• What is multi-touch? Which is better: resistive or capacitive screen? Touch Screen Types

    It always seemed to me that the concept of “multi-touch” is something that goes without saying, but, probably, this is only due to the fact that all my life I have to work with certain gadgets. IN lately I had to face several times the fact that not everyone understands what this technology is and what its advantages may be.

    The writing of this article was prompted by the last incident: I went to the store of one of the large networks for a gift for my wife. She wanted herself to be quite simple, but touchable samsung phone. WITH specific model I decided before going to the store, and therefore immediately said that I was going to buy this phone and wanted to inspect it in order to avoid any mechanical damage or firmware glitches. All the while he was studying the phone, the girl consultant smiled and chirped something like: “this will be a great gift... multi-touch... three gi... the most popular model... multi-touch...” (I couldn’t make out the rest, I was focused). I asked her what multi-touch is - she began to explain that this means the ability to use a touch screen, display widgets on it, etc. I bought a phone, although there is no multi-touch. But in my place there could be someone else who is less versed in the intricacies of touch screens and who needs multi-touch support. And he might come across the same girl consultant who doesn’t understand this at all. To prevent this from happening, I will try to talk about the subject clearly and in the necessary detail.

    Multi-touch- a function found in many modern touch devices (these are not necessarily tablets or smartphones, but we will speak in relation to them), which allows the device to simultaneously determine the coordinates of several touch points. The video below is a good demonstration of the technology, in my opinion.

    Why is this necessary?

    You've probably all seen how on an Apple iPad you can use two fingers to scale an image or map: as your fingers move closer together, the scale decreases, and as the distance between them increases, it increases. Convenient, I don’t argue, but you can do it without multi-touch by clicking on the corresponding icon with one finger.

    Another example: You installed the Dendy console emulator on your device and decided to play Super Mario. On the screen you see the standard joystick of this console, you run across the screen to the right, press the “jump” button... and nothing happens - Mario stood rooted to the spot and did not jump. This means that you do not have multi-touch. And the screen cannot handle two simultaneous presses. Super Mario is just an example (I hope everyone has played it at least once), but enough large number modern games require at least two fingers to operate, especially given the fact that manufacturers are increasingly abandoning hardware keys on their devices.

    How to determine if there is multi-touch on a device that does not have Super Mario installed?

    Firstly: read about this device in all sorts of sources. But there is one thing: it happens that in some online store it is indicated that there is multi-touch, although in fact it is not in the device.

    Secondly: in smartphones and tablets with resistive screens There is no multi-touch. If someone tries to convince you otherwise and even demonstrates something similar to what was mentioned above, do not believe it. Yes, it is possible to implement scaling or rotating an image with two fingers on a resistive screen. But: this is achieved by calculating changes in the relative position of the touch points, and in Russian: the coordinates of each individual finger are unknown and you won’t be able to play Super Mario either.

    Thirdly: try the device before buying - run, for example, Google Maps, in it, two-finger zooming only works with multi-touch.

    Perhaps that's all. It is also worth noting that you should not expect from any tablet or smartphone with a multi-touch function what was shown in the video above. Most budget and mid-range solutions only support two-point multi-touch, but for most tasks this is quite enough.

    Articles and Lifehacks

    Unfortunately, not all users understand what it is this function. Understand that what is multitouch on a tablet, it will be useful and to an ordinary person, also periodically faced with various types devices. It happens that even sales consultants, when offering a product in their store, point to multi-touch support, but cannot confidently answer all questions related to this technical feature.

    Multi-touch: what is it? Features of use on a tablet

    WITH English language multi-touch can be translated as multi-touch. This is a special feature that many modern touch devices, including smartphones, laptops, tablets and tablet computers. Thanks to it, our equipment can respond to multiple touches simultaneously when entering data or commands.

    Most often, multi-touch is used for scaling, and often so that two users can work with the tablet at once. For example, you can install a game called “Cut the Buttons” on your iPad. It not only has modes for 2 players at once, but also allows each of them to control each with 2 fingers.

    Adequate recognition by the device of all touch points at one point in time significantly expands the capabilities of input and control of the tablet. This also improves speed and efficiency.

    So we figured out what multi-touch is in a tablet. Note that resistive touch displays do not have support for such technology at all. In any case, when purchasing a tablet, it is recommended to find out as many characteristics as possible of the device model you are interested in. If it has a capacitive display, it is quite possible that multi-touch support is provided.

    Separately, we would like to add that some tablets with resistive screens support zooming with 2 fingers at once, but this cannot be called a full-fledged multi-touch. We can recommend running, for example, google maps, since they clearly need this technology.
    Also quite common are devices that have only a 2-point multi-touch. Typically this is budget tablets, however, such multi-touch is quite enough to solve most problems.

    Why do you need a multi-touch function on a tablet?

    As already mentioned, this technology is very useful if we use, for example, zoom and Google Maps. However, many users will argue that multi-touch support is not that important.

    Most often, those who like to play games resort to buying a tablet with multi-touch. A good example will be installing Super Mario within the Dendy emulator. Support for this function will allow you to fully enjoy the game - especially given the fact that modern manufacturers are increasingly equipping their games with the need to recognize two or more touches at the same time.

    Modern technologies are constantly evolving. Moreover, the pace of development is so fast that sometimes it is even impossible to keep track of all the new products and achievements. One of the achievements that still could not escape the attention of the general public is the Multitouch touch screen. It allows you to make managing any equipment much easier and faster. For this purpose, touch devices have a special interface. In addition, this is a new technology that opens up many new possibilities. However, many people have a question: what is a Multitouch screen?

    1. What is Multitouch

    Multitouch translated from English (multi-touch) means multiple touches. The unique function of Multitouch touch systems is capable of simultaneously determining the coordinates of two or more points of contact. The Multi-touch sensor system, thanks to its capabilities, is used in a variety of areas.

    For example, the Multitach touch screen of the phone makes working with the device as convenient and fast as possible. In addition, such a system is used to change the image scale, for example, when the distance between two touch points decreases, the image decreases, and when the distance increases, the image increases.

    Another important feature of such a sensor is that it allows multiple users to work with one device at once. However, in most cases, multi-touch is used to perform other, simpler functions.

    1.1. How the Multitouch sensor works

    Today, Multitouch implementation technology is divided into several types. In fact, there are a huge variety of different multi-touch systems. All of them have a complex structure. It is much more complex than conventional Single Touch touch systems. All existing types Of course, we will not consider sensory systems. However, let's look at the three most popular and frequently encountered sensors. So, Multitouch sensor, what is it and how does it work?

    1.1.1. Projected capacitive sensor

    This type of implementation of the Multitouch system is the most practical. Thanks to this, it became most widespread. This technology is arranged as follows. Electrodes are located on the inside of the screen. When you touch them with your fingers, they form a capacitor.

    Next, the electronic interface recognizes the capacitance of the resulting capacitor and is able to determine the coordinates of the point of contact. The peculiarity of such screens is that they are very durable. In addition, they are easy to use, that is, they are not sensitive to contamination.

    The disadvantage of such sensors is that you must press your finger on the screen. However, he does not react at all to other objects. In addition, it is worth noting that if it is necessary to create a sensor that has a fairly large size (19 inches or more), certain difficulties arise.

    Another disadvantage is that the fairly large touch screen, made using projected capacitive technology, is a source of interference. Moreover, they are very difficult to manufacture.

    1.1.2. Resistive technology

    The structure of this technology is that the touch screen itself consists of two layers - upper and lower. The top layer is made of flexible material (special film), and the bottom, in the vast majority of cases, is made of glass. Between these layers is a layer of substance called a dielectric. This material isolates the top layer from the bottom, preventing them from touching.

    The essence of how such a sensor works is that when you press the screen, the top (flexible) layer bends and comes into contact with the bottom (hard). In this case, the electronic interface records the change in voltage at the point of contact of the layers and calculates the coordinates.

    Calling such a touch screen the word “Multitouch” can only be conditional, since it can only respond to two simultaneous touches. It works thanks to system software emulation and exclusively in a five-wire circuit.

    The advantages of this technology include its low cost, as well as the simplicity of the device. However, it has a lot of disadvantages. For example, one of the important disadvantages is the fairly rapid wear of the upper flexible layer. In addition, this touch screen has low sensitivity.

    Another significant drawback of such screens is image distortion due to the very thick sensor layer. Moreover, distortion may increase when the sensor is manipulated. In addition, there are other, smaller disadvantages of this multi-touch implementation. That is why this technology is extremely rarely used on resistive screens.

    1.1.3. Multitouch optical technology

    Touch screen Multitouch with optical sensors, What is this? This technology for implementing the Multitouch touch screen has the greatest prospects. Main feature is that it has no restrictions on display size, which allows it to be used in a wide variety of devices.

    The principle of operation of the technology is that the screen is equipped with optical sensors that record the point of contact. These sensors are located at the corners of the display. It is worth noting that for the sensors to work there is no need to touch the screen. In other words, the sensors detect movements at some distance from the screen, thanks to which the interface recognizes the finger even before it touches the surface of the screen.

    This means that you can control the interface not only with your fingers, but with any other objects. In addition, screen contamination does not at all disrupt or impair the performance of the sensor. However, the disadvantages include unstable work when there are changes in illumination.

    2. Working with multi-touch sensors

    Now you know what a Multitouch sensor is. It is worth noting that working with Multitouch displays requires a unique interface. In other words, the apps and programs you work with must be in sync with the sensor. That is, the multi-touch interface, at the moment of reading certain movements, sends specific commands to the program that are executed by the application.

    At first glance, everything seems very complicated and incomprehensible, but in reality everything is simple. The Multitouch sensor interface has a set of gestures that it can recognize, and each of them has a specific command. Of course, the users themselves do not need to know all this, because to interact they only need to know a set of gestures with which the system is controlled.

    Now you know how the main types of touch screens that support multi-touch function work. It is worth noting that the most popular and frequently used sensor in modern equipment is projection- capacitive screen. It is used in devices such as:

    • Smartphones and tablets;
    • iMac;
    • Touch control panels and so on.

    3. RTI Multitouch - Residential Complex "Parusa": Video

    This technology’s popularity is explained by the fact that it allows for the most optimal implementation of the Multitouch function. Of course, as you already know, for the system to work, the sensor has a unique interface, and the device must be equipped with a special software. However, there are no problems with this nowadays, since it is built into modern operating systems, such as:

    • Windows mobile 6.5;
    • Windows 7 and 8;
    • Mac OS X;
    • Android;
    • iOS and so on.

    Such sensors are most popular in the production of modern mobile phones(smartphones), tablets, touch tables and panels, as well as PC touch screens. Such devices have a convenient and optimized interface, which makes work much more convenient and faster. And in this area there are the greatest prospects for the development of such technologies.

    Modern electronic devices are increasingly equipped with new features that are designed to make them easier to use. Each characteristic has its own name. For example, you can find in technical description tablet or phone the word "multi-touch". What is it?

    Meaning of the term

    First of all, it's worth noting that this is the name of a touch screen. This monitor responds to light finger pressure and does not have a physical keyboard. Translated from English, the term means “multiple touches.”

    History of origin

    The first experiments on creating touch screens were carried out back in the 1960s. Later they found their application at CERN. They were equipped with a particle accelerator. In the 1970s, the touchscreen was introduced at the University of Modern technology, which once seemed like science fiction, appeared in New York. It was designed by Jeff Hana. This happened eight years ago. We can say that new possibilities for creating “multi-touch” touch screens arose precisely at the beginning of the 21st century. The inventor founded his own company, which he called Perceptive Pixel. Very quickly she joined Microsoft and began developing programs included in the Office suite.

    What commands does the touch screen perform?

    First of all, let's define the features of multi-touch: what it is and what is the difference between the usual and it. The first is capable of recognizing the coordinates of a point of one touch, and the second - of many. This circumstance allows you to make working with an electronic device more comfortable and productive. Many special gestures have been developed to control the device. If you have a smartphone, you must remember that with just two fingers that converge or diverge on the monitor of an electronic gadget, you can set the command to zoom out or zoom in on the image. They also allow you to open folders, files, collapse, move them, rotate, scroll pages. You can enter text using virtual keyboard. Manufacturers of mobile electronic devices (in particular, smartphones) indicate that their screen is capable of recognizing up to twenty touches. To check the multi-touch screen for the accuracy of this statement, there is a special test program. It is free and publicly available on the Internet. It is often used by owners of devices with the Android operating system.

    Electronic devices with multi-touch

    As a rule, such technology is supported by many modern mobile electronic devices: smartphones, telephones, e-books, iPads and even laptops. They are produced by popular companies, for example, companies such as Apple, Dell, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and others. There are several options for making touch screens. Resistive technology was the most popular. It was designed by Sam Hirst. Its biggest advantage is its low production cost. This continued until 2008. Other options for creating such displays: optical, strain gauge, inductive touchscreens. Now they are being created. The Apple company uses them in its iPhones and iPads.

    Display device

    What does a multi-touch screen consist of? A capacitive monitor is a glass panel covered with a resistive layer. There are four electrodes at the corners of the display. passes through them alternating voltage. When a finger touches the touch screen, leakage current occurs. Large screens with multi-touch support the function of tracking multiple touches of several users simultaneously. Displays created using various technologies can have it. IR frames are being developed and put into production - screens with different diagonals, using infrared illumination and a camera. Special touch films, as well as glass, are in demand among electronics users. They cover displays; their sizes can range from seventeen to fifty inches or more.

    Where are touch screens used?

    For modern man Multi-touch technology has become familiar and convenient. Even children know that this is part of the interface of the best new electronics. It is considered a big plus if the device is controlled using touches. Developments are actively underway to improve this popular technology. In everyday life you can find them in shopping centers, medical centers, universities, schools, and train stations. They are used as a means of advertising services and informing customers. Moreover, a visitor to an establishment can select, view a catalog of goods, rotate, and move files. Similar panels are produced by Philips. This multi-touch system is equipped with speakers and a microphone. The monitor has high contrast and its surface is resistant to damage and scratches. The panel operates in two modes: streaming (video, flash graphics, animation) and interactive (online control). For a company that uses similar devices, this is a great opportunity to raise your prestige in the eyes of partners and clients.

    What are their advantages?

    Apple used multi-touch technology in its phones and iPhones. As a result, gadgets equipped with touch screens have become very popular among buyers. Microsoft uses multitouch on its desktop operating systems and considers this direction the most promising. If you use devices with a multi-touch display, what is it and what is its advantage, you will soon be able to answer for yourself. First of all, it is convenient to control with a few touches of your fingers. Typically, the screen electronic gadgets big. Their absence physical buttons does not interfere with their operation. On the contrary, this allows you to make electronic devices more comfortable, it is a pleasure to use the Internet, play audio or video files. Subject to availability special programs It is possible to use the device simultaneously by several users. This interface makes operation intuitive. Therefore, touch screens are suitable for children, advanced youth, and the elderly.

    The modern world of technology is regularly updated with new gadgets and various technical equipment. Almost everyone has heard such a fashionable word as “multi-touch screen”. However, not all users can evaluate rationally. Let's take a closer look at what a multi-touch screen looks like, what kind of technological innovation is this?

    Multitouch represents . He is able to respond to several touches at the same time. There is no keyboard in such a device, and the main tool is light touches with your fingers. If we translate the term from English, it means “multiple touch”.

    Back in the sixties of the last century, great minds worked on creating a high-tech touch screen. All these innovations were applied at CERN (the center for nuclear research in Europe). The public first saw such screens in New York, and their developer was Jeff Hahn. It was at the beginning of the 21st century that everyone in the world started talking about unreal technologies, when you can control the monitor image with just one touch of your finger. It was a real technological explosion, and a huge step in the world of electronics.

    The importance of multi-touch in the modern world

    Now that we have become acquainted with this device, the question arises about what a multi-touch screen means in modern world? Maybe there is no point and not everyone is ready to overpay for it? It only seems so, in fact, such touches on the screen not only simplify the task, but also save the user’s time. Of course, you don’t notice how you mechanically try to enlarge the picture with two fingers. Agree, this function is very convenient and it is confusing when a new touch gadget does not respond to this action.

    If the average user can live without these innovations in the device, he will face a lot of difficulties. Today, many well-known manufacturers are adapting controls gameplay specifically for a multi-touch screen. They simply abandon button commands and use modern technologies to simplify the game process.

    Using multi-touch in gadgets:

    • Manage games and entertainment applications.
    • Zoom the image with one touch.
    • Easy application management and time saving.

    Distinctive characteristics of multi-touch from a conventional touch screen

    These two screens should not be confused. An ordinary sensor only responds to one touch, is of particular importance to him. Multi-touch screen control is based on several touches simultaneously.

    Engineers regularly develop new combinations that should make operation and control easier electronic devices. Smartphone owners have long felt the benefits of the zoom function. Many manufacturers claim that their gadgets are capable of recognizing from 10 to 20 touches simultaneously.

    Multitouch display: device and application

    Screen design

    Almost all modern mobile devices support this feature. What is multitouch on a tablet? Here the answer will be simple - it is freedom of action and time saving when working with many applications. Many laptops also have this feature.

    Such a screen can be developed in several technological ways, but the most practical and popular remains resistive. Samuel Hurst is its main developer. The main advantage in this production scheme is . True, this method was popular until 2008. After this, more universal options for creating a multi-touch screen were developed: strain gauge, optical and inductive touchscreens. Today, many creators are working on a projected capacitive touch screen, which is what the famous Apple company in your gadgets.

    What does this high-tech screen consist of? A glass panel covered with a resistive layer is called a capacitive monitor. Four electrodes are placed in the corners of the display, which transmit alternating voltage. As soon as your finger touches the monitor, current leaks instantly. How larger sizes display, the more touch points the device recognizes.

    Additional features

    Buyers all over the world are buying gadgets that contain . It is not surprising that Apple is actively introducing such screens into all of its mobile devices. Surely everyone who has held such a device in their hands can understand its advantages over others. But still let's pay attention to additional features for those who doubt the functionality of such equipment:

    • Simple operation, time saving.
    • It is convenient to use such devices, as they fit harmoniously into a person’s everyday life.
    • The device can be used by several users, but before doing so, you must ensure that it is present.
    • Control occurs on an intuitive level, so not only children, but also pensioners can handle the devices. Buttons are always confusing, and their absence makes the workflow easier to understand.

    Scope of application

    The capacitive multi-touch screen is understandable to almost everyone, which is why it is being implemented not only in computers and mobile devices, but also in household appliances. Even children can easily figure it out. The equipment has an additional advantage if control occurs through a sensor with several touches. A variety of multi-touch panels are especially popular in public places: educational institutions, medical centers, shopping pavilions and children's entertainment centers. They are often used to provide necessary information and as advertising panels.

    Visitors can easily move around electronic map and get acquainted with product catalogs. Such systems are equipped with a microphone and speakers, which also simplifies the process of perceiving the necessary information for potential buyers and visitors. It is very important that the display image is always bright and contrasty, while the monitor is protected from scratches and other possible mechanical damage. Every entrepreneur wants to purchase such a multi-touch panel, as it increases the level of perception and adds prestige to any company.

    How can you tell if a device has multi-touch?

    It is very important to be able to recognize the presence of such a screen before purchasing.. Today there are many scammers who pass off ordinary touch devices as high-tech multi-touch screens:

    • While still in the shopping pavilion, turn on your device and go to the Google Maps menu. If the device has multi-touch, then scaling in this program will occur with two finger touches. Otherwise, it means that the seller is giving you incorrect information, so purchase another model.
    • Before making a purchase, visit the manufacturers' websites. There you will find information about each device.
    • The resistive screen in tablets and smartphones is not equipped with a multi-touch function, however, there are users who vehemently prove the opposite. It’s just that on such screens you can only implement the function of rotating and zooming with two fingers, but that’s where its capabilities end. you will not be able to play, which will certainly upset every user who was counting on an enjoyable gaming experience.

    Today, monitors are not large enough to operate with two hands, but in the near future, every gadget will have such technological multi-touch screens. Everything that was once shown in science fiction films is being implemented today and is actively being introduced into people’s lives. Great minds regularly include new functions in gadgets and use multi-touch screens for control, while new combinations are developed and the technology itself is improved. The touch screen is the face of current technology and behind it, undoubtedly, lies our entire future.