• Types of LEDs for powerful flashlights. LEDs for flashlights: characteristics, photos, diagrams

    Let's consider LED products, ranging from old 5 mm to super-bright high-power LEDs whose power reaches 10 W.

    To choose the “right” flashlight for your needs, you need to understand what kinds of LED flashlights there are and their characteristics.

    What diodes are used in flashlights?

    High-power LED lights started with 5mm sensor devices.

    LED flashlights in completely different designs, from pocket to camping, became widespread in the mid-2000s. Their price has dropped noticeably, and the brightness and long service life of a single battery charge have played their role.

    5mm white ultra-bright LEDs consume 20 to 50 mA of current, with a voltage drop of 3.2-3.4 volts. Luminous intensity – 800 mcd.

    They perform very well in miniature keychain flashlights. The small size allows you to carry this flashlight with you. They are powered either by “mini-pen” batteries or by several round “tablets”. Often used in flashlight lighters.

    These are the types of LEDs that have been installed in Chinese lanterns for many years, but their life is gradually coming to an end.

    In search lights when large size reflectors, it is possible to mount dozens of such diodes, but such solutions are gradually fading into the background, and the choice of buyers falls in favor of flashlights with powerful Cree-type LEDs.

    Search light with 5mm LEDs

    These flashlights operate on AA, AAA batteries or rechargeable batteries. They are inexpensive and inferior both in brightness and quality to modern flashlights with more powerful crystals, but more on that below.

    IN further development Manufacturers of flashlights have gone through many options, but the market for quality products is occupied by flashlights with powerful matrices or discrete LEDs.

    What kind of LEDs are used in high-power flashlights?

    Powerful flashlights mean modern flashlights various types ranging from those the size of a finger to huge search lights.

    In such products, the Cree brand is relevant in 2017. This is the name of an American company. Its products are considered one of the most advanced in the field of LED technology. An alternative is LED from the manufacturer Luminus.

    Such things are significantly superior to LEDs from Chinese lanterns.

    What Cree LEDs are most commonly installed in flashlights?

    Models are called consisting of three or four characters, separated by a hyphen. So diodes Cree XR-E, XR-G, XM-L, XP-E. Models XP-E2, G2 are most often used for small flashlights, while XM-L and L2 are very versatile.

    They are used starting from the so-called. EDC flashlights (everyday carry) range from small flashlights smaller than the palm of your hand to large, serious search flashlights.

    Let's look at the characteristics of high-power LEDs for flashlights.

    Name Cree XM-L T6Cree XM-L2Cree XP-G2Cree XR-E
    U, V 2,9 2,85 2,8 3,3
    I, mA 700 700 350 350
    P, W 2 2 1 1
    Operating temperature, °C
    Luminous flux, Lm 280 320 145 100
    Illumination angle, ° 125 125 115 90
    Color rendering index, Ra 80-90 70-90 80-90 70-90

    The main characteristic of LEDs for flashlights is luminous flux. The brightness of your flashlight and the amount of light that the source can provide depends on it. Different LEDs, consuming the same amount of energy, can differ significantly in brightness.

    Let's look at the characteristics of LEDs in large floodlight flashlights :

    U, V 5,7; 8,55; 34,2; 6; 12; 3,6 3,5
    I, mA 1100; 735; 185; 2500; 1250 5000 9000...13500
    P, W 6,3 8,5 18 20...40
    Operating temperature, °C
    Luminous flux, Lm 440 510 1250 2000...2500
    Illumination angle, ° 115 120 100 90
    Color rendering index, Ra 70-90 80-90 80-90

    Sellers often do not indicate the full name of the diode, its type and characteristics, but an abbreviated, slightly different alphanumeric marking:

    • For XM-L: T5; T6; U2;
    • XP-G: R4; R5; S2;
    • XP-E: Q5; R2; R;
    • for XR-E: P4; Q3; Q5; R.

    The flashlight may be called “EDC T6 Flashlight”, there is more than enough information in such brevity.

    Flashlight repair

    Unfortunately, the price of such flashlights is quite high, as are the diodes themselves. And it is not always possible to purchase a new flashlight in case of a breakdown. Let's figure out how to change the LED in a flashlight.

    To repair the flashlight you need minimum set tools:

    • Soldering iron;
    • flux;
    • solder;
    • screwdriver;
    • multimeter

    To get to the light source you need to unscrew the head of the flashlight; it is usually attached to a threaded connection.

    In diode test or resistance measurement mode, check that the LED is working properly. To do this, touch the black and red probes to the LED terminals, first in one position, and then swap the red and black ones.

    If the diode is working properly, then in one of the positions there will be low resistance, and in the other - high. This way you determine that the diode is working and conducts current in only one direction. The diode may emit faint light during testing.

    Otherwise, in both positions there will be short circuit or high resistance (open). Then you need to replace the diode in the flashlight.

    Now you need to unsolder the LED from the flashlight and, observing the polarity, solder in a new one. Be careful when choosing an LED, consider its current consumption and the voltage for which it is designed.

    If you neglect these parameters, best case scenario The flashlight will quickly dry up, and in the worst case, the driver will fail.

    A driver is a device for powering an LED with stabilized current from different sources. Drivers are industrially manufactured for power supply from a 220 volt network, from a car electrical network - 12-14.7 volts, from Li-ion batteries, for example, size 18650. Most powerful flashlights are equipped with a driver.

    Increasing the power of the flashlight

    If you are not satisfied with the brightness of your flashlight or you have figured out how to replace the LED in a flashlight and want to upgrade it, before buying heavy-duty models, study the basic principles LED work and restrictions on their use.

    Diode matrices do not like overheating - this is the main postulate! And replacing the LED in a flashlight with a more powerful one can lead to this situation. Pay attention to models in which more powerful diodes are installed and compare them with yours; if they are similar in size and design, change them.

    If your flashlight is smaller, you will need additional cooling. We wrote more about making radiators with our own hands.

    If you try to install such a giant as the Cree MK-R into a miniature keychain flashlight, it will quickly fail from overheating and it will be a waste of money. A slight increase in power (a couple of watts) is acceptable without upgrading the flashlight itself.

    Otherwise, the process of replacing the brand of LED in a flashlight with a more powerful one is described above.

    Police lights

    LED Police flashlight with shocker

    Such lanterns shine brightly and can act as a means of self-defense. However, they also have problems with LEDs.

    How to replace the LED in a Police flashlight

    Wide model range It is very difficult to cover in one article, but general recommendations for repairs can be given.

    1. When repairing a flashlight with a stun gun, be careful, preferably use rubber gloves to avoid electric shock.
    2. Flashlights with dust and moisture protection are assembled on a large number of screws. They differ in length, so make notes from where you unscrewed this or that screw.
    3. The optical system of the Police flashlight allows you to adjust the diameter of the light spot. When disassembling the body, make marks on the position in which the parts were before removal, otherwise it will be difficult to put the unit with the lens back.

    Replacing the LED, voltage converter unit, driver, and battery is possible using a standard soldering kit.

    What kind of LEDs are used in Chinese lanterns?

    Many products are now purchased on Aliexpress, where you can find both original products and Chinese copies that do not correspond to the stated description. The price for such devices is comparable to the price of the original.

    In a flashlight that claims a Cree LED, it may not actually be there; at best, there will be a diode of a frankly different type, at worst, one that will be difficult to distinguish from the original in appearance.

    What might this entail? Cheap LEDs are made in low-tech conditions and do not produce the declared power. They have low efficiency, which is why they have increased heating of the case and crystal. As has already been said, overheating is the worst enemy for LED devices.

    This happens because when heated, the current through the semiconductor increases, as a result of which the heating becomes even stronger, the power is released even more, and this avalanche-like leads to breakdown or breakage of the LED.

    If you try and spend time searching for information, you can determine the originality of the product.

    Compare the original and fake cree

    LatticeBright is a Chinese LED manufacturer that makes products very similar to Cree, probably a coincidence of design thought (sarcasm).

    Comparison Chinese copy and the original Cree

    On the substrates these clones look like this. You can notice the variety of shapes of LED substrates produced in China.

    Detecting counterfeit by LED substrate

    Counterfeits are made quite skillfully; many sellers do not indicate this “brand” in the product description and where the LEDs for flashlights are made. The quality of such diodes is not the worst among Chinese junk, but it is also far from the original.

    Installing an LED instead of an incandescent lamp

    Many people have horse races or incandescent lamps collecting dust in old things, and you can easily turn it into LED. For this, there are either ready-made solutions or homemade ones.

    Using a broken light bulb and LEDs, with a little ingenuity and solder, you can make a great replacement.

    Iron barrel in in this case needed to improve heat dissipation from the LED. Next you need to solder all the parts to each other and secure with glue.

    When assembling, be careful - avoid shorting the leads; hot glue or heat shrink tubing will help with this. The central contact of the lamp must be unsoldered - a hole will form. Pass the resistor lead through it.

    Next you need to solder the free lead of the LED to the base, and the resistor to the central contact. For a voltage of 12 volts you need a 500 Ohm resistor, for a voltage of 5 V – 50-100 Ohms, for power from a Li-ion 3.7V battery – 10-25 Ohms.

    How to make an LED lamp from an incandescent lamp

    Selecting an LED for a flashlight is much more difficult than replacing it. It is necessary to take into account a lot of parameters: from brightness and dispersion angle to heating of the case.

    In addition, we must not forget about the power supply for the diodes. If you master everything described above, your devices will shine for a long time and with high quality!

    The use of LEDs in flashlights has long passed from fashion trends to a theoretically and practically justified necessity. They, unlike incandescent lamps, are designed for use in directional light sources.

    Numerous features of the light-emitting matrix of diodes make it possible to obtain devices with parameters that are even theoretically impossible for an incandescent lamp to approach.

    The most powerful flashlights in the world

    The most powerful tactical flashlight in the world was created by the Korean company Polarion based on xenon lamp. Two models are available: PH50 and PF50 (with and without handle).

    Initially, a heavy-duty tactical flashlight was produced for special services and special forces. It is now available for purchase. Average price- $1100. Let's go through its characteristics.

    • Luminous flux 5200 lumens;
    • beam range 1500 meters;
    • weight - 1.8 kg;
    • ignition time to maximum brightness - 4 seconds;
    • operating time 90 minutes;
    • Battery charging time from a 220V network is 4 hours.

    But in fact this is far from the limit.

    In Germany (Frankfurt) a homemade LED flashlight with power luminous flux 18000 lumens! It is so bright that it can easily burn out the retina of the eye.

    Types of Powerful LED Flashlights

    There are about 10 types of lanterns depending on their purpose:

    • Hand-held compact or full-size flashlights. Classic form factor, suitable for everyday household needs.
    • Headlamps. Allows you to illuminate your workspace while leaving your hands free.
    • Highly specialized flashlights. These include underwater flashlights, shock-resistant tourist flashlights, laser flashlights, tactical flashlights (under-barrel flashlights), etc.
    • Flashlight shocker. Performs a protective role. Equipped powerful battery and produces an arc voltage of up to 3,000,000 Volts.

    We will be looking at hand-held, full-size, high-power flashlights. They can be divided into two types, depending on their purpose: signaling and lighting.

    Signal lights designed to create a narrow beam of light that maintains focus over long distances.

    This type produces a spot of high brightness even at a distance of 600-800 meters.

    In lighting lanterns reflectors of scattering type. They provide bright illumination with a beam angle of approximately 120 degrees.

    How to choose an LED flashlight

    Let's look at what to look for when choosing a powerful LED flashlight.

    Luminous flux power: from 60 lumens to 4600 lumens. The larger it is, the brighter it is and the faster the battery will drain.

    Based on the intensity of the light flux, you can estimate how far it will shine. Determine the distance using the table below.

    Power supply type:

    • batteries;
    • batteries;
    • combined (batteries with built-in generator).

    We choose according to our needs. The rechargeable one is more expensive, but with regular use we benefit from charging. Battery-powered ones are cheaper, but choosing powerful LED, you will buy them weekly.

    The type of power source determines its operating time. Essentially, the more the better, but also much more expensive. Choose by finance. The average battery capacity, depending on its type, is shown in the table below. Depending on the capacity, you can calculate how long the LED flashlight will work (see below for how to calculate).

    Focus type:

    • signal (search);
    • lighting.

    The light of a signal light is focused into a thin beam, allowing it to shine much further than conventional flashlights. But apart from the beam spot, nothing will be visible around.

    Flashlights are more defocused, making them more convenient to use at home, on a bicycle, hunting, etc.

    How to choose a household LED flashlight

    For domestic needs high power not needed. More important parameter– service life of batteries.

    If you plan to use the flashlight regularly, it is better to consider battery-powered models with a built-in generator. The built-in generator will not allow you to be left without lighting. It works on the principle of a dynamo; for domestic needs this is the optimal, almost eternal option.

    How to choose a powerful rechargeable LED flashlight

    Powerful LED flashlights are purchased by those who are interested in fishing, hunting, or often spend the night outdoors.

    First of all, we look at the type of housing protection:

    • IP50 protection class provides protection against dirt and dust;
    • protection class IP65 - products that are not afraid of moisture, and with the IP67-69 marking you can even be submerged under water.

    Choose the power of LEDs and batteries for a household flashlight based on your needs. Recommendations are provided above.

    How to calculate the operating time of a flashlight using batteries or rechargeable batteries

    The LED crystal supply voltage is 3.2-3.4V. Average current consumption is 300mA per 100 lumens.

    When powered by a weak flashlight with a brightness of 50 lumens, from 2 AA batteries, with a total capacity of 4000 mAh, they will last for 26 hours continuous operation lantern Taking into account the error in current consumption and battery capacity, we will add a correction factor of 0.8. Total 21 hours.

    Operating time = 4000mAh(capacity of our batteries) / 150 mA(LED current consumption) * 0.8 = about 21 hours.

    The capacity can be found on the batteries themselves or in the flashlight passport (if it is rechargeable). We take the current consumption based on the luminous flux of the installed LED (it is in the flashlight passport or can be found by the marking of the LED matrix).

    With a luminous flux of a super powerful flashlight of 1000Lm, the consumption will be 3000mA. We divide the capacity of 4000 by the consumption of 3000 with a coefficient of 0.8 = we get the period of continuous operation from the same 2 AA batteries in 1 hour.

    How to convert an ordinary flashlight into an LED one

    The price of powerful flashlights is from 20 to 500 dollars. At the same time, for a couple of dollars you can buy an ordinary flashlight with a high-quality body, which minimum investment will turn into a powerful light source using diodes.

    Which LED is best for a flashlight? The LED used must be designed for voltages up to 5 volts and have a compact size.

    The brightest LED for a flashlight

    If you want to assemble a very powerful flashlight with minimal investment, pay attention to a model such as Luminus SST-90-WW Star 30W. Its supply voltage is 3-3.7 volts, which will make the flashlight quite compact.

    The luminous flux at a current consumption of 9000 mA is 2300 lumens. It is clear that it will not be able to work normally from AA batteries, much less from ordinary batteries.

    To make such a flashlight, it is better to use a massive housing in which one or two 6-volt, 6Ah batteries can be installed.

    To cool the matrix you will need a massive heatsink and a power driver.

    A conversion in this version costs $35-40, but ready-made solutions of similar power start from $100-120.

    When creating a similar design using three bright LEDs for a Cree XM-L2 T6 10W flashlight, the design will cost almost half as much, due to the price of the drivers and the diodes themselves.

    Homemade bright flashlight

    Choose a compact diode with a power of up to 1W for your flashlight. Diode supply voltage 3.2-3.6 V, current consumption 300 mA, luminous flux 100 lumens. The relatively low power will allow you to do without a cooling radiator.

    With a light emitter size of 25 x 25 mm, it is possible to install 9 such LEDs with a total brightness of 900 lumens. It is possible to use a budget current stabilizer LM317 () as a driver. With a total current consumption of up to 2700 mA, this flashlight can be powered from two AA batteries.

    The total cost of refurbishment will not exceed ten dollars.

    Suitable for various powers. The luminous efficiency of the device should not exceed 80 lm. You should also pay attention to the driver. Typically it is installed with an output capacitor. Some models have an amplifier. On average, their current consumption is 3 A.

    If we consider sensitive modifications, then they have a voltage surge protection system installed. In order to understand the issue in more detail, it is necessary to consider specific models.

    Circuits with capacitive capacitors

    LED flashlight circuits with capacitive capacitors include wave filters. In this case, triggers are used on a semiconductor basis. As a rule, their output voltage does not exceed 20 V. Converters are used to reduce sensitivity. Drivers for models are installed with different throughput. If we consider a 30 V LED, then it has a transceiver.

    Using snubber capacitors

    The LED circuit with a damping capacitor includes contact filters. In total, the models have two converters. The driver is connected to the LED through a winding. Some modifications have a compact transceiver. Most often it is used with an amplifier.

    Characteristics of LED marked 530

    These are universal for flashlights too. The characteristics of the devices indicate a high conductivity coefficient. LEDs are produced for 20 and 25 V. If we consider the first option, the luminous efficiency of the device is on average 60 lm. The color rendering coefficient in this case depends on the conductivity of the transceiver. For many models, the amplifier is used without a converter.

    The current consumption of LEDs does not exceed 2.5 A. Turn-on time of models of this type is about 6 ms. If we consider 25 V LEDs, then they only use a pulse transceiver. Many models have one amplifier. The driver is connected using a converter. The luminous flux parameter is around 65 lm. The turn-on time for LEDs of this type is 7 ms.

    LED 640 (LEDs for flashlights): characteristics, photos

    The LED circuit of this series includes a phase-type converter. Filters are used to increase sensitivity. Amplifiers are most often used on a magnetic basis. The luminous efficiency parameter in the devices is 65 lm. It is also important to note that the current consumption does not exceed 4.2 A. The frequency deviation averages 4 Hz.

    The service life of this type of LED is three years. The disadvantages of the devices include the low current conductivity of the drivers. Their brightness indicator is extremely low. Light output, as a rule, does not exceed 5%. These 6 volt flashlight LEDs work well.

    Using LED 765

    The 12V unit uses the specified flashlight LEDs. The 2014 specifications indicate an increased level of current consumption. this modification is equal to 45 lm. It is also important to note that the model is suitable for switching amplifiers. The driver in the device is used at 6.5 microns. Phase interference with these LEDs is not a problem.

    Luminous efficiency averages 70 lm. The service life of the device does not exceed four years. The color rendering coefficient is 80%. The model is perfect for flashlights with regulators. In this case, the devices are connected via a contact adapter.

    LED 840 circuit

    These are compact and universal LEDs for flashlights. The characteristics of the model primarily indicate a high dispersion rate. Its pulsation coefficient reaches a maximum of 80%. The device turn-on time is 5 ms. According to experts, the model is excellent for 12 V flashlights. The amplifier in the device is of the absorbing type.

    In total, the model has two drivers. The LED trigger is used with an adapter. To solve problems with heat loss, a capacitor is used as standard. The luminous efficiency of the presented model is 67 lm. The conductivity indicator does not exceed 10 microns. In this case, the current consumption is 0.3. Minimum permissible temperature LEDs are only -10 degrees. The model does not have an overheating protection system.

    Characteristics of LED 827

    Models with are suitable for the indicated LEDs for flashlights. The characteristics of the device indicate the presence of high-quality wired transceivers. The model has amplifiers installed open type. The device uses two capacitors in total. They do an excellent job of minimizing heat loss. The minimum permissible LED temperature is -15 degrees.

    They are not suitable for 15V flashlights. The protection system in the device is used with filters. The model has a driver for 4.5 microns. Current consumption is no more than 4 A. The LED turn-on time is on average 6 ms. The pulsation coefficient of the model is 85%. Luminous efficiency, as a rule, does not exceed 50 lm.

    LED 830

    These flashlight LEDs are perfect for 10V devices. Their characteristics are quite good. The turn-on time is 5 ms, the luminous efficiency is 65 lm, and the current consumption is 3.3 A. The model uses a phase-type converter. According to experts, the model is not suitable for 15 V flashlights.

    There is no transceiver in the indicated LED. The driver itself is installed with a conductivity of 4.5 microns. Problems with current rectification are solved thanks to capacitors. The pulsation coefficient of the model reaches a maximum of 90%. The service life of the presented device is three years. The minimum permissible LED temperature does not exceed -20 degrees.

    Characteristics of LED series LB

    The specified LED is suitable for 15 V flashlights. The characteristics of the model indicate an increased color rendering coefficient. The output voltage of the model is 15 V. The filter in the device is of the wave type. The driver in this case is connected via a conductor. The LED transceiver is used with an adapter. The capacitor is installed in an open type. The model has two triggers in total. In this case, the energy consumption is 2.5 A.

    The luminous flux of the device reaches a maximum of 65 lm. The pulsation coefficient of the model is insignificant. Also, the disadvantages can be attributed to the low level of the minimum permissible temperature. A Chinese LED flashlight turns on in 4 ms. The model rarely has problems with current rectification. This model is not suitable for 10V flashlights. The LED does not have an overheating protection system. The frequency deviation of the model is 5 Hz. These Cree flashlight LEDs work great.


    The specified LEDs for flashlights are manufactured with high-quality amplifiers pulse type. In total, the model has two capacitors. The transceiver is standard wired type. It is also important to note that the maximum frequency deviation is 4 Hz. The current consumption of the LED does not exceed 3 A. The luminous flux of the device is 70 lm. The light output of the model is insignificant.

    According to experts, the model is excellent for 12 V flashlights. The driver is directly connected via an adapter. On average, the turn-on time is 6 ms. The service life of the presented model is 5 years. The minimum permissible LED temperature is -15 degrees.

    TB series (warm white light)

    These are simple and inexpensive LEDs for flashlights. The characteristics of the device indicate that the color rendering coefficient of the model is low. It is also important to note that the output voltage is 8 V. The LED lifespan is three years. The transceiver of the modification is used with high sensitivity. In total, the model has two capacitors. According to experts, the device is not suitable for 10 V flashlights. The current consumption of the model is 2 A. The LED luminous flux reaches a maximum of 65 lm.

    Problems with negative modulation are rare. The disadvantages include only a small conductivity parameter. Filters in the device are used only of the open type. The maximum frequency deviation of the LED reaches 5 Hz. To reduce the sensitivity, a trigger is used on the capacitor. The pulsation coefficient of the model is insignificant. To install the LED, a wire adapter is required.

    Features of LED models of the LHB series (cold white light)

    These LEDs have good characteristics. First of all, it is important to note that the color rendering coefficient is 80%. In this case, the service life is three years. The direct output voltage is 12 V. The turn-on time is 5 ms. In this case, the amplifier is used with an adapter. According to experts, problems with heat loss are rare. The model's capacitors are of the pass-through type.

    Understanding what parameters the operation of a flashlight depends on is equally important for those who want to choose a ready-made model and those who want to design a device with their own hands (be it a keychain flashlight with an LED, a pocket, head-mounted or hiking version). Repairing flashlights mainly depends on their design, and replacing some elements requires special skills. Bright is not the only definition for a quality device.

    The first step is to identify the purpose of the flashlight. It is hardly possible to highlight universal device, equally effective in any conditions. In the end, a small pocket flashlight can never compare with powerful stationary equipment, and homemade devices are not always superior to ready-made ones (even those made in China), and it’s not just how the LED was selected.


    It is necessary to determine the size of the flashlight in 2 cases: to be able to carry it with you (in your pocket, bag, etc.), and to correctly calculate the body when drawing up the diagram yourself.

    Dimensions also need to be known when selecting accessories. A headlamp is worn on a special tape, and a hiking lamp is worn on a clip or in a fabric case (on the belt).

    Luminous flux parameters

    Often, the brightest flashlight is required, but not always large number lumens completely determine this indicator. No less important role assigned to the lighting dispersion angle. A simple keychain flashlight with an LED or any pocket version can handle illumination of a small area. The narrower the beam, the further a device can shine, for example, a headlamp for hiking.

    Important: The lens can radically change the characteristics of the device. The operation of focusable flashlights is quite simple: the position of the lens adjusts the width and tilt of the beam as it approaches/moves away from the LED.
    Selection of the LED itself

    It is the light source that determines most of the flashlight's performance (how bright it is). The operation of the device is affected not only by the LED itself, but also by the value of its operating current. The current strength must be taken into account so as not to inadvertently burn the device, because repairing the flashlight is not always appropriate. LEDs and their strings can be grouped in different ways to increase range or coverage area (the largest is usually located closer to the center).

    Work offline

    Duration of work is a very relative value. It is determined not only by the choice of battery, but also by the flashlight mode, for which the LED is responsible. How to homemade devices, and for ready-made ones, you can install a timer to save energy. Offline mode can be calculated in hours (pocket and headlamps) and even days (emergency and search), this period is influenced mainly by the main characteristics.

    Types of batteries

    Batteries vary depending on the principle of energy generation; among the most popular types are the following:

    • lithium (Li-Ion);
    • nickel metal hydride (NiMH);
    • nickel-cadmium (NiCd);
    • lead-acid;
    • lithium polymer (Li‑pol);
    • nickel-zinc (NiZn).

    A small flashlight (pocket or headlamp) can also work on regular AA batteries, in other cases, it is better to select the type of battery based on general requirements so that repairing or replacing the battery does not become an unsolvable task.

    Operating modes

    The simpler the device, the fewer modes it has in its arsenal. The simplest bright keychain flashlight with an LED, pocket and headlamps, as a rule, have no more than one. How more complex system– the greater the probability of failure of one of the components, i.e. the more often they require repairs.

    Classification of modes:

    • brightness (minimum-medium-maximum);
    • signal (strobe);
    • programmable (manually configured by the user).

    Exposure to external factors

    The circuit itself and the LED must be protected from shock, shaking, dust and dirt. For more serious devices, it is better to ensure moisture resistance. This can be quite difficult not only when self-assembly, but also after acquisition ready-made models. It is better to check the water resistance in advance, especially on Chinese-made flashlights, in order to be able to carry out repairs in time.

    Mounting location

    The flashlight should be easy to use. To do this, you need to think in advance about how the circuit will be drawn up - the location of the buttons responsible for how the LED, auxiliary lenses and diffusers work. It is important to be able to adjust the mount (headlamp or bicycle light), clamping density, etc.

    Current stabilization

    The operating mode of an LED flashlight directly depends on the supplied current; other characteristics may be similar. Stabilized devices are considered brighter and more stable, but when discharged they quickly go out. An unstabilized flashlight is less bright, but the lamps go out gradually, eventually reducing their brightness to 0.

    Having understood the parameters of the device, it becomes much easier not only to select the type of flashlight you are interested in (pocket, head, mounted, keychain flashlight with LED), but also to determine the required elements, if you have your own circuit and selected the appropriate LED, as well as to carry out partial repairs of the device .