• A program for sending messages to a social network. Social network “VKontakte”: how to send a newsletter

    This function is handled by our service “VKONTAKTE Message Distribution”; it will quickly deliver all letters to the specified recipients. I think there is no need to explain what it can be used for this function. After all, it’s clear that this great way invite people to a group or notify all your friends about important news. VKontakte does not provide a mass mailing function. That's why we developed our service. Yes, you are right, we are not the first in this matter, but unlike others, we do not charge money for our service. Sending messages to VK is absolutely free. No phone numbers or SMS required. Just register, add your account to the system, select users to whom to send messages and send, there are no restrictions on mailing. Send out as many as you like. The only thing our service cannot do yet is enter a captcha, which appears after every 20 messages in the newsletter. You will have to do this yourself, but don’t worry, we will soon get rid of this problem, but now let me show you how to set up a newsletter, you will understand that it is as easy as shelling pears.

    The first step is to register.

    To do this, click the “Login/Register” button in the menu and go to the “Registration” tab.

    Enter your email address, create a password, and enter it in both password fields. Type the text from the picture, read the user agreement and check the box. Click the "Registration" button.

    You will be taken to the add account page.

    Click on the button marked in the picture. A page will open in the next tab where you will be asked to log in to VK and allow our service to access your information from the page.

    After this you will be taken to a page that will contain secret key. He is in address bar browser.

    Copy it and return to our site.

    Paste this line into the field marked in red in the image below.

    And click the "Submit" button.

    All you have to do is enter the message you want to send, select the users you want to send this message and click the “Submit” button.

    To select users, we have provided several function buttons.

    The All button selects all users.

    The “Online” button selects users who are online in at the moment time.

    The M/F button selects men or women.

    You can also check off users.

    Users in green boxes are currently online.

    Now the time has come that people are on social media. networks are very large number of our precious time, we have long been thinking about how to make it so that VKontakte messages are sent en masse to private social networks. VKontakte network. Over time, we found a way to do this, and a super amazing program for sending messages on VKontakte called Posting VK but there are others too.

    The very sending of messages over the VKontakte network makes it possible not only to send messages, but also to promote various sites, user pages, groups and even forums. IN regular version This program lacks various checks, the connection to the site is turned off, updates do not work and HOSTS are not destroyed.

    Accordingly, becoming a member of the ban list is easy and simple. Better in in this case, use some other created account.

    The incomparable leader in messaging is great program VKBot, which significantly facilitates communication on a social network and improves the process of use, since the program for mass sending messages on VKontakte has been working for several years and there have never been any account bans or other unpleasant problems. The program has managed to win and earn respect from active Internet users.

    In order to start the process of sending messages, you need to launch the program, then log in and click on the “Send” button. In the window that appears, you need to enter any inscription at the user’s discretion.

    In the newly opened menu, you will need to select the option of what you would like to perform. That is, send it to the wall, private message to friends, private message or other methods.

    In the new sign, the user writes a message. The text of the message is at the discretion of the person. The mailing list, to some extent, is considered spam.

    That is why when using such a program you need to be very careful and wary. It is best to keep the number of messages sent to a minimum, and you should not use the newsletter simply for the sake of curiosity.

    You can choose simpler parameters and perform actions carefully. In this case, the user will be able to avoid being blacklisted by site administrators.

    We also want to provide you with the following programs that will help you with further work with newsletter on social media VKontakte network. We have uploaded all these programs into an archive with instructions for use that you can download:

    VkFriendsMessage- The program for sending messages to the walls of VKontakte groups works with many accounts and can send a large number of messages to friends. It is possible to support proxies.

    Mix Poster - Free program which is always updated and can automatically send messages to the pages of all your friends and groups in social networks VK.

    Social robot- This is a social bot for sending messages on VKontakte that can send comments to photos, videos to all specified groups and open walls in social networks. VK networks. The program supports anti-bot, and you can enable automatic recognition of anti-captcha.

    Feedron- A good anti-spammer and spammer in general. This is an excellent program for lazy people that can parse all new topics and messages in general from specified groups, including automatically posting them in specified places. The program is automatically updated and is free.

    Skipping the “lyrical digressions,” we will indicate the fact that the social network VKontakte has acquired the status of, if not the main, then one of the preferred methods of virtual communication, without which the vast majority of users of the World Wide Web cannot do. By creating a VKontakte page, a person not only gets the opportunity to talk with loved ones and make new acquaintances. It also becomes possible to increase your earnings by promoting your business. People are given descriptions of various types of services, company products, and events.
    Naturally, advertisers and businessmen do not perform all these actions without help special software. Next, let's look at how to do mass mailing on VKontakte and what software is required for this.

    For easier communication and network operation, there are various types scripts, programs that do virtual communication better and easier. The most popular among such utilities is

    VKBot. What are its advantages:

    • Availability of an assembly with a set of additional tools that must be purchased, as well as a basic version of the program, which is free.
    • Absolute safety for your PC, that is, the absence of malicious lines in the program code.
    • Ease of handling.

    VKBot is the same package of tools for making mass mailings on the VKontakte social network.

    How to distribute text messages, videos and other items with VKBot

    A very easy operation. You need to launch VkBot, log in by entering your username and password, and click the “Newsletter” button. Next you will see a window in which you enter whatever you want: one or more words, for example:

    “Good afternoon” or “Hello.” Next, click on the word “Let’s go” and a menu will pop up to select further operations. Decide which action you want to take from the actions listed in the menu. If you would like to send a message with a picture and soundtrack friends on the wall, then select the action “Send a message to the walls”. A small window will appear with a field for entering a message, for example: “Hello. Here's a photo of me as a little kid. And you send me yours,” and add your photo to the message using the “Attach” button. You can also attach audio and video recordings.

    If you need to tell about something in a private message, then click “Send LSV to friends.” A field similar to the previous one will appear, where you enter the desired text. If you want to “like” all the news on your friends’ walls, click “Mark news as “Like””.

    We work with VKBombSender

    Judging by the name, we will throw bombs at users. Now in more detail and without “lyrics”. VKBombSender, like VKBot, is a program for sending messages to VKontakte. The “Messages” button is a field where you enter a list of messages for distribution. In this case, it is necessary to enter each subsequent message with new line. This field is the main field in the utility control panel. The list of options will allow you to adjust absolutely everything you want. To manage settings, click the “Settings” button.

    VkBombSender – Settings tab

    There are two authentication methods: http and https. They differ in that using the https method, profile authorization is carried out using a closed protocol. However, there is a point that is worth paying attention to. Not every proxy server works with https.

    The “Loop Accounts” function ensures further distribution when the cycle of user-defined accounts ends, until the criteria are exhausted.

    Working with macros

    Another feature of the utility is working with macros like . The bottom line is this: VKontakte blocks an account for sending messages of the same form. Therefore, it is possible in the message file to enter each subsequent remark on a new line, or to create one macro that replaces lexical units, for example the remark: Hello, How are you? You can split this message with a macro into more phrases, macro [hello, | hi, | hello, ] [how are you? | how are you?] will create 6 phrases in the message, the phrases will look like this:

    Hi, how are you?
    hi, how are you?
    Hello, how are you?
    hi, how are you?
    hi, how are you?
    Hello, how are you?

    We've sorted out the utility macros. In addition to them, there is a file links.txt. With it, you can send a message like: Hello, take a look at the link. The recipient of the message will see on their screen: Hello, look at the link [the link is selected randomly from the links.txt file]. Also, before transmitting the link, it is scanned for the presence of a dangerous window, for example, the transition to the site is blocked; VKontakte takes care of your safety. If such things are detected during scanning, the link will not be published and the program will select another link from the links.txt file. In general, everything is quite simple. Purchasing the utility will cost you $30, pay once and that’s it. Purchasing any additional packages no tools required. Everyone latest versions programs, after installing new filters and algorithms directly on VKontakte itself, provide you without having to pay for them.

    Video: How to make a mass mailing on VKontakte

    Hi all! I propose today to discuss the topic of creating a newsletter with a series of letters on the social network Vkontakte. This opportunity is available to community owners and is implemented using special applications. One of these is Gamayun, it is free, quite convenient and understandable.

    The ability to send newsletters and collect a subscription base on VK was available before; many people use the Happy Santa application for this. But, it does not have the function of sending automatic message chains. In Gamayun it works like a charm.

    How can you use this application?

    The same as email newsletters, but only within the VKontakte social network. At the same time, the open rate of such mailings is high, since they come directly to the user’s inbox. The topic is not yet hackneyed; there are still few newsletters on VK, and they do not get lost in the flow, like email letters.

    I’m not going to say that this will completely replace email marketing. After all, there are still people who do not use social networks or go there rarely, but use by email. Although it is definitely worth using this tool as another channel of communication with your audience.

    Using the Gamayun application you can create different thematic mailings , segmenting the audience. You can add a subscribe button directly to the community. When you click on this button, the user will see all your existing mailing lists and will be able to subscribe to the one that interests him.

    You can build a full-fledged sales funnel inside VK– yours or affiliate products, or use a mixed strategy.

    To actively create a subscription base within VKontakte you can make a special lead magnet (free product) for the theme of your group and give it away for a subscription. It’s very simple to implement – ​​the post announcing the lead magnet is pinned at the top, under the community header. In your post you provide a link to the subscription page. First create a newsletter for this lead magnet and give it an appropriate name. In the first letter that arrives immediately after subscribing, you give away the promised freebie (you can already embed it in partner recommendation or an additional paid offer). And then you build a chain of letters so that it contains both valuable content and your/partner offers on the topic.

    In order for the base to be replenished with new subscribers, your task is to promote the community (group) and, in particular, a post with valuable free product for subscription.

    I think it’s clear with examples of use. Now let's move on to practice and figure out the mailing settings.

    Watch my video tutorial on setting up a newsletter in VK below:

    How to add a community to the Gamayun service?

    A window will open asking you to select a community. If you have several of them, like I have in the screenshot, select the one you need and click “Add”.

    Allow the application to access the group:

    After the community is added, you will see it in the block on the left. A slider moved to the right and a blue mark means that the community is active. By clicking on the chain icon, you will go to your community, and by clicking on the cross you can remove it from Gamayun.

    How to add an app and a subscribe button to your group?

    The next step is to add the mailer to the group so that the subscribe button appears. To do this, go to link. On the page that opens, select a community and click “Add”.

    You will see a "Follow" button in your group.

    To configure a button, click on it. Hover over Actions and select Community Settings.

    You can change the name of the subscribe button and adjust its visibility.

    Also, for the full functioning of newsletters, and so that you can see who opens your letters, you need enable community posts.

    To do this, go to the “Community Management” section.

    Creating a mailing list in Gamayun

    Now, so that when you click on the subscribe button, the user is shown a newsletter that he can subscribe to, we need to create it in Gamayun. Let me remind you that you can have several such mailings.

    This could be a welcome message where you introduce yourself and tell them what your newsletter is about. In addition, already in the first letter you can provide some useful information: a link to your lead magnet, article, video, etc. If you click on the paperclip icon, an additional field will open in which you can add links to materials from Vkontakte - documents, videos, pictures.

    Finally, click “Create”.

    An example of my first letter is below:

    There are initially two topics here:

    "Black List"– in it you can enter the id of users whom you want to remove from the mailing list so that they can no longer subscribe.

    "No topic"– this includes users who did not select a specific newsletter when subscribing.

    Eye icon is responsible for the visibility of your newsletter in the application, that is, on the subscription page that opens when you click on the “Subscribe” button. If you click on the icon, the eye will become crossed out - the newsletter will not be displayed to users.

    Pencil icon allows you to edit the newsletter (title, description, first letter).

    Arrow icon allows you to copy the link to the newsletter. It can be given in group posts, inviting users to subscribe, and also used in mailing letters so that those who change their mind about receiving your messages have the opportunity to unsubscribe.

    Icon in the form of a man with a plus sign serves to add users to the mailing list by specifying the VKontakte profile id. But this does not mean that you can add absolutely any user this way - this is a violation of the rules. You can only add those who themselves have expressed such a desire!

    Little man with a cross– removing a user from the mailing list.

    Setting up an auto series of messages

    To create an automatic series of messages in Gamayun, in the same “Dispatcher” section, click on the “Message Chains” button.

    When adding the next letter, select which day after the previous one to send it, and indicate the time of sending. You can also attach links to materials from VK to the letter by clicking on the paper clip. All other links are placed directly in the body of the message.

    The letter has been added to the thread. All subsequent letters in the series are created in the same way.

    By the way, next to the “Message threads” button there is an “Application Settings” button. Through it you can set a header image on the subscription page and a description.

    An example of what it looks like below:

    How to send periodic messages to the newsletter?

    Besides automatic messages, arranged in a certain sequence, you can send your subscribers periodic emails with news, useful information, various offers and invitations to events.

    In the “Dispatcher” section there is a block in the center for sending such messages.

    To check how it all works, subscribe to our newsletter.

    Regarding the fact can using a mailer lead to a community ban?, and what rules are important to follow, I recommend that you read this material.

    So, in this article we looked at the main points of creating and sending VKontakte newsletters using free service Gamayun. If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer in the comments.

    P.S. In addition to these instructions, I recommend that they will be useful to you.

    I wish you success!

    Best regards, Victoria Karpova

    If you are an active user of the VKontakte social network, then you are probably already interested in the question of how to create your own official group. In fact, in order for it to become truly popular and visited, it needs to gain subscribers.

    Currently, there are a large number of ways in which you can develop your community. There are both paid and free options. Today we decided to tell VKontakte users how to send a newsletter. After all, this question is currently very relevant.

    This term refers to a way to send personal messages to your existing subscribers and friends. Of course, a newsletter for strangers you physically will not be able to create, since this is simply impossible at present, but at any time you can order paid advertising from a social network. For some, such a service may be too expensive, but for others it is not necessary, in the case where the administrator wants to use his strengths and capabilities. By the way, you can send personal messages with various offers. For example, if your group sells goods, then you can inform in this way about pleasant conditions or promotions, competitions, and so on. "VKontakte" is a social network that can bring good traffic, and this also attracts money.

    Advertising intrusiveness

    Let's first understand marketing, how newsletters work, and how users respond and react to them. When a message arrives from an unfamiliar user who addresses them by name, and it contains a link leading directly to their profile, some people are surprised, but many have long been accustomed to receiving advertising in this way and have long turned a blind eye to it. “VKontakte” is a social network whose scale is practically unparalleled, and, accordingly, it is not so difficult for other users to find you, even if they are not your friends or subscribers. For example, they can find you through special form. The same applies to your mutual friends.

    Preparatory work

    If you have created your personal group and have already managed to fill it with unique and interesting content that you think will be interesting not only to you, but also to other users, then it’s time to start mailing. Before you send messages, you will need to do some preparation. So, carefully compose not only an interesting and attractive sample, but also check that it is written correctly and without sending messages “VKontakte” should be done carefully and with caution. If you have your personal page and you are the creator of the group, in this case we recommend using a second, third-party account to distribute invitations, which you are not so afraid of losing. New account you can register or buy it yourself; currently there are a large number of stores that provide similar services.

    Spam protection

    Experts do not recommend sending an advertising message with an invitation to a group to all users in a row, since the system will definitely notice such an action and consider it spam, and, accordingly, under such circumstances you can very quickly lose your account. This will happen even if no complaints are filed against you from those users to whom you have already sent such an invitation. If you want the VKontakte newsletter to be really high-quality and without problems, then you definitely need to know about the special rules, which we will now tell you about.

    No advertising slogans

    If you have read the first part of this material and are an active VKontakte user, you now know how to send a newsletter. But you should still remember the most important nuances and details that are categorically not recommended for such actions. In the subject of a message that you plan to send in the future, never write the words “free”, “promotion” and so on, since such letters are immediately sent to the Spam folder, and users practically do not read them and in most cases delete them. If someone stood in front of you important question, associated with the social network “VKontakte”: “How to make a newsletter?”, then remember that it is very simple, the most important thing is to prepare responsibly.


    If you have additional accounts, whether they are registered by you personally or you purchased them, you should test different advertising messages, and only then will you be able to find the most best option. So we solved another problem regarding the social network “VKontakte”: how to make a newsletter. Try our tips and don't be afraid to experiment.