting a lot of effort into getting what you want.

    In addition to the above methods of getting what you want, you can also find a large number of alternative options. However, only professional crackers who can solve a problem of any complexity can really help you in this matter.

    Spying on your husband through an Android phone in Russia is possible thanks to our website program, which is a multifunctional secretive spy program. The main difference between our program and similar surveillance applications on Android is its secrecy and inability to be detected.

    Spy on your husband's phone- it’s quite a risky business, since the vast majority of men are well versed in gadgets and can recently find a new one on their phone installed program. Therefore, to lead covert surveillance pick up your husband by phone in Russia, you need to choose one spy program, which would not in any way affect the operation of the mobile and would not manifest itself in any way. Otherwise, instead of secretly spying on your husband’s phone, you will get the very least - a scandal.

    Our website program is quite “easy” and does not “slow down” the operation of the mobile phone. It is not malware and therefore can be paired with an antivirus. Our spy site is installed in system folder and is not displayed either in the Menu list, or in the “Delete application” tab, or in “Application Settings” (with root rights).

    Install the program site (spy for mobile phones) in Russia will not be difficult; for this you need your husband’s phone to be based on Android and connected to the Internet.

    How to monitor your husband's phone in Russia?

    If you are wondering how to spy on your husband’s phone, then you are determined to do it. To spy on your husband through mobile Android started working and began to bring the results described above, you need:

    Step 1. Go to the page.

    Step 2. Go to the page and download the link to our VkurSe application. We draw your attention to the fact that on the “Download” page itself there is no link to download the application - you need to click on the “Download” button and you will be automatically transferred to cloud storage, where the link to the VkurSe application will be located.

    Step 3. Borrow your husband’s phone for 15-20 minutes and install our Vkurse program. Make the necessary settings (check the boxes) where you need them.

    Step 4. Reboot your husband's phone and put it back.

    The interface is extremely simple and clear, so there shouldn’t be any problems with installing our program for spying on an Android phone website in Russia.

    How to install the VkurSe application correctly– a huge request – read carefully to the end – this article describes in detail where you need to install our application and where control is carried out, and also provides links to download the application, to the manual and to the installation video. It also says how our application with root rights differs from an application without them.