• How to distinguish original EarPods from fakes? Tips, description. How to distinguish original AirPods from a copy

    The products of one of the most popular gadget manufacturers - the Apple brand - have long been shamelessly counterfeited by nameless Chinese companies. High quality headphones Users buy Earods models so often that fake makers make good money from counterfeit goods.

    The main rule when buying is to buy at a realistic price for the product from reliable sellers. If you want to save onEarPods - how to distinguish original from fake? – becomes the most important question.

    Many unpleasant surprises await music lovers, so consider in detail all the details of the difference between the fake and the original.


    The box with the gadget is very neat with exact sockets for parts of the headphones and is copied quite well; copyists even now place the logo on the back of the package. But there are subtleties that will tell youhow to distinguish “Iarpods” from a fake:

    • In the original design, the plastic of the box is absolutely smooth and slightly bluish. The Chinese copy has a tint of yellow in the color of the packaging, and the surface is slightly rough, with burrs noticeable to the touch.
    • The color of the original capsule exactly matches the shade of the plastic of the headset. This almost never occurs with a counterfeit version - the packaging is made separately from the product, and the low cost of assembly materials does not allow an exact match to be achieved. The polished back of the real package has a slight shine, while the fake version has a matte finish.
    • At the bottom original box The embossed logo is clearer, with a sharper edge. The depth of the image in a fake is not precisely maintained, and the edges of the print are usually blurred - this is noticeable when visual inspection and to the touch.
    • The lid of the original packaging can be easily removed, while on the replica it falls off or is difficult to open.
    • When pressed, the fake plastic bends noticeably.
    Case build quality

    How to distinguish original EarPods from fakesis always clear upon careful inspection of the main parts of the headset. The molded plastic headphone housing should not have any gaps, dents or cracks. The quality of the stamping of the Chinese copy does not exclude defects: they are clearly visible on the bend and at the base of the case. At the connection points with the cord, the elastic plug of the original fits more tightly, while the fake one noticeably moves away.

    Chinese replicas do not have left-right markings on the headphones L/R (Left/Right) . This is a significant note - the sound quality changes with a change in position.

    The diffuser holes on the replica are covered with textured fabric; the original uses a thin perforated metal mesh. This can often be observed on the microphone. Expensive materials and equipment are not available to manufacturers of cheap fakes. This is clearly visible upon careful visual inspection. The diffuser holes themselves on the headphones are absolutely symmetrical, but on the copy they are offset.

    If it is possible to compare a genuine earphone with an alleged copy, then you need to pay attention to the difference in shape: the counterfeit version is slightly narrowed towards the microphone and slightly elongated - this is noticeable.


    In authentic headphones, the wires are elastic and flexible, very smooth to the touch - the high-quality rubber shell has no defects. They are also thicker and more rigid than fake ones, properties that reduce curling, tangling and breakage. Both original headphones have exactly the same length.

    The wire must be marked - at a distance of 20 cm from the plug there is an inscription: Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China. The serial number is indicated next to it. The font of the inscription is clear and even, there should be no errors.

    The fact that the assembly was carried out at a factory located in China should not be confusing: a significant part of the brand’s production is located in Asia.

    Control panel

    The body and connection of the remote control parts is the weak point of the most diligent copyists. There should be no gaps between the parts - they fit well on a genuine gadget and have a completely smooth shape. The remote control has an image of a microphone - very clear in the original. If counterfeit manufacturers do not forget to make this sign, it will be pale and blurry compared to the original.

    Functional control buttons – important point in inspectionEarPods. How to spot a fake becomes clear when turned on and configured. The buttons are easy to press with a noticeable but barely audible click. The copy adjustments are tight, require effort when pressing, and when switching there is a loud noise. loud sound. Very cheap fakes sometimes manage to be produced with an imitation remote control - no buttons at all or with decorative toggle switches that do not switch anything.

    Sound quality

    The main purpose of purchasing original EarPods is to listen to music tracks in good quality. A counterfeit version can only give a bad sound, in best case scenario it will be unimportant, and the headphones will not last long. If you have the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the device, you should ask for the opportunity to listen before paying even the smallest amount.

    If you already had real EarPods, then it’s easy to distinguish a fake by its sound. The best replica conveys a weak sound with blurry upper and especially lower registers. The noise reduction system is simply missing. The sound strength most likely will not be adjusted. You can’t even dream about the volume – and all this will immediately become apparent during a short test.

    Price issue

    If you are offered to buy EarPods at half price on the Internet or in a store, that’s absolutely true. Chinese copy. Used ones on an online platform can be much cheaper; you can buy them with full confidence that determining authenticity is not a problem.

    Where to buy

    Only in specialized electronics stores that provide a guarantee when selling branded goods.

    Appel products are known all over the world. It is widespread everywhere. And all thanks to my high quality all kinds of gadgets, for example, watches like the Appel Watch. They will be discussed later.

    Appel Watch is a watch with a cast stainless metal case, made in an elegant design, suitable for anyone, regardless of age and status. They are quite simple and easy to use and have many useful functions, equipped with increased water resistance. They are almost not felt on the hand thanks to the light, soft, adjustable strap.

    Not everyone can afford such an accessory, but the costs are fully compensated by the quality of the apple units. Unfortunately, they often try to fake them. Or sell used or even stolen watches. People want to buy everyone's favorite Apple products and, in pursuit of their dreams, can become easy bait for scammers who want to sell copies of smart watches.

    How to recognize a fake from an original and check it Apple Watch By serial number This article will tell you not to throw money away by purchasing something second-hand.

    Original vs fake

    All Apple company gadgets are created by highly qualified specialists using the latest technologies. All high-tech units undergo:

    • Case hardening using a special method;
    • Grinding and ultrasonic treatment;
    • Manual correction.

    As a result, all products Apple is subject to the strictest quality control and does not contain any flaws. On the original, genuine Apple device Watch is simply impossible to get scratches, bumps or dents. The design of the watch itself is monolithic and does not allow the appearance of additional or unnecessary parts. This is what the Chinese usually do when they try to counterfeit the original. Chinese fakes should be given special attention, because the risk of stumbling upon them while chasing a lower price is too great.

    Chinese copy. How to recognize? How to Test an Apple Watch Before Buying

    If Apple could be described in one word, it would be “ideality.” Apple company values ​​its reputation, so it strives to minimize defects that can appear not only on gadgets, but even on the boxes in which brand new units should be stored. Thus, Chinese products can be distinguished from the original by their appearance:

    IN original Apple Watch There are NO additional slots for SIM cards or memory cards.

    But even if, after a thorough inspection of the watch and box, you do not notice any errors or damage, this does not guarantee that this is an original. The Chinese do not sit still, and they can fake gadgets better and more detailed. Everything will fall into place when you turn on your Apple Watch. Pay attention to the design, brightness and quality of the images. Residents of the Middle Kingdom have not yet learned how to counterfeit the contents of American smartwatches. When you turn on the gadget, instead of the branded IOS you may be presented with:

    • Android version;
    • Unknown Chinese version.

    So, distinguishing a branded watch of excellent quality from a Chinese cheap and cruder counterfeit will not be difficult. But what to do if you purchase a gadget second-hand or in unofficial stores?

    The original Apple Watch is very fast and does NOT work on Android.

    How to find the serial number and why you need it

    When you buy a cheaper watch, using the services of unofficial stores or buying a device second-hand, you run the risk of not even stumbling upon a fake, but an old unit. For example, some companies buy Apple gadgets from third parties. They are then reflashed and already used smartwatches are delivered to store shelves. To prevent you from getting your hands on such a gadget, check the serial number Apple number Watch without leaving the cash register. Below we will tell you how to check the Apple Watch before buying:

    In this way, you can determine the authenticity of the gadget with 100% accuracy. In addition, you can find out whether an item is stolen, activated or blocked. You can also check the warranty. Checking the serial number will give you one more possible result:

    • Not activated;
    • Activated;
    • Blocked.

    And also the activation dates of the device, if any (a new device should not have such dates and no blocking).

    For example, if the device is just used, then you will see the early activation date.

    And if it was stolen, you will see information about blocking. The fact is that Apple Watch is equipped with an activation lock function, which helps to block the device if lost or stolen and send the contact information of the former owner to the device.

    If this function was enabled and not disabled before the sale, then the first time you reset, restore or update, the watch will ask for a login and password Apple ID former owner. Without knowing them, you will not be able to use the device in the future.

    The situation can only be corrected in the presence of the owner (of course, if we are talking about receiving the watch from someone else):

    We draw a conclusion. It is quite possible to avoid buying a fake. The main thing to remember is that a company like Apple will not disgrace itself with low-quality products, but will maintain strict control over production, starting from the smallest and inconspicuous parts of the watch, ending with the perfect condition of the box containing a new first-class device.

    And even if unscrupulous counterfeit manufacturers manage to reproduce the appearance of a smart watch, the Apple Watch serial number can always help check the authenticity and newness of the product.

    Now you know how to distinguish a copy from the original and how not to stumble upon a stolen or already used product.

    My next meeting with a friend began with a question: “Volodya, yesterday I bought new ones, I lost the original ones. Look, are they real or a Chinese copy?” Of course, I asked where exactly he bought them. The answer was convincing: “In the official Apple reseller. For 1200 rubles." Shabby iPod Classic fully armed, the miniJack is inserted and I’m ready for the “investigative experiment.”

    I can't say that EarPods headphones, which come with several latest models iPhone and iPod cause wild delight with their sound. Yes, these are ordinary earphones that meet their price category in the range of “up to 1200 rubles”. There’s nothing supernatural about them, but when music is needed “here and now” and you can’t get around to buying good ears, EarPods are a big help.

    From the very first sounds it became clear that something was clearly fishy here. And if the absence of any bass can still be forgiven, then the wheezing is high frequencies, rattling and disgusting “plastic” sound... Of course, in just a couple of hours you can kill any headphones, but these are new, just pulled out of the “branded” box. Having disappointed my friend, I immediately began to look for an answer to the question: “How to buy really real EarPods and not fall for the bait of shady Chinese industrial “copier companies”?

    The boxes look completely identical: transparent plastic, a smooth white stand, neatly stacked EarPods. But don't rush to conclusions.

    Considering the packaging

    Before shelling out your hard-earned cash for new EarPods, take a close look at the packaging. Some Chinese fakes come in exactly the same box as the original, but they may lack Apple logo based on the box body:

    My copy of the Chinese counterfeit with the logo did not disappoint, but just look at the box more closely and doubts arise as to whether it is really original headphones Apple. Look carefully at the quality of the box, touch the plastic. Curiously, the original weighs 3 grams more than the copy:

    The original EarPods are packaged in a box made of high-quality material. Transparent plastic has a slightly bluish tint; the Chinese copy is yellowish. The “real Chinese” plastic bends under your fingers, and on the box itself you can find a lot of burrs, snags and irregularities:

    What's inside?

    Let's move on. The headphones are opened, at first nothing attracts attention. The wire is really high quality, it feels like soft-touch rubberized plastic. If everything is really so, you may have in your hands good copy headphones (or, rejoice - the original). Inspect each earphone carefully. There should be no gaps or holes at its base:

    The first thing that catches your eye after examining the earbuds themselves is the absence of the Left/Right designation on the Chinese copy. For EarPods, indicating L/R is especially important, since out of habit, users often confuse the left and right headphones, and then scold Apple.

    Now pay attention to the grilles covering the speakers and diffuser. Often, the speaker grille may be no different from the original one, but with the diffuser everything is more complicated: the Chinese copy of EarPods is covered with a cloth grille, while the original ones have a metal mesh installed:

    Another nuance that you should pay attention to: each earphone should appear “molded,” almost a solid piece of plastic and not have the characteristic protrusions and traces of industrial soldering of plastic.

    Now let's turn our attention to the control panel-headset. Visually there are no differences between the original and the copy. In order to figure out which headphones are original, you need to listen to the sensations of pressing:

    Pressing the original remote control is very soft and produces a characteristic soft click. When pressing the remote control, replica EarPods require a little more force. Compared to the original, it makes a louder clicking sound.

    The main thing to consider when buying EarPods: if you want to buy truly original headphones, be prepared to consider your purchase in detail. Feel free to demand the seller to open and show the headphones. If the auditory senses can deceive, then any roughness, plastic burrs, lack of markings or suspicious packaging will immediately lead you to the trail. The number of fakes is simply huge and each “noname” manufacturer has its own identification mark of the copy.

    By following the tips listed above, you can insure yourself against the support of an unscrupulous Chinese manufacturer and if you really like the EarPods, buy original headphones. Have a good shopping!

    website My next meeting with a friend began with a question: “Volodya, yesterday I bought new EarPods, I lost the original ones. Look, are they real or a Chinese copy?” Of course, I asked where exactly he bought them. The answer was convincing: “In the official Apple reseller. For 1200 rubles." The battered iPod Classic is fully armed, the miniJack is inserted and I’m ready for the “investigative experiment.” I can't...

    If you want to purchase a phone from an American manufacturer, it is important to know how to check your iPhone by serial number and IMEI on the official website. Currently, eastern manufacturers are quite close to very similar fake iPhones(4s, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus) and other brands.

    When choosing a used iPhone for purchase, it is important not to buy a “pig in a poke” and know what the consequences may be. What could be wrong with old model iPhone and which ones pitfalls is there a long-awaited purchase?

    It is practically impossible for an inexperienced person to distinguish an original from a fake by external signs. It is worth noting that iPhone phones are also produced by Chinese manufacturers, but in a specialized factory using high-tech equipment. They are trying to replicate counterfeits using lower quality equipment and, accordingly, the same software.

    How to check the authenticity of an iPhone/iPhone (4s, 5, 5C, 5S, 6, 6 Plus) on the Apple website?

    In order to find out if the iPhone you are purchasing is Apple, you can use two methods:

    1. View number at back cover phone (on previous versions iPhone on the SIM card insertion tray).
    2. Find out the number in the device menu " Settings» -> « Basic» -> « About this device» -> « Serial number"(pictures below).

    If the lock function " Find iPhone" turned on by the previous owner, such a phone is useless. His Can't reset to factory settings And impossible to access or unlock using normal methods account Apple ID even after flashing. Also mode not possible normal recovery iTunes programs , you will have to use the emergency method - DFU mode (Device Firmware Update).

    When buying an iPhone on the secondary market, you should immediately check the function activation lock. You must personally ensure that the owner disables the " Find iPhone».

    The seller needs to log in to the account Apple entry ID. If he refuses, citing ignorance of the password, Under no circumstances should you purchase this mobile device . Perhaps the phone does not belong to him.

    Checking a used iPhone for mechanical damage

    When buying a used iPhone, it must be checked visually:

    1. Frame. No external damage (dents, stains, scratches).
    2. Control keys. Everything must be in good condition: do not jam, do not slow down. When you press any button, the response of the mobile device should be instantaneous.
    3. iPhone disassembly. This can be determined by the grid conversational dynamics and by connectors. Everything must be in good condition, without any damage.
    4. Repair. Safety glass, the buttons must have identical colors. The colors of the mobile device must also match the charging port and headset jack. There are no blurring effects when the screen is touched mechanically, and there are no visible marks on the touch panel.
    5. Neverlock(unlocked or linked to to a specific operator more than mobile communications). Any Apple devices work with all cards mobile communications. The card tray must have no pads. Having connected your card, the connection of an unlocked (not tied to a specific operator) iPhone should happen almost instantly.
    6. Touchpad. After unlocking the device, press the screen until the application icons “dance” and slowly swipe any of them across the screen. There should be no “separation” of the pressed application icon from the finger.
    7. Microphone and speaker speech. It's easy to check the call quality by dialing any number.
    8. Module wireless network . Connect to Wi-Fi, open the Opera browser and surf the Internet for about seven minutes to determine the operation of the module when heated. This is how wireless network faults are determined on specific model iPhone.
    9. Proximity sensors. During a conversation, close part of the screen top panel(to the right of the speaker) and observe its attenuation.
    10. Automatic camera focus. By using special application focus by tapping on an area of ​​the screen.
    11. Accelerometer. To check the function of “rotating” the screen to follow the phone, just open one of the standard applications, such as Photos or Calendar.
    12. Headphones. To check their operation, first connect them and then play them musical composition from a special application. Test the volume control.
    13. Moisture ingress. It’s easy to check whether the iPhone has been in contact with water - this will show the headphone jack. If a red marker is visible under the light of a flashlight, water has entered the iPhone.
    14. Speakers. Check the sound quality (purity, absence of extraneous noise).
    15. Protective films. When checking your iPhone, you should remove them to make sure there are no external defects.

    Tips for buying a used iPhone device

    Above we tell you everything about how to check an iPhone by serial number and IMEI on the official website. It is equally important to check the seller, because... There are quite a lot of scammers on the secondary markets. A few tips on how to check a seller’s “honesty”:

    • mobile phone . When looking through advertisements for sales of used iPhones, you need to pay attention to sellers who provide their phone number for consultation;
    • price. The lower the average market price, the higher the risk of purchasing a fake. An adequate seller will not give away an expensive iPhone at two or even three times lower than the cost of the original purchase;
    • prepayment. There is a risk that this is a scammer, especially if the phone is sold much cheaper than the average market price and there is no contact information for the seller;
    • venue. If the seller agrees not to send the goods, but to hand them over personally, the meeting should be arranged in a place where there are many people and there is an opportunity to go online. This way you can check the locks, connect your account, erase settings and memory contents. A seller who is willing to sell an original mobile phone at a reasonable price:
      • does not refuse to meet in a crowded place;
      • will not refuse to check your iPhone.
    • complete set. When purchasing a used mobile device, you should follow the factory specifications. It is advisable if the seller also offers a purchase receipt along with the phone number. You can contact the technical department with your receipt. Apple service, for example, if you need to unblock an account or regain control over it.

    iPhone equipment:

    • a paperclip to remove the card from the phone;
    • charger;
    • original USB headset (microphone, control keys);
    • connection cable;
    • factory packaging with barcodes and data about the phone (model, identifier, series and batch number);
    • mobile phone (smartphone).

    However, if they offer an excellent model at a good price, but the package does not include paper clips, documents, or cables, you can take it. The main thing is that there is factory packaging necessary for technical service support and all data about the mobile device are the same:

    • check the consistency of the data in iPhone settings and original packaging;
    • The data on the factory packaging, in the main settings of the iPhone (the “About phone” function) and on the back panel of the mobile device are identical.

    Compliance is checked as follows:

    1. Model.
    2. Series number. The series number is not indicated on the back of the cover.
    3. International identifier. Compare all the data: on the packaging, in the settings and where the card is stored. If anything doesn’t match, it means the mobile device was being repaired. This can be easily verified by international identifier and series number.

    Briefly about the most important things when buying a used iPhone

    1. Do not give an advance for a used phone.
    2. Check during a personal meeting whether the series and identifier numbers match.
    3. Check the functionality of all buttons.
    4. Be sure to disable blocking " Find iPhone».

    Can you identify the original headphones?from a Chinese counterfeit?

    Unfortunately, we live in a world of unscrupulous sellers who are ready to sell anything but a quality product to a naive buyer. The more popular the product, the more fakes there are on the market.

    Apple equipment is wildly popular in Kazakhstan (especially in Almaty and Astana). This means that there are plenty of fake accessories.

    For this article, original Apple EarPods and Chinese fake to clearly indicate the differences.

    1. Let's start with appearance boxes. The original has a pressed Apple logo, but the copy does not.

    2. The box of the fake headphones is made poorly. If you look closely, you can find stains and traces of smeared plastic. And these boxes are highly susceptible to scratches.

    3. Without removing the headphones from the box. A fake can be immediately distinguished by sloppy seams. On the original, the seams are almost invisible.

    4. Nets. All holes and slits must be covered with metal mesh gray with an oil sheen.

    Pay attention to the color and material of the mesh (fake on the right). In very poor copies, the holes located behind the mesh are not symmetrically located.

    The fake (right) uses foam rubber instead of mesh.

    In real EarPods, the slots at the bottom are covered with meshes, but in the fake ones they are completely absent.

    5. Gaps. There shouldn't be any, except for the part of the wire that goes directly into the headphone body.

    Original on the left, fake on the right.

    In real headphones, the wire comes out from others components leaving no gaps or seams.

    In fakes, the wires are poorly fixed, so the likelihood of accidentally breaking them is incredibly high.

    6. Wires. Counterfeits use thin and soft wires. The Apple EarPods cord is durable, elastic and reaches approximately 2 millimeters in diameter.