• What does batch photo processing mean? Batch Processing

    When a novice photographer is faced with the need to process a large number of photographs, the question inevitably arises: How to reduce the time spent on processing, how to automate routine operations?

    To do this, the program’s arsenal includes Adobe Photoshop There are several tools: operations or actions, scripts or scripts, and droplets.

    Operations, otherwise also called action games, macros or macro commands are recorded and saved actions on an image that can be applied to another image and also used in batch processing. Actions are also the basis for creating droplets.

    Droplet is a small application, a kind of program that automatically processes all images dragged onto it. The droplet icon can be placed, for example, on the desktop and folders with images can be dragged onto it for processing.

    Scripts or scripts are also programs, but written in one of scripting languages programming. The use of scripts allows you to automate operations for which it is impossible to write an action, that is, the possibilities of scripts are much wider. The only negative is that to write scripts you need to master certain programming languages, for example, Java Script.

    In this article we will record a simple action and look at how to use it in batch processing using the command Image processor

    As an example, let's take the method of toning photographs using color fill in blend mode Hard light. Here is the original photo

    First, let's create a set into which we will place the operation to be recorded. To create a set, click on the folder icon in the Operations palette. In the dialog box that opens, enter the name of the set.

    Now, with active typing, click on the icon for creating a new operation

    In the dialog box that opens, enter the name of the operation. If necessary, assign a color and keyboard shortcut so you can quickly launch the operation. Click Write down to start the recording process. Now in the palette Operations The recording icon will be active and turn red.

    Before you start recording, it is advisable to plan all the steps and write them down on paper. A well-planned action works without errors and the stability of its operation does not depend on which version of the program is used, Russian or English. A properly recorded action will work in any environment. If this is not the case, it means that methodological errors were made during planning and recording, for example, the names of layers or channels were written down.

    Now let's create an adjustment layer Color. To do this, click on the icon for creating an adjustment layer in the palette Layers, then select a layer from the list Color.

    In the dialog box that opens, select the desired color. It is necessary in advance, even when preparing for recording, to write down the values ​​of this color along the RGB channels, so that you can then enter it and immediately get the desired color.

    Change the layer blend mode to Hard light

    We will get something like this

    Now you need to weaken the effect of the correction layer on the skin. Skin is known to be lightest in the red channel of the image. Let's make the adjustment layer mask active. To do this, press the key combination CTRL+\. The active layer mask will be surrounded by a frame

    Now let's load the red channel of the image onto the mask. To do this, go to the menu Image - External channel. In the dialog box that opens, set the following settings Layer - Background, since it is from the background layer that we will use the red channel. Channel - Red, you need to check the box on the right Invert, since for the mask we need just the inverted red channel, Overlay - Normal, Opacity - 100%. After completing the settings, click OK. The adjustment layer's effect is now rendered through a mask based on the inverted red channel, which looks like this:

    We got a slight toning effect on the image

    You can now stop recording the action. Then, returning initial state images using a palette Story, you need to check the operation of the action. Now it can be used for batch processing.

    Batch processing is best done using a script Image processor. It can be found in the menu File - Scripts - Image Processor.

    Or, which is much more convenient, you can run the image processor from the module Bridge, having previously selected photos for processing in it. In Bridge Image processor is in the menu Tools -Photoshop - Image Processor.

    Set Batch Processing Options in the Dialog Box Image processor is not difficult. You need to select the location to save the files, the format and quality of saving, as well as a set of actions and the action itself that needs to be applied to the selected images.

    In this lesson we will look at the basics of automated photo processing in Photoshop and their practical application. We will create a set of operations and then apply it to other images.

    Batch processing will significantly save your time and eliminate the need for tedious repetition of the same steps when editing images. Let's explore this useful technique in practice.

    Creating operations.

    Preview of the final result:

    Step 1.

    Not everyone is a fan Photoshop is a graphic or web designer. For convenience and ease of use in the program ordinary users or people indirectly interested Photoshop, there is a function for recording all actions performed on an image, and then applying these actions to edit other documents in the program.

    The first thing we have to do is select the photos to which we want to apply some changes and place them in one folder anywhere on your computer. Then, select one photo from your collection and open it in Photoshop.

    Step 2.

    Now let's start creating operations. To do this, let's go to top menu program to the Window-Operations tab (Window > Actions) or press the keyboard shortcut Alt+F9 to open the options window. At the bottom of the Actions panel that opens, click on the folder icon to create a new set of your actions. Enter the folder name (in in this example Name "Psdtuts+").

    Now, after you have created a New Set of Operations, click on the New Operation icon at the bottom of the panel (a piece of paper with a folded edge, like a new layer icon). In the dialog box, enter a name for the operation: Vintage Halftones (Vintage Halftone), and then click on the “Record” button (Record) to start from this moment recording all your actions on the image. As you can see, three icons have appeared at the bottom of the operation panel, designed to control the actions being performed: record, play and stop (Record, Play, Stop).

    Step 3.

    From this moment we will begin the sequential construction of operations on the photo. You need to be extremely careful when performing each step, otherwise the result will not meet your expectations.

    The first step is to resize the photo. To do this, go to the top menu in the Image-Image Size tab (Image > Image Size) and in the dialog box change the width value (Width) up to 700 px. Activate the “Maintain proportions” function (Constant Proportions) and "Interpolation" (Resample Image) at the bottom of the window, and also select the option at the very bottom “Bicubic sharper (best for reduction)” (Bicubic Sharper), which is good for photographs is not very good good quality and small size.

    Don't use Transform to resize (Free Transform), since precise mathematical values ​​are needed here. The entered parameters will be executed only for similar images horizontal location, while for vertical shots such values ​​are not suitable.

    Click OK in the dialog box and proceed to the next step.

    Step 4.

    Now, when performing each complex step, we activate the “Reset samples” function (Reset Swatches) by pressing "D" on the keyboard. The foreground and background colors are set to black and white.

    Now, double click on the background thumbnail, unlock it by converting it to “Layer 0”, and then drag it onto the New Layer icon (sheet with a folded edge) at the bottom of the layers panel to create a duplicate.

    Step 5.

    Now, on the “Layer 0” copy, go to Filter-Filter Gallery (Filter > Filter Gallery) and in it select the folder Distortion – Diffused Glow (Distort > Diffuse Glow). We make the settings for the option: grain size 2, glow level 3, original 10. Click OK.

    Step 6.

    On the copy layer, change the Opacity level (Opacity) by 75%, entering the value exactly into the option window. There is no need to use the slider to change the parameter, otherwise the recording will display a gradual decrease in opacity: 100, 99, 98, 97, etc., which is undesirable.

    Now, while holding Ctrl, click on the original layer, selecting it and the copy in the layers panel. Right-click on the selected layers and select from the menu – Merge Layers (Merge Layers). As a result, the two layers will be merged into one “Layer 0 copy”.

    Step 7

    Duplicate “Layer 0 copy” by dragging it onto the New Layer icon at the bottom of the layers panel, and we get “Layer 0 copy 2”. On the duplicate, go to the Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur tab (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) and set the blur radius to 2 px, click OK.

    Step 8

    Next change the blending mode (Blending Mode) for a duplicate on the Floor (Overlay), without opening the blending modes window, but by clicking on the down arrow in the options window in the layers palette, and selecting desired mode. You can try different modes overdubs outside of recording, having previously stopped recording with the Stop button (square at the bottom of the operations panel). Having selected the desired mode, turn on Recording again by clicking on the circle at the bottom of the panel.

    Step 9

    Next, create a New Adjustment Layer “Color” (Adjustment Layer > Solid Color). To do this, click the black and white circle at the bottom of the layers panel and select the “Color” option from the drop-down menu. In the options dialog box, select black color (# 000000) fill and click OK. Drag this layer down to the bottom of the Layers panel under "Layer 0 copy".

    Step 10

    Go to the “Layer 0 copy” thumbnail, and then go to the Layers tab - Layer mask - Hide all (Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All).

    Step 11

    Now we will change the borders of our image. To do this, select the mask by clicking Ctrl+A(“Select All”) on the keyboard. It is important to select all the pixels of the mask, otherwise the future result will not impress you.
    Be sure to use the "Select All" command (Select All), rather than making a selection manually with the Marquee Tool. (Marquee tool).

    If you are using custom selection then Photoshop will save these coordinates and values ​​only for a specific image, which will not work on other images.

    Step 12

    Activate the " Rectangular selection» (Marquee tool) and right-click on the image. In the drop-down menu, select the option – Transform selected area (Transform Selection), and in top panel settings change the values ​​for width (Width) and heights (Height) allocation by 95%. To apply a function, press Enter twice (Enter).

    Thus, your allocation will decrease by exactly 5% from its initial state.

    Step 13

    Now we'll distort the shape of our selection a little to create a vintage effect. Make sure you are on the Layer 0 copy mask and your selection is reduced. Go to the Selection - Refine Edge tab (Select > Refine edge) and enter the settings from the screenshot below. Click OK.

    You should end up with an uneven selection, like the example below.

    Step 14

    Next, fill the selection with white (ffffff). Press "D" on your keyboard to reset color swatches (Swatches). Then, activate the Rectangular Marquee Tool (Marquee tool) and right-click on the canvas, selecting the option from the menu - Fill (Fill). Specify a foreground color (Foreground Color), opacity 100% and mode normal. Click OK. Deselect (Ctrl+D).

    Step 15

    Now you need to repeat the entire previous process with the frame for the layer “Layer 0 copy 2”. You can repeat steps 10 to 14, or duplicate the actions in the Actions panel. First, go to the "Copy 2" layer in the Layers panel and click the Stop button in the Actions panel to stop recording for now. Select all operations with the frame and duplicate them. To do this, go to the first action with a frame in the “Operations” panel (the “Make” line (Make)) and holding Shift, click on the most recent operation with the frame (line Define selection (Set Selection)). Then click the arrow at the top right and select the option from the list - Create a duplicate (Duplicate). Now drag the line “Select layer “Layer 0 copy 2” over the duplicated actions and stand on the line “Make” (Make), click Play to duplicate the mask. Once a copy of the mask has appeared on the “Copy 2” layer thumbnail, go to the last line in the Actions window and click the Write button to move on.

    Step 16

    Activate the layer mask thumbnail “Layer 0 copy” and go to Filter-Filter Gallery (Filter > Filter Gallery). Click on the Sketch folder (Sketch), and in it on “Halftone pattern (Halftone Pattern). After entering the settings, click OK.

    Step 17

    Go to the “Layer 0 copy 2” layer and click on the adjustment layers icon (black and white circle) at the bottom of the layers panel. From the list, select the Photo Filter correction (Photo Filter) and activate the "Color" option (Color) in the dialog box. Click on the color square and enter the color value 957345 and the density (Density) increase to 100%.

    Step 18

    Now, create another Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer. (Adjustment Layer > Hue Saturation) by clicking on the black and white circle at the bottom of the layers panel and adjust the values ​​from the screenshot below. Don't forget to activate the "Rendering" checkbox in the option window:

    Step 19

    In the Layers panel, create a New Layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) or a leaf icon with a folded edge at the bottom of the panel)) above all the previous ones and name it “Layer 1”. Select all by clicking Ctrl+A, and activate the Rectangular Marquee tool (Marquee tool). Set the foreground and background colors to default (“D”). Right-click on the canvas and select the option – Fill (Fill). In the dialog box, specify the foreground color (black), opacity 100%, mode normal and click OK.

    Step 20.

    Double-click the Layer 1 layer thumbnail to open the Layer Styles window and select the Pattern Overlay option. (Pattern Overlay). Open the Gray Paper pattern set (Grayscale Paper), and it has the texture “Gray Granite” (Gray Granite).

    Step 21

    To rasterize this layer, create new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) above the patterned one and select them both in the layers panel ( Ctrl+click on the layers icon). Then, combine them into one by pressing Ctrl+E.

    Step 22

    Change the blending mode (Blending Mode) for the layer “Layer 2” to Multiply (Multiply), and Opacity (Opacity) reduce to 75%.

    Step 23

    Now let's flatten all layers. Select all layers in the layers palette, starting with “Layer 2” and ending with the “Color” layer at the bottom, holding Shift.
    Right-click on the selected layers and select from the menu – Flatten (Flatten image). Then click the Stop button in the “Operations” window (Actions). Now all our completed actions are ready to be applied to other photos or images.

    Now it's time to check how our recording works for other shots. If you did everything correctly, the program will process your images perfectly.

    To repeat all the steps with another photo, open it in Photoshop, select the Vintage Halftones action and click the Play button (the triangle at the bottom of the Actions panel).

    Now you need to save this set of operations. Go to the name of the operation set, in this example to the line “PSDTUTS+” and click the down arrow at the top right of the window. In the drop-down menu, select the option - save operation (Save Actions). In the dialog box, enter a name for the operation and save it anywhere on your computer. Now we are ready for batch editing of images.

    Creating a droplet.

    The droplet applies actions to one or more images (a folder of images). You can save the droplet anywhere on your computer and use it as many times as you want. To create a droplet, go to the top menu File-Automation-Create Droplet (File > Automate > Create droplet...). In the dialog box that opens, first select the folder where you will save the droplet. In line Set (Set) specify the name of the set (“PSDTUTS+” in this example), in the operation line indicate the name of the set operation ("Vintage Halftones").

    Next, select the photo folder to which you want to apply the effect, after making a copy of it, and work with it. In addition, you can customize the names of future images, add text to them, series number, extensions to ensure maximum compatibility. Once you have entered all the required information, click OK.

    In the example below, you can see that I placed the droplet in a folder with a lot of photos in it.

    Now select the images from the copy folder and drag them onto the droplet icon to apply its actions to the photo. The program itself will download the images and process them, saving all the images in the folder specified by you. Finally, open the folder with the changes you made and see how your photos now look.

    Now you have a whole collection of vintage photos ready to print or use on your blog. Good luck!

    Often there is a need to bring a large number of photographs into the right size or put a logo on each one. If you do this manually with every image, you can go crazy. Therefore, in this lesson I will describe one of the methods batch photo processing in Photoshop.

    In this lesson, we will consider the following problem as an example:

    There are many photos large size and they need to be placed on a blog with the website logo. Photos must be no more than 552 px in width and saved using “Save” for Web"with quality 60% and you need to apply a sharpen filter to them for sharpness after resizing.

    Let's start implementing batch photo processing in Photoshop

    First. Let's create two folders on the computer. Let’s call the first “sources”, the second “results”. We place all our raw photos in the “sources” folder.

    Second. Open any image from the “sources” folder in Photoshop and write an Action for it. To do this, on the Action panel, first create a new set (click on the folder icon):

    Let's call it “Size + logo”. Immediately after creation, the Action begins recording your actions (the record indicator lights up red).

    Third. We make all the necessary changes with the image:

    a) Resize using Image/Image Size . Check the boxes Constrain Proportions And Resample Image , and in the Width field set the value to 552 px (this is the width of the column with text on my blog).

    b) Add a logo. To do this, click File/Place and find a file with a pre-prepared logo (or watermark) and press the Place button. After this, the logo will appear on the image; you need to place it in the desired place and press Enter.

    c) Sharpim. Select the layer with the image in the layers panel and apply Filter/Sharpen .

    d) Save the image to the “results” folder using the “Save for Web” command

    Fourth. Our Action is ready, so it needs to be stopped. To do this, click on the corresponding icon:

    We close the image and delete it from the “results” folder so as not to get confused in the future.

    Fifth. Now we need to apply an Action to a group of images. To do this we go to File / Automate / Batch…

    Fill in the required fields and check the boxes as in the screenshot:

    Click ok and watch how Photoshop does everything for us.

    This method is very convenient when you need to prepare some kind of report for a blog or process a bunch of photos with the same settings (for example, increase sharpness or make all photos black and white). These actions can be performed with other programs, and some people claim that it is easier, but for me personally it is easier to do the processing in Photoshop.

    Greetings, my dear blog readers. Today, as always, we will study some of the nuances of working in graphics programs, and I'll show you how to automate processing multiple images at once. This knowledge will definitely be useful to you in your daily work.

    Reference Editor raster graphics Photoshop, among other things, contains convenient tools for automating similar actions on many objects. Let's assume that before sending email You need to quickly reduce the size of photos and improve their quality. Let's take, for example, 5 pictures. For all of them, you need to set the width to 800 pixels, while simultaneously increasing the sharpness. Such a task in a program can be accomplished in several ways, two of which are discussed below.

    Batch processing of photos in Photoshop using an action

    A Photoshop Action is a sequence of automatically executed commands applied to one of the images. After saving the action, you can extend it to all others. Before moving directly to action, you should create two directories on your computer to store the original and processed images. Let's call them Old and New, respectively, and place the original images in the first of them.

    Open in editor (for example, photoshop versions cs6) any of the processed photos, for example, a 4.jpg photo with a width of 1200 pixels.

    Then go to the “Window” menu and check the “Operation” line. In the tab of the same name that opens, click the “Creates a new operation” icon.

    At the top line of the tab " New operation"Enter its name - (in our case - “Size + Sharpness”) and click the “Record” button.

    Attention! From this moment on, you need to be especially careful, since all subsequent user actions will be recorded in action. Unnecessary and, especially, erroneous manipulations with the keyboard and mouse must be eliminated.

    In the “Image” menu, go to “Image Size”, enter a width value (800) and click OK. The screenshot shows that the “weight” of the file will be reduced by more than half.

    From the Filter menu, select Sharpening, then Smart. The peculiarity of this command is that it does not operate everywhere, but only in those fragments where it is required.

    After saving the corrected image by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl+S keys, the last line"Save". All you have to do is click the “Stops playback/recording” button.

    Now the created action can be applied to all objects. To do this, go to the “File” menu, go to “Automation” and click “Batch Processing”.

    In the window of the same name that opens, in the “Operation” list, specify:

    • name of the recorded sequence;
    • name of the source objects folder (D:\Old);
    • name of the output directory for recording the corrected photos (D:\New);
    • option for naming output objects. Since our initial images were simply numbered, we need to select “ Serial number" from a single digit and "Extension", which will repeat the original one.

    After clicking OK it will happen batch processing photos in Photoshop. The recorded sequence will be applied to all pictures in the Old catalogue. After a few seconds, all the corrected images will appear in the New folder. As you can see in the screenshot, their width has become 800 pixels.

    Obviously, in general, the recorded action can include significantly more commands than the two described. For example, it is often necessary to protect your copyright photographs from copying. To do this, the author's logo or watermark is applied to them using the editor's tools. But the essence of the matter will not change. The difference will be that it will take more time to create the action, and it will be completed in tens of seconds instead of several.

    Using a droplet

    Batch processing of photos in Photoshop can also be done using a droplet. That's what the special is called executable file, which automatically processes photos dragged onto its icon. Similar to the first method, droplet uses a pre-recorded action.

    To create a droplet you need to perform the following sequence of actions.

    In the “File” menu, go to “Automation”, then “Create Droplet”.

    In the window that appears, specify the location where the droplet will be saved. A little later it will become clear why it is convenient to write it in the same directory in which the pictures being adjusted are located, i.e. New. In the “Output folder” block, the default value “Save and close” means overwriting the corrected objects in place of the original ones. (Of course, you can save them in another directory if necessary.)

    In the “Operation” list, you must specify a previously created action.

    After clicking OK, a droplet called Untitled.exe appears in the New folder.

    After that, just select all the pictures, drag them onto the droplet icon and click “Open with”.

    In the same few seconds, the photos dragged onto the icon will be completely processed. All pictures will be exposed to the action “packed” into the droplet. The screenshot shows the result - the same 800 pixels.

    As follows from the above description, the droplet created by a specialist can be easily used by users who do not own the program. Upon receiving (for example, on a flash drive or by mail) the droplet, they will only need to drag a photo onto it without opening Photoshop. Required condition here is only the presence of this program on the computer.

    I also advise you to read and familiarize yourself with the free program for processing photos in large quantities in a couple of minutes. Subscribe to the blog newsletter and don't forget to like. All the best and see you soon in the next posts.

    Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

    The free Easy Image Modifier program is designed to batch reduce the size of images. Using the program, you can reduce the size of several photos at once with the specified settings. Naturally, you can reduce the size and change the properties of an image one by one, processing only one specific photo in the Easy Image Modifier program.

    Easy Image Modifier also allows you to enlarge images. Just keep in mind that if you increase the image size, the quality of the photo may suffer.

    Resizing an image may be necessary in many cases. Much more often you may need to reduce the size of photographs than, for example, enlarge images. Uploading images to the Internet, sending images by email, all this requires reducing the weight of photos.

    To reduce the size of an image, you can use a simple, tiny free program called Easy Image Modifier. You can download the Easy Image Modifier program from the official website of the developer.

    easy image modifier download

    U free program Easy Image Modifier is older paid version- Easy Image Modifier Plus, in which some options are added to the program (saving in JPG2000, PDF formats, more advanced editing).

    The Easy Image Modifier program supports the Russian language and does not require installation on your computer. After downloading the program to your computer, you will need to unpack the archive with the program. To launch the program, you will need to open the folder and run the “EasyImageModifier” file (type - application).

    Since this program is portable, you can run Easy Image Modifier from any place convenient for you on your computer or, for example, from a flash drive. For ease of launch, you can create a shortcut to the program on the Desktop.

    After launch, the main window of the Easy Image Modifier program will open. Below the menu bar on the left are sections with buttons to perform certain actions. On the right are the buttons “Upload image”, “Upload folder”, “Process”. Below these buttons is the program's work area.

    Using the “Upload images” and “Upload folder” buttons, images for processing are added to the program.

    Adding Images

    To add a photo to the Easy Image Modifier program, you will need to click on the “Upload Images” button. An Explorer window will open in which you can select required images to add to the program. You can add just one graphic file or select multiple images to add.

    Files can also be added by dragging them into the program window.

    After this, in the “Uploaded Images” area, which is located in the central part of the program window, you will see a list of added photos. You can process one image or add multiple photos to the program to resize the photo.

    The added image will be displayed in a special window, which is located close to the main program window.

    You can start editing one photo or add several more to this list graphic files for batch processing.

    If you no longer want to edit some images, you can delete them from the Easy Image Modifier program by first selecting these photos using the “Delete Selected” button. If necessary, you can delete all photos added to the program by clicking on the “Clear list” button.

    To add the contents of a folder to Easy Image Modifier, you will need to click on the “Upload Folder” button. All images from the folder will be added to the Easy Image Modifier program, including those folders that are inside the selected folder.

    Then you can proceed to editing by selecting the appropriate item in the “Editing” section.

    In this review, I added one image to the program. When batch reducing photos, exactly the same actions are performed. In most cases, it will be enough just to select the size for the images, the format in which the images will be saved, and select the folder to save. After this, you can start the photo processing process.

    Resizing Photos

    To reduce or increase the size, you will need to click on the “Resize” item on the left side of the program window. In the new program window, you will need to activate the “Activate resizing” item. In the appropriate fields you can change the image size by selecting the numerical sizes suggested by the program.

    You can set your own values ​​in the corresponding fields to resize the image. Images can also be changed by percentage if you activate the corresponding item. The photo will be resized to a percentage of its original size.

    By default, the “Keep proportions” item is activated in the program. Depending on what exactly you will be doing, you can uncheck the box next to the “Decrease” or “Increase” items.

    Rotate and flip

    If you need to rotate the image or make mirror image, then click on the “Rotate/Flip” button.

    Next, activate the “Activate reorientation” item. After this, you will need to select the appropriate setting from the drop-down list to rotate by the required number of degrees, or select a mirror image horizontally or vertically.

    In a special window you can observe the changes that are displayed immediately after the settings are made.

    Using the “Add Upholstery” item, you can fill the background around the image with some color by selecting the color and size of the background. This is a kind of photo frame.

    Adding a watermark

    You can add a watermark to your image to protect it from being copied and used by others on the Internet. To do this, click on the “Add watermark” button, and in the window that opens, activate the “Activate watermark” item.

    In the Watermark field, enter the desired entry or the name of your site.

    Then click on the button opposite the “Font” item (the button displays the font type and its size). After this, the “Font” window will open, in which you can select the font to apply the watermark. You can choose the font type, its style, size, and character set.

    After setting the font, click on the “OK” button.

    Finally, using the drop-down menu buttons, you can select the location of the watermark on the image.

    Removing metadata from an image

    If you post your images on the Internet, then you may be advised to remove the metadata (EXIF) that is stored in the images. To do this, in the “Advanced” section, click on the “Edit file properties” button.

    In the window that opens, activate the “Delete meta data” item. Here you can, if necessary, also change the file date by activating the “Change file date” item.


    Saving images

    In the “Save” section you can select the format for saving the image. By default, the program will save images in JPG format.

    The Easy Image Modifier program offers the following formats for saving images:

    • JPG - lossy compression, small file size.
    • PNG - compression without loss of quality, average file size.
    • BMP - uncompressed, largest file size.

    After activating the “Quality” item, you can additionally, if necessary, adjust the image quality by moving the slider along the quality adjustment scale.

    After clicking on the “Rename” button, if necessary, you can activate the “Activate name change” item to rename images.

    After clicking on the “Set Destination” button, in the window that opens you can select a location to save the processed images. Here, by default, the “Activate Destination” item is activated so that the processed photos are saved in another location and do not replace the original files.

    A folder has been selected in the program to be created on the Desktop. You can choose to save to any other folder on your computer.

    Finally, in the main program window, click on the “Process” button to start the image conversion process. Next comes the process of converting the file or files if the photos are processed in batch mode.

    Once image processing is complete, you can open the folder and look at the result.

    Conclusions of the article

    Batch editing photos in the free Easy Image Modifier program allows you to reduce the size of images, choose a display method, add a watermark, and remove metadata from the image.

    Easy Image Modifier - batch image processing (video)