• Sew a cell phone case. How to make a phone case with your own hands at home? Silicone case, fabric, felt, leather - photo

    There is no doubt that a mobile case is necessary. The phone, especially the screen, is constantly exposed to mechanical stress: in a bag it rubs against keys, coins and other objects, we place it on various surfaces where there may be not only dirt, but also moisture. With a case, the phone is more protected from harmful effects. There are a lot of necessary devices to protect your mobile phone - panels, cases, silicone pads and bumpers. But all this doesn’t cost a penny. Therefore, you can try to sew a phone case with your own hands from leather, felt, foamiran or any dense fabric. Even minimal sewing skills will do. Sewing a phone case yourself is not that easy. big problem. Required materials and tools can be found in almost any home. It just takes a little effort and a little imagination.

    What types of covers can you sew yourself?

    • The easiest one to make would be a pocket cover. You can simply sew it from two rectangles, or you can complicate the task a little - make a pocket with a tongue made of ribbon, which makes it easier to remove the mobile phone from such a case.
    • An envelope case with a button will be a little more difficult to make. It is more suitable for women, so it can be sewn from any color material.
    • A book case is the most practical type, but you will have to work hard to make it, although all the steps are quite understandable.

    How to make a smartphone case with your own hands? Required Tools

    In order to sew a leather phone case with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

    • A piece of leather about 3 mm thick or some other material from which you plan to sew the case. The main thing is that it keeps its shape.
    • An awl and a screwdriver for making straight holes.

    Important! These items will definitely come in handy if you work with leather.

    • Cardboard, ruler, pencil or chalk for cutting out details.
    • Stationery knife, scissors.
    • Strong threads to match the material for the case.

    Important! You can use a thin strip of leather or decorative cord.

    • Fasteners, button or magnet, if it is a book case or envelope.
    • Braid, if it is a pocket cover with a tongue.
    • Glue gun or Moment glue.
    • A hammer with an anvil or a special tool for installing eyelets and buttons (if necessary).

    Where to start?

    To make your own phone case made of leather or other material of your choice neat and suitable in all respects:

    1. First, measure the length, width and thickness of your phone.
    2. For the convenience of subsequent construction and fitting, it is advisable to make a mock-up of your mobile phone from cardboard, so as not to have to pull the gadget itself once again. To do this, trace the phone on cardboard and cut it out.
    3. To recreate the thickness you want, cut out several of these templates and stick them on top of each other until you get the thickness you want.
    4. If you have the skills, the right tools and the desire, you can make such a model from plywood.


    If you want to try sewing a leather phone case with your own hands, the patterns are easiest for the pocket case model. It is recommended that a beginner in this field begin his creativity with him.

    • Sewing such a product will not take much time and does not require special cutting and sewing skills.
    • To keep it in shape and have a presentable appearance, it is best to make a leather case.
    • For a girl, you can take skin of any color, be it pink or green, but guys will most likely prefer black or brown.
    • The material itself must be good quality and have a thickness of at least 3 mm.

    Important! Scraps of leather are sold at the market, in sewing stores, or you can use an old leather bag or cosmetic bag.


    A simple pocket cover can be tailored in many ways.

    Method number 1:

    1. Cut two rectangles of the required size from the leather. To do this, place the mobile template on the flap and trace it with chalk or pencil.
    2. Now make an allowance of 1.5 cm on two long sides of the rectangle and one short one (for the thickness plus the seam).

    Important! It’s better to take a little more, if in doubt, than just right. You can always trim off the excess.

    1. There is no seam allowance needed on the fourth narrow side as this edge will not be sewn and it should be level with the edge of the phone.

    Method No. 2

    If the size of the skin flap allows, then you can cut out one long rectangle, the width of which will be equal to the width of the mobile, plus seam allowances. And the length is equal to twice the length of the phone plus a centimeter for its thickness.

    Important! The first option is better to choose when the gadget has smooth shapes and the edges of the case need to be rounded, the second option is when the phone has clear corners.


    After you have cut out the details of the future case, we begin assembling. This stage requires pedantry.

    Important! If each stitch is not clear and identical with the others, the item will have a sloppy appearance.

    Sewing halves of a leather product simply with a needle and thread will be problematic. To do this, you must first make holes.


    1. Using a chalk (pencil) and a ruler, draw straight lines where the seam should be. Secure with pins and try to insert the phone. It should fit snugly, but not tightly.
    2. Using an awl, make holes at a distance of 3-5 mm from each other.

    Important! If you sew with thread (use nylon or just thick thread), make the distance smaller, and if you use a strip of leather or thin cord (nylon or leather), then make it larger.

    1. Using a screwdriver, process these holes so that they are smooth and without nicks.
    2. If you are joining two rectangles, start stitching from the bottom corner using a blanket stitch. First you connect both halves, and from above you go to only one, just overcast the edge. When you reach the end, connect both parts again until you reach the place where you started the seam.
    3. Finish the top edge of the other half with an overcast stitch separately.
    4. Fasten the ends of the stitch and hide them inside.
    5. If you fold one long rectangle in half, your actions are similar, except that you do not need to stitch the bottom part of the product.

    Important! To purchase a leather phone case the required form, some experts recommend putting a model that follows the shape of your gadget inside the case and putting it all in cold water for 2 hours. Then take it out and dry it with the “phone” inside. Drying may take 1-2 days.

    Using this technology, you can sew a phone case with your own hands from any other dense material that will keep its shape: felt, drape, denim, foamiran, etc.

    Pocket cover with tongue

    How to make a leather phone case so that it is convenient to take it out? This option is not much different in appearance from a simple pocket case, except for one detail - there is a tongue made of ribbon inside, which makes it easier to remove the phone from the case.


    1. Cut a rectangle from a piece of leather, the width of which is equal to the width of the phone plus a centimeter margin on each edge for seams.

    Important! The length of this blank should correspond to two lengths of the mobile plus add 1 cm to the thickness of the gadget.

    1. Now we cut out another similar rectangle. Our tongue will be laid between them. That is, one part will be the outside, and the second will be the inside.

    Important! If the flap of leather was small and you only had enough for one piece, don’t despair. The inner part - the lining - can be made from any dense but soft fabric that you have on hand, from felt, for example.

    1. We do not touch the first outer side for now, but on the second we mark with chalk or a pencil the places where we will make cuts into which the tongue of the braid will pass.
    2. First, place a strip of approximately 1 cm in the center - it depends on the thickness of the mobile. Next, measure 5 cm from it in one direction and make a longitudinal cut to the width of your braid.
    3. In the second direction, also measure 5 cm and make an incision. Set aside 3 cm upward from it, again make a cut for the braid.
    4. To make the edge of the tongue, which will dangle outside, look presentable, you need to make a leather overlay for it. To do this, cut out 2 small squares from the remaining leather, the side of which will be equal to the width of the braid plus 3 mm for the seam (then you will cut off the excess).
    5. If necessary, you can make additional holes for the charging plug or headphones.


    1. Before sewing the cover, you need to lay out the braid. To do this, burn the edges of the braid with a lighter so that they do not fray.
    2. Then thread it through the lining. Start with the half where there are 2 cuts: first pass the braid in through the first cut, and out through the second.
    3. Then it crosses the center and is again threaded inside the third cut.
    4. Stretch it a couple of centimeters, fix it with a glue gun (leather glue).
    5. Now fold the pattern in half and, leaving a tail of 2 cm outside the cover, trim off the excess.
    6. Place the leather squares that you have prepared on this tail, sew them to the braid, stitching along the perimeter.
    7. Now secure the inner part (lining) to the outer one. This can also be done using a glue gun (you can use Moment glue).

    Important! When you glue two parts, first coat the first part halfway with glue, then bend the workpiece in half, and now glue the second part. This will prevent the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, do not apply glue to the part where the braid is located; it needs to move freely.

    1. When you have connected the outer side and the lining, and it is all dry, use an awl and then a screwdriver to make holes along the edge of the cover.
    2. Now, using a thread and a needle or decorative cord and a pin, sew the edges together using a blanket stitch.

    Important! Don’t forget to try on the phone case during the sewing process so you don’t have to rip it out later.


    This is a quite practical and convenient case. Sewing a phone case of this type with your own hands is a little more difficult. In addition to leather and a standard set of tools, you will need 2 magnets.


    1. You need to cut a large rectangle from a piece of leather. Its length will be equal to the length of the phone plus a margin of 0.5 cm for the edging, and its width will be double the width of the gadget plus its thickness.
    2. For a magnetic clasp, you will also need a strip of leather 3-4 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide (depending on the size of the mobile).
    3. If you want, you can use a second piece of leather or felt to make a lining for the case. This should be a cut of the same size and shape as the outer part. Then, to secure the mobile phone in the case, you will need strips of leather that are attached to the corners.


    1. If you decide to make a case with a lining, then first glue it in with a glue gun.
    2. Sew narrow strips of leather across the corners of the lower half of the cover, 2 cm from the edge. They will secure your mobile phone in the case by the corners.

    Important! The lining should be glued in parts: first one, then bend the cover in half and glue the second one so that there are no wrinkles on the surface.

    1. Now make an awl around the perimeter of the hole, and finish the edges with an overcast stitch.

    Important! The thread or cord can be the same color as the skin, or, on the contrary, contrasting.

    1. If you decide to do without a lining, you can secure the phone to the case using double-sided tape. Fix it securely so that it does not fall out.
    2. All that remains is to attach the clasp. To do this, sew it from the inside to the bottom of the cover.
    3. Now glue the magnet to the end of the clasp (1 cm from the edge).
    4. Place the gadget or its three-dimensional model in the case, secure with apothecary rubber bands to secure it.
    5. Now put on the clasp, mark the place for the second magnet and glue it.

    Everything is ready.

    Important! From the same pattern you can make a cover with a zipper. To do this, unzip the zipper and secure it around the perimeter with a glue gun, rounding it at the corners. Fasten the zipper and hide its ends inside the cover. After this, it’s worth gluing in a lining to make the inside look more aesthetically pleasing.

    Envelope case

    Making a phone case with your own hands from leather in the form of an envelope is also easy. The only difficulty in this process is making the button clasp. The rest is carried out in almost the same way as in the models described above.


    1. On a piece of leather at least 3 mm thick, draw a fine line for the future cover. The width is equal to the length of the phone, and the length is equal to triple the width of the mobile (front and back walls of the case and flap), plus take into account the thickness of the gadget and seam allowances.
    2. One side of the narrow part remains flat, and on the other side we cut off the corners so that the case takes the shape of an envelope.


    1. If the length of this workpiece is conditionally divided into three parts, then the first two of them will be rectangular, and the third will be a triangle. Fold the first two parts in half and secure them with paper clips so they don't move.
    2. Make holes with an awl, then sew the sides of the “envelope” with an overcast stitch.
    3. Now use the same stitch to sew the edges of the triangular flap.
    4. All that remains is to install the button. To do this, use a special tool or a hammer and anvil.

    Important! If the phone is small, then insert half of the button on the rectangular part of the case before sewing the two halves together, otherwise it will be inconvenient to install it later.

    Girls usually prefer to wear an envelope case, so it can be made from bright scraps of leather, and then decorated with something.

    Modern salons cellular communication We are ready to please our visitors with a wide range of cases for mobile phones, which are aimed at satisfying any needs and tastes.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to choosing a case, many buyers are faced with the monotony of models that are practically no different from each other. Extraordinary individuals who are used to standing out from the crowd will never pay attention to such a product.

    If you want to carry your mobile phone in an original case that no one else has, you can make it yourself.

    At first glance it may seem that creating covers for mobile phone- This is a rather labor-intensive process that requires certain skills. In fact, this is not so, because a person will only need an idea, the availability of the necessary equipment and a little patience and perseverance. You can also use ready-made examples covers for mobile phones, which will be discussed further.

    First of all, you need to take care of preliminary preparation and purchase of the necessary equipment, which is presented:

    • flexible plastic or plastic folder for papers;
    • leather or fabric;
    • a metal plate with a thickness of at least 1 mm (you can give preference to corrugated sheeting);
    • scissors;
    • marker;
    • ruler;
    • sewing machine;
    • strong glue (for example, “Moment”).

    As for the dimensions, you can be guided by measurements taken previously from the phone, but it is best to have the device at hand during the manufacturing process of the case so that you can correct all your actions and correct mistakes in time.

    • Creating a frame that will support the entire structure. To make the frame, you need to use plastic, on a sheet of which you should draw the boundaries of the mobile device. This must be done in several stages to avoid confusion with the parameters. So, to begin with, it is recommended to wrap the phone in a sheet of plastic to clearly draw the boundaries and further adjust them using a size ruler.
    • The frame must be cut along the drawn boundaries. In this case, it is necessary to make neat and clear holes in certain places (camera location, speaker).
    • The next step is to cut out a sheet of corrugated sheeting, to which the phone must be placed face down to determine the boundaries.
    • The cut piece of corrugated sheeting must be attached to a piece of leather or fabric and outlined. After this, the same square is cut out. The manipulations need to be repeated so that there are two cut pieces of leather that will cover the phone screen.
    • We sew the pieces of leather on three sides, remove the material that comes out of the seams, and put the resulting pocket on a sheet of corrugated board and sew up the fourth side.
    • The back part can be made identical to the front, and the result will be a plain leather case. It is also important not to forget about the holes for the camera and speaker.
    • Using an additional piece of leather, you need to fasten the front side of the case to the back. These parts must be connected to the frame part using glue.

    The fashionable phone case is ready! The product can be decorated to your taste, which will give it more originality.

    Silicone cases are quite popular today, allowing you to protect expensive devices from scratches and serious damage to the screen when dropped. You can create a modern case from such a durable material yourself by using simple and cheap construction silicone, which can be purchased at every hardware store.

    Mandatory inventory in in this case presented by:

    • construction silicone;
    • rubber gloves;
    • potato starch;
    • with a knife.

    It is important to take care of your own safety, so you should only work with construction silicone wearing rubber gloves and outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, using a respirator mask.

    Using gloved hands, thoroughly mix the silicone with starch until you obtain a white mass, which is similar in consistency to plasticine. The resulting mixture needs to be rolled out to the shape of a thin pancake, in the middle of which you need to place the phone, slightly pressing it.

    The phone needs to be wrapped in silicone mass and the corners trimmed. All you have to do is wait until the silicone dries completely. As a rule, this takes at least 12 hours.

    After drying mobile device you need to carefully remove it from the hardened silicone mass, and carefully make holes using a knife along the resulting contours for the buttons, camera and speaker. Sandpaper will help to cope with unevenness; you just need to rub the problem areas.

    The silicone phone case is ready!

    Sewing a case for an iPhone or smartphone is not very difficult. This case can be sewn as a gift. Your friends will be pleased to have a beautiful and original case for a mobile phone.

    For simplicity, it is better to sew a mobile phone case from ordinary fabric. Of course, it can be sewn from leather or felt, but these materials require some skills, and sewing a case from simple fabric with your own hands is not difficult.

    The finished case can be decorated with an original applique or sewn with beads. You can embroider the symbol that suits you best, or the zodiac sign. The thing will be original and, most importantly, there will not be another like it. So, let's start our master class.

    How to sew a mobile phone case with your own hands

    Measure the dimensions of your phone and make a pattern using the main and lining fabric, taking into account seam allowances. Quilt the main fabric and lining fabric together and iron them.

    It is better to take a soft zipper for the case, otherwise the fastener will be too rigid for a fabric case. Take the zipper, open it and place the cover fabric face to face. Start laying out the zipper from the fold line. Stitch it. Do not forget to slightly cut the zipper tape in the corners so that it fits well and does not bulge.

    Place another layer of lining fabric on the face of the cover fabric and stitch. Try to sew the seam into the seam. Cut the corners at an angle to make turning inside out easier.

    We close the zipper and cut off the excess. Unscrew the phone case with your own hands.

    The main part of the master class is completed.

    Case decoration

    Now the cover can be decorated on the outside with applique or embroidery. You can lay a thin layer of foam rubber between the cushioning and main fabric to make the cover soft.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    Visual aid for sewing a cover:

    Very detailed and understandable master class:

    Leather case:

    Felt cover:

    Beautiful cases are very popular now, but sometimes there is not enough money to buy an interesting phone case. But to look original and stylish, you can make your own phone case from fabric. There are many master classes on this topic on the Internet. Therefore, anyone can make such an original little thing.

    Stylish protection

    How to make such a case? One of the most simple ways making such protection for a phone is a sock. This type of case will be unusual and it is certainly impossible to find a similar one.

    In order to make such a case, you need to take:

    • a cute sock with bright colors and patterns;
    • needle and thread;
    • sample;
    • felt of any two colors;
    • adhesive tape;
    • scissors;
    • pins;
    • embroidery floss;
    • beads.

    In order to sew a sock case, you first need to take measurements of your phone. Record the width and length of the phone. Based on the measurements, you need to draw a template on the paper of the future cover.

    Afterwards, you need to cut off the elastic in the sock and attach a fabric template, draw the silhouette of the cover with chalk and cut off the excess, but you must remember that you leave one centimeter for allowance.

    After that, we place the sock piece on a hard surface and cut it vertically 4 centimeters. Then you need to unfold the two halves of the sock and fold them into triangles where the cuts are. It looks like horns. Now these horns or ears need to be sewn on.

    Please note. The main thing is that horizontal line, which runs along the ears, was smooth.

    When the work with the ears is finished, you need to start working on the muzzle. To do this, cut a circle out of paper with a radius of 4 centimeters. Then apply this pattern to white material and cut it out. Afterwards you need to take the cover blank, sew it on all sides without touching it top part. It is necessary to sew from the wrong side. Then turn the product inside out and straighten all the seams. Then you need to take a white circle and start connecting it to the cover with threads. Use small stitches along the edge of the white fabric. It is better to use threads that match the color of the sock. When the muzzle is sewn on, we sew on the bead. Such a bead can serve as a nose, and antennae and eyes must be embroidered from floss threads.

    Next, in order to make a lining for the case, you need to take felt of any color and cut out a rectangle from this fabric that will correspond to the size of the case. We fold this rectangle in half and sew it at the bottom and sides. Already ready-made form for the lining, insert it into the case, cut off unnecessary parts and carefully wrap the edges. Then we sew two parts of the product together with small stitches.

    Denim accessory

    Another option for a phone case can be made from denim. This model will look very unusual.

    To sew such a cover, you need to take:

    1. Denim, it could be old jeans;
    2. Lining fabric;
    3. Plastic bottle;
    4. Threads with a needle, scissors;
    5. Small magnet;
    6. Metal plate.

    Work progress

    The phone for which you need to sew a case, attach it to the fabric and outline the silhouette, do not forget about the allowances; the same manipulation must be done with the lining fabric. Then we cut along the highlighted line. Then we sew the lining fabric to the main one. We take a plastic bottle and cut a strip out of it, which should be equal to the width between the stitches of the workpiece, and the length should be two centimeters shorter.

    Then you need to sew a strip of fabric that will serve as a strap. You can choose the color and fabric yourself. The length of such a tape should be 4 centimeters longer than the phone. This strap must be sewn to the plastic at a distance of 4 centimeters from the top edge.

    After that, the part of the material must be turned out, and you will get a bag. Then you need to attach the plastic to the workpiece from the side of the lining fabric and mark with a pencil the location of the cut for the strap. It is important to finish the cut; this can be done by hand using neat stitches. Then insert the plastic into the bag and pull the strap out of the hole. Now you need to cut through, on the other hand, all three layers. To do this, it is better to use a stationery knife and stitch the edges.

    All that remains is to sew the cover in half. When finished, you can stick on some rhinestones, sew on a patch or beads. It is possible to choose any cover or decor of the product, look at the photo.

    In the form of a book

    How to make a book case with your own hands? The book-shaped phone case is very convenient. After all, you can put both headphones and a card in such a book.

    In order to make such a cover, you need to take the main and lining fabric, lace ribbon and thick ribbon, lace, two buttons, thread with a needle, and scissors.

    Today it is difficult to imagine life without a mobile phone; we take it with us almost everywhere and actively use it day after day. So as not to damage so much what a person needs device, a case is used to protect it. Naturally, covers can be bought in a store, but they are expensive and this item will not always be exclusive. You can sew incredibly beautiful covers yourself. There are a huge number of patterns for sewing cases; they are sewn from felt, leather, fabric, from any materials, the choice of which depends on your imagination. Let's try to sew a phone case with our own hands. It's not difficult at all!

    How to sew a phone case with your own hands

    First of all, you need to choose the material from which to create a pencil case for your phone with your own hands, for example, felt, jeans, wood. You also need to choose the style of the future cover: with a strap, with a Velcro fastener, with a zipper.

    The main stages of the process of sewing a cover:
    2. Cutting
    3. Sewing
    Let's take a closer look at the algorithm step by step.


    The first stage is making a pattern for a phone case. The process is responsible. The mobile device is placed on a sheet of thick cardboard and outlined with a pencil. Based on the thickness of the phone, seam allowances are made. Cut out the pattern. You can learn to sew yourself quickly, then, if you wish, you can make non-standard and individual things with your own hands.

    Cutting and sewing

    The second stage is cutting and sewing the phone case. The pattern is applied to the selected material, parts of the future case are outlined and cut out.

    The easiest way to connect the parts of the cover is with a stitch seam on sewing machine strong threads. Sewing a phone case from old things is very popular, for example, they use jeans, sweaters and even socks.


    The third stage is assembling the product. If the parts of the cover are connected using a sewing machine, then the contour of the seam is outlined with a pencil along the front part of the part. The details of the case are left with large allowances. Place both pieces of the phone case together and sew them together. After this, the allowances are cut off, leaving approximately 0.3 cm to the seam.

    Master classes on the topic

    We present several simple master classes on sewing cases and stands for your phone with your own hands.

    DIY phone case made of denim

    What we will need:

    • denim;
    • golden threads;
    • decorative tape;
    • sewing machine;
    • scissors;
    • ruler.

    We cut out two parts, long and short.

    The long part should taper at one end - this will be the smell of the cover covering the opening. We measure our mobile device, and taking into account the seam allowance, we make a pattern.

    We process the top of the short part with an overlock stitch. We place a decorative ribbon.

    We put two parts together and sew them.

    Phone stand

    You can make many phone stands with your own hands from scrap materials, for example, paper, cardboard, plastic cards, parts from construction sets, and office clips.
    Let's focus on the version of the cardboard stand.

    What we will need:

    • sheet of cardboard.

    We cut out a strip measuring 10 x 20 cm from a cardboard sheet. Fold it in half along the short sections. Let's draw a figure.

    The fold line remains intact. The result is a comfortable and stable phone stand.

    Phone charging case

    In order to charger for a mobile phone, it doesn’t get tangled or damaged, you can sew a case for it with your own hands.

    What we will need:

    • Main fabric (two pieces 27x15 cm)
    • Pocket fabric (two trapezoidal pieces, 18 cm and 15 cm at base, 13 cm high)
    • Non-woven fabric (two parts, 27 x 15 cm and 18 x 13 cm)
    • Tape 25 cm
    • Fringe with pompoms 76 cm
    • Plastic eyelet for curtains

    We glue the parts with non-woven material: the main part, the pocket part.

    Sew the parts together. Fold inside out and iron.

    Sew on: ribbon, bow.

    Place the pocket on top of the main part, glued with non-woven fabric. Sew along the edges. The pom-poms are directed towards the center, the ends of the fringe overlap. Sew around the perimeter.
    Fold and stitch the parts, leaving an opening for turning inside out. Turn it inside out, iron it, and then sew up the hole by hand. Install the grommet.

    Leather case

    The leather case is practical, it is durable and does not wear out. Leather is expensive, so you can use old leather items, such as a bag, which will significantly reduce costs.

    What we will need:

    We measure the dimensions of the phone and use the pattern to cut out 4 rectangular leather patterns
    and one strip. We cut the Velcro in the shape of a square or rectangle.

    We sew rectangles from the wrong side.
    Turn the product right side out and insert a smaller bag inside.

    We bend the strip and connect it. We sew one side of the Velcro to the edge of the front side of the cover, and the other to the fastener.

    Sew the clasp to the case in the center of the reverse side, folding the edges inward.

    Leather sewing master class

    Felt cover

    Felt is a popular material for making covers.

    What we will need:

    • felt;
    • floss threads;
    • beads;
    • satin ribbon;
    • scissors;
    • glue "Moment";
    • sewing needle.

    To make a pattern, transfer the outline of the phone onto paper. Add seam allowances.
    We place the finished pattern on felt.
    We cut out two identical parts along the contour.
    We make decorations. Glue the finished applique onto one of the parts of the pencil case.

    After that, we fold both parts and sew them together.

    The presented master classes are popular and simple; create and you will be pleased with the finished product.

    Video of sewing from felt

    The simplest phone case

    The easiest way to make a phone case is to make one out of a tie.

    What we will need:

    • tie;
    • pins;
    • threads;
    • needle;
    • Velcro;
    • sewing machine.

    Cut a wide piece from the tie. Calculate the length of the phone bag.
    Steam the tie, then sew it together so that it is the same size along its entire length.
    We fold the edges of the tie and sew them together. We do not throw away the excess part of the tie.

    We lift the left edge of the tie up, sew along the edges, not forgetting to sew in the handle. We sew the case.

    Felt phone case pattern

    Felt – useful material for creativity. Dense, it does not crumble during work; a wide variety of products are sewn and glued from it. Huge color palette of materials. Felt's properties are second only to felt. It is valued for its durability, and when using phone cases this property is important.

    Felt phone case pattern

    Fabric cover

    What we will need:

    • sock;
    • sewing needle;
    • threads;
    • felt;
    • scissors.

    We draw a pattern based on the size of the phone. We cut off the elastic band of the sock and cut off the excess according to the pattern. Next, we cut the sock vertically.
    We fold the two halves where the cuts are into triangles. We sew on these “ears”; the lining can be made from felt.

    Phone case with retractable strip

    What we will need:

    • main fabric piece 10 x 30 cm;
    • inner fabric part 10 x 30 cm;
    • ribbon 22cm long;
    • metal half ring;
    • metal decoration;
    • scissors;
    • threads;
    • pins.

    Stepping back 8 cm from the top edge of the inner part, make a loop slightly wider in the center. more width tapes. You can use a special stitch and foot in your machine or sew such a buttonhole by hand.

    Insert the tape with one end into the resulting loop up 1.5 cm, to the short edge of the part. Sew along the outer edges of the loops.

    Fold the outer and internal details phone case with the right sides facing inward, with the tape in between. Topstitch 0.5cm from the edges, leaving approximately 5cm of open seam. Cut the seam allowances at the corners at an angle.

    Turn, iron and sew up the open area.

    Topstitch the short sides to the edge, or double decorative stitching on each side. At a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge, make a second loop of the same width as the first. The second loop is located closer to the opposite edge of the cover from the first. Pin the fabric around the loop.

    Sew on a decorative element.

    Fold the piece in half, right side out, and stitch along the sides at a distance of 0.5cm from the edge, starting the stitching 0.5-0.7cm from the top edge.

    Pull the ribbon into the top loop, insert a half ring, fold 1 cm of ribbon and pin it. Stitch.

    The pencil case is ready. You can add a magnet to the strap of your phone pouch.

    Even if you are new to sewing: create, dare, don’t be afraid to create beauty around you.

    Video master class on sewing a cover from foamiran

    Photos of cases for inspiration