• The tricolor ripples. Tricolor TV channels do not show, possible reasons

    RF (depending on which connection method is available on the receiver). You can also contact your nearest service center manufacturer of the diagnostic receiver.

    - Connection via SCART

    Unplug the cable from the receiver and TV and plug it in tightly again. If this does not help, we recommend that you use another connection method, for example, RF (depending on which connection method is available on the receiver). You can also contact the nearest service center of the receiver manufacturer for diagnostics.

    Install each one in turn. available standards TV in system settings receiver (AV Output Settings) to see if the problem is resolved in any of the modes. If this does not help, we recommend that you use another connection method, for example, (depending on which connection method is available on the receiver). You can also contact the nearest service center of the receiver manufacturer for diagnostics.

    - Connection via HDMI

    You need to replace the cable with a new one. If this does not help, we recommend that you use another connection method, for example, RF (depending on which connection method is available on the receiver). You can also contact the nearest service center of the receiver manufacturer for diagnostics.

    2. There is no image, there is sound

    - Connection via 3RCA (“tulips”, “bells”)

    If your TV has a yellow connector (or a green one, but with a yellow outline around it), then connect the yellow cable to this connector. If this does not help, we recommend that you replace the cable with a similar one or use another connection method, for example, RF (depending on which connection method is available on the receiver). You can also contact the nearest service center of the receiver manufacturer for diagnostics.

    If the listed connectors are not present, then unfortunately it is impossible to connect a 3RCA cable to this TV model. We recommend that you use another connection method, such as RF (depending on which connection method is available on the receiver).

    - Connection via SCART

    You need to disconnect the cable from the receiver and from the TV and connect it back more tightly. If this does not help, we recommend that you use another connection method, for example, RF (depending on which connection method is available on the receiver). You can also contact the nearest service center of the receiver manufacturer for diagnostics.

    - Connection via RF cable

    You need to set each of the available TV standards one by one in the system settings of the receiver (AV Output Settings), checking whether the problem is resolved in any of the modes. If this does not help, we recommend that you use another connection method, for example, (depending on which connection method is available on the receiver). You can also contact the nearest service center of the receiver manufacturer for diagnostics.

    - Connection via HDMI

    - Both scales are 70% or more

    You need to check the integrity antenna cable along the entire length. In case of insulation failure, we recommend replacing it. If there is artificial extension of the cable (twist), make sure that the contact connection is not located near the sources electric current(for example, near an outlet). Likewise, make sure that the receiver itself is located at least 10 cm away from power sources.

    As the manufacturer notes, periodic updates software on satellite receivers is necessary for correct operation the entire equipment system. A decrease in signal reception quality, as well as control problems, are inevitable. But, according to users, even after the planned firmware update, the set-top box begins to work incorrectly. An impressive number of owners lose sound on Tricolor TV; some note that after the update, the system becomes sensitive to power surges and turning on and off the lighting in the room, as well as other devices.

    Let's try to figure it out together using the GS-8306 receiver as an example.

    Common problems at work

    The manufacturer does not give clear explanations why the set-top box from the moment of installation updated version The software starts to malfunction. However, the consumer has to deal with the fact that the TV reproduces an unclear picture, the image “slows down”, and later may disappear altogether. Sound problems also occur for most GS-8306 owners , and the most diverse.

    About 40% of users complain that the volume becomes uncontrollable and can change independently without any participation, the remaining 60% complain that there is no sound at all. And it is not possible to change this using normal settings.

    There is also a dependence on other equipment in the house. For example, the sound begins to disappear after turning off the refrigerator or kettle. However, the receiver itself may also be faulty. : display incorrectly or turn off unexpectedly. But the occurrence of such malfunctions is possible not only with the GS-8306 model. It is not always possible to update and then successfully launch the equipment in the case of other set-top boxes.

    Getting rid of the consequences

    The developers assure that the new version of the software will be released taking into account the problems that arose after installation, and such negative manifestations will be avoided. On at the moment programmers and engineers recommend not to panic and follow simple algorithm of actions, which will return the receiver to working condition:

    If resetting and rebooting still fail to resolve the problem with sound or picture quality, you may not be able to avoid contacting a service center. If the equipment is still under warranty, the company’s services will be free. Otherwise, diagnosing and reflashing the receiver will cost you from 350 to 1000 rubles.

    User errors

    As practice shows, digital satellite television does not always bring joy to the consumer. Sometimes buying a receiver involves resolving technical issues, purchasing additional equipment. The set-top box model GS-8306 is the most unfinished, according to the owners. The cause of malfunctions is not related to the device itself. According to the software developers of the mentioned receiver, the issue is solely in the incompletely finalized firmware. The next update will change the situation, as well as replacing the output cables.

    Many users were able to verify own experience The point is that the purchase of new cables and surge protectors has a positive effect on the sensitivity of the equipment to power surges. Switching to the so-called “tulips” solves some of the problems with sound, including the problem with uncontrolled volume changes when watching some channels disappears.

    But the problem is not always due to the update. Some owners GS-8306 from Tricolor TV are careless in handling the equipment and neglect the operating instructions.

    An interrupted reboot is fraught not only with the loss of saved settings, but also with a decrease in controllability. An intermittently slow frame or obvious pixelation may be a consequence improper shutdown of the receiver, because spontaneous unplugging from the socket can lead to more serious consequences, even fatal failure.

    In Russia the largest supplier digital television is the Tricolor. Most subscribers are familiar with the situation in which a message about no signal appears on the TV screen. Message "No signal" should not be a reason for serious worries and worries. The inability to watch a channel in most cases is actually caused by a lack of signal, and the reasons for this situation are intuitive and can be eliminated by the subscriber independently.

    What are the reasons

    First you need to understand reasons, causing problems with signal transmission. All problems in which the dish signal disappears can be divided into two large groups:

    • writing an error message TV may be due to external reasons, which do not depend on the subscriber’s receiving equipment;
    • TV is capable of writing an error message due to internal reasons that are caused by equipment malfunctions or related to settings failures.

    External causes that can cause problems with signal transmission include external influences in the form of wind, snow, rain, when, under the influence of which, the TV begins to show poorly. This group includes the need to carry out all restoration work in case of accidents, when the signal begins to disappear and the Tricolor stops showing. The signal begins to disappear during periodic maintenance work by the operator.

    First steps if there is no signal

    Problems may not be related to work satellite dish, since in some cases the message may be shown by the TV itself. It is necessary to find out the reason why the TV channel stopped working. To find out the influence of the TV settings, you need to use the Tricolor TV remote control press"OK" button. If the screen does not display general list channels, it means that the TV settings have failed. To resolve this, you need to re-configure the TV by selecting the connection input satellite receiver.

    It is recommended to disconnect the signal receiver from the power supply for about 1 minute. Turn on the receiver again and wait until it enters operating mode. Check what's on the desired channel the message about no signal disappeared.

    If the situation has not changed, then you need to check the number of channels on which the “No Signal” entry appeared. If the error message is not displayed on all channels, but is shown only on one channel, then it is enough to update the list of TV channels. To do this you need to do a number of simple actions:

    • select the “Menu” item and press the “OK” confirmation item;
    • Reply “Yes” and “OK” to the warning message about updating channels.

    Updating channels may take for a long time, so no need to worry. Once the update is complete, a window will appear on the screen indicating the total number of channels found. You need to save the settings.

    If the message "No Signal" appears on all channels, then the reason must be search in the operation of the equipment.

    Why is there no signal on Tricolor TV

    To solve the problem of no signal, it is necessary to perform a number of actions, the implementation of which will give 100% result:

    Before finding out whether there are technical problems with the equipment, it is worth checking for natural causes in the form of a lack of broadcasting channels. It is likely that preventative work is currently being carried out. According to the functional responsibilities, the operator is obliged to inform the subscriber about planned maintenance work several days before the start of work. Most subscribers ignore incoming messages or the information does not reach them for certain reasons.

    Check information about the event preventive works you can:

    Problems of this nature are usually resolved within 10-20 hours. Information about the occurrence of an unforeseen situation should be in mandatory posted on the official website of the provider.

    Absence messages about preventive maintenance and unforeseen situations means that the root cause must be looked for elsewhere.

    Technical problems

    You need to check the cable connection from the receiver. For this necessary:

    • check if there are breaks or damage on the cable;
    • check the tightness of the contact threads

    You need to find out if there are breaks or any damage on the cable. Visual inspection may reveal obvious damage. If there are none, it is recommended to use a tester and check for hidden problems.

    If problems are identified, the cable must be replaced. If it is not possible to completely replace the cable, you can eliminate the break and connect the cable parts. This requires a special connector and two F connectors. You need to do the following actions:

    • cut the cable at the location where the break is detected;
    • strip the braid;
    • screw the connectors onto the cable;
    • secure firmly with a connector;
    • strengthen the connection by wrapping a layer of electrical tape over it.

    If no damage is detected in the cable, then it is necessary to check the tightness of the F-contact threads.

    No signal may be caused by a faulty receiver. To check the device, just connect it to a working antenna. To do this, you can contact your friends or relatives, neighbors who have the Tricolor. If a signal appears, then the cause of the breakdown must be sought in antenna.

    A negative test result in the form of no signal indicates a breakdown of the receiver. In most cases, the tuner responsible for receiving the Tricolor signal fails. In this case, the receiver must be taken to a service center for repair.

    Antenna malfunction

    Very often, antenna malfunction occurs as a consequence of exposure to unfavorable natural conditions in the form of strong winds and heavy rainfall. In this case, as a rule, the side connections that hold the antenna in a certain direction become loose. Even a deviation of the antenna by 1-2 degrees leads to the fact that the satellite signal passes by it and problems occur in viewing Tricolor TV channels. For elimination problems needed:

    • prepare wrenches for tightening the nuts;
    • inspect the place, identifying possible sources of danger;
    • stretch all antenna connections;
    • tune the antenna by pointing the antenna in a certain direction until a clear signal is received.

    When trying to change direction, each position must be fixed for 3-5 seconds. It is recommended to use an assistant when setting up, so when setting up a specific rotation to receive a signal, you need to check its quality. The signal quality can be checked by calling up the banner by pressing F1 on information channel. A scale of signal quality and strength is displayed at the bottom left of the screen. To be able to view a stable and high-quality image of a TV channel, both scales must reach 70%. Upon receipt good signal work can be stopped.

    If you cannot set up the antenna yourself, you must seek the help of a specialist by calling him at your home. A specialist will configure the antenna using the horizontal scanning method.

    Converter problem

    In most cases, the cause of the “No Signal” message is a broken converter. The difficulty of diagnosing lies in the fact that it is very difficult for the subscriber to determine whether the error in receiving a signal is the result of a broken converter or whether it was influenced by other factors. It is impossible to visually determine whether the converter is broken.

    For checks you need to do the following:

    The subscriber will most likely not be able to solve a problem of this nature on his own and will have to seek the help of a specialist.

    What to pay attention to

    Don’t panic when a “No Signal” message appears on your TV screen. It is not recommended to randomly press the remote control buttons repeatedly while trying to achieve a result. Try to calmly analyze the situation and try to find out the reason possible problems.

    Remember, that when trying to search and update channels, you cannot disconnect the signal receiver from the power supply. Otherwise, the equipment may be damaged.

    You should not waste time and effort trying to fix a technical problem yourself. In most cases, it is much easier and faster to contact a specialized service center than to do the work to eliminate the causes yourself. Service specialists are able to work in a fairly short time frame and will do everything necessary work By liquidation Reasons for no signal:

    • equipment setup;
    • replacement of faulty equipment;
    • software update.

    It happens that the Tricolor prefix, instead of a full color picture, shows the image in black and white - what should the average person do in this case? During the entire existence of this satellite television Experts have already dealt with many problems regarding video on a TV screen, and many of them can be solved using standard methods.

    In the case of the disappearance of a color picture, the error may lie in incorrectly connecting the cords to the receiver and TV, their damage, the use of the wrong cables, incorrect setting receiver output signal, malfunction of the TV or set-top box itself.

    Correct connection of receiver-TV cables

    This is perhaps one of the most common problems with video images not working correctly. Each cord must be connected exclusively to the input specifically designed for it. There are not many of them on the receiver:

    • LNB IN – this connector is intended for the satellite antenna cord (input);
    • LNB OUT – serves for one more satellite wire high frequency(loop output);
    • CVBS – bell cord input (yellow for video, white and red for audio);
    • HDMI – connection via HDMI.

    If you have a black and white picture, you should first check correct connection into all connectors, and also inspect the cables for damage.

    Another answer to the question why Tricolor shows the image on the TV screen in black and white will be a solution to replace the outdated type of connection with a more modern look. After all, sometimes new TVs are not able to receive a signal from an outdated cord, for example, “bells”. You should also check in the settings whether the receiver video output signal is set correctly.

    Solving the problem

    When using HDMI adapter Instead of “bells”, a color image should appear on the new TV. And he will have much more high quality and sound. You should not skimp on purchasing such a connection, especially since the price tag for it is low - around a hundred rubles.

    In addition to this type, there is also a SCART connecting wire. The image quality improves when used. The type recommended for use is SCART PREMIER.

    Well, if all these methods do not solve the problem, then check that the A/V output is configured correctly. To do this, you need to go to the main menu of the set-top box, select an item there in the TV Standard settings and change the color coding option. There are two types – PAL and SECAM. You need to replace them one by one and look at the result.

    If the problem black and white image If you still haven’t decided, then take the receiver to the company that installed it for you and ask them to check the set-top box. This is the most extreme case, if nothing else above has helped.

    The cause of the Tricolor receiver freezing can be eliminated independently by taking appropriate measures.

    A prolonged lack of response when pressing the receiver control buttons indicates a freezing process. The state begins to irritate the user when switching channels, changing the sound level, or adjusting the menu. Often the situation gets worse and it is impossible to control the device. The reasons for freezing are the following conditions:

    • The firmware software contains a bug;
    • The firmware version does not match the receiver model;
    • The update occurred with an error;
    • The device is subject to overheating;
    • Malfunction of the constituent elements.

    Possible causes involves taking some action to solve the problem. Based on previous actions, the user must take certain measures.

    What to do if the receiver freezes when updating the firmware

    The receiver freezing during the update may be due to the following phenomena:

    • Interference or failures in signal transmission from the satellite;
    • Power failure;
    • Power surges in the network;
    • Defective software.

    To interrupt the freezing process, you will need to turn off the power to the device. After this, the firmware can be updated from a USB drive or computer.

    The updated version of the software should be downloaded from the official website of the Tricolor provider or from the website of the receiver developer.

    Instructions for saving the firmware consist of the following steps:

    The new firmware will be saved on the device and optimize its operation.

    What to do if the receiver freezes when watching TV channels and does not respond to pressing the remote control buttons

    Remote controller remote control It may itself fail or the element receiving the signal may break down. Actions to take if there is a problem:

    • Reboot the receiver by disconnecting from the network for a while;
    • If there are buttons on the device, try turning on TV channels using them;
    • Swap the batteries in the remote control;
    • Check the battery charge;
    • If the receiver is controlled from buttons on the case, then it is worth disassembling the remote control and cleaning the internal elements.

    Overheating of the device may affect the operation of the remote control. It is necessary to check the air flow into the ventilation hole. Remove any accumulated dust from the grille.

    The enabled HDMI control function can also affect how the remote control turns off. The operation is performed by pressing the remote control button (INPUT, HDMI).

    What to do if the receiver often freezes - defective or bad software

    Often, after updating the firmware, the user is faced with the problem of loss of signal quality or freezing of control processes. The solution to the issue involves resetting the receiver settings to the factory level:

    • In the main Menu, click on the “Settings” section;
    • Some models require opening the “Settings” item, other devices allow you to carry out the operation by clicking on the “About” item;
    • When prompted for input security code indicate "0000";
    • Select the “Reset settings” command;
    • Perform auto search for TV channels.

    Returning to the standard state will get rid of the freeze. After release latest version The software needs to be updated. Developers quickly release new firmware if the previous one failed.

    Defective software leads to unstable work sound and image. Perhaps the firmware loads the receiver system, complicating all operations. If resetting the settings to the factory level does not help, then if you have a warranty card, you must contact a service center. Employees will install a different version of the update. Completed period warranty service involves repairs for a fee or exchange of equipment from the provider.

    When freezes appear after the receiver has been dropped, the cause of the condition is physical damage. Freezing of the picture feed is due to a weak signal level. It is worth changing the position of the antenna and adjusting the TV signal quality scale.