• How to restrict access to the VKontakte page? Easy and simple! How to write to VK if your personal account is closed

    As you know, in social network On VKontakte, a user is endowed with quite large rights and can do a lot with his page. For example, if he wants, he can close messages from those users who are not his friends. The question arises - how then to write a message to this user?

    The easiest way is to apply as a friend. The point is that during the application process you have the option to add a message. Yes, you will be included in the subscriber list to this person, however, he will receive your message.

    This is how it is done. Go to the user’s page and click on the “Add as a friend” button.

    You will see a small window to fill out. Write your message in it and click on the “Send” button.

    The second option, if the first one doesn’t suit you for some reason, is to write a message to a friend of this user who has a private message open. You can write to him about your intentions, and this friend will already tell the user what you want from him. Yes, the option is not the best, but it is better than nothing.

    The third option is to find groups or publics in which this user writes messages. In this case, you can ask him a question that interests you. Another thing is that the user in these communities does not unsubscribe.

    How to write messages on VKontakte if you are on the blacklist?

    If a user has listed you in, you will not have the opportunity to write to him, you will not even go to his page. Here's what you'll see:

    Contact him at best case scenario It will be possible through friends. Or personally, if you know this person.

    If a person doesn’t like something, he can block you at any time. The simplest example: you are a guy and you liked the girl you shower with compliments. But she doesn’t need it at all and she blocks your profile, that is, she puts it in . Question: how to view the user’s page in this case?

    When a user blocks you, you get the message “Username has restricted access to their page” when you try to open their page. In this case, not only will you not be able to write a message to this person, but you will also lose the ability to view his page.

    There is always a way out of this situation. The first option is to create new page. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this, the registration itself takes a couple of minutes, but you will need to link new account to the phone number. If you only have one SIM card, to which your current page is already linked, you need to use another SIM card.

    The second option is much simpler, but it does not work in all cases. We will talk about this in more detail below.

    To view a blocked page, you need to click on the “Exit” button, which is located at the top of the screen. This will allow you to log out of your account.

    We go to the page of the user who has blacklisted you and, voila, we see that the user’s page is open! Of course, for viewing purposes only.

    Now let’s talk about why this method may not work. In your privacy settings, you can hide the content of your page from users who are not registered in. In this case, an unregistered user will see this:

    If you see such a message, then it would still be better for you to create another page on VK, since there is no other way to view the desired profile.

    If you have an ill-wisher on the VKontakte social network or you are simply very offended by a user, you can restrict access to your page. The simplest and most reliable method is to add an enemy to the blacklist. In this situation, he will not be able to write to you, see personal information and other items on the page. All that will be available to him is your name and avatar. If you want to leave the possibility of correspondence between you, but limit access to information about yourself as much as possible, then you will have to configure the privacy options for your page. In this article, you will learn how to configure both of these methods.

    How to restrict access to your VKontakte page through a blacklist

    Even in this case, you have two options: restrict the user’s access in your settings or directly on his page. Consider each of them in more detail.

    • Go to the user's VKontakte page. Under his avatar you can see a small icon of three dots. Click on it.
    • A pop-up list will appear. In it, click on the line “Block *Name*”. Just like that, the user ended up on your blacklist. He no longer sees your photos and cannot send you a message.

    • To add a person to the unwanted list through settings, find your avatar thumbnail in the right top corner site. Next to it there will be a small triangle that you need to click on.

    • In the menu that appears, click on the “Settings” line.

    • You will find yourself in the settings of your VKontakte page. Here you can operate with all information and all sections of your account. There is a menu on the right, click on the “Black List” item.

    • You will see all previously blocked users. To add a new one, click on the “Add to blacklist” field.

    • By default, a list of your subscribers will be displayed. These are the ones you can add to the blacklist in this way. The logic is simple: as soon as you remove a person from your friends, he ends up as a subscriber. Therefore, remove the detractor to see it on this list.

    How to restrict access to your VKontakte page through settings

    To allow you to exchange messages but keep as much information private as possible, you can configure your account privacy options in a specific way. You will be able to block your audio recordings, photos, some posts from the user, as well as the ability to comment on posts.

    • Go to settings, and then to the “Privacy” tab.

    • You will see all the options for opening and hiding information about your page. For example, next to the item “Who sees the basic information of my page,” click on the drop-down list and select the “Everything except..” option. Here you can select an ill-wisher and place him in the list of those who do not see this information.

    • There is another option. Select the “Some friends” item, then the privacy settings will operate in such a way that the information will become visible only to a narrow circle of your friends, whom you choose yourself.

    • Configure all items in the privacy menu in this way. Set everything to “Everything except” and add the enemy to the list.
    • Lowering this page At the very bottom, you will see a link “See how other users see your page.” Click on it, you will see what the account looks like on behalf of any other user. Enter the name of the ill-wisher and you will see how he looks at your page. Return to this menu and finish setting up your account.
    • This is how easy it is to protect yourself from prying eyes on the VKontakte social network.

    You have the opportunity to edit the privacy settings for your VKontakte page. You can choose which information to hide or, conversely, make available to all users. Thus, you can completely or partially restrict access to the page and other personal information in contact. Read on to find out how to do this.

    Why is this necessary?

    The purpose of providing privacy features is to preserve your personal information. You have the right to choose who and what personal materials will be available.

    Let's say you don't want any user to see your photos (see). They should only be available to your friends. Or you don’t want to enter into correspondence - then you can block the ability to send you private messages.

    For which data and materials can you configure privacy settings?

    You can partially close or completely block access to the following items.

    1. My page
    2. Entries on the page
    3. Contact me
      • Writing messages (text and audio calls)
      • Calling via apps
      • Invitations to communities and applications
    4. Other
      • Page Visibility
      • My updates

    How to work with privacy settings

    To do this, we need to go to the privacy settings menu. We open our page and in the menu block we find the link “My settings”. Click on it.

    IN top menu Click on the item “Privacy”. A menu will open where we can block access to our VKontakte materials.

    Now you can go directly to the settings.

    In the menu list you will see all the available options for which we can set the privacy mode. As you can see, to the left of each item the current option is indicated (in the form of a clickable link). If you click here, a drop-down list will appear in which all options will be available for selection restrictions/openings access. They are duplicated below.

    1. All users
    2. Friends only
    3. Friends and friends of friends
    4. Just me
    5. Everything except...
    6. Some friends
    7. Some friends lists

    Let's look at it with an example. Let's say we want to completely block access to the groups in which we participate. To do this, we find the point “Who sees the list of my groups”, and set the parameter “Only me” for it.

    In the same way, you can specify access restriction parameters for any of the items. If desired, hide your VKontakte videos, lists of friends and groups (see). Disable the ability to send you messages and invite you to groups.

    How to restrict access to your page in contact

    If you want to prevent other users from viewing your page, you should do the following.

    In the page settings, go to the “Black List” tab. Here in the input field we indicate the name of the user for whom we want to completely restrict access to our page, or a link to his account. Then press the button "Add to blacklist"(cm. ).

    Now if he wants to view your page, he will see a message like this.

    If you subsequently decide to partially or completely open access, check the appropriate boxes in your privacy settings.

    Update. Added private profiles feature

    Recently VKontakte was added new featureprivate profile. Now any user can hide their personal data and limit viewing of their profile. It is enough to configure one parameter in the privacy settings.

    This is done as follows. Open the page, go to the menu in the upper right corner, then “Settings”.

    Open the “Privacy” tab and go to the end of the list. Here set the value to “Closed” for the “Profile Type” item.

    Now a visitor to your page who is not your friend will not see your personal information, but will receive a warning that this profile is closed.


    Quite affordable for you large number options for restricting access to your page and personal information. You can quite flexibly set up privacy so that only selected people can view certain of your VKontakte data.