• How to call an extension number from a cell phone. How to dial an extension number

    Very often in order to reach the right person in the office, you need to dial a specific extension number. Such a system simplifies the work of secretaries or operators who are involved in the redistribution of office calls, and also reduces the time spent waiting for a transfer to the required subscriber. The presence of a system with extension numbers confirms the seriousness of the business and the status of the company.

    First of all, dial the main number of the organization and wait for the answering machine. The answering machine will tell you which extension belongs to which department. If you have never dialed an extension number and it is difficult to imagine how to do this, then you can wait for the operator, who will automatically contact you after the end of the answering machine message. Tell the operator who you want to talk to, and you will be redirected to the right person.

    If you know the extension number of the subscriber you need, then dial the organization’s number. As soon as you hear beeps or an answering machine, turn your phone to “ tone mode" To do this, press the “star” (*) button, wait a few seconds and then enter the extension number. The company's PBX will automatically switch you to the extension number you entered. However, if you end up in the wrong department or on the wrong caller, ask the person who answers the phone to transfer you to the correct extension number. It will not be difficult for any employee of the organization to fulfill your request, since it is through short extension numbers that employees communicate with each other within the company.

    The PBX system with extension numbers is the best global practice in telephone communication for a business of any size, which allows you to connect together a huge number of employees of one company, even located in different cities, and at the same time occupy only a few telephone lines. And dialing an extension number is convenient way get to the desired recipient without unnecessary delays.

    How to dial an extension number?

      Usually, after dialing a landline number and beeping sounds, you need to press * (asterisk) to transfer the phone to tone mode, and then dial the extension number.

      It depends on what phone the conversation is on. If it's a regular landline telephone set, then everything is correct, first press * and then dial the extension number. If this is a modern cell phone, then in most models, especially smartphones, you just need to go to the dialing section and immediately dial additional numbers.

      Extension dialed on mobile device How regular number. went to the digit dialing section and dial the required digits of the extension number. We haven’t had landline phones for a long time, but if someone still has one, then first click on the asterisk and then dial the numbers of the extension number.

      An extension number can only be dialed in tone mode, so if you are calling from a landline number and your device does not have an asterisk on the layout, then you will not be able to dial the extension. And if there is an asterisk, then after the beeps, press the asterisk and press the extension number. WITH mobile phone dial the extension immediately after the answer, without pressing the asterisk.

      To dial an extension number, you will first have to press (dial) the * symbol on your mobile or home phone keyboard (on old rotary phones it won’t work), and then that same extension number, and on mobile phones at the end the call key.

      In order to dial an extension number, you must first dial the main number, wait until the remote party picks up the phone (usually a voice machine answers) and is explicitly or implicitly prompted to dial an additional number. Then, if necessary, switch the phone to tone dialing mode and dial an additional number.

      All cell phones operate in tone dialing mode. Almost all push-button landline telephones can operate in touch-tone dialing mode (and many do). If necessary, such telephones can be switched to tone mode by pressing the * (asterisk) button. If you have rotary telephone, then dialing the number in tone mode will not work. But in this case, you can use a beeper, a special device with buttons that can reproduce tone dialing sounds. But in lately such devices are relatively difficult to find.

      I don't know how to dial an extension on a landline number, but I know how to do it on a mobile phone because I just made the call myself. From your mobile phone, first dial the main number and wait for the answering machine, after 2-3 seconds. dial extension.

      In order to dial extension do you need push-button telephone, so from the stationary disk, no matter how hard you turn the disk, go to tone mode it won't work. It is in tone mode that the extension number is dialed. To go to tone dial you need to press on the keyboard located in the lower left corner of the keyboard asterisk(star symbol). and then start dialing the extension number.

      From a mobile phone, dialing an extension number occurs after dialing the main number and the answer from the operator or robot informant without pressing the asterisk symbol, since this does not need to be done on a mobile phone.

      To dial an extension, you usually just need to press the * sign on the handset (this is the so-called tone mode), and then dial the extension number of the desired person. In principle, this will not be difficult to do either on a landline or on a mobile phone.

    Android has a built-in keyboard, which is also called a virtual or on-screen keyboard.

    The first question that arises for a person who has not previously dealt with touch screen smartphone or tablet with Android: where to look for the keyboard? The trick is that you don't have to look for it: the keyboard automatically appears on its own when you need to enter something using it.

    The second question of a newbie, which I myself was on Android: how to master typing on Android?

    Master virtual keyboard Android is easy if you practice writing messages to family, friends, social networks etc. At first you will suffer a little, but then everything will work out, as long as you don’t give up.

    I'm looking at the regular Samsung keyboard that is native to the smartphone.

    1) Capitalize letters when typing on Android

    How to switch from small letters to large (capital) letters? Note the arrow to enable uppercase (1 in Fig. 1):

    To type ALL text in capital letters, you should make a long tap on the upper case arrow (1 in Fig. 1), that is, click on the arrow and hold your finger on this arrow for a while, and then type.

    To turn off the CAPITAL letter mode, you also need a long tap: just as you turned on the capital letter mode, you turned it off.

    After a period, the next word is automatically capitalized. This is intended to make it easier to enter text, because, as you know, a period means the end of a sentence, and a new sentence begins with a capital letter.

    If you do not immediately enter a large (capital) letter after a period in a new sentence, this means that in the “Keyboard Options” there is no checkbox opposite the option “Automatic capital letter in the first sentence” (number 4 in Fig. 2), you should check this tick.

    In Android 5, the keyboard settings are located like this: “Settings” – “System” – “Language and input” – “Keyboards and input methods” – “ Samsung keyboard”.

    Rice. 2. Android: input languages, auto capitalization

    You've probably seen texts or comments on the Internet printed without periods or commas, or without capital letters? Agree that such texts are not so easy to read and understand. Therefore, when entering text, do not neglect periods and capital letters.

    2) How to change the language on Android?

    In other words, how to switch keyboard layout? IN different models Android may be designed for this

    • globe button,
    • or a button labeled En/Ru,
    • or you need to swipe your finger over the space bar.

    In my model, to change the language on Android, you need to slide your finger (from left to right or right to left) over the spacebar key (2 in Fig. 1), figuratively speaking, “blow the dust off” the spacebar key.

    If you swipe your finger once, the first language changes to the second, and if you wave your finger another time, the first language will appear again. This all applies to the case when two languages ​​are enabled (active) on Android.

    In Fig. 2 you can see that in Settings – “Keyboard options” – “Input languages” I have two languages ​​enabled (they are enabled by default):

    • Russian,
    • English.

    If you connect more languages, the change of languages ​​will occur sequentially: from the first language to the second, from the second language to the third, and so on in a circle. As a result of swiping your finger on the spacebar to change the layout, all connected languages ​​will appear in turn: a kind of cycle of languages ​​in Android.

    3) How to connect more languages ​​in Android?

    Open in Android one by one: “Settings” – “System” – “Language and input”. There are checkboxes next to the connected languages. You can also easily connect other languages ​​that are on the list.

    Rice. 3. Connecting new languages ​​in Android

    As can be seen in Fig. 3, to enable a new language in the Android settings, just check the box next to the new language, and it will become available. This way you can connect many languages ​​if necessary.

    4) Landscape screen orientation is more convenient for entering text

    If the “Screen rotation” option is enabled on your smartphone, then you just need to turn the smartphone in your hands to change the vertical position to horizontal. In this case, the screen automatically rotates to its landscape version (Fig. 4):

    Rice. 4. Landscape screen orientation on Android

    Landscape screen makes it easier for beginners to get to necessary buttons without accidentally pressing “extra” buttons. In addition, in landscape orientation larger buttons are more visible.

    Different models enable and disable the Screen Rotation mode in different ways. In my model, this is “Settings” – Device “Display” – “Auto-rotate screen”. There should be a checkmark next to the “Auto-rotate screen” option, then you can rotate the smartphone for different screen positions in different situations.

    5) How to delete a character?

    There is a cross for deletion (number 7 in Fig. 5). The easiest way is to immediately delete incorrectly entered characters, because it is difficult to place the cursor in the right place in a typed message.

    To move the cursor on a Samsung keyboard, you just need to point your finger at the right place, but your finger may not always hit the target accurately. Those who have a stylus on Android (a pencil to make typing easier) are lucky; with the stylus there is no problem with positioning the cursor. But for the stylus, your Android device needs to support Note technology. If samsung device If it doesn't support it, then the stylus won't work on it.

    6) How to print numbers and other symbols?

    Rice. 5. How to dial a number, period, emoticon, line feed, delete a character

    3 in Fig. 5 – this button opens the screen with emoticons: choose any one and paste it into your messages.

    4 in Fig. 5 – tap on this button enters the text space. If you swipe your finger from one side to the other, the Russian layout will change to English.

    5 in Fig. 5 – tap on this button puts point in the message. A long tap on the same button will open a window with other symbols: ! ? and others.

    6 in Fig. 5 – tap on this arrow calls line feed(go to new line), start a new paragraph.

    To enter numbers there are two ways to message on Android:

    1. Long tap on the key in the first row (number 1 in Fig. 5). If you hold your finger on a key in the first row (long tap), a number will appear instead of a letter on the same key.
    2. You can tap a key to switch the keyboard to symbols (2 in Fig. 5). will appear additional keyboard(Fig. 6), where there will be numbers in the first row. To enter these numbers, you will need a regular tap on the number keys.

    Rice. 6. First part numeric keypad (1/2)

    To continue the numeric keypad, you need to tap on key 1 in Fig. 6, and to return to the letters there is an ABC button (2 in Fig. 6).

    Rice. 7. Android keyboard symbols (2/2)

    1 in Fig. 7 – return to the first part of the numeric keypad, which is shown in Fig. 6.
    2 in Fig. 7 – return to the letters on the Android keyboard.

    How to dial sign number on Android (No.):

    1. just enter the Latin N,
    2. or install other keyboards,
    3. or copy the number from somewhere and paste it.

    7) How to turn off the typing sound on Android

    In Android Settings we find the following items: System – Language and input – Samsung Keyboard – Keyboard options. In Settings, find “Feedback when pressing a key” and uncheck the box next to “Sound” (Fig. 8).

    Rice. 8. Enable/disable sound when typing on Android

    In addition, you can check the general (system) sound settings on Android: Settings – Device – Sounds and notifications – Sound mode:

    • Sound,
    • Vibration,
    • No sound.

    Here you need to check where the checkbox is. I think it would be better to have a checkmark next to the “Sound” option.

    Test exercises:

    1) If your smartphone has Internet, open Chrome browser. IN address bar In your browser, enter: yandex.ru.

    2) Open Messages on Android. Enter your message: “Hi! Today is August 1, 2016. I'm typing a message on Android."

    Speed ​​dialing appeared back in the days of push-button mobile phones. Many contacts could then be assigned their own key - from 1 to 9. Holding the key for one to one and a half seconds led to dialing the number of the corresponding contact. Something similar has been implemented in the operating room. Android system. But here the speed dial may differ, depending on the version of the operating system and the type of proprietary shell.

    The most common speed dial option

    Most often, the smartphone manufacturer offers to use a virtual keyboard to dial a number. Its number keys can be responsible for calling specific contacts. All that remains is to assign specific keys to the contacts. Let's figure out how to do this.

    Step 1. Go to pre-installed application « Telephone».

    Step 2. Go to the " Contacts».

    Step 3. Click on the vertical ellipsis located to the right of the search bar.

    Step 4. Click on the item " Speed ​​dial».

    Step 5. You will be taken to a window where you can set speed dial. By default, listening is assigned to number 1 voicemail, usually this item cannot be changed. But numbers from 2 to 9 are free. Moreover, sometimes the smartphone manufacturer allows you to assign calls to subscribers to more complex combinations - for example, 27 or 49.

    Step 6. Assign calls to contacts to the keys you need. To do this, select a number in the left column, and in the right column begin entering the subscriber's name. If a contact has several numbers, you will be asked to select one of them. You can also do without entering a name - just click on the " Contacts", then you will go to the appropriate section, where all you have to do is select the subscriber.

    Step 7 You can remove a contact from speed dial by clicking on the “ minus».

    This example is based on the use of a smartphone manufactured by Samsung. On other devices, your steps may be slightly different.

    Speed ​​dial as a “Favorites” section

    Some devices do not have speed dial as such. Instead, their application " Contacts"equipped with something like a section " Favorites" In particular, you can see this when using the Nexus 4 smartphone. To add contacts to this section, simple steps are required:

    Step 1. Go to the application " Telephone».

    Step 2. Visit the " Contacts».

    Step 3. Click on the contact you want to add to " Speed ​​dial».

    Step 4. Click on asterisk, which is on the right top corner. It was empty, and now it will be filled - this means that you managed to do everything necessary.

    Step 5. Return to the " Speed ​​dial" to make sure that the selected contact is included in this section.

    Step 6. The contact is removed from " Speed ​​dial "in the same way - you need to click on the star again.

    Speed ​​dialing on Android can be implemented in different ways. But in any case, it helps reduce the time required to dial a number certain contacts, so we recommend using this feature regularly!

    Saving time when communicating between company employees and clients and among themselves is an important factor in the effectiveness of communications. Therefore, telephony means that allow minimizing the search for responsible and necessary persons for the subscriber are becoming increasingly popular. One of the most relevant and effective ways telephony optimization - an extension number, also called internal. With its help, the call is forwarded to a person who has the authority and competence to resolve the caller’s issue.

    A subscriber’s internal number is an opportunity to contact the desired employee not only by landline phone, but also by mobile, SIP, Skype account on electronic gadgets. When using it, calls are forwarded from short number. The subscriber hears a greeting and, using voice instructions, dials an extension number - this allows him to “lead” him from the main line and organize communication with intermediaries.

    The mechanism is implemented using numeric identifier codes that are assigned to individual lines or divisions of the company. Before calling an extension number, you must dial the main number, and then the internal number, which connects subscribers with the people they need. Therefore, the code has four digits - from 0001 to 9999. The first two indicate the number of departments in the general forwarding list, and the second - the personal number that identifies employees.

    What is an extension number in terms of digital telephony? This is part of cloud PBXs, a forwarding point in a single communication space. Internal telephone:

    • will erase physical, spatial boundaries between employees and clients of the company;
    • will help organize work without additional costs for renting premises, purchasing office equipment and laying utility networks;
    • will help you gain access to employees wherever they are - it can be connected to the staff’s home and mobile phones, and before dialing an extension, you just need to call the company’s main number.

    How extensions work

    How to call an internal number and what is the principle of its operation? Useful tool communication is widely used in companies where departments are “physically” isolated from each other, and calling the required employee from an office at the other end of the corridor is inconvenient. The subscriber dials the main city number of the company (often the only one), and after connecting - the internal number.

    Before calling an extension number, you need to find out it. Therefore, if the system was installed recently, or the company has many different partners and clients, it is recommended to record in voice greeting brief instructional announcement. At the stage of establishing interaction, it is worth indicating the extension number in all forms of communication.

    Modern landline phones are equipped with pulse-tone switches for selecting modes. If the subscriber's PBX supports tone dialing, before calling an internal number, you need to set the telephone switch to the Tone position. If only pulse mode is provided, you need to call and press the “star” button. All subsequent key presses on the phone will be transmitted as tone signals. Switching will not be necessary if the subscriber is using a mobile phone.

    How to call extension numbers from mobile phones?

    The standard action before calling an extension number from a mobile phone is to press the “Pause” button after dialing the main number landline phone. Then you need to enter the remaining digits of the employee/department code. Let's look at how to dial an extension number from a mobile phone step by step:

    • study the company's phone number: the first part is the landline number, then the extension in brackets;
    • before entering an extension number from your mobile phone, dial the main number and wait for the answering machine to connect;
    • listen to the message in full so that the connection is not interrupted, and at the end concentrate on listing the internal numbers;
    • after the offer to dial the desired combination numbers and sound signal enter it from your mobile phone and wait for the employee to respond.

    Before calling an extension from your mobile phone, you do not need to put your phone into Tone mode. This happens automatically. In some cases, PBXs connect subscribers incorrectly, but there is no point in hanging up. You should ask the person who answered the call to independently switch the subscriber to the desired one internal number. If this fails, you will have to enter all the numbers again.


    Why do you need extensions in business and how to set them up?

    Modern digital solutions— the ability to optimize the financial and time costs of communication in any organization. What does an extension number mean for a company? This:

    • time optimization by almost instantly transferring subscribers to personal managers;
    • the opportunity to refuse to install separate telephone lines for all sectors and offices of the company and get a convenient means of internal communication;
    • improving the quality of customer service and the ability not to miss a single valuable call (if one number is busy, the subscriber is redirected to any of the free ones);
    • reduction of costs for organizing customer service - from additional numbers employees will be able to work remotely;
    • strengthening customer loyalty of the company, improving its reputation and image, and so on.

    To connect internal telephones, you must seek the support of professional distributors of telecommunications solutions, whose services include. Specialists will tell you how to dial an extension number for internal communication, set up voice instructions for clients and will help realize all the benefits of effective and progressive tools. This will provide the company with ease of operation and success in the market competition for the client.