• Lessons from survival school: how to charge your phone battery without a phone. Emergency measures for charging a cellular device

  • People who spend a lot of time traveling, or for other reasons are forced to use communication devices a lot, without being able to charge their phone battery as often as they need, are forced to look for ways out of this situation. Many people find a solution to the problem by carrying several phone batteries with them at once (we’re not talking about smartphones with). But sooner or later they will all run out and become useless. Charging each one separately inside the gadget takes too much time; it would be much more convenient to power one battery while the second is charging. In this regard, the question arises - how to charge a phone battery without a phone? You can make the device yourself, or you can buy a special device in a store for relatively little money. If you don’t really mind the battery of your smartphone or tablet, but you need the gadget urgently, there are handy ways to quickly charge the battery.

    Box with batteries

    It is possible to charge your phone battery directly by building some semblance of the now popular mobile storage charge for gadgets - (this, by the way, the best way, ).

    To do this, take a special box for installing batteries, which are connected to each other and have contact leads outward using wires - you can get it at radio flea markets or in electronics stores, perhaps you have it somewhere in the house. Several ordinary AA batteries are inserted there. You can remove the contacts and connect them directly to the phone’s battery, paying attention to the polarity, or solder a connector to the output hole and charge the mobile phone itself directly.

    Using chargers

    How to charge a phone battery at home separately from it, directly from the charger?

    Make a universal battery power device from any old device for powering gadgets:

    1. Find some charger lying around the house.
    2. Cut off the connector that fits into the socket and carefully expose the wires. They usually come in blue and red colors. Blue carries a charge with a minus sign, and red, respectively, a plus.
    3. Connect the metal ends of the wires to the phone battery, making sure that the polarity of the contacts matches - they must be labeled on the battery, secure the connection with tape or tape.
    4. Wait about an hour until the battery charges, then you can insert it into the gadget and use it.

    How else can I check the polarity of the wires?

    Some chargers may have wires that are not these standard colors, but some others. In such a situation, you also need to somehow determine which sign is which. It's very easy to do. All you need is a glass of water in which you need to dissolve a little regular table salt.

    1. The exposed ends of the wires must be lowered into this glass.
    2. Connect the device to the network (the main thing is not to touch the water or the wires themselves, otherwise you may get an electric shock).
    3. Observe which wire the water began to seethe and bubble. He is negative.

    Charging from pieces of metal

    It happens that you need at least a slightly charged phone battery somewhere in nature, where there are no old chargers or other similar devices. Is it possible to charge the battery in such a situation? Quite if you find more metal objects - pipes, corners and the like.

    1. Take the found objects and stick them vertically into the ground.
    2. Wrap it with wire, preferably copper.
    3. Take out the ends of this wire like wires and connect them to the battery.
    4. Pour the metal part of the structure with an alkaline liquid, which is needed as an electrolyte. As alkali, you can use solutions of salts or soda, or some chemicals, if it is known that they contain alkaline compounds. The more metal there is in the structure, the stronger the current.

    To ensure that the battery lasts at least for a call, you can wrap its contacts with thin transparent tape or other adhesive tape. When you return to your place, this will give you a charge for a couple of minutes of work.


    At higher temperatures, reactions begin to occur that take place when the battery is charged. Therefore, you can try to replenish a small part of the charge this way - by applying the element to something hot or just rubbing it with your hands for a few minutes.


    The most risky method, which in almost all cases leads to further battery malfunction, was seen by many in childhood. Some bit AA batteries so that they can earn money. The principle is the same here. If you lightly throw the battery against a stone or hit it against some other hard object, a small charge will accumulate, which will be enough for a couple of quick actions or short conversations.

    Homemade wireless charger

    To make it you will need:

    • thin, no more than half a millimeter in diameter, metal (ideally copper) wire;
    • diode;
    • some knowledge of physics.

    What then:

    1. Make a flat coil of three dozen turns of wire.
    2. Secure it with electrical tape or special glue to the telephone battery.
    3. Take a diode and connect the battery contacts to the coil through it.

    Use a ready-made device

    Of course, manufacturers of accessories for gadgets did not stand aside and took care of those who like to recharge batteries separately from their equipment. For such cases, there is a charger for the battery of a phone or tablet that powers it directly, which is popularly nicknamed because of its characteristic shape.

    It's quite simple to use:

    1. Disconnect the device and remove the battery.
    2. Determine where the positive charge is on the contacts and where the negative charge is.
    3. Press down on the edge of the frog lid to open it.
    4. Inside the device there are two terminals with marked polarity.
    5. Place the battery with the contacts facing the terminals so that the “pluses” and “minuses” match.
    6. Close the cover, which will automatically lock the position of the battery.
    7. Connect the device to the network and check if the red light comes on. If this does not happen, the battery was placed incorrectly and its position must be corrected.
    8. When everything is connected correctly, all you have to do is wait until the red indicator changes to green - this means that the battery is charged and the “frog” has turned off the power.

    There are many ways to charge the battery from any gadget, but it is better to be prudent and have something with you that will allow you to safely replenish the charge, and not resort to extreme methods at all or only in emergency situations.

  • Life often makes its own adjustments to people’s plans, forcing them to look for ways out of sudden difficult situations. It is very uncomfortable for a modern city dweller to be left with a non-working smartphone, especially if they need to make or receive an important call/email soon. And at the most inopportune moment, the gadget turns off, but there is no charger with you or it is faulty. So we have to rack our brains - how to charge a phone battery without charger? There are actually a lot of ways - from other devices or batteries, and even using the operating principle of a mobile battery. The question is whether it is possible to charge the battery safely for a smartphone and not shorten its life. In fact, it is quite possible - just be careful and attentive.

    Use different batteries

    Using this method you can.

    To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Open the cover and remove the battery from the mobile phone . Models with this feature do not have this option, which means the described method will not work. In most smartphones on Android and Windows, a similar feature is provided by design, but trying to remove back cover from Apple devices it is not worth it, the manufacturer does not provide for this.
    2. Find several AAA, AA or nine-volt batteries . Their internal energy is completely identical to that found in the phone battery, in contrast to the current from the outlet, which is characterized as alternating. Why you shouldn’t try to directly use AA batteries instead of your own battery phone? Because its fine design and settings are very sensitive to the characteristics of the incoming energy, and deviations in them, characteristic of the connected elements, can irreparably damage the device.
    3. Figure out which of the contacts on the found batteries and on the charged element itself are positive and which are negative . If you look closely, you can see icons clearly showing the charge sign. With a telephone battery, it is sometimes difficult to disassemble them; as a rule, the contact with the “plus” sign is located closer to the edge, and the contact with the “minus” sign is further from it. You should pay attention only to the outer protrusions; the central ones serve for other tasks.
    4. Assemble the batteries so that their total voltage is equal to that required for charging . On average for modern phones charger DC should be carried out at a voltage of at least 3.7 V. 9 V batteries are available and can be used. The usual AA or AAA voltage is only 1.5 V, so you will need at least three pieces so that their total voltage is greater than the required value.
    5. Get two pieces of wire, preferably insulated along the entire length except the ends - there should be bare metal there.
    6. Connect the battery and the battery being charged with a wire, secure the connection tape or something else. Then put the structure down and wait while the battery charges. If several batteries are used, they can be connected in parallel to each other. To do this, a metal piece of wire is attached to all the negative terminals of all small batteries on one side, and a second wire is attached to the positive terminals on the other.
    7. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a large charge . The battery will not be fully charged, but the little that is there should be enough to make an urgent call or other important action.


    You need to remove the battery from the phone and Start rubbing the element hard and fast with your palms, creating a lot of heat and friction. This should last for at least thirty seconds, and preferably several minutes. After - input the battery back into the smartphone. The resulting energy is enough for a very short operating time, so it needs to be used as efficiently as possible.

    Some believe that this trick relies on creating static electricity, which slightly charges the battery. This assumption is wrong. In fact, the technique works thanks to the device itself and. Chemical reactions, as a result of which an element accumulates energy, proceed better at higher temperatures. high temperatures, so active friction can be said to become a catalyst for increasing electrical conductivity.

    Using other technology

    To charge in this way you need:

    • to have access to a computer, laptop, tablet and another device powerful enough to charge your phone;
    • this device and the phone have USB connectors ;
    • corresponding adapter Fortunately, there are no problems with adapters, because most phones have standard micro USB.

    The procedure is very simple - connect the phone to the charging equipment using a wire and wait until a certain amount of energy accumulates. It is not even necessary to switch the smartphone into USB connection mode with a computer; the charge will flow in any case. You can also carry with you or ask someone for a special device for powering your mobile phone without charging.

    There is such a thing technical means for charging the phone battery directly, which is called “”. He has special contacts, to which the discharged battery is attached, taking into account the polarity. If everything is done correctly, a signal will light up on the “frog”. It will take up to three hours to replenish the entire battery charge, but the plus is that the charging device will automatically turn off and stop supplying power. The completion of the charging process will be indicated by a lit light.

    Urgently charge your phone using a knife

    This method is a unique variation of the friction trick; it can be used even far from the city. However, it is fraught with troubles with the device, so it should be used only as a last resort.


    1. Remove the battery from the smartphone .
    2. Find or make some kind of large heat source , like a barbecue or at least the flame of a lighter.
    3. Heat the knife blade on this flame.
    4. Place the battery on the hot blade with the contacts facing it .
    5. Wait until the element warms up slightly (not too much!) , and a little charge will appear in it.
    6. Put the battery back .


    • Before removing the battery from your mobile phone, you must turn it off - otherwise some settings may be lost.
    • Never try to charge using any of the above methods. regular batteries, which are not marked “rechargeable” and which are not intended for reuse.
    • Make sure that the incoming charge does not exceed what the battery can hold , it's explosive.

    There are a lot of possibilities on how to charge a phone battery when left without a charger, and if you have knowledge about them and about the possible dangers associated with certain methods, then the likelihood of finding yourself somewhere without the ability to get in touch is minimal.

    1. So, the first method is charging using a computer. This method will help if your charger is broken and you can’t buy a new one right now. Take a cord with a USB connector on one end and a connector that matches your phone on the other end. We connect the cord to the phone and computer. Of course, it will take much longer to charge the phone, but it should be enough for one important call.

    2. The second method must be treated very carefully and if you are afraid of the consequences, then it is better not to try it again. You need to take any old phone charger if you have one. Cut off the charging connector to connect to the phone. Using a sharp knife, make a circular cut and remove the insulation, leaving the red and blue wires exposed.

    3. Remove the battery from the phone and let's start charging it. Find the minus and plus markings on the gold connectors on the battery. Connect the blue wire to the positive and the red wire to the negative. Press firmly and secure with tape or tape. When everything is done, plug in the charger. If everything is done correctly, the battery will begin to charge. ATTENTION! Never touch bare reins

    4. Use the cigarette lighter in your car. For this, of course, you need a special car charging, which can be bought at any hardware store. Buy it for yourself and one day it will definitely help you out. Insert the charger into the cigarette lighter and connect the phone.

    5. Use hiking exercise based on regular AA batteries. Now in stores you can find a charger that can recharge using internal source nutrition. You just need to insert AA batteries and connect the connector to the phone. But if it is not possible to buy such a charger, proceed to the next step.

    6. You can also do this exercise yourself. Take any charger and any battery-powered device, be it a razor or a radio. We cut off the charging plug and insert the connector into the phone. And we connect the stripped wires, observing polarity, to the batteries located in the device. Turn on the device and enjoy the result.

    7. In nature, you can use the help of a knife and fire. Warm up the knife blade and carefully place the battery on it with the contacts facing the blade. As a result, the battery will heat up and release some energy. Be careful with the heat and don't overdo it.

    8. After reading our article, remember that all tips are created for informational purposes and we do not vouch for the safety of any of your devices. Be careful and act wisely in everything. Good luck to you and may the battery always be charged at the right time!

    In this article, I'll tell you about five creative ways to charge your own smartphone without having a charger at hand. We often come across cases where there is nowhere and nothing to extend autonomous operation mobile device. We will talk about gadgets and devices that may be the only chance to keep your phone working.

    1. Charge your device using your own voice

    If your first reaction to a low battery notification is to scream, then this method is for you.

    Thanks to innovative device, developed at Sungkyunkwan University, which is located in South Korea, your desperate cries will be able to help you for the first time. The first prototype is capable of generating 50 millivolts of electricity from sounds at 100 decibels. This is equivalent to the noise from busy traffic, an airplane flying overhead, or the angry screams of a dying smartphone user. All this is possible thanks to the current generated by vibrations of zinc oxide between two flexible electrodes. In the future, this technology will allow us to generate significantly more electricity and, who knows, maybe we will live in a world where all devices will be powered by different noise.

    2. Charge the battery using your own power

    If the first method doesn't suit you, then you might like the second one better. For around $75, you can purchase a rechargeable gadget called the BoostTurbine 4000, which allows you to charge your smartphone battery using the power of your arm. It has a built-in LED indicator to display the charge level. The built-in battery should be enough to fully charge most smartphones on the market. Of course, you can look for a cheaper offer in stores in your city.

    3. Use the wind

    The third method involves using a special case with a fan that uses wind energy to recharge. To charge your phone, put the iFan case on it, place it on your bike, and ride until the process is complete. You'll need to spend about 6 hours on the bike before it's fully charged, but if you're traveling, it's ideal option. Your phone will always be charged. Unfortunately, this accessory is only available for iPhone, but given the originality of the idea, we couldn’t hide it from you.

    4. You can charge your phone using your own body heat

    Thanks to developments from Vodafone's research department, you can charge any smartphone using your own body heat. These guys have introduced a pair of denim shorts called the PocketPower. Eight hours of charging will be enough to make a 24-minute call. This data is based on the shorts reaching a temperature of 37 degrees. The idea is far from absurd, especially if you play a lot of sports or spend a lot of time outside.

    5. You can use fruits and vegetables

    Carrots or fruit salad alone will not be enough. Multimedia artist Caleb Charland managed to charge his smartphone using fruits and vegetables. This required a huge wall of 800 apples and potatoes connected to each other by copper wire. As a result, such a charger produces 20 milliamps electric current and 6 volts of voltage, which is more than enough to charge your phone.

    There are rules for charging mobile phone batteries that you need to know. Today, lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries, lithium polymer (Li-Pol) batteries and nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries are used, which are the least used. Lithium batteries differ in the type of electrolyte. If the first contains liquid and its main advantage is durability, then lithium polymer battery filled with gel-like electrolyte, which makes it lighter and allows for a larger charging capacity.

    How to charge your phone if there is no charger

    Probably everyone has found themselves in a situation where the battery charge is running low, and suitable device not nearby.

    Charging methods:

    1. The first way is to charge mobile phone from your computer by simply connecting it with a USB cable. However, since the port is only capable of delivering 500 mA and most batteries require 800 mA, charging will be somewhat slower.
    2. Another way, hiking. If you know that you will find yourself in a place without power, you can build a “finger” charger. You will need a charging case, which can be purchased at places where radio components are sold, or you can build it yourself. The required connector is soldered, and AA batteries now serve as a charger.
    3. The third method is an emergency method if you are in nature. Remove the battery and cover its contacts, for example, with tape. Once installed, this will give you another 2-3% charge.
    4. Insert any metal objects into the ground and wrap them around copper wire. If you have wires, then we solve the problem by connecting them to the wire. Now the contact area needs to be watered with any electrolyte: even salt water will do.
    5. Try to warm the battery by applying knife blades heated over a fire on both sides. This can increase its charge by up to 4%.
    6. It may also help to lightly tap the battery on the corner of a hard object, such as a stone. Although you may question the battery life, it will help you make one or two more short calls.

    Charge your phone battery without your phone

    The simplest method is to connect the battery overnight with parallel terminals to a regular 3.4V coin cell battery.

    The next method is technically more interesting:

    1. We take an unnecessary charger, for example, from an old mobile phone and cut off its connector.
    2. Using a sharp knife, make a cut in the insulation so that two wires are exposed: blue and red.
    3. Now you need to connect and then secure the wires to the battery. We look closely at the battery and see two golden contacts with a plus and minus sign.
    4. We put the blue wire on the “plus” and the red wire on the “minus”. We fix them with electrical tape or tape. If everything was done correctly, the battery should then begin to charge. Be careful not to touch exposed wires when the device is plugged in!

    How to properly charge a new phone

    The main thing: to charge any batteries, use only an original and preferably native charger. A procedure called “battery cycling” is desirable for all new phones, but especially for nickel batteries, as they are prone to the “memory effect”. If such a battery is not charged correctly, it will lose capacity.

    When caring for nickel batteries, it is important to remember the following: they should not be overheated, and it is not recommended to recharge them until all the charge is used up. This cycle should be repeated 4-6 times to consolidate the battery memory. For operation lithium batteries There are also recommendations. You don't need to charge your phone right away. Wait until the battery is 10-15% discharged, then connect it to power.

    This procedure must be repeated 2-3 times, thereby developing a little of the liquid or gel located inside the battery. Remember that a full charge, according to the phone signal, will occur in one to two hours, but this is not the case. In fact, the battery is only 70-80% charged. Keep your phone charging for a while longer. Advice: if the phone will not be used for some time, it is better to remove the battery from it, after charging it 70-80%.

    Important! If your telephone set does not respond to the connected charger, do not panic: it may have been so deeply discharged that it will need to be connected to the network for a couple of hours before it “responds”. If that doesn't work, applying more current will "wake him up." To do this, contact a service center that has the necessary equipment.

    How to quickly charge your phone battery

    You can use a frog charger, which is very easy to purchase on the Internet. It is intended for fast charging lithium batteries. Powered by mains power, controlled by a microchip and charging occurs in automatic mode, turning off upon completion. The standard time for a full charge is one and a half hours.

    As you can see, ways correct charging There is plenty of phone battery. However, for the battery to gain full power certain rules must be followed. At the same time, it is possible to charge the battery even without the device.