• How to find out digital id in VK. How to find a person by id address in a mobile application from a phone. What is a VKontakte id and what does it look like?

    Social networks are an integral part of the lives of modern Internet users. The VKontakte website is extremely popular in Russia. Here residents of the Russian Federation and other countries communicate, relax and even work. Sometimes you have to think about how to find out your VKontakte ID. What kind of element is this? What is it used for? Where is it located? Next, we have to find answers to all of the above questions. Even a schoolboy can cope with the task!

    What is ID

    How to find out the VKontakte ID? First, a few words about what we have to deal with.

    "ID" is a unique number in social network. It serves as an identifier for a user, group or file in VK. This is a kind of short address for a particular page. Used when replenishing a VKontakte account, to search for people and add/remove them from the blacklist. This is an extremely useful element.

    But how to find out the VKontakte ID? What do you need to know about this procedure? In fact, the process does not cause any difficulties.

    User page

    It is worth noting right away that it is impossible to find out a phone number using a VKontakte ID. There is only one exception - when the mobile phone is written in the user's profile. But to do this you will have to look at the profile of this or that user. No more official and safe options No.

    Let's start with our own identifier. To find out, you need:

    1. Go to vk.com.
    2. Log in to the system using your username and password.
    3. Click on the line "My Page". Usually this page opens by default.
    4. View at address bar. ID is written here after the corresponding inscription. This is a unique set of numbers.

    Friend ID

    The next option is to search for a friend's ID. The technique is extremely easy to learn. And even a novice Internet user can handle it.

    In order to bring the idea to life, the user just needs to go to the main page of his friend’s profile and look at the address bar of the browser. The ID is displayed here.

    Similarly, you can see the unique identifier of any user registered on a social network. Everything is extremely simple and clear.


    How to find out the ID of a VKontakte group? A similar question often arises among many users. And it didn't cause any problems before. A person could achieve the desired result in just a few seconds.

    Instructions for extracting the “ID” of a public or group look like this:

    1. Log in to the social network "VK". This is necessary to ensure that access to groups is 100% open.
    2. Go to a group or public whose ID the person is interested in. For example, by clicking on the “Groups” menu and selecting the appropriate page.
    3. Look at the address bar of your Internet browser. Here "ID" is displayed after the word clud.

    That's all. The process does not require any special skills or knowledge. But there are exceptions. We'll talk about them later.

    Photo and video

    How to find out the VKontakte ID of photos and videos? To do this, you must follow these instructions:

    1. Open in browser required file.
    2. Examine the inscriptions that appear in the address bar. There will be a signature like photoxxxxx_yyyy. YYYY is the identifier of the photo or video.

    But that's not all. There is another interesting option for solving the problem.

    Unique name and ID

    Today on VK users have the right to assign unique short names to their profiles. These are inscriptions that replace ID. They will be displayed in the browser when you go to a particular page. The same goes for publics and meetings. This situation makes it difficult to find an ID number.

    To implement the task, the user needs:

    1. Go to the desired page. For example, a user or group.
    2. Open any photo or video.
    3. Pay attention to the address bar in your Internet browser. An inscription like videozzz_nnn will appear here. ZZZ is the “ID” of a group or user. Unique short names are not displayed in such addresses. And you can take advantage of this.

    Through settings

    How to find out the VKontakte ID? If you need to get information about your own page, users are asked to act in this way:

    1. Open your profile and log in to the social network.
    2. In the upper right corner, click on the button with the arrow icon.
    3. Select "Settings".
    4. Scroll through the page that appears until you reach the “Address of your page” block.

    That's all. A unique profile identifier will be displayed next to ID.

    Each page on VKontakte has its own identification number - ID, under which its information is stored on the servers of the social network. Each user has a unique ID, and it is quite easy to determine. At the same time, you can determine the ID of not only your own, but also someone else’s VKontakte page, and within the framework of this article we will consider this issue in detail.

    Table of contents:

    What is VKontakte page ID

    As noted above, ID is an individual identification number of a VKontakte page, that is, a unique user address. But it is important to note here that One page can have two IDs – numbered and symbolic:

    • VKontakte number ID. Each user has it and looks something like this: https://vk.com/id29291488
    • VKontakte character ID. Unlike the number one, not all users have it, but only those who have chosen a certain set of characters (letters and numbers) as their page ID. The VKontakte symbolic ID looks something like this: https://vk.com/elena1224

    Please note: NumberThe user cannot change the VKontakte ID - it is assigned to him when creating the page, depending on what account the user became in the general VKontakte database upon registration. At the same time symbolicThe user can change the ID, which will be discussed below.

    How to find out VKontakte page ID

    Depending on the situation, the user may need to find out the number or symbol ID of his or someone else’s VKontakte page. There are two ways to do this, which can be applied in different situations.

    If you need to determine anyVKontakte page ID (character or number), this is quite simple to do:

    1. Go to the page of the user whose page ID you want to find out;
    2. Copy the link from the address bar, and its ID will appear after:

    If the user has set a symbolic ID for his page, then in this way it will be possible to find out exactly it. If he only has a number ID, then it will be possible to determine it.

    But there are situations when you need to know exactly the numbers ID of the VKontakte page, and when performing the steps described above, it is possible to determine only the symbolic identification number. In such a situation, there is a way to solve the problem:

    https://vk.com/id226869363?z=photo226869363 _319432448%2Fphotos226869363

    The numbered page ID is “more important” than the symbolic one, and in various services, where for one purpose or another it is necessary to enter a page ID, a numbered one always works, unlike a symbolic one.

    How to change VKontakte page ID

    The user can change the characterVKontakte page ID at any time as follows:

    Please note: When you enterThe ID of your VKontakte page can only be used latin letters, numbers and underscore. Other characters cannot be part ofUser ID, and when you try to use them, the VKontakte social network will report an error.

    Considering that there are more and more VKontakte users every day, there are fewer and fewer free character IDs left, since each of them must be unique. If you have already “borrowed” a good, memorable symbolic ID, we do not recommend changing it unless absolutely necessary, otherwise another user could almost instantly assign it to himself, after which it will not be possible to return this symbolic ID.

    Contact consistently ranks third in terms of traffic after Yandex and Mail.ru. The daily audience of the popular social network “VKontakte” is nearly a million people, and the total number of users amounts to several tens of millions of people. On the contact itself, in the “about the site” section, even more impressive data is given, but they are greatly exaggerated. Be that as it may, contact has become a favorite place of communication for young people who use it to communicate with their friends, classmates, and acquaintances. One of the problems that users face is how to find people in contact.

    How to find a person in a contact by id. In the process of searching the right person In contact there are often cases where you know the last name and first name, but you can’t find his page through the built-in search system, even with clarification of age, city of residence, school and other additional data. This can happen for various reasons. The person may have indicated modified data, used abbreviations, there are so many people with the same last name and first name that it is almost impossible to find the one you need, or the person is not registered on VKontakte at all. In this case, searching for a person in a contact by their id can help you, or identification number. You can find out the desired id by asking it directly from the person, or from mutual acquaintances and friends. After this, the task of how to find a person in a contact by id is greatly simplified.

    1. Open your contact page in your favorite browser. If you look at the address bar of your browser, you will notice that it looks like http://vk.com/id00000000. Instead of zeros there will be a combination of different numbers - this is the identification number in the contact, but only for your page.
    2. If you managed to find out the id of the person you are interested in, whom you cannot find in any other way, then all you need to do is erase the combination of numbers on your page in the address bar of your browser, enter the id of the person you are looking for there and press the Enter button on the keyboard.

    As a result, you will be shown a page that you could not find. So that you don’t have to look for it next time, you can bookmark the page or add the user as a friend. If he accepts your offer, he will appear in your friends list.

    If you can’t find out the id, you can try searching for a link to the profile of the person you’re interested in through the pages of mutual friends. To do this, visit their pages, follow the friends link and try to find the desired user there.

    Good afternoon, friends. Today we will talk about how to find out the page ID in VK and find out what it is, what it is needed for and where it is used.

    VKontakte page ID is a unique identifying number for each user registered on a social network. All communities, public pages, as well as photographs and videos in groups and on people’s pages also have an ID. Simply put, this is the address of a certain amount of information on the VKontakte social network.

    Why do you need a VK page ID?

    Before we find out, let’s try to figure out why this VKontakte ID is needed:

    How to find out the user page ID on VKontakte

    This is not difficult to do. You can view it in the address bar of your browser by going to the page of the user we need on VK:

    The numbers that are written after vk.com/id are what we need.

    But sometimes it happens that the ID is hidden, and the link uses human-readable text (for example, I use the text sergey_vkazi:


    When VK added the option to change numbers in the URL to text, most people took advantage of the convenient innovation and brought the addresses of pages on the social network into a human-readable form. But where then see user id? This can be done by going to some sections of your account, like:

    1. Page with an avatar. To do this, click on and look in the address bar of your browser. Numbers behind the word "album" to the bottom space character (“_”) is what we need. In my case it is 454881889.

    2. Since the avatar is in a photo album, the id can be determined by going to the albums or selecting any photo in it. This is how it looks in the albums section (after albums):

    ... and on each page (after photo):

    3. You can also find out the number by going to your videos and selecting the “My Videos” tab. Then in the browser line we will see a link where what we are looking for is located immediately after videos:

    Likewise on the page with the video itself (behind the word videos).

    Also in audio recordings it is in the URL behind the word audios.

    4. Determine VK user ID you can on any news, left by the user. To do this, you need to go to the entry itself. It is written twice - after the word id And wall.

    5. And the last way - via “Messages”. Let's say we want to write to someone. We go to the section, through the search we find the person we need and select him. Further on old scheme– look at the link in the address bar of the browser – what we are looking for is located after /im?sel=

    If the identifier is hidden, then you can find it in almost any section of your VKontakte account. If suddenly there are a lot of numbers in the link and you are in doubt, check in several ways described above to finally make sure that they match everywhere.

    How to find out your ID in VK

    You can find out your ID in VK (if it is hidden) using any of the above methods. Or go to . Select the “General” tab, “Page Address” item. Here you need to click “Change”.

    A pop-up message will appear that “you can change the short address of your page to a more convenient one,” and your real id will be displayed under the line.

    How to find out the ID of a group or public page on VKontakte

    For a group or public page The VKontakte number looks like this:

    • for the community: vk.com/club134454330
    • for public: vk.com/public38114090

    Unlike man, where the letters id were placed in front of the number, here it is written club And public.

    Using the methods described above, you can calculate the ID of any community or public page on VKontakte (if it is hidden).

    The same is defined for an event or event. Only it looks like https://vk.com/event160558565

    How to change VKontakte ID

    Actually, you won’t be able to change the ID itself. It is assigned when creating a profile and remains unchanged forever, until the account is deleted. It is allowed to change only human-readable text that replaces numbers. To do this, go to the settings again, the “General” tab, the “Page Address” item and select “Edit”.

    I wrote the text sergey_vkazi. I can change it to another (not occupied by others) word or phrase, using Latin letters, numbers or underscores “_”. If someone already has a similar one, then you will be warned that Page URL VK is busy with someone else.

    You should come up with unique text and click on the “Occupy address” button if you decide to change the URL, or “Cancel” if you change your mind about taking this action.

    In the next article we will find out.

    Users often find themselves faced with the question of how to find out the ID of a page in VK, and with the advent of short addresses the situation has only become more complicated. This combination of numbers is required when recovering a password, organizing a gift draw, and besides, some applications do not want to work without it. and why it is needed, we discussed in detail in another article, so we will not dwell on this issue here.

    Check your identification number

    However, don’t get lost - the developers have left a few simple loopholes that will make it easy to find the one you need. digital combination.

    In the address bar

    When faced with the question of how to find out “My ID” (page number, account) of VK, the first step is to check the address bar. You should first open the page of the person whose number is required.

    The problem is that often the faceless numbers in the address bar are replaced with short name, so this method does not always work. Since you can find out the digital ID in VK, if you can’t find the word there in a similar way, you will have to look for workarounds. Therefore, if you decide, consider all these points.

    Through settings

    This is one of the most simple solutions how to find out your ID (ID) in VK (VKontakte) via phone - mobile application or mobile browser. However, it is also convenient to use on a computer, but we must take into account that in this way you can only obtain information about the account through which you are logged into the social network.

    In order to find out the ID, you will need:

    • On top panel Click on your name on the right.
    • Select “Settings” from the drop-down list.

    • Find "Page address". If a word (a short name created by the user) is displayed after the domain name, then you should click “Change”.
    • After this, the inscription “Number” will appear under the column, and next to it a combination of numbers.

    • If you do not need to change the short name, then after copying the necessary information, click “Cancel”.

    However, there are other ways to find out the ID of a page in VK, if instead of numbers there are letters (nickname) - they are suitable for both your account and a third-party account.

    Using an avatar

    Even if the user has changed the account address, changing the numbers to a nickname, the avatar address still remains tied to the identification number; this feature can be used. To do this you will need:

    1. Open required account and click on the avatar to expand the image to full screen.
    2. Check the address bar: after the text “photo” there is a series of numbers before the underscore - they will be the required ID combination.

    In this way, you can use other data from the user page:

    • any pictures from albums (you need to look for the digital combination after the text “album” before the underscore);
    • videos (after the text “videos” before the question mark);
    • posts on the wall (after “wall” before the underscore);
    • audio recordings (after “audios”);

    Another way to see another person’s VK ID is to press the button "Write a message" or open an existing dialog. It is not necessary to send a text, just check the address bar: after the text “sel=” there is necessary information.

    Some accounts are completely closed to unauthorized users, so before you can determine the user ID in VK, you will have to log in or register.

    Opening the page code

    You can also find out the digital identifier by looking at the page code; for this you will need:

    • Open the user account whose number you want to find out.
    • Right-click anywhere on the page and find "View code".
    • The digital identifier will appear many times; the search function will help speed up the search process. You need to press Ctrl+F and enter, for example, page_avatar in the search window - the necessary numbers will be next to the text.

    This is not the easiest option for finding out a person’s ID in VK: you have to search for where the necessary information is located manually. Additional complexity arises if the search is carried out using a third-party account: the code contains both the number of the account under which you logged in and the number of the account that is in at the moment opened in the browser.

    By phone number

    There is currently no separate way to find out the VK user ID of someone else’s page by phone number. But you can try to find a user on a social network by mobile number, and then use one of the proposed methods: through the address bar, the address of the avatar (post, photo, video) or using the page code.