• Direct federal number of mts. Select MTS city number

    Each user who decides to connect to the MTS network always receives a phone number along with a federal code. It is not convenient for every subscriber, since calls to it are calculated at the long-distance rate. In addition, this phone is very long. If you are one of those people who do not benefit from using such conditions, then it is worth understanding what is urban and what is federal number MTS.

    What's the difference

    In short, the difference between federal and city numbers is in their format. The first one starts with +7, followed by a specific region code (for example, 910), and then a combination of seven digits. To sum it up, it turns out that the phone needs to be dialed in full international format. If you need to call from landline devices, then instead of +7 you need to dial 8, and then follow the standard: region code and a seven-digit number.

    If you have chosen a landline number among MTS numbers, then you need to dial it from local mobile phones or landlines in seven-digit format. This option is more suitable for those people who are engaged in their own business. A shorter combination will be easier for potential clients to remember.

    Each direct landline telephone has its federal duplicate. This only works within the network. The company provides each subscriber with two numbers at once under the terms of a tripartite agreement. That is, it turns out that if you know the direct landline phone number of a user, then you automatically know his federal duplicate.

    Any MTS communication store offers its users to purchase a connection kit with a landline number. But it is worth noting that the subscription fee in this case will be 500 rubles more than with its federal duplicate.

    “Smart” and other tariff plans provide access to a landline phone. For example, if the monthly fee for a tariff with a federal combination is 200 rubles, then with a city one it will be 700 rubles.

    To choose, you need to contact specialists at the service salon. Then you should tell them what you want to purchase and for what purpose. The consultant will offer you all kinds of options, and you yourself can choose the one that you like. This may be the most memorable, easiest or beautiful combination of numbers. After your determination, you will be given a SIM card that will have a correspondence between two combinations (only the beginning is different, but the seven-digit end is the same).

    If suddenly you don’t like something about using a federal and city number at the same time, then you will be wondering if it is possible to disable it. It is worth noting that this is not provided in the MTS network, so you will simply have to change your federal phone. If something becomes unclear to you, it is better to clarify questions with the operator, or read detailed information on the official website.

    If you often make calls from your mobile phone to landline numbers, then you are most likely aware of how expensive it is. However, the MTS operator was able to find a solution to this. You just need to activate a service such as a landline number. If you connect to this service, you can get significant savings on communications. If you additionally disable advertising from the operator, the savings can even reach 50%. How to use the service, methods for connecting it, as well as feedback from subscribers - all of this will be discussed below.

    To begin with, it is worth noting that a landline telephone gives each client the opportunity to have at his disposal a federal number, which is presented in mobile numbering in a city format. It will correspond to the federal one, and will have the following form - + 7 351 xxx xx xx.

    To connect such profitable service, as a free direct city number, you need to contact the operator’s office to apply for a SIM card. You need to pay for this SIM card, and the operator will deduct 50 rubles from your account every month. But keep in mind that on tariffs such as “Maxi” and “Ultra” the monthly subscription fee is 100 rubles. If desired, the MTS operator will help you choose a tariff plan.

    Some features when obtaining a landline number

    Features when connecting a number: you cannot refuse a city number without abandoning the federal one; federal numbers cannot be blocked and at the same time keep the landline number - they are deactivated together. If within 90 days you do not have the required amount of money in your account to pay the subscription fee, you will have to give up your landline number. The point is that it will be blocked.

    The landline number from the MTS operator is actually useful service, allowing you to save 20% on calls and messages. But, before choosing a landline number, consult with the operator and consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

    How do I activate the landline number service?

    One and only connection method direct number is a communication salon of the MTS operator. At the MTS office you need to provide your passport, tell the operator about your desire to select and receive a direct number. In addition, you need to think and choose a suitable tariff plan that will best suit your requirements. Don’t forget to check with your operator the cost of not only calls, but also the cost of SMS and mms. After this, only the last step remains - to confirm your choice and make payment for the SIM card.

    How can I restore my direct number?

    Did it happen that you lost your SIM card? It needs to be blocked urgently. This must be done in order to avoid unauthorized use of your landline number. And to turn off a number, that is, block it, you just need to make a call to the MTS operator service department at 997 - 0702.

    After this, the lost SIM card can be restored completely free of charge. In this case, your number will be saved. But if you wish, you can refuse your old number and choose a new one.

    You can also restore your SIM card and direct number if it is completely blocked after ten attempts to enter the PUK code incorrectly.

    To receive a new SIM card, you can contact the office of the MTS operator or use a special delivery service. It’s up to you to decide how to choose a method for obtaining a new SIM card. The main thing is that all direct numbers from MTS bring ease of communication to every subscriber.

    Landline number: customer reviews

    Saving costs on calls and messages when connecting to the service has resulted in considerable popularity among subscribers. But it’s worth saying that the service is actually beneficial only if you make a lot of calls to landline numbers. Otherwise, you better refuse to connect to this service and choose a more suitable package. The entire list of tariff plans and their full description can be viewed on the operator’s website. The communications store will also be able to help with selection and connection. If you do not have the opportunity to contact a communication salon, then simply call the operator. However, learn that it is best to call the operator early in the morning or late in the evening. Otherwise, you may simply not get through to the operator due to heavy workload.

    On MTS, a landline number allows you to decide large number and provides users full list positive qualities. After all, everyone knows how expensive it is to make calls to landline phones if the minutes are not included in the package of services for the subscription fee.

    Company cellular communications at the same time provides additional features, through which costs are significantly reduced. To do this, you need to consider the main ways to use this option, the order of activation, and review the main features that a direct MTS number has.

    City number main characteristics

    After a user uses a city number, it already includes a federal number, presented in the form of city numbering. When you first connect to this option, you should contact the provider’s office with your passport to confirm your identity. The address can be viewed on the official resource in the appropriate section. At the same time, there is also interactive map, where you can view the route or select the office that will be located closest.

    The peculiarity of using a city contact is that the subscriber receives a direct combination, which consists of 7 digits. This means that when making a call to the specified number, it is not necessary to indicate the code itself mobile operator, as well as the region of residence. In addition to this, incoming calls are forwarded completely free of charge to the federal one registered with the user. In this case, you can call to the 11-digit option, as well as using the MTS direct number indicated above.

    The only exception applies to calls from outside your home region. In this case, you will have to dial the full list of landline numbers on the device you are using, which includes the prefix of the specific territory. Only in this case will a connection be made to another subscriber with whom you can talk.

    This option is especially popular for those MTS customers who mainly prefer to call landline phone numbers. This, for example, applies to certain enterprises, organizations, firms or entrepreneurs. Such moments indicate that a city number is often used for work activities.

    There are no specific and definitive cost characteristics for using the number. Everything will depend on the chosen tariff plan option, which the provider offers in a wide range. This means that you can select an MTS city number and all applications for it.

    It is also necessary to analyze the composition of the contact, which is obtained when the option is activated:

    1. 8 is a special code designed to access a federal communication line in Russia. As an alternative, you can type “+7” on the device’s keyboard instead of the classic number eight.
    2. The next three digits are responsible for the specific region where the registration was performed subscriber number. So for the territory of Moscow it is represented by the type “495”. Sometimes it includes an already defined locality.
    3. The remaining 7 digits are a unique combination that can consist of absolutely any sequence of numbers.

    Depending on the specific region, the above unique number may include from 5 to 7 digits. Moreover, to communicate in one city, it is enough to dial only this sequence without additional codes and pluses.

    Many questions arise from users who have lost a SIM card with “city” enabled on it. There is a need to resolve the issue of restoration or resort to other accessible ways. The very first action in this case is to block the SIM card. This will prevent the SIM card from being used by other persons, including in the wrong direction. To do this, just call 997 0702 and indicate all necessary information. Then you can contact your provider for restoration. Moreover, this action does not require any additional payment, since everything is done completely free of charge.

    Similar actions can be taken if the PUK code is entered incorrectly 10 times on the SIM card. In addition to the MTS office itself, you can implement all the capabilities of the delivery service that the operator has. Only the user himself can determine which receiving option to choose. The contact will remain the same without adjustments.

    Federal number

    There is probably no need to explain to anyone what federal MTS numbers are. This is a classic option, which is obtained when you issue a SIM card at the MTS office. It will always consist of 11 digits, which includes the code for accessing the federal line, the prefix of the operator on which the service takes place, as well as the contact itself. If desired, for additional fee the user can also receive a certain combination of numbers. For this purpose, the “Beautiful number” option is provided.

    IN mandatory When making a call, you must enter a sequence of 11 digits on the keyboard of the device you are using. Here we are talking not only about a mobile phone, but also a landline phone. This together allows us to get the answer to what a federal city number is.

    Differences between federal and city numbers

    Some do not understand how federal ones differ from the city ones in question. In fact, their meaning is identical - making calls, communicating, talking, and the like. But in reality there are several features that are worth paying attention to.

    The first thing you should pay attention to is the number of digits. If for the federal this is an exclusively 11-digit option, in MTS direct numbers include only 7. It can even be called an elite combination, which will be very useful in the case of advertising or marketing activities. Clients will be able to remember it faster and, therefore, use it for its intended purpose. If desired, you can consider options with sequential or repeating characters. Placement on banners, posters, advertisements makes it more likely to find potential customers for a certain type of product that is sold or provided by the company.

    In addition, the main differences are that calls to landlines in home region do not require any fees. Here you just need to enter a 7-digit combination and start communicating with a specific recipient.

    Some people do not quite understand how the so-called unique sequence is obtained if everything is clearly linked by combinations of numbers to a specific region of the country. At the time of purchasing a SIM card, which already has an option, the user automatically receives two contacts linked to each other. The last digits will be duplicated in them. Their number can vary from 4 to 7. This suggests that if we have information regarding the federal telephone, we can connect to the second one.

    But in the reverse variation it is problematic to do everything. This is due to the fact that even within one territoriality there are a sufficient number of numerous prefixes from a specific mobile operator. If you have a city line, it will be almost impossible to make a call to the federal line linked to it.

    No need to connect new SIM card for use in the specified direction. You can even activate a “city” contact for a valid federal contact. But for a specific answer, it is best to contact service specialists technical support. Only they will be able to answer the question of whether it is possible to provide a landline telephone of duplicate value for use. Otherwise, just contact the provider’s office and get a new SIM card with various contacts will solve the specified problem with direct MTS telephones.

    How to make a landline number on MTS

    The number of positive aspects associated with the use of this service is constantly increasing. In addition, this is also influenced by the satisfactory reviews of the provider’s clients, who have already been able to appreciate all the advantages in reality. Then another question arises - how to become the owner of such a unique opportunity and combination of numbers by receiving an MTS city number.

    The only correct solution in this case is to contact the company’s office, presenting the employees with an identity document. In this case, the client receives a new SIM card, which already has two phones - federal and city. It is the second option that is more interesting to us. The main thing here when contacting is to indicate to the specialist the need to activate direct dialing. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here.

    But it is also important to choose the right one best option tariff plan, of which MTS has plenty. All of them can be aimed exclusively at high-quality and long-term communication with other subscribers, including other cellular operators. Somewhere, the direction of the tariff plan is manifested in Internet traffic and surfing of numerous web resources. Here everything depends on the preferences of the applicant and the requirements he sets during the use process.

    But the desire to become the owner of a landline number may also arise at the time of using the communication services of the MTS company in the federal direction. Here the question immediately arises of how to connect a landline number. In this case, you need to contact your provider and clarify information regarding the possibility of providing the option on your existing phone. After all, there may be cases that they are already occupied and used by other clients. Similar actions can be performed when contacting the sales office by providing your passport.

    The peculiarity of use is that it cannot be waived unless a federal waiver is satisfied. Similarly, blocking the latter is not carried out while leaving the city one. They are deactivated simultaneously and in no other way.

    If within 90 days on balance personal account there will be no funds for subsequent use of communication services, the landline number is blocked. That is, in the future it will not be possible to service it. This suggests that it is best to constantly check your account balance to continue working on the specified number. There are a huge number of ways to do this, including through your personal account on the official website of the mobile operator.

    Here you just need to first go through the registration procedure and start using all the provided functionality to the fullest. If you are not constantly able to replenish your personal account balance, you can set up the “Autopayment” option, by which funds from bank card will be transferred to the personal account when the minimum balance threshold is reached or on a specific date. You can find out more about this on the official website of the MTS provider.

    The option cannot be activated through the user’s personal account on the official resource, special USSD commands or SMS service. Only a direct contact with specialists at the office of a cellular communication company will solve this problem of receiving a number in your name.

    How to disable the MTS city number service

    As stated earlier, there is no separate waiver of subsequent landline service. To get rid of a short combination of numbers, you can only contact your provider to replace it with a federal one. Otherwise, both service lines are deactivated simultaneously.

    To resolve the issue of how to disable it on MTS, just contact the provider’s office, whose address can be viewed in the corresponding section on the official resource.

    The main thing is to always first evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of using a direct MTS number. In this case, the possibility of terminating the contract with the provider is practically excluded. Just a few days will be enough to appreciate all the opportunities you receive. The most important thing in such a situation is saving cash when making calls and sending text messages.

    When connecting to the MTS network, each subscriber is issued an individual telephone number with a federal code. But this number is not always convenient - it is very long, and calls to it from landline phones are charged as long-distance calls with appropriate tariffs. For business people this may not be acceptable. What to do?

    To make communication more convenient, you can buy a landline number on MTS. It is a seven-digit sequence of numbers, similar to the standard Moscow ones telephone numbers. And the essence of it is that calls to it from landline city phones are free. And the number itself becomes shorter and more convenient. Let us remind you that MTS subscribers have the opportunity to choose and buy a gold MTS number with a beautiful sequence of numbers, which is quickly remembered and easily recognized.

    What is the difference between a city number and a federal number?

    A federal number differs from a city number in that it is dialed in full international format, starting with +7. Next comes the area code (911, etc.), and then the seven-digit phone number itself. From landline phones, dialing will be slightly different - we dial “eight”, the region code and the number of the called subscriber.

    As for the city number, it can be dialed from landline and local mobile numbers in direct format - 123-45-67. This is very convenient for business people doing business. Direct numbers are shorter, so they are better perceived from advertising materials– shorter sequences of numbers are remembered much better and look more solid.

    The direct city number in the MTS network has a federal duplicate. That is, knowing the direct number of a particular subscriber, we can call him on a federal number. Thanks to a special tripartite agreement, MTS provides its subscribers with 2 numbers at once:

    • Federal number in the format +7-985-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ;
    • Direct city number in the format +7-495-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.

    In the example presented, the last 7 digits of both numbers are the same, only the codes are different. If we call a direct landline number from landline phone, then we dial only the last 7 digits. The same applies to calls from local mobile numbers.

    Connection kits with city numbers can be purchased at all MTS communication stores. But we must remember that the subscription fee for a direct number is 500 rubles higher than for a federal number. Direct landline numbers are available at tariff plans“Smart” line and at some other tariffs. For example, if the subscription fee for the “Smart-mini” tariff with a federal number is 400 rubles, then for the tariff with a city number its amount will be 900 rubles.

    The subscription fee for tariffs with city numbers is charged as follows:

    • The amount is 304.80 rubles. written off in equal installments monthly;
    • Remaining until full size The subscription fee for the selected tariff is charged once a month.

    Let’s give an example: the monthly fee for the “Smart” tariff is 1000 rubles. Of these, 304.80 rubles. written off in equal installments every day. The balance of the amount, which is 695.20 rubles, is written off once a month. This feature is associated with the cost of allocating a direct landline number, included in subscription fee for the selected tariff plan.

    How to choose the right MTS city number

    We already know what federal and city MTS numbers are. Now all that remains is to figure out how to choose a landline number? When you contact an MTS service center, tell the consultant about your intention to purchase a direct landline number. He will offer you several options to choose from, among which you can choose a beautiful number, the easiest and most memorable.

    By choosing a direct landline number, you will receive a SIM card that will have two numbers at once- this is a federal number with the code +7-985 and a direct number with the Moscow code +7-495. The last 7 digits of both numbers will be the same.

    How to connect a landline number to MTS

    As already mentioned, to connect to a direct city number, you need to contact the MTS service office and purchase a SIM card with the appropriate numbering there.

    How to disable a landline number on MTS

    There is no option to disable a direct landline number in the MTS network. In order to refuse a landline number, you will have to change your federal number.

    It was very problematic. It was necessary not only to apply for connection, but also to wait in line for several years. Today there are no problems either with connection to the apartment or with mobile communication. Communication has become an integral part of our lives.

    To conduct and develop a business, many operators offer to connect a landline number. What is this?

    Landline number is a number belonging to a specific regional prefix. For example, most Moscow telephone numbers begin with 495. These numbers are also called the area code. It is followed by a seven-digit value xxx-xx-xx or a six-digit value xxx-xx-xx. These 6-7 digits are the city number.

    Cellular operators usually issue federal numbers like +79xx xxx-xx-xx. This is a long sequence of numbers that is difficult to remember. In addition, a call from a landline phone to a federal number is considered by the operator as a long-distance call, and the charge for a minute of conversation is automatically increased, although you and the interlocutor are in the same city. To facilitate such negotiations, companies mobile communications offer their clients to connect a direct landline number (also called a virtual number) to their cell phone.

    This service is suitable for businessmen who do not like to sit in the office or who, due to circumstances, are on business trips. A man moves and talks cell phone, which is assigned a direct landline number. When changing an office or apartment, the client does not need to change it. If for some reason a subscriber wants to stop communicating with suppliers, customers, former employees, etc., he simply refuses this service and communicates via federal mobile communications. Unwanted persons, therefore, not knowing his cell phone number, will not be able to contact him.

    Purchasing a virtual landline number is not difficult. You can buy it at a cellular communication store, order it on the mobile operator’s website and pay over the Internet, and then just come to the nearest service provider location and fill out the documents - whatever is more convenient for you.

    MTS allows you to connect a landline number yourself by sending an SMS using " Mobile assistant"or by typing a certain combination of numbers on the telephone keypad. The number is connected upon receipt of an application sent by email or through the “Personal Manager” (MTS service).

    Beeline connects direct landline numbers in 50 regions of Russia. The operator can connect one or several numbers, as well as provide a multi-channel line. The latter option is suitable for subscribers in offices that have “ hotline"or several secretaries work to carry out an advertising project.

    The Megafon company recently began connecting a city number to the federal telephone. You can order the service on the company’s website, in the “Select a number” section. The system itself will find the best option for you.

    Mobile operator "TELE2" activates the service only in its showrooms. The number consists of 6 digits; the subscriber can choose the combination at his own discretion.