• Viber how to find out what a blocked contact wrote. Blocking in Viber

    Very often during communication we come across intrusive contacts. They may send advertising messages or set a bad tone for the conversation. Therefore, when communicating on, be extremely attentive to various mailings and attached media files, because they can pose a virus threat. If you receive a message with such a file from an unknown user, it is better to ignore it, not open it, but delete it immediately. To avoid unpleasant situations, you can block such contact.

    What happens when a Viber number is blocked?

    By blocking a user, you prevent him from writing text messages to you or calling you using the application.

    There are some clarifications regarding blocking, namely:

    1. It will be impossible to send messages and calls to those users that you have blocked;
    2. Such users are able to observe information about your profile (see your image and status on the network);
    3. Unblocking a contact will not return the correspondence that took place before;
    4. You will only be able to receive calls and push messages from a blocked number on a PC or tablet running version 8;
    5. Blocking a number should not delete the history of correspondence and calls;
    6. Such a contact can invite you to a group dialogue, where you will see his messages.

    How to unblock your number on Viber

    Undoubtedly, if the application is unavailable, it greatly interferes with work. But the only way out is to wait until technical support fixes the problem. You can't do anything on your own. There may also be a problem with the Internet connection, then the application will not work either. Wait a bit until the connection is restored and try logging into the utility again.

    It will be worse if your number is blocked. This is possible in several ways: if you send information of any kind to your contacts, the application will automatically send you to spammers. Therefore from large shipments It's best to abstain. All this is because it is impossible to unblock a number if you are on the list of spammers. Such strict measures are spelled out in Viber policies, and they mean that no matter how much you write to technical support, you will not be unblocked.

    If you are sure that you did not send spam from your phone - .

    If you have blocked a number from your contact list yourself, you can unblock it back as follows. Open menu " additional options", in which select the "settings" item. There you need to find the “confidentiality” item, where there will be a “list of blocked numbers”. In this list, find the required contact and select the “unblock” button. Remember that even if you unblock a number, messages sent from it will not be saved.

    Like any other messenger, Viber has the function of placing a selected contact on a blacklist, while the other party does not receive any notifications about this. Whether this is good or bad is not possible to answer this question unambiguously. We know one thing - many are searching and asking “ How to find out if I have been blocked on Viber».

    This cannot be found out using standard means, but it can still be solved using indirect methods.
    Note: if the number was blocked by the messenger itself and a corresponding service notification was received, then you need to contact the support service directly.

    Facts of blocking in Viber

    As already mentioned, there is no way to find out directly whether you are on the blacklist or not. You just need good attentiveness to track the status of messages sent or calls made, as well as the very fact that a person is online.

    And so if you suspect that you blocked on Viber- send a message or send a photo. Observe the status of the SMS; if it takes a long time to be delivered or there is no “Delivered” signature, this is most likely due to the fact that it has been blocked.

    Another feature that you need to remember is that all messages previously sent if the contact is unblocked will not arrive.

    The second method is to monitor the interlocutor’s presence on the Internet. If for you he is constantly offline (absent system notification- “online” or “was then”), although you are in to a greater extent If you are sure that a person logs in and uses the messenger, then it should be implied that you are being blacklisted. And when making calls, you only hear beeps or the call is immediately dropped.

    Conclusion: checking the status of sent messages and the last time you were online indirectly indicates the fact of blocking.

    What a blocked contact sees in Viber:

    • Your profile photo and your telephone number.
    • Can view the history of correspondence with you, unless you deleted the messages in both cases.
    • Create groups and send you invitations, as well as send text SMS V group chat, but you won't get them.
    If, in your opinion, the blocking was erroneous (anything can happen) and your friend did not want to interrupt communication, then try the following steps:
    • Send a regular SMS or call cell phone with a request to check the blacklist in the messenger.
    • If you have a common group, write to general chat, the person will see and somehow correct the situation.
    • Try sending it to him email or contact us in any other available way.

    Blocking and deactivation

    Many people confuse the concepts of blocking and deactivation. If you don't receive a response for a long time, there is no need to panic and think that you have been blocked. The user could, for one reason or another, disconnect his phone number or be automatically banned for sending spam.

    When you try to send an SMS, you will receive a notification that such and such a user no longer uses Viber for this number.

    If you have any more questions, ask in the comments.

    Particularly annoying and annoying users can be blocked so that they do not cause inconvenience. This is done so easily that anyone can do it. But the point is different. Now we will find out whether it is possible to find out that such an operation was performed on you.

    We’ll also figure out what a blocked user sees in Viber. The developers did not specifically add any notifications so that participants would not be able to know about their fate, but using some features this can be found out.

    First signs of blocking

    If you are interested in the question “How to understand that you have been blocked on Viber?” - they probably already suspected this fact.

    The first thing you need to do is write to the user in the chat and see his reaction. If he answers after a few days, then there is no need to worry, but if he continues to remain silent, then you need to check the following signs.

    Sign No. 1 – status

    Usually all users have the status “ Online" Only advanced participants sometimes change it, and soon return it back again. Therefore, the first answer to the question “How can I find out if I have been blocked on Viber?” — there will be a status check. If you are actually blacklisted, the status will not be displayed. There will simply be nothing in its place.

    Sign #2 – ignoring

    Once you send a message, you will not receive a response. This is because all your messages and calls will not reach the recipient. He will not be able to see them even after unlocking. All that remains is to check in other ways, for example, register a new account and drink from it.

    Sign No. 3 – what does a blocked user see in dialogues?

    One of the features of the architecture allows you to almost accurately calculate the fact of blacklisting - this is the fact of sending a message. You've probably noticed that when sent, a message has three states:

    If you do not see one of these conditions in Viber, and all other signs also converge, then with 100% probability we can say that you have been blocked. Perhaps the user did this by accident, then it’s worth notifying him about this and asking him to return you back to the contact list.

    Communication on Viber with some users is sometimes impossible. People can block your account for some reason personal reasons. How to understand that you have been blocked on Viber?

    Main features

    The user who has blocked you will no longer tell you that he does not want to communicate with you. This is the purpose of blocking: to get rid of the company of certain people. We will not consider the reasons. We will try to tell you how to detect a blockage.

    To find out for sure that you have been blocked, you must first send a message to the user. It doesn’t matter if it happens text message, photograph, video or audio. You don’t have to worry that the person will ever find out that you sent him a letter. He will not know about attempts to contact him even if he later decides to unblock you. Next, there are two options for events:

    • The message will receive the “Delivered” status. This means only one thing - the user has not blocked you.
    • The letter will take a long time to be sent and the “Delivered” mark will not appear. An error message may appear instead. However, don't rush to conclusions. You must understand that this may be a simple deactivation of your account or a failure in your Internet connection.

    A blocked user also does not see that the subscriber has an “Online” status. For him, he will now be constantly offline.

    It is also worth remembering that chat messages you send are not only not delivered, but also not saved.

    Another reliable method of verification is to ask a mutual friend to contact him via Viber. If he answers, then you are most likely a blocked user who, nevertheless, has access to some actions.

    Available actions

    What can a blocked user do? Naturally, you can neither call nor send a message, that is, you cannot communicate in any way. However, some options still remain available:

    • You can view a user's photo and his or her phone number.
    • If you communicated with the person before the blocking occurred, you will be shown the history of messages and calls in the chat.
    • You are allowed to send invitations to participate in group chats.
    • Regular telephone communication also no one canceled. Call the person back and find out what's going on. If the subscriber does not answer, it means that he simply does not want to talk or, perhaps, he will get in touch later.

    Blocking and deactivation

    These two concepts should not be confused. If you cannot send a message to a user in Viber, this does not mean that your profile is blocked by the user. Therefore, if you are unable to reach the person on the phone, there is no need to panic. Perhaps the profile owner simply disconnected his number from Viber, that is, deactivated the account.

    How to understand that deactivation has occurred? In this case, you will see the picture that you installed, and not your interlocutor.

    The second way to check is by sending a message. If the application prompts you to add the user to your contacts, then this is deactivation.

    How to block?

    Let’s answer the question: “How could the user block me?” In fact, this can be done in just a couple of clicks.

    1. Click on the menu (the icon in the upper right corner in the form of three vertical dots).
    2. Select "Block".

    If you are convinced that you have been blocked, you can ask him or her to unblock you by contacting you in some other way. This may have been done by accident rather than on purpose.

    To prevent certain users from pestering you with messages, people block them. You can find out about the blocking. The main symptom is that messages are not delivered, and the status of the ex-interlocutor is always “Offline”. However, do not rush to conclusions - this may be a temporary network failure or deactivation account. A simple call using your usual telephone connection can clear everything up.

    Viber messenger- this is very convenient application, with which you can communicate with by different people using mobile phone. Thanks to this messenger, communication with friends is carried out regardless of the person’s location. But it also happens that certain people do not want to communicate and therefore block you, which is why many people ask how to find out if I have been blocked on Viber? You can do this in just a few steps.

    Facts of blocking in Viber

    In order to determine whether you have been blocked on Viber, you just need to track the status and behavior of the person you are interested in.

    If you don’t know how to find out that you have been blocked on Viber, then you just need to send the following to the user:

    • Voice message;
    • Photos;
    • Text message.

    If the information you send does not take a long time to be delivered, this will indicate a blockage. Otherwise, your email will be marked "Delivered". When using this method, you don't have to worry about the person ever knowing that you forwarded the email to them. He will not know about attempts to communicate with him, even if after a certain time he unblocks you. If the person who blocked you has put you on the Black List, then the possibility of finding out about the letter you wrote is reduced to zero. But this is not the only way to find out about the blocking. If you don’t know how to understand that you have been blocked on Viber, then look at the status of your interlocutor. He will be available for you offline at any time.

    You will also not be able to see user status updates. Using these two criteria, the fact of blocking can be determined quite simply within a few days.

    Deactivating a number

    Very often, users confuse blocking and deactivation. If they lose contact with a certain person, then they panic and believe that they have been blocked. But this is not always the case. In some cases, users simply disconnect their numbers from Viber, and therefore the ability to communicate with them is reduced to zero. If the user has deactivated his number, then in the correspondence you will see the picture that you set, and not your interlocutor. You can also check whether a number has been deactivated by attempting to send a message.

    In this case, the program will prompt the person to add the user to whom he is trying to send a message to his contacts.

    Finding out about a block in Viber is quite simple. To do this, you must be guided by such factors as the inability to send a message, permanent offline status, lack of status updates.

    All these facts indicate that you have been blocked. If a user unblocks you, you will see their online status and can also send them messages. Previous sending attempts will not be displayed.

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