• Coordinate service. Beeline coordinates service - connection, disconnection, personal account

    How many times has it happened that a child went for a walk and did not pick up the phone because the phone was on silent mode or not with him? Surely such situations happened often. To reassure yourself, you can simply connect to the “Coordinates” service from Beeline and, in one click, find out where your child or loved one is.

    The child's location will be shown on special card. Don't hesitate, give yourself peace of mind now!

    "Coordinates" - paid service, allowing you to find out the location of a Beeline subscriber after his consent. Managing the service is very simple, even those who have never used the Internet can handle it!

    The main advantage is that the connection is absolutely free. In addition, users are given a week to try out the service and decide whether to switch to it completely. As soon as trial version ends, the subscription fee will be charged daily in the amount of 1.7 rubles.

    We emphasize that the service only works for Beeline subscribers; it will not be possible to monitor users of other operators. You also won't be able to spy on anyone without their consent.

    Pay attention! To find out information about your number, we advise you to go to your “Personal Account” on the official Beeline website.
    There you can connect or disconnect any service. Also there is all the information necessary for the subscriber on the use of services and tariff plans. We recommend that you visit the site from time to time to stay updated. latest updates.

    As soon as your child starts playing again and forgets to pick up the phone, you can immediately send a request about his location. This way you can monitor a maximum of 5 subscribers. However, it is important that they all agree to provide geo-data, otherwise the operation will be deactivated.

    The quality of location determination is influenced by the following factors:

    Although the accuracy of determining a person's location may be affected large number factors, the service shows good results. If, under ideal conditions, the street and house in which the subscriber is located will be indicated, then in non-ideal conditions, the area of ​​​​the person’s approximate location will be provided.

    However, here it is immediately necessary to take into account the fact that sometimes the program can fail and determine the location of a person incorrectly.

    It is worth noting that you will not be able to determine the location of a person if his device is turned off or located outside the network coverage area.

    Cost and management of the “Coordinates” service

    As previously stated, each user can have a list of 5 numbers that he will monitor. To spy on each subscriber, you must obtain permission. You only need to do this once, then you will be able to monitor subscribers without repeated consent. If the device is turned off or out of network coverage, you will receive a notification that the operation cannot be performed.

    List of necessary requests to number 4770:

    • To connect “Coordinates” send empty message;
    • “List” - allows you to see a list of subscribers who allowed you to track their location;
    • Name + phone number to add a person to the watch list;
    • Where + name to search for the subscriber, if he is on your list;
    • Where + number to find a person who is not included in the list, but gave permission to track geo-data;
    • “Delete + number” or “Delete + name” to remove a subscriber from your list.

    After connecting “Coordinates”, you need to go to “ personal account" You can do this on the official Beeline website, but first you need to log in. Write to search bar“Google” or “Yandex” - “Beeline, personal account”, go to the site page and fill out empty fields.

    In the “login” column, enter your phone number, in the “password” column, enter your password, if you have not visited this site before, then go to the “How to get a password” tab, it is located on the right side of the password entry field. A special password will be sent to your phone number, allowing you to log into your account, then you can change it to any desired one.

    In your personal account, you can remove or add subscribers to the tracking list. You can also manage your number using your personal account, which will help you disable the service or even change tariff plan. Convenient and practical!

    Tariffing for the “Coordinates” service:

    • Trial (free) period 7 days;
    • At the end of the trial period, the subscription fee will be 1.7 per day;
    • Location determination - 0 rubles;
    • Sending messages to number 4470 - 0 rubles;
    • Calling number 0665 - 0 rubles.

    As for the cost, everything is very simple - every new Beeline subscriber is given the opportunity to try the service for free for 7 days. If you don't like it, the service can be easily disabled.

    If you like the service and decide to leave it, the tariff will be daily 1.7 rubles. Agree, quite a bit of money for peace of mind. All SMS you send to 4470 are free.

    How to activate the “Coordinates” service?

    To date, Beeline has done everything possible to make you feel comfortable. It is for this reason that you can connect to the service in several ways, which will allow you to choose something suitable for yourself. Let's discuss everything in more detail existing methods connection of services.

    You can connect “Coordinates” as follows:

    1. The easiest way is to send an empty message to number 4770. After this, the service will be instantly connected;
    2. By contacting the operator, you can leave a request to connect “Coordinates”. In this case, connect the service if possible to the operator mobile communications;
    3. You can connect or disconnect any service on the official Beeline website in the “Personal Account” tab;
    4. If none of the above options are suitable, we recommend visiting the office of a communications representative and, using the help of consultants, connect “Coordinates”.

    Any user can connect “Coordinates” mobile operator Beeline. There are many ways to do this. Don’t hesitate, activate the service and try all its benefits for yourself.

    How to disable the “Coordinates” service?

    Disabling a service follows the same principle as connecting. Subscribers have several ways to do this. All you have to do is choose the one that suits you best. Let's discuss each method in more detail.

    How to disable the “Coordinates” service:

    • Send a message with the text “Off” to 4770. After sending the message, “Coordinates” will be instantly disabled;
    • Submit a request to disable the service to your mobile operator;
    • Go to the official website in the “Personal Account” tab, using the visual cues to disable the service;
    • Take advantage of the assistance of consultants at the representative's office cellular communications. They will help you disable the service, as well as choose something more suitable for you.

    After disconnecting the service, it is possible to connect it back, but you should keep in mind that when you reconnect, the trial period will not be reactivated. The service will be immediately paid and charged according to the rules described earlier.

    How to find out if you are being watched and is it possible to monitor a subscriber without his knowledge?

    To begin with, it is worth emphasizing that it will not be possible to monitor a subscriber without his knowledge, because for this it is necessary to obtain his consent. Of course, if you steal a friend's phone and confirm the provision of geo-data, then surveillance will be possible. But here you should understand that such an act on your part would not be civil. When the deception is revealed, you will have to explain yourself.

    Pay attention! All commands are sent without quotes (“”). If used, the command will not be valid. Be careful!

    Now let's talk about the possibility of finding out who is watching you. Yes, it exists. In addition, you can also disable the ability to spy on you.

    To find out who is watching you, simply send a message with the text “Who” to the number 4770. After this, you will instantly be provided with the entire list of numbers that are watching you.

    If desired, surveillance can be deactivated by sending an SMS with the text “Stop” to the number 4770.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the “Coordinates” service

    We advise you to weigh the pros and cons before connecting. Only in this way can you understand whether you need “Coordinates”. Be that as it may, the decision is yours. Let's look at the service in more detail using real reviews users.

    Advantages of the “Coordinates” service:

    • The ability to monitor a child, elderly or sick person at any time of the day;
    • The trial period is one week. This time is more than enough to “try out the coordinates”;
    • Low subscription fee. Only 1.7 per day;
    • High location accuracy (in some areas);
    • Possibility of monitoring 5 subscribers. For some, this number of subscribers is enough, but for others it is not enough. Everything is individual here.

    “Coordinates” have even more advantages that can only be discovered by becoming a user of this service. We recommend using trial period, which is provided by Beeline. This way you can definitely decide for yourself whether it’s worth connecting to the service.

    Disadvantages of the “Coordinates” service:

    • Low location accuracy when high density green spaces or buildings;
    • Low number of maximum allowed subscribers for surveillance;
    • Often mobile application"Coordinates" does not work or gives an error. It may also write that the phone is outside the network coverage area, but this is definitely not true;
    • It is impossible to track the location of a subscriber if his device is turned off or is outside the network coverage area;
    • “Coordinates” often gives the wrong location of an object. If the contract states that the error can be up to 200 meters, then in reality the coordinates are calculated with an error of up to 2 kilometers. However, it is worth recognizing that this happens quite rarely and is often associated with a number of previously described factors.

    Despite quite a few shortcomings, the service remains popular and in demand in the modern world. This is not strange, because children very often forget to call their parents or pick up the phone when they are busy playing outside. But now the worries are over, because you can always find out where the child is.

    Sometimes it is very important to be aware of where your family and friends are, especially when they do not answer the call for a long time. Beeline offers the “Coordinates” service, thanks to which working parents will worry less about their children, controlling their movements, and elderly family members in need of care will be constantly supervised. Of course, you can come up with more options for using the service, for example, bosses will be able to track the location of their subordinates during the working day, or a jealous husband (wife) can monitor his significant other.

    Description of service

    Determining a person's location is only possible if he is a Beeline subscriber and agrees to control. Tracking is done using base stations Beeline, next to which the observation object of interest is located. You can find out a person’s location no more than once every five minutes, and the accuracy of the determination will be from 250 m to 1 km, depending on the distance of the Beeline towers, the density of buildings in the subscriber’s location, and other factors affecting the cellular signal . The “Coordinates” service makes it possible to track up to five Beeline network users.

    The option is connected and disabled for free, and if the subscriber activated the service for the first time, then in the next week he can use the Beeline “Coordinates” service for free. After the end of the test period, a subscription fee of 1.7 rubles per day will be charged for using this option. If during the test period the user deactivates the Beeline “Coordinates” service and then connects it again, the subscription fee will be charged on the same day.

    How to connect and disconnect Beeline “Coordinates”

    The location tracking option is activated by calling 0665, or sending empty sms to number 4770, after that to the phone will come notification about activation of the Beeline “Coordinates” service.

    To disable the service, you need to send an SMS request with the text Off to number 4770, or cancel it in the “Personal Account” on the Beeline website.

    Managing the Beeline “Coordinates” service using SMS requests

    All SMS commands to manage the “Coordinates” service must be sent to number 4770.

    1. First of all, you need to add users to your search list. To do this, the message indicates the name and phone number of the user without the eight, for example, Petya 9031112223, and after the subscriber gives his consent, it will be possible to control his location. The user is required to provide one-time consent to determine his location, and his route of movement can be tracked an unlimited number of times.
    2. Information about a person’s location can be obtained using an SMS request Where + person's number or name added to the search list. For example, Where is Petya, or Where is 9031112223. In response to the request, you receive an SMS message with the approximate address of its location, as well as a link with the coordinates where you can find this address on the map. An Internet connection is required to follow the link.
    3. You can remove a subscriber from the list using the command Delete + phone number or name
    4. The SMS command Who will help you find out the phone number of the subscriber controlling your number
    5. The prohibition of determining coordinates for all numbers without exception is activated using the Stop request, and SMS Stop (phone number) will deny surveillance access to a specific user.

    How to find out where a Beeline subscriber is located via the Internet

    On the website coordinates.beeline.ru, by clicking on the “Connect for free” button, in the window that opens you need to enter your phone number and password to access the Beeline “Coordinates” service. The password can be obtained by sending a Password request to the number 4770.

    After logging into the service account, you will be taken to the settings page, where you will be asked to change your password to another, more memorable one, and here you can disable the service. You can get to the settings page through the top right menu.

    On home page site in the “Search” menu, you need to find the “Add subscriber” command, and indicate the phone number without the eight and the name of the user of interest. After this, the subscriber will be added to the list and all that remains is to wait for an SMS notification about his consent to tracking. In the same way, you can add other subscribers, in total, no more than 5 people.

    In the list of users who agree to determine the location, next to the name there is a “Find” button, by clicking on which you can see in map format the place where at the moment the subscriber of interest is located, and at this time a message will be sent to the phone with the name of the street and coordinates of the controlled user.

    Comparison of Beeline services “Coordinates” and “Locator”

    • Beeline "Coordinates" is a simpler version. “Coordinates” allow you to determine the location of only the requested subscriber, and “Locator” helps you find nearby objects and navigate your own location.
    • The Beeline “Coordinates” service operates only within the network, and the “Locator” service makes it possible to track the movements of subscribers of other telecom operators.
    • The subscription fee for using the “Locator” is 3 rubles per day, and you can use the Beeline “Coordinates” service for 1.7 rubles per day.
    • A free week is provided to test both services.
    • Both services require the consent of the controlled user to track his location.

    The Beeline locator allows subscribers to find out the location of connected phones. Convenient feature allows you to track and find people in any city in Russia. With such useful option You can easily find a person's location by mobile phone number.

    Determine using Beeline Locator:

    1. The location of your children, retired parents and relatives who require special control;
    2. Your own location coordinates on the map;
    3. Nearby objects and areas near you.

    The Beeline Locator service works as a high-precision radar. In the city, location calculations occur with an accuracy of up to 15 meters. This will help calculate the name of the street and nearby houses. Outside the city limits, the error is in the range of 300-1000 meters. The service is activated on all phones. No specific GPS receivers are required to operate. When a request is received, the cellular network sends a command, and the coordinates of the given subscriber number are calculated through the nearest base stations. You will always know where the Beeline subscriber is.

    How to find a person

    How to find out where a person is now? How to quickly find a subscriber? To find a user by phone number through the Beeline Locator, it is important to follow three simple rules:

    • The user's phone must not be turned off;
    • the subscriber must be within the network coverage area;
    • the user has confirmed and agreed to have his location tracked.

    The service allows you to connect and track up to five numbers simultaneously. The number of requests is limited by a time limit. You can receive coordinates once every five minutes. It is impossible to track a person's location by phone number without his consent. To link subscribers and obtain permission, you must send a service message to 5166 indicating the phone number of the person being connected. If the subscriber agrees to give his confirmation, he must respond to the request by sending an SMS with the word Yes.

    To activate the Beeline Locator, download mobile program for smartphones on Android based. It will allow you to instantly display search results on the map. To obtain a link to download the program and activate it, use two methods:

    • send an empty SMS message to 5166;
    • call 09853.

    If your phone does not support the Latitude app, you can use alternative way, and make a request with via SMS to number 5166 with different text.

    1. To calculate the coordinates of a connected user, send a message with the phrase Where *Beeline phone number in 10-digit format*.
    2. To determine your exact location– send a message with the phrase Where am I.
    3. To find out about the location of nearby objects, send a message with the phrase What's nearby.

    The results will come in a reply SMS, where the coordinates will be indicated and a link to the map will be provided. You can view it via the Internet on any computer or smartphone.

    How to disable the Locator service on Beeline?

    To deactivate the service, send an SMS with the text Off to 5166. If you want to stop being able to track your location, send an SMS with the text Stop to 5166.

    Service cost

    Connecting the program is completely free. The Locator service and application are free for the first 7 days. For subsequent use, the subscription fee is 3 rubles per day. All requests and commands via text messages- free. Additional fee may be charged only for the use of Internet traffic when viewing and opening maps. The price in this case will depend on the mobile Internet tariff.

    You can select the format of the received data - SMS or MMS message. Comes in SMS text information with coordinates, and the MMS contains a fragment of a map with a mark of the subscriber’s location.

    The coordinate accuracy can be: about 1 km. To determine your location more accurately, use the Tracker https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.megalabs.trkr


    Connection: *140# call. Using the service: navigator.megafon.ru or using the USSD menu: *140# call, via SMS: “WHERE 7920ХХХХХХХ” (number of the desired subscriber) to number 1400.

    How to find out the location of an MTS subscriber

    Locator. To connect, send the subscriber’s name and phone number to 6677. Example: “Egor 7910ХХХХХХХ”. The subscriber will receive a request; if he gives his consent, the location will be determined. On the website: http://m.mpoisk.ru/login.aspx?rt=%2flocator%2fdefault.wml

    How to find out the location of a Beeline subscriber

    Beeline Coordinates. Connection: send an empty SMS to number 4770, or call 0665. Then, add the name and number of the subscriber (example Egor, 7903ХХХХХХХ), obtain his consent.

    Receiving coordinates: SMS to number 4770 with “Where is Egor” or “Where is 7903ХХХХХХХ”.

    Positioning on the ground goes in two ways - either by triangulation relative to the base stations of the telecom operator, or through GPS.

    Everyone can determine their location mobile phones. Even those without GPS/GLONASS modules on board. The thing is that each handset can find out its own coordinates from base stations mobile operator by measuring the parameters of signal reception and transmission. Many services related to determining the location of subscribers operate on the principles of geopositioning based on base stations.

    The Beeline Coordinates service is built on similar principles. With her help you can determine the coordinates of your friends, family and loved ones, having previously received permission to do so (the Locator service has similar functionality). Let's try to figure it out technical capabilities services, in tariffs, as well as in methods of disconnection, connection and management.

    Description of service

    The Beeline Coordinates service is aimed at those who need to receive location information certain people. Coordinates are obtained from the base stations of the Beeline cellular operator. In order to obtain information about the location of another subscriber, you need to send a simple SMS request. Cellular network will determine the coordinates of the desired subscriber and send them to the recipient.

    This service works exclusively for subscribers of the Beeline operator. Thus, we will not be able to obtain the location coordinates of an MTS or MegaFon subscriber. The service is beneficial for those who are surrounded by people who are Beeline subscribers. Since the coordinates are determined via telecom operator base stations, you can’t count on high accuracy - there are too many factors influencing the reliability of coordinate determination:

    • Urban density;
    • Presence of nearby sources of electromagnetic interference;
    • Green space density;
    • Air humidity and much more.

    But the abundance of base stations allows you to obtain fairly accurate coordinates. According to Beeline experts, the discrepancy from real location can reach from 200 meters to several kilometers. But this is quite enough to determine where a particular subscriber is located.

    Who will benefit from the service? If there are children in the family, then parents will be able to quickly determine their location - great way find out where children stay and where they go during walks. In addition, using this service you can monitor the location of vehicles and your employees. "Beeline Coordinates" service allows you to track the location of up to five subscribers who have previously given consent to this.

    The procedure looks like this:

    • We connect the “Beeline Coordinates” service;
    • Add a subscriber using an SMS command by sending the subscriber's name and number to short number 4770. For example, “Sergey 79611234567” (without quotes);
    • We wait for the subscriber’s consent to determine his location;
    • We send an SMS search command, indicating the subscriber's number or name (from those added to the list). For example, “Where is Sergey” or “Where is 79611234567”;
    • We are waiting for an SMS with the coordinates of the tracked subscriber.

    The maximum number of requests is not limited, but there is a limit on their frequency - no more than once every 5 minutes.

    Tracked subscribers must agree that their coordinates will be tracked. To do this they need send an SMS with the word YES to the number from which the SMS request will come. The most convenient way to determine the location of other subscribers is using the official website of the Beeline Coordinates service. Having received a password to access the “Personal Account” of the service, we will be able to see information about tracked subscribers on an interactive map.

    How remove a subscriber from your personal list? You need to send an SMS command “DELETE number” or “DELETE name”, for example, “DELETE SERGEY”. Do you want get a list of controlled subscribers? Send the word “LIST” to number 4770. Forgot all teams? Send the word “INFO” to 4770. Forgot password for “Personal Account” services on the website? Send the word "PASSWORD".

    Controlled subscribers also have the right to control the determination of their location. They can confirm the request for coordinates with the word “YES” or reject it with the word “NO”. Do you want know the number of the person who controls you? Send the word “WHO” in SMS and receive a list of these subscribers. Don't want your location to be monitored this or that subscriber? Send the command “STOP number”. Do you want completely disable tracking your phone? Send the STOP command.

    Need to reactivate the ability to track your coordinates? Send the START command. The “INFO” information command is also available for monitored subscribers.

    All teams presented in the review are sent to number 4770, without quotes.

    Does the tracked subscriber receive any notification when their coordinates are requested? If the tracked subscriber has already given consent to determine his coordinates, then the request is made without notification. What happens if the monitored subscriber turns off his phone? Nothing will happen - we simply will not be able to determine its coordinates.

    How to connect Beeline "Coordinates"

    In order to activate the Beeline service, you need to send empty SMS to number 4770 or call the free short number 0665 - using the same number you can receive additional information using the Beeline Coordinates service.

    How to disable Beeline "Coordinates"

    In order to disable the Beeline Coordinates service, send the word "OFF" to number 4770. In addition, you can cancel your subscription to the service in your “Personal Account” on the service’s website.

    Service cost

    Connecting and disconnecting the Beeline Coordinates service is free of charge. If the service is activated to the current number for the first time, then for the first seven days you can use it completely free of charge– one week is enough to appreciate all the delights of this service. After a week, size subscription fee for using the service will be 1.7 rubles per day.