• How to connect an additional megaphone number to your SIM card. How to connect a second number on MegaFon

    People often find themselves in situations where they need to leave their phone number to a stranger, fill out a form at a delivery service or in an online store. Each Megafon subscriber who does not want to receive weekly SMS messages from numerous supermarkets on his phone can temporarily activate the “Second Number” service. All users of this company's services should know how to find out their second megaphone number.

    How to find out the second number

    To find out your additional number, which you can temporarily use, you need to dial a simple digital combination - *437*2#. On the screen mobile device your full number of 10 digits. This is what you can leave strangers at the delivery service or when making a purchase in a store. This way you will limit yourself from annoying calls and SMS messages.


    The operator has made sure that every person who uses its services can manage their personal transactions independently. You don't have to call support and hang on the line for a long time if you suddenly want to connect a second number. Such situations can arise spontaneously. To connect an additional Megafon number, you need to manually dial the combination *437*1# and press the call button. After this, you will receive a message from the operator stating that your application has been accepted and you will be informed about its completion by an additional SMS message.

    It is important to remember one feature: the second number you connected is designed only to receive calls and incoming SMS messages. The subscriber cannot make calls or send messages from it. For connecting such a number, 30 rubles are debited from the user’s account. Daily subscription fee is 1 ruble. In addition, a subscriber who wants to activate this option can even choose a “beautiful” number.

    Megafon offers a choice of the following numbers:

    • ordinary;
    • silver;
    • gold.

    Each of these numbers is charged separately. A regular number will cost the user around 1,000 rubles, a “silver” number – 5,000. If you want to get a “gold” number, then be prepared to pay 14,970 rubles for it.

    Disabling a number

    This service is not always relevant. Plus, it's paid. If you don't feel like paying a daily subscription fee for an additional number, you can simply turn it off. You can also disable the second Megafon number using a simple digital combination or by calling the operator. By dialing the combination *437*5#, you will receive a notification that the order you sent has been accepted for execution. When the command is completed, a message will appear on the screen of your mobile device informing you that the specific number has been deleted.

    The second number on Megafon can be disabled permanently if you do not intend to use it, or blocked temporarily if you do not need it in the near future. These commands do not require memorizing separate codes. You can perform the operation using one digital command. The main thing is that, if necessary, at any time, each subscriber will be able to use an additional number without buying another SIM card. Are you familiar with situations when you carelessly leave your number to strangers, and then regret it and go to the salon? mobile communications for a new one starter pack? Now the Megafon operator has completely protected its customers from such troubles. Being a Megafon customer is now even more profitable and easier.

    So, those who activate the “Second Number” service from MegaFon will have at their disposal one more telephone number, tied to one SIM card. Thus, the phone will receive incoming calls and SMS to two numbers on one SIM card from MegaFon simultaneously.

    This option is very convenient, since you don’t need to purchase a new number to get a new number. additional SIM card And additional phone. And if you purchase it for a phone with the ability to use two SIM cards, you don’t need to worry about replacing one card with another, which needs to be done every time you need to use one or another SIM card.

    Did you know?In 2016, OpenSignal from the UK published the results of their two-year study mobile services in the world. In one of the ratings for mobile Internet speed Russian Federation took 50th place, being there after Kuwait. The fastest mobile Internet is available to residents of North Korea, Singapore, Hungary, Australia and Denmark. But the most “turtle” Internet is among Costa Ricans and Afghans.

    The second number can be safely indicated in questionnaires, advertisements, online store delivery services, and given to strangers, for example, when purchasing something, on dating sites.

    The main advantage of this option is that it is convenient and safe, because MegaFon allows an additional number block at any time for a while or completely disable.

    The operating principle of this service will be well understood by those people who have started a virtual bank card. It is usually opened for carrying out monetary transactions on the Internet. For example, having made a one-time payment for a large amount, the card can be blocked as unnecessary.

    Or put a certain amount on it for payments in online stores, without fear that the bulk of the funds will become available to scammers. The same will happen if you connect an additional number from MegaFon - after completing its mission, it can be easily disposed of, and the subscriber will continue to communicate on his main phone.

    Important! It is worth mentioning the restrictions when using an additional number that are available in this service. The subscriber cannot make calls and send SMS, MMS from it - he can only receive voice and text messages; You cannot order additional services for it, including it will not be available for use, for example, in services such as Viber, Whatsapp.

    Who can connect

    "MegaFon" allows you to connect the "Second Number" service to any of your subscribers, which has any tariff plan, except those that do not provide voice communication.

    Manage the service

    The subscriber can easily manage his additional service: connect it, having the ability to choose a beautiful and memorable number, temporarily block it, remove the temporary block and turn it off. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the nuances of managing the option below. Please note that it can only be controlled via phone. Management via Personal Account is not possible.


    The operator provides two ways to connect to the service:

    1. Without the ability to select a phone number. You will need to dial the combination on the keyboard: *437*1# call button.
    2. With the ability to select a phone number. On the telephone keyboard you should type the following combination of characters: *437*5# call button.

    The second option allows you to choose easy number, if the subscriber needs it.

    No matter how the service is ordered, a message should appear on the screen stating that the application has been accepted and the subscriber will be notified of its entry into force via SMS.

    After the application comes into force, an additional number should be sent to the main phone via SMS.

    The service, which allows you to choose a phone number rather than receive it at random, will cost subscribers the following amounts, which will be charged one time:

    • to order regular number- 970 rubles;
    • to order silver - 4970 rubles;
    • to order gold - 14,970 rubles.

    Did you know?The English company OpenSignal, based on its latest research carried out in 2014–2016, concluded that the most common smartphone brands in the world in 2015 were Apple and Samsung. And back in 2010, Nokia was in the lead.

    Find out your number

    Don't worry if you forgot your extension number. You just need to know the command on how to find out your second number from MegaFon. This can be done by typing the following commands on the keyboard:

    • *437*2# call button,
    • *205# call button.

    Temporarily block

    The operator allows you to temporarily block an additional service and subsequently cancel the blocking.

    To block, just dial the command: *437*3# call button. After the application takes effect, the person who will call your virtual number from MegaFon, will hear information that the subscriber has been temporarily suspended from service.


    Unlocking is also easy - you need to enter the command: *437*4# call button. After the application comes into force, you will be able to use the service for its intended purpose again.

    Important! Please note that it is impossible to make the second number the main one. Only one second number can be connected to one SIM card at a time. If you need another one, you will need to disable the previous additional one and order the service again with the appropriate payment.


    If you decide that this additional service you will no longer need it, you will need to disable it to avoid further debiting of the subscription fee.

    You can disconnect the second number from MegaFon by executing the following USSD command: *437*0# call button. After the application comes into force, the number will be blocked forever and the service fee will no longer be charged. It is no longer possible to restore it, you can only order the option again.

    Service cost

    Activating the “Second Number” service will cost a MegaFon subscriber 30 rubles. When using it, a monthly subscription fee in the amount of one ruble per day will be charged.

    All additional information The operator can clarify when executing the following USSD command: *437*6# call button. If you encounter difficulties connecting or disconnecting the service, the operator suggests contacting 0500. The owner of the additional number should understand that it will be automatically blocked if there is no money in the main account.

    Did you know? 45% of Russians use smartphones. These gadgets are the most common among Australians. There, the percentage of people who own smartphones is 77%. Ethiopians have the lowest rate - only 4% of the state's residents have mobile devices.

    It will also be important to know that at MegaFon compiled lists of organizations, from which text messages to an additional number won't come. The list can be found by going to the official website of the operator using the links: https://megafon.ru/download/~msk/~moscow/spisok_zablokirovannih_organizacij.pdf, https://megafon.ru/popups/stop_notification.html

    In the article we described to you the main pros and cons of the “Second Number” service. In our opinion, the advantages include an inexpensive subscription fee, the ability to protect yourself from unwanted calls and SMS on your main phone, ease of management, the ability to temporarily block or cancel the service at any time. Among the disadvantages, it is worth remembering the impossibility of making outgoing voice and text messages and use of other services.

    The advantages and disadvantages of “Number Two” can be judged by the reviews of people who are already using it. Here are some of them:

    Konstantin: " Convenient because you don’t need to carry two phones with a personal and work number».

    Igor: " The service is not bad, I use it, but it seems to me that it is five to seven years out of date».

    Svetlana: " Tired of endless calls with stupid offers. I don’t know where I spotted the number, but I had to change it to a new one. At the same time I connected an additional one. Now I only leave it on the Internet. And when meeting guys, I play it safe - I give an extra».

    You can use the second Megafon number when you need to leave your contact phone number or, for example, indicate a telephone number when registering on the site or when submitting an advertisement, and in any other cases. Megafon company offers you to connect a second number to the SIM card that you have on at the moment. If there is no need to use the second number, you can temporarily suspend its operation or completely disable it.
    When activated Megafon services"Second number", you can normal mode receive calls and SMS. IN in this case Both the main number and the additional number will be used. The second number cannot be used for outgoing calls. To obtain information regarding this option, dial the code "*437*6#" and press call.

    You can activate the “Second Number” service in any of the following ways:

    • using the code "*437*1#" and then pressing the call key. This will allow you to connect the option without the ability to select a number;
    • by dialing the combination "*437*5#" and pressing the call button. This will give you the opportunity to choose a unique number;
    • using your Megafon personal account.

    If you need to find out your second number because you have forgotten it, dial the code "*437*2#" or "*205#" followed by pressing the call button - this will allow you to get all the information about your second number. Activation of the service will not be possible if the balance is zero or negative, as well as when using the “Credit of Trust” service. If you have questions, you can always dial the Megafon operator number.

    How to disable the second number on Megafon

    If you want to disable the "Second Number" service, you just need to do one of the following:

    • dial the code "*437*0#" and press the call key. After completing this action, you will be deprived of the opportunity to resume given number and at reactivation, you will be offered a new number;
    • To temporarily block the service, dial the combination "*437*3#" and press call. When executing of this action, the number will be temporarily blocked, but the subscription fee will be charged. To remove the temporary blocking, simply enter the code “*437*4#” and press the call key.
    If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

    How much does Megafon cost for the "Second number" service?

    The "Second number" option of Megafon is paid. The subscription fee is 1 ruble per day. There is a connection fee of 30 rubles. There are several types of numbers that you can choose:

    • "regular" - 970 rubles;
    • “silver” – 4,970 rubles;
    • "gold" - 14,970 rubles.

    If you want to change the number, you need to disable the service and then reactivate it. In this case, a connection fee of 30 rubles will be charged.

    IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.

    Subscribers periodically face a situation when they need to provide their contacts to another person. Most often you don’t want to strangers knew personal phone. The Megafon company solved this problem by developing the “Second Number” service. The option allows you to connect an additional phone to your main SIM card.

    For using the option, the operator charges a subscription fee. In this case, the client needs to pay a one-time fee for the connection of the package. The cost varies depending on the type of phone selected by the subscriber.

    Using the option, subscribers receive an additional telephone number, which is connected to the main SIM card. In this case, the client can receive calls from two phones: regular and virtual.

    For using the functionality, the operator charges a subscription fee of 1 ruble per day. At the same time it is removed additional fee for the selected phone type. The write-off is performed once. Megafon clients can use a gold, silver or regular phone.

    The option can be used on all TPs, with the exception of those that are not intended for calls.

    The additional number does not allow subscribers to:

    • Call;
    • Send SMS;
    • Send MMS;
    • Use the Internet.

    The service is for reception only incoming call. If the account runs out of funds, the option is temporarily blocked. Call on virtual phone will be impossible. Access is resumed immediately after the account is topped up.

    If the subscriber used the “Replace dial tone” service, it will apply to both phones. It should be noted that the resulting virtual number could have previously belonged to someone. Therefore, you should not be surprised if they ask another person.


    How to connect

    To connect a second phone number you need to use one of the methods. To activate the service it is recommended:

    • Use the USSD command “*437*1#”. The phone's digital sequence will be selected automatically;
    • Dial the combination “*437*5#”. After this, the subscriber will be able to select the digital sequence of interest;
    • Log in to the website ru. In your personal account, enable the option and select a number.

    A fee of 30 rubles is charged for activating the function. If it is difficult to connect the package yourself, it is recommended to visit the company’s office or communication salon.


    In addition to connecting and disconnecting the service, subscribers can perform some actions:

    • Enable temporary blocking - “*437*3#”;
    • Unblock - “*437*4#”;
    • Get background information— “*437*6#”;
    • Find out your phone number - “*205#”.

    All commands are executed for free, an unlimited number of times.

    It should be noted that if the option is temporarily blocked, other subscribers will not be able to get through. In this case, the subscription fee will continue to be debited.

    How to disable

    Subscribers who no longer wish to use the option can disable it. To do this you need:

    • Dial a simple combination “*437*0#”;
    • Login to your personal account on the Megafon website. In the “Services” section, deactivate the package;
    • Call technical support - “0500”. The operator will help you turn off the function.

    If the option is deactivated, the subscriber will lose the number assigned to him. In this case, it will be impossible to restore it.

    Who is it suitable for?

    The option will be of interest to people who do not want to buy another phone, but need an additional number. People who have activated the package can receive calls on one device. If necessary, the option can be temporarily blocked. Subscribers who want to reduce the cost of calls can use.

    Communication, especially via mobile communications, is one of the vital activities modern man. To expand your social circle or protect yourself from unwanted callers you have to buy additional SIM cards, and along with them, phones. The Megafon company allows you to eliminate this annoying feature and connect a second number, which, moreover, is linked to a valid card.

    Modern society spends a huge share of time on the Internet, communicating, searching for information, buying various products on virtual trading platforms, working. Almost everywhere, in order to activate accounts or expand the terms of access to content, resources require registration with the obligatory entry of a mobile phone number combination. This is a direct path to the spammer database, that is, you need to be prepared for the fact that SMS messaging or annoying calls from unwanted subscribers will become an everyday reality. Or, for example, there is a need to leave your contact information ( mobile phone) to a stranger, fill out a form, submit an ad, etc.

    Of course, in order to protect yourself and your social circle from spam, you will have to buy and activate one or more SIM cards. But in this case, you will have to look for an additional phone, which is inconvenient for at least several reasons:

    • Firstly, new map and a mobile device is a tangible deduction from the personal or family budget for most citizens;
    • Secondly, if there are several phones, then the question of their simultaneous storage during operation immediately arises. To do this, you need either several occupied pockets in your trousers or a bag;
    • Thirdly, using several devices for one operator is not rational - you can just as easily connect a third-party SIM card to a second phone, significantly expanding your circle of contacts at the expense of other subscribers.


    “Second number” from Megafon allows the subscriber to connect an additional communication channel, without the need to purchase a new SIM card or phone. It is linked to a valid SIM card as a service. In fact, this is in some way an analogue of any virtual bank card, which can be connected for a while, used, and then canceled.

    This service is available to most of the operator's subscribers. The exceptions are those tariff plans, for which the functions voicemail not active. Using “Second number”, a subscriber can receive incoming calls, SMS, MMS via both communication channels using one SIM card. At the same time, it should be noted that virtual account Outgoing calls and sending text and image messages are not available. If you connect an additional number from Megafon, then the ability to use services mobile internet or activated operator shares on it will also be blocked.

    The service has a parallel account to the main one, negative balance which will automatically block incoming calls and messages on the second channel of the Megafon card. There is a restriction until the balance is replenished.

    Also worth noting is one interesting feature: if you activate the “Replace Gudok” service on your main account, then the virtual account will automatically fall under its influence.

    Activation and payment

    Connecting, disconnecting and managing this service from Megafon does not require going to the subscriber service center, signing contracts and collecting the necessary papers in advance. To do this, just remember a list of several USSD commands that are entered directly on the phone:

    • *437*1# – activation of the service with a random selection of a virtual number combination;
    • *437*5# – the same, but the combination will be more “beautiful”;
    • *437*2# , *205# – virtual combination reminder;
    • *437*3# – temporary blocking (in this case, the subscription fee will continue to be charged and debited as usual);
    • *437*4# – remove the installed lock;
    • *437*6# – request and receive help;
    • *437*0# – service deactivation. In this case, the number combination is canceled and, if it is necessary to reconnect, the subscriber is assigned a new one.

    It should be noted that the provision of this service is carried out within the framework of an agreement for the provision of communication services. The connected additional number may have previously belonged to another subscriber or will belong to it in case of refusal of use.

    A one-time payment of 30 rubles is charged for connecting the service. The subscription fee is 1 rub. per day throughout the entire period of use. Additionally, you will have to pay for assigning a number combination: 970 rubles. – for a random regular one, 4970 rubles. - for silver and 14,970 rubles. - for gold. As a result, activation of the service will cost the subscriber 1000-15000 rubles. depending on his preferences.