• How to permanently delete your VKontakte group and is it worth doing? How to delete your own VKontakte community

    Almost all users of the contact are registered in various groups, and some even created their own. If you are faced with the question that you need to delete a group, but you do not know how to delete a group in a contact that you created yourself (that is, it is yours). It may bother you on the page, or for some reason it is no longer needed. Then read below how to do this operation correctly.

    Before I start telling you how to delete your group in contact, read a little useful information. Perhaps you are in a hurry to delete a group from a contact? Let's say you created a group for your company, which sells furniture in your city, but decided to close the business and delete the group. Have you thought that this group can be sold to your competitors or used for a new business that you decide to do in the future? You can make money from groups, for example, by making announcements of discounts that are or will be in your city. You can also transfer the group to another person free of charge by writing in the group that you will give it to anyone who wants it.

    To leave a group, you must be its administrator (leader). If you want to delete a group only from your page, go to it and click on the “My groups” link in the main menu on the left - in the vertical list. On the right, click on the group you want to leave.

    The group you need opens. On the right top corner Under the avatar (group picture) click on the “Leave group” link.

    After this, a warning will appear informing you that you want to leave the group. To confirm, click “Leave Group”.

    That's it, you are no longer a member of this group and it will not appear on your page.

    How to delete a group in contact in a couple of clicks

    If you want to completely delete a group, namely, stop its existence in contact, then this is done differently. To do this, log in the desired group(only to the one for which you are an administrator). In the upper right corner, under the avatar (the main picture of the group), find the first phrase “Community Management” and click on this link.

    You will see a list of parameters that need to be changed.

    Write all kinds of nonsense about the name of the group, because if we delete it completely, it will be impossible to save the changes.

    Delete “Community Description”.

    Delete a “Subject” by selecting it and clicking the “Delete” button.

    Delete the site name in the “Website” line.

    In the “Location” column, select “Not selected”.

    In the items “Wall”, “Photos”, “Videos”, “Audio”, “Documents”, “Discussions”. “Materials”, set the parameters everywhere - “Disabled” or “Disabled”.

    In the “Group Type” item, select “Closed”.

    Without leaving the “Community Management” tab, click on the “Participants” column and delete all participants (yourself last).

    Opposite the photo of each participant, click on the line “Remove from community.”

    Return to the main menu of the group. If you don’t know how to do this, click on the name of the group (it’s located at the top left, next to the VKontakte site icon).

    All you have to do is remove yourself from the group.

    In the upper right corner, under the avatar, find the “Leave group” link, click on it. That's it, you are no longer a member of the group, it will automatically be deleted from your page. There are no more members in the group, it is closed, which means no one else can get into it.

    Now you know how to delete a group in a contact if you are the creator. As you understand, deleting a group from a contact did not actually take place, since the contact does not have this function. This was probably done for the safety of the group leaders. After all, there is no perfect protection, and if a leader’s page is hacked, then hackers gain access to his groups. Thus, they can delete a group in a few minutes.

    Bye bye!

    For those who don’t understand how groups in contact are deleted, watch the video:

    How to delete a group in contact if I am the creator? The question is quite relevant, many users ask it. We will carefully study all the nuances to provide a detailed answer.

    1. VK was able to attract the most active audience – young people.
    2. A simple user-friendly interface has been created.
    3. It was much easier to master the site than other social networks.
    4. The first users began to invite friends, and over time a huge audience was formed.
    5. Many features are provided.
    6. The social network is constantly evolving and only getting better over time.
    7. You can comfortably communicate with all your friends in one place.
    8. There are many communities where you can have fun.
    9. You can create your own music library in a special section and listen to music.

    Creating groups is one of the useful functions. You can find friends with similar interests in the community or just share various information. Also, a popular group can become a source of income.

    How to delete your group on VK if you are the creator? First, let's figure out why this is necessary at all:

    • You don't want to run a community anymore.
    • Little free time.
    • Completely lost interest in the community.
    • The group seems hopeless.
    • There may be other reasons, it all depends on the situation.

    It is not necessary to delete the community. It can be transferred to the administrator or simply to a responsible person in whom you are confident. Popular group manages to sell. The cost of the community depends on the number of subscribers and their activity.

    How to delete a group in VK that you created on your phone?

    Many people ask: how to delete a group on VK that you yourself created from your phone? You can't do this either on a smartphone or on a computer. IN social network There is no such function, it is pointless to waste time searching for it.

    Why didn’t the administration provide for the removal of communities? One can only guess about the reasons. The administration probably had reasons for making such a decision.

    You cannot delete a created community, but you can still get rid of it. In the future we will offer several methods.

    Via technical support

    The creator needs:

    1. Open help section.
    2. Select an item to contact the administration.
    3. Write a message asking to delete the community. Be sure to include a link to it.
    4. The appeal will be reviewed within 24 hours.
    5. If the decision is positive, the administration will close the group on its own.

    Breaking the rules

    You can grossly violate the rules of the service by posting posts of dubious content. After receiving complaints, the administration will ban the community. But the disadvantage of this method is that often the blocking is imposed on certain time. Getting a permanent ban is not so easy.

    A quick way to destroy a community

    How to delete a community on VK if you are the creator? You can use the following method:

    • Go to group settings.
    • Close all sections and functions in it.
    • Save changes.
    • Leave the group.

    Over time, participants will also begin to leave the community. You don't have to worry about his fate, all activity in the group will be stopped.

    Complete removal of information

    If you have enough free time, you can do complete cleaning groups. To do this you need:

    1. Delete photos and posts.
    2. Remove video.
    3. Close all sections through settings.
    4. Remove members.
    5. Set the community to closed status.
    6. Remove links.
    7. Clear blacklist.
    8. Check that no information is left in the group.
    9. Leave her.

    The downside of this method is that you have to spend several hours cleaning up a large community. Therefore, very few creators use this method.

    The best option

    We offer the best option:

    • Close the group and all sections in the community settings.
    • Remove only important information.
    • Leave the group.

    Important! Once released, the creator loses all rights to manage the community. Restoring them in the future will be problematic, so think carefully before making such a responsible decision.

    The further fate of the group

    After activity in the community ceases, it may remain on the server for some time. But sooner or later the administration will delete the group when cleaning the social network from old pages.


    If the community has more than 5-10 thousand participants, then it can be sold. The creator will need:

    1. Find a buyer.
    2. Agree on the price.
    3. Get money.
    4. Appoint the buyer as an administrator and transfer all management rights to him.
    5. Leave the group.

    It is advisable to agree with the buyer to preserve the theme. Then participants will not begin to unsubscribe from the group and will hardly notice a change in the leadership of the community.

    If the VKontakte group was created recently and there are not many subscribers in it, we proceed as follows - we completely delete all the information in it. To do this, in the upper right corner, under the picture and avatar, find community management and click on it. After this, we will see a list of parameters, which will include the name of the VKontakte group, page address, description of the community, topic, website, location, wall, photographs, videos, audio recordings, documents, discussions, materials and group type.

    We erase the name of our group and change it to any set of letters without combinations, for this we write, for example, ssssssmmmmmm, that is, any name that has absolutely no meaning! We remove the subject and location. Next - the wall, if it was open, change it to closed, photographs - turned off, videos - turned off, audio recordings - turned off, documents - turned off, discussions - turned off, materials - turned off. We don’t touch the group type yet!

    We go to the next paragraph with the title “participants” and click opposite each participant - delete. In this way, we completely clean all participants who have joined our community. Go to the section - “invitations”, if there are any - click - delete! Click on the icon that says “managers”. If there are editors, moderators, administrators - click - demote, then delete! Next is the “black list” section, we remove everyone included from it. The next section is “links”. Let's go and delete all existing entries from there!

    And only after the manipulations have been performed, we again go to the section with the name - information - and change the group type to private! Click on the icon - save! Now all that remains is to leave the VKontakte community yourself, since you are the creator. Thus, after some time the group will be deleted.

    Delete any group

    If the community is very large and you don’t want to waste time deleting it- you can contact technical support VKontakte, with a request for deletion. The most severe reason can be specified - hacking, spamming. You need to contact support as often as possible - preferably with different accounts, if you write every day for a week, the result will not be long in coming and the group will be deleted after asking a few questions. One of the latter will contain a warning that it will be impossible to restore the VKontakte community, and, after agreement and confirmation, it will be deleted forever.

    Not very pleasant, but effective way- sending spam. But in this case, they can delete not only what you are trying to achieve, but also block the profile itself from which advertising will be sent. You can also use getting VKontakte subscribers using various sites, preferably free ones. The site administration reacts quickly if one of the pages begins to be filled with participants at a rapid pace, first the recruited participants, and most often these are bots - the robots are simply deleted by the administration, after which the community comes under special control of moderators, and if the recruitment continues, that is, they appear in the group more than 50 participants daily - deleted without warning!

    Leaving someone else's community

    If the community is not yours, you are simply a member of it and are tired of it, or there is another reason - you need to go to its page and unsubscribe from the news, or click on the icon - exit, but you will not be able to delete it if you are not the creator.

    It’s worse when the profile is edited by unknown persons or blocked for the owner and used for who knows what purposes. One day you may suddenly find yourself a member of a terrorist group or a disreputable community.

    What to do?

    No one has canceled the general security rules: the password should be as complex and combined as possible. In no case should you “share” your contact information; the less personal data, photographs, videos are written in your profile, the better, and if a lot has already been “declassified”, you should delete everything.

    It helps a lot to hide your profile and limit other people’s activity as much as possible in the privacy settings. This will not provide 100% protection, but it works as a method of fighting annoying spammers.

    No less carefully should you select VKontakte communities, membership in which is offered by someone (even if best friend) or even desirable for the user himself. But if you happen to end up in a dubious group or simply lose interest in the community, it is better to delete it immediately.

    How to delete groups?

    Deleting a community in VKontakte is quite simple. You need to log into your profile and click the My groups link to the left of main photo. Having done this, the user is taken to the Community page, where all the groups in which he is a member are displayed in the form of a list, sorted as they join them, in descending order - from newest to oldest.

    To delete a group, just enter it, i.e. find it in this list and click on it with the mouse, and then, on home page community, click on the Leave group link on the right side of the screen.

    Subtleties of the process

    1. If a community was created on the basis of a third-party site and is only presented in Contact, then it cannot be deleted, because the user is considered subscribed to the news of this community. Accordingly, on the main page you will need to click “Unsubscribe” and not “Exit from”.
    2. Delete someone else's group or public page, in fact, it is impossible, you can only leave it or its subscribers. Those. the user does not receive information about updates, but the community itself remains where it was.
    3. Moreover, even if the user himself created the group, he cannot delete it. You can make the group as closed as possible, i.e. remain its only member (this is done on the same Community page on the Management tab), or leave it, and the rights of the Group Administrator are transferred to someone else.

    These are the costs of publicity - it is not always possible to reverse it; the consequences of some user actions will remain as long as his profile exists on VKontakte.

    If you decide that it is not bringing the desired results, you can delete this community.

    You need to prepare everything, remove all administrators and moderators (see), and then completely delete the community. Now I'll show you how it's done.


    Based on this, you need to check if your community is a public page. If this is the case, then you need to transfer to the group (see). To do this, click on the link on the main page "Transfer to group".

    You will be asked to confirm the action via SMS notification.

    How to delete a community in contact

    Once we are sure that we are working with a group, we need to change its type. On the main page click the link "Community Management".

    In the “Group Type” item, we must select the “Closed” option (see).

    This is necessary for removal.

    Now you need to delete all subscribers (see). Go to the “Participants” tab, and one by one remove everyone from the list. To do this, use the link "Remove from community".

    As a result, only the creator of the group should remain (see). It will be you. After all, you created it yourself, right?

    We complete deleting the VKontakte community

    All that remains is to remove the administrator. And since you are one, you just need to leave the community. To do this, expand the list on the main page "You're in a group". And here select the item "Leave the group".

    A warning will appear stating that this action will cause you to lose administrative rights. We agree and press the button "Leave the group".

    After this, your VKontakte community will be deleted.


    Anyway, complete removal group will result in all participants, recordings, photos and videos being lost. Perhaps you shouldn’t resort to such radical measures, and you can limit yourself to deleting or blocking certain materials.
