• What to do if iPhone backup is not created in iCloud. What to do, iPhone cannot restore backup

    I encountered this problem a long time ago, but I never got around to figuring out how to cure this disease. The most interesting thing is that I have three devices for iOS: two iPads and an iPhone. There were no problems with the iPads, but the iPhone refuses to create a backup copy from the moment of purchase. In general, today I figured it all out and am sharing it with you.

    I am aware that Apple devices are not a mass product these days. This is primarily due to the exchange rate of the ruble and their prices. However, judging by search queries the topic of life hacks with the treatment of small software problems very relevant. For example, "" written in the summer of 2014 is still at the peak of popularity in search queries:

    People go, read and say thank you. I am very pleased that my posts help solve problems.

    Let's go back to backup copy. As we know, backup in IOS is available in two ways: through iTunes program and copying to the cloud iCloud storage. I always use the latter. This is very convenient, because... no need to connect the device to the computer, press any buttons... all you need to do is put your phone on charge with wi-fi connected and go to bed. A copy will be created in the morning. It is also very convenient to restore your device when purchasing a new device. Just connect to your account and restore from the latest copy.

    So, two ways to restore copying if it is not carried out automatically.

    1. You need to go to Settings-iCloud, go down the menu and log out of your account. When you exit, the system will ask whether to leave the content, we answer - yes:

    If a copy is still not created, then you can try the second method. You need to delete the previously created copy of this device. It is best to do this not from the device, but from the computer. I have a Mac, so the screenshots will be from Mac OS. On Windows you need to go to iCloud app and find a similar function.

    2. On the Mac, go to Settings - iCloud

    At the bottom of the window, click the “Manage” button:

    In storage management, select “Backups” on the left and the copy of the device that needs to be deleted. As I already said, copies have never been created on my iPhone, for this reason there is simply no previous copy. If you previously created copies and suddenly stopped, then here it will be latest copy. It needs to be removed:

    After deleting, go to the device menu Settings-iCloud-Backups and click “Create a backup copy”

    That's all! I hope you find this useful.

    Hello everyone! Sometimes, the information stored on the device is much more important than the gadget itself. Photos, videos, notes, phone book- losing it all is really scary. This is why regularly backing up your iPhone or iPad is a very useful activity. Which one is the simplest and free way backup? That's right - through iTunes.

    It would seem nothing complicated - I connected my iPhone or iPad to the computer, pressed a couple of buttons, a copy was successfully created, and went for a walk about my business. Victory! And everything would be exactly like this if it weren’t for the various errors that accompany or precede this process. One of which we will consider today.

    So, in the process of creating a backup copy (most often at the final stage), iTunes can “please” us with this warning:

    iTunes could not create a backup because the iPhone is disconnected.

    However, instead of an iPhone there could easily be an iPad or iPod. It's clearly not the device itself. And it would be okay this error always appeared, but no - a few days ago everything was fine, and then bam - “iPhone is disconnected.” Mysticism... but it needs to be corrected!

    Well, let's start looking for a solution with some advice. technical support Apple company. After all, there are specialists there - these people are simply obliged to help! They recommend doing this:

    • Replace the wire. Make sure that you are using 100% original.
    • Change the USB cable connection port.
    • and install again. Moreover, you can try.
    • Perform a backup on another computer.

    The advice is, of course, good. But they don’t always help out. Although, it’s still worth a try - and pay maximum attention to the connection wire.

    I had a case when an original-looking cable (as I was told - it was in the box when I bought it) turned out to be a fake and iTunes was unable to create a backup copy precisely because of it.

    Oh well, you've checked everything - but the copying still can't be completed because the iPhone "disconnects" during the process? It's time to move on to “folk” methods of solving the problem.

    The information was collected from different sources, so I warn you right away - all manipulations are at your own peril and risk :) Although, if you look into it, there is nothing wrong with all this.

    And here is what users suggest to solve the error “Could not create a backup in iTunes”:

    These are the tips from “ real life" And they really work!

    On my own behalf, I would like to note that the most often helps: replacing the cable with an original (certified) one, updating the firmware and deleting documents (with Russian names) in applications on the device. These are the points you should pay attention to first.

    P.S. Do you have any questions or questions? Or maybe you have your own way to solve this problem? Be sure to write in the comments!

    When backing up an iPhone or iPad to iCloud, several common errors may occur. The strangest of them is related to the fact that the copy creation process does not complete, while iOS does not provide any recommendations on how to fix the problem. About how to get rid of similar mistake described in this manual.

    Method 1: Delete the previous backup

    Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → iCloud → « Storage».

    Step 2. Select " Control", and then a backup copy of your device, which was created earlier.

    Step 3. On the page that opens, click “ Delete copy" Note that the button appears after a short loading time.

    Step 4: Confirm deletion.

    Immediately after this, try to create a new backup in the " Settings» → iCloud → « Backup».

    Method 2: Create a backup in iTunes

    The error related to the inability to create a new backup in iCloud can often be solved by creating a copy through iTunes and then activating the backup in iCloud.

    Step 1: Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and launch iTunes.

    Step 2: In the iTunes window, select your device.

    Step 3: On the "" tab Review"check the box" This computer" and click " Apply».

    Step 4: Click " Create a copy now" and wait for the backup process to complete.

    Step 5. On mobile device go to menu " Settings» → iCloud → « Backup" and activate the switch " iCloud backup».

    After enabling the backup feature, the problem with the inability to create a backup should disappear.

    The impetus for writing this article was the problems that I had when creating a backup copy in iCloud. But if I easily coped with the lack of free space in the cloud by purchasing additional gigabytes, then another problem forced me to think twice. I'll probably start with it. Then I will list other popular problems with iCloud backup and how to solve them.

    Failed to complete the latest backup

    This is exactly the error I got when copying to iCloud. Moreover, on the computer in iTunes backup a copy also refused to be created.

    Solution. Delete the old backup from iCloud. Settings->iCloud->Storage->Manage. Select the device and click the red Delete copy button.

    The screenshot shows that my backup is 0 bytes. In fact, this screenshot was taken after the first deletion 2 minutes before. You just need to wait a while for iCloud to clear the remnants of the old backup. I don't know what was going on in the storage, but after a couple of hours I was able to make a backup copy.

    This iPhone cannot be backed up because there is not enough free space in iCloud.

    The easiest way to solve the problem is to buy additional free space in iCloud. Settings->iCloud->Storage->Change storage plan. On at the moment The following rates apply:

    • 5 GB - free
    • 20 GB - 39 rubles per month
    • 200 GB - 149 rubles per month
    • 500 GB - 379 rubles per month
    • 1 TB - 749 rubles per month

    In my experience, free 5 gigabytes are only enough for 1-2 devices, but without iCloud backup. If you turn on the media library and take photos, then 20 GB will not be enough. In general, nothing prevents you from increasing the tariff gradually. For example, with a whole zoo of gadgets, a 200 GB tariff is enough for me, where 40 gigabytes are occupied by photographs. 1 backup takes on average 2-4 gigabytes.

    But where am I going with this? Everyone’s situation is different and often people want to stay within a certain framework, for example, a 20 GB tariff. In this case, you can start saving space in iCloud. What can be done?

    • Settings->iCloud->Storage->Manage. See which applications save their documents and data to iCloud. Delete unnecessary documents.
    • In the same place in the settings, look and be horrified by the size of the iCloud Media Library. It might make sense to delete extra photos and video from the device?

    This iPad has not been backed up in 10 weeks. Backups are created while iPad is connected to your computer, locked, and connected to Wi-Fi

    This message hints that you haven't made backups in a while. Don't ignore it if you care about the information on your device. I recommend it if it appears of this message try creating a backup manually: perhaps you have some problem with automatic creation backup. Should identify this problem and eliminate.

    Reserve copy iPhone will no longer be created automatically on your computer when syncing with iTunes

    Don't be alarmed by this message. It is only a warning after enabling automatic backup in iCloud. On your computer, you can create a backup manually through iTunes.

    Back up this iPad to lately were not created because the recovery process was not completed. Do you want to finish downloading your remaining purchases and media files before backing them up, or want to delete them along with all program data?

    This iPad is currently being restored. Then a backup copy will be created automatically

    Both problems indicate that you have not yet completed the device recovery process. Wait for the recovery process to complete. If the problem does not go away for a long time and you are sure that the recovery is already complete, then try rebooting the iDevice. And look carefully to see if all application icons are active (that is, not dimmed). If applications do not recover over time, then it may make sense to remove them and then install them again.

    If you have any problems with backup and have not found a solution, ask your questions in the comments, clearly describing the problems. We will help as much as we can! :)

    When an iPhone backup is not created in iTunes or iCloud, the device displays a series of errors: “Backup failed,” “Error in creating...”, etc. This makes it impossible to continue the operation, but there are a number of ways to deal with the problem.

    Before considering options to fix the problem, users need to research why they most often fail to back up their iPhone:

    • Outdated version of iTunes.
    • There is no free space left.
    • The cable connected from the device to the PC is faulty.
    • Unstable Internet connection, lack of required speed or traffic.
    • A previously performed backup was interrupted, and iTunes does not provide the opportunity to continue the operation, since there are already other similar files.
    • Problems in the device itself.

    In most cases, rebooting the system is sufficient, but if the error occurs again, it is worth paying attention to other causes and conducting diagnostics.

    How to understand why the operation cannot be performed:

    1. Connect the device to your PC and see if it appears in iTunes. If this does not happen, there is a high probability of a software problem or a damaged cable.
    2. If you have several computers or MACs, you can try to perform the procedure through them when this cannot be done on one PC. If everything works on others, then the problem is not in the iPhone.

    When the device reports that the copy is damaged, it is advisable to contact the technician, because... self-recovery files may lead to additional errors and loss of information.

    Restart is one of the most simple methods getting rid of errors during backup, and everything is done very easily:

    1. Find the power button and press it for 10 seconds.
    2. When a red button appears on the display, swipe to the right with your finger.
    3. We wait for the device to turn off, then turn it on by pressing the same power key.

    Checking your Internet connection

    Poor internet connection speed can also interfere with the procedure. To check it on a PC, you need to take several steps:

    1. Go to a specialized website. For example: speedtest.net/ru
    2. Select the “Start scan” function.
    3. Wait one minute. At this time, the program will automatically check your connection speed and then display the final results. It is advisable to close all windows in the browser - they can lower them, since when sites are open, data is still received and transmitted.
    4. At the end, the ping will appear - the connection reaction time, and the lower it is, the better. The optimal value is 40m/s. The speed of data transfer and reception, measured in MB or GB, is also displayed here: it all depends on what indicators are declared by the provider.

    iPhone owners can check the Internet speed directly on their gadgets. To do this, just download Speed ​​app Test and use it according to the instructions described above. Any action depending on the situation will lead to the appearance of indicators with an accuracy of up to 99%.

    If the connection is established with using Wi-Fi, the fault may be a malfunction of the router, and you also need to pay attention to it: for example, check whether other devices are connected to the access point.

    Application update

    If you plan to perform a backup from using iTunes, you need to make sure that the latest version of the program is installed on the system; errors may also occur due to outdated software. How to do it:

    1. Open the application and go to the “Help” section.
    2. To search latest version go to the “Updates” menu.
    3. We are waiting for iTunes to produce automatic search updates. If they are found, the program will install them on its own, only confirmation is required.

    This solution is effective, and after installing the updates, you will need to delete old backups (if any) and then perform the operation again.

    Updating iOS and programs

    After iOS release 9.2.1 all applications are updated in automatic mode, but many people still have problems with auto-update. To check the device, it is recommended to make sure that the latest firmware version matches the OS, and also check for updates:

    1. Go to settings, select “General”.
    2. Move down and find the “Software Update” section.
    3. The system automatically scans for iOS updates. If they are available, you will be prompted to install them or perform the operation later.

    Freeing up disk space

    Capacity cloud drive in iCloud is limited, and if it is full, this problem can only be solved by purchasing additional volume. What is needed for this:

    1. Go to settings, then select “iCloud”, then – storage.
    2. Click on “Change storage plan” and select a tariff for 20, 20,200, 500 GB or 1 TB. The price will depend on the selected volume.

    In rare cases after purchase additional package The disk capacity does not increase. If such a problem occurs, you should contact the service Apple support and describe the situation.

    If the copy is not made through iCloud, but directly through the PC, there is probably no free space on the computer hard drive, so you need to free it up to solve the problem. How to do everything:

    1. Open “Add or Remove Programs”.
    2. Let's see which programs are not used.
    3. We perform uninstallation.

    Sign in to your Apple ID account

    You may receive an error when signing in to your Apple ID, so here's what you need to do:

    1. Go to settings, look for iCloud, click on the icon.
    2. Choose account, then exit it and re-enter by entering your username and password.

    Removing old versions of backups

    The presence of old backups in iTunes or iCloud is the most common reason why you cannot create a new one.

    How to delete data from iTunes:

    1. Open the program, go to settings, then to the “Devices” tab.
    2. A list of all files will appear in the window that opens; they need to be uninstalled.

    To delete a backup from iCloud, a number of actions are performed:

    1. Through the settings we move to the “iCloud” tab.
    2. After the information appears in the tab, find the “Management” button.
    3. Click on the menu “ Backup", delete unnecessary files.

    All of the above methods are only suitable for use with a PC. To clean iCloud from an iPhone, another instruction is relevant:

    1. Click on “Settings”, through iCloud menu go to “Storage and copies”.
    2. We go to “Storage”, look at the copies of all devices displayed in the list that opens, and select those that need to be deleted.

    Sometimes there is not enough space for backup cloud service Apple, and then you need to delete unnecessary files or buy a package with additional memory.


    Errors when creating a backup on iPhone through programs are a common problem. To solve this problem, there are several proven methods that will certainly help fix problems in a matter of minutes, while the iPhone owner will not need much knowledge about the device and operation software– just follow the instructions.