• What to do if your iPhone drowns. iPhone fell into water: what to do first? Step-by-step actions after getting your smartphone wet

    Hi all! I decided to write a short instruction “hot on the heels”. Today, one of my friends contacted me with the following problem - he dropped his iPhone and the device treacherously turned off. Well... which of us hasn't had this happen to? This has happened to me about five times. In general, this is a more or less standard story.

    Another thing is that usually after this the smartphone can be started either, or, in the case when the “Connect to iTunes” icon is lit on the screen, by connecting to a computer and. But this one iPhone times turned off completely - it did not react in any way to pressing buttons, connecting to charger and computer. No matter what we do with it, there is exactly “zero” positive effect. All to no avail.

    Moreover, since the fall was from a small height, there was no damage, dents or scratches left on the iPhone. If the device were under warranty, then the ideal situation would be to visit a service center - we bring it to the workshop and say: “For some reason my iPhone turned off, please look” (of course, we don’t tell you that it fell). And, most likely, after some time.

    But in our case, the warranty ended a long time ago (moreover, a friend had already repaired it at unofficial service centers), so we decided to take it apart and see what was wrong. The reason was discovered almost immediately...

    Apparently, during the previous repair, the repairman was in such a hurry that he forgot to put a lock on the battery cable.

    A few personal emotions - I am, of course, amazed at the quality of the work. Just taking and forgetting to put a part (not the smallest one) is “cool”.

    Actually, because of this “little thing” everything happened:

    1. iPhone falls.
    2. The battery cable pops out.
    3. The device remains without power and turns off.

    Of course, it would be possible to simply return the cable to its place, but without a fixing metal plate, this is an absolutely useless action. After all, after any more or less significant shaking, the connector can pop out again, which means that in order to turn on the iPhone, you will have to disassemble and reassemble it again.

    It’s good that I have a “donor” (an old and non-working iPhone - with broken display and problems motherboard). We simply removed the clamp from it, installed the cable in its place, screwed this plate and assembled the gadget. Now the iPhone can crash as much as it wants (just kidding) - shutdowns should stop.

    As I promised, the article turned out to be quite short. But it was impossible not to talk about it, because:

    1. With a similar reason turning off iPhone I encountered it for the first time.
    2. The carelessness of some people is simply amazing.

    Here's an interesting story...

    P.S. Damn, I’m completely upset... put “like”, press the buttons social networks- support the author! And of course, don’t forget about comments - be sure to write your stories or questions. I'll try to answer everyone!

    The first thing I would like to note when your iPhone gets into water is that you should not be too lazy to take the device to a service center, only there it can be completely dried and the harmful effects of water can be stopped. We will be glad if you contact our service centers:

    So, what to do when your pet has been in the water?

    There are currently thousands of different options for iPhone accessories on the market that can protect your device from minor scratches and minor drops.

    But, unfortunately, very few of these accessories can protect the device from moisture and, as a rule, such accessories belong to the highest price segment. According to statistics, not many people are willing to spend significant sums on such protection, and besides, such accessories do not look very aesthetically pleasing, and this is an important factor for many iPhone owners.

    But what to do if iPhone got wet or himself iPhone fell into water? Today we will give some small tips and hope that this article will be useful for you.

    First steps if iPhone falls into water

    Firstly Naturally, you should remove the iPhone from the water as quickly as possible or stop interacting with moisture. The longer the device interacts with water or any other liquid, the greater the likelihood of multiple oxidations occurring on the motherboard and the less likely it is that the iPhone can be repaired.

    Second(and most importantly) - you need to quickly turn off the iPhone, because... when the device gets into water, in addition to chemical oxidation reactions inside the phone, a microscopic short circuit may occur, which can lead to complete inoperability of the device. In addition, it is highly recommended turn off iPhone in a standard way, remove the battery from it as quickly as possible, because even when turned off, it supplies voltage to the board.

    Of course, even after moisture gets in, the device may work quite correctly for some time, but you shouldn’t be happy. Over many years of work in the field service Apple technology, we saw different cases, what happens to devices if they continue to be used after significant moisture penetration. The photo below is very typical. It shows the main board of an iPhone that was used for two weeks after the “immersion.” It can no longer be restored.

    There are many myths and not very correct recommendations on what to do if water gets into your iPhone. Of course, due to their prevalence, people remember them first and try to put them into practice. But not all such recommendations can be useful, and some, on the contrary, can make the situation even worse.

    The most common recommendation is that after wiping the iPhone with a dry towel or microfiber cloth, place the device in a container with rice. This method can help, but only partially and only in cases where the moisture ingress was not very significant.

    Of course, rice absorbs moisture vapor very well, but it will not help in any way if water gets on the internal elements of the board - the corrosion process has already started and from time to time the elements motherboard they will simply begin to rot. In addition, some types of rice may leave small crumbs that will end up inside the device.

    In an era of incredible expensive phones every owner similar device tries to protect it as much as possible from all kinds of damage and extend its service life. Unfortunately, unpleasant situations happen to everyone, and no one is safe from unwanted contact of your favorite iPhone with water.

    Knowledgeable experts assure that in such cases, the extent to which its full operation is possible in the future depends only on the correctness and timeliness of the actions of the device owner.

    Direct contact with water has a negative effect on any electronics, and this is precisely due to chemical composition liquids represented by salts and minerals.

    The listed elements are an important part of drinking water, and also differ in their ability to accumulate and provoke chemical reactions after contact with oxygen. This has an extremely negative effect on electrical appliances containing metal components.

    In addition, after getting into water, the continued operation of the device is accompanied by the establishment of tight, simultaneous contacts with ions having negative and positive charges. In this case, the energy source in the device is instantly shorted out, which can lead to irreparable damage to all components of the phone.

    In the event of such situations, each iPhone owner will need a unique reminder with a sequence of actions that will help maintain the functionality of their favorite gadget.

    Shutdown. If you dropped your iPhone into water, try to turn it off first after removing it from the water. Sometimes the device turns off on its own, but if it continues to work after falling into water, you urgently need to press the shutdown button.

    Removing the battery if possible. After performing these manipulations, you can exhale a little, but it is too early to relax. As already mentioned, contact of electrical appliances with water can cause short circuits.

    As a rule, continuation of short circuits can be observed until the complete shutdown nutrition. Removing the battery from some models is impossible, so the risk of causing irreparable damage to the microcircuits is extremely high.

    Contact the service center. So, you need to try to wipe the device as thoroughly as possible. Best choice there will, of course, be an immediate appeal to specialists involved in repairing drowned phones. IN in this case You can’t hesitate for a minute, because water inside the case only aggravates the situation.

    DIY iPhone disassembly. If it is not possible to immediately go to a service center, provided you have the appropriate tools, you can disassemble the gadget yourself.

    How to dry the device? After disassembly, care must be taken to properly dry the device. Many people make the grave mistake of using a hairdryer for this purpose. As a rule, such manipulations will only aggravate the condition. The simplest, safest and at the same time effective means counts regular rice. The cereal must be poured into a container, after which the disassembled phone must be placed in it.

    It has long been noted that rice quickly and efficiently absorbs moisture. According to numerous positive feedback, one day is enough for the device to dry completely.

    Many phone owners who had the temerity to “bathe” their pets in water continue to use the device after performing all the above mentioned manipulations.

    It is this information that can be found on numerous forums where users share their experiences regarding the successful resuscitation of the device using rice. But experts insist that even after the iPhone is completely dry, qualified help cannot be ignored.

    The fact is that rice grains really effectively cope with moisture, but cannot in any way prevent the deposition of salts and minerals, as well as subsequent oxidative processes that have a detrimental effect on the phone’s internals.

    Most often, after drying in rice, the devices actually work without any disruption in functionality, but the situation may change over time.

    In addition, if you seek help after a serious breakdown, the prerequisites for which were recent contact with water, you may need to replace many parts, which will be accompanied by considerable additional costs.

    If you contact a service center after drying, you can get by with much less expenses and losses.

    A small part of the equipment is produced protected from moisture, and Apple company and practically does not care at all about protecting their devices from water getting into them. At the same time, one of the most common reasons If your iPhone or iPad fails, it is moisture in the device that causes it to fail. Every owner of an Apple smartphone or tablet should know what actions must be taken if water gets into the device in order to protect it from damage.

    What not to do if water gets into your iPhone

    Remember: If your iPhone gets into water, you must turn it off immediately and do not turn it on until it is completely dry. If the device turns itself off after falling into water (or it was turned off), it is also prohibited to turn it on, otherwise a short circuit may occur, which will result in an expensive repair of the smartphone board.

    The fact is that when water gets into the iPhone, not only moisture affects internal components devices, but also the minerals and salts that it contains. However, in the first few minutes (hours) it is water that can cause maximum damage, since it can cause a short circuit. Even when turned off, some processes occur in iPhone board with the battery connected. Due to moisture getting on the microcircuit, a short circuit may occur, or even more than one, if you turn on the device.

    Minerals and salts, if there are a lot of them in the water, may not manifest themselves immediately. Even if the iPhone works after being submerged in water, it is possible that this fact will affect it after a few days, weeks or months. Salts and minerals will settle on board components and lead to corrosion, which over time can result in failure of one or more device components (for example, Wi-Fi module). Also, after some time after moisture gets into the iPhone, streaks may appear on the screen, which will require replacing the cables or the matrix itself to eliminate them.

    What to do if water gets into your iPhone

    Most reliable way To save the device is to take it to a service center. Specialists will quickly disassemble the smartphone, remove any remaining water from it and check under a microscope whether corrosion has begun and whether the board contacts need to be cleaned. However, it is not always possible to turn to the experts, especially soon. Therefore, if your iPhone falls into water, you should do the following:

    Important: Do not try to disassemble the iPhone yourself unless you have the appropriate experience and special tools.

    Why do you need a moisture sensor in iPhone?

    Some iPhone users know that Apple installs a moisture sensor in the device. On new smartphone models it is located under the SIM card tray; in earlier devices it may be located in other places.

    In normal condition, the sensor is white or gray, and when triggered, it signals this in red. The iPhone's moisture sensor can trigger not only when the device comes into direct contact with water, but also when the device is used in conditions of high humidity and at temperatures not recommended by the manufacturer.

    The moisture sensor does not have any function other than signaling to service center specialists that the malfunction may be due to water getting into the device. Since water in the iPhone is not a warranty case, official service centers in free repair devices with an activated sensor will be rejected even before being accepted for diagnostics.

    Did your apple friend take a swim in the pool or fall victim to the pouring rain? Did it slip out of your hands while crossing a mountain stream, or maybe your iPhone drowned in the sink while trying to combine a conversation with washing the dishes? We sympathize with drowned iPhones, we, I-Fix masters, encounter them every day, especially in large quantities, they come in for repair after stormy holidays in nature.

    If your iPhone has taken a bath, what should you do?

    Take your iPhone out of the water and turn it off immediately!
    Take your iPhone in for repair as soon as possible. The sooner you do this, the higher the chances that the service center technicians will have time to resuscitate the sunken gadget with a minimum of costs on your part.
    How to repair an iPhone that fell into water in the iFix service

    The iPhone is completely disassembled.
    All elements are electrochemically cleaned in a special bath.
    Dry all the parts of the apple gadget.
    They diagnose the condition and, based on agreement with the owner, replace faulty parts.
    Carry out complete drying.
    Assembling an apple gadget.
    They return a working iPhone to the owner after water damage, after checking its functionality.
    What NOT to do if your iPhone drowns

    Check its performance. Do not give in to the temptation to make sure that everything is in order with the gadget; a priori, everything is not fine with it, since iPhones are exclusively land-based, and the aquatic environment is destructive for them. And turning on the gadget is fraught short circuit and electrochemical corrosion.

    Dry your iPhone on the battery. This method is quite adequate if you drowned your passport, a wad of money or important documents, but in the case of an iPad/iPhone it will not bring any benefit. In addition, with sufficient heating, the compound may additionally float, and then in addition to drying and cleaning the iPhone after water, there will also be the need to replace the motherboard.

    Use a hairdryer to dry. Let's start with the fact that this is completely useless due to the fact that warm air simply will not get inside the iPhone. And if you completely disassemble it, then it makes sense to perform a full range of procedures, including electrochemical cleaning.

    Dry iPhone in rice. It’s difficult to say who was the author of this idea, which quickly spread across the Internet; we suspect that it was the owner of some service center. But drying rice is a real pest for the iPhone. It is clear that we are not talking about any moisture absorption, but not only that, fine rice dust perfectly penetrates inside the gadget and covers all components with an even layer. If there is moisture inside the device, the dust turns into mucus, which is very harmful to the iPhone, causing accelerated oxidation of the metal elements of the Apple gadget.

    Keep silent about the cause of the malfunction, hoping for a replacement under warranty. The technicians will immediately become aware of the gadget’s bathing, after iPhone opening. Apple designers have provided a number of wetness sensors that turn red when wet. This is very convenient and allows you to accurately determine wet areas.

    How much will it cost to repair an iPhone after water damage? service center IPix?

    Of course, the cost of repairs directly depends on a number of objective factors:

    Speed ​​of contacting a service center after bathing an iPhone
    The environment in which the gadget has been (agree, there is a difference: did the iPhone fall into the toilet, was it caught in the rain, or was it drowned in soup?)
    Time spent in an aquatic environment (the sooner you take it out, the less time the Applephone has time to absorb moisture)
    Manipulations carried out prior to the application for the restoration of an iPhone/iPad that drowned, resulting in additional breakdowns.