• Generator of random winners in contact for the competition. How to conduct drawings on VKontakte - in a group or among reposts? How to conduct a VKontakte draw correctly

    Every day VKontakte hosts a huge number of competitions. Some communities get excellent results from this tool, while others end up permanently banned due to incorrect actions. How can you avoid falling into the second group and ensure that the competition helps you attract new audiences and leads? Let's figure it out.

    Official Contest Rules

    U social network VKontakte has clear rules regarding which competitions can be held and which cannot. Here you can familiarize yourself with them. If you violate at least one of these requirements, your community may be banned. Forever. Without the possibility of restoring it. This usually happens as follows: a dissatisfied user leaves a complaint against you through technical support, and they start checking you. If the competition really does not comply with the rules, the community is blocked.

    What kind of competitions are there?

    The most common types of VKontakte competitions include:

    1. Subscribe + repost

    The participant must subscribe to the community, repost and wait for the results of the competition. The winner is selected randomly using a special application.

    2. Subscription + repost + additional condition

    The same as in the previous paragraph, but with the addition of an additional condition: joining another community, subscribing to an email newsletter, a Youtube channel, a Facebook page, registering on a website, installing an application, etc.

    3. Competitions for the greatest activity

    • Who will like the most?
    • Who will repost the most?
    • Who will leave the most comments?

    Such competitions are usually held monthly. There may be three winners (one in each category), or there may be one. If there is one, then a point system is used to summarize the results: one point is assigned for one like, two for a comment, three for a repost (the numbers can be changed). The user who scores the most points wins.

    4. Creative competitions

    To take part in such a competition, the user must complete a creative task. For example:

    • Take a photo
    • Make a video
    • Write a review
    • Come up with an original comment
    • Other tasks (draw a picture, comic book, write a poem, song, slogan, etc.)

    The winner in such competitions is usually chosen by an independent jury, but there may be exceptions (for example, open user voting or a random selection application). It is up to you to decide which method to use, depending on the type of task and the goals you are pursuing.

    5. Lottery competition

    Subscribers need to solve your riddle or use their intuition to guess the number you have in mind. The first and last users to guess correctly receive prizes.

    6. Competition “Buy and take part in the draw”

    The main condition for participation in such a competition is to make a purchase for a certain amount. And then the conditions may vary: it could be a subscription + repost, a creative task or a task that stimulates activity in the community, etc.

    7. Mixed type of competitions

    The conditions of each of the listed competitions can be mixed together to solve exactly those problems that are necessary specifically for your business. Example:

    Determining the goal of the competition

    The type of competition is selected depending on the goal you are pursuing:

    Have you decided on a goal? Have you chosen the right competition? Then we move on to its implementation.

    There are two ways to conduct VKontakte competitions: important rules. First, you must comply with the official requirements of the social network (I cited them at the very beginning of the article). And secondly, you must ensure complete transparency of your competition so that users don’t even think about complaining to technical support about you. How to achieve this? Read on.

    The most detailed description

    To minimize the number of questions during the competition and claims after its end, describe the conditions of its holding in as much detail as possible. Don't limit yourself to listing prizes and actions that the user must complete. Make a description that will answer everything possible questions participants:

    What do you need to do to take part in the competition?

    Here it is advisable to list them point by point. To make it easy for the user to navigate your post and not make mistakes in performing actions.

    What prizes are up for grabs?

    According to the official rules of VKontakte, you do not have the right to hold a competition if you have not designated a specific prize in advance. If there are several prize places, you need to indicate which prize belongs to which place. If there is only one winner, but there are several prizes (that is, he chooses the prize that he likes most), you need to focus on this. So that later there is no negativity and misunderstanding on the part of users.

    If it is not possible to attach photos of all prizes to the post (for example, there are more than 10), provide a link to the album or catalog on your website. It is very important that users can see what they will receive if they win. This will help them decide whether to participate or not. And if the photos are attractive, then there will be more desire to participate.

    When will the results be summed up?

    The description of the competition must indicate its exact timing - the specific date and time when the results will be summed up. Many communities don't list times, but I highly recommend you do so. For the convenience of users. This will save them from unnecessary worry, and you from negativity and numerous comments like “Well, when is the prank?”

    How will the winner be chosen?

    If this is a random selection application, write its name. If the winner will be determined by a jury, tell us who the jury is and what criteria they will use.

    Residents of which countries and cities can participate?

    A common mistake that organizers of VKontakte contests make is that they do not indicate which cities and countries can take part in the drawing. As a result, this results in sharp negativity on the part of users: they fulfilled all the conditions of the competition, hoped to win, but then it turns out that only residents of a certain city can participate in the competition, and not a word was told to them about this!

    At whose expense will delivery of the prize be?

    Not all communities that hold competitions organize free shipping prize for the winner. Sometimes they give a prize, and the recipient pays for the shipping themselves. Naturally, if this information is conveyed to the participant after the results have been summed up, this will cause him to feel negative. Information about delivery should be indicated in the competition description (no matter whether it is paid or free) - this will remove unnecessary questions and make your competition more transparent in the eyes of users.

    Which pages will be considered fake?

    Now VKontakte hosts a huge number of competitions every day, and people deliberately create fake pages to increase their chances of winning, or use one page, but only repost competitions on it (i.e. the page is essentially “dead” and has no value does not apply to the community). It is clear that the organizers do not want the prize to fall into the hands of one of these people. Therefore, in the description of the competition they indicate that fake pages and “prizes” will be excluded from the draw.

    The screenshot above states that the winner's page "must be real," but what does that mean? What conditions must be met so that the page is not considered fake? It needs to be described in more detail. For example, like this:

    1. Your page must be created no later than such and such a date.
    2. Your page must have at least 3 real photos and at least 30 friends.
    3. There should be no more than 5 competitions on your wall per week.

    As soon as you write down clear criteria, you will definitely not have any questions. And sometimes it happens that the organizer excludes a person from the competition, considering, according to his logic, his page to be fake, and then it turns out that he is not a fake at all. And then complaints, dissatisfaction and calls to VKontakte technical support begin (and we don’t need this at all).

    How long does it take to contact the administrator/pick up the prize?

    It often happens that you have identified a winner, but he does not respond to your messages or even appear online. As a result, the prize delivery gets stuck and you are unable to show your subscribers proof that the competition was conducted fairly. To prevent this from happening, please indicate in the competition description exact time, during which the winner must contact you, and warn that if he does not meet the deadline, a new winner will be chosen. Just don't set too strict limits. In my opinion, 3-5 days will be enough.

    Full rules in doc or pdf format

    If full description the competition turns out to be too large, you can divide it: insert only the most important information, A full list rules should be written in a separate doc or pdf file. At the same time, it is necessary to focus the attention of users on the fact that full rules are in the PDF attached to the post. So that later there will be no complaints about the organizer being arbitrary and changing the rules at his own discretion.

    Good post design

    Use emoticons and beautiful photos. Write without errors. Make indents between semantic blocks. Add bulleted and numbered lists to make your post easier to read. When a competition is designed beautifully, users have more trust in the company running it and are more willing to participate.

    Valuable gifts

    Many users lose all interest in a competition if the prizes awarded are not valuable enough. Judge for yourself: would you bother if shampoo or a set of stickers were at stake? The more valuable the prizes, the greater the desire to participate. That is why in some (not entirely honest) communities such prizes are often awarded, the monetary equivalent of which could be used to order high-quality SMM promotion in 5 companies. Of course, these prizes are not given to anyone. They are used only as bait - to attract new audiences. Maybe you’ll be lucky and the community won’t be banned (but this is unlikely, because people don’t like being deceived).

    Not too difficult competitions

    The more complex the conditions of the competition, the fewer users will take part in it. Joining a group and reposting is easy. Taking a photograph on a chosen topic is more difficult, but a loyal audience will happily take it on. But taking a photo and getting 20 likes and reposts for it is, in my opinion, already too much. Try to hold competitions that do not bother users too much. Otherwise, you risk not getting even the minimum number of participants, and the competition will only bring you losses.

    1. Go to mobile version site (place the letter m with a dot in front of vk.com).

    2. Go to the post with the competition and click on the number that displays the number of people who reposted.

    3. Go to last page with people who reposted.

    4. Enter the total number of pages with reposts into a service for random selection of numbers (for example, random.org) (in our case it is 227) and determine the number of the page on which the winner is located.

    This method looks a little complicated because there are a lot of steps, but in fact it is very simple. Once you try it once, you will understand the mechanics and do it with your eyes closed.

    Notifying users about results

    Once you have chosen a winner, post a post in your community with their name and evidence that the results were compiled fairly. Make the name a link so that the person receives a notification.

    Please write in the comments to the post with the competition that the results have been summed up and you can read them at the link.

    If you often hold competitions, create a separate topic in which you will celebrate the winners. All these small actions are needed to make it convenient for users.

    Transparent debriefing

    To ensure that users have no doubt that the winners were chosen fairly, provide them with evidence. It's best if you choose the winner live (online broadcast on Youtube). If this is not possible, show them a video of you choosing the lucky one. Well, or at worst, screenshots from the service. If there is no such evidence, you may be accused that the results of the competition were rigged: you chose your friend or a fake page that you yourself created.

    Honest choice of the best job

    If you are holding a creative competition for best photo, poem, video, etc., then it is better to immediately indicate in the competition description the fact that the winner will be chosen by an independent jury. Open voting will most likely not lead to anything good, because... Likes are highly likely to be increased, and it will be difficult for you to determine who cheated and who did not.

    Prompt gift delivery

    You held a competition, determined the winner, but your work doesn’t end there. Now you need to deliver the prize to the recipient. After you have requested all the necessary data from the user, it is advisable to send the prize within a few days. If you don’t meet these deadlines, contact him and tell him the exact date of shipment so that he doesn’t worry. When you send a gift, send him postal id(if sent by mail). Such banal care for a person will arouse his sympathy and form a loyal attitude towards your company.

    Active promotion

    Do you want as many people as possible to participate in your competition? large number people? To do this, you need to actively promote it. Here are a few options on how this can be done.

    Hello friends! In this article I have collected some of the most best services who will help you honestly and easily determine a random winner among VKontakte users.

    If you need to choose a random winner for social media. Facebook network, or you are looking for list generators or instructions for using random.org, then look at these articles:

    • (Facebook)

    Compared to social Facebook network, on VKontakte it is more difficult to create an automatic list of participants. Moreover, very often the organizers of competitions require numerous conditions from participants (for example, like + comment + repost), so the task becomes noticeably more complicated.

    There are several ways to determine the winners in VK. You can draw lots using one of existing applications on VK, determine the winner using special sites, or manually pull lists of comments, reposts, etc. I personally am inclined to believe that the sites for choosing the winner are - best option, since many of them save the sample results, which looks more plausible. This is becoming more and more relevant, since due to frequent deceptions and fraud, users have become less trusting of pranks on the Internet.

    Below you will find a list of the best services that I have found to date. If you know of other good sites and apps, please share them in the comments and I will add them to the list.

    Applications on VKontakte

    There are many on VKontakte special applications, with the help of which you can easily determine the winner according to the condition you need, for example, repost, like, etc.

    Lucky you!

    Sites for determining winners in VK

    Above I gave several examples of VK applications with which you can easily and simply choose a winner. There is also alternative method— drawing lots using special sites.




    kamaninga.com is a very nice service for determining a random winner on VK based on reposts. You can make an instant draw or schedule the selection of the winner on a specific date. An example of what the end result looks like. Everything is very simple and transparent.

    Mega Random

    Using the Mega Random website, you can choose winners in three ways: “Instant”, “By time”, “By reposts”. Mega Random will create a separate page for you on the website, where you will find information about the competition, its author, and conditions. At a given the moment will happen draw and participants will receive automatic notifications about the results of the competition. The idea itself is not bad, but in my opinion, there are too many advertisements on the site and therefore everything looks a little cheap.

    VKontakte methods

    VKontakte methods are the most the hard way manually pulling lists according to a given criterion. Here you will have to do a little digging or ask a programmer for help. The methods below do not require access_token.

    Promotion of VKontakte is one of the most pressing issues for today. There are many ways to promote your page, and one of the most popular is holding competitions. But not all community leaders know about special programs that help conduct sweepstakes fairly, transparently and easily.
    Eat special program to select the winner on VKontakte by repost, it is called Random.app. If you need to honestly determine the winner, use it.

    It is this kind of software that we will talk about today. You will learn what the essence of such programs is, what types exist and how to use them.

    What opportunities do programs provide for VK competitions?

    Services and programs for holding competitions on VKontakte are very convenient and useful tools.

    In order to understand what capabilities programs should have, let's look at what types of competitions there are:

    • Creative competition. People submit their photos/videos, which must meet the conditions of the competition (for example, autumn theme) and the one who took the best photo/video wins a prize.
    • The most active participant. For a certain time, subscribers must be active in the group (like, repost, write comments). As a result, the most active participant is determined.
    • Raffle (lottery). In most cases, people must repost the community post that contains information about the giveaway and be subscribed to it. The winner is selected randomly from the list of participants.

    So, we figured out what kind of competitions there are. Now let's talk about programs.

    No programs are required for creative competitions. If there are many participants, a few of the best photos/videos are determined by the public admin. And then a vote is held so that subscribers can choose the best work themselves.

    The second type of event involves counting the activity of all participants. It is very difficult to manually count who has given how many likes and reposts, so services that can do all this quickly and easily come to the rescue. Such services can calculate statistics of walls, albums, groups, friends and much more. A little later we will tell you more about one of these services.

    Raffles are the most commonly used type of competition, and therefore, the amount of software that offers to randomly determine the person who will receive a prize is simply off the charts. The main task of such programs is to maximize the chances of participants and randomize the determination of the winner. That is, the program must completely randomly select one person from the list of participants. Later in our article we will look at such services.

    All programs are designed to simplify the work of competition organizers in VK. This is their main purpose.

    TOP 5 programs

    Competition organizers face a very large choice of which service to use. So that you do not waste your time searching, we present to your attention the 5 most popular and convenient services. If you use programs for VK competitions, then everything will be fair and a random person will win. To win big prizes, you should study our top programs for holding drawings in a group.

    All of the programs described below are free and, most importantly, independent (that is, they do not cooperate with any group or public).


    This project is intended to randomly select a winner. If you have such a need, randomPromo will help you with this. Here you can select a random person from subscribers or reposts of the specified post.

    The service has two selection modes: instant and at a designated time. In both cases, it is created separate page each draw. It can be indicated, for example, in the record that contains all the information about the event. Anyone can follow the link and verify the honesty of the summed up results.


    One of the most popular projects for determining the winner in VKontakte sweepstakes. The service is very simple and is able to select one or more people completely randomly.

    The selection criteria are as follows: by likes or reposts. You can also specify whether the participant must be subscribed to your community.


    This service is intended for competitions for the most active member of the group. If you decide to hold such an event, then it is not at all necessary to count likes, reposts, and comments manually. SocialStats can do this for you.

    On this site you can find out statistics:

    • Walls;
    • Photo albums;
    • Video recordings;
    • Popularity of groups;
    • Friends;
    • Personal correspondence.

    In most cases, the first point is sufficient. Here the number of likes, reposts and comments left on the wall by each participant is calculated. In the end you can see detailed statistics. Find out who is the most active and give him a prize.


    The only service on our list that is not an online project. This is an application on VKontakte. The functionality is the same as other similar programs.

    Random.app is able to identify random user(s) from among those who liked the specified post, reposted it, or among all subscribers of the community.

    Convenience of this service is that it is located inside the VC and there is no need to leave its confines. Already 1.5 million users use this application.


    This is a site specializing in random games. There are many interesting tools here, one of which is determining the winner(s) of VK sweepstakes.

    The peculiarity of the project is that there is an additional selection criterion - the city. That is, in addition to the fact that you choose a person based on likes/reposts and subscriptions, you can indicate the city where the winner should be from.

    RandStuff can plan summaries for the future. You can specify a specific date and time, and the drawing will be held on the appointed day.

    How to choose the winner of the drawing using programs?

    So, above we described the 5 most popular services that help public managers and administrators conduct competitions.

    If you need a good competition and the prizes are expensive, then use the programs.

    The random method is best way to determine the winner.

    Let's look at how to select a random person using such programs (except SocialStats).

    Step by step instructions:

    1. Go to one of the sites described above (or launch the application).
    2. Provide the URL of the post from which the winner will be selected.
    3. Select selection criteria (by likes, reposts or from among all subscribers).
    4. Select the number of winners.
    5. If possible and necessary, select a city and set a date and time.
    6. Start selection.

    The selection system is almost the same everywhere, with the exception of certain nuances of each of the services (for example, a separate link in randomPromo or an indication of the city in RandomStuff).

    Pros and cons

    Sweepstakes programs are certainly very useful and handy tool. They have the following advantages:

    • For free. You don't have to pay to use them.
    • Safety. You do not provide any personal information and do not log in.
    • Independence. None of the services cooperates with any public pages or groups, which ensures an honest choice.
    • Transparency. You can always record a video of how the winner is determined, or provide a link to the drawing in your community.
    • Convenience. In just a couple of clicks you can find out the name of the person who will receive the promised prize.
    • Ability to select selection criteria (like, repost, subscribe).

    Oddly enough, such services have no downsides. The only thing worth noting is the presence of scammers. This is perhaps the only drawback that can hardly be called a drawback. There are a lot of services out there and scammers take advantage of it. But using the software described above, you will never encounter them.

    Bottom line

    Today we talked to you about programs for holding competitions on VKontakte. We tried to tell you as much as possible and show you the most convenient and popular services. Use them in your work. We hope the article was useful to you.

    We have already covered more than one topic on working on the VK social network. This was mainly a description of basic functions for ordinary users. But today we want to answer a question that worries many novice public administrators: how to choose a VKontakte winner based on reposts? Less introductory words - useful information more. Let's get started!

    How is this actually done?

    So, you are the administrator of a commercial public page. Or use your personal page to promote some products/services. Of course, you want as much as possible more tell people about your business, but advertising costs money, and word of mouth can hardly be called effective: there are too many offers today that, for the most part, are ignored by the public.

    And then you saw in some VKontakte community a reposting contest that collected hundreds, or even thousands of reposts and likes. The essence of such a competition is simple: you publish a post, set users the task of reposting this post, and hold a drawing for the prize you have appointed among those who have reposted it.

    Minimum investment - only a prize. And as a rule, the product/service that you offer is chosen as a prize. But there will be plenty of attention, believe me, we really like freebies, so it’s definitely worth holding a contest!

    Now let's move on to the first one important point- How is this whole draw organized? Fortunately, you don’t have to come up with something fancy on your own (a program) or with the help of programmers. There are many online services that have been operating for a long time, allowing you to determine the winner in a matter of seconds. They are based on a banal generator random numbers, which randomly selects a number or name.

    You can use at least third-party sites, at least internal applications VK. The principle of operation is the same, only the design and set of functions differ. In particular, services can choose a random winner in certain time or instantly, by reposts or likes, within a specific city, etc. In addition, some sites require additional registration, which is not always convenient, because... The draw may be a one-time event. In any case, everyone makes their own choice; we cannot give specific advice here, but we will introduce the main options.

    And now a little about how to hold a VKontakte competition. Most often this is done according to a simple scheme:

    1. We decide on the prize that we will award to the lucky winner;
    2. We come up with the conditions for the draw (in our case, a repost of the publication);
    3. We type the text of the post (preferably with advertising notes and always with the terms of the competition), publish it in the public/on our page;
    4. We try to share the giveaway publication from the page as much as possible;
    5. We launch the service randomly and identify happy owner prize;
    6. We inform the winning user and all participants on the page about the results.

    Services for selecting VK winners

    As we have already said, there are a lot of online services necessary to determine the winner on the Internet. But we’ll talk about them a little later, and now we’ll do a mini-review of VK applications:

    The simplest program with the simplest interface, but clearly fulfills its task. All you need to enter is the link to the post-draw and the number of winners. As a result, you immediately receive the name of a person chosen at random by the Selector. The downside of the program is the lack of any functions to confirm the fairness of the event.

    You insert a link to the post with reposts and receive both the number and name of the lucky winner with a working link to his profile. Moreover, you can “ask” the application to generate an honesty guarantee link. Functional and simple, that’s why it’s so popular among VK users. Oh yes, you don’t even need to install it - just launch it and immediately get to work.

    Like two previous applications, works exactly on the same principle of determining the winners. The developers tried to transform the design, but, as it seems to us, this need not be done. After all, the main thing is that everything functions without a hitch!)

    As for external resources, the number of sites is really large. Just type “randomizer” into any search engine - there are plenty to choose from. We will quickly outline several of the most famous services:

    Multifunctional site, one of strengths who is an assistant in conducting competitions. Uncomplicated interface fast work, simplicity of the process. It's also free and doesn't require registration.

    Beautiful design site and minimally loaded design of the function we need. The principle is standard, there are no additional “goodies”, but visually it is very nice. The results show the contacts of the winner - you can quickly contact him.

    Another example of a well-executed randomizer. Determining the winner with its help is as simple as in all previous cases. Again, beautifully done visually - no extra pictures, fancy buttons and transitions. The results page has been made a little more interesting: the number of participants, the name of the winner, the name and description of the community and a list of prizes are indicated.

    So, it's time for conclusions. If you decide to hold drawings with prizes on VKontakte, then you simply need to use services for randomly selecting a winner. There are many applications and sites, so you just need to find the most suitable one for yourself. The principle of operation is the same for everyone, and here the issue is decided only by your personal taste. We wish you success in your business and an influx of new subscribers and clients!

    Conducting prize draws among social network users is good way attracting the attention of new people to your product or service. If you have already decided on the conditions, prize and location of the drawing, namely a group or page on the VKontakte social network, you can proceed to selecting tools to determine the winner. In this step by step instructions we will show you how to choose a winner on VKontakte based on reposts.

    Step 1

    How to choose a winner based on reposts using the VKontakte application

    So, if all the conditions of the competition are met and the time has come to choose a winner based on reposts, you can use applications on the VKontakte social network, one of which is “Lucky you!” In order to use this VKontakte application to determine the winner, you need to follow the link "Lucky you!". Then paste the link to the post that is participating in the giveaway and click the “Determine Winner” button.

    Step 6

    How to choose a winner on VKontakte based on reposts from a special website

    Another way to determine the winner based on reposts is to use special sites. In this instruction we will look at choosing a winner on the website RandStuff.ru. To do this, go to the website RandStuff.ru and enter the link to the post that is participating in the drawing. Then, in the “Search for winner” line, select “Among those who reposted.” If one of the conditions for participation in the competition was the requirement to join a group, you need to check the appropriate line (number 4 in the photo example). Next, set the number of winners and click the “Select” button.