• Filling in Photoshop. Getting Started in Photoshop - Quick Selections and Fills

    Creating a layer fill is a very commonly used technique in Photoshop. It is used both when creating a new layer, and during various editing of one of the current layers. Despite the obviousness of the method, novice users may experience certain difficulties with its implementation. In addition, in different situations, the filling procedure may have its own characteristics and variations.

    Types of fills in Photoshop
    In the standard package, they can be used in Photoshop various types fills:
    • solid uniform color;
    • gradient;
    • pattern.
    In addition, you can always expand the variety of fills by adding your own fill types.

    Performing a fill

    1. To perform a simple color fill, select the area that will be filled with color, activate the Paint Bucket Tool in the main toolbar, select the main color and left-click inside the selected area. As a result of this action, it will be filled with the selected primary color.
    2. To execute gradient fill also select the area to be filled in the image. After that, activate the Gradient Tool in the toolbar, select one of the preset sets of gradient fills to use. If necessary, fine-tune the parameters of the selected set. Specify the shape and mode of the gradient, and then specify the direction of the gradient vector inside the selected area. To do this, place the cursor at the starting point, hold down left button mouse, move the cursor in the selected direction and release the left button. As a result of this action the selected area will be filled with a gradient fill in accordance with the preliminary settings you made.
    3. If you need to fill with a pattern from the main menu, go to the following path “Layers” - “New Fill Layer” - “Pattern” (“Layer” - “New Fill Layer” - “Pattern”). Click the "Ok" button in the window that appears. As a result of this action, the selected area will be filled with the last pattern fill you created. If you have not created such a fill yet, then you first need to do the following.
      Create new document. It is desirable that in this case its image has a square shape with the same values height and width. This will ensure that later, when using them as patterns, the original images will be uniformly filled. Create your intended pattern or copy it onto images from other sources. Select an area of ​​the image using the Rectangular Marquee Tool. From the main menu, go to “Edit-Define Pattern”. In the window that opens, assign a name to the new pattern and click the “Ok” button. The fill pattern is created and ready to use.
    These are basic techniques for performing filling, which in various modifications and variations are used in tasks of varying complexity in Photoshop. In practice, you will master them very quickly and use them to improve your skills digital processing images.

    Fill tools are tools that allow you to fill (fill, paint) a selected object, part of an image, or layer with color.
    IN Adobe Photoshop For filling, the Paint Bucket and Gradient tools are provided.

    The Paint Bucket and Gradient tools on the toolbar occupy one cell, but the icon of the last selected tool is always displayed. In order to select another tool, you need to right-click on the arrow next to this icon and select the desired tool from the pop-up menu. A pop-up menu can also be called up on the screen by clicking on the icon and holding it down for a while.

    The Paint Bucket tool is used to fill an area with a base color or selected pattern with colors that are close (within tolerance) to the color of the clicked pixel. For example, if you want to replace all the red pixels in an image with blue, you would set the foreground color to blue and then click on one of the red pixels in the image.

    Options for the Paint Bucket tool are set in the Options panel.

      Fill. This parameter specifies what the intended area will be filled with: the foreground color or the pattern.

      Pattern. If the Fill parameter is set to Pattern, then when you click on the triangular arrow in the Pattern parameter, a palette of patterns will be displayed on the screen; any of the patterns can be selected to fill the area.

      Mode. This parameter determines the fill blending mode. For example, if you select the Darken mode, the Paint Bucket tool will paint only those pixels whose color is lighter than the color of the main color.

      Opacity. The parameter specifies the degree of opacity of the fill.

      Tolerance. This parameter specifies the degree of proximity of the colors of the pixels to be filled. The parameter can take values ​​from 0 to 255. The lower the value of the Tolerance parameter, the narrower the range of shades of adjacent pixels, the color of which will change to the fill color. On the other hand, the higher the value this parameter, those larger number pixels that have similar color shades will be filled with a new color.

      contiguous. When the Contiguous checkbox is selected, only continuous areas are painted, i.e. areas that fall within the Tolerance range and are in contact with each other. If you need to fill not only neighboring areas, then the Contiguous option must be disabled.

      Anti-aliased. When the Anti-aliased checkbox is selected, a translucent border is created between the colored and uncolored pixels of the image. If you need to fill without smoothing the color transition, then this option must be disabled.

      All Layers. The All Layers checkbox allows you to fill on all visible layers on which the image meets the tolerance value. Otherwise, filling occurs only on the active layer.

    You can also use the Fill command in the Edit menu to fill. To do this, you first need to select the area to be painted using any of the selection tools, and then select the command Edit - Fill. If you need to fill the entire layer, then there is no need to create a selection. After selecting the Fill command, a dialog box for this command is displayed on the screen, in which you can set the same parameters that are set for the Paint Bucket tool in the Options panel.

    The Gradient tool allows you to create a gradient fill, i.e. fill, which is a gradual transition from one color to another.

    To set a gradient fill, you must:

    • Step 1. Select the area that needs to be filled with a gradient. If you need to fill the entire layer, then you do not need to create a selection.
    • Step 2. Select the Gradient tool from the toolbar.
    • Step 3. Set the foreground color (the starting color of the gradient) and the background color (the final color of the gradient).
    • Step 4. Set parameters for the tool in the Options panel.
    • Step 5. Move the mouse cursor inside the selected area.
    • Step 6. Press the left mouse button and, while continuing to hold the mouse button down, draw a straight line. The start point of the line determines the position of the foreground color, and the end point of the line determines the position of the background color. The length of the drawn line determines the smoothness of the transition from one color to another: the shorter the drawn line, the sharper the transition between colors.

    In the Options panel, the following parameters are set for the Gradient tool.

    To create a complex gradient (a gradient that contains transitions between three or more colors) or edit existing type gradient editor used gradients Editor, which you can open by clicking in the Gradient parameter view field.

    Today we will consolidate our knowledge and learn how to change the background color in Photoshop. This question is relevant if there is no backdrop with a colored background, or it is available, but without the required color.

    So, how can you change the background color of a photo? A graphic editor will help us with this. Adobe Photoshop. In terms of time, the entire operation will take no more than 10 minutes. We will use two tools - " Wand" And " Fill", and, at the end of the operation, you can apply " Gradient".

    Attention! When taking a visa photo, we do not use the Gradient tool! We leave a uniform background, because... this is required by the rules for this format

    So, in order to open the graphic editor Adobe Photoshop, and in the tool palette select - " Wand".

    After the tool" Wand" is selected, click the working area of ​​the tool directly on the background area. A selection is formed. Press the " key Delete", thereby discoloring pieces of the background.

    If there is a shadow near the head or in other areas located directly next to the selected object, then remove it too. Click on the shadow area with the " Wand", select it and click " Delete"But at the same time, make sure that the tool does not capture the subject itself. After we have removed the shadow and remnants of the background, we proceed to next stage changing the background in photoshop.

    So we've desaturated the background. Now we need to fill it with the required color. The background is now uniform, and it won’t be difficult for us to change its color. So, click on the working area of ​​the tool " Wand"on the background itself, in any place.

    If everything was done correctly, the entire background should stand out, while the subject should remain untouched. Now we can do whatever we want with the background. Let me remind you that we need change background color in photoshop. To do this, first select the required color in the color palette. To do this, click on the icon in the form of a colored square in the Photoshop tools palette. As you can see, there are two squares. The top one is responsible for setting the foreground color. That's what we need. Let's do double click mouse on it, and in the color palette, select the desired color, say blue.

    Great! We chose the color. Now, actually, fill the background. To do this, in the toolbar, select the tool " Fill". Click on the background with the working area of ​​the tool. The background is filled with the color that we have chosen. In our case, it is blue.

    So we changed the background color in photoshop. But don't rush to remove the selection. Let's try adding a gradient to our background. If you want to leave the background uniform, then in the Photoshop menu - " Selection", remove the selection, and save the resulting image. But we will add a gradient. To do this, select the tool of the same name. It is located on the same button as the " tool Fill", you just need to right-click on the button and select " Gradient". Set the gradient settings as follows: mode - ordinary, strength - 100% , way - linear gradient . After choosing a tool, draw a vertical line from the top edge of the photo to the bottom, somewhere to the side of the subject. It should look something like this:

    Now you can remove the selection. If there are untreated areas along the contour of the head, and this happens, for example, with tousled hair, then work again " With a magic wand " And " Filling", and also in some places you can use the tool " Finger"After all this, it is very advisable to walk through the area of ​​the treated areas with a tool." Blur", thereby, as if covering up some torn areas. The blur strength, in this case, is recommended to be set within 70% , that will be enough.

    That's all, actually. We learned how to change the background color in Photoshop. All that remains is to flatten the layers and save the image in the required format. To do this, in the Photoshop menu - " Layer"and select" Perform flattening" or " Merge Layers". And in the menu " File", select " Save as", set the required image format ( more often JPEG ), and the location where our file is saved. After that, click " OK".

    I believe that everyone who wants to master the intricacies of the most popular of graphic editors - Adobe programs Photoshop - I purchased and installed it in advance. If for some reason you have not yet done this, you are welcome.

    Despite the fact that the interfaces of all used in present moment The versions of the editor are so similar that it doesn’t matter which one to study in, just in case, I’ll clarify: my lessons were performed in Adobe Photoshop CC - at the end of 2016, the latest edition of the program. Immediately after launching, its window looks like this.

    Creating a document

    Despite the abundance of tools, working in Photoshop, like in any other editor, begins with creating a new document.

    1. In the main menu of the program, execute the command File -> New or press the key combination Ctrl+N.
    2. In the New window that opens, set the parameters of the future document (you can set the same as in the screenshot below).

    • Name. Can be anything. Although many people do not touch this field at this stage, setting the file name already during saving, it is better to rename the document immediately to avoid confusion.
    • Width. Horizontal canvas size. IN computer world It is customary to specify in pixels, but if you work with, say, paper products, then centimeters or even points may well suit you.
    • Height. Vertical length of the canvas.
    • Permission. The higher the indicator, the better the quality of the final image.
    • Color mode. Format and color depth. Usually 8-bit RGB suits everyone.
    • Background content. In our case, the background will be white, but you can set it to any other color or even make it transparent.
    • Color profile. Here you can assign or delete a color rendering profile. Due to an incorrectly selected item in this drop-down list, you can get problems with color rendering, the root of which then takes a long time to find.
    • Pixel aspect ratio. The option should be chosen based on the standard you are working with. If the dropdown values ​​don't tell you anything, leave it at Square Pixels.
    1. Click OK and evaluate the result - the document has been created.

    Quick selection

    Despite the abundance of various panels and controls that you can see in the Photoshop window, most often (especially on initial stages) you will need the tool palette located on the left.

    You can understand what a particular palette tool is responsible for by looking at the picture or the tooltip that appears if you place the mouse pointer over the button and wait a little.

    Most palette buttons have a submenu that can be opened by clicking the icon either once with the right mouse button or twice with the left mouse button.

    By default, the Move tool is active in Photoshop, but firstly, it is incredibly easy to understand, and secondly, before you move anything, you need to select something.

    Responsible for selection special group tools. Select Rectangular Selection.

    With the change of the working tool, the elements of the parameters panel have changed. It is located below the menu bar and serves to fine tuning selected instrument.

    For example, for rectangular selection Parameters such as operating mode, shading and style are available.

    • Operating mode changes by clicking on one of the four icons.

    New selection. Used when selecting the first or only part of an object. Areas selected before using the tool in this mode will disappear.

    Add to selection. If you want to select the second and subsequent areas, use this mode.

    Subtract from the selected area. The mode is used to remove selection from individual areas.

    Intersection with the selected area. Mode for highlighting the intersection of two areas.

    • Shading. Adds partially selected pixels to the edges of the selected area so that the selected area blends into the background smoothly rather than abruptly.
    • Style. It can be either regular (you choose an area on the canvas yourself), or with specified proportions (you select a rectangle on the canvas with a predetermined aspect ratio), or a certain size (you can specify it from the keyboard).

    To understand how this works, do the following.

    1. Select the Selection Tool -> Rectangular Marquee.
    2. Select the first fragment. To do this, move the mouse pointer to the left top corner screen and, while holding down the mouse button, move it to the right and down, selecting a rectangular area.

    1. Select the second fragment. To do this, on the options bar, click the Add to selected area button and select a section of the canvas with the mouse, as you did in the previous step.

    1. Delete a fragment from an already selected part. To do this, on the options bar, click the Subtract from selected area icon, and use the mouse pointer to highlight the fragment that you want to exclude.

    Fill color

    After selecting an object, you can perform many actions, but we will look at one of the most common and at the same time simple ones - color filling.

    First of all, you need to understand that there are two types of colors in Photoshop - background and foreground. Four buttons located at the bottom of the tool palette allow you to customize them, as well as invert or reset them to the default ones.

    To change the foreground or background color, click the corresponding button and set the color in the window that appears.

    To change the colors in the drawing itself, you need to use the fill tools.

    To simply fill the selected areas with a pre-selected primary color, select the Fill Tool and click within the boundaries of the selected areas.

    But this is the simplest case. If you want something more complicated, pay attention to the tool options panel.

    • Determining the source for filling. In addition to the main color, the Pattern option is also available, with which the area can be beautifully and non-uniformly decorated.
    • Sample. Appears when you select a pattern as the source and allows you to select the pattern type.
    • Mode. The pixels will be mapped onto the image differently depending on the option you choose.
    • Opacity. Sets the transparency of the fill as a percentage. With its help, you can make the background visible under the main color.
    • Tolerance Sets the range of colors to be filled.

    To fill a selected portion of the canvas with a pattern, follow the steps below.

    1. Undo the solid color fill (Ctrl+Z).
    2. In the Fill Tool Options Bar, select Pattern as the color source.
    1. Choose a pattern template to suit your taste.

    1. Left-click inside the selected area.

    Another fill tool, Gradient, works in approximately the same way, only in the options bar, instead of the color source, you need to select the gradient itself, and instead of the template, you need to select the gradient type.

    1. Cancel the pattern fill.
    2. Select the Gradient Fill Tool.
    3. In the Options Bar, specify the gradient and its type.
    4. Within the selected area on the canvas, move the pointer while holding down the mouse button, either from top to bottom, or from left to right, or diagonally, see what happens, and, undoing unsuccessful fills, select the best option.

    Saving to file

    After all the steps, the working document must be saved to a file.

    1. Execute the command File -> Save.
    2. In the Explorer window that appears, specify the file name and the folder where it will be saved. Make sure Photoshop (*PSD, *PDD) is selected in the File type list and click Save. The fact is that the formats are “native” to Photoshop, and in the future you can easily return to editing their content.

    If you want to save the file as an ordinary picture, run the command File -> Export -> Export as, in the window that opens, set the appropriate format, click the Export button, specify the name and location of the file, and then click Save.

    Good day everyone, dear readers of my blog. How are you? Are you ready for work and defense? Great. We have learned, but what if you need to paint over some area? Are we really going to puff ourselves up to carefully paint over the area with a brush, trying not to touch the borders? Of course not.

    One very interesting tool will help us completely paint over an object in one click. Just today I will tell you how to make a fill in Photoshop using the tool of the same name.

    What exactly does the fill tool do in Photoshop? Yes, it's quite simple. He paints the area you want. But here we need to take into account various factors. In general, am I telling you some kind of naked theory? Let's look at a specific example.

    So, let's go!

    In general, since the circle inside was completely white, and the background outside was also completely white, the entire area would be filled until it encountered an obstacle, such as the third and fourth circles.

    Now take another color of your choice and fill the area where the circle intersects. Only this area of ​​intersection is painted over. But why? After all, we drew 2 different circles? Yes, because we drew them on one layer, that’s why they are considered a single whole. Now, if two circles were drawn on two layers, then it would be a different matter. One of the circles (on the active layer) would be completely painted over. But it’s better to read about layers.

    I just noticed that I have these two circles with a filled red area in the center, they look like an eye with a red pupil))).

    Painting with a pattern

    By default, the tool paints with the color specified in the main color of the palette. But you can also paint over areas with a pattern. Let's try it.


    Many instruments have such a property as tolerance. And everywhere this tolerance works approximately the same.

    The smaller the tolerance, the smaller the color range of the painted area. Those. if tolerance 0 and you want to paint with white on a blue-blue background, then only the shade that you clicked on initially will be filled, and of course all the exact same shades do not deviate one gram from the norm. And if the tolerance is maximum ( 255 ), then the fill will paint over the entire canvas without exception.

    Let's look at an example, and then you can experiment for yourself. Let's take a square as a basis, which changes its color smoothly from yellow to white. Let's try to install different meanings tolerance and paint them black.

    As you can see, the greater the access, the more he uses the range of colors that he considers native and the more colors and shades he paints. I hope you get the gist. Got it? If not, then ask. I'll answer.

    By the way

    Finally, I want to tell you about one more point. It is not necessary to fill any drawing with color. You can simply fill the area.

    To do this, select some area (I chose ) and draw a selection on a white background.

    Now I pick up the fill again and choose any color. The selection hasn't gone away, and that's great. Then fill in what is inside the selection outline in a way already known to us. Hop! And you're done. Here's a little trick.

    Well, although these are not all the properties, they will be quite enough for you. If you want to study Photoshop more thoroughly and in every detail, and also “swim” in it like a fish in water, then I highly recommend that you check out this video course. I haven't seen anything better yet. If only I had it before, then studying this graphic editor It would have been much easier for me. Overall I highly recommend it.

    Well, I’m finishing our lesson for today, dear friends. I hope that the article was useful to you and I strongly recommend subscribing to my blog updates, then you will not miss the release of new and useful articles, as well as various news and competitions.

    Good luck with your studies. The main thing is not to philander). See you in the next lessons. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.