• How to add values ​​to a pie chart. How to make a pie chart

    A pie chart is useful when you want to show the proportions or parts of something in relation to the whole. A classic pie chart is usually built for one series of data, since increasing the number of data points will complicate understanding.

    In today's post we'll look at an example of creating a not-quite-pie chart. In fact, we will build a radar chart, but outwardly it will resemble a circular one, with slices of different radii. Such diagrams are useful when it is necessary to evaluate several factors of different nature. As you can see in the figure above, the shape of one slice is determined by two values ​​- the angle of rotation of the slice and its radius. Both of these values ​​can be described by two data series.

    The figure shows the original data. Column B contains values ​​that determine the angle of rotation of the cut, column C contains the radius of the cut, i.e. how much he will perform. For clarity, we can assume that this is a table of cost standards for the manufacture of any product, i.e. cell B2 indicates the time required to manufacture product “a”, with the rate of material consumption in cell C3.

    In order to construct a pie chart with different slice radii, additional calculations must be made.

    In the first line, the value of the slice percentage (radius) is pulled from the source table. The next line defines the percentage of rotation angle from 360 degrees. Next are the starting and ending cutting angles.

    The range I5:Q366 contains the data that will be displayed on the chart.

    Here in column I are the axes of our diagram. In fact, each axis corresponds to one degree of rotation of the data series. In cell J6, there is a formula that returns the cut percentage value if the current angle is in the range of the start and end cut angle (J3:J4), otherwise returns 0.

    Delete everything extra elements charts: category labels, plotting area grid, legend, value axis. Set the required format for the data series. I wrote more in previous articles.

    We set the maximum and minimum axis values ​​so that when the source data changes, the chart scale does not change ( this technique we used when). To do this, select the diagram and go to the tab Working with diagrams -> Designer to the group Chart layouts. Click Add Chart Elements –> Axes –> Additional options axes

    A dialog box will appear on the left Axis format, where in the tab Axis parameters you must manually set the minimum and maximum axis boundaries.

    The final touch to our diagram is to add labels for each slice. To do this, add another data series, with a range of values ​​in cell A1:B9. Set the pie chart type: right-click on the chart, select Change the chart type for a series. In the dialog box that appears Changing the chart type in the field Select the chart type and axis for the data series, We find the data series we just built and set the pie chart type. Click OK.

    Right-click on the pie chart to bring up the drop-down menu and select Add data signatures. Call the drop-down menu again, but this time select Data signature format. In the dialog box that appears on the left Data signature format, check the boxes as shown in the figure.

    When you click the check mark Values ​​from cells, select the data label range C2:C9 indicating the slice percentage.

    Well, that’s it, lastly, remove the fill from the pie chart so that users don’t see our focus. From the resulting diagram it is clear that the second product “b” takes the longest to produce and has highest consumption components.

    The human consciousness is designed in such a way that it is easier for it to perceive visual objects, otherwise it has to be imagined. It is this fact that has led to the widespread use of diagrams. You don't need to install them to create them. individual programs, just remember Excel.

    Chart Creation Process

    First of all, you will need to enter the initial data; most users try to create it on blank sheet, which is an error. The table should consist of two columns, the first should contain the names, and the second the data.

    Next, you need to select the table along with the names of the columns and columns, and then go to the “Insert” tab, selecting the “Charts” item there. Several options will be offered; 4 types are available in the “Circular” menu: the last two are used for complex data sets in which some indicators depend on others, for simple tables The first and second diagrams are used; they differ only in the presence of sections. After clicking on the icon, a diagram will appear.

    Changing data and appearance

    To successfully present the material, it is not enough to just know how to make a pie chart inExcel, Often you need to edit it at your own discretion. For this there is special menu, which will become active after clicking on the diagram. There you can give it a different shape or save the current parameters as a template if you need to create many similar ones.

    The color can also be adjusted here; to do this, select the desired style in the appropriate menu. To insert labels, you need to go to the “Layout” tab, the “Signatures” menu is located there, you need to select the “Data Labels” item, an additional window will appear.

    To edit the inscriptions, you need to click on one of them and select “Format signatures”. In a special window, you can configure their color, background location, as well as content, for example, activate relative data instead of absolute ones.

    Of course, that's not all possible settings, but for most users they are enough to build a pie chart inExcel.

    MS EXCEL users should be able to quickly create professional looking charts. MS EXCEL 2007 has many styles designed for this. However, time does not stand still: new types of graphs, diagrams, histograms are constantly appearing in financial and analytical journals, which allow you to highlight the most important data and place the right emphasis. This article discusses a chart for displaying a company's sales volumes by month, designed in green tones.

    This type of chart is suitable for presenting a report on the dynamics of a company's sales volumes, both in monetary terms and in percentage terms. Diagram created standard means MS EXCEL. The dark border at the top of the chart is made using a Graph type chart.

    The special thing about this chart is that labels related to different categories are displayed above the data. This, on the one hand, allows you to visually highlight the values ​​of each category, and on the other hand, display all the data on one chart for comparison. The diagram was created using standard MS EXCEL tools, and an additional series of data was used to display captions.

    A bar chart with percentage (%) completed, displays both the actual value and its change from the previous value. The diagram was created using standard MS EXCEL tools; an auxiliary horizontal data axis was used to display the % change.

    The forecast chart displays 5 scenarios for the development of events: basic, moderate, planned, optimistic and super-optimistic. This chart type can be used for visualization different options forecast: sales, costs and other indicators. The diagram was created using standard MS EXCEL tools.

    A bar chart displays planned and actual values. Also, using this chart, you can track changes in plan-actual values ​​for certain groups of goods. The diagram was created using standard MS EXCEL tools to display dynamic display additional data series were used for product groups.

    This bar chart, made in professional style, displays planned or actual values. The chart was created using standard MS EXCEL tools based on a standard histogram and can be easily customized experienced users for use in your presentations.

    A bar chart displays annual values ​​in the context of 2 mutually exclusive categories, for example, Export-Import; Success - Not success, Sold - In stock, etc. You can also use this chart to track changes by month, quarter, or day. The chart was created using standard MS EXCEL tools; when setting up the chart, additional data series and auxiliary axes were used.

    A bar chart displays annual values ​​in the context of 2 mutually exclusive categories, for example, Export - Import; Success - Not success, Sold - In stock, etc. Also, using this chart, you can track changes by month, quarter, day (7 periods). The diagram was created using standard MS EXCEL tools; additional data series were used when setting up the diagram.

    The forecast chart displays 3 scenarios for the development of events: pessimistic, basic, optimistic. This type of chart can be used to visualize different forecast options: sales, costs, and other indicators. The diagram was created using standard MS EXCEL tools.

    Pie charts are one of the types of area charts that are easy to understand. They show parts of the total and are useful tool when analyzing surveys, statistics, complex data, income or expenses. Such diagrams are very informative - the audience can see what is happening. Use pie charts to make great presentations for school and work projects.


    Building a Pie Chart

    1. build a pie chart 1 Calculate the pie chart (its proportions).
    2. build a pie chart 2 Collect numerical data and write them in a column in descending order.
    3. build a pie chart 3 Find the total sum of all the values ​​(to do this, simply add them up).
    4. build a pie chart 4 For each value, calculate its percentage of total amount; To do this, divide each value by the total.
    5. build a pie chart 5 Calculate the angle between the two sides of each sector of the pie chart. To do this, multiply each percentage found (as a decimal) by 360.
      • The logic of the process is that there are 360 ​​degrees in a circle. If you know that 14400 is 30% (0.3) of the total, then you calculate 30% of 360: 0.3*360=108.
      • Check your calculations. Add the calculated angles (in degrees) for each value. The sum should be equal to 360. If this is not the case, then an error was made and everything must be recalculated.
    6. build a pie chart 6 Use a compass to draw a circle. To draw a pie chart, you need to start with a perfect circle. This can be done using a compass (and a protractor for measuring angles). If you don't have a compass, try using any round object, such as a lid or CD.
    7. build a pie chart 7 Draw a radius. Start at the center of the circle (the point where you placed the compass needle) and draw a straight line to any point on the circle.
      • A straight line can be vertical (connecting 12 and 6 o'clock on the dial) or horizontal (connecting 9 and 3 o'clock on the dial). Create segments by moving sequentially clockwise or counterclockwise.
    8. build a pie chart 8 Place the protractor on the circle. Place it on the circle so that the center of the protractor ruler coincides with the center of the circle, and the 0 degree mark coincides with the radius drawn above.
    9. build a pie chart 9 Draw the segments. Draw the segments using a protractor to plot the angles calculated in the previous steps. Each time you add a segment (draw a new radius), rotate the protractor accordingly.
      • When making corner marks, make sure they are clearly visible.
    10. build a pie chart 10 Color each segment. You can use different colors, line types, or just words depending on what best suits your purposes. Add a title and percentage for each segment.
      • Color each segment of the pie chart in specific color for ease of viewing results.
      • If you are drawing a diagram with a pencil, trace the outline of the diagram with a pen or marker before coloring it.
      • The names and numbers in each segment should be written horizontally and centered (at the same distance from the edge for each segment). This makes them easier to read.
    • Double check that all angles are accurate.
    • Remember that everything good graphics have a name and signature.
    • Check your calculations carefully because if they are incorrect, you will end up with an incorrect graph.
    • More complex forms of the pie chart involve isolating a segment by removing it, or constructing a cut chart where each segment is depicted separately from the other. This can be done manually or using a computer program.
    • If you don't have a very good compass, it's easier to draw a circle by holding the compass and rotating the paper.
    • Objects such as coins or flags can be turned into pie charts (for visual appeal).
    • Make sure that the sum of the percentages found is equal to 100%.
    • Once you become proficient at making these charts, you can shift the perspective of the pie chart to become a 3D or layered chart. These are more advanced forms of pie chart and require more detailed work and knowledge.


    • Always check your work to make sure the calculations are correct.

    What you will need

    • Compass (or round object)
    • Protractor
    • Pencil and paper
    • Eraser
    • Markers or colored pencils

    Pie charts are used to compare multiple values ​​at one point. The sum of all values ​​is 100%. They are not suitable for comparing different quantities. A circle is a whole. Sectors are constituent parts of a whole.

    It happens that one of the shares of the circle turns out to be very small. To improve perception, it can be “expanded” using a secondary pie chart. Let's consider construction in Excel.

    Features of data presentation

    To build a secondary pie chart, you need to select the table with the source data and select the “Secondary Pie” tool on the “Insert” tab in the “Charts” group (“Pie”):

    1. Two diagrams are always placed in the same plane. The main and secondary circle are next to each other. They cannot be moved independently. The main diagram is located on the left.
    2. The main and secondary charts are parts of the same data series. They cannot be formatted independently of each other.
    3. The sectors on the secondary circle also show shares as on the regular chart. But the sum of the percentages does not equal 100, but constitutes the total value of the sector of the main pie chart (from which the secondary one is separated).
    4. By default, the secondary circle displays the last third of the data. If, for example, there are 9 rows in the original table (for a chart there are 9 sectors), then the last three values ​​will appear on the secondary chart. The original location of the data can be changed.
    5. The relationship between two diagrams is shown by connecting lines. They are added automatically. The user can modify, format, delete them.
    6. The more decimal places for fractional numbers in the original data series, the more accurate the percentages in the charts.

    How to Create a Secondary Pie Chart in Excel

    The following data is available on sales of certain product groups:

    They are immediately located so that the secondary pie chart is built correctly: you need to detail the sales of different cabinets.

    Select the table along with the headers and go to the “Insert” tab in the “Charts” group. Select “Secondary circular”. The result will be something like this:

    Right-click on any segment of the circle and click “Add data labels.”

    Numerical values ​​from the table appear:

    We right-click on any signature - everything should be highlighted. Go to the “Data Signature Format” tab.

    IN context menu“Signature parameters” select “Shares”, and uncheck the box next to “Values”. If left, both values ​​and fractions will be displayed. Also check “Category names”. In the “Separator” field set “New Line”.

    Delete the legend to the right of the pie charts (select – DELETE). We adjust the sizes of the circles, move the labels on the sectors (select - click with the mouse - move). We get:

    We will replace the word “Other” in the main diagram with the word “Cabinets”. Double-click on the signature to make the cursor blink. We change.

    You can work on the styles and colors of the diagram parts. Or you can leave it like that.

    Now let's see how to drill into a segment of a regular pie chart.

    Add signatures in the form of percentages. This can be saddled in another way (not the one described above). Go to the “Design” tab - “Chart Layouts” tool. Choose suitable option among those offered with interest.

    The 4% sector is viewed poorly. We detail it using a secondary pie chart from smallest to largest. Find the button “Change chart type on the Design tab”:

    The automatic option “transferred” the last two values ​​in the table with the original data to the secondary chart. In this form, the drawing does not solve the problem. Click on any part of any circle so that all segments are selected. Right mouse button – “Format data series”.

    In the “Series Options” menu, we suggest that the program divide the series by “percentage”. Let's place values ​​less than 10% in the secondary chart.

    As a result, we get the following display option:

    Areas with minimal percentages (4% and 8%) are shown in an additional diagram. The sum of these shares formed a separate sector on the main diagram.