• VKontakte support service online. How to contact VKontakte technical support

    IN lately started writing articles based on user requests social network VKontakte, here I am again asked “How to write to technical support on VKontakte?” And I’ll write an article so that next time I can just send a link in response.

    If you have a problem with VKontakte, for example, the page cannot be accessed, it has been hacked, or music does not play, I do not recommend immediately running to technical support. Why?

    1. VKontakte technical support is slow, usually you can solve the problem yourself faster.
    2. Normal help there is a chance you won’t get it, they will send you to look for information.
    3. Most problems associated with VKontakte can be solved without contacting them. I regularly write articles in which I solve user problems; you can find them in the section. Or use the blog search.

    How to write to VKontakte technical support?

    Let's imagine that a problem has arisen that can only be solved by technical support in contact, for example, your page has been stolen! The first thing you need to do is find the VKontakte technical support website; they have already changed the address a couple of times. The current link is this http://vk.com/support?act=new.

    You will see this page, in the field indicated by the arrow, you can ask any question that interests you. Also below there is a solution to the most popular questions, such as,?

    Contacts and technical support numbers on VKontakte

    You can also contact technical support via E-mail, below and I will post the E-mail of the technical support itself and the people who deal with it. Unfortunately, VKontakte technical support does not have a telephone number; calling and solving your problems will not work.

    Email: [email protected]– Technical support contact
    Email: [email protected]– Gayane Manukyan
    Email: [email protected]– Maxim Babichev

    I wish you good luck in the fight with technical support, if there are problems, write in the comments.

    If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.

    We have already discussed whether it is possible to call the technical support of the VKontakte website (see).

    Now I want to show you how to write to VK technical support. You can ask any question and get advice.

    "Help" section

    Go to your page and open the drop-down menu located on the right top corner screen.

    Here you will see answers to popular questions. They are divided into categories. If you have a problem, try looking for a solution here first.

    How to write to technical support on VKontakte

    Previously, the mechanism worked as follows. You open the answer to the question, and if you do not find the solution there, click on the link “I still have questions”. After that, you went to the form in which you wrote your request to technical support.

    Now this function Not available on all pages. But anyway, let's look at it.

    Go to any answer from general list. Press the button "This doesn't solve my problem".

    A form will open in which you will be informed about how long you need to wait until a VK technical support specialist answers you. Here click the "Ask a question" button.

    A form will open where you need to write about your problem. Fill in the title and description. If necessary, you can attach a photo (see) or a document (see). After that, click on the “Submit” button.

    Your question will be registered. You will be given an approximate response time. To go to the list of your questions, click on the link “My questions”. Or follow the link:


    Remember when I told you that not all answers have a link to the form to create a new question (see)? In case you can't find it, just use this one:


    You will be taken straight to creating a new question.

    Video lesson: write to VK technical support


    It should be noted that not every question will be answered by a specialist. If you have not received proper advice, try looking for the answer on my website.


    From a computer, laptop, tablet

    To contact technical support (help center) of the VKontakte website and get help, open this page: Help on the VKontakte website (opens in a new window).

    You will see an input line, inside which there is a hint: “Enter your question.” Start typing your question or problem description there.

    As you enter this, existing answers to similar questions will appear just below - you can see them right away. If you can’t find an answer to your question or a solution to your problem, click the button “Neither of these options are suitable.” Then you can ask a question in support, and a live employee will answer it, but you will have to wait for an answer. They will tell you the waiting period - for example, 38 hours. Agree? Press "Ask a Question" describe the problem in a little more detail and click "Send".

    After this, wait for a response, but not earlier than indicated.

    If you can’t find how to ask a question in support, try typing the words How to ask a question - the card “How to ask a question in support” will appear - read it, there will be a valid link to create a request.

    To contact official support VK directly, bypassing the proposed answers and solutions to problems, you can contact this link: New question. Please note again: you will have to wait a long time for an answer, and in 95% of cases the solution is already here: Ready-made solutions to VK problems - just find it and read it.

    1. Fifth button on the bottom row.
    2. "Help" or "Support"(if you see such an item, click "More").
    3. Scroll to the end.
    4. If it doesn't help, click
    5. Click “I still have questions.”
    6. "The Heart of the Problem" “More details about the problem.”
    7. Click tick or "Create" or top right.

    "Help - My questions." The answer will appear there.

    From your phone, through a mobile application on Android, iPhone

    1. Fifth button on the bottom row.
    2. VK Pay.
    3. Settings (gear button).
    4. "Help".
    5. Choose one of the ready-made answers that is closest to your problem.
    6. Scroll to the end.
    7. If it doesn't help, click "This doesn't solve my problem."
    8. Click “I still have questions.”
    9. A “New Question” will open. Fill in "The Heart of the Problem"(a few words, as briefly as possible) and “More details about the problem.”
    10. Attach files (photos, pictures), if necessary.
    11. Click tick or "Create" or top right.

    You can always find your support question in the section "Help - My questions." The answer will appear there.

    About deleted photos

    If you want to contact support so they can help you recover your deleted photos, first read this: How to recover deleted VKontakte photos and try to get them back yourself.

    If you have offended, insulted, humiliated

    Why doesn't VKontakte support respond? Why is there no answer? When will they answer me? How long to wait?

    When you contact support, they show you approximately how long to wait for a response. Let’s say waiting two days for an answer is normal. Maybe they will answer quickly, or maybe not - it’s impossible to say for sure. After all, the support service has a heavy workload.

    But even if they wrote to you that you need to wait for an answer (for example) 17 hours, and there is no answer, although this time has passed, it is too early to panic. This is the approximate response time, which was calculated by the system based on how much support managed to respond at that time. But no one knows for sure how it will actually turn out. It can be 17, 18, or 34 hours.

    Why doesn't support respond at all? In fact, this happens very rarely. More often there is a different situation: you only think that you have applied there, but in fact you just wrote a comment somewhere on the Internet. Naturally, in this case you will not get any answer. Therefore, you need to be careful.

    Easy login to Contact

    For easy entry use the VKontakte website, other social networks and email home page website. You will find many wonderful opportunities there.

    See also good instructions that can help you:

    Attention! There are comments down here. But this is not support. These are just some people who write comments here. But to actually contact VKontakte support, you need.

    Not everyone knows that VKontakte has a support service where you can contact for any question related to using the capabilities of the social network. Before bothering technical support, you should try to find the answer to your question in a special knowledge base located in the Help section. Let me remind you that Help is in the drop-down list under the name and avatar, which are located on the right in the site header (in the full version).

    How to contact VKontakte support service

    Help consists of a list of questions divided into separate categories for easy classification of content.

    For more quick search There is a field for entering the question you are interested in. As you enter, VKontakte will offer you various hint options. If you cannot formulate your question or cannot find the answer, only then should you contact support. A reasonable question arises - where is she and how to contact her? So, select any question, click “This does not solve my problem.”

    After clicking, you will be offered options that will help you clarify what exactly you were not happy with. From the list, select “I still have questions.”

    VKonakte will warn you that you will not receive an answer soon due to the large number of incoming requests. For example, I was asked to expect a response around 20:00 (Saturday). On different days and times of day, the waiting time will be different. Click ask a question and enter the subject and text of the message.

    You can attach a photo and file to the message.

    VKontakte technical support number

    There is no way to call the support service, there is no phone number, you can only ask a question and wait for an answer. It will not be possible to solve the problem promptly, no hotline no, because VKontakte and they have to process large number requests.

    The social network VKontakte has always been considered a user with different points vision. Someone may see it as a giant communication resource that gives them the opportunity to communicate with their friends and acquaintances, family and loved ones, no matter how far they are.

    Maybe start new ones virtual dating. Some people see in this project an excellent opportunity to find information about something and share their hobby with like-minded people using thousands of communities created on the basis of Vkontakte. Or maybe create your own.

    For some, VKontakte is a playing field that consists entirely of all kinds of applications, from mini-games to full-fledged global strategies. Many users see Vkontakte as an endless cinema with millions of videos that could potentially interest them. But there are very few who see this magnificent project as not only a place for entertainment, but also a place for work. And you can easily become one of them. Here you will begin to contradict me, arguing that to work on VKontakte you need to have a lot of things. Specialized skills, a big name, and maybe connections. But all these statements of yours will be incorrect. In fact, everyone most likely already has everything you need for this.

    Working on the social network VKontakte

    So, before we talk about a specific vacancy, we should remind you of what we have already told you about. This is a job as a VKontakte web developer, which really requires specialized skills. Without them, you will not be able to properly perform your duties. But there is another position for which nothing is needed. Only a sharp mind, the ability to use it and impeccable literacy. That's it. And you have probably communicated with these employees more than once without noticing it. We are talking about VKontakte Support.

    Support on the social network VKontakte

    Notice the small but interesting feature. We deliberately say not technical support, but just support. Since the VKontakte support is something very consistent. The management intends to move away from this adjective. Since technical support is just robots that do not delve into the problem of their user. But they simply give rote recommendations, which can already be found in the regulations or system rules section. And also just in the vastness of Google or any other search engine. The management of VKontakte did not want their support to look like such a primitive thing. And they decided to create their own support, where each agent would delve deeply into the client’s problem, no matter what it was. There are many funny cases where support agents have been approached with the most ridiculous questions. And, for example, how to properly fry eggs so that they don’t burn, where is the best place to buy nail polish, how to beat the boss in a game that has nothing to do with the VKontakte site. So what do you think? The support agents conscientiously answered all questions and helped people. Maybe they initially just wanted to make fun of them, but they fulfilled their duties completely. So support agents now are professionals high level. And how can one become one?

    Requirements for VKontakte Support Agents

    1 . Know and love the VKontakte site. This is the most understandable requirement. Anyone who doesn't like the project won't be able to become an agent. So they are recruited only from the most avid regulars of the system.

    2 . Know and love the Russian language. It is also clear that the support agent must be perfectly literate. It is clear that before sending his message, he will run it a thousand times through a variety of verification systems, identifying all errors. But there are errors that no program can fix. And they shouldn't exist either.

    3 . Know how to search for information. As we have already said, the question may not be directly related to the VKontakte project. And you still have to find a complete and concise answer to it. So search for information, and correct work with a search engine is a prerequisite.

    4 . The ability to express your thoughts gracefully. After all, an agent is not only a certain status, it is the face of the site, it is its style. So your speech should be beautiful, but the meaning of your words should not fade behind the ornateness. It's not that simple.

    5 . Patience and hard work. Needless to say, many users who pester support with endless questions are actually just trolls. And you need to have simply angelic patience to do your job in such conditions.

    In addition, to work you must live or be willing to come to St. Petersburg. Since the employment is official, you must be 18 years old and you must have all necessary documents. The salary stated by the project developers is thirty to forty thousand rubles. So it’s quite possible to live on it.