• Smart home control. Universal switch: control of light, climate and other smart home functions

    We have all heard about Smart Home systems. For an outside observer, lighting and heating, blinds and household electrical appliances begin to live their own lives - they independently maintain the desired temperature, turn the lights on and off depending on the time of day, prepare coffee for breakfast and heat up pizza for dinner... But the main idea is " smart home"is not about automating all these processes as such, but about organizing a comfortable living environment for a specific consumer, and only he should manage this entire system. Let's consider devices that are designed to control smart home systems."

    The very concept of a “smart home” was formulated back in the seventies of the twentieth century as “a building that ensures the efficient and productive use of working (living) space...” And if convenience and efficiency are put at the forefront, then control systems can be considered more broadly - not limited to only combined software and hardware solutions.

    Manual control

    First of all, this specialized remote controls remote control - similar to the familiar control panels for household appliances. Only, unlike the latter, they often control actuators not through infrared radiation, but via radio frequency (so as not to walk from room to room, but to control a house or apartment from anywhere). The remote control can also be made in the form of a regular wall switch, which allows you to fix it in any convenient place (even with double-sided tape on the head of the bed in the bedroom) without laying a cable.

    In the simplest case, this is a remote control with a pair of buttons (on-off) and socket adapter. The adapter is inserted into the socket, and a floor lamp, for example, is plugged into the adapter. In this case, it becomes possible to turn the floor lamp on and off remotely. The adapter can be either simply on-off or with a built-in dimmer - in this case it becomes possible to control the brightness of the light.
    In addition to radio adapters, can also be used radio switches. They are designed to control main (ceiling) lighting, motorized blinds, garage doors, etc.

    It may seem that such a simplified system (light bulb-remote control) is not related to smart home systems, but this is not entirely true. Using programmable remote controls with built-in controllers allows you not only to control the inclusion of various devices or brightness, but also to execute scenarios or apply lighting schemes (see “Using scenarios or lighting schemes”). Particularly “advanced” remote controls, in addition to a programmable controller, may contain a timer and an LCD display, which takes us to the next stage, and they are described in the section manual control only in the sense that all control is literally in the hands of the user.

    Using scenarios or lighting schemes

    The ability to use scripts is what primarily distinguishes a smart home system from a simple set of remote controls for individual lamps, air conditioners, motorized drives, etc.

    For example: we decided to watch a movie.

    To do this we need to turn off the room

    • main light,
    • draw the curtains,
    • lower the screen
    • and turn on the projector.

    If after the end of the movie we want to talk with friends, we will need to turn off

    • projector,
    • open the curtains,
    • raise the screen
    • turn on the main lighting,

    and if you just listen to music, then perhaps turn off the main light and turn on the floor lamp, and not at full brightness.

    As you can see, in the first case we need to click 4 buttons, in the second - again 4 , in the third - 2 .

    You can program these events in the form of scenarios and use the “cinema” mode in the first case, “main” in the second, and “music only” in the third, and all the necessary actions will be performed automatically. Additionally, the algorithms can be complicated by external sensors - for example, leaving the curtains alone if you want to watch a movie at night and there is no need to curtain the windows, just as it is not necessary to turn on dim lights when listening to music if it is bright outside.


    The first step towards automation is using timers. They allow you to turn electrical appliances on and off according to a schedule.
    They can be either mechanical (the most budget option) or electronic. Mechanical ones usually allow you to create daily schedules, while electronic ones allow you to create daily or weekly schedules. The former are not as accurate and have fewer capabilities, but are unpretentious and can work in more severe conditions. The second ones are much more accurate and convenient, but usually more expensive and their batteries cannot work in severe frost conditions, which can lead to the program being reset.

    Motion sensors. Allows you to turn on electrical appliances if any movement is detected in the sensor’s field of view (from 90 to 360 degrees).

    They are most often used in security systems, including recording from CCTV cameras. But they can also be useful in everyday use - for illuminating corridors or office spaces only when it is really necessary. To increase their efficiency, motion sensors are usually combined with timers (turning on electrical appliances in advance certain time) and light sensors (for example, to not turn on the lights if movement is detected during the day).

    Complete solutions

    And yet main feature smart home solutions is integration of all life support systems into unified system . In general, the control system combines the following subsystems:

    • lighting system;
    • heating, air conditioning and ventilation system;
    • fire and security alarm;
    • centralized management of all audio-video equipment;
    • video surveillance system;
    • mechanization (motorized blinds, curtains, garage doors);
    • remote monitoring of systems, including IP monitoring, etc.

    With such global integration, control of individual actuators of certain subsystems in general view seems quite difficult. After all, how much easier it would be, for example, before leaving home to use the “close all the blinds” function, instead of going around all the rooms and closing each window individually. In other words, of course, you can’t do without a central controller.

    Control device " smart home"under such conditions most often represents control Panel, usually built into the wall. Appearance and the functional richness of such a panel depend on the number of controlled subsystems and the desired convenience. This can be a simple set of buttons for controlling the main functions and indicator lamps (LEDs) displaying the current state.
    Improved models may contain alphanumeric indicators for easy reading of information and setting the necessary modes. More complex models have LCD monitors, black and white or color, possibly with touch screens.

    Another option for control devices is external modules , made in the form of a PDA ( pocket computers) or tablet computers (with a touch screen), as well as the use of standard PDAs and tablets. Such devices communicate with the central controller either by infrared communication or by radio frequency. The difference from the previous version is not only in mobility and additional convenience. This option involves using any personal computer or a laptop connected to the controller locally ( twisted pair, Wi-Fi) and remotely (by modem - either directly or via the Internet).

    In the latter case, they get the opportunity to IP monitoring and control from anywhere in the world. Simply put, you can check whether the iron is turned off in the house and, if not, turn it off while in another city or country.

    How would you prefer to turn on the lights or open doors in the house: using switches, wall touch panels or from the interface of your smartphone? Or do you like all processes to take place automatically - according to a schedule or in response to movement, temperature, changes in other parameters? Or maybe you would prefer to say the commands out loud: “Open sesame!..” In a smart home, any of these options are possible - together or separately.

    An ideal smart home control should be organized in such a way that household appliances and computer equipment, lighting and climate control equipment, security systems and media devices in your home quickly and unquestioningly carried out your orders, helpfully adjusted to your usual routine, taking care of the comfort and safety of your family, like an old faithful butler. And this is by no means fantasy, not fairy tales about “invisible servants”: the BMS Traiding company has been successfully implementing similar control systems in apartments and private houses, hotels and offices for several years now.

    Operating comfort is, in fact, one of the main reasons why people are becoming interested in smart technology house.

    Let's take a closer look at the options now available for installation in your home or office.

    Basics of a smart home control system

    Control of lighting, climate, security and other components of a smart home can be organized by the most in different ways. However, there are only two main directions - and each of the options is necessary, good in its own way and in demand in certain situations. Together they form a balanced home control system.

    “At the behest of the pike, at my will!” Whether you press an analog switch or lightly tap the touch screen to activate the desired process, turn on the lights while lying on the sofa in your living room or activate the heating system while in a traffic jam on the way home from work, it doesn’t matter in this case. Anyway, a smart home begins to perform one or another function only after your direct order. One could call this method “manual”, but commands executed by the smart system can be entered not only “manually”, but also by voice. Agree that there is no fundamental difference between pressing a button and saying the conventional phrase “Christmas tree, light up.” One way or another, the decision is made by the person. Moreover, he does not accept it in advance, programming the home’s reaction to a particular situation, but “here and now.” However, “here” can be excluded from this connection: no one will stop you from turning on the air conditioner in your Moscow apartment from a computer in Sydney or a smartphone in Lisbon.

    The advantage of this way of interacting with the house: you get exactly what you want in present moment. No sooner said than done! Minus: you still have to make some minimal effort - press a button, say a word.

    "My own director" Controlling your home with your voice is convenient and also very impressive: just imagine the reaction of your guests to your dialogue with the “invisible servants”! But your home can be called truly “smart” only when it learns to independently react to a given situation, without waiting for your direct instructions. The option in which the house makes the decision takes you to a completely different level of comfort. And it is no coincidence that we drew an analogy with directing in the title: the fact is that this method of interaction is directly related to the implementation of so-called “scenarios”, which are a set of certain actions aimed at achieving one or another result. At the same time, the smart home “knows” not only the moment at which actions need to begin, but also the conditions under which they need to be completed. How does the system understand that you need to open the windows or turn on the coffee maker? All kinds of sensors come to the rescue - lighting, temperature, motion, etc. On the other hand, for many scenarios, activation according to a schedule or timer is appropriate.

    The advantage of delegating authority to a smart system is obvious: it’s nice when everything happens “by itself.” However, there is also a minus: not all situations can be programmed in advance. Technology has not yet advanced enough for a home to truly think and learn on its own.

    GET RID OF THE DISADVANTAGES of each method is not so difficult. Balanced systems, which are designed and implemented by BMS Traiding, use both options. Thus, if the smart home suddenly does not realize that you are cold, despite the optimal (programmed) temperature in the rooms, you can always force the heating activation using manual or voice control. Tired at work and want to go to bed early? In addition to the scheduled “Night” scenario, there are a number of simple ways to turn off the TV and turn off the lights - a switch on the wall or a smartphone on the bedside table will allow you to do this without much hassle. And believe me, the smart home will not object to you: “Excuse me, it’s written in my script that now is the time to watch the evening news...” Although, of course, it can tactfully warn that listening to music at full volume at three o’clock in the morning is fraught with conflict with neighbors. Or that turning on all heating devices full power does not make much sense, since the entrance and balcony doors are wide open.

    Interested? Leave a request for a call!


    Ways to interact with a smart home

    In order for the house to understand us, fulfill our wishes and follow our mood, “intermediaries” are required who accept our orders and transmit them to the system. And even in the case when we are talking about complete automation of the decision-making process, without some “ liaison"between a person and a central computer (controller?) in a smart home is indispensable. Agree that without the ability to interfere with the work of a smart machine, you will not feel very comfortable psychologically. So don’t rush to dismantle the wall switch by installing a light or motion sensor in the room.

    As for home management tools, there are several types. Although, by and large, there are only two main groups: stationary and mobile. BMS Traiding is ready to offer you any of the smart house equipment options available on the market. Let's see what our specialists have in their arsenal.

    Stationary management tools

    Wall panels are presented today in a wide enough range to choose the optimal solution in terms of budget and functionality for each individual case. By the way, it is not at all necessary to install the most sophisticated switches throughout the house: in the bathroom you can install an analogue or touch switch with a simple set of functions - 2-4 positions are enough. But, for example, it will be much more convenient to control lighting in a living room with a dozen independent light sources using a touchscreen panel.

    High-quality panels from Western manufacturers are not only an interface for interacting with smart home systems, displayed on a small wall mounted touch screen. For example, the 4.3-inch wall-mounted touchscreen HDL-MPTLC43.46 Enviro has a built-in sensor that monitors the air temperature in the room. The data received from it can be used to run scripts in automatic mode. Or simply display the current temperature on the screen in order to make a decision yourself. Enviro is equipped with an infrared receiver. This screen also “falls asleep” when not in use, activating when you approach.

    However, the HDL-MPL8.48 “button” panel has all the functions described above. And even a thermostat to boot! As for the convenience of the interface, this is a matter of habit and taste. The compact liquid crystal display clearly displays the status of the buttons, allows you to switch scenarios or control individual functions of the house. And for small rooms, we would recommend the simplest (but by no means primitive) HDL panel SB-WS4M-EU. It looks like an ordinary switch, there isn’t even a display (although there is a backlight). But the panel supports dimming and can be configured to run up to 99 scenarios.

    The group of stationary devices can also include devices for receiving voice commands. Microphones can be built into panels or placed separately.

    Users of the site know well that the comfort of living outside the city largely depends on the reliable and uninterrupted operation of all engineering systems of a residential building. The Smart Home system can take over the management of the cottage, relieving its owner from solving routine issues. In our article, we have collected expert answers to the most common questions about it.

    From our article you will learn:

    • What is a “Smart Home”;
    • What system can be considered a “Smart Home”;
    • What opportunities does it provide to its owner;
    • What technology is it based on;
    • What are the requirements for electrical networks for its installation? How lighting is controlled;
    • How reliability and safety of work is ensured;
    • What is the benefit of using it?

    Automation of control

    To understand what a “Smart Home” is and how it works, you can read the description of this concept on Wikipedia, or it is better to understand the purpose of this technology together with our experts.

    This is the definition given by the head of the company "Smart Dacha" Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – “Smart Home” is a system built on the basis of high-tech equipment. Its main purpose is to automate operations to manage various engineering systems in a cottage.

    It provides comfort, safety, resource conservation and can “take over” routine operations, freeing the owners of the cottage from these actions.

    And here is the definition given by the company development director Luxury Systems Ekaterina Koroleva :

    – « Smart Home is a system for centralized control of electrical appliances and engineering equipment. And the operating modes of some nodes, one way or another, depend on the operation of others.

    Thus, Smart Home technology provides an integrated approach.

    Here is the definition of the head of the company's power supply systems department GWD Engineering Ilya Markov:

    – This term usually means the integration of systems, equipment and components into a single intelligent cottage management system.


    • management and communications;
    • heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
    • lighting;
    • building power supply;
    • security and monitoring.

    Control over the operation of all systems can be carried out remotely - using a mobile phone, tablet or via the Internet.

    General Director of the company Alef Elektro (Moscow) Andrey Nazarenko :

    – This is best illustrated by the following example: using a mobile phone or tablet you can:

    • turn on the evening light scene in the living room;
    • set a timer to close the window after a certain period of time so as not to freeze in the morning;
    • switch TV channels or select a movie from the server;
    • check the status of all security systems.

    The same can be done using a special control panel - push-button or touch.

    Ilya Markov:

    – We can say that “Smart Home” is based on three main principles:

    • providing comfort;
    • ensuring security;
    • ensuring energy efficiency.

    Ekaterina Koroleva :

    – There are two types of systems:

    1. Wired.
    2. Wireless.

    The residential building has protection against water leakage and a smoke detector that sends SMS. These are two different systems, and each of them is responsible for its own narrow range of responsibilities.

    Ekaterina Koroleva :

    – It cannot be called a “Smart Home”, since it is impossible to control these sensors from a single window of the system interface. Each of these devices has its own parameters and settings, and they work independently of each other. A “Smart Home” provides complete coordination and control of all engineering and electrical equipment.

    The technology is controlled by an intelligent program, and its operation is adapted to the specific cottage and owner’s preferences. For clarity, all available information about its operation is displayed on touch display located on the wall. Thanks to the intuitive interface, command names and explanatory images, managing the Smart Home system is reminiscent of working on an electronic tablet.

    Minimum set of equipment

    According to Ilya Kovalchuk, minimum set equipment, first of all, must ensure security, the ability to remotely monitor the cottage using video surveillance or alarm and motion sensors, as well as the ability to control heating. Thus, the technology will protect against theft and emergency situations.

    Andrey Nazarenko :

    – If a system can independently change its status, then it can be considered smart.

    The main purpose of the technology is to increase the level of living comfort. This also includes ease of control: room illumination, minimization of equipment control panels, optimal performance all engineering systems of the cottage in order to save energy.

    Heated floors that turn off for the whole day when you leave for work and turn on an hour before you return, thereby saving energy, can be called “smart” heated floors.

    Ekaterina Koroleva :

    – There is a package of minimal functions that gives the system the right to be called a “Smart Home”. It includes two or more functions that can be controlled from one interface:

    • water leakage control;
    • security and fire alarm system;
    • gas leakage control;
    • light control;
    • climate control;
    • voice notification.

    Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – “Smart home” also refers to the simplest monitoring and control systems: GSM sockets, emergency warning systems. In my opinion, this can be called any control or monitoring scheme built on the basis of high-tech equipment that brings real benefits to its owner.

    Modern technologies and materials provide the opportunity to gradually increase functionality, which allows you to start small and subsequently create a complex and multifunctional automation system.

    Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – One controlled outlet (which includes a heating device) can be called a “Smart Home” at a stretch, but for some it can really make life easier, save on electricity costs, and help make their life more comfortable even in an apartment. In the future, it may become part of a more complex scheme.

    Such flexible customization allows you to implement any solutions.

    Ekaterina Koroleva :

    – The possibilities are endless. The functionality can only be limited by imagination. Simply put, all devices that have an “on” button or "off" – can be automated.

    How does this work

    Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – The cottage has the Internet, a Smart Home controller and several temperature and motion sensors are installed. Even this minimal system notifies the user about an intrusion into his home by sending a signal to his phone: SMS notification. The system also includes control of temperature and humidity in the house.

    Further, by adding socket modules (smart sockets or installing relays), it becomes possible to automatically - according to a schedule or some events - control electrical equipment and control the level of lighting. Depending on the room temperature, turn on and off individual heating devices and air conditioners, maintaining a comfortable atmosphere. Moreover, if you have a multi-tariff meter, and also in the absence of the owners, you can save on electricity in this way.

    Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – When going to the dacha, you can do it in advance, via telephone, Internet, etc. set a comfortable temperature. For safety, fire sensors, water leakage sensors, and gas leakage sensors can be added to the system at any time.

    Subsequently, when such sensors are triggered, it is possible to shut off water and gas.

    The system can be expanded almost endlessly.

    Using Smart Home you can:

    • open entrance gates, roller shutters, blinds;

    • control the light;

    The light can turn on in response to people approaching and turn off when they move away.

    • manage heating boilers and heated floors, maintaining optimal temperature;

    • monitor the cottage and territory through CCTV cameras;

    The picture can be transmitted in real time to the screen of a phone, tablet or laptop.

    • replace all remote controls for televisions and multimedia devices;

    • imitate the presence of people;

    By turning the lights on and off, raising and lowering the roller shutters, the appearance of activity is created, which can scare away thieves in the event of a long absence of the owners.

    • automate watering.

    All this can be controlled remotely, from any device, and you can receive any notifications about the operation of the systems.

    Installation features

    Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – There are many systems and protocols designed to implement Smart Homes. Essentially, any protocol designed for automation can be used. From industrial protocol RS-485 to normal Wi- Fi.

    IN at the moment the most popular control protocols are those designed specifically for home automation and, for the most part, wireless, that is, they do not require cabling large quantity wires, global changes in electrical wiring, etc.

    The basis for a “Smart Home” can be an ordinary personal computer, and many controllers are devices with operating systems of the Linux family.

    Andrey Nazarenko :

    The best option building a “Smart Home” - when all devices exchange data with each other via cable using a protocol KNX.

    KNX is a single unified international standard data exchange intended for automated systems management.

    Many developers pre-lay the cable into the walls. In the future, this makes it possible to install equipment without costly alterations to the finished interior.

    Ekaterina Koroleva :

    The main requirement for equipment is its reliability. Also, the equipment must be flexible for programming, functional and have an acceptable cost.

    If you plan to use the Smart Home system in your cottage, then you need to think about it when designing all engineering systems.

    The system installation process is divided into the following stages:

    • At the stage of rough work, all communications are laid, incl. - and wires.
    • At the stage of completion of finishing work, everything is installed necessary equipment, sensors, automation cabinets, they are configured and the system is programmed.
    • Next comes commissioning and commissioning of the system.

    You can equip any home with a Smart Home system using equipment that operates via a radio channel. But such equipment does not provide a 100% guarantee of command execution. And if the owner wants to automate the facility after renovation, then all communications can be hidden in a false ceiling or in the floor.

    Because A “smart home” depends on electricity; special attention should be paid to the installation of the electrical network.

    Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – All equipment necessary to create “Smart Homes” is intended for standard networks at 220 V. Thanks wireless equipment, any existing cottage can be made “smart” without particularly altering its wiring, without repairs or changes in the design of the premises, etc.

    Any home starts with safety, so its electrics should also be “smart”. Everything is important - the correct calculation of the wire cross-section, the presence of an RCD or differential circuit breaker, and grounding.

    Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – Considering that a “smart socket” does not cost much more than a regular modern socket, including the cost of its installation, then by creating a “Smart Home” from scratch and drawing up a project in advance, the cost of automation can be reduced, and the savings on electricity will quickly pay for this increase in cost.

    We are figuring out whether, due to the energy consumption of the Smart Home system, we will not have to receive crazy amounts of electricity bills at the end of the month.

    Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – One of the main purposes of the Smart Home system is to save energy resources. Control equipment, sensors, and actuators are low-current and consume a minimum of electricity.

    In terms of energy consumption, the costs are negligible, and the savings can be multiple. Properly installed and reliable electrical installations are already an element of a “Smart Home”. Smart Home systems can operate more stable than many other household electrical appliances.

    Any country resident has encountered a power outage situation, and it is not clear what to do in this case.

    Ekaterina Koroleva :

    – In cases of a power outage, the system automatically switches to emergency operation mode. Readings from all sensors are recorded, and when electricity is supplied at 100% volume, everything returns to the state “as before the shutdown”.

    Let's imagine that the lights are turned off in the cottage. In this case, the Smart Home system will notify you by voice that a shutdown has occurred. If there is no one at home, the system will send an SMS and call the user on mobile phone. On batteries uninterruptible power supply the system will continue to operate and support the main consumers of electricity: refrigerator, heating system, emergency lighting, security systems. In the event of a prolonged absence of electricity, the system automatically starts the generator.

    Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – To ensure the functionality of all elements: the Internet, video surveillance, sensors and actuators, good enough computer source uninterruptible power supply.

    Because All Smart Home equipment is low-current, then monitoring and feedback in this case it will remain with him. The owner of the cottage learns about a power outage, non-working heating, other emergency and emergency situations etc.

    Considering the peculiarities of our energy supply, it is advisable to install voltage stabilizers. This is necessary for the normal operation of conventional electrical appliances.

    Power supply systems may include uninterrupted power supply during power outages. These can be generators, with or without autostart, integrated into general scheme electricians or simply allowing the operation of a minimum number of electrical appliances. It can also be more complex and expensive uninterruptible power supply systems based on inverters and batteries.

    Such systems provide the entire building with electricity for up to a day or more.

    Electrical appliances and other equipment can be protected from voltage surges and impulse noise by differential circuit breakers, network filters, residual current devices.

    Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – To increase the autonomy of housing, electricity consumers can be divided into two groups – important (boiler equipment, refrigerator, alarm system, etc.) and secondary. In the event of a power outage, the automation itself will turn off some of the less important electrical appliances, powering only the most important electrical equipment from the generator.

    We count the benefits

    Every owner of a country home wants all investments in housing to be 100% profitable. And in order to understand how the Smart Home system works and how it can save money, an integrated approach is required.

    Ilya Kovalchuk :

    – If heating control is included in the Smart Home systems, the system can pay for itself in one heating season.

    Payback of other systems security, fire sensors, monitoring systems for water leaks, gas leaks, pipe freezing in such cases is also obvious.

    Ekaterina Koroleva :

    – The system will pay for itself in full the minute it prevents an emergency, fire, flooding, gas leak, unauthorized entry into the facility, etc.

    Also, with the help of automation, you can carry out remote monitoring of your home while on vacation, with the ability to control devices, light, climate from any mobile device or PC.

    To summarize the article, we can say that using Smart Home» you constantly keep your finger on the pulse of the work of your cottage.

    Have you heard? They say, artificial intelligence already created! And this miracle of the world is engaged in... No, not in predicting earthquakes. And not even weather forecasting. The world's first AI named Jarvis (as in Iron Man) “works” as a house manager for a certain Mark Zuckerberg. And although it seems to me that a real AI could find a more worthy occupation than caring for Zuckerberg, making your home “smart” today can not only creator of Facebook. I've tested several Rubetek smart home devices, and I have to say that for me, like Mark Zuckerberg, the future has already arrived.

    What the Rubetek smart home can do

    “Smart home” is a system that relieves a person from daily routine actions and informs about all the events happening in his home. If in your absence uninvited guests enter the house, windows, cabinets and doors open, smoke occurs, water leaks or gas leaks, in each case you immediately receive a notification and run to urgently fix the problem. And with the help of voice commands, you can turn on and off “smart” relays and sockets, arm the house, find out the level of temperature, humidity and light in the room, etc. Even if you don’t need such advanced monitoring all the time, agree, at least During your vacation, it doesn’t hurt to be sure that you haven’t flooded anyone and that thieves haven’t broken into your apartment.

    The Rubetek company produces many smart home devices that can be assembled from individual devices, or you can buy them in ready-made sets.

    Installation and configuration

    “Control Center” (for brevity we will call it CC) is similar to Wi-Fi router a device that you can communicate with from a phone or tablet (Android or iOS) after you install its application. Unfortunately, there is no such application or web interface available for a computer, but access to the control center can be given to other family members by installing the same application on their smartphones.

    Next comes the stage of integration of the control center in the home local network- this can be done via Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n is supported, but only 2.4 GHz), or you can connect the control unit to the router directly with a cable. If there is no local network (for example, you want to secure a detached garage), you can directly connect a 3G USB modem to the control center so that it can access the Internet via a cellular network. If you follow completely clear instructions, no problems should arise - everything is extremely simple here.

    Having created a new “Smart Home” in the Rubetek application (and there may be several of them: garage, apartment, cottage, etc.), we begin connecting auxiliary devices - these can be home and outdoor video cameras, video intercoms, smart sockets, temperature and light sensors , smoke, gas leaks and water leaks, as well as relays for controlling blinds, curtains, roller shutters, heated floors, household appliances or a gate.

    First, you need to equip all the sensors with fresh batteries - in my case these were 23A batteries for the leakage sensor and “Krona” batteries for the gas and smoke ones. Next you need to “make friends” of the sensors with the control center. One way is to scan the QR code from each sensor directly from the Rubetek application by clicking the “+” button in the “Devices” section.

    Finally, you need to make sure that all sensors are working. To do this, you need to press or press and hold the “Test” button for a couple of seconds on each of them, with the exception of the leakage sensor - there you will have to put a wet finger on the sensitive plates. You need to check the sensors both near the control center and right at the place of their installation to make sure that the range of the sensors is enough to “finish off” the control center. The sensors we have operate according to the RF 433 MHz standard, and their range of action, as it turned out, is quite wide and noticeably exceeds (due to the low radio frequency) the radius Wi-Fi actions. Thus, in a three-room swing apartment of a panel house, it was possible to separate the control center and sensors to the maximum possible distance, and communication through several reinforced concrete walls was never lost. However, in a difficult situation (for example, if your neighbors often have some devices operating at a frequency of 433 MHz), the picture may be different, which is why checking is necessary.

    RF 433 MHz sensors only produce a radio signal when triggered (at which point, if you open the sensor properties in the app, you can see the signal level), so the battery should last a long time. In addition, the control center can also operate according to the Z-Wave standard (869 MHz), also used in some sensors (for example, in smart sockets). Supports CC and Bluetooth.

    The RV-3404 home security camera, which I also had, connects to the control center via Wi-Fi and is added to the Rubetek mobile application in the same way. But even without a control center, the camera can be fully used by recording video on microSD card. A DCU is necessary if you want to record video to the cloud.

    Now that all the devices have been added, you can go through their properties in the application and customize something to suit your tastes. For example, in the properties of the control center, you can specify the phone numbers to which SMS should be sent about sensor activation. It is highly advisable to do this, since Push notifications are sent to the smartphone only if there is mobile internet, and SMS almost always arrives instantly.

    Convenience and functionality

    So, all the sensors are connected and hung in the right places in the apartment. Gas in the kitchen, smoke in the hallway, leaks in the bathroom. The camera is aimed at the front door. The sensors have been tested - their signal passes to the control center without problems, they also respond to water, gas and smoke properly (yes, I had to smoke a cigarette and even open the burner). Some also emit a very loud siren. That is, the Smart Home has started working. Now, if an alarm is triggered, you will immediately receive a Push notification and SMS on your smartphone. You can go on vacation.

    But, of course, the functionality of the Rubetek system is not limited to this. IN mobile application There is a “Security” mode and the ability to create scenarios. For example, if you have a door sensor, it makes no sense to activate it when you are at home, just like the motion sensor on the camera. For this purpose, the “Security” mode is provided. You leave the house empty - with one press of a button on your smartphone or even a voice command you turn it on full mode protection. Now even in case of opening front door or, say, a safe, you will receive a notification.

    Scenarios are intended for something else - primarily to create comfort. They also make sense in the event of a further upgrade of the “brains” of your home. For example. We install a smart relay on the garage door and several smart sockets. Now, when approaching the house, it is enough to give a voice command to automatically open the garage, turn on the lights in the yard, in the garage and in the house, turn off the security mode and turn on the air conditioning. They parked the car - another command to close the garage and turn off the lights where they are no longer needed. Everything is limited only by imagination and the available list of “smart” devices.


    Another important advantage of the system from Rubetek is that it is open for connecting devices from other manufacturers (the compatibility list is quite decent: https://rubetek.com/compatible-devices), and the control unit is compatible with Apple HomeKit. True, cheap RF 433 MHz devices from other manufacturers are unlikely to be used due to the lack of a unified standard. So it’s best to immediately focus on Z-Wave.


    A few words must be said about the limitations of this system, which is, after all, a household one. First of all, this is the temperature regime. Please note that you cannot install the control unit in a room where the temperature drops below zero: operating temperature+5 ºС.+40 ºС. Other devices have approximately the same range (the gas sensor, however, works from -10). Another important point: RF 433 MHz sensors need to be checked from time to time for functionality, since eternal batteries have not yet been invented (in more advanced Z-Wave devices, remote status polling is possible).


    However, the advantages of the system, in my opinion, clearly outweigh all the limitations. The main one is its availability. To install the Rubetek “smart home” and use it, not only is a specialist not needed, but even knowledge English language not required - everything and everywhere is only in Russian. The system, once installed (which takes about 30 minutes), does not require any subscription fee. The installation does not require any wiring, re-equipment of the home or similar work - any person who is more or less versed in technology can handle it. And, in fact, there is no need for maintenance - except, perhaps, to wipe the dust off the camera. True, there is a high risk of getting into the habit: it will be extremely difficult to resist upgrading the system. And then, you see, real AI will mature...

    Help article based on expert opinion author.

    “The owner must pronounce commands in an even voice, clearly and moderately loud. If the task is not completed the first time, you need to calmly repeat the order without raising your tone.”

    Sounds like a dog training manual. This is actually a guide to managing "".

    All our intelligent and unreasonable assistants need guidance, guidance and command. In a word, in management. A “smart home”, the intelligence of which is still far from the human concept of true intelligence, is nevertheless capable of learning and self-learning.

    By speed of adoption simple solutions he surpasses us, his creators, hundreds of thousands of times. In addition, he does not suffer from sclerosis. And does not put off until tomorrow those things that can be done today.

    Intelligent building management systems are able to monitor parameters of the external and internal environment, recognize situations involving humans in real time, and monitor engineering systems. A “smart home”, in accordance with the algorithms embedded in it, reacts to changes, providing its owners with a comfortable microclimate.

    He must fulfill all the current wishes of the inhabitants of the house and anticipate future ones:

    Bake hot buns for breakfast and make coffee;
    - show a news program on TV;
    - charge the battery of the robot vacuum cleaner and send it to clean up while the owners are not at home;
    - Prepare a hot bath in the evening.

    An advanced “smart home” is capable of a lot, the capabilities depend on the equipment included in it, software and, of course, funds.

    Alas, home intelligence is still not smart enough to predict absolutely all our desires and needs guidance. To do this, a number of methods and control devices of various levels are used.

    Level one

    Limited control of individual functions without interfering with algorithm settings and software environment.

    Infrared, photoelectric, laser, temperature, weather, etc. These are sensors ending " nervous system"smart home". Some of them react to environmental parameters and control the operation of equipment, many watch people. We unconsciously and constantly participate in control, simply by being or not being at certain points in the building.

    Switches, switches, regulators, and all sorts of other buttons on the walls. We are not always satisfied with the algorithms by which our “house” operates. For example, the current level is too low. We increase the brightness on the dimmer manually. According to given program The roller shutters, blinds and curtains are lowered at night, but we want to admire the full moon and stars. We press the switch button and open up a view of the clear night sky.

    True, elements of manual limited control can still be involved in reconfiguring the system. For example, by accurately setting the lighting levels in a room with switches and dimmers, we can then enter these parameters into memory and use them as one of the standard lighting patterns.

    Level two

    Management of subsystems with the ability to configure their algorithms.

    Subsystem control panels. For example, control panels, centralized control of roller shutters. We can turn individual modes on and off, change settings within a specific engineering function. The air conditioner cannot be turned on from the heating panel.

    Subsystem control panels. For example, a home theater control panel or. He can do a lot, but only within the limits of his function.

    Level three

    Control of the entire “smart home”, setting up algorithms without the possibility of interfering with the program.

    Stationary universal control panels. Push-button ones are no longer relevant; touch-sensitive ones, with a large and beautiful LCD screen, are more convenient. The location is chosen arbitrarily, usually it is a corridor, kitchen and other frequently visited places. From the universal panel, owners have access to all systems without exception, can change settings and interfere with operating algorithms.

    Portable universal control panels. Practically complete analogue stationary, except that the screen is smaller. The same capabilities, communication via radio frequencies, infrared, Wi-Fi.

    Usually located in places where there is a need for one or more remote controls. For example, near the TV, in the living room. In this case universal remote control will replace the “sloth” TV, DVD player, tuner, air conditioner. Allows you to see who pressed the intercom button and view the latest message without getting up from the couch email, use the organizer and much more.

    The only drawback of a portable panel compared to a stationary one is that you can stick it somewhere and then search for a long time.

    Computer or laptop. Any PC connected to your home local network via standard interface, including wirelessly, can perform the same functions as universal control panels.

    Smartphone, tablet. Portable devices, on which any of the operating systems, also give access to management.

    Voice control . “...say commands in an even voice, clearly and moderately loud.” For now, it won’t be possible to chat about abstract topics with your own home. Maybe this is for the best. Anyone who has read or watched “A Space Odyssey” by Sir Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick knows what long conversations between humans and artificial intelligence can lead to.

    However, in terms of verbal communication, our house has the intelligence of a chimpanzee and is able to remember and carry out a couple of hundred voice commands. The main thing is that we ourselves do not get confused.

    Remote control. We are not at home. Let's say we are in the Bahamas, basking on the snow-white sand on the shores of the azure sea. Or we’ve been standing in a traffic jam for three hours after a long and hard day of work, inhaling toxic gasoline fumes and losing the remnants of our peace of mind.

    At this time, the Russian national football team is bravely fighting with an experienced and dangerous team from Liechtenstein. We take out an iPod, tablet or laptop, connect to the network, enter a special “smart” program, then go to the menu interactive television, give the command “record”. When we get home, we'll see. At the same time we tell you to warm up the sauna, today is Friday.

    Individual commands can be transmitted remotely via SMS using set codes, as well as via voice messages.

    Level four

    Administrator access.

    Full access. Only the administrator has it. This is not a device, but a person, one or more. It is carried out from the central computer of the “smart home”, with permission - from any PC connected to the local network or the Internet. You just need to know the magic word, the password.

    Restrictions on individual capabilities for different administrators can also be set. Often, not only the owners, but also the engineers of the company servicing the “smart home” have a full or limited fourth level. By the way, they need him more. The administrator has the right to intervene directly in the hardware and software environment of the building management system.

    Large "smart home"

    The principles of intelligent control of the engineering systems of a large building, be it an office complex, an airport, a hypermarket, a nuclear power plant or an intelligence department, are subject to the same laws as a small “smart” apartment.

    The only difference is in the scale of the system, a significant number of subsystems, and higher security requirements. Accordingly, restrictions on access to all levels of management, starting from the second, are stricter. To confirm access, electronic and fingerprint keys, other biometric devices, and, less commonly, voice analyzers are used.