• How long is a deleted VKontakte page stored? Why is this needed? How to delete a VKontakte page: options provided by the service administration

    VKontakte: how to delete, how to restore, how to return a page after hacking.

    • With the advent of social networks, the life of almost every ordinary person has become public.
    • Even if you very modestly position yourself on social networks, this does not mean at all that someone from your friends will not post a photo from a common weekend, a neighbor will not post a photo of you running for bread in the morning in a robe, and so on.
    • You can only remove such photos from the Internet through the court, but you can hide your life from a crowd of onlookers even more in a simple way-deleting a page on a social network
    Deleting the VK page

    We are all different, and our actions in life are different, as are the backgrounds that lead to these actions. Everyone is deleted from VKontakte in different ways, just like in life.

    Someone loudly slams the door, writes emotional statuses and returns after a while, someone, quietly closing the door behind them, never appears again.

    Reasons? There may be thousands of them. For example, we are not all eternal. And VKontakte users are no exception. Relatives of the deceased quite often decide to delete the page in order to eradicate unnecessary conversations and so on.

    Unexpectedly for everyone, young people who decide to radically change their lives are no exception. And how to delete hundreds of friends, thousands of posts and photos is easier to brush away your old life with one movement and go on a new path of life.


    People began to leave and then return so often that VKontakte marketers even developed a scheme according to which everyone who left could be classified into one category or another.

    • I'm bored here. These are divided into two more subtypes: passive and dreamers. Passive, added as friends to colleagues and classmates. For the first week we actively looked at their photos and walls, and then we got bored... But any social network is a way of communication. You can communicate, brag about your achievements, read news, books, watch movies, listen to music, and so on. After registration, dreamers add a couple of friends, post a number of photos, interesting (from their point of view, because we are all different) posts and wait for fans and subscribers. Which do not exist and will not exist, because if you are not a master of a unique craft, not an actor or politician, then where will people come to your page from? Social network powerful tool in the hands of marketers, if you want to develop, learn, or pay specialists
    • Bloody KGB and its fans. A million horror stories about VKontakte and FSB surveillance. Only one question arises: what are you comrades writing on your pages, and who are you communicating with, that you are afraid of the FSB coming to your homes? And you really firmly believe that this requires a page from social networks. One unsubscribe on a forum, social network, website is enough and people will come to your home, and they don’t need your page, they just need an IP address. This is how the great theory of narrow-minded people collapses
    • Goodbye pathetic parody, long live the great Facebook. And they go, but not for long. After all, it has a different interface, which in many ways is not very clear to our average person; friends mostly post official news, articles on work, and just a bit of humor in it. If they find friends there at all...they get bored there a little, and then go back to their native land
    • I want no one to know it, I want to hide, they can jinx me and other panic attacks do occur. Hundreds of people. If this is not imposed by religion, and your friends do not support you... delete the page, of course, but you yourself understand that this will not solve the problem? Your neighbors at work and at home already know about you, you can be “jinxed” (although we personally treat this as a concept with skepticism) even at a trolleybus stop, but you can only hide on a desert island. Pay attention to the beginning of the article
    • Contactomania as a serious disorder. But here, in addition to deleting the page as in the previous case, a psychologist is needed. In order to understand the causes and help with treatment. Otherwise, you will quickly switch from contact addiction to gambling addiction, alcoholism, or something else. In general, beware

    Save or delete VKontakte page

    Before deleting a page, remember - first of all, VKontakte, like any social network, is a way of communicating with your friends, colleagues, relatives, and even those closest to you.

    Page management is a personal matter for everyone. Some people post thousands of photos, others don’t have a single one of their own. Some people post their work, while others only communicate in private messages.

    Is it possible to restore a deleted page in a contact?

    In case there was an impulse and the page was deleted. Time passed, and they began to regret it, do not despair, the page can be restored.

    If less than 7 months have passed, we begin to restore our home page. If more than 7 months have passed, unfortunately, you can only register a new one.

    It's simple:

    • Follow the link https://vk.com/ VKontakte
    • Enter your username and password
    • Enter captcha code
    • A page will be displayed with information that your page has been deleted, and below “Restore your page”. Click on the link
    • Click "Restore Page"
    • Ready! Next time you don’t have to delete it, you can just exit the social network and not log in for a while

    Video: How to restore a deleted VKontakte page?

    How to delete a page in contact with recovery?

    Before deleting a page, we advise you to think it over several times. Did our mothers and fathers turn off the landline telephone number in their apartment twenty years ago because of a quarrel with someone? Have you ever refused to communicate with the outside world for the sake of anyone? We think not.

    But if the desire is unshakable, just follow the link http://vk.com/settings?act=deactivate

    And indicate the reason why you are leaving.

    Video: How to delete a VKontakte page? And how to restore it

    How to completely delete a page in a contact forever?

    So, you have thought about everything many, many times, and yet your future life will be without VKontakte. Then you can delete your page forever.

    • Login to your account
    • Setup menu
    • General Tab
    • Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete your page”
    • Think a little more and finally confirm your action. Do you want to slam the “door” loudly? Click "Tell Friends"

    Video: Delete VKontakte page FOREVER?!

    The page is frozen, there is no desire to unfreeze it, but “it’s an eyesore” and something needs to be done with it. Especially if it is signed with your real name or business name.

    It’s simple, you need to write to the support service and add identification documents to your request.

    How to delete a hacked page in contact?

    As soon as you discover that your page has been hacked, do not immediately panic and try to delete it. Yes, at some stage you neglected your safety and fell for the bait of burglars. But first, go to the link https://vk.com/restore and try to restore access.

    Video: What to do if your VK page is hacked!!!

    If your attempts are unsuccessful, then it’s time to write to the VKontakte support service https://vk.com/support?act=new&from=h&id=2519

    How to delete a page in contact from android?

    Users mobile versions They may panic - how can I delete it if there is no computer nearby? And it won't be anytime soon. Just as easy as in the browser.

    How to delete a page in a contact through the application:

    • Log in to your VKontakte
    • Click the Settings menu
    • Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete your page”

    Video: How to delete a page in contact from android?

    How to delete a page in contact from an iPhone?

    Just as simple as in the case of Android. More details in the video below.

    Video: How to delete a contact page from an iPhone?

    If you are interested in how to restore access, then information about this is above. It also describes in detail how to view friends, photos and other information on your page if you do not intend to restore it.

    There is such online service https://archive.org/ containing a huge archive of data from the Internet. And this service has a “Wayback machine” button, by clicking on which and inserting a link to your deleted page, you will find yourself in the past, without restoring access.

    How to delete a contact page via phone: tips and reviews

    Kira: a monstrous incident happened in our family, after which my life changed forever. The attacks from strangers, writings and even threats did not stop, and I decided to delete my page. Thanks to the simple instructions, I did it in 2 minutes.

    Igor: I had a turbulent childhood and an equally turbulent youth. I studied, started to make a career and tried to get a job in a company in Canada. I was refused, but the employee got into the situation and personal account added “with such social networks you will never be accepted anywhere.” I immediately deleted everything, but over time I got bored (already at new job) restored access but changed his first and last name, and also deleted all his photos.

    Video: How to delete all posts from a VKontakte page?

    How to delete a page in a contact, lately, many people want to know. Social networks, which have firmly entered our lives, take away our real life. This has been said more than once, and in order not to repeat ourselves, we will not raise this topic again. But we will talk in detail about “showing strength of character,” as the current younger generation jokes. After all, in fact, delete your VKontakte page comparable only to the exploits of epic heroes or knights. After all, we spend 2/3 of our free time in front of the monitor, neglecting communication with family, playing sports, dancing, eating and even sleeping!

    So there are several ways delete page in contact. Some are quite easy, while others will require a few minutes of your time and a megabyte of Internet. The point is that after creation social network, Pavel Durov did not provide for the possibility of deleting a user page. Citizens who came to their senses went to great lengths to remove their page from the Internet. VKontakte is on at the moment most large network CIS, and are very far behind in terms of attendance. Which is not surprising, since VKontakte was created as a youth network, so target audience from six to 35 years. Of course, there are also older people, but they make up no more than 9% of the total number of registered ones.

    You should be careful that your page can be restored within 7 months, and to do this, just go to it again. Such a long period is given to users so that they can test their endurance. And also, as Pavel Durov explained, this is done so that if your account is hacked by attackers, it cannot be deleted permanently. Now it’s very easy to restore your account after deletion, just go to the website page and enter your former login and password and click on the “Recover” button.

    A earlier to the user I had to send a letter indicating the data and mobile number attached to the account to the address of the site administration. And only then technical support, had the opportunity to restore the user's page.

    I'll show you some ways showing how to delete a page in contact:

    1. Wrong ways. These are the ways quick removal . Those. your account will be deleted almost immediately, but it is better not to use these methods; below I will explain why.
    2. The right way. There is only one, but it will allow you to delete a page in a contact immediately and forever, it won’t work.

    Read everything first, and then decide which of the proposed methods suits you best.

    So, let's look at the first method of deleting a VKontakte page, which rarely anyone uses anymore. There are rumors that the VKontakte support has made it so that now it is impossible to delete your account using this method and all data is saved forever in their database, but we will not believe idle gossip and horror stories and will boldly follow the beaten path. The method is somewhat long, but if you nevertheless decide to get rid of such an addiction as an account on a social network, this should not stop you. Open your contact page and go to “Settings”.

    Select “General” in the dialog box that opens.

    And check the box to disable commenting on the wall.

    Then, go to the “Privacy” tab. Here we select the “Only me” mode in absolutely all points and click the “Save” button.

    Next, returning to your page, you should completely delete all information about yourself loved ones, that is, video and audio files, your photos, information about your city, date of birth, habits and marital status. Don't forget! You must remove absolutely everything! The next step is to turn off all notifications (phone or email). That's all, now you can safely leave the site. The main thing is to show willpower and not appear there for a month. After this, the page will be deleted.

    If the previous method did not work to delete a page in a contact, then I can suggest another.

    Before you leave the page, you should once again visit the “General” account settings, and, selecting the “Change password” column, enter absolutely arbitrary numbers there, either a phone number from a directory, or numbers from any receipt. That’s all, you won’t remember such a password even under torture, and you won’t be tempted to visit your page again. Although for your own safety you need to eat the check, and the reference book with telephone numbers Throw it away, or better yet, burn it. JOKE!

    Another method is original and simply incredibly easy! In order to delete a page in a contact, you just need to add Pavel Durov to the “Black List” and voila - your account is deleted within 24 hours and without any proceedings.

    The third method is somewhat immoral - start sending spam from your account, quite actively, as well as uncivil communication and negative reviews on Pavel Durov’s page. But since we are all adults, we will follow a path, albeit a long one, but one that does not run counter to our moral principles and foundations.

    How to remove yourself from a contact forever? The right way.

    And finally, the latest innovation of Pavel Durov and Co. is the ability to delete your page in three clicks. After logging in to the contact, go to the “Settings” menu

    and by default the dialog box opens on the General tab. Moving to the very end of the page, we see an inscription informing us about the opportunity to delete our page.

    By clicking on the highlighted line, we will go to the new “Delete Page” dialog box. Here we should go into more detail. At this point, you can choose for what reason do you want to delete the page?. It doesn’t matter that you were prompted to do this by lack of time or fear of using your personal data. You can even tell your friends about deleting your account. But if you want to keep everything a secret (although this is unlikely to happen; friends who visit your page will see that it has been deleted), then you don’t have to tell anyone anything.

    So let's continue. If you do not want to inform your friends, then you need to uncheck the “Tell friends” checkbox.

    For the reason for deletion, select any one you like or the “Other” tab (the field is not required to be filled in). And click “Delete page”.

    And then a miracle happened! Your page has been deleted

    But don’t rush to rejoice, because you can restore your account within 7 months, as the line at the top of the page kindly reminds you of. If you decide to restore the page, you should select one of the highlighted lines “Restore”.

    By clicking on it, you will instantly restore your account and go to the news section.

    That's all, we examined the possibilities in detail deleting your page on a social network. If you decide to spend more time away from the alluring world of virtual communication, go for it! And remember, don’t throw your accounts into the wild; it’s better to delete any information about yourself than to later erase hundreds of spam messages from your phone or mailbox.

    P.S. By the way, if you have pages on other popular social networks that you want to delete, then read the corresponding instructions - and

    Do you want to delete your VKontakte page FOREVER?
    Have you decided on this?
    Tired of using VKontakte?
    I am VERY happy for you.

    By deleting your VKontakte page, you will only make things better for yourself, if only because you will have a lot of free time. It’s no secret that today a huge number of people spend several hours a day on VKontakte. Five, ten hours is not the limit.

    If you delete your VKontakte page, then of course you will lose something: a bunch of games, tons of communication, videos and music, hundreds of groups, thousands of statuses, hundreds of hours of video and much more. But in return, in my opinion, you will get more: free time. Time that you can spend with loved ones and friends or educate yourself, read an interesting book or learn lessons, spend time in nature or help your parents! And so on!

    In short, I approve of your decision delete pageVKontakte. I will tell you how to do this further.

    1. We go to our VKontakte page: enter your username and password, click the “Login” button.

    2. Go to the “Settings” page.

    3. We go down the page to the very, very bottom. There is a link " Delete your page" Click on it.

    4. We choose absolutely any reason why we want to leave VKontakte. We can leave a checkbox “Tell friends” so that everyone knows about this news. Or we can remove it, and it will remain a secret until they come to our page. We confirm our intention by clicking “ Delete page».

    Everything seems to be fine, we deleted the VKontakte page, as evidenced by the window where instead of an avatar there is a dog with crosses on its eyes. But as we see, the page can be returned again within half a year by simply clicking on the link “ restore your page».

    If we press it, we will see that only one step separates us from recovery.

    But we wanted to delete the VKontakte page FOREVER. We don’t want to wait six months until our page is completely erased and we won’t be able to restore it.

    We are changing our plan to delete the page. Therefore, we first restore it.

    And now we delete the VKontakte page FOREVER!

    We act a little differently. Go to VKontakte again in “Settings”. We change the password to a very complex one, for example this: 17gMP9YFZ3G3zZ. We write down a password of this type on a piece of paper and do not save it anywhere else. Next we link to the page new number(a SIM card that you wouldn’t mind throwing away). Here you will have to make a sacrifice in the form of a discarded SIM card.

    So, after you have changed the password, which you do not know by heart, and have changed the number associated with the page, you can safely delete the page.

    After you have deleted the VKontakte page, do not forget to click the “Exit” button.

    Now burn the piece of paper with the password for the page and break the SIM card to which the page was linked.

    We have deleted the VKontakte page FOREVER! Since we will not be able to restore it, due to the fact that we do not know the password. The password will not be sent to the linked phone number, because the SIM card no longer exists.

    No, no, and sometimes Internet users have a desire to just leave VKontakte. In an instant, destroy the profile and all its contents: correspondence, pictures, photos, videos, music, and games, of course. These measures, frankly speaking, cannot be called anything other than radical. Well, what to do, how to be otherwise? If the session is just around the corner, if a person got married, and his ex-passion bothers him (and with different accounts), if it doesn’t give you peace - the eleventh level in your favorite game “three in a row”, if... Oh, how many more of these “ifs” there can be! There are many reasons, but one effect.

    So, dear reader, if you decide to delete your VKontakte page forever, then so be it. There is no smoke without fire. All doubts aside, let's get started! By the way, you can complete this task in various ways. So choose which one is closer to your heart and soul.

    Method No. 1: using a standard function

    1. When opening the VKontakte website in your browser, be courageous and firm, and most importantly, do not forget for what purpose you are opening it. With the same feelings, log in (enter your username and password).

    2. In the menu of your VKontakte account, click “My Settings”.

    3. Scroll the page with options down with your mouse wheel. At the bottom of it, find and click the link “You can delete your page.”

    4. The alarming and at the same time solemn moment of saying goodbye to your VKontakte profile is approaching. There's just a little bit left to do:

    • indicate the reason for parting with VKontakte: turn on the radio button next to one of the proposed options (for example, there is another page). Or indicate your reason in the field below the list;
    • if you want to tell your friends on VK that you are leaving this social network, check the box next to “Tell friends”;
    • Click "Delete Page".

    How to get a deleted profile back?

    After the above steps, the personal VKontakte page will be deleted and will no longer be accessible, but will still be stored on the social network’s servers for 7 months (that is, it will not disappear forever).

    To restore a deleted page, follow these steps:

    • log in to VK using your username;
    • at the top of your profile, under the message “Your page has been deleted,” click the “restore your page” option;
    • in the section that opens, click “Restore page” again.

    Note. The account will return to your disposal in the form in which it was before deletion - with photos, music, videos and other content.

    Method No. 2: “freezing” the account

    A more labor-intensive removal option, but still an option. In the best possible way Suitable for temporarily parting with an account, as well as for a kind of “disguise” - hiding your presence on the network.

    The “freezing” procedure means that all profile data is changed, including the name of its owner, all content and contacts are deleted, and maximum restrictions are set in the privacy settings.

    If you want to resort to such measures, but are not well versed in the settings of the VKontakte social network, follow the steps recommended in the instructions below. And the profile will be frozen 100%.

    1. Go to "My Settings" and on the "General" tab:

    • in the “Page Settings” block, enable all the options (“Disable commenting...”, “Hide the gifts block...”, “Show... my posts”);
    • in the “Your page address” block, change the profile link and click on the “Change address” button.

    2. Without leaving the settings page, go to the “Privacy” tab. And in all available options, through the drop-down menu, set the value to “Only me”, and in the “Contact me” block - “No one”.

    3. Delete all existing content in the “My Photos”, “My Videos”, “My Audio Recordings” sections.

    4. Delete all friends (Before deleting, you can inform some of them that you are “freezing” the profile).

    That's it! Now the account will be in a “lethargic sleep”. And if you're into it long time If you don’t come in, it will disappear completely. So to speak, it will remove itself.

    A couple more fun ways to get rid of your profile...

    Ignoring the administration

    1. Open the “My Settings” section and go to the “Black List” tab.

    2. In the “Enter…” field, enter the first and last name of the founder of the social network - Pavel Durov (or the address of his page).

    3. Click the “Add to blacklist” button.

    There is reason to believe that after such manipulations with the settings, the profile will be deleted within 24 hours without any proceedings.

    Close your account and can't find the key

    1. On the “My Settings” page, in the “Change Password” block, enter your profile login password.
    2. Separately, in a notepad or other editor, with your eyes closed, type a chaotic set of letters and numbers about 15 characters long. Alternatively, you can ask your tabby pet, a cat, to do this. Let him run over the keyboard.
    3. Copy the “generated” password and enter it into the “New password” and “Repeat password” fields (on the page general settings VK).
    4. Click the “Change Password” button.
    5. Created New Password in notepad, delete immediately. And don’t even try to remember it!

    Now you won’t be able to “kill” a couple of hours on VKontakte once again. After all, a new password has already been set, and an unknown one at that...

    Enjoy your absence from VKontakte! Or, if you want, a moderate stay...

    Despite the generally recognized love for this method of communication, there remains topical issue how to delete a page in Contact. After all, not everyone uses an entertainment site for its intended purpose.

    Option #1: Change settings on the page

    Read also: TOP 5 Ways to delete all posts on the wall in VKontakte (VK)

    Deleting a VKontakte page has the advantage that it will disappear forever in a relatively very short time, namely after 5 months. So, if you change your mind, you can always restore the page.

    The method, of course, is a little tricky, but it is perfect for those who do not want to wait six months for their profile to dissolve irrevocably.

    You need to go to “my settings”. Select the sub-item “Privacy”. Now it is necessary to transfer all sections to a mode where the information is visible only to the user - “only me”, “no one”. Then exit VKontakte and do not log in again.

    We switch all items to “Only me” mode

    We transfer all items to the “Nobody” mode

    Option number 2: activate the “delete” option

    Read also: 7 reasons why you can’t log into your VKontakte page

    We go to VKontakte in the “My Settings” section, go down where all the notes end, and find the inscription, which is also a link “you can delete your page.”

    By clicking on it, a window appears where you need to indicate the reason why you are leaving the site.

    If you use the checkbox "tell your friends"- the news will spread around everyone. Now press the button "delete page". Everything is ready.

    You will be redirected to a page where it will be indicated how long it can be restored.

    This method of deleting a VKontakte page has a longer time frame - 7 months. When the time limit expires, your page will look something like this.

    To restore access, you will need to go to the page, enter your username and password and click the “restore” button. But only for a period of up to seven months.

    Option #3: freeze your account

    Read also:

    This method does not literally delete the page, but only makes it so that no one will ever find it.

    Simply delete all existing entries, change your first and last name, and delete your photo. Limit communication with yourself in the “my settings” section. Now you don't exist.

    How to delete a VKontakte page forever

    Read also: 6 Methods: How to download videos from VKontakte (VK) to your phone

    How to delete a VKontakte page forever is a very pressing question. The site administration has come up with many tricks that prohibit you from immediately and irrevocably getting rid of the page.

    What if you regret it and want to restore it? There are so many friends there. But sometimes there really are cases in which you need to delete your account and never use it again.

    To permanently delete a page, you need to unlink the phone number to which VKontakte alerts are sent.

    If someone wants to hack your account and use it for any reason, they will not succeed.

    When entering the page, an activation code is requested, and it will be received to the number that was previously linked to Vkontakte. Without a phone, there is no way to restore access.

    How to unlink a phone number:

    Read also:

    Also, even without your participation, the page can be frozen forever, you just have to constantly violate the rules of the site.

    It looks like this:

    Blocking a page by the site administration