• Find out year of birth in VK. Find out the hidden date of birth on VKontakte

    If you forget about someone's birthday, you can find yourself in an awkward situation, especially if it is someone close to you. If you're embarrassed to ask someone when their birthday is, but want to find out without being too intrusive, you have a good chance of doing it if you know where to look or how to ask without raising suspicion. Following further instructions, you will unobtrusively find out the information you need or understand where to look for it if your task turns out to be not so simple.


    Find out the date indirectly

      Ask the person when it will be six months since his birthday. It's a neat trick. You can talk to the person about this when exactly six months have passed since his birth. To begin with, tell him about when you will turn about a half, and then ask your interlocutor about this and calculate his date of birth. You can always bring a person to clean water with the help of leading questions, without focusing on this. Nothing could be easier.

      Ask the person to describe their most memorable birthday. Just ask him to tell you about his best birthday ever. Find out from him or her the time of year and how everything happened, based on what your interlocutor said, for example, whether it snowed or was it hot. This may help you remember the exact date.

      Just talk about birthdays. Say something casually about your birthday and see what they say in return. You might say, “Listen, I hate that I was born in the summer. Everyone is traveling, and no one comes to visit me on this day!” Or “I love that I was born in March. It’s always easier for me to cope with bad weather while waiting for my birthday.”

    • You could also say something like, “Only a month left until my birthday,” or even “Only a couple of weeks left until I turn (age) and a half.” Just watch what they tell you in response. Perhaps your interlocutor will mention his date of birth in passing.
    • Find out the zodiac sign of the person you are interested in. Say something like, “I'm an Aries, which indicates mood swings. What is your zodiac sign?”

    Try to find out which stone corresponds to a person's birth month. Some girls like to wear jewelry with the birthstone corresponding to their birth month; for example, opal corresponds to October. If a girl is wearing any jewelry with a birthstone, you can ask, “Is this your birthstone? What is this stone?" If it really is a girl's birthstone, she will tell you it and you will know her birth month. If not, the girl can at least give you a hint: “No, it’s not him. My stone is emerald.”

    Ask your mutual friend or relative about the birthday of the person you are interested in. If you and this person have mutual friends, just ask them for their birthday date. If they don't know, ask a friend to find out for you. You should not conceal your question. Just say that you forgot the person's birthday and that you feel bad about it. You don't have to come up with a clever plan to find out your date of birth.

    Search on the Internet

      Review the person's information on Facebook. The easiest way to find out your date of birth is to look at your profile on social networks. If you have access to social networks, log into your account and enter the name of the person you are interested in. Once you find the person's page, look at the information under the photo.

    • If his page is complete, his date of birth must be indicated in the “ general information" Remember that to implement your plan, you will need to add this person as a friend.
    • Some people indicate only their birthday, without indicating the year. If you need to know your birth year, this method may not work.
  • Study the information on Facebook carefully. Try scrolling down the page. You might see a happy birthday message. Most likely this is the person’s real date of birth.

    • Look through the person's Facebook photos. Perhaps you will see photos from the birthday celebration. While this won't help you much since not all photos are uploaded on your birthday, it will give you a clue.
  • Use other social networks. If Facebook did not help you, you can also look at other social networks or on those sites where information about a person is given in full, for example in blogs or portfolios. Other social networking sites may list users' birthdays, and even if they don't, you can find out more information by looking at the person's posts, tweets, or photos. List of sites where you can find necessary information, provided below:

    • Twitter
    • Instagram
    • Personal website or blog
    • Tumblr
  • Use an electronic database. There are several databases that you can search for the information you need for a fee or free of charge. For this to work you will need to enter full name person and approximate age. You may come across namesakes living at a different address, which will help you find out the place of residence of the person you are interested in, especially if this person’s name is quite common.

    Do your research

      Check your friend's calendar. Most people don't highlight their own birthday on their own calendar, but many do highlight their friends' birthdays. Search the calendar for "John's Birthday" or "Birthday Party!"

    1. Check if there are any old birthday greetings in your phone. If you know someone from their last birthday, there is a chance that you have previously sent them a “Happy Birthday!” Review your messages sent to this person. If you find what you need, you will find out the exact date of birth. Well done, detective!

      • Also check the phone number of the person you need. Just try to look through the messages so that he is not offended. You can say, “Hey, can I look at the calendar on your phone? I need to check something."
    2. , which you will have to pay, or something more understandable to you, such as government-records.com, which sometimes redirects users to other sites that require a monthly subscription.
      • Just make sure before paying for the service that the service you are using is legal. Think about it, maybe it will be easier for you to personally find out the information you are interested in.
    • Don't be upset if you didn't "forget" your friend's birthday, but simply remembered it incorrectly. Your friend will still know that you care about him. He will understand that you care about him, but are simply forgetful, if you suddenly come to him and say “Happy Birthday!”
    • Lead electronic diary. Record all birthdays in e-book and set reminders. This way you will never forget them.
    • If you have a tablet, iPhone or iPod Touch, use the built-in calculator. If not, use a Google calculator or a regular digital calculator.


    • If you all missed a friend's birthday without hearing about it, apologize for the belated greetings and give a gift or card, then write down the friend's birthday so you don't forget next time. Be careful next year!


    Contact this relatives person, if you know them or know where they live, and ask them where he was born. When asking such a question to people you don’t know, be sure to introduce yourself and say for what purpose you needed such data. If you are a representative of a government agency, then you will most likely be given an answer to this question. If you are a private person, then the reason must be weighty enough for you to be given a comprehensive answer.

    Continue your research by contacting the registry office archive, where, according to your assumptions, information about the place may be stored birth this person. Please note: any information related to birth, marriage/divorce and death is entered into the records of this institution, but it may not be included in the certificates. So if you made a request to the registry office and were told that they do not have such information, ask for an official written refusal with which you can go to court. It is likely that the employees of this institution will meet you halfway in this case.

    Make inquiries to district, regional and national archives, depending on what information you have about this person. So, if you know that he was called up for military service, make a request to the military registration and enlistment office or the archives of the Ministry of Defense, and if he was in custody - to the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, GUIN, FSB (provided that the funds where this information can be stored are open ).

    Please visit the website http://www.vgd.ru, which has a constantly updated database of Russian residents. Select the name of the wanted person person alphabetically and find out information about his likely fellow countrymen. You can also ask specialists collaborating with this resource a question that interests you on the forum.

    If you want to find the address of one of your relatives or old friends, or for some other reason you need detailed and accurate passport information of another person, do the appropriate request to the Federal Migration Service at his place of residence. The service is free. The only condition is the person you are talking about request or information, when the FMS authorities discover it, you will have to give your consent to provide you with your data.

    You will need

    • - Computer or communicator;
    • - Internet connection.


    Complete the application according to the template. Please indicate in the text: Full name person, his date and place of birth; the reason why you are requesting data on this person; your full name, date and place of birth, passport details, postal address. Be sure to make a note that you do not object to providing your data to the wanted person, otherwise they will not provide you with the necessary information. And don't forget to put your personal signature.

    Send the application by registered mail with return receipt requested to the address and reference service department of the Federal Migration Service at the place of residence of the wanted person. The necessary coordinates (address, telephone numbers for inquiries) can be found on the website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia http://www.fms.gov.ru To do this, select the desired region on interactive map in the right top corner site, click on it with the mouse, and then click the “More details” link in the pop-up window.

    Wait some time while FMS employees process your request and will send you a response. If a person has changed his place of residence, you will be informed which territorial authority you should contact. In this case, redirect your request at a new address.

    Please note that registered users Single portal government and municipal services Russia can send such request s in electronic form. Processing time request a – about three days. In this case, your application will not be lost and an answer to you is guaranteed in any case. The portal address is http://www.gosuslugi.ru. Also available new version portal - “Electronic government” http://epgu.gosuslugi.ru

    Go to the portal and enter your “Personal Account”. Find the "Registration" link. Read the description of the registration procedure, enter your data: full name, SNILS and INN, and also select the method of delivery to you of the account activation code. If you choose mail delivery, a registered letter with a code will arrive at your home in about a week.

    Enter the received activation code on the login page to your personal account. To do this, click on the corresponding button (see illustration).

    Log in to your personal account by entering SNILS and password. Select the “Electronic Services” button in the menu that opens.

    Select the Federal Migration Service from the list of departments that opens. And then, in the list of available FMS services, find the item “Providing address and reference information.”

    Confirm your consent to provide personal information and select your region.

    Fill in all required fields of the form that opens. Click on the “Submit Application” button.

    Monitor the progress of your processing request and in your personal account (the “Application” button on home page personal account). In addition, you will receive regular notifications about changes in status by email. request A.

    Video on the topic

    Please note

    If the person you are looking for does not allow the Federal Migration Service to provide you with his address, you will be sent a corresponding notice. In this case, you will not be able to legally obtain the information you are interested in.

    If you have any questions about filling out an electronic application, as well as about the procedure for providing services, please contact a FMS specialist for online consultation by clicking on the link below.


    • The procedure for obtaining address and reference information
    • Ask a question to a FMS specialist

    If you need to determine the place of service of a relative who died during the war, immediately prepare yourself for labor-intensive work. Don't think that someone will just tell you all the information that interests you. If some information has been preserved, then you will have to look for it in many archives, and this search will drag on for years.


    If your family has saved letters, try to determine the field post number by which you can find out the name of the unit (for this you can use the “Directory of Field Postal Stations of the Red Army in 1941-

    In life modern man Communication is important. Classmates, co-workers, work colleagues and business partners, acquaintances with whom we go to the same sports club or study foreign languages. Among all our acquaintances, we can single out people with whom communication is most pleasant for us. The reasons may be different: common interests, the desire to please the boss, personal sympathy or interest in cooperation. In order not to get into an awkward situation, it is worth taking care in advance not to miss the birthday of the person on whom we want to make a good impression.

    Below are instructions, after reading which you can find out a person’s date of birth by full name.

    Find date of birth by full name on social networks

    Communication on social networks is gaining more and more popularity. Therefore, the probability of finding information of interest about specific person quite high. Searching for people on all social networks is built on the same principle. Just go to your page, enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the person we are looking for in the search bar and click the “search” button. As a result, a list of people whose data matches the request will appear. Now you need to find the page of the desired person and get acquainted with his personal information and find his date of birth. This method will not work desired results, if the person is not registered on any of the listed sites.

    Find out the birthday of your work colleagues by name

    If you work together or work closely with this person, you can find out his date of birth from mutual friends or work colleagues. Surely there will be people who celebrated his birthday with him or simply congratulated him within the team. This method may not work if the person has just started a new job or you have just started collaborating with him.

    Find out your birthday by full name through paid resources

    There are a huge number of databases for searching information about people; as a rule, information is provided on a commercial basis, i.e. for money. But the result is worth it: the data about the person will be complete and provided in a short time. This is the most reliable way to find out a person's date of birth by full name.

    Social networks have become a part of our lives. Availability of a personal page in social network- this is already the norm and there is nothing unusual about it, I’ll even say more, many of us spend quite a bit of time there. People add, meet, communicate. However, some points can make communication a little more difficult.

    For example, a person has been added to you, starts communicating, but you can’t tell from their profile pictures whether they are 16 years old or 30, and their date of birth is not indicated in their profile... And you don’t know how to communicate with a person, because asking age is also not always a good idea That's convenient. In this case, it is better to try to determine the date of birth or at least the approximate age using the VKontakte page yourself.

    There are several simple ways to check a person’s age on the social network VKontakte (now called briefly - vk, due to the new, short address -

    I bring to your attention two small secrets that allow to know hidden age VKontakte user specified in the application form.

    We find out age through the standard VKontakte search.

    This method will work even if the person is completely hid his date of birth. The only restriction is that the person must be over 14 years old.


    1. We go to the page of the user we are interested in, look at his main photo, and also remember (or better yet, copy) the first and last name from his profile.
    2. Enter the copied first and last name into the search box. We indicate the country and city (if we know), as well as other data known to us. As a result of the manipulations, a small (or large) list of profiles should appear, among which the page of the person we are interested in will loom.
    3. Let's start playing with the "Age" column. First, indicate the approximate interval (from and to). If the profile of the person we are interested in still appears in the search results, then we are right! If so, then we begin to narrow the scope until the numbers from and to coincide, which will be the answer to our question.


    Let's say a person is 20 years old, but we don’t know that yet.

    Suppose first in the search, we indicated the person’s age from 14 to 20 years and his profile was successfully displayed among others. Now we change one of the numbers(instead of 20 we put 16) and we see that the person has disappeared from the search results. It means that his age is in the range of 16-20 years, and not 14-16, as we assumed. Now we set the value to 19-20, and we see that the person has returned to our search results. This means that he is either 19 or 20. Next we set it to 20 - 20, we see that the profile is still looming on the left. And this means only one thing - the man is 20 years old and we have successfully found out his age! Goal achieved!

    In words it may sound a little complicated, but believe me, it’s the easiest and most reliable way to find out your hidden age!

    Method two. We use a calendar.

    The method will only work if the year is hidden, but the date of birth is shown.

    We proceed as follows:

    1. We go to the user’s page and see the day and month of his birth.
    2. Go to the VKontakte calendar (for example, using the link

    You have the opportunity to indicate in the settings of your page your age (see) and date of birth (see). Many users prefer to hide this information.

    What if we need to know this? In this material I will show you how to find out the age and date of birth of a person on VKontakte.

    Dealing with age

    I’ll say right away that the method is quite confusing. But there is no other.

    We go to VK, open the “Friends” section. Here we open the “Options” tab, and in the “Age” column, indicate the approximate interval. For example, you know for sure that a person is over 18 years old. And he’s definitely under 30. These are the values ​​you’ll set.

    Then we proceed according to the following scheme. Checking if it is in the search results the right person. If so, we reduce or increase the interval by 1 year. In our example, you need to set 19 or 29 years. Let's check again. If a person disappears from the list, it means he is either 30 or 18.

    If, after changing the criteria, the desired user remains in the list, repeat this procedure, until you determine the exact age.

    How to find out a person’s date of birth on VKontakte

    The principle is the same here. Only the process is longer. In the parameters we will specify the interval in days.

    We copy the username from his page (see). Return to the “Friends” section and go to the “Finding Friends” tab. Here we indicate the name of our friend.

    Now open the tab "Additionally", in the list of search options. We indicate the date of birth. You can start from the first of January. Look - if your friend remains on the list according to the specified criteria, then you have determined his age.

    If it is not in the list, set the next day in the parameters. And so on until you find it.

    Video tutorial: how to find out how old a person is on VK


    Keep in mind that the necessary data can be found if the user specified it in the settings of his page, but hid it for viewing.


    Social networks have become a part of our lives. Having a personal page on a social network is already the norm and there is nothing unusual about it; I’ll even say more, many of us spend quite a bit of time there. People add, meet, communicate. However, some points can make communication a little more difficult.

    For example, a person has been added to you, starts communicating, but you can’t tell from their profile pictures whether they are 16 years old or 30, and their date of birth is not indicated in their profile... And you don’t know how to communicate with a person, because asking age is also not always a good idea That's convenient. In this case, it is better to try to determine the date of birth or at least the approximate age using the VKontakte page yourself.

    There are several simple ways check the age of a person on the social network “VKontakte” (now called briefly - vk, due to the new, short address - vk.com).

    View hidden date of birth.

    Many people have their date of birth listed, but it is simply hidden from view. For some, it may be completely absent, and for others only partially (for example, the year or month of birth or date).

    Option 1 (simple).

    Open the link https://vk.com/events.php?act=calendar and just look for the right person. When you hover over the profile picture, it will indicate how old the person will be and when.

    Option 2 (more difficult).

    To find out your date of birth, simply enter in the “people search” the name of the person whose date of birth you want to know. If your request comes up with a lot of people, then narrow the search, for example, indicate the city or some other data.

    After this, when only one of our people remains (if there are several, it’s okay), we begin to play with the points. Below is a screenshot.

    As you can see, in the screenshot some items are circled in red and others in blue. Where the outline is blue, those items are needed in order to sort out the extra Medvedevs, and where it is red, these are menu items that will help determine the date of birth.

    VKontakte registration date determined based on what is located on the official website XML file with FOAF information. You can always check the profile registration date yourself by passing the user's page identifier as the id parameter to this file. For example, opening source code page vk.com/foaf.php?id=1 you will see:



    The value you are looking for will be in the tag , where YYYY-MM-DD is the year, month and day, HH:MM:SS is the hours, minutes and seconds, and +HH:MM is the time zone. In cases where the registration date of an account cannot be determined, for example, when a user’s page is deleted, it is calculated based on neighboring accounts whose registration date is known.

    In addition, it is being built friends registration schedule. It shows the number of friends who have registered over the entire period of VKontakte’s existence. Based on it, you can draw some conclusions about the profile being checked. For example, the presence of friends on the left side of the graph indicates that to this user trusted by time-tested real account owners. Even if the person registered recently.

    This graph suggests that a person adds everyone as friends indiscriminately. Most likely, this person is conducting some kind of active activity on VKontakte. However, the presence large quantity friends on the left side indicates that this person is trusted by the old-timers of the social network. And just like in the previous case, regardless of the date of its registration.

    But this graph should alert you. This account was registered quite recently, and is also friends with the same “green” profiles. Of course, this could also be real person and his real friends, but in this case you are looking at a teenager, or even a child who has recently learned to use the Internet.

    Pages with a small number of friends may also indicate low trust in the character being tested. Although in in this case it could be a real person. As in all previous graphs important role It’s not the number of friends that matters, but their concentration in certain parts of the chart. Share this material with others if you agree with the author of this article. Or leave a comment if you disagree. Don't forget to include a link to the original source. Thank you for your attention.

    My competitor, vkreg.ru (formerly api.smsanon.ru), thanks for the inspiration. Anyone who has used this service, please write in the comments which is more convenient.

    Answering the “how to find out” questions

    • phone number of the page owner;
    • the number that was used for registration;
    • city ​​of residence;
    • in which city did you register?
    • IP addresses from which the user logs into VK;
    • what IP address the page was created from;
    • latest correspondence...

    VK does not provide such information. But you can ask the page owner about this. ;-)