• How to change the name of a wifi network. How to change your wireless network name

    Rostelecom provides its subscribers with personalized universal routers that are most suitable for working in the network of a given provider. The company has entered into partnership agreements with many popular manufacturers similar devices, so that users can choose a product from a whole range.

    This article describes in detail how to change your password and name. Wi-Fi networks on the Rostelecom router various models and manufacturers.

    • Sagemcom Fast
    • D-Link DVG-5402SP
    • QTech RT-A1W4L1USBn
    • Starnet AR800
    • General recommendations for passwords

    Sagemcom Fast

    Routers from this company are the most popular devices that are distributed in the showrooms of the provider Rostelecom. On this router you can easily set up both an ADSL connection (incoming twisted pair copper cable) and FTTB (fiber optic cable).

    If you want to change your password Wi-Fi connections on your router, you need to connect to a special interface for configuration. This can be done from any device that can work with browsers: a smartphone, tablet, laptop. The easiest way to work is with a router from Rostelecom on big screen personal computer or laptop.

    1. Open a web browser.
    2. IN search bar you need to write the device address in your TCPIP network (, if you did not change the default settings) and press Enter.
    3. You will see a pop-up window asking you for your username and password. In the “Login” field you need to enter the word “admin”.
      The password (if you have not changed it) is also “admin”.
    4. You will be taken to the main router settings page.
    5. Go to the section “WLAN Settings” (Wireless Local Area Network) using the hyperlink located in the menu on the left.
    6. Open the Security tab.
    7. The parameter you need is called “WPAWPA2 password”. It is its meaning that needs to be changed.
    8. Click the “Apply and Save” button.
    9. Now open the "Management" section on the left side.
    10. Wait a moment for the router to turn on.
    Now you can connect to wireless network using the new password you set.

    If you additionally want to change the network name, you will need to go to the “WLAN Settings” category, “Basic” section. Change the values ​​of the “SSID” parameter to the desired ones and reboot the device from Rostelecom.

    D-Link DVG-5402SP

    Routers of this brand are among the most popular in the world. If you need to change the password on the D-link router from Rostelecom, this part of the guide is intended for you.
    1. Launch your internet browser.
    2. In the search bar, enter the default address “” and press Enter.
    3. You will be redirected to the login page. In the “Login” field, write “admin” and leave the password blank (unless, of course, you changed it to something else).
    4. In the menu at the top you need to select the “Setup” section.
    5. From the list on the left side of the page, select the “Wireless Setup” section.
    6. Go to the “Wireless Security” subsection.
    7. Here you need to find a parameter called “Pre-shared key” and change its value.
    8. Click "Apply".
    9. If you want to additionally change the network name, you will need to go to the “Wireless Basics” tab and enter the desired name in the field opposite “Network Name (SSID)”. Click on the “Apply” button.
    10. Now open the “Maintenance” tab.
    11. In the "Save" section and Reboot» Click on the “Reboot” button to reboot the device.

    QTech RT-A1W4L1USBn

    Another model of routers that Rostelecom offers its subscribers. The process of changing wireless network configurations here differs little from the previous devices under consideration.
    1. Open your browser.
    2. IN address bar Enter the following device address: “”. Now press Enter.
    3. The system will ask you for your personal login and password. In the “Login” field enter “admin”, in the “Password” field - the same.
    4. Among the tabs at the top of the page, you must select “Interface Setup”.
    5. Now open the “Wireless” section.
    6. The login field is called “SSID”, and the password field is called “Pre-shared key”. Change them and click the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen.
    7. After this, you will need to go to the “Maintenance” section and enable reboot on your router from Rostelecom.

    Starnet AR800

    A standard ADSL router with Wi-Fi support, which can be purchased at Rostelecom stores. There is nothing extraordinary in its settings:
    1. Launch your browser.
    2. Type “” in the search bar and press Enter.
    3. The authorization procedure follows: in both fields named “Login” and “Password” you need to enter the line “admin”.
    4. You will be taken to home page interface for working with the router. Open the “Wireless” tab located at the very top of the window.

    If you are only interested in changing your password, you can immediately go to the “Security” page. If you also want to change the connection name, open “Basics”.

    1. Find the “SSID” parameter here, change its value to the desired one and click on the “Apply/Save” button.
    2. In the “Security” section you need to change the “WPA Pre-shared Key” value to a new one. Click Apply/Save.
    3. Now go to the “Management” section using the appropriately named tab in the top menu.
    4. Click on the "Reboot" hyperlink in the list on the left.
    5. Click on the “Reboot” button to begin the process of rebooting the device.
    The main purpose of installing a secure key on a Wi-Fi network is security. Third-party people who pick up the combination you came up with will be able not only to use your Internet, taking part of the traffic, but also gain access to shared folders on your computers. Thus, a weak password compromises security operating system, personal information and your entire network.

    That is why the Wi-Fi key should be as complex as possible, so that it is very difficult to pick up and, even more so, to guess. Under no circumstances use your own or your relatives’ and friends’ first and last names, names of pets, or dates of birth as a key. Also, do not set simple combinations as a password, such as “12345678” or “1qaz2wsx”.

    It is best to use random sequences of letters and numbers. Come up with a meaningless sequence, for example “g7l2m9d4”. In order not to forget, you can write it down on a piece of paper and stick it to your router. This way, your network will be extremely difficult to hack, and you can rest assured about the security of your computer.

    Today we’ll talk about how to change the name of a Wi-Fi network or as it is also called SSID on a router. As an example, I will use the TP Link WR841N router. Everyone wants to name their network because by default, router manufacturers call the wireless network after the router model. And if your neighbors have exactly the same router and more than one. It will be difficult to understand where your point is and where your neighbors are.

    Changing the name of the wireless Wi-Fi network to the TP Link WR841N router

    I’ll say right away that this is quite simple to do and will take a few minutes. I also recommend reading the article about. And so let's get started, we need to get into the router settings. To do this, in any browser, enter the default address of your router, which is

    If your address is correct, then you should be taken to the login page. Each router model has its own standard password Usually it is rarely changed. If you have a standard password, be sure to change it. For the TP Link WR841N router this will be admin admin.

    After which you should be taken to the main page of the router.

    Next, in the menu on the left, select Wireless Mode. The basic wireless settings should open. In which you will see the Wireless Network Name item. Here you can enter a name for your Wi-Fi network, then click save.

    That’s basically it; changing the Wi-Fi name is quite simple. In a similar way, you can change the name of the Wi-Fi network on absolutely any router of any model.

    A wireless network is extremely convenient and functional, but not many people know how to set it up. There are more and more such points around, especially in multi-storey buildings, and they often coincide in model and manufacturer. The latter means that your device can see two networks with the same names and confuse them every time when connecting. To avoid this situation, let's figure out how to change the name Wi-Fi router A.

    It is worth understanding that this does not affect the performance of the network in any way - you are only personalizing the router and making the network name more convenient to read.

    How to make changes

    Let's say right away that this is the only way to change the name of a Wi-Fi router - directly through its settings.

    • First of all, you need to come up with a name that will stand out among others. After this, on a computer already connected to the network distributed by the router, open the browser. It could be like installed FireFox or Chrome, as well as standard Internet Explorer.
    • Click on the line that displays the site address, and write in it, then click on “Enter”. It is quite possible that nothing will happen after this - in this case, try changing the zero in this address to one.
    • In extremely rare cases, a changed address may not work. Then we pick up the box and look at the stickers on it or the stickers on the device - either there or there will be information on changing the standard values ​​for the input.
    • After entering correct address You will be taken to the next screen, where you can see a small window with lines for login and password. Remember - the standard is also used here, which has the value admin for both fields.

    If these data have been changed by the manufacturer, you will definitely find information about this on the same sticker.

    • Well, now that the settings are in front of us, let’s proceed directly to the procedure of how to rename the router. We will look at the settings of a TP-Link device as an example.
    • On the left you will see a menu with sub-items - you must first select “Wireless” ( wireless mode) and a little lower in the submenu - “Wireless settings”.
    • When you get to the desired tab, you will see the same as in the screenshot. The topmost field “Wireless Network Name” is the name field. Enter a new name into it and then click on “Save”. You may need to reboot after this, or the device will do it automatically.
    • After loading, the network will appear under a new name and you will need to reconnect to it from all devices by entering the password.

    We warn you: this instruction how to rename a Wi-Fi router may differ in many points after entering its settings. The fact is that each manufacturing company has its own menu design.

    Problems when changing your name

    If you are not allowed into the router settings, it means that someone changed the password by hacking - this often happens if the network is open. In this case, only resetting the settings to factory settings will help: this is done using separate button on the router case or by pressing the power button for a certain time.

    Hello friends! It's time for another useful article :). Today I want to tell you about how to change the name for the Wi-Fi network (SSID) on the router.

    I think that this advice will be useful and useful to many. During the router setup process, it is not always possible to change the network name, and it remains installed by the router default.

    But, when you already start actively using wireless internet, then you begin to notice that your neighbors’ network is called “musya”, “dusya”, “kukusya”, and yours is called “Tp-link...”.

    Disorder :). Let's fix it now!

    Changing the name of the wireless Wi-Fi network

    Let's look at this process first on the Tp-link router .

    We need to go into the router settings. If you don’t know how to do this, then I’ll tell you: connect the router to the computer, preferably via a network cable.

    We went into settings and immediately went to the tab WirelessWireless Settings.

    Opposite the point Wireless Network Name come up with and write down a new name. And press the button Save to save the results. Reboot your router.

    Everything is ready.

    Now let's see how to do it all on an Asus router .

    Go to your router settings. The process itself is practically no different from what I described for Tp-link (see above).

    In Control Panel, go to the tab Wireless network.

    And at the very top, opposite the point SSID write a new name for your network. Click the button Apply(bottom).

    Important point. If you already had devices connected to your router via a wireless network, then after changing the network name, delete the old connections and connect again. Otherwise there may be problems. See the article for more details.