• How to close your VKontakte profile (instructions). How to close a profile on Odnoklassniki for free: step-by-step guide

    Links in social network VKontakte surrounds us everywhere, probably everyone knows what a link in VKontakte looks like. She blue and when clicking on it the user can go to the desired group, public, to a user’s page or to a specific post or photo.

    How to make a link to a person on VKontakte

    This code has a special construction “ [|] " Let's figure out in order how to make a link to a person with his first and last name using this construction:

    1. Until the line “|” you need to put a link to the user's page. This link can be obtained by going to the page of the user we are interested in. The address bar indicates the user's ID, which can be numbers or letters.
    2. After the line “|” text must be written. This text will be your link. There can be text with the user's first and last name, or with any word, for example, winner, if the user has won a competition.
    3. The finished result should look like this: .

    If you don’t know the ID, it’s very easy to find out:

    1. Go to the page of the person whose ID you want to find out;
    2. Hover over your friends list;
    3. The link will contain numbers - this is the ID.

    Similarly, you can find out the IDs of groups or communities, only you need to hover the cursor over the list of subscribers or participants.

    If you just need to mention a person who is your friend in any post, then it will be enough to enter the “@” symbol and select from the proposed list the desired user. The result will be the same as the procedure above.

    How to make a link to a VKontakte group or public page

    1. We print this construction “[|]” in our post.
    2. Until the line “|” You must put a link with the address of the public, group or event. Each type of community has its own name, for example, the public will display public12345678 in the address bar, the group club123456789, etc. But it is quite possible that the group address may consist only of letters, since community administrators can easily change addresses.
    3. After the line “|” text must be written. This text will be your link. There can be text with any word, for example subscribe or join, or recommend, etc.
    4. The finished result should look like this: .

    If you are an attentive user of the VKontakte social network, you couldn’t help but notice that once you clicked on an emoticon, you went to the network user’s page or to some public page or group. This means that a link has been inserted into the emoji.

    How to insert a link into an emoticon

    1. In order to insert a link into an emoticon, you must mention the following code “*smmblog ()” in your post. After inserting this code, you need to insert the required emoticon in parentheses.
    2. The design should look like this: “*smmblog (the desired smiley).”

    Such simple methods will help you not only in promoting communities and personal pages, but also when writing personal posts on your wall or on third-party resources that have comments included using the VK widget, this is also a good option for promoting pages. In order to insert links you do not need to download anything. additional programs, all actions are done directly through VK in a few seconds.

    On your VKontakte page, you can publish almost any information. Upload photos (see), upload videos (see), indicate your personal data, etc.

    But what if you don’t want all this data to be viewable by other people? They need to be hidden.

    VKontakte offers hide page using privacy settings. Now I'll show you how it works.

    What does a closed page look like?

    If the user considers it necessary to hide his page, then when you try to visit it, you will see the following picture.

    You will only be able to see the profile photo, and some basic information. All other data is not available for viewing (see).

    How to close a VK page from strangers

    As I already said, you can do this using your privacy settings. To go to the appropriate section, do the following.

    On your page in the right top corner, open the drop-down menu. In it, click on the link “Settings”.

    In the right menu, open the “Privacy” section. Here we need the “My Page” block.

    Let's imagine that we need to hide the basic information of our page from all users, including guests (see), friends, etc. In this case, we need a point “Who sees the basic information of my page”. It should be set to “Only me” by selecting the appropriate item from the drop-down menu.

    Thus, if you go through all the available points, you will be able to flexibly configure your privacy settings. You can specify exactly what information users can view and what they cannot.

    You can go the other way - if you add a user to the blacklist, then your page will be closed to him (see).

    Update. Added “Private Profile” feature

    Due to the tightening of Russian legislation regarding publications on social networks, the management of VKontakte decided to implement the function of closed pages. Now any user can limit viewing of their profile and leave this opportunity only to their friends. Thus, strangers will not be able to see your records and personal data. When they try to access your page, they will see a message stating that this profile is private.

    The function is perfect for our purposes and activates very quickly. Open the menu in the upper right corner, then go to the “Settings” section.

    Open the “Privacy” tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. Here we find the item “Profile type”. For it we set the value “Closed”.

    Changes will be saved automatically. Now all users except your friends will not be able to view information from your page.

    Video lesson: how to block access to a VK page


    Please note that if you have just recently closed the page this way, users still have the option to view your data. If they understand how to work with archived copies in a browser, they can do this with ease (see).

    Therefore, if you are seriously concerned about the safety of your personal data, if possible, refrain from publishing it on a social network.

    On the VKontakte social network, users can share their news with each other. However, the principle of operation of the social network implied the ability for any user to view data from the pages of another user. It doesn’t matter whether he is your friend or not. There was also no way to know exactly who was viewing your profile. The latest innovation allows you to hide your posts from those who are not your friends on this social network.

    Features of the “hidden” mode

    Previously, in the privacy settings, you could close almost completely your page from strangers. However, this required a lot of unnecessary movements. For example, photos needed to be hidden separately, friend lists separately, etc. The functionality also made it possible to hide posts on the social network, no matter your own or reposts. In this case, it was necessary to put a lock icon during publication.

    The innovation allows you to hide all your page data from strangers by clicking just one button. Only the following remain open:

    • First and last name indicated on the website;
    • Date of birth indicated on the website;
    • City;
    • Place of work;
    • Number of friends and subscribers;
    • Number of records.

    Another user who is not your friend can only see the number of friends and subscribers, but he will not be able to see who exactly these people are. The situation is similar with records. You can write a message to the person with closed profile, if it is not disabled this opportunity in privacy settings. You can also send a friend request. If you are accepted, you will be able to view information from the page given user, if it was not hidden from friends.

    A private profile does not hide information from the page from friends, but if you need to, you can set up lists of friends who can view photos, lists of friends and other information.

    Reposts and innovation

    This innovation also applies to reposting posts, or more precisely to the ability to view a list of people who shared this information with their friends. Now stranger will not be able to view the list of those who reposted. This can only be done by the direct author of this post. Others will only be able to see the number of people who reposted.

    How to “close” a profile

    Anyone can make their profile private from prying eyes. This is done in just a few steps on the full browser version. Everything is completely free.

    The instructions look like this:

      1. Click on your avatar and username in the upper right side of the screen.
      2. Should appear context menu, where you must select the item "Settings".

      1. Please note right side pages. You need to go to the section "Privacy".
      2. Scroll to the very end of the page until you come across a block "Other". There you need to pay attention to the column "Profile type". Click on it to access editing.
      3. From the available types, select "Closed".

    “Closing” the profile on the mobile version

    If you don’t have a computer with Internet access at hand, then you can set the “closed” status for your VKontakte profile with mobile application. The instructions for the classic application are as follows:

      1. In the case of the mobile version, you need to initially go to the main section of the application. To do this, click on the three stripes icon located at the bottom of the screen.
      2. Now on the top right side of the screen, click on the gear icon.

      1. In settings, select "Privacy".

    1. There you need to scroll to the section "Other" and find the item "Profile type". Set the value opposite it "Closed".

    If necessary, you can return your privacy settings to their default values.

    How to see new feature on VKontakte can be useful for those users who, for one reason or another, do not want their personal data to be viewed by strangers. Plus this function completely free.

    The new design of the VKontakte website has moved the page settings familiar to users from the main menu to another place. At the same time, the possibilities for changing privacy remain the same: users can still hide sections and comments, block their page from viewing by external users who do not have registration on the site, and decide who can comment on their posts. Let's take a closer look at how to close a VK page from strangers.

    The settings in the new design are located in the upper right corner of the page, next to a small photo of the user and his name. To open them, you need to click on this circle - a pop-up menu will appear where you can select "Settings".

    You can edit there general view pages, hide displayed sections, change data, enable or disable notifications for comments and likes, configure which sections are visible to other users and friends, and, if desired, hide what you do not want others to see.

    IN mobile version website, the settings section is located at the bottom of the main menu of the page: under the “News”, “Photos”, “Applications”, etc. tabs.

    How to close a page from external users

    To hide a page from external users, you need to go to the “Settings” section, select the “Privacy” tab, scroll down the page and find the column “Who can see my page on the Internet.” There you can choose from three options:

    • absolutely everyone, including search engines (this means that if someone enters a search query in the browser, they may come across your page among the results found, and the person will calmly follow this link);
    • everyone except search engines(this means that if you leave a link to your page somewhere, anyone can click on it and see your profile, but your page will no longer appear when searching on the Internet);
    • only for those who have their own VKontakte page (if a person does not have his own page or is not currently authorized, then he will not be able to view your profile).

    From this list you need to select the item you need. Usually the default is “page visible to everyone,” but it is recommended to specify “only site users.”

    IN earlier versions site, you could completely hide your page from those who are not on your friends list: outsiders saw only your photo and username, and the rest of the information was hidden. To gain access, you had to submit a friend request and wait for it to be approved.

    IN latest versions It is impossible to close the page the same way as before. The new design also did not bring back this option. The only way to close a page is to add users to the blacklist. If a person does not want someone specific to come to him, then this will help, but it will not be possible to block absolutely everyone.

    Another option is to close all sections from those who are not on your friends list, including personal information, but in this case the profile photo and wall posts will be visible to everyone. This can be done in the settings in the “Privacy” tab in the first section “My Page”, as well as in the next “Wall Posts”. You can only hide photo albums and videos manually.

    How to hide sections with music, videos and photos in the new design

    In the new design, only audio recordings can be hidden from strangers at once, and photo albums (except for profile photos) and videos can only be removed manually. For audio recordings, you need to go to the page settings and the “Privacy” tab. There will be a separate column “Who can see the list of my audio recordings”, in which you must select the one you need from the proposed options.

    • go to the “My Photos” section;
    • select the desired album;
    • hover over it;
    • in the buttons that appear, select the pen icon, i.e. editing mode;
    • click on “who can see the album” and select the one you want;
    • don't forget to save the settings.

    The same applies to video recordings, but you will have to edit each video separately. You can hide “Videos of me” and “Photos of me” in your profile settings.

    The only thing that definitely cannot be hidden from strangers on the VKontakte website are profile photos (“avatars”) and posts on the wall. The page owner can only limit the ability of outsiders to comment on posts, which is done in the page settings in the “Privacy” section. There is another option, but it will only affect future entries.

    There is a lock icon in the post publishing window. If you click it before publishing a post, it will only be visible to users on your friends list. But this doesn't work with reposts from other people's pages, and old posts will still be visible to everyone unless they are deleted.

    So, new design The VKontakte website has moved the section with page settings to the upper right corner. By selecting “Settings” and then the “Privacy” tab, you can limit access to your page and certain sections. But some manipulations will have to be done manually later: for example, this way you can hide photos and videos.

    To check what a page looks like for different user groups or different people from the list of friends you can on the same “Privacy” page: if you scroll to the end, then at the very bottom there will be a link, clicking on which the user will switch to viewing mode. By selecting different people, he can see what parents, close friends, or users whom the person does not know and who are not on his friends list see on the page.

    Of course, this guide is written for a specific circle of readers.

    • freelancer offering his services via the Internet;
    • information businessman selling his products on the Internet;
    • trainer or teacher teaching online;
    • coach (psychologist, astrologer, esotericist), consulting via Skype;
    • representative of MLM business;
    • owner of an online store;
    • make-up artist (stylist, manicurist, hairdresser) who promotes his services through social networks, then this book will definitely be useful to you.

    It should also be taken into account that large recruitment agencies sometimes ask applicants to provide a link to their profile on social networks. This is the reality of our time.

    This guide addresses all issues related to creating a personal brand through a social network profile. Profile settings and the possibilities of using them to achieve your goals are discussed in detail. Various non-trivial techniques are highlighted separately, many of which you didn’t even suspect.

    For greater usefulness and clarity, the book contains many examples. Both successful and not so successful. You can recognize yourself in them. Read, draw conclusions and act!

    First, let's define the terminology. The point is that the term personal profile"Not used by everyone.

    What is it? Yours personal page VKontakte. An account that is created when registering on a social network and contains all the information about you that you consider necessary to provide. Your personal space on VKontakte, where you can write your messages. It's all about one thing. About what we will call a personal profile.

    Many people, when registering on VKontakte, do not even think that this automatically created account with your first and last name (if you indicated them) and with your photo (if you, again, inserted it) can be used to the benefit of yourself and your wallet. And this is not only possible, but also necessary to do. This is what we will talk about.

    We have already listed those for whom promoting a personal profile can bring “irreparable benefit.” These are people whose income generation is based entirely on personal expertise. These are the people for whom it is important to be perceived as a professional, since this is what their profit depends on.

    If you think that you are already an “expert of all times” and there is always a queue for you, and social networks are fun for schoolchildren, then let’s look at a few important facts.

    Social networks are well indexed by search engines. Try to find any person through Yandex or Google. What is the first thing for you? Fact one. What will the search engine give? These will be links to accounts on social networks: VKontakte, facebook, youtube.

    Let's expand on this idea. Where will the person who heard about you for the first time look for you? It will go to the same Yandex or Google. And where will he find you? Most likely, on social networks, if you are there, since this is the information that will be given out first. Are you there?

    On the other hand, why not use this fact to your advantage? Design your personal profile appropriately and you will receive an additional source of clients and admirers.

    Social networks are being used more and more more people any age. Thousands of thousands of people start their day by viewing the VKontakte news feed. What news gets into the news feed first? This is news from friends' personal profiles. Let's draw conclusions. If you have many friends on VKontakte, and you regularly communicate some important information, then a fairly large number of people see it.

    An active personal profile increases sales. There is a simple mechanism at work here. If you are interesting to others, if people believe you, then your suggestions are perceived as a recommendation for action. Of course, such an effect is not achieved in one month, but without your efforts this will never happen.

    Let's look at what key factors make your profile a tool for promoting a personal brand.

    Key factors influencing the formation of a personal brand are marked in red. Green Desirable factors that enhance favorable perceptions are noted.

    Now let's take a closer look at each factor separately.

    1. First and last name.

    This, at first glance, simple rule is not so rarely violated, which leads to such incidents:
    It is quite simple to explain the reason why the user’s personal page bears various foreign names. People want to promote their services, products, their companies and organizations. For this purpose they use a personal profile. However, they do not take into account that violation of the rules allows the VKontakte administration to close such an account without explanation. Although the reasons will, of course, be explained to you. But will this help you get back what you have gained? long time? Moreover, if sales have already been made through such a personal profile.

    Another reason why it is better to follow the rules is the following. Social media can help you promote your products and services much more if you have credibility. People are interested in you first of all, and only then in everything you are ready to offer them.

    What if you initially hid behind a strange set of words? What if you use the company name as your name? Of course, in this case, someone will add you as a friend. But who will it be? Unscrupulous people who don't care.

    If your organization is quite reputable, then violating the rules is completely unacceptable for you, since this will somehow affect your reputation.

    A few words should be said about diminutive forms of names and the spelling of first and last names in foreign languages. Such options are also not welcomed by the VKontakte social network.

    However, here we must proceed from considerations of expediency. If people know you as Natasha or Alena, then it is logical to use the same form of your name on social networks.

    But if you are going to offer your services to the Russian-speaking part of the population, which for the most part lives on VKontakte, then you definitely shouldn’t use Latin spellings.

    Let's face it, it takes some courage to promote your personality on social media. It’s much easier to be an ordinary user or hide behind some vague nickname. But it is precisely this courage that is valued by those who are ready to follow you. So have the courage to speak up!
    someone to be friends with

    Design of communities on social networks

    Example 1. Violation of the rules for using a profile on the VKontakte social network. Is the game worth the candle? Everyone decides for themselves.

    Example 2. Name additions are only visible if a person logs into your profile. Perhaps this adds some shades of meaning. But such emotional inserts clearly hinder promotion.

    Example 3. A specific insert on the topic of promotion. We emphasize once again that additions to your first or last name are only visible in your profile. When you are seen on the friends list or you receive a request to be added
    as friends, there will only be a first and last name. In my opinion, it is more expedient to transfer this record to the place of work. Then the inscription will be visible in the cases described above. Or add it to your status.

    Example 4. Sometimes additional names can enhance the perception of your image. In this case, they can be considered as a promotion element.

    2. Status.

    Status is important information that you want to communicate about yourself or your activities.

    The status is located directly under the first and last name. Some people leave this field blank, but for a person who is pumping up his brand or promoting some services, this is an unaffordable luxury.

    At first glance, making a suitable inscription in your personal profile status is not so difficult. However, there are so many errors here that we will dwell on this issue in more detail.

    What should be in the status? Information about what you are ready to offer people, what is important that you want to convey to them. There is no place for general phrases and ill-considered statements. Specifics and only specifics!

    It's obvious that this information should be attractive to you, identify the specifics of your activities, and convey particularly relevant information.

    Imagine that a third-party visitor looked at your personal page for some reason. Perhaps he was looking for some information. The status should give him this information, or complement other messages available in your profile.

    Let's take a look specific examples, which will clarify a lot for you.

    Example 5. Author this status he clearly wanted to tell us something. Even more, he definitely wanted to call us to some kind of action. But which one? Something about gifts? What result is guaranteed? What does Russia have to do with it? The link to the site in the status is never clickable, which means you will have to copy it into the browser yourself. This can only happen if you know exactly why you need it. Have you ever wanted to see what’s on this site??? Conclusion: there are many letters, but little meaning. More specifics certainly wouldn't hurt.

    Example 6. Anna definitely has something to offer us. This is indicated by the inscription on the avatar. But what can we order? Take your defender? I leave the answer options, what was meant, to your discretion. The other information on the page doesn't help much. Is it worth the effort?

    Example 7. Clear and to the point. The entire profile tells us what is important to Veronica and what she can offer you. The status brings complete specifics.

    3. Personal information

    Personal information is divided into two groups: public information and detailed information. The first one is visible to all people who visit your profile without exception. Even those you have blacklisted. This information is displayed immediately below the status. It can only be hidden in the appropriate settings. The second group is hidden under the line “Show detailed information" People on your blacklist cannot see it at all, and everyone else can only see it by expanding the corresponding list.

    What information will be displayed to the public will be discussed in detail in the technical section of this book. It’s also worth mentioning here that what you tell about yourself can increase your ranking in the eyes of potential clients, make it easier for them to find your products and increase their credibility. Or maybe vice versa.

    What information should you avoid? There are no clear recommendations here. The same information can be perceived differently in different profiles. For example, age. In some cases it can be a plus, and in others it can be a minus. A coach of fifty years is significant. But a fifty-year-old aspiring copywriter looking for clients through a social network has less chance. Perhaps, in the second case, it is worth keeping silent about age.

    What should you tell us about yourself?

    The most important criterion here is that the information should help you achieve your goals and characterize you as a professional in the field in which you are engaged.

    It is quite obvious that for a politician, filling out the “Political Views” field is considered mandatory. But for everyone else? Sometimes it can cause harm.

    Let's look at a few items from the personal information section, which you need to fill out thoughtfully. Of course, if your goal is to use social networks as an additional source of receiving customers and orders.

    Marital status. You definitely shouldn’t choose some explanatory meanings, like “Everything is complicated.” You should be especially careful when filling out this item if you are dealing with the topic of relationships.

    It is also most often not worth listing all brothers and sisters, including second cousins.

    There is no need to fill out the items in the “Interests” section with mile-long lists. Of course, your favorite movies and quotes can perfectly describe you. But writing hundreds of thousands of letters in these columns is definitely unnecessary.

    Section "Career". Of course, the stages of our careers have led us to the point where we are now. But sometimes listing places of work and positions held there may not play in our favor. For example, if you worked as a taxi driver, and have now retrained as a copywriter, then perhaps this fact should not be recorded in your personal profile.

    Let’s talk separately about the “Children” column. Nowadays it will not surprise anyone that a mother with children actively works via the Internet. But if you offer calling services to clients, then the presence of small children may scare away a potential employer.

    Example 8. Look in the column " Hometown" A similar option, when in this column they write all the cities you have ever been to, or those that made an indelible impression, is not as rare as it might seem. As a result, with such a list you distract attention from information that is really worthy of attention. Remember than fewer letters you write, the more likely they are to be read. And they will take note.

    Example 9. Those who fill out personal information key queries on the topic they are promoting, they probably think that such actions will lead to flows of clients from search engines to their profile. Unfortunately, nothing like this will happen. In addition, it will likely scare away potential buyers.

    Example 10. After reading such personal information, one can quite imagine the living person who wrote it. In addition, it is clear how this person can be useful to me, who accidentally looked at his profile.

    4. Avatar.

    An avatar is a special picture or photograph on a user's personal page that is a public graphic representation of that person. On social networks, it is customary to use a photo of the profile owner as an avatar.

    Of course, there are people who believe that this element personal account is not important. Surely, you have seen such personal pages, the owners of which did not consider it necessary to insert at least some photograph in the appropriate place, looking like this:

    Which avatar should you choose for your personal profile? In our opinion, preference should be given to the photo of the profile owner. It is advisable that the person’s face be visible on it, very preferably in close-up. Note that a face is desirable, but there are exceptions, which we will consider in examples below.

    As for the photo itself chosen for the avatar, the recommendations here can only be general. The fact is that a person’s perception of himself is always different from the perception of this person by others. What may seem beautiful to some people may seem aggressive to others, and boring to others. But one way or another, there are still recommendations.

    First, the photo used for your avatar should describe you as a professional. If you, for example, are a stylist, then a photo from a vacation where you are captured with a peeling nose and wet hair tucked under a headband can greatly spoil the impression of you. But exactly the same photo is quite suitable for a person conducting trainings about travel.

    Please note that we are talking exclusively about the avatar. In your albums and on your profile wall, you can publish whatever you see fit. Although we will talk more about this in the appropriate section.

    Secondly, choose the photo that will represent your profile responsibly. Take the best one you can get. After all, this will now be your virtual face.

    Thirdly, choose the area for the thumbnail correctly. Your news in the news feed will not be accompanied by your full-size avatar, but only by its square area. It is very important that the thumbnail shows your face.

    Fourth, don't change your avatar too often. People get used to familiar images in their news feed and follow news from interesting people.

    Example 11. What's so confusing about this profile? Upon closer inspection, this is the profile of the HR Director at large company and a professional coach developing some kind of business. But what impression does the cat make on your avatar? Would you like to chat with this character about how
    become more successful and richer?

    Example 12. Apparently, the owner of this profile cares about proper nutrition.

    Or maybe she just really likes peaches. It’s also possible that she didn’t care what photo she put on her avatar, as long as there was something.

    Example 13. A very common use of avatars among adherents of any activity. And they can be understood. However, people still want to communicate with people. They are interested primarily in you, and not in your activities. They may be interested in your activities later, but show them your face first. This will inspire much more confidence.

    Example 14. Profile of a "laserman", a person who puts on spectacular shows. Of course, the face is not visible here, but it is clear what this person does.

    As we wrote above, sometimes there are exceptions to the rules - and this is exactly this case. Here, for promotion purposes, it is more important to show a holistic image, an idea, rather than a real face. It is clear that no one will judge a guy if he decides to publish his photo on his avatar.

    Example 15. Avatar inscription handwritten font... It doesn’t look very good, it’s difficult to read, and it also spoils the miniature representing the profile in news feed.

    Example 16. Thoughtful use of avatar. It is true that it is not possible to click on the link pointed to by the arrow. Its status is not clickable. But much better than in example 15.

    Example 17. An avatar made specifically for an event. At the same time, there is also the face of the owner. It is only important to replace such an avatar with a regular one when the event passes.

    Example 18. Cool car! But where is Ruslan?

    Example 19. You look at this 4th avatar and immediately understand that Marina is a yoga instructor and has something to do with children. Great!

    Posts on the wall. Content.

    It would seem that we have already considered all the main points. Avatar, status and personal information may well create a favorable impression of you. But the fact is that an empty wall of your profile will say more about you than all the beautiful phrases in your status. And this statement will not be in your favor.

    Even if you fill the wall of your personal VKontakte page exclusively with reposts from other people’s public pages, you still characterize yourself with this. The point is that a person cannot share information that he does not approve of. One way or another, by quoting other people's thoughts, you show what you think about yourself.

    Reposts are definitely better than a blank wall. But you shouldn't abuse them. Write something about yourself. Share what happened with you and your clients (students, partners). Speak your mind. Tell us about your professional plans. If you are an expert in any field, believe me, there is always something to tell people on this topic. Act as an expert, share tips and cases. Very soon you will have regular readers and admirers. And they, in turn, will bring new people interested in your topic.

    Reposts are usually abused by those who run their own (or other people’s) VKontakte communities. Sometimes the personal profiles of such people are exact copy communities that are administered by this specialist. This is definitely not worth doing. Why should people join your community if everything can be seen from you? In addition, updating profile information too frequently leads to people simply unsubscribing from such news. After all, news from a user’s personal page is more likely to appear in the feed of his friends than news from a group. And if this news is monotonous and comes from the same person very often, then it is easier to exclude such posts from your news feed. It is worth considering that such reposts also do not bring benefits to your group. After all, only you do them, and this is clearly not enough to work with activity. To summarize: choose what is important from your communities and share only that. It is better not more than 2-3 times a week. Less often possible.

    If our wall is not closed to other people's messages, then sometimes there may be something there that should not be there at all. Requests from apps used by your friends; gratitude for friendship with a link to your page; requests for help; and sometimes outright SPAM. Please clear your wall of such statements. Leave only what can benefit you: thanks for your work, questions about your activities, feedback about your services, etc.

    We especially note cases of user participation in conferences where VKontakte comments are used for communication. Often, an unsuspecting conference participant writes answers to questions asked by the speaker, and at this time his profile turns into something like this:

    If this happens, then such posts must be deleted from your personal VKontakte page.

    To ensure that they never appear on your profile at all, you simply need to turn off broadcasting them to your account. Before you write something at a conference where the VKontakte comment plugin is used, click on the little blue button with the letter “B”. This button is located next to the “Submit” button (see figure below). Once the button is pressed, it will become paler. This will let you know that the transfer of your messages to your personal profile is disabled. Now you can safely comment as much as you want. All messages will remain only where you write them.

    Example 20. The trend of our time is participation in various flash mobs that require reporting on a personal social network profile.

    Of course, this is a good move for the organizers - this way they increase virality and attract new participants to their projects. How can this be useful for the participants themselves?

    Of course, if you complete all the tasks and really benefit from this flash mob, then honor and praise to you. However similar examples They only cause bewilderment, especially when the word “nothing” appears on your wall for the twentieth day in a row.

    Friends. Their number.

    In our age of information overload, when everyone has to fight for the attention of visitors possible ways, everything can be important. Any detail that adds value to your image should be taken into account.

    Most people who go to someone else's profile for whatever reason pay attention to the number of friends that person has. Let's note a few important points here.

    If you have very few friends and subscribers, this is alarming. Let us repeat that our book is written for those who promote their goods or services via the Internet, for those who are interested in an additional audience. How can such a person have 4 friends and 1 subscriber?

    Of course, you shouldn’t chase quantity; we’ll talk about this later when considering the next point. But this factor should not be neglected either.

    There is also the following picture: a person has few friends, but a lot of subscribers. This may serve as a signal that such a person rarely visits VKontakte or does not pay due attention to those who send him friend requests. Some will unsubscribe over time, others will lose interest. This is a natural result. People want attention now. So, it needs to be given to them.

    Another mistake is not keeping track of your friends list. We added a person as a friend a year ago and forgot about him. But over time, people can delete their VKontakte profiles, and the social network itself can delete their profiles. Meanwhile, they “hang” in your lists, spoiling your profile picture. For example, like this:
    On VKontakte you can divide all your friends into categories. It’s not worth going into great detail here, but you can create a “Colleagues” section. Of course, here you need to monitor the performance of profiles especially carefully. It will also be good if you gather in this section famous people in your topic, whose presence in your personal profile will add weight to you.

    If, for some reason, you do not want a certain person to be seen among your friends, but at the same time you do not want to deny him friendship, then you can add him to the “Hidden Friends” category. We will look at how this is done in detail in the chapter of this book dedicated to technical issues and tricks.

    Activity on the profile wall.

    Well, friends, we have reached the last important factor that should be present in a personal profile. And this is activity. The fact that this factor is considered last should not give you the illusion that it is of least importance.

    Have you ever seen the personal pages of users who have 5 thousand friends or more, but there are not a single like on their posts? Doesn't this seem strange to you?

    Have you ever seen personal profiles in which their owner offered (to choose from):

    — collect thousands of likes on VKontakte;
    — “promote” your VKontakte group;
    — ensure the flow of clients and customers through social networks;
    — teach you how to build a personal brand;
    - help you earn your first million.

    And at the same time, in his profile on the wall there is hopeless silence.

    But actually, what thoughts might this cause? Most likely, all these posts are of no interest to anyone. What do you have this person no followers. That he is doing something wrong and is unlikely to be able to help you.

    And here's what we want to convey to you: activity is very important. The wind shouldn’t blow through your personal profile; people should “live” there – comment, like, and even repost. After all, viral marketing is not just about registering on VKontakte. This is when you posted a photo of a necklace that you made yourself and are selling, and n number of your friends shared it on their profiles. Just because they liked it. As a result, you receive orders for your products.

    We have to admit that in order for there to be activity on a profile, this profile needs to be engaged. We already wrote about this in the section “Profile Wall. Content." If your profile has statistics (and not everyone does), then pay attention to its indicators. What messages of yours resonate with your audience? What do people comment on and where do they like?

    In the above screenshot from personal profile statistics, the dates of posts are marked with crosses. You see that publishing information on a personal page leads to a surge in activity. Of course, this will only happen if the posts resonate with your friends and you don’t post them every 5 minutes.

    What posts you publish, how to communicate with your audience, how to position yourself - of course, it’s up to you to decide. It is also up to you to decide whether to close your wall from outside messages. Most often, this is the only way to get rid of the endless stream of SPAM. But is it worth closing comments? If you are a public person, or strive to become one, if you have something to offer people, find the courage to enter into dialogue with people. Yes, sometimes you will receive something that is not quite vanilla feedback. But if it's constructive criticism, it can be a point of growth for you. In addition, people really value openness. But, we repeat, only you decide here.

    Example 21. Published content varies and is intended to be read. What do you want to read on a social network? Probably something interesting and not very complicated. Attention, question: how long will you follow the news coming from Tatyana? Please note that Tatyana persistently publishes one news per day. How many followers did she find through the social network VKontakte? Hardly very much.

    Here I would like to say that tags with your name may not appear where you would like. Pay attention to this and promptly remove all unwanted marks. Or, in the settings, set the option so that only you can see photos with tags.

    There is one more section that we will note that is not important. In our diagram it is indicated by the number 9. But one way or another, due to its graphic component, it attracts the attention of visitors. This is the gifts section. If you are popular and enjoy the attention of VKontakte users, then most likely you have a lot of gifts. This is great and means you don't have to do anything. If you have few or no gifts, we strongly advise you to disable this option in the settings.

    We have discussed with you the factors that can be seen by logging into the profile of any VKontakte user. Now let's talk about what remains beyond the visible, but also affects perception and promotion.

    We have identified two additional factors that can also be taken into account.

    The first one is a photo feed. It is located immediately below the main information. In our diagram (page 5) it is indicated by the number 8. The photo feed is formed from all the images that you upload to your profile albums or post on your wall. But it can be edited separately, according to your goals and objectives. We have already said that the photos you choose to publish on your personal page are your own business. But sometimes it would be nice to stop and look at your photo feed and think: what do these images say about me? The example located at the bottom of this page is taken from the personal profile of an information businessman. We leave it without comment. It will be great if you can draw the right conclusions yourself.

    The section of photos in which you have been tagged by other VKontakte users does not always remain visible.

    What else is worth considering

    Please open the list of your VKontakte friends and study it carefully. You may notice that some of them only have first and last names, others have their place of study nearby. Still others have the type of their activity written down. Obviously such additional information allows you to learn more about a person, and sometimes attracts additional attention to his personal profile.

    For this information to appear to you, you need to fill out the Place of work field in the Career section. This is preferable to displaying information about the educational institution you graduated from. Write here what you want to broadcast about yourself to other people. For example, you work at Horns and Hooves LLC as a pencil sharpening manager, but at the same time you have additional income on the Internet by creating articles for websites. Mention of LLC is not required at all for your promotion. Indicate only the second type of your activity and, with due persistence and correct positioning, one day it will become your main one.

    And in general, if some information moves you away from your goals, do not indicate it. No one has the right to require you to indicate your age, the city of your residence, or weekly photo reports about your life. The opposite is also true; if some information is important for your positioning, it needs to be indicated.

    All personal profiles on social networks are open to free access to any user. Those. you can “visit” anyone you want. To do this, you need to click on the user’s avatar or his first and last name. However, the so-called privacy settings will allow you to see in someone else's profile only what is permitted by your rights. For example, if a user has marked some materials as “available only to friends,” and you are not a friend of this person on this social network, then you will not see these materials.

    Be very careful with your privacy settings. If you plan to promote yourself on the Internet and build your business here or expand your audience and client base, then, definitely, the basic information of your personal page should be open to everyone. The only exceptions can be people from your blacklist. But that's another story, which we will tell in another section of this methodological manual. In the meantime, let's summarize...

    The examples can be continued, but we won’t drag it out. Who do we see on these personal pages? We see expert people here. Even if we have doubts about their professionalism, all the content on their profiles can easily dispel them. Is your VKontakte account capable of something like this?
    We may never meet a person, but at the same time buy some products or services from him. The Internet now makes it easy to do this, although the usual fears have not gone away. People are still worried about their money and are not ready to transfer it to just anyone. In this case, a personal VKontakte profile, which is regularly maintained and contains detailed information, acts as a certain point of trust in the seller. This is your virtual face, your business card, that very “first impression” that can only be made once.

    Let's look at one more example to finally consolidate this topic and see how your personal VKontakte page can play against you.

    Example 22. What does Alexander's profile tell us? Well, at first glance it is clear that he has something to do with the Wellness Club. True, it is not immediately clear in which city this club is located. The address in the status and phone number do not make this clear. The line “Hometown” only adds confusion to this issue. Lots of personal information
    strongly overlaps information on the case.

    How to fix: remove languages, education and all brothers and sisters. Replace an avatar that shows how slim and athletic you are. Add a place of work and specify the status - not just an address, but what exactly I, as a possible client of yours, will receive there.

    When you register on any resource, including the social network VKontakte, your account is automatically created. Also called personal page or personal profile.

    The personal profile displays all the user’s personal data, his interests, contacts, hobbies, as well as published posts and comments.

    We especially note that only your first and last name is used to register on social networks. The use of company names, nicknames, and random words is prohibited by the rules of any social network. Such a profile can be deleted without explanation, especially if complaints are received against it.

    To register on VKontakte and get your personal profile, you will need a number cell phone. This is the only difficulty, although the procedure itself is incredibly simple.

    Step 1. Enter your first and last name.

    Step 2. Write the phone number.

    After this, you will receive a code to the specified number, which you use to complete registration.

    As you understand, on VKontakte the ability to create several personal profiles at the same time is limited by the availability of telephone numbers that you can specify.

    If, when creating a profile, you specify a phone number that is already linked to an account, then VKontakte will give you a warning about this fact.

    You can ignore the warning that this number used, and continue to register an account for the same telephone number. To do this, select the “Click here” option.

    Here the warning will be quite categorical. If you ignore it and tie it new profile to an already used number, then old account will lose this connection.

    This will not destroy the old profile. But if you decide to use it for work, then very soon you will not be able to do so. VKontakte will require you to link new number to this profile.

    Before we move on to describing the settings of a personal profile, let’s also talk about the language for its display.

    In order to select a language, we need to scroll through any VKontakte page to the very bottom. If your wall is already heavily filled, it will be easier to do this from some section that you don’t use very often. For example, this could be the “My Audio Recordings” or “My Video Recordings” section.

    At the very bottom we can find several functions, including the name of the language in which you see the VKontakte interface.

    You can easily verify that the language name is a clickable link. Clicking on it will expand this menu:

    Here you can find two options left over from April Fools' pranks of yesteryear. These are Soviet and pre-revolutionary languages.

    By choosing one of these languages, you can ensure yourself a fun time for more than one evening, because... The familiar appearance of the social network will change quite noticeably. Here is how the familiar warning to many that your friend’s profile is frozen is displayed in pre-revolutionary language:

    If you need some other language, but you haven’t found it, pay attention to the inscription “Other languages”, you will definitely find what you need there.

    Example 23. If you set your settings to the “pre-revolutionary” language, then other people’s profiles will be displayed exactly like that. Of course, only you will see this.

    Example 24. Sometimes on April 1, VKontakte employees play little pranks. Be prepared for this. Thanks to our student Vera Veremeychuk for an interesting example.

    You can manage your personal profile using the numerous settings it contains. Let's start looking at them from the menu block, which is always located MY SETTINGS at the top left. In this case, the items that are present in this menu again depend on the settings.

    Let's figure it out.

    The top picture shows the location of the menu block. There is a line “My Settings”. We click on it. A section with many tabs opens in front of us. By default, the “General” tab is active, which begins with the “Additional services” list. The checkboxes in this list will correspond to the items that will be on our menu. If you have not edited this list, your menu will be as complete as possible.

    Please note that this list does not prevent other users from seeing any sections of your profile menu. This list only customizes the appearance of the menu block for you. Those. exists for your convenience.

    What each of these sections means (“My Friends”, “My Photos”, etc.) and what capabilities they have, we will look at in more detail in other chapters. Now we are only talking about the last menu item - “My Settings”.

    Let's see what else we can configure in the General tab.

    Immediately after setting up additional services, you will find the “Page Settings” block.

    Here you can hide the gift block from your profile by checking the appropriate box. It will hide from the eyes of your visitors. As we already wrote, if you have few or no gifts, this may be a completely justified action.

    The second line – Show only my posts – will hide from prying eyes everything that other users write on your wall. Those. the wall will not be closed, anyone can write on it (except those who are on your blacklist), but only you will be able to see these entries.

    Should extraneous entries be hidden? Perhaps only for a time when you can't monitor your profile. For example, you are going on vacation. In other cases, daily moderation is more suitable, i.e. tracking unwanted entries and their timely removal.

    We already talked about disabling commenting on posts in the first part of this book. We do not recommend doing this. But, in any case, you have this opportunity and it is located in this block of My Settings.

    In the “General” tab of My Settings, you can also change the password for logging into your profile; change the phone number and e-mail associated with your profile. This is where your profile address changes. By default, any profile address on the VKontakte social network consists of numbers, but you can notice this address on any other. For example, the profile address of Natalia Koinova looks like this:

    In the “General” tab we are looking at, you can change appearance display of the VKontakte social network by making the display font larger. And here the LANGUAGE changes, which we already wrote about in one of the previous chapters.

    The next tab in the settings section is the “Security” tab.

    Here you can set up the ability to log into the VKontakte social network only using a special code received on your phone. Please note that this is not always convenient and efficient. However, if you, for example, work with other people’s communities or other people’s profiles, then this feature can greatly protect you and your clients from hacking and unwanted actions in your communities.

    Also in this tab you can see when your profile was logged in and from which browsers.

    The next tab in the Settings section is “Privacy”. Everything that will be visible and accessible to visitors to your account is configured here.

    Now we will show you what the settings of this tab might look like for a person who is active on the Internet, and then we will give some explanations.

    So, you see that any user of the VKontakte social network has the opportunity to limit the visibility of individual sections and stop extraneous activities in their profile. What should be limited?

    If you want to actively develop your personal profile and make it one of the effective tools for promoting something (your person, products, services, affiliate programs etc.), then you should hide only those sections that do not bring you closer to your goal. For example, you can hide the section of audio recordings if you do not have them or their presence does not in any way affect the popularization of your activities. It is your right to prohibit other people from writing on your wall, but you should remember that in this case people will not be able to leave a review on your wall, congratulate you on your birthday, or ask a question. It’s good if you leave them the opportunity to do this at least in the comments to your posts. And be sure to leave your private messages open for everyone!

    Now let’s take a separate look at the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” Here you can hide some of your friends from prying eyes. Perhaps increased secrecy will seem unnecessary to some, so this function is rarely used. But for those who want to separate personal from work, this function may be useful.

    You can hide your friends from prying eyes as follows. By default, opposite this line you have the clickable phrase “All friends”. Click on this phrase. We have a special window where a list of all our friends is given. By clicking on a friend's name, you will add him to the list of hidden friends. To avoid scrolling through the entire list, you can use the search located at the top of the window. Once you have selected those you want to hide from visitors to your profile, do not forget to click the “Save” button.

    If you have hidden some of your friends (from which they have not ceased to be your friends on VKontakte), you should deal with the following line - Who sees my hidden friends. By default, it says “Only me.” It might be worth doing so hidden friends could see each other. Although this is not necessary.

    There are a lot of drop-down lists in the “Privacy” tab. Some of them have the option “Everything except...” Let’s talk about this option separately, because some difficulties may arise when working with it.

    If you want to select the “Everything except...” restriction at some points, as was done in our example from page 36 in the “Who can invite me to communities” item, then a small dialog box will appear in front of you:

    To add some friends to the restrictive list, you can use the drop-down list. But if you have more than a thousand friends, then doing this is very inconvenient. Therefore, you can simply start typing the name of the friend whom you want to restrict in some rights. And here ATTENTION, the first and last name must be printed in the dative case, otherwise no matches will be found. True, if you don’t have very many friends, then just by looking at the initial letters you can find the one you are looking for, and then our advice will not be relevant for you.

    In the next Settings tab, called “Alerts,” we recommend enabling only Instant Alerts on the site. These are tooltips about all the actions of other users related to your profile. It is better to turn off other notifications, because... If you are active on VKontakte, it can simply drive you crazy.

    The fifth tab, “Black List,” contains all those people (or rather, their profiles) whom you have deprived of the opportunity to interact with your profile. In other words, “banned.” Here you can add new people with whom you do not want to communicate, as well as remove from this list those who were previously added to it if the situation has somehow changed. The blacklist will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter of this manual.

    The “Mobile Services” tab is intended for those who want to have access to the VKontakte website with mobile devices. Here you can see all the conditions and tariffs offered for this.

    Well, the last tab in Settings is Payments. It is needed to buy votes - the internal currency of VKontakte, necessary, for example, to buy gifts or to pay additional features inside applications. Here you can see what transactions you have made and how many votes are currently in your account.

    We remind you that we looked at the section of the “My Settings” menu block with all the tabs available here. It will be very cool if you study all the sections on your own, assessing the usefulness of each item for yourself and trying out various options to suit your goals. Here we have given general recommendations, which we hope will be taken into account by you and will allow you to use your personal profile with maximum convenience and benefit.

    I would like to note that the settings change periodically - something is added, something is modernized, and something is removed. Therefore, if you find any discrepancies between the real settings interface and the description or screenshots of this publication, please report it. We will be very grateful to you.

    A user who is blacklisted on your social network will no longer be able to see posts on your profile wall, tag you in photos, invite you to events or groups, or correspond with you. He will also never be able to add you as a friend.

    This is what you will see when you go to the profile of the person who added you to the blacklist:

    VKontakte can block a user without any warning at your first request. But there is one limitation: you cannot blacklist your friend. First you need to remove the person from your friends.

    Blocking is simple. You need to go to the profile of the offender who is not your friend. In the left column (the one under the avatar) at the very bottom (you will have to scroll through the lists of gifts, friends and interesting pages) there are options “Block”, “Complain” and “Add to bookmarks”. We will need the first of them.

    As we wrote in the previous chapter, the blacklist itself is located in the “My Settings” menu section. Here, in the special “Black List” tab, you can find all the VKontakte users you have banned. If you decide that you banned a person in vain or want to resume communication with him, then by going to this list, you can remove the desired user from there. Immediately after this, he gets free access to your profile.

    By the way, you yourself can easily see the profile of the person you banned and write him private messages if you want.

    In this chapter we will look at the “My Friends” menu section. What features and information does it contain?

    Please note that this section consists of several tabs. By default, the All Friends tab opens. This list contains the profiles of all the people whose friend requests you have approved and who have approved your requests. This list is generated in random order, without any reference to dates. If you want to see the people who were most recently added to your friends, you need to open the “New Friends” list. In our screenshot it is marked with a red frame.

    Opposite each friend on our list there are 4 options that we can use at any time: Write a message, View friends (using this link you will see all your friend’s friends), Unfriend and Set up lists. Last option allows you to add your friend to one of existing lists. By default, 5 lists are available: best friends, relatives, colleagues, university friends, school friends. But if this doesn’t seem enough to you, then in the column on the right at the very bottom there is an option “Create a list”. Here you can form a group of friends, calling it whatever you like. For example, you can create your own client list. Of course, you can do without lists.

    The My Friends section has its own search that will help you quickly find people with the necessary parameters.

    The “Online Friends” tab in the My Friends section will show you which friends are currently logged into VKontakte.

    Now let's take a closer look at last tab"Friend Requests" The thing is that this tab may look different depending on the situation. If you currently have no current friend requests (i.e. no one has sent you a friend request), then this tab is either empty or represents a list of your subscribers.

    Subscribers on the social network VKontakte are those people whom you have not accepted as friends. Those. a person sent you a request, but you rejected the request. The subscriber can see the news of the person he subscribed to in his news feed. And the person who is subscribed to does not see his subscriber’s news in his news feed. While friends see each other's news in their news feeds.

    If you currently have friend requests, it looks like this. In the menu block in the “My Friends” column, a numerical designation appears indicating how many applications you currently have not considered. Clicking on the “My Friends” line in the menu will now open not the first tab, but the last one – “Friend Applications”. This bookmark contains three additional bookmarks.

    In the screenshot we see an example of a situation where one friend request was received. At this stage, we need to make a choice - approve the application or reject it. To approve means to add a person as a friend. Reject – keep as subscribers.

    Now let's look at what Outgoing requests are:

    If you send a friend request to someone, then until the person accepts your offer, the request will remain in this section. But there is another option, when the person himself sent you a friend request, you accepted it, and the person then removed you from friends. What happens in this case? You become its subscriber and your application is in the same section of Outgoing Applications.

    Be sure to check this section periodically. If your requests appear there, which you did not leave, then unsubscribe from such people by clicking on the big blue button. Most often these are hunters for subscribers. We also note that if you yourself sent an application, but it has been unapproved for more than a week, then perhaps this application should be cancelled. Of course, if you do not want to see the news of this person in your news feed.

    My photos

    Let's move on to the My Photos section. It contains 4 required albums, which will begin to fill up on their own as you perform various actions on the VKontakte social network.

    The Photos from My Page album contains all the photos you upload as your avatar.

    The album “Photos with me” is filled with photographs uploaded by other VKontakte users in which you were tagged by these users. You can go to this folder, and if the photos do not suit you, uncheck them. This is done quite simply. You need to open a photo that has a tag with your name on it. Below the photo are the clickable names of those tagged in it. There is a cross next to your name, clicking which will remove the unnecessary mark.

    The third required album is called “Photos on my page.” All photos that you upload to your profile to illustrate posts with them end up in this folder.

    And the last of the mandatory ones is “Saved Photos”. You fill this folder yourself, but with the help special functions VKontakte. Any photo you like from your news feed, someone else’s profile, or from a group can be saved to this folder. At the same time, if the photo is deleted in the original source (where you took it from), then you will still have it in this folder. To save, you need to expand any SOMEONE ELSE’s photo by simply clicking on it.

    The top screenshot shows that you can create your own albums. To do this, you only need to use the appropriate function.

    If you are promoting any products or services, then creating albums can help you in structuring and correctly presenting the material.

    Having created new album, don't forget to add its description. It is important that there are descriptions for each individual photo - this is a common respect for your audience.

    If you want to publish an album in one of your profile (or group) posts, simply open the desired album and take the link to it from the browser bar. Next, add this link to the post you create. The link, as soon as you add it to the text input field, will cause a simple reaction - a preview (preliminary image) of the future publication will appear. After this, the link must be deleted. It is not needed, the image will be published without it.

    The published album looks quite presentable on the wall. Unlike the series of published photographs, it also has a pop-up black stripe on main photo, displaying a description of this album.

    Please note that with any photo of your profile, you can perform a certain set of actions (depending on the album in which it is located). To do this, you need to expand (open) the photo by clicking on it with the mouse.

    For example, you can tag other people in photos you upload.

    The main set of actions is hidden in a special drop-down menu. Here is a photo editor that contains various filters and can significantly improve the appearance of your images. From this drop-down menu you can indicate the location on the map where the this photo. You can also rotate a photo if it didn't load correctly.

    To summarize this chapter, we repeat once again: create albums, give them titles and descriptions, while not forgetting to sign each separate photo. Albums allow you to structure your images well and you can reference them at the right time. In addition, people love to look at photographs, especially if they are framed correctly.

    Profile photo feed

    There is a photo feed on every profile and, as we mentioned earlier, due to its visual component, it has a certain impact on visitors.

    If you don’t change anything in the settings and don’t pay attention to the photo feed, it will form on its own. It simply contains all the photos that you publish on your profile and that you add to the albums you create.

    Meanwhile, the photo feed can be designed beautifully and, more importantly, functionally.

    Look at the two examples on the right to see what we're talking about.

    How can we make sure that the photo feed always looks the way we want and is not squeezed out by the new photos that we publish?

    There are two ways. The first of them requires constant adjustment of the tape and is as follows. We create a post in which we upload all the pictures that we want to see in the photo feed. After the post is published, refresh the page. You will see that all photos are included in the photo feed. Now the post can be deleted as unnecessary. This will not affect the feed in any way: all images will remain in the “Photos on my wall” album, which means they will also be displayed in the photo feed.

    In the future, when we publish new posts, the added images will displace the old ones. To avoid this, you simply need to remove everything unwanted from your feed. The top screenshot of page 45 shows that hovering the cursor over an image reveals a cross in its upper right corner, which can delete this image. Again, you need to understand that in this case, the image is removed only from the photo feed; the photos remain in the album and on the wall.

    The second method is less energy-consuming. It is done once and remains for a long time. We create a special album for the images that we want to see in the photo feed and fill it. If these are vertical photographs, then you will need 5 pieces, if horizontal - 4 pieces. Once the album is created and saved, all the photos we uploaded will fill the profile feed. Now we need to go to the “Photos on my wall” album and select the “Edit album” option there:

    After this, the editing window will open (it is shown in the screenshot on the right). Here we will only be interested in the “Display photos from the wall in the photo overview” function, which is checked by default. This checkbox needs to be unchecked.

    Now new photos will not appear in the photo feed and only the necessary images will always be displayed in it.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that you need to design your photo feed not only aesthetically, but also for the benefit of the activity you are promoting.

    Display samples of your work there if you are a designer or manicurist. In the profile of an information businessman, beautifully designed boxes with information products would look quite logical. In this case, do not forget to add a link to the landing page in the description of each such photo. In the photo feed, you can place the company logo or some other message to current and future clients. The main thing is to understand what questions your audience comes to your personal profile with and what they expect from you.

    My news (news feed)

    My News (aka News Feed, News Feed, Friend Feed) is an important component of any social network. In fact, all promotion is based on ensuring that published posts reach as many people as possible in their news feeds.

    You can often hear that people who work on social networks do not view their news feeds. It seems like there is enough work. However, we consider this approach to be incorrect.

    A properly configured news feed is a source of ideas for your publications, a source of news from competitors, and also an opportunity to communicate with other people. After all, you expect your profile to be interesting to third-party visitors, so why do you think that others don’t? Yes, you also need to be active on other people’s profiles: write comments (about or just because) and like (even if it’s an excellent post from your competitor).

    A simple rule: if you like the avatars of 10 of your friends, 5 to 8 of them will come to you and leave likes on your wall. It seems that we all understand this, but for some reason we think that with promotion everything is somehow different.

    How can we set up My News in such a way that we ourselves would be interested in reading it? First of all, let's figure out what you can see here.

    To see your news feed, you need to select the My News section in the menu block on the left.

    The news feed contains a sufficient number of settings and sections to use it with maximum convenience for you.

    At the very top there are three tabs. In the screenshot from previous page they are marked with the number 1. The first tab, “News,” allows us to see posts that were published by our friends, people we follow, and communities we belong to. Although this topic is given a lot of attention in the course, let me remind you that not all news is included in the feed. This is done for convenience, so as not to overload with information those who have many friends and favorite groups.

    It is important to understand that your feed first includes news from your friends (that is, the information they publish on their personal profiles) and only then community news. This is why we pay so much attention to the development of our personal profile.

    News can be viewed in five modes – number 2 in our screenshot. These are feed, photos, search, recommendations and articles modes.

    In feed mode, you see all published news. Moreover, you can right here comment on posts that interest you, like and repost. In photo mode, you can only see images. All entries for them are not displayed in this mode and you cannot like them here. This mode good for quickly finding the desired picture without any distractions.

    The Search mode is very good for those who need to quickly find any information. The search fields contained here allow you to specify a wide variety of search parameters, allowing you to find exactly what you need.

    You can find posts here that have a certain number of likes or mention a specific link. By experimenting with this section, you will discover a lot of useful things.

    An interesting mode for viewing news is recommendations. This includes everything that the social network deems worthy of your attention. For example, you are often active on the profile of one of your friends. And this friend left a comment in a community you've never even heard of. So a post from an unknown community may end up in your recommendations section, because... your friend found this post interesting.

    The last section “Articles” contains texts published on wiki pages.

    The block marked with number 3 in the screenshot is not available in all news feeds. This block may appear for you and then disappear. This displays profiles and pages that the social network considers useful to you. This block is always present in the Recommendations section of your news.

    Point 4 of our screen shows that you can track both all the news that is published and only the most interesting ones.

    Note that “all news” is still a conditional indicator. The social network will only show you what you are most connected with. If you liked a community post, here’s all the news. If you ignore the group’s news in your feed, it will gradually disappear from there or appear very rarely.

    We haven't covered two more important tabs. These are the Updates tab and the Comments tab. Updates contain all your friends' activities. Basically it's who made friends with whom and what community they joined.

    The Comments tab is very useful for those who actively comment. Here you can find all the posts where you left your comments and see what other users wrote there.

    To finally close the topic of the news feed, let’s say that you can hide news from authors who are not interesting to you. In this case, people will remain your friends, but their news will no longer be broadcast to your feed.

    Let's say one of your friends is too active in promoting a topic that is not interesting to you. He makes 3 posts every minute and all this greatly interferes with your enjoyment of your presence on the social network. Or another friend of yours created a group and decided that all posts from this group should be reposted to their personal profile. Moreover, he does this all at once for the entire week. As a result, your feed was filled with reposts from one community in 5 minutes. If you understand that such news is of no use to you, just hide it from your news feed. This is done very simply.

    Move your mouse to the right corner of a post you don't like in your news feed. A magic cross will immediately appear there. Click on it.

    After this, a big blue button will appear in front of you, which will allow you to hide all news this source from your news feed.

    If you did this accidentally, there is a “Cancel” button on the right that can correct this mistake.

    I really want to believe that you have come to understand that other people are also annoyed by the same news, intrusive advertising, 10 posts per second or endless reposts from your communities. It’s not that difficult to track what interests you, what information resonates, what pictures catch your eye. It’s also worth maintaining your own profile. Maintain a balance between personal and professional. Too often mentioning your immodest person may also one day get boring for someone. Benefit is everything to us. Tips, recommendations, useful lessons on the topic you promote they always give good quantity reposts and comments, which means they increase your authority on the social network. Of course, if your topic is interesting to someone else besides you.

    My bookmarks

    In the other two tabs of this section you can add necessary information on one's own.

    The People tab may contain links to other people's personal profiles. To add a link to this section, you need to go to the profile that you want to bookmark, and at the very bottom of the left column (under the avatar) find the line “Add to bookmarks”. The profile will be added to the corresponding tab in your bookmarks section. It doesn’t matter at all whether you are friends with this person or not.

    It is important to know that adding a profile or community to the bookmarks section will not allow you to see their news in your news feed.

    My Bookmarks - incredibly useful and handy tool for those who lead active image life on the social network VKontakte. As the name suggests, bookmarks allow you to quickly find the information you need.

    This section has 5 tabs: Photos, Videos, Posts, People and Links. The first three include news that you liked. Those. V in this case, the like serves as the anchor that will transfer the news to this section.

    Sometimes those who actively use bookmarks give likes rather sparingly, guided by the fact that the bookmarks section will be filled with information they do not need. Here you should think about your goals and objectives. What is more important to you – promotion (which is not possible without your active social activity) or a neat bookmarks section in your personal profile? Besides, no one is encouraging you to like mindlessly. But not placing them where it could be done is also not very far-sighted.

    Other menu sections

    If you are actively promoting something through your personal VKontakte profile, then the My Answers menu section will be an important tool for you. All actions of other people related to your profile are recorded here. Here you can see who left a like, who wrote a comment and which one, who sent a friend request and who approved your request.

    Since people may, for example, ask a question under a post that was published quite a long time ago, and it is already difficult to find it on the wall, we recommend that you regularly look at My Answers. Then you will be able to respond in a timely manner to many actions of your visitors and readers of your news.

    I would also like to say a few words about the My Videos and My Audios sections. If this type content you use for promotion, we strongly recommend that you organize it by album. This will allow you to quickly find the information you need and provide links to the desired album, rather than to a separate video or audio.

    Also don't forget to give detailed descriptions to the video. Nowadays, few people start watching a video if they do not understand what they can see there. Even if you post a popular film on VKontakte without a description and with a description, the second option gains more views. What can we say about private video recordings?

    This concludes our review of the personal profile menu items.

    Editing personal information

    Also, the visible field of personal information will include either information about your higher education, or the last place of work you indicated. As we have already mentioned, for promotion it is often more appropriate to display your current place of work rather than education. But there are always exceptions to the rules.

    Filling out all the other tabs in this section will not be difficult for you. The main thing to remember is to separate the essential from the unimportant. So, no one will be upset if you leave the “Interests” tab blank or don’t specify full list their brothers and sisters.

    As you already know, personal information is divided into two groups: that which is displayed directly on the profile, and that which is hidden under the inscription “Show full information"(highlighted in green).

    Any personal information is edited in a special section. To get into it, you can use either the inscription under the avatar, or the button next to the My Page menu item (highlighted in orange).

    Once we get to the Page Editing section, we see 7 tabs here. Each of them is responsible for some areas of our life that we are ready to tell other people about.

    The first tab is called “Basic”. All information you enter here will appear in the visible field of our personal profile information.

    Note that here you can easily change not only secondary information, but also your first and last name.