• How to make a gold color in Photoshop? A simple method to create golden text in Photoshop

    To start, we'll create a suitable background for our golden text.

    Open Photoshop and create new document size 1000 by 600 pixels.

    Fill up with pho new layer dark brown #211901.

    Now set the main color of the color palette to yellow #fee86a.

    Switch to the Brush Tool. Set the brush to approximately 500 pixels in diameter and 0 percent hardness.

    1. Gradient Overlay

    First layer style. which we will assign to the text - Gradient Overlay. This style will set the color of the body of the letters. In the Layers panel, click on the "Add Layer Style" icon, select "Gradient Overlay" and set the following parameters:

    Here's what I got:

    2. Color Overlay

    Let's make the text color a little more natural using a layer style.
    "Color Overlay" The parameters are shown in the figure below:

    This is what the image looks like now:

    3. Bevel and Emboss

    To give our gold text some depth, use a layer style
    Embossing (Bevel and Emboss). The options for this style are shown below:

    This is what the image looks like after applying Emboss:

    4. Inner Shadow

    Now let's create a little depth to the letters using the Inner Shadow. Enter the following settings for this style:

    Here's what happened:

    5. Stroke

    To give our text some sharpness, we will apply the Stroke style with the following parameters:


    6. Drop Shadow

    To give the letters a three-dimensional effect, in other words, some volume, use the Shadow layer style ( Drop Shadow), the parameters are listed below:


    7. Outer Glow

    And we will give the final effect to the text using Outer Glow.

    And here is the finished result:

    The text effect is ready. But if you want to use it again in other works, you need to save the created layer style. Learn more about saving layer styles for later use.

    This tutorial will show you how to create golden text using one of the useful functions Photoshop - layer styles. Once the text is ready, you can save the created style and then apply it every time you need to make golden text.

    Final result:

    Step 1. Create the background

    First, you need to create a simple background for the text. To do this, create a new document (File – New) (File > New) (Ctrl+N). Set the document size to the one you need (in this lesson, the author created a document with a size of 1000x600px).

    Fill the created document with dark brown color (#211901).

    Set the Foreground color to yellow (#fee86a) and select a soft brush with a size of 500px (Brush Tool)(B). Create a new layer (Shift + Ctrl + N) and with a brush with the selected color yellow, click once in the center of the document. Change the layer blend mode from yellow spot on Bright light(Vivid Light) and reduce opacity(Opacity) up to 50%.

    Step 2. Add text

    To write text, use the tool Text(Horizontal Type Tool) (T). In this tutorial, the font used is Times Bold with a size of 200px and the text color is black. You can choose the font.

    Now we will add layer styles to the text to make it golden.

    Step 3: Add a Layer Style Gradient Overlay

    Add a layer style to the text layer Gradient overlay(Gradient Overlay) and set the parameters as shown in the screenshot:


    Step 4: Add a Layer Style Color Overlay

    Now add a style to the text layer Color overlay(Color Overlay):


    Step 5: Add an Emboss Layer Style

    To add depth to your text, apply a layer style to it. Embossing(Bevel and Emboss):


    Step 6: Add an Inner Shadow Layer Style

    Add a style to the text layer Inner shadow(Inner Shadow):


    Step 7: Add a Stroke Layer Style

    To make the edges of the text sharper, add a layer style Stroke(Stroke):


    Step 8: Add a Shadow Layer Style

    Add a style to the text layer Shadow(Drop Shadow):


    Step 9: Add an Outer Glow Layer Style

    Finally, add a layer style Outer glow(Outer Glow). It will give the text more depth.

    Step 10. Save the created styles for the golden text

    If you wish, you can save the created layer styles for the gold text, so that you can then apply them to any other text. To save layer styles in the palette Layers(Layers) click on the text layer to make it active, then open the palette Styles(Styles panel) (Window – Styles) (Window> Styles) and at the bottom of it click on the button Create a new style(Create new style).

    The graphic editor has ample opportunities for text design; you can create inscriptions with various effects. Now we will learn how to make gold letters in Photoshop. Get ready for painstaking work, you need to do everything step by step and not neglect small nuances, then everything will work out.

    Step 1: preparation for work

    1. Create a new drawing with a size of 1200x800 px and open the “Layers” window.

    2. Make the background black using the Paint Fill tool.

    3. Select white in the palette and write something using the Type tool. We chose the Times font New Roman Bold size 230 pt, Fig. 2.

    4. Position the text in the middle using the Move tool. To change the size of the inscription, use “Free Transform” in the “Edit” menu.

    Step 2: Making Gold

    1. Click the fx button at the bottom of the layers window and select “Gradient Overlay” from the list. Click once on its color to edit. A window with a color school will appear. If you had standard colors on the toolbar (black and white), then the gradient will be black and white.

    On the scale you will see sliders, these are control points colors. Double-click on the bottom-left slider and select yellow (#ffff00) from the palette, Fig. 3. In the same way, change the final color of the gradient by clicking on the second bottom slider on the right. Set the shade closer to gold (we took #cc9900), Fig. 4. Click OK. In the window with gradient styles, change the style to “Mirror”, set the opacity and scale to 100%, Fig. 5, click “OK” again. It should look something like this, Fig. 6.

    2. Click fx and Emboss again. Change the method to “Hard Cut”, depth 195%, size 90, Fig. 7, select “Double Ring” for the gloss outline and check the “Smooth” checkbox next to the outline, Fig. 8. It already looks like gold. You can further increase the depth to taste.

    3. But don’t rush to close the styles window; on the left, under “Embossing”, check the box next to “Outline”.

    4. In the same place, in the styles window, check the box in front of “Gloss” and select it with the mouse, going to settings. Select the “Background Dodge” mode, set the opacity to about 50%, and the color to bright yellow (#ffff00), Fig. 9.

    5. Now select “Shadow”, Blending Mode “Normal”, Opacity 100%, Color #999900, Offset and Span = 0, Size = 6, Outline “Double Ring” plus “Smooth”, Fig.10. This is what happened, Fig. 11.

    1. Create a new empty layer (second button to the right of the trash can in the layers window).

    2. Activate the Eyedropper tool and sample the color from the lightest area of ​​the letters.

    3. Switch to "Brush" with opacity 100% and adjust the size of the tool.

    4. In the brush settings in top menu Load the “Miscellaneous Brushes” category and select brush No. 25 or No. 48, Fig. 12.

    5. Draw glitter on the letters where appropriate. Approximately as in the sample, Fig. 13.

    Now you know how to make gold letters. Perhaps your version will be better than ours. You can use other shades of yellow; you can change the parameter values ​​in the style settings, depending on how the appearance of the letters changes.

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    Photoshop includes tools that allow you to design images and their individual elements in various color shades. Among those in demand in modern design- gold. What are the main Photoshop features regarding the use of these shades? How to make a gold color in Photoshop?

    There are a huge number of options for using the corresponding shades in the considered graphic editor. But if you study the basic principles of using such Photoshop capabilities, you will subsequently be able to successfully use most of the program’s “golden” tools.

    Let's study these principles in the context of processing two main multimedia elements that are edited in Photoshop:

    • images;
    • texts.

    Let's start with the first point.

    How to make gold color for images in Photoshop?

    Digital images on most modern computers are built by combining three primary colors: red, green and blue. Thus, by changing their intensity and relative position in the structure of the picture, you can “recolor” the image from one color to almost any other. In particular - in gold. Photoshop includes tools that allow you to do this.

    Let's consider how you can “recolor” a silver coin - for example, 2 Russian rubles- in golden color.

    We launch Photoshop - we agree that it will be version CS6, one of the most popular in Russia and in the world, with an English interface. Next, open the file with the image of the coin. You can, for example, download one of those available on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - follow the link. On this page, the image of the 2-ruble coin is probably presented in the most natural form, without any unnecessary inclusions.

    It should be noted that the picture from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is especially convenient in processing in that it is presented in GIF format with a transparent background layer. This allows Photoshop - particularly the CS6 version - to easily recognize the actual outline of the coin. When “repainting”, in this way, only its image will change - the background will not be adjusted.

    You can immediately proceed to the process of giving the 2-ruble coin a gold color. This is done using the Curves tool, which allows you to adjust the combination of red, green, blue, as well as the RGB spectrum - in order to adjust the brightness of the image. To open this option, you need to select the Image menu item, then Adjustments, then Curves.

    To begin with, you can slightly darken the coin by moving the black RGB curve back a little - something like in the screenshot.

    After that, we move on to adjusting the red, green and blue colors. In order to “repaint” a coin in gold or a similar color, the curves should look something like this:

    By changing their position in one way or another, you can adjust the golden hue based on its optimal adaptation to the specifics of the project.

    Instead of a coin, there can be any other graphic object. In particular, the text. In order to make it gold, you will need to use some additional effects provided by Photoshop.

    How to make gold color in Photoshop for text?

    Let's create a new project in Photoshop and place some text on it. You can make it gray - later we will, one way or another, “repaint” it.

    The next necessary step is rasterizing the text. This procedure involves reformatting it from a “letter” format to a graphic one. This will allow you to apply any Photoshop effects to the corresponding element of the picture. Rasterizing text is simple - you need to select the Rectangular Marquee Tool, then right-click on the text and select Rasterize Layer.

    An important nuance: after rasterization, the text cannot be adjusted. Therefore, before carrying out this procedure, you need to make sure that it is in the final version. Or save a copy of the project in PSD format, in which the text is not rasterized, in order to correct it later if necessary.

    Next, it will be useful to give the letters, turned into an image through rasterization, a gradient effect. To do this, right-click on the corresponding layer, then select Blending Options and edit the parameters on the Bevel & Emboss tab (much like in the screenshot).

    As a result, the text will take on a gray gradient - somewhat similar to what is present in the image of the silver 2-ruble coin.

    After this, you can use the already familiar Curves tool to give the text a golden tint by adjusting the red, green and blue spectra.

    Using the Photoshop options we examined, you can “golden” almost any image.

    In this tutorial we will create a fantasy gold text typographic effect in Adobe Photoshop. We will get all the effects using layer styles. We style the background in the same way. And to get the pebbles scattered throughout the text, we will set up one of basic brushes, apply it to the work path created from the text and also style the resulting layer.



    • Font FoglihtenNo07.
    • Free Tileable Leather Patterns by WebTreatsETC.
    • Gradient-shapes for Photoshop from ilnanny (we will need the Tracks.grd and CHROMES.grd files).
    • Standard brush set

    To download the standard set of brushes for Photoshop that we need, go to the Edit > Presets > Preset Manager menu and select Brushes from the Preset Type drop-down menu. Then click on the small arrow to the right of the drop-down menu and select Square Brushes. In the dialog box that appears, select Append.

    Loading contours

    We need to download the outlines that we will use for some layer styles. To do this, go back to the preset manager and select Contours from the Preset Type menu.

    Click on the small arrow on the right top corner and select Contours.

    Click Append in the window that appears.

    Step 1

    Create a document measuring 950 x 650 px. Duplicate the background twice and change the Fill value of the second copy of the layer to 0.

    Double-click on the first copy of the background layer and give it a Gradient Overlay layer style. Set the effect parameters as shown below, specifying a gradient from #4a4a46 to #282929.

    This will add a regular gradient to the background.

    Double-click the second copy of the background layer and apply a Pattern Overlay layer style to it. Select the pattern webtreats_brown_leather.jpg and repeat the settings below.

    This will add some leather texture to the background.

    Step 2
    Create the text using FoglihtenNo07 font, color #816d36 and size 250 pt.
    In the Character menu (Window > Character) click on the Standard Ligatures icon, then duplicate the text layer.

    Double-click on the original text layer to apply the following layer styles to it:

    Bevel and Emboss


    Use Gold Rail G2 gradient.

    This will create a stroke.

    Step 3

    Double-click on the copy of the text layer to apply the following layer styles to it:

    Bevel and Emboss


    Inner Glow/Inner glow
    Use the color #ececec

    Pattern Overlay
    Use the pattern webtreats_grey_leather.jpg

    Drop Shadow

    This is how we style the text.

    Step 4

    Select both text layers, duplicate them and place the copies below the original layers. From the menu, select Layer > Merge Layers > Merge Layers.
    Rename the resulting layer “Shadow” and change its Fill parameter to 0.

    Double-click on the “Shadow” layer to give it a Drop Shadow layer style with the following parameters:

    This will add even more depth to the effect.

    Step 5

    Take the Brush tool, open the Brush palette and select the Hard Square 7 px brush. Set the brush settings as shown below:

    Brush Tip Shape

    Shape Dynamics

    Step 6

    Right-click on any of the text words and select Create Work Path.

    Create a new layer on top of the other layers, name it “Diamonds” and select the Direct Selection tool.

    Right-click on the work path and select Stroke Path. A window will appear in which you need to select the Brush value in the Tool column. Also enable the Simulate Pressure option.

    This way we will create a circle of pebbles. Press Enter/Return to get rid of the outline.

    Step 7

    Double-click on the "Diamonds" layer to apply the following layer styles to it:

    Bevel and Emboss
    Shadow Color: #3e2900


    Color Overlay
    Color: #776d38

    Drop Shadow

    This way we will have pebbles.


    Translation – Duty room