• How to remove anonymous voting on VK. How to re-vote in a VKontakte poll

    Social networks have become an integral part of our lives. Modern resources grow for communication a large number various functions and features that are designed to make their use even more convenient. However, sometimes it happens that the next feature of your favorite site not officially announced end users. We have already considered similar example in the article. Today we’ll talk about another one of these opportunities for VKontakte network users. We'll talk about how to remove a vote in a VKontakte poll, or how to re-vote in a poll.

    How to remove a vote from a VKontakte poll on a computer

    Every year the share mobile traffic online is growing steadily. But use desktop computer or a laptop as the main device for accessing the Internet is still quite popular. Therefore, the first method that we will consider today is deleting a vote in a VKontakte poll on a computer.

    Urgently Does NOT recommend you enter any data from the VKontakte website to unverified resources. Do not transfer to third parties your personal data, login, password, as well as any information in the form of codes and scripts copied from social network pages

    We select one of the items and see the voting results, where opposite the item we selected (in in this case, point one " I want to lose weight") will have a check mark.
    Moreover, if VKontakte voting is open, then any user will be able to see which we made a choice.

    What to do if we decide to change our choice or changed your mind about voting?
    The interface of the VKontakte site does not provide for removing a vote from a poll or re-voting, but there is undocumented opportunity to do this.
    First we need to press the button Get code in the lower right corner of the survey. This function is used to add surveys created on vk pages to blogs and websites.

    A window will open in front of us, which will contain a script containing the voting code. Copy the contents of the window. Now paste the copied text into a text editor (you can standard Notepad Windows).

    For clarity, we will use the free text editor Notepad++, which does a great job of highlighting the main snippet code for us.

    Now we save the resulting code in a document with the extension *.html. You can do this by going to the menu File - Save as... by entering arbitrary name file and adding to it after the dot the extension html.

    Open the file in the browser, in which we are authorized on the VKontakte website.

    If this does not happen automatically, click on the file right click, go to the menu Open with and select the web browser we use for surfing

    A page with a survey will open in front of us, at the top of which will appear additional button Re-vote

    Click on this button, the page will be refreshed and we will be able to a choice of one or another answer option is available. You can cast a vote both in the same tab and in the main tab where you voted initially, after updating the page.

    Removing a voice from a VKontakte poll on mobile devices

    With devices on Android, Windows Phone And iOS things are much simpler.

    Here, for example, program for using the VKontakte network on Android from the site owners. After we took part in the survey, the percentage of people who voted for the option we chose (in this case - " I want to dial") will be highlighted in bluish color
    But all we have to do is do long press on answer options in a survey like ours the voice will be deleted and you will be able to select another item

    In one of the most popular unofficial clients the main social network in the post-Soviet space, Kate Mobile , after voting it appears big button DELETE MY VOICE

    Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

    VKontakte is a popular social network that has earned the attention of millions of users. This site occupies a leading place in terms of traffic in the CIS countries and 4th place in the world ranking. And this is not strange, because about 68 million people visit this social network every day.

    VKontakte was created for users to communicate, but the developers didn’t stop there. For comfort and interest they have created many additional functions. Now on this site, users can create polls, groups, view them and leave their comments and likes. These features attract people, but also create some problems. For example, many users do not know how to re-vote in a VK poll. We'll figure this out now.

    How to re-vote in a VK poll

    First, you need to go to the page with the selected survey and click on the “Get code” button in the lower right corner. A new window will contain a survey code; you need to copy it. Next, you can choose one of the methods that will help you re-vote in the survey.

    Using an auxiliary service

    Go to jsbin.com and select HTML tab. A window will appear on the left where you need to insert the survey code. After which you need to click on the Run with JS button. The required survey will appear on the right side of the site, but with one difference. A "Revote" button will appear. By clicking on it, you can delete your vote. How to re-vote in a VK poll? You can put new voice on this site or return to the page on VKontakte.

    Using Notepad

    Is it possible to re-vote in a poll in VK without using various services? Of course this can be done using a simple notepad. To do this, you need to open notepad and paste the code. Instead of the text “//vk.com/js/api/openapi.js?75” you need to insert “http://vk.com/js/api/openapi.js?75”. After this, you need to save the document with html extension. Click on the “Save as...” button. In the new window, select the file type: “All files” and write down the name using the required extension. How to re-vote in a VK poll? Open the created file using a browser and click on the “Revote” button.

    For Android devices

    As you noticed, there is nothing complicated here. You can choose any method and use it. Of course, there are other methods, but they are all very similar. Remember one of the suggested methods and use it if necessary.

    Good day, dear readers of my blog. We continue the series of articles in which I tell you how to live and work in social networks. Today we will touch upon one very difficult problem. Many teenagers, real VKontakte gurus, cannot always reach their goal. We will achieve results.

    Let me tell you a short story first. We once spent time in the same group. It is impossible to look at the results without giving preference to one of the candidates. The interest is driving you crazy, but if someone notices that the administration is voting for a participant, a scandal cannot be avoided. What to do?

    A long time ago, I saw somewhere how to remove a vote in a VK poll via Iphone. They immediately gave me this infernal machine so that I could figure it out, but then nothing worked out for me. Literally a month has passed since then. I decided to use Yandex and Google to get rid of the misunderstanding once and for all. I will tell you about my results today in this article.

    We use the phone to get rid of votes or arrange re-elections

    As it turned out later, you can operate from any phone, not just Apple and it's very easy to do. Tear off official application VKontakte. Find your survey. Let's say you voted for the first, unnecessary option.

    Just hold your finger inside the polling rectangle for a few seconds. Your voice will instantly disappear and your options will be hidden.

    I am not a supporter of services and applications for VKontakte, and therefore I use them extremely rarely. I have no trust, since entering my data into best case scenario may lead to your account being added to some spam mailing lists. There is too much tied up in your account to mindlessly use everything.

    However, this service does not ask for any information about you. Which, frankly speaking, is even more annoying. Well how can I use right here additional features, even if you didn’t enter any type of login and password. If you have the opportunity to use alternative method and remove the voice through the phone, then I recommend choosing it.

    But, nevertheless, now I’ll show you how to do it from a computer. Find the survey and click on “Get Code”.

    Select it using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A or holding down the left mouse button. Click on the right one and select copy.

    Go to the site https://toopro.org/… and paste this code into the box at the bottom of the screen.

    You can make a choice in favor of another participant by simply clicking on him.

    As you can see, the results on the website will also change.

    Well, that's all. Now let's talk about other people's voices.

    How to understand that a person is using cheating services

    This is very important point, especially for group administrators and participants in competitions with good prizes.

    See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

    There is a very simple answer to this question. Everyone can find out how to change their voice in VK in a survey, this is quite available option. It is not yet available to those who use the site or mobile application VKontakte, and is available only to those who use a special voting widget.

    Let's now figure out how to cancel a vote in a VK poll. After all, if it is sometimes enough to re-vote, then in some situations a person understands that it is better not to participate in such a vote with such answer options at all. In addition, there are votes “in support” of an idea, with one point “For”; such votes do not allow re-voting.

    What if you don't support this single voting item? How to say your word? How to remove a vote in voting in VK?

    How to cancel a vote in voting in VK

    That is, if you do not want to vote in a poll, or if you want to cancel your vote in a poll by one point, you need not just open the poll and that’s it, but you need to open the poll, click the “Revote” button and then close it. In this case, the survey will again become incomplete for you.

    In addition to vk.com/repoll, there are other applications that accept a poll code as input, and as an output they generate a widget with your poll and allow you to re-vote. But you have to be careful. Because in fact, there are a lot of fake services for re-voting that require you to log into VKontakte and only after that do something there. Most often, such applications either start spreading spam on your behalf, or simply steal your username and password.

    How not to fall for the bait of criminals.

    Initially, VKontakte login using openID was developed for security. But criminals are counterfeiting entrance windows, and now it has become completely impossible to distinguish where the real entrance window is and where the fake one is. Therefore, we urge you to refuse to log into VKontakte altogether in cases where you know for sure that this is not necessary. Re-voting services apply precisely to such cases. If you have already logged into VKontakte in this session and copied the survey from there, most likely you will not need to log into the social network again.

    If you have already become a victim of scammers, the first thing you need to do is try to go back to your page, then go to settings, change your password, and then end all sessions on your behalf. This will help take your page out of the hands of attackers. If you cannot log in, try sending an official request to restore access using the “Forgot your password” link - there is a high chance that the criminals have not yet changed their phone number and can easily hack the page when you restore access to it.

    If criminals have already completely taken away your page and changed not only your personal data and password, but also your phone number and address email, then you need to contact the VKontakte administration. You will need to attach your passport details. They will be checked against those in the VKontakte database and access will be restored.

    This is what a completely deleted page looks like

    After the administration restores your access, do not forget to change your password and end all sessions not on your behalf.