• DIY smart home. Equipment. Smart home: the latest technologies for real life

    Smart home is available to you!

    Concept smart home always seemed like a dream. The idea that the lighting, heating, alarm systems and household appliances in your home could be “intelligent” and control their operation seemed fantastic and unattainable to anyone. ordinary people because of the price.

    Like everything new, just a few years ago smart home technology was not real, but now it is becoming generally available. Thousands of people around the world are installing intelligent smart home systems and enjoying benefits such as lower energy costs, increased efficiency of security systems and much more. Indeed, it is very convenient when your home can independently control the operation of all systems!

    Now you can easily make your home “smart”. We offer affordable equipment for a wireless smart home system, which is easy to install. And if you do not have the opportunity or desire to do the installation, we will be happy to help you with this!

    What is good about a wireless smart home system?

    As you know, any building is built taking into account a pre-designed electrical wiring diagram. Changing it later is very difficult. The modern concept of a wireless smart home, on the contrary, is designed to free you from any difficulties and make your life more convenient.

    To install our intelligent system, you do not need to lay any cables and wires, knock down walls or make repairs. Wireless smart home technologies work using low-power radio waves that pass freely through walls, floors or furniture.

    Installing equipment (modules, relays, dimmers, all kinds of sensors) is extremely simple. Connect them to the system and they will control the entire operation household appliances, sockets, lighting, monitor the temperature and humidity in the house, ensure your safety and comfort in literally everything.

    Optimal choice of technology

    There are many wireless technologies for smart home operation, and it’s easy to get confused in this variety. We offer you the most convenient and reliable - Z-Wave. Each device on this network simultaneously receives and transmits a radio signal. It is enough to add a new device and the network coverage area will increase. Z-Wave equipment is installed simply and quickly, and its selection is unusually wide. This technology is accessible and understandable to anyone. And, importantly, it has been trusted all over the world for 10 years.

    What will your smart home be like?

    At first, the system of automatically turning on and off the lighting, reacting to your movements, already seems incredible. Now imagine that all other communications will begin to adapt to your schedule and rhythm of life!

    An intelligent smart home system can completely control the “operation” of the entire building, taking into account your preferences and wishes. For example, you can set up the system so that in the morning, when the alarm clock rings, the lighting turns on smoothly, the heated floor turns on, and your favorite music starts playing from the music system.

    A wireless smart home will be your reliable assistant, which will take control of all systems and communications of the building. Even when you are not at home, it will do its job consistently.

    You don’t have to be afraid of any force majeure: you will be insured against any everyday troubles (leaks and flooding, unauthorized persons entering the house, fires, etc.). If, say, a leak is detected, the smart home will automatically shut off the water and notify you about what happened.

    You will start saving on your electricity bills. The latest smart home technologies save energy, so your energy costs will be significantly reduced. It's really beneficial.

    For example, a smart home can turn on heated floors when you return home, detecting that you are approaching, and turn them off when no one is home.

    At any time, you can check how your smart home is working via the Internet, as well as control the operation of all home systems and appliances remotely, no matter where you are. Have you left for the office and don’t remember if the iron is turned off?

    With a smart home, this is easy to fix - you can check and turn off the device from your smartphone!

    There are a lot of possibilities for a wireless smart home. You can start with just one of them, and then easily expand the system to better suit your current needs.

    You can choose the level of comfort in your smart home. If for now your desire is only to receive automatic control lighting, no problem! Over time, if you want to automate the operation of blinds, locks, alarms, electrical appliances, heating systems (the list goes on), you can easily do this too. A wireless smart home easily adapts to your changing needs. Improve it by moving it existing devices and adding new ones.

    Welcome to a smart home without wires!

    Are you excited to try out the possibilities of a smart home?
    Our store offers a wide selection of equipment for wireless smart home affordable prices.
    We will be happy to tell you more about our devices and, if necessary, we will help with installation.
    We will show you that a smart home without wires is easy!

    It is generally accepted that the concept of a “Smart House” (from the English smart house) originates in the middle of the last century, but due to the high cost of implementation, such projects have not become widespread. The situation has changed radically with the development of electronics, and at present such systems, although still not being implemented everywhere, are no longer perceived as a curiosity. We propose to consider what constitutes “ Smart home", its range of tasks, as well as the possibility of independently implementing such a project.

    What is the Smart Home system?

    This term refers to a software and hardware complex that allows you to automate and simplify the management of various systems, as well as other equipment of a house or apartment.

    As an example, here are the functions that can be assigned to the “Smart house” (hereinafter SH):

    Lighting system control, for example:

    • turn on the light based on a motion sensor signal;
    • imitation of the presence of the owners (lights are periodically turned on in different rooms);
    • changing various interior lighting options;
    • remote control of light using a tablet or smartphone, etc.

    Security system functional set option:

    • receiving SMS messages in case of activation, deactivation and operation of the system;
    • sending MMS messages from video cameras when signals are received from motion sensors;
    • the ability to view video recordings via the Internet, etc.

    Climate control system:

    • maintaining the temperature at a given level, with the ability to set it remotely (for example, using a smartphone);
    • mode setting maximum savings in the absence of owners, etc.

    This is far from a complete functional set; it can be expanded depending on wishes and financial capabilities. Thanks to development wireless technologies system scalability does not require major overhaul.

    What are the disadvantages of Smart Home:

    • Any electronics is not immune from failures or freezes. You need to be prepared for the fact that at any moment you will need to reconfigure individual electronic systems and components manually;
    • Expensive. On the Russian and CIS markets, manufacturers sell systems at a minimum price of $2,000 to $5,000, depending on the “fillings” and the wishes of the customer.

    How to make your home “Smart”?

    Ideally the implementation similar decisions should be carried out during the construction stage, but this option is not popular among developers for various reasons. As a result, there are two automation options left:

    1. Contact a specialized company, where, based on the customer’s specifications, a project will be drawn up with its subsequent implementation. The minimum cost of such a solution varies, as mentioned above, in the range of $2000-$5000, the maximum depends on the functional set and the equipment used.
    2. Independently develop and implement the Smart Home system.

    In the first case, the customer receives a ready-made turnkey solution. In the second, the cost of implementation can be significantly reduced, if not by an order of magnitude, then several times, especially if you use the Arduino platform for this purpose (we will talk about it a little below). We must warn you that programming skills will be required to implement the project, but the developers have tried to simplify this task as much as possible.

    Briefly about the platform

    The basis of the platform is a board with a microcontroller (hereinafter referred to as MK) and an electronic body kit for it. There are many issued to the controller various sensors and expansion cards with certain functions.


    1. Port for flashing (standard USB).
    2. Hard reset button.
    3. Reference voltage signal.
    4. Contacts for digital signals.
    5. TX signal.
    6. RX signal.
    7. Port for connecting an external programmer.
    8. Contacts for analog signals.
    9. Connecting external power.
    10. +5 V.
    11. +3.3 V.
    12. Reset signal.
    13. Connector for power supply.
    14. Microcontroller.

    The peculiarity of the platform is that the process of programming the MK is simplified as much as possible. Firmware using the built-in bootloader program via the USB port on the board. In case of accidental “overwriting” of this program, it is possible to flash it using standard programmers.

    Used for programming free shell (Arduino IDE), compatible with the most common operating systems(Windows, Linux, Mac OS). This shell includes text editor for writing programs, compiler and libraries. A simplified version of C++ is used as the basic programming language. More complete information about MK programming can be obtained on the developer’s website and thematic forums. In these same sources you can learn everything about visualization of system management.

    Arduino programming shell

    The estimated cost of the original base module is $30–$50 (depending on the modification), Chinese analogues are $10–$16.

    Examples of expansion cards and sensors

    Let's give brief description shields that may be needed when developing your own SH project.

    Module for connection to local network or the Internet using the standard TCP/IP protocol. The main element is the ENC28J60 controller. This device allows you to organize visualized system management from the website.

    Connecting the network module to Arduino

    The GPRS/GSM SIM900 module allows you to control the system by exchanging data through the network of any mobile operator. A standard SIM card is used to connect to the network. It is possible to send SMS and MMS messages, the module library supports other functions.

    Electromechanical relay 10 A 250 V, can be used to control lighting or other related loads. When the power is connected, the red LED turns on; if the relay is activated, the green indicator additionally lights up. The signal can be supplied from any digital output of the MK.

    Unfortunately, at maximum load or close to it with electromechanical relays, after a few weeks of operation the contacts may begin to stick, so they are not suitable for controlling the operation of electric heating system boilers. But don’t be upset, you can find modules for the Arduino platform for all occasions; in this situation, you can solve the problem using a solid-state relay, for example SSR-25DA.


    1. GND on base board.
    2. To digital output, e.g. D
    3. Power supply: 220 V.
    4. Load connection.

    Please note that this module is implemented on a triac, and for it stable operation heat removal is required, so we recommend purchasing a standard radiator along with the module.


    Now let's look at several types of sensors that can also be useful for the project, starting with the HC-SR501 IR motion detector.


    1. Power supply from a source in the range of 5-12 V (can be connected to +5 V on the controller board).
    2. The signal coming from the sensor (connects to any digital input MK)
    3. GND is connected to the corresponding pin on the base board.
    4. Delay time (holding a logical one at the output) – from 5 to 300 sec.
    5. Sensor sensitivity (can be set from 3 to 7 meters).
    6. Switch to “H” mode (with a series of operations, a logical unit is set).
    7. Setting the “L” mode (when activated, a single pulse is sent).

    No less useful is the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor (manufactured in sealed and regular versions). Their peculiarity is that the devices do not require calibration and each of them has its own unique identifier. That is, the sensor transmits temperature data and its unique number. Thanks to this, several sensors can be installed on one loop and the incoming information can be processed programmatically. The length limit for signal wires is 50 meters.

    Concluding the topic of sensors, we present a module for measuring humidity; it can be used as a water leakage indicator or for organizing watering of indoor or greenhouse plants.


    1. Digital output, connects to any corresponding connector on the MK base board. Signals about humidity corresponding to the response threshold.
    2. Analogue output informs about the current humidity.
    3. Power +5 V.
    4. Sensitivity threshold control.

    We have given only three typical sensors compatible with the platform; in fact, there are many more. You can get acquainted with the variety of these products on the manufacturers’ websites.

    Having finished with the review of the equipment, let's move on to designing a control and automation system; we need to start by stating the problem.

    Definition of initial conditions

    First of all, it is necessary to decide on the statement of the problem, that is, on the functionality of the system. Let's say we have a one-room apartment, which can be divided into the following zones:

    • Tambour.
    • Hallway.
    • Toilet combined with bathroom.
    • Kitchen.
    • Living room.

    Task: to automate the control of lighting, boiler and ventilation system.

    Let's set tasks for each of the zones.


    IN in this case You can automatically turn on the light when approaching the front door. That is, you will need a motion sensor. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the level of illumination; accordingly, the automation should operate only in the dark. To do this, you will need a GY302 sensor or a similar one (we did not include it in the review, but finding a description will not be a problem). Turning the light bulb on and off (after the time specified in the program) can be entrusted to a low-power solid-state relay, for example G3MB-202P , designed for a load current of 2 A.


    Lighting control in this zone can be organized according to the same principle as in the vestibule. You can add the light to turn on when you open the front door. A standard door reed switch is suitable as a sensor.

    Toilet and bathroom

    The turning on of the boiler can be associated with the presence of owners in the apartment. If no one is present, the automation forcibly turns off the water heater using the SSR-25DA module. There is no point in monitoring the heating temperature, since these devices turn off automatically when a specified threshold is reached. Lights and hoods should turn on automatically when a person enters this area, and turn off after certain time, if no motion is detected.

    Kitchen automation

    The lighting control for this zone can be left manual, but it can be duplicated automatically, turning off the light if movement is not detected for a long time. When using an electric or gas stove, the hood should turn on and turn off some time after cooking. You can control the operation of the hood using a temperature sensor, which records the increase in temperature when the stove is turned on.

    Living room

    In this room, it is better to control the lighting manually, but you can implement the ability to automatically turn off the light when there is a sufficient level of illumination.

    The given example is rather arbitrary, since everyone develops the algorithm for the operation of a Smart Home depending on personal preferences.

    Features of thermoregulation

    In conclusion, we will give some recommendations for heating control. The greater inertia of this system should be taken into account. There is a high probability that control through simple switching on and turning off the heating, in accordance with the given temperature range, can create rather uncomfortable conditions. In this case, you should use the PID regulation algorithm; a library with its implementation for Arduino is available on the Internet.

    Without going into details, you can describe the work of this algorithm as follows:

    • An analysis is made between the required and current temperature in the room, and based on the result, a certain power of the heating system is set.
    • Constant heat losses are taken into account. They may depend on the outside temperature or other factors. Therefore, when the set temperature is reached, the heating is not turned off completely, but is reduced to the level necessary to compensate for heat loss.
    • The last factor influencing the operation of the algorithm takes into account the inertia of the heating system, which does not allow the temperature to go beyond the set range.

    Even in the last century, many science fiction writers presented the concept of a fully automated residential building in their novels. “Smart” household appliances do all the necessary work, freeing up time for relaxation and other daily activities. Of course, humanity has not yet achieved such a result, but we can say with confidence that the creation of a full-fledged “smart home” is not far off. Already now large number household appliances from different manufacturers supports remote control; it is enough to have a regular smartphone at hand.

    Even in the last century, many science fiction writers presented the concept of a fully automated residential building in their novels. “Smart” household appliances do all the necessary work, freeing up time for relaxation and other daily activities. Of course, humanity has not yet achieved such a result, but we can say with confidence that the creation of a full-fledged “smart home” is not far off. Already, a large number of household appliances from different manufacturers support the possibility of remote control; it is enough to have a regular smartphone at hand. In this article, I presented the most interesting, in my opinion, options for household appliances that can be controlled via a smartphone connected to the Internet.

    Climate control

    As in any market, the “SmartHome” niche has its leaders, cheaper analogues and outsiders. Well-known manufacturers offer high-quality and functional products, but most often they cost too much money, forcing the average buyer to look for cheaper options. Fortunately, there are now a large number of relatively inexpensive and functional devices on the market

    For example, the miniature weather station CliMate is capable of highly accurate monitoring of air humidity, temperature and ultraviolet radiation levels, and then synchronizes with a mobile application on iOS and Android every 15 minutes. Android devices and transmit statistical information.

    Honeywell Smart Thermostat with using Wi-Fi synchronizes with your smartphone, after which you can control it using special application. The device is also capable of analyzing data from your smartphone and adjusting to maintain a certain climate, and if the owner leaves the house, the thermostat starts working to save electricity.

    Another important device for maintaining a microclimate is an air purifier. Recently, Xiaomi introduced its own air purifier model with remote control, which features a minimalist design and the function of purifying air from formaldehyde.


    An attribute that every home has is a lamp. So why not get creative when purchasing these small but important appliances? For example, interesting option can become LED smart lamps with the ability to connect to home network Wi-Fi.

    There are a large number of such lamps on the market. This is also “smart” led lamp from LIFX with the ability to adjust the brightness of the light throughout the day, LED smart lamps with adjustable warmth of light from TP-Link, LED lamp Hue Connected Bulb from Philips and many others. IKEA recently introduced a cheaper alternative to Phillips lamps - TradFri smart lamps, compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Apple HomeKit with voice message control function.


    If you decide to gradually create your own “smart” home, then you should pay attention to smart sockets. The situation here is approximately the same as with lamps. Many companies do not hesitate to copy from each other, take away and add features, and reduce prices in order to remain in an advantageous position among competitors. Today there are two types of such sockets on the market: stationary, installed directly instead of a regular socket, and overhead modules.

    Among the popular inexpensive models with the ability to connect to a Wi-Fi network are: BroadLink sockets, D-Link Wi-Fi Smart Plug, as well as a smart socket from SonoFF. With these devices, you can turn on or off any electrical appliance, adjust the time it turns on/off, and much more, anywhere in the world using your smartphone and the Internet.


    Today, to feel safe, there are not only durable steel doors, but also special locks with a hybrid unlocking method and the ability to synchronize with a smartphone. Most often, such locks can be opened in three ways: mechanically using a key, a digital PIN code entered on a digital display or through a mobile application. Locks can be made in both classic and non-standard versions. In the second case, the device will have a stylish design, a pin pad, a keyhole and nothing more.

    Speaking of security, in addition to locks, for some reason the picture of CCTV cameras immediately appears. As with other areas of the smart home, there are also a ton of price tags. One of the most practical and budget models today is the Xiaomi Yi Ants Smart camera. An extremely simple device for daytime video surveillance of a room, which connects to the application via Wi-Fi with the ability voice message. A more serious option in terms of quality and capabilities is the Canary video surveillance camera with a high level of data encryption with integrated sensors for humidity, light, motion, temperature, etc. The camera performs well in both daytime and nighttime with support for iOS and Android devices. An alternative to CCTV cameras is door peepholes. The SkyBell WiFi model allows you to synchronize with your smartphone via Wi-Fi and when guests arrive, receive a notification and communicate with them from anywhere in the apartment.

    If it makes no sense for you to buy devices such as CCTV cameras or smart locks separately, then you should purchase universal system security, of which there are now dozens on the market. For example, the Senti system can replace a CCTV camera, a weather station, a motion sensor and a voice communication system.

    Other household appliances

    Of course, security systems, smart light bulbs and Wi-Fi sockets- this is good, but what home would be complete without classic household appliances? But even in this case, manufacturers offer a wide range of “ smart technology"for home. The Midea three-stage water purification filter has a dedicated chip for monitoring the operation of the system and communicating with a smartphone or tablet via Wi-Fi. The device is capable of continuously monitoring temperature and general mineralization of water, and then transmitting this data to a smartphone. Recently Xiaomi company introduced a kettle-thermostat, with the ability to control via a smartphone. The kettle has the function of maintaining a constant temperature of 1.5 liters of water for 12 hours.

    In many homes, it is customary to clean the entire apartment weekly. But you must admit, it is much more convenient to maintain cleanliness than to restore it from the beginning. Robotic vacuum cleaners are perfect for these purposes; they will clean on their own in your absence and then go to the charging station. There are many models of such vacuum cleaners, but not all have the ability to control using a smartphone via home Wi-Fi net. Miniature models of robotic vacuum cleaners, both from little-known Chinese companies and well-known brands such as Xiaomi and iRobot, have gained the greatest popularity.

    Agree, it’s convenient when you can start the wash before coming into the house and at the same time be sure that no leakage has occurred during operation of the machine. Washing machine Candy Smart Touch is able to turn on and transmit messages to the user, synchronizing with the application on the smartphone via Wi-Fi.

    When it comes to “smart” household appliances, it’s hard to ignore the already sensational Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator, presented at CES-2016. Using a large built-in tablet, you can control the refrigerator: give commands, change temperature conditions, make a grocery list and much more.

    The interactive system can also be controlled using a smartphone. For example, when you are in a supermarket and forgot what you need to buy, use the built-in camera and wireless communication, the refrigerator can transmit images of the freezer compartments to your smartphone.

    Smart Home technology is familiar to almost every user digital devices, so there is little point in talking about the features. Smart home equipment is supplied in two versions - an expensive complex package and in the form of components; in the second case, the system must be assembled with your own hands. Consumers who buy an off-the-shelf package may not understand the features, but tech-savvy buyers already have a good idea of ​​the functionality they want.

    “Smart home” in every home – how accessible is the technology?

    In practice, the use of Smart Home technology depends on the available equipment and software applications with which you can control installed system. Our review will focus on the components offered on the market, and will discuss both price and technical availability.

    Readers can choose between low-cost equipment that provides all the functionality they need, and more expensive systems that offer advanced features, high reliability and security. Both options are available to a wide range of consumers and do not require huge investments.

    Available solutions – what are they?

    Today you can choose between the following offers:

    • specialized Chinese-made equipment and mobile API applications, the level of reliability of which can be improved due to inexpensive Russian-made equipment also produced in China and various desktop systems;
    • Russian components that allow you to assemble almost as many as you like difficult decision A smart home with the required level of reliability and protection, made by yourself with independently programmable PC-based functions, expandable on a modular basis;

    First, let's figure out where to start and how to choose components for your Smart Home. Note that the functionality of the system can be expanded as needed in one or another version. The necessary and optimal equipment package allows you to control lighting and turn on/off equipment, usually carried out not only from remote controls, but also from a software application installed on a PC or on the user’s smartphone.

    Smart apartment or small house: how to make your life more comfortable?

    Available technologies and their features

    Objectively, technology has already become a part of our lives. Today, speaking about Smart Home technology, we are talking about the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. These are devices that can be connected to the Internet via wired or wireless channels, in the second case via Wi-Fi (with an average range of up to 50, depending on the transmitter) or Bluetooth (up to 10 m).

    Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are two short-range radio communication standards that have a short range and are used in systems home automation. Bluetooth can only be used if the distance between the control module and the device is no more than 10 m, and in practice - no more than 3-5 m. The range of Wi-Fi wireless transmission depends on the transmitter and specific installation conditions; the radio signal is poorly transmitted by concrete floors.

    Despite fairly developed capabilities, manufacturers are not intensively introducing and selling such equipment. The main problem is that the widespread use of technology will lead to an increase in the number of IoT devices that the existing Internet infrastructure is simply not designed for. As a result, those who want to install a Smart Home in their apartment inexpensively will have to understand the intricacies on their own, without relying on large manufacturers.

    AliExpress – China will always help out: “Do-it-yourself smart apartment” package

    If you want to implement new home automation solutions at low costs, of course, you need to contact manufacturers who sell their products on AliExpress. This portal practically does not offer “Do-it-yourself smart home and how to make” packages, but there are necessary equipment, which is quite enough for the necessary equipment of an apartment or house.

    So, the minimum package of equipment that is available in China at a very affordable cost and applications on the network - let’s call it “Do-it-yourself smart apartment” - includes:

    • control of turning on and off household appliances and devices;
    • sensory systems;
    • lighting control equipment;
    • devices for monitoring and security - alarms and video cameras;
    • Smartphone API apps available for free on Google Play;
    • network cloud applications, simplifying the connection and control of home appliances.

    Smart Home Equipment on AliExpress

    The range of equipment includes relays for connecting devices, dimmers for smooth load control (for lighting and electric heating) and package systems that include control of climate control, lighting, alarms and sometimes a video camera. Full list offers can be obtained by entering “smart home”, “smart home”, “intelligent home”, as well as the names of two Chinese manufacturers Lilovo and Sonoff, into the search bar of the AliExpress portal.

    Sonoff releases Wi-Fi relay for remote control household appliances from a smartphone. The device is installed on a line with one or more electrical appliances and allows you to turn the power supply on and off from a smartphone using a mobile application.

    The advantage of this device is that it is always available online, can be connected via the telephone network (PTSN) and allows you to set an individual work program using 8 built-in timers. Through the relay, you can control the operation of any household appliance with a power of up to 2.2 kW using the eWeLink mobile application, available on Google Play IOS and Android.

    Sonoff products are also available in Russia. The price in China is about 6 dollars (without remote control), in Russia - 2000 rubles (with remote control). The relay is offered in two versions for 10 A and 16 A; in the second case, in addition to all kinds of household appliances, a boiler can be connected to the mobile application.

    Other models of electrical accessories work similarly, allowing you to connect several devices at once, for example, Sonoff Sensor-AM2301. Moreover, control is implemented with different meanings timers.

    The manufacturer produces three Wi-Fi models Sonoff relay:

    • Sonoff World On – Wi-Fi relay with connection to a mobile application (for household appliances and cameras);
    • Sonoff World On TF – Wi-Fi relay with sensors, for example, for a climate control system (for boilers and air conditioners);
    • Sonoff World On RF – Wi-Fi relay with remote control, for example, for gates and doors with magnetic locks.

    Sonoff also produces touch-sensitive dimmer switches for lighting devices with continuous adjustment, which can simultaneously be connected to Wi-Fi and a mobile application.

    For devices to be accessible on the Internet, they must be connected to one of available ways. One of the successful and inexpensive options is the Broadlink home automation router, which supports 4 types of wireless WI-FI connection, IR, RF and 4G.

    With it, you can connect all home devices via a SIM card to mobile internet. It is better to choose the services of an operator with a new communications infrastructure, in particular, one of the MTS packages with per-megabyte pricing.

    XIAOMI produces a whole range of relays, dimmers, sensors for home automation. First of all, you should pay attention to Wi-Fi humidity and temperature sensors, door and window sensors, smart sockets and inexpensive IP cameras. The equipment of this company is distinguished by its simplicity and affordability along with high quality assemblies.

    The manufacturer produces package solutions for apartments and small houses - this is Xiaomi Smart Home Suite. This package widely offered in Russia and belongs to the category of luxury equipment. Price category These sensors are slightly higher than devices from Sonoff.

    Lilovo touch switches only work with remote controls. Their key feature is the ability to smoothly adjust the lighting, elegant design and different color options. Switches from this company can be used to turn on and off household devices without an Internet connection.

    Wi-Fi relays from Russian manufacturers

    In China you can purchase products from Russian manufacturers who assemble electrical accessories on a Chinese base. Russian Smart Home DC Wi-Fi relays are available at a lower cost than Sonoff, and are considered more reliable and accurately pick up the signal. The consumer disadvantage of the Smart Home relay is the absence of a plastic case, but this is the simplest, most reliable and inexpensive way to integrate household devices.

    API applications for smartphones on Google Play

    • eWeLink is an application that allows you to connect a seemingly unlimited number of Smart Home devices and supports products from Sonoff and a number of manufacturers. The disadvantages include some lag in Russian networks, it is advisable to connect to the application through the interface mobile provider, not wired channels PTSN ( telephone network public use).
    • Smart Home from Alltek Technology Corp. is another universal mobile application to which you can connect lighting devices, alarms, heating and a number of other home devices. Some users respond better to this application than to eWeLink.

    You can download a whole range of more on Google Play mobile applications for connecting home automation devices with varying levels of versatility and stability.

    Home automation devices can be connected using local PC-based and cloud-based applications. Each of these options has a number of advantages. Applications in the cloud are designed to budget use Smart Home technologies with a wide range of functions, however, in such systems the issue of security and unauthorized access to home devices remains open.

    Stationary package offers in a secure cloud environment or for PCs are designed for automation of country houses, public buildings and institutions. This application guarantees high level safety and reliability.

    Smart Home Applications:

    • Bitdefender batch application for secure connection of home automation devices, which allows you to use the functions of any external cloud without risks;
    • Friendly-tech.com offers a range of home automation products, including IoT device management with an admin console and user interface through mobile services, including using the cloud (IoT SaaS)
    • IoT Home Guide is available as a package for fairly large home automation systems, as well as from API partners OpenHAB, Home Assistant and Eclipse SmartHome.

    Clouds "Smart Home":

    • Sharp Cloud Smarthome System is a developed cloud system for home automation; an arbitrarily complex automation system for both a home and an entire neighborhood can be built on it;
    • Cloud Based IoT Platform GO+ is a Russian free platform with a small number of users.

    Russian equipment from the company “Reasonable House” is distinguished by high reliability and build quality. The manufacturer offers various electrical accessories, sensors, relays for building arbitrarily complex systems using Smart Home technology with a guaranteed level of security. The devices allow you to create home automation systems with an individual set of functions; software is available for mobile devices, PCs and tablets.

    Video instructions for assembling and operating the Smart Home


    The equipment we have described will allow you to create various solutions for the automation of residential premises and household plots, ranging from inexpensive budget solutions for apartments to full automation of large country houses. It is worth noting that web platforms for managing home automation devices are not currently being developed due to a concept problem.

    Buyers are offered to install local PC-based systems or create private clouds controlled by ready-made applications. The user can choose for himself and assemble the most suitable option for automating an apartment or house.

    The smart home system helps save time and make life much more comfortable. The elements of a smart home are, first of all, a control device, as well as equipment that executes commands, and a central controller. You can give commands to this system even from a distance using mobile phone or tablet. A properly configured smart home system helps you save money every day and keeps all family members calm and in a good mood.

    Equipment for organizing a “smart home”

    Home automation is becoming more popular every year, and the variety of equipment for every taste and budget allows everyone to create an atmosphere of comfort in their home.

    A smart home is based on a system that consists of many elements:

    1. System management. This includes everything you need to command your home and get the actions you want. Depending on the chosen method, it can be a computer or tablet, mobile device, touch panel.
    2. Controller. This is the main module, the basis of the entire system, which controls the discrete input and output.
    3. Various sensors, temperature measuring instruments, sensors. They allow you to maintain the required level of comfort in the room and customize it at the owner’s request.
    4. Modules expansion and connections. They connect the entire system to the control device.
    5. Actuators, without which the functioning of a “smart home” is impossible. This includes relays that are produced in blocks, dimmers, and LED systems.

    There are a large number of ready-made smart home projects, the equipment for which is sold as a kit. Installation of such a system does not take much time, and you can do it yourself. For connoisseurs of true comfort and those who want to completely customize their home to their needs, there is the opportunity to assemble the system yourself.

    The advantages of this solution:

    • connect to single center You can control absolutely all equipment and any communications in the house;
    • independent selection of the highest quality or budget equipment and software;
    • choice of information transmission path.

    Self-installation of the equipment will allow you to fully explore all the functions of the system, easily re-equip it if necessary and change settings.

    Smart home control

    A smart home is significantly superior to humans in terms of reaction speed and instant execution of all commands. This is especially nice when you want to relax after a hard day and not be distracted by little things, like the lights not being turned off and the need to make coffee. Correctly configured system performs all daily activities independently: makes toast and coffee, sends a robot vacuum cleaner to clean, fills a hot bath. There is no need for a person to interfere with the programmed process, but sometimes force majeure occurs that requires the participation of the owner.

    There are 4 levels of control, from the most primitive to the modern, which does not require any effort.

    Level one

    In this level of control, various sensors constantly monitor the movements of the residents of the house, adjusting the level of comfort. For example, a temperature sensor can cause a room to heat up to a certain temperature when a person enters it. And the motion sensor turns on the light as soon as activity begins in the room.

    Switches and regulators also belong to the first level. With their help, the owner can independently adjust any parameters, for example, the lighting level. Having picked up new mode, it is possible to save it and make it one of the standard ones.

    Level two

    Control panels and panels that allow you to configure the system. The undoubted advantages include the ability to completely change settings and regulate the operation of various devices. The disadvantages include the individual focus of these control methods.

    Each function requires your remote control or panel, the air conditioner will not “obey” the vacuum cleaner control.

    Level three

    This is one of the most popular management levels, which is significantly inferior to all others.

    These include:

    1. Stationary and portable universal control panels. These are touch screens from which you can control absolutely the entire house. They can be fixed in one place or moved at the request of the owner and depending on the plan of the smart home
    2. It is possible to change any settings and intervene in the work process.
    3. Smartphone, tablet, computer. They work on the principle of universal panels when connected to the network.
    4. Voice control. Incredibly convenient, but takes some getting used to. Directions must be given clearly and in a moderate volume.
    5. Remote control. Allows you to send a command to the “smart home” while being outside it. This requires a tablet; some functions can be programmed via SMS.

    Using one of these methods will help you feel the beauty of the smart home system.

    Level four

    The administrator has full access.

    There can be several of them, controlled from a computer. A code word is required for access. In addition to the home owner, access to the fourth level of control is often given to engineers who maintain the system. The administrator has the ability to fully manage the entire building

    Control areas of the smart home system

    The smart home system allows you to easily control almost everything in the room. It doesn’t matter the area, the number of rooms, the complexity of the equipment and its quantity, or the layout - a smart home can cope with any apartment, cottage or office.

    Using the system you can control:

    1. Lighting. Initially, the owner adjusts the light according to his own parameters, for example, when darkness falls, the sensors give a signal and the street lights come on, and in the house the curtains are closed and the lamps are turned on. If necessary, you can adjust the settings using the controls.
    2. Microclimate in the room. The system itself will heat the room when a person appears or at a certain time, and will maintain an economy mode if there is no need. Humidity, air composition and much more are adjusted automatically.
    3. Ventilation and air conditioning. A constant flow of fresh air and prevention of overheating of the room can also be configured or adjusted independently.
    4. Garden care and the surrounding area. Heating the water in the pool, cleaning it, watering the lawn and much more will happen automatically with the smart home system.
    5. All household appliances and appliances in the house. If necessary, the system will brew coffee and make toast, send the vacuum cleaner to clean, and turn on the dishwasher.

    Some system variants have a “presence simulation” function. It makes it possible to leave your home without worry, while others will assume that someone lives in the room. The smart home will open the curtains in the morning and close them at night. You can set the lights, music or TV to turn on periodically. Imitation of a barking dog or projected silhouettes of people on the windows will help you relax peacefully away from home, without worrying about the safety of your property.

    Management - from simple to complex

    The smart home system makes life much easier, helping you save time and enjoy comfort. A large selection of system options will allow you to assemble a “smart home” depending on the size of the room, the number of functions and financial capabilities.

    Manufacturers of system equipment are constantly improving production, making it easier for buyers to care for their home. Having installed the most modern and complete set of equipment, you can forget about household chores, entrusting them to a “smart home”.