• Gradient fill in Photoshop. How to make a gradient in Photoshop

    What is the meaning of a gradient in Photoshop? I will say without exaggeration - huge. After all, it is by using the gradient tool that we create a smooth transition in Photoshop between two or more colors, change the lighting, or, simply put, make our work natural, naturalized.

    You can apply a gradient both to the contents of the layer and using new layer, let's call it "gradient fill". In this case, the gradient will be on its own "gradient fill" layer and will have the property of a layer mask that masks the pixels of the image of the main layer.

    Photoshop is the most popular program for image processing raster graphics. The number of her fans is increasing every day. Therefore, it makes sense to tell where the gradient is located in Photoshop. Even though the gradient tool is one of the main Photoshop tools, an ignorant person will not find it right away. So where is the gradient in Photoshop?
    Selecting the gradient tool (Fig. 1) is done by right-clicking on the group with the Paint Bucker tool (1) on the toolbar. When opening additional window, by left-clicking directly on the “gradient tool” icon (2), we switch to the mode of working with gradients. You can also use the G key to switch to the mode of working with gradients, or Shift+G to switch between the tools of the group.

    In this case, the following will appear in the properties panel: an image of the gradient in the window of the active tool (3), a window of the current gradient (4) and buttons for selecting the gradient type (6-10).

    We select the gradient type depending on the planned work using the buttons on the parameters panel (6-10).
    Linear gradient (6) is intended for gradient filling of a layer with color or transparency in a straight line, along the direction we specify (enabled by default).

    Radial gradient (7) defines the transition of color or transparency evenly in all directions from the point you specified.

    A cone-shaped gradient (8) involves a transition of color or transparency in a spiral, forming a cone-shaped shape.

    Mirror gradient (9) specifies a color or transparency transition in a straight line with mirror image. Essentially, it is two linear gradients propagating in opposite directions from the starting point of the gradient.

    The diamond-shaped gradient (10) allows you to specify a color or transparency transition along the diagonals of the diamond from its center. Or in other words - four linear gradients diverging from one point at an angle of 90 degrees relative to each other.

    In the rectangular window (4) we see the current version of the gradient (Fig. 2). If you left-click on the arrow (5) located next to it, the gradient palette will open. All we have to do is select the desired gradient by left-clicking on it.

    When you click on the arrow (11), a menu will open (Fig. 3), divided into several submenus. Using the submenu (12) we can configure the appearance of the gradient palette. In another submenu (13) there are sets of gradients available to us, which can replace the set of gradients presented in the gradient palette.

    In addition to the gradient properties already listed above, in the properties panel we will see: “Mode” (14), “Opacity” (15), “Inversion” (16), “Dither” (17) and “Transparency” (18).

    At the same time, using the Opacity property of the gradient, we adjust the opacity level of the entire gradient. We set it either by numbers in the window, or by moving the slider along the scale called up by pressing the triangular arrow to the right of the window.

    The Invert property reverses the order of colors in a gradient. "Dithering" prevents banding. "Transparency" applies the gradient's transparency mask (turns on or off the transparency gradient as part of the entire gradient). Enabling (disabling) these gradient properties is done by checking (unchecking) the checkbox in their window.

    The "Mode" gradient property provides us with a wide selection of gradient blending modes (Fig. 4). Just click on the triangular arrow to the right of the current gradient overlay mode window and a menu of gradient overlay modes will open in front of us. Using the same gradient, but different blending modes, you can achieve desired effect. Experiment with the modes on the same image to see what effects they produce. Do not forget that we first select the mode, and only then apply the gradient.

    If we left-click on the gradient window (4) (Fig. 2), the gradient editor will open (Fig. 5), which we will use to edit existing and create new Photoshop gradients.

    Now let's move on directly to the process of creating (editing) the gradient.

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    In this tutorial we will look at working with gradients.
    A gradient in graphics means a smooth transition from one color to another, usually through intermediate shades of these colors. For example, a gradient can be considered a color scheme that starts with red, followed by lighter shades of red until the whole thing turns into white. This gradient is called the transition from red to white.

    Working with gradients.

    A gradient in graphics means a smooth transition from one color to another, usually through intermediate shades of these colors. For example, a gradient can be considered a color scheme that starts with red, followed by lighter shades of red until the whole thing turns into white. This gradient is called a red to white transition. For example:

    IN in this case, for clarity I did not use large number transitional colors, but this is not enough for beauty (although sometimes there is a need for such rough transitions). In fact, a similar transition, only having more intermediate shades, looks much more attractive.

    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that almost any, or rather any graphic editor, has a gradients toolkit. You can safely highlight general principles gradients, and then move on to the specifics and features of gradients in Photoshop.

    Gradients have always had a common feature gradient type. The concept of a "gradient type" first of all includes several fundamental conventions. It is customary to distinguish as the first agreement starting and ending points of the gradient. The starting point is usually understood as the color from which the transition begins, and the end point is the color to which the transition occurs. In addition, the position of these colors in the picture also plays an important role, but more on that later.

    So, the first type of gradient, which is called linear transition . This is a classic case, an illustration of which can be seen in the figures above. The meaning of the transition is that the shades change along a straight line, laid from the start to the end point.

    What follows next type transition – radial transition. In this case, the colors change from the starting point to the ending point, but in all directions. The line from the start to the end point is the radius of the radial transition.

    Then the transition, which is called conical or angular. In this case, the direction of the transition lies on the circle, and the starting point in location on the image coincides with the ending point. The first illustration shows the principle and the second the reality.

    The last common type of gradient can be called a rhombic (square) or diamond (my hand doesn’t turn to say it in Russian) transition. In this case, it is difficult to state the principle based on previous definitions. In this case, we are not dealing with a starting point, but with a starting figure in the form of a rectangle. The color transformation occurs from the center of the figure to the edges. With a small number of intermediate colors, the sight is quite creepy, but in a full palette, such a gradient takes on an interesting appearance, which is why the name diamond arose.

    Gradients can consist of more than just two primary colors. One transition can contain a reasonably large number key intermediate colors. Using several color transitions in one gradient allows you to create very interesting effects.

    A transition with several key colors is not only of the linear type. This feature can be implemented in all other types of gradients listed above.

    Photoshop provides a special tool for working with gradients. It is located in the toolbar in the same group as the Paint Bucket tool. In order to use this tool you need to perform a number of actions.

    1. Select the Gradient tool from the toolbar.
    2. Click the mouse on the place in the image where you want to place the starting point of your gradient.
    3. Without releasing the mouse button, drag the direction of the gradient.
    4. Where the mouse button is released you will set the end point of the gradient.

    Be sure to pay attention to the following feature of the gradient. The color transition occurs from the start to the end point. But the image may also contain an area that is to starting point and after end point. In this case, the effect will be somewhat unexpected. That part of the image that is to starting point will be colored in the starting color of the gradient, and that part of the image that goes after the end point will be colored in the final color of the gradient, respectively, between these points the gradient itself will be located.

    This feature is common to all types of gradients and varies depending on the type of gradient. In the case of gradients in which the color transition comes from the center (radial and rhombic), the entire pattern, starting from the end point, will be filled with the final color of the gradient.

    The gradient control, like any tool, is located in the Options palette.

    Photoshop has a number of gradient transition presets. A preset includes the concept of a pre-created set of parameters for a gradient, i.e. the number of key points, the color of key points, the distance between key points and many other parameters that are still unknown to us. If you click on the triangle in the drop-down menu of presets, you can see the entire list of presets provided to us by the creators of Photoshop. This list can be edited by deleting and adding your own blanks. On the right there is a button to receive additional menu. Let's take a closer look:

    • Team New Gradient calls the window for editing gradient parameters
    • Team Rename Gradient gives a new name to old gradient templates.
    • Team Delite Gradient removes the workpiece.
    • Team Text Only turns on the palette mode, in which instead of icons there will be only captions.
    • Team Small Tambnails turns on the palette mode, in which the contents will be displayed in the palette in the form of small icons.
    • Team Large Tambnails turns on the palette mode, in which the contents will be displayed in the palette in the form of large icons.
    • Team Small list turns on the palette mode, in which the contents will be displayed in the palette in the form of small icons and text information.
    • Team Large list turns on the palette mode, in which the content will be displayed in the palette in the form of large icons and text information.
    • Team Preset Manager calls a manager (interface) that allows you to load blanks from files, save them as files, rename and delete.
    • Team Reset Gradients resets the changed settings of the workpieces to the initial parameter values.
    • Team Load Gradients loads blanks from a file. It is useful to save successful gradients for later use.
    • Team Save Gradients saves the gradient settings as a template.
    • Team Repalce Gradients Replaces the existing gradient with the loaded one.
    • Team Color Harmonis 1 loads a set of gradients that the creators of Photoshop consider to be harmonious color scheme.
    • Team Color Harmonis 2 loads a set of gradients that the creators of Photoshop consider to be harmonious in color. Episode No. 2.
    • Team Metals loads a set of gradients that imitate all kinds of metallic sheens.
    • Team Noise Samples loads gradients with some color "noise".
    • Team Pastels loads pastel color gradients.
    • Team Simple loads completely simple gradients.
    • Team Special Effects loads something visually pleasing.
    • Team Spectrums loads spectral color gradients.

    A set of ready-made gradients is great, but sometimes you need something special, your own. There is a gradient designer for this. It is called simply - just click on the blank icon in the Options panel with the selected Gradient tool. The following dialog box will open in your view.

    You can adjust the gradient based on the templates, which is why they are provided, but this is not called adjustment, but tuning. Let's get down to serious business. To do this, enter any of your names in the name field and press the NEW button. As a result of this action, a new gradient will appear, which is a complete copy of the old one, but has its own name. Now let's work on the color. To begin, select the stat stopper (slider at the bottom left), which is responsible for the color of the starting point. A small color selection window will become active at the bottom of the window. This window has a menu that allows you to do the following:

    1. Foreground Color- Set the main color as the starting color (selected on the toolbar). This means that the starting color of your gradient will always be the same as the base color you set.
    2. Background Color- Set the background color as the starting color (selected in the toolbar). This means that the starting color of your gradient will always be the same as the background color you set.
    3. User Color- You set a fixed starting color, which can be selected in the dialog box that opens by clicking on the color icon.

    If you set the Foreground or Background color as the starting color, you get the opportunity to later change the colors of the gradient without going into such serious settings. Just select your preset in the list of gradient presets, then set the foreground or background color (depending on what settings you specified in the preset), and your preset will take colors from the tool palette.

    In exactly the same way, you can set the color of the end point of the gradient. Only instead of the lower left slider you need to select the lower right one.

    To add intermediate key colors, simply click between the start and end color sliders. Then we select the color in the same way as for the start and end points.

    There are several more characteristics for intermediate key points. The Location parameter (the field for this parameter is also located at the bottom of the dialog box) indicates the distance between this point and the starting point of the gradient. This distance is measured as a percentage, and 100% percent is the distance between the start and end points.

    You probably noticed the small diamonds that appeared under the gradient sample. These diamonds show where the middle of the transition is. By moving these diamonds you can emphasize the transition on one color or another. You can add key points in unlimited quantities. In order to remove an intermediate color, you simply drag the color slider outside the window.

    Now it's time to practice a little. Try repeating the drawings below.

    Once you succeed, save the result and present it to your teacher. This part of your homework.

    There is one more very useful property a gradient in Photoshop has a local, gradient transparency. I made up a creepy name, but in reality everything is relatively simple. To conduct the experiment, we will carry out the following preparatory steps. Open any document (drawing). Next, create a new gradient template by clicking the NEW button in the editor (gradient designer). We will have only 2 key points - start and end. Give both points the same color, for example black. Now pay attention to the sliders over gradient pattern. This is the starting and ending point for controlling local transparency, or more precisely, opacity. Click on the top left slider (start gradient transparency).

    The Opacity field will become available at the bottom of the window. By default, this parameter is 100%, i.e. absolutely opaque. Set the opacity value for the starting point to 0. Now you have checkers that indicate that transparency has appeared. If you apply the resulting gradient in a “linear type” from left to right, you will get the following picture:

    Just like in the case of key colors, you have the opportunity to arrange key transparencies in an unlimited number. To do this, simply click the mouse between the start and end opacity, and then set the opacity parameter you need for this intermediate key point. Based on this example, please repeat the following pictures:

    To obtain sharp boundaries, you can use two key points in one location. The diamonds between the sliders will also help you accentuate the transparency towards the beginning of the gradient or towards the end point. You can take the eagle from the sample folder located in the Adobe folder. As soon as you succeed, immediately save it and bring it to the teacher for class. This homework too.

    We haven't looked at the Gradient Type dropdown menu yet. It gives you the option to select the transition type. There are only two types - solid and noise. They consist of a method of foiling transitional colors. If the type is solid, then intermediate pixels (pixels located between the stat point and the end point) take on the value of intermediate colors (as you remember, a pixel has only one value - color). If the gradient type is noise, the color shade is obtained by mixing the pixels of the initial and final colors in different proportions. Visually this gives the impression of some "noise".

    Now, having examined the gradient editor, let's return to the Options palette of the Gradient tool.

    Now you can switch the gradient type.

    In Photoshop, in addition to the standard types of gradients, there is one more type - reflected gradient. It imitates shine on any surface.

    When applying a gradient to an image, you can change the transparency of the tool. This is what I call global transparency. the effect is the same as the transparency of the Brush tool. The REVERSE option allows you to swap the starting and ending points of the gradient. The Transparency option turns on or off the transparency configured in the gradient editor. There is also the concept of blending modes - the meaning is the same as with brushes (see lesson one).

    • Views: 96403

    Applying a gradient fill in Photoshop
    The Gradient tool lets you create a gradual overlay of multiple colors. You can choose from prepared gradient fills or create your own.
    Note. The Gradient tool cannot be used with bitmap or indexed color images.
    Filling an area taking into account the gradient is done by dragging the cursor over the image. Appearance The gradient fill is determined by where the start point (at which the mouse button was pressed) and the end point (at which the mouse button was released) are located, taking into account the Gradient tool used.
    1. To fill part of the image, select the desired area. (1) (Figure 1) Otherwise, the gradient fill is applied to the entire active layer.

    2. Select the Gradient tool (1). (Figure 2)
    Select Gradient Fill from the Options Bar.
    - Click the triangle next to the gradient swatch(2) to select a pre-made gradient fill.(3)
    - Click inside the gradient swatch (4) to display the Gradient Editor window (Figure 3).

    3.Select a prepared gradient fill option (1) or create a new gradient fill (2) (see how to create it below). Then click the "OK" button (3).

    4. Select the gradient fill option to apply in the options bar. (Figure 4)
    Linear Gradient (1)
    Performs shading from start to end point in a straight line

    Radial Gradient (2)
    Performs shading from start to end point in a circular pattern.

    Cone Gradient (3)
    Performs shading in a spiral that unwinds counterclockwise around the starting point.

    Mirror Gradient (4)
    Performs shading using symmetrical linear gradients on either side of the starting point.

    Diamond Gradient (5)
    Performs shading in all directions from the starting point in a diamond-shaped pattern. The end point defines one of the corners of the diamond.

    In the options panel, do the following:
    - Specify the blending mode (6) and opacity for the paint. (7)
    - To change the order of colors in gradient fill to the opposite, check the “Inversion” checkbox.(8)
    - To create a smoother overlay with fewer streaks, select the Dither check box.(9)
    - To use a transparency mask for a gradient fill, select the Transparency checkbox. (10)

    5.Place the cursor where you want to set the starting point of the gradient (1), and drag the cursor to determine the end point (2). To constrain the line angle to be a multiple of 45°, hold down the Shift key while dragging the cursor (Figure 5)

    7.Create a new gradient fill: (Figure 7)
    To base a new gradient on an existing gradient, select the gradient in the Presets section of the dialog box.(1)
    - Select Continuous from the Gradient drop-down menu.(2)
    - To define the starting color of the gradient, click the left color stop (3) .

    8.The color of the triangle above the control point is colored, (1) indicating that the starting color is being edited. To select a color, do one of the following (Figure 8)
    - Double-click a color control point (2) or click a color swatch (3) in the Control Points section of the dialog box. Select a color and click OK.
    -Choose an option from the Color pop-up menu (4) in the Control Points section of the dialog box.
    -Move the cursor to the Gradient Picker (5) (the cursor turns into an eyedropper) and click to sample a color, or click anywhere in the image to sample a color from the image.
    To determine the final color, click the right color control point (6). After that, select a color.

    9. To adjust the location of the start point (1) or end point (2), do one of the following (Figure 9)
    -Drag the corresponding color control point left or right to the desired location.
    -Click the appropriate color control point and set a value for Position (3) in the Control Points section of the dialog box. A value of 0% places the point at the far left end of the gradient picker, and a value of 100% places the point at the far right end.
    To adjust the location of the midpoint (4) (where the gradient displays an equal mixture of starting and ending colors), drag the diamond (4) below the gradient picker to the left or right, or click the diamond and set a value for Position (3).

    10. To add intermediate colors to the gradient, click below the gradient picker (a hand should appear) to define another color stop (1). (Figure 10) Specify the color and adjust the location and midpoint for both the intermediate point and the start or end point.
    To remove an editable color stop, click the Delete button(2) or drag the stop down until it disappears.(3)
    To control how gradual the transitions between color bars in a gradient are, enter a value in the Smoothness text box (4) or drag the Smoothness fly-out slider (5).
    If necessary, set the transparency values ​​for the gradient (6).
    Enter a name for the new gradient (7).
    To save the gradient as a prepared one, click the New button (8) after you've finished creating the gradient.
    Note. The newly prepared gradients are saved in the settings file and reflected in the set under a new name. If the gradient set is deleted or corrupted, or the gradients are reset to use the default library, the newly prepared gradients will be lost. To ensure that newly prepared gradients are always stored, save them in a library(9).
    If you need to load a new set of gradients, use the “Load” button (10)

    That's it for now everything about how Apply a gradient fill.
    In order to better understand all this, open the picture and do it, move the sliders, change the values ​​and look at the changes in the picture. And remember. It seems that everything is complicated, but when you do it yourself, what is written, everything will become clear and simple.

    Happy creativity!!

    Text source: Photoshop help (version 5)

    Tool Gradient Tool creates a fill with smooth transition between two or more colors. During the color stretch, both colors and transparency can change. Gradient Tool is one of the most effective and frequently used Photoshop tools, so mastery of this tool is prerequisite efficient work in Photoshop.

    Gradient Tool You can apply it directly to the layer's content, or use a new Gradient Fill layer. In the second case Gradient Tool will be on a separate layer and contain a layer mask. To apply Gradient Tool, you just need to drag the cursor from one point in the image to another.


    Tool Gradient Tool is in the same group with the instrument Paint Bucker. This group tools can be activated using the shortcut key (G), or by clicking on the icon Gradient Tool or Paint Bucker in the toolbar. To switch from one tool to another, just right-click on the icon and select the desired tool or use a keyboard shortcut (Shift + G).

    In this article we will get acquainted with the tool Gradient Tool with broad management capabilities.

    Tool settings panel.

    Tool Gradient Tool has its own settings panel.

    1. Gradient selection.

    • a) Click the triangle next to the gradient sample to select a prepared gradient fill option (we will return to this function below).
    • b) Click inside the gradient swatch to open a window (we will also look at this function below).

    2. Variant of the applied gradient fill.

    • Linear Gradient moves from the start to the end point in a straight line.
    • Radial Gradient performs a uniform transition from the central point in all directions.
    • Angle Gradient performs the transition in a clockwise spiral around the starting point.
    • Reflected Gradient transitions using symmetrical linear gradients on either side of the starting point.
    • Diamond Gradient performs a diamond-shaped transition.

    3. Mode gradient overlay.

    4. Opacity gradient.

    5. To change the order of colors in a gradient fill to the opposite one, check the box Reverse.

    6. To create a smoother overlay with fewer streaks, check the box Dither.

    7. Check the box Transparency so that transparent areas can also be filled with a gradient.

    Select a gradient pattern.

    To select a different set of gradients loaded into Photoshop, click on the triangle in the red circle and select a set from the list surrounded by a red frame.

    1. To add a set of gradients downloaded from the Internet, select the command Load Gradients(in the screenshot above in a blue frame). In the window that opens, specify the path to your set and click Download.

    2. To replace the active gradient set, select the command Replace Gradients and also in the window that opens, specify the path to your set and click Replace.

    3. If you want to save the set of gradients you created, select the command Save Gradients. In the window that opens, enter the file name, specify the storage location and click Save (file extension.grd).

    The gradient can be saved anywhere. But if the file is placed in a folder with an approximate path: Drive C/ Program Files/Adobe/ Adobe Photoshop CS3 / Presets / Gradients, then the name of the gradient will appear in the list of gradient sets (circled in red in the screenshot above) after restarting Photoshop.

    4. To restore the default set of gradients, select the command Reset Gradients.

    Gradient Editor Dialog Box.

    In Photoshop, you can edit the selected gradient. To do this, in the tool settings panel, just click on the active gradient sample and a window will open. Gradient Editor.

    Dialog box Gradient Editor allows you to create a new gradient by modifying a copy of an existing one. You can also add intermediate colors to the gradient, creating an overlay that uses more than two colors.

    1. Gradient tool menu.

    2. Gradient type: Continuous (Solid) or Noise. These two types of gradients have different controls.

    3 . Smoothness. Sets the smoothness of the transition between gradient colors.

    Next is a color bar - this is an example of an editable gradient with color and transparency transitions. Above and below the strip there are control points in the form of squares with triangles. When you click on a control point, the color of the triangle turns black, indicating that this particular marker is being edited.

    4. Checkpoint Opacity.

    5. Checkpoint Colors.

    In order to create a new control point with an intermediate color, just click anywhere above or below the gradient color bar. To delete a control point, click the button Delete (10 ).

    6. Midpoint of color. Between each pair of sliders there is a midpoint indicator. This is the point at which adjacent colors mix in equal proportions. Move the midpoint for any pair of color sliders to the right or left. The closer it is to one of the sliders, the sharper the transition will be.

    7 . Opacity. Opacity is controlled by control points above the color bar.

    8 . Position. Determines the position of the control point on the color bar.

    9 . Color. Controls color control point below the color bar. To change the color, just click on the color swatch in the window and in the window that opens Color Picke select the desired color.

    10 . Delete. Removes control points.

    If you want to save the created gradient sample, just do the following: in the field Name(11) enter the name of the created gradient. Click the button New(12). Your gradient will appear in the window Presets(13). Click OK (14 ).

    To remove a saved gradient from the window Presets(13), right-click on the gradient sample in this window and select from the list that appears available operations team Delete Gradient. Be careful to only delete your saved gradients!

    Well, that's probably all. Good luck to you in mastering this interesting tool!

    If you started working in Photoshop, then you will definitely have to learn how to use a gradient. so how to apply a gradient in Photoshop:

    1. You can use a gradient for any object and layer. I'll show you how to apply a gradient to a regular rectangle or make a text gradient.

    For gradient overlay on a rectangle or any other layer I will use this useful function Photoshop "Layer Style". Activate the desired layer and select " Add Layer Style > Gradient Overlay"

    The Gradient Style settings window will open. You will see various settings in it, I advise you to experiment with them yourself. However, I will describe some.

    1. Opacity. If you want it to remain after applying the gradient visible image layer, then this setting is for you
    2. Gradient. Allows you to select gradient colors. Below I will describe this setting in more detail.
    3. Style. You can choose different styles For overlay, experiment and you will understand everything.
    4. Corner. Allows you to change the direction of the gradient.
    5. Scale. How strongly the gradient spreads across the layer. Try to explain it with your fingers too.
    6. Inversion. You can swap the colors of the gradient.

    Let's look at the color settings from point 2, which allows make a gradient in photoshop.

    1. Here you can choose a ready-made gradient style.
    2. Gradient scale to customize your own style
    3. Opacity marker. When you click on it, item 4 is activated
    4. Gradient color opacity slider
    5. Marker when clicked on which the color selection is activated, point 6
    6. By clicking on this field the color palette will open

    If two colors are not enough, then you can add as many of them as you like; for this you just need to click under the gradient scale in in the right place and an additional marker will appear. The same applies to its opacity.

    You can do it in exactly the same way text gradient:

    If you need something the gradient was translucent, then do the following. Select the desired layer and set the fill transparency slider to 0. If no styles are applied, the contents of the layer should become completely transparent.

    Now apply the desired gradients through styles as described above.

    1. Click on the desired marker
    2. Change the transparency of a color