• Modern information technologies in medicine. How modern information technologies help medicine develop

    ID: 2012-11-8-R-1764

    Nalivaeva A.V.

    Federal State Budgetary Institution Saratov Research Institute of Cardiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia


    IN this review The literature examines the most pressing issues of the development of information technologies (IT) in medicine. An analysis of clinical studies in this area of ​​medical care is carried out, the challenges facing healthcare and ways to solve them through the introduction of modern IT are highlighted, and disputes that arose at this stage of the development of information technologies in medicine are discussed.


    Information technology, medicine, Internet, telephone communications, video conferencing


    The most important social task of the state is to ensure the rights of citizens to receive affordable, timely and high-quality medical care, regardless of place of residence and social status. The development of fundamentally new areas for organizing the provision of medical care to the population, successfully used in practical healthcare in many countries, was significantly influenced by progress in information, telecommunications and medical technologies. The benefits of introducing these technologies into clinical practice have been the subject of debate over the past decades.

    It is known that the high efficiency of clinical use of information technologies (IT) lies in reducing the number of complications and adverse outcomes, socio-economic benefits, and improving quality of life. It is the use of systems for remote recording and transmission of physiological parameters, real-time monitoring and control, and teleconsultation of patients that made it possible to move medicine to a qualitatively new level, making available round-the-clock online medical consultations, preventive measures, dynamic monitoring of patients’ condition, control and emergency correction key parameters life activity, human body. The following technologies can be used for this: Internet ( e-mail, websites), telephone communications (landline, mobile), video conferencing and others.

    Health IT is currently used to solve the following problems in the field of healthcare:

    1). Monitoring and control of physiological parameters of patients, such as blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose levels, etc. This approach to remote telemonitoring is often implemented, including in implantable devices, pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, providing transmission of data on the functioning implanted system, as well as extensive information about the patient's condition.

    2). Supporting activities for primary and secondary prevention of diseases and their early diagnosis.

    3). Increasing access to medical care for population groups living in geographically remote regions, rural areas, patients with disabilities, as well as patients in closed or organized groups. For example, in the states of Georgia and Texas (USA), telecommunications connections have been implemented between medical institutions, state prisons and hospices.

    4). Providing the elderly population with quality outpatient care. As people approach retirement age, they enter a period of life associated with a high risk of costly and life-threatening chronic diseases. An important component health control in this case may include monitoring the physiological parameters of patients related to the prevention and treatment of these diseases, as well as organizing telemedicine consultations, etc. The relevance of the problem is further confirmed by statistical data that by 2020, older citizens will make up up to 25% of the world's population .

    A recent randomized controlled trial examining the use of telemedicine in case management found improvements in blood glucose control for diabetes in older adults in areas designated as “underserved” in New York State (USA).

    5). Rehabilitation of patients in need of psychiatric, psychophysiological and/or psychological assistance. In the process of remote audiovisual communication between the patient and the doctor, both psychological rehabilitation and acceleration of physical rehabilitation occur. The patient ceases to feel lonely and helpless, his psychophysiological state improves, and self-confidence appears. A separate type of this type of assistance is the aspect of the influence on the psychological status of parents of sick children - the use of telemonitoring systems in pediatrics has led to a decrease in the level of anxiety of parents.

    6). Support of rehabilitation measures for patients after operations.

    7). Rehabilitation and telemedicine services for women before and after childbirth.

    8) Telemedicine support for critical care medicine.

    9). Organization of consulting support for the provision of medical care in emergency situations by highly qualified specialists from large medical centers.

    10). Military telemedicine. Telemedicine turns out to be extremely effective in organizing medical care in areas of military operations.

    11) Information support for events in the field of healthcare organization, clinical audit, etc. .

    Based on the results of a number of clinical studies, including in medical organizations in Canada, Italy, Australia, England and Germany (2004-2009), the following positive trends in the implementation of IT in practical healthcare were identified:

    Improved adherence to treatment, in particular, according to data, the proportion of patients actively using home self-monitoring methods increases to 90%.

    Reducing the frequency of patient hospitalizations.

    Improving the quality of life, psychological and social standing of the patient;

    Reducing mortality among patients with cardiovascular diseases by 20-25% compared to routine technology for organizing medical care, i.e. without the use of IT systems;

    Increasing patient satisfaction with medical services and improving quality of life;

    Increasing patient awareness about their disease;

    Improving the quality of service, timely correction of drug therapy, high efficiency of drug treatment;

    Increasing the economic efficiency of medical care;

    Based on this, the need for global implementation of IT in medicine has been confirmed by numerous studies, and at first glance there is no doubt.

    However, a number of studies have shown the low effectiveness of telemonitoring systems in elderly patients with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary systems.

    In particular, the study by Paul Takahashi and his colleagues from the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, USA) included 205 elderly patients with the above chronic diseases, who were divided into two groups: 1) those receiving medical care using IT, 2) those receiving routine medical care (home electronic systems for telemonitoring blood pressure, heart rate and other physiological indicators, video conferences, short telephone consultations). At the same time, there were no significant differences between the studied groups of patients in the frequency of ambulance calls and hospitalizations. A similar situation exists with regard to the number of days spent in hospital. Note that for patients who received medical care using IT, the frequency of hospitalizations and ambulance calls remained unchanged compared to the period before their inclusion in the study. The fact of increased mortality in this group of patients also remains inexplicable (mortality in the routine medical care group was 3.9%, in the telemonitoring group - 14.7% (p = 0.008). P. Takahashi believes that the result of the study was influenced by which -unaccounted factor, for example, support of caregivers, etc.

    According to a meta-analysis conducted by Mark Freiman and Renda Weiner from Boston Medical Center (13 studies involving more than 40,000 patients), mortality among critically ill patients is not significantly reduced by the use of telemonitoring systems. . There is also data from a randomized trial remote monitoring electrocardiographic indicators, as well as blood pressure, body weight within the framework of telemedicine monitoring (with the possibility of organizing emergency medical care), where it was shown that there was no positive effect of the used monitoring technologies on the outcomes of the disease in patients with chronic heart failure. This has caused lively discussions among scientists and doctors on the problems of introducing IT into clinical medicine. For example, Harlan Krumholz, a cardiologist at Yale University School of Medicine in Connecticut, USA, believes that excessive control can actually harm patients. He gives an example of a situation where a doctor overreacts to minor changes in biometric indicators and prescribes treatment, although in the absence of telemonitoring these changes would go unnoticed and the problem might have been resolved without medical intervention. Harlan Krumholz believes that the use of telemonitoring systems should be limited to purely research purposes; the widespread use of IT, according to the author, can only be recommended after all controversial issues have been clarified and exclusively for those categories of patients who really need it. The author also believes that further research is required to determine the correct tactics for working with telemonitoring systems: “Computers themselves will not help or harm - it is important what you do with the information received. I think as soon as we can create an effective plan for dealing with similar devices, changes for the better will immediately occur.”

    Analyzing data from numerous studies, there is no doubt that IT is a useful tool for improving the quality and efficiency of medical care. However, their use requires a careful approach to the training of medical personnel, the organization of the structure of direct medical care and its management. It can be assumed that it is not the implementation of IT itself that reduces mortality, the frequency of hospitalizations, and improves the quality of life, but adequate interpretations of the results of their use and decision-making (medical, organizational, etc.) to achieve the goals of medical care.

    Unsolved problems of IT implementation in medicine require additional study. To this end, many major studies and projects are currently being implemented around the world. In particular, one of the largest projects to study the prospects for the development of IT in medicine and their effectiveness is the intergovernmental project “Implementing Transnational Telemedicine Solutions” (ITTS) in the Scandinavian countries, Great Britain and Ireland. The planned duration of the project is until December 2013. It is expected that based on its results it will be possible to evaluate the use of IT in various areas of medicine. The most important objectives of the study are to evaluate the effectiveness of using video consultations in medicine and the possibility of managing a hospital at home using IT. The project is coordinated by the Center for the Study of Rural Health, located in the Scottish city of Inverness (UK).


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    The modern period of development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it computer technology, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the dissemination of information flows in society, forming a global information space. They very quickly turned into a vital stimulus for the development of not only the world economy, but also other areas of human activity. It is difficult to find an area in which they are not currently using information Technology. The leading areas for the implementation of computer technology are architecture, mechanical engineering, education, banking and, of course, medicine. In many medical studies it is simply impossible to do without a computer and special software to him. Currently, the Republic of Kalmykia is undergoing a large-scale implementation of innovative computer technologies in the field of medicine. This process is accompanied by significant changes in medical theory and practice associated with adjustments to the training of medical workers.

    Over the past 20 years, the use of computers in medicine has increased enormously. Practical medicine is becoming more and more automated. There are two types of computer software: software and hardware. The software includes system and application. The system software includes a network interface that allows access to data on the server. Data entered into a computer is usually organized into a database, which, in turn, is controlled by a database management application (DBMS) and may contain, in particular, medical histories, digitized X-rays, and statistical reporting for the hospital. , accounting. Application software represents programs for which, in fact, a computer is intended. These are calculations, processing of research results, various types of calculations, and exchange of information between computers. Complex modern research in medicine is unthinkable without the use of computer technology. Such studies include computed tomography, tomography using the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance, ultrasonography, and studies using isotopes. The amount of information that is obtained from such research is so enormous that without a computer a person would be unable to perceive and process it.

    Integrated system for automating the activities of a medical institution
    Medical information systems have been developed in the Pavlodar region and they can be divided according to the following criteria:
    Medical systems that include programs that solve narrow problems of medical specialists, such as radiologist, ultrasound, etc.
    Medical systems for organizing doctors' office work and processing medical statistics. Hospital information systems
    The system for collecting and processing information in modern medical centers must perform so many different functions that they cannot even be described, much less automated, in any short time. Automated life cycle information system consists of five main stages:
    - developing a system or purchasing a ready-made system;
    - implementation of the system;
    - software maintenance;
    - operation of the system;
    - dismantling the system.

    Telemedicine is a branch of modern medicine that developed in parallel with the improvement of knowledge about the human body and health along with the development of information technology. Modern medical diagnostics involve obtaining visual information about the patient’s health. Therefore, for the formation of telemedicine it was necessary information media, allowing the doctor to “see” the patient. Currently, clinical telemedicine programs exist in many information-developed countries of the world. Computer science is a branch of science that studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, as well as issues related to its collection, storage, search, processing, transformation, distribution and use in various spheres of human activity. Its medical branch, formed as a result of the introduction of information technology into one of the oldest areas of human activity, is today becoming one of the most important areas of intellectual breakthrough of medicine to new frontiers.
    Computer in dentistry.
    Today in Kazakhstan there is a computer in every dental clinic. Most widely used in the dental market computer programs– digital radiography systems, often called radio videographers. The systems allow you to study in detail various fragments of a tooth and periodontal image, increase or decrease the size and contrast of images, save all information in a database and, if necessary, transfer it to paper using a printer. Most famous programs: Gendex, Trophy. The second group of programs are systems for working with dental video cameras. They allow you to record in detail the condition of groups or specifically selected teeth “before” and “after” the treatment. Such programs common in Kazakhstan include: Vem Image, Acu Cam, Vista Cam, Telecam DMD.
    Electronic document management modernizes the exchange of information within a dental clinic. Varying degrees of access for doctors and patients, mandatory use encryption systems for encoding diagnoses, examination results, therapeutic, surgical, orthodontic and
    other procedures make it possible to reliably protect any information.

    Computed tomography
    A method of studying the state of the human body, in which sequential, very frequent measurements of thin layers of internal organs are made. This data is recorded in a computer, which uses it to construct a complete three-dimensional image. The physical basis of measurements is varied: X-ray, magnetic, ultrasonic, nuclear, etc.
    A set of devices that provide measurements, scanning, and a computer that creates a complete picture is called a tomograph (see figure).
    Tomography is one of the main examples of the introduction of new information technologies in medicine. Creating this method without powerful computers would have been impossible.

    Use of computers in medical laboratory research
    When using a computer in laboratory medical research, a certain diagnostic algorithm is included in the program. A database of diseases is created, where each disease corresponds to certain symptoms or syndromes. During the testing process, using an algorithm, a person is asked questions. Based on his answers, symptoms (syndromes) that best correspond to the group of diseases are selected. At the end of the test, this group of diseases is given with a percentage indication - how likely this disease is for a given test taker. The higher the percentage, the higher the likelihood of this disease. Now attempts are being made to create a system (algorithm) that would produce not several, but one diagnosis. But all this is still at the development and testing stage. In general, today more than 200 computer expert systems have been created in the world.

    Computer fluorography
    The software for digital fluorography units, developed at the Research and Production Center for Medical Radiology, contains three main components: a complex control module, a module for recording and processing X-ray images, including a block for creating a formalized protocol, and an information storage module, containing a block for transmitting information over a distance. This software structure allows you to use it to obtain an image, process it, save it on various media and print hard copies.
    A special feature of this software product is that it fully meets the requirements for solving the problem of preventive studies of lungs in the population. The presence of a program block for filling out and storing a research protocol in the form of a standardized form creates the possibility of automating data analysis with the issuance of diagnostic recommendations, as well as automated calculation of various statistical indicators, which is very important given the significant increase in the number of pulmonary diseases in various regions of the country. The software provides the ability to transfer images and protocols when using modern systems communications (including INTERNET) for the purpose of consultation of diagnostically complex cases in specialized institutions. Based on this experience, it was possible to formulate the basic requirements for the organization and hardware and software of a digital fluorography service, which are reflected in the draft Guidelines for organizing mass chest examinations using a digital X-ray unit, prepared with the participation of specialists from the Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Radiology. The developed software can be used not only for fluorography, but is also suitable for other pulmonological applications

    Medical information technologies: opportunities and prospects

    The medical information system of the Pavlodar region is designed to improve the quality and accessibility of medical services. The use of new information technologies in modern medical centers will make it easy to keep a complete record of all services provided, tests taken, and prescriptions written. Also, when automating a medical institution, electronic outpatient cards and medical histories are filled out, reports are compiled and medical statistics are maintained. Automation of medical institutions is the creation of a single information space Health care facilities, which, in turn, allows you to create automated workstations for doctors, organize the work of the medical statistics department, create databases, maintain electronic stories diseases and combine into a single whole all therapeutic, diagnostic, administrative, economic and financial processes. The use of information technology in the work of clinics or hospitals significantly simplifies a number of work processes and increases their efficiency in providing medical care to residents of our region.

    Information technologies have a positive impact on modernizing the process of providing medical services, significantly simplifying and speeding up many business processes in a modern clinic. In the article we will consider the stages of introduction of information technologies and their application in medicine, as well as directions of implementation.

    Goals of modern information technologies in medicine

    The use of information technology makes it possible to solve a number of issues in medicine:

    1. Creation of information resources in the medical industry. State and objectives of information systems at various levels

    2. Direction of formation of IT in the medical field. Progressive domestic and foreign theories and practices

    3. Regulatory and technological assistance of information interaction in medicine

    4. Use of telecommunications and the Internet for the provision of medical services

    5. Reference tools and services to help solve issues in the field of health, educational projects and scientific research. Application of artificial intelligence

    6. Application of automated analytics in solving administrative issues

    7. Information technologies in the system of continuous training of employees of medical organizations.

    Stages of technology implementation in medicine

    By 2025, Russia will complete a program aimed at increasing the quality and opportunities for receiving medical services. The program is being introduced in stages; the basis for it has already been formed. Now all attention is focused on the process of establishing a national technology platform.

    Information technologies in medicine will affect:

    • first aid and ambulance
    • therapy in hospitals, prevention of pathologies
    • provision of medicines
    • increasing public awareness
    • personnel training and retraining of employees of medical institutions
    • scientific activity
    • management in medical activities.

    Application of information technologies in medicine

    1. One of the areas of application of information technologies in medicine is the Federal components of the Uniform State Health Information System. The unified state information system in the field of healthcare is technological base e-health. With its help, the parties interact with each other, regional medical information systems are connected. Private clinics will be connected to the Unified State Health Information System from 2019 in order to receive the entire volume of data on resources that exist in the medical field. And digital intermediaries in the interaction between a medical organization and a patient will have to connect to Unified system identification and authentication (USIA).

    2. Services for clinic automation, capable of working with a large amount of patient data - from maintaining the entire client base to the patient’s card. With the help of such services, it is possible to ensure almost complete transparency of all business processes, significantly improve the quality of patient care, and optimize the clinic’s drug supply. The use of information technology in medicine through such services allows you to send SMS messages, work with online cash registers, calculate employee salaries and have a number of additional functions for obtaining operational information about the work of the enterprise.

    3. Federal Register of Medical Personnel. This is the basis for other federal systems - accreditation of medical workers and continuing education.

    4. Regulatory and reference information. At the end of 2016, the Federal Directory of Laboratory Research was created, in connection with this, multidisciplinary information systems now have the ability to receive laboratory results from each other and forward orders. At the moment, the process of developing reference books on laboratory epicrisis is underway.

    5. Electronic document management. It is expected that in 2018 the percentage of Russian organizations that use information technology in medicine and work with electronic document management will reach 40. And in 2025 their figure will be more than 90%. The number of medical jobs connected to information systems within the Unified State Health Information System will change from 70% in 2018 to 90% in 2025.

    6. Use in medicine shortens the period of disease diagnosis and guarantees methodological assistance. For example, the use of these technologies can reduce mortality from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels by 2025.

    Today, it is possible to remotely read 12 parameters of a patient’s condition, including ECG, glycemic level and others. This makes it possible to more effectively treat chronic diseases, focusing on prevention. At the same time, the total number of complications is reduced. Currently, approximately 40% of the country’s clinics use telemedicine information technologies in medicine.

    Both employees and managers of medical organizations must have certain skills in order to use the maximum capabilities of information technology in medicine. To do this, it is necessary to provide training so that employees can receive all the necessary information.

    Opportunities for using technology in medicine

    Uniform State Health Information System provides the opportunity to use such services as:

    • . Contains information about the progress of treatment, diagnoses, prescriptions and research results of the patient. The card is stored in cloud storage and, if necessary, is available to a medical facility employee in any region.
    • . Allows patients to make an appointment or call a doctor at home. Contains doctors' schedule. The federal electronic registry allows medical institutions to manage patient flows. For example, assessing the workload of doctors, making appointments for patients through the EPGU.
    • Nosological registers. These are registers that contain medical data from regional medical information systems. In a situation where a patient goes to a medical institution not in his region, the doctor will be able to obtain all the information about what kind of care was provided from this register. And when paired with an electronic medical record, they provide government support to patients for certain types of diseases.

    In addition, the Uniform State Health Information System includes information services, registries and registries of medical organizations, doctors, medicines, and a telemedicine system. The structure of the IT space in medicine can be seen in the diagrams presented in the document.

    Attached files

    • Implementation of IT in medicine.docx

    Information technology (IT) in modern world are used everywhere. Healthcare is no exception. Modern IT developments have a positive impact on the development of new ways of organizing medical care for the population. Large quantity countries have long been actively using new technologies in the healthcare sector. Conducting teleconsultations of patients and staff, exchanging information about patients between different institutions, remotely recording physiological parameters, monitoring operations in real time - all these opportunities are provided by the introduction of information technology in medicine. This brings healthcare informatization to a new level of development, positively affecting all aspects of its activities. Robomed Systems company develops its own software product and contributes to the development of medical technologies.

    The introduction of IT in the healthcare sector can improve the quality of service, significantly speed up the work of staff and reduce service costs for patients. These benefits are now available to every clinic. Modern RoboMed software gives this opportunity to each of its users. This is a domestic system that allows you to bring the institution to a new level of service and work.

    Information technologies in medicine and healthcare help solve the following problems:

    • keep records of clinic patients;
    • monitor their condition remotely;
    • save and transmit the results of diagnostic examinations;
    • monitor the correctness of the prescribed treatment;
    • conduct remote training;
    • provide advice to inexperienced employees.

    Information technologies in medicine make it possible to conduct high-quality monitoring of the condition of patients. Maintaining electronic medical records allows you to reduce the time spent by clinic staff on filling out various forms. All information about the patient is presented in one document, accessible to the medical staff of the institution. All examination data and procedure results are also entered directly into the electronic medical record. This allows other specialists to evaluate the quality of the prescribed treatment and detect diagnostic inaccuracies.

    The use of IT in medicine allows doctors to conduct online consultations at any convenient time. At the same time, the availability of medical services increases. People can receive qualified help from experienced doctors remotely. This is especially necessary for people:

    • living in geographically remote areas;
    • with limited physical capabilities;
    • in an emergency situation;
    • who are in a confined space.

    Thus, patients or doctors do not have to travel long distances to get a consultation. Using modern information technologies, a doctor can assess the patient’s condition, conduct an examination and get acquainted with all the results of his examinations.

    Such consultations are necessary not only for patients with physiological problems. Conversations also allow people who need psychiatric or psychological help. Audiovisual communication allows the doctor to establish contact with the patient and provide him with the necessary support.

    Prospects for healthcare informatization

    Today, medical information systems are actively developing, allowing institutions to work more efficiently and quickly. Healthcare informatization in Russia today is receiving increased attention from the authorities. Financial investments in the development of new medical IT have a positive effect on their development and improvement.

    A striking example is the unified medical system RoboMed. The developers are constantly working to improve this software for clinics. Regular updates give users the opportunity to use all available information technologies in medicine.

    In addition, in Russia today there is an increasing need to introduce innovations into the healthcare system. The pressing issue remains ensuring maximum protection data from such systems. Therefore, now the efforts of developers are aimed at eliminating the possibility of intrusions from the outside.

    Healthcare informatization is a fairly broad concept, which also includes activities aimed at informing specialists with the help of IT about scientific achievements in the world in the field of medicine. So this is effective way training and advanced training of hospital and clinic staff.

    With the help of such technologies, doctors can quickly receive information about new developments and discoveries that will help them work more efficiently. This problem is especially relevant for health workers who work in remote communities.

    Implementation innovative technologies entry into medicine is quick and easy. The interface of such systems is accessible and intuitive even to untrained users. Clinic staff are able to quickly learn how these new technologies work. The developers will help you understand all the nuances of operating the product. After completing the training, which takes minimal time, medical staff will be able to:

    • work with information resources;
    • conduct teleconferences;
    • work in local and global computer networks;
    • use help systems.

    Today, as part of the informatization of healthcare in Russia, it is planned to create a national telemedicine system. With the right approach, this technology will not only significantly improve the quality of medicine, but will also help reduce costs. For example, doctors will not need to allocate money for travel to scientific conferences. They will be able to participate in such events remotely.

    The power of modern healthcare IT has the potential to have a positive impact on all aspects of healthcare delivery. The use of information technologies in medicine also allows:

    • conduct distance learning;
    • establish connections with colleagues to exchange experiences;
    • receive the latest health information.

    In addition, technology can improve the management of a medical facility. Medical systems make it possible to automate work:

    • clinic administration;
    • economic planning department;
    • HR department;
    • financial service;
    • pharmacies;
    • material services.

    Managers are also given the opportunity to interact more effectively with the compulsory health insurance fund and the territorial health care management body. IT in medicine allows you to optimize the work of doctors, reception desks, reception departments and other services.

    In addition, the use of innovative systems simplifies the institution’s drug supply system. New technologies help quickly:

    • register incoming and outgoing transactions;
    • carry out warehouse control;
    • generate requests for the supply of medicines;
    • control the consumption of medications;
    • write off materials and medications;
    • create and submit reporting documentation to higher authorities.

    Information technologies are actively used in medicine in the field of education. Remote seminars allow students of universities and medical schools to obtain the necessary knowledge. Such technologies provide an opportunity for young specialists to attend lectures by eminent doctors and gain new knowledge and experience.

    All these opportunities are now available to Russian clinics. The RoboMed unified medical system is the future for your institution. Your employees will work more efficiently, bring greater profits and keep up with Western clinics. We will help you implement this technology into your business. In addition, we will train your staff to work with the system in the shortest possible time. If any questions arise during the operation of RoboMed, our highly qualified employees will help you quickly answer them and resolve any problem that may arise. When you purchase this system, you are assigned a personal service manager who comes to your aid at any time, informs you about new program features and available updates.

    In Russia, modern information technologies are rapidly being introduced into all spheres of human life, including the healthcare system. First of all, advanced innovations are introduced in medicine with the aim of creating a unified medical space, which will increase the efficiency of medical care to the population and ensure the socio-economic level of development of the country.

    For years, the established method of introducing patients and monitoring their condition today is becoming not only irrelevant, but is also delaying the development of healthcare as a whole. For example, in public clinics no more than 15 minutes are allocated for examining one patient. During this time, the doctor must examine the person, make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment, and also make notes in the chart and in his documentation. Of course, this time is not enough to fully serve the patient, as well as fill out paperwork. Registration offices are also experiencing a decrease in the efficiency of servicing applicants due to labor-intensive “paper” work. On the other hand, modern Russian medical organizations have huge amounts of information at their disposal. The quality of medical care and the standard of living in the state directly depend on how effectively the data will be used by all levels of the medical sphere.

    Due to the fact that modern medicine faces a number of problems that require immediate resolution, it was decided to use the potential of information technology and create a tool for effective management of the healthcare system.

    IT has a positive impact on all aspects of medicine and allows:

    • automate the work of treatment-and-prophylactic and other types of medical institutions;
    • reduce the time spent on “paper” work, including reporting;
    • increase time for patient history collection, diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment;
    • provide health workers with access to new knowledge and information;
    • ensure the exchange of experience between specialists;
    • improve the quality of medical services for all citizens of the Russian Federation;
    • quickly provide emergency assistance to people with disabilities, living in remote areas or in emergency situations.

    As a result, within the framework of the state program 2012-2018, introduced with the aim of developing new technologies in Moscow, the Department of Information Technologies (DIT) commissioned by the Department of Health launched the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (UMIAS).

    EMIAS is the most large-scale IT project in healthcare, which is of great social importance. Today, it allows connecting more than 20 thousand doctors and more than 9 million patients, providing at least 500 thousand different transactions every day.


    The functions of the Department of Health include carrying out and implementing state policy in the field of health care, studying the health status of Russians, organizing the provision of medical care, including specialized types, conducting medical rehabilitation and disease prevention, as well as developing priority areas and programs for health care and pharmaceutical activities. In turn, the Department of Information Technologies develops and implements state programs in the IT sector, as well as in the field of communications and telecommunications.

    The joint EMIAS project in Moscow is designed to improve the quality of medical care, speed up the work of medical staff, as well as simplify access to medical services and reduce costs for patients.

    In 2016, the capital of the Russian Federation, according to the international consulting agency PwC, leads in the level of healthcare informatization, ahead of such large cities as New York and London.

    Development and capabilities of EMIAS

    Implementation began in 2011 electronic registry, with the help of which it became possible to make an appointment or call a doctor at home. After successful tests, the project began to be introduced in many medical institutions in Moscow. The electronic database stores medical histories and examination results of patients, information about medical personnel (specialization, qualifications). All information and personal data of patients are reliably protected through 3 levels of protection - digital, physical and authorization system. It is impossible to copy, save, or delete information.

    Since October 2013, in order to improve the quality of medical care in terms of conducting laboratory tests, by order of the Departments of Health and Information Technology in Moscow, a pilot operation of a laboratory service (the EMIAS CLS subsystem) has been successfully launched, which is designed to provide information interaction with the laboratory information systems of individual Moscow medical institutions.

    Since 2014, electronic issuance of prescriptions has been used, and a year later, electronic certificates of incapacity for work, which have become the same official document as sick leave on the form.

    Since 2015, an electronic medical record format has been introduced in clinics, which allows quick access to complete information about the patient: diseases, treatment progress and prescriptions, test results, injuries, allergic reactions to medications, etc. The card is stored in the cloud and is available to employees healthcare system, regardless of the location of the medical facility.

    It has also become possible to quickly make an appointment with a doctor or for research and diagnostic procedures with the selection of the most convenient date and time from any smartphone or other device using mobile iOS And Android applications"EMIAS of Moscow".

    To increase the accessibility of medical services, our own Telegram bot was developed in 2016. The virtual assistant needs to send the compulsory health insurance number and date of birth, as a result of which the “smart” program will help you make an appointment with a doctor online.

    Since 2017, the interface has been completely updated and work with information systems installed in clinics has been simplified, and new features have been added. In addition, information kiosks began to accept an electronic policy with a compulsory health insurance chip. In the same year, clinics began to be equipped with video surveillance cameras.

    DIT specialists and developers do not stop there, constantly working on the largest online medical service in order to make the project as convenient, intuitive and accessible as possible for any Russian, regardless of age and health status. In addition, any Moscow resident can take part in voting that is constantly held on EMIAS and, thus, contribute to the healthcare of the future. In 2019, there are plans to connect to the system of private clinics to gain access to medical resources.

    EMIAS allows you to simplify and make the work of medical institutions more efficient:

    • manage flows and keep records of patients;
    • use electronic document management;
    • maintain consolidated and personalized records of medical care;
    • receive data on the workload of medical institutions;
    • manage medical registers;
    • receive information about the demand for medical personnel;
    • optimize drug supply to hospitals.

    In addition, the successful development of information technology not only contributes to optimization in the management of a healthcare institution, but also allows for distance learning of practicing medical staff and students of medical colleges and institutes according to the EMIAS educational program.

    Using the portal, call center, Internet and mobile applications, system users have the opportunity to:

    • make, reschedule, cancel an appointment with a doctor;
    • find out office hours and other useful information about the medical institution;
    • sign up for a medical examination;
    • if necessary, quickly undergo a medical examination;
    • Find out information about obtaining an insurance policy.

    Every month in the capital, 2 million records are made using EMIAS, and after the introduction of electronic registry, queues to see doctors of narrow specialties were reduced by 2.5 times. From 2014 to 2018, more than 45 million electronic prescriptions were issued to Muscovites.

    IT in healthcare of the 21st century

    It is planned that in the near future information technologies will affect all areas of Russian healthcare. It is expected that IT will be used in such areas of medicine as:

    • emergency and primary care;
    • treatment and prophylactic process in hospitals;
    • advisory and educational work with the population;
    • pharmaceutical industry;
    • personnel training and retraining of medical personnel;
    • scientific activity;
    • medical management.

    Since 2016, the Ministry of Health has begun work on the implementation of the priority national project “Electronic Health Care”.

    The initial goal of the project is to provide every citizen of the Russian Federation with the opportunity to receive information about available medical care, make an appointment with a doctor, have access to test results, and also evaluate the quality of medical services through the “My Health” personal account on the Unified Portal of State Municipal Services (EPGU). This service will function by obtaining data from the components of the Unified State Health Information System (USHIS). The project will be implemented in stages from 2017 to 2025.

    Moreover, in 2018 the law “On the use of information technologies in the healthcare sector” came into force. This document legitimizes the organization of a single information space of the healthcare system and clearly regulates the introduction of digital technologies into the industry. Now you can legally maintain all medical documentation in electronic format, ensure full-time job electronic services and services for the population, as well as use telemedicine when providing medical care.