• How to find out a phone number by last name. How to find out passport details

    Universal method There is no way to find a phone number by the owner's last name. There are two ways to solve the problem - the use of official information channels and private databases. Each option has its own characteristics.

    Determining a cell phone number by last name in mobile companies

    Visit the offices of mobile operators and try to convince the manager of the need to find out the mobile phone number by last name. The result will depend on your ability to convince your interlocutor, so come up with a convincing reason for your request in advance. Often office employees will grant requests if it is necessary to find out the phone number of the person who has stolen funds from a mobile phone account. Contacting a cellular company does not guarantee success in your search, even if the reason is serious.

    Cell phone number by last name via contacting the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    The staff will help with the visitor's request if there are important grounds, for example, crimes against him or his relatives. The Ministry of Internal Affairs may authorize the seizure of data from mobile companies regarding telephone subscribers. Intelligence agencies can also use own databases data.

    Using an Internet database to find out a cell number by last name

    Search the Internet for current telephone directories; their content is constantly updated. You can download a subscriber database from the Internet, but you will have to pay a lot of money for it. Finding a reliable site with up-to-date information can be time consuming. Before concluding a transaction, make inquiries about the seller in advance, talk to him and make sure that he is a reliable person. Friends may have old databases downloaded several years ago on their computer. Often such information is outdated, but you can try to find the information you need.

    Finding a cell phone number by last name from friends

    Try to find out more about the person – where he lives, what he does. Chat with his friends and try to find out his phone number for free. Acquaintances will often accommodate you if you tell them that they want to give a friend a pleasant surprise. You can call your place of work on behalf of an employee of a bank or other institution and ask for a phone number, for example, to clarify personal information.

    Other ways to determine a phone number by last name

    If you can’t find a phone number in mobile databases, use other options.

    • Search for a person by last name on social networks. Look at the profile on his page, sometimes it says mobile phone. In Skype, your phone number is often specified during registration.
    • Enter your last name into an Internet search engine. The person you are interested in can register on various forums, websites, blogs and indicate their number there.
    • Use the services of a private detective who will provide a phone number and a complete profile on the person.

    Finding out a phone number through a person's last name without his consent is considered illegal. But if the end justifies the means, then you can try, just quietly and calmly.

    People often have problems figuring out how to find out a phone number by last name. Situations can be of a different nature - from searching for a person you like to important contact. Even in the Soviet Union, there were special certificates or entire catalogs for this. In Russia, using the Internet, this can be done much faster and more conveniently.

    Is it possible to find a phone number by first and last name for free?

    Knowing the details of the wanted person, you can find a home phone number by last name for free. In addition to the landline number, it is possible to find the alleged mobile phone number. There are several ways to find out a phone number by last name, but not all are legal. Often the methods are limited to the use of stolen databases. By using some of them, users may break laws. There are paid search methods, but there are many free methods on the Internet due to their demand and popularity. You can choose any one, depending on what you need.

    Ways to find out a phone number by the subscriber's last name

    The use of directories is a current technique for finding out a phone number by your last name. They use directories, data results on the Internet or Ministry of Internal Affairs databases, social networks, where you can see other information about a person, for example, date of birth, education, etc. All these options give a positive result at , but the data is not always reliable. This is due to rapid change contacts, when one number is replaced by another simply on a whim, and not for a good reason. It is difficult to obtain information about those who are deliberately hiding from search or do not want publicity due to a number of reasons.

    In addition to the Internet, you can use the search through acquaintances or friends of your wanted person. They can help out, give real contact the one you need. This method may turn out to be the most effective, completely legal, simple and effective. Its advantages include simplicity, efficiency, because it is easier to find through familiar people than while sitting at the computer and searching suitable option. In addition to the number, it’s easy, then all the information will be complete, necessary for certain actions.

    Through the home phone directory

    Directories and address books were popular in a time when mobile phones did not exist. Then it was easy to figure out how to find out your home phone number by last name. The owner had a registration address, and each apartment had a landline telephone number, the number of which was included in the pages of the directory. it was extremely simple, the information was not classified, there was free access to absolutely every citizen, except officials. But it was also possible to find them with a little effort and connections.

    Modern city apartments still have city subscriber numbers, so this search option remains relevant. Directories have been translated into form electronic versions with easy navigation, provides information by name in alphabetical order, the ability to search by entering existing information. In this way you can only find home number. For mobile phones, you will have to look for other options, inconvenient, difficult, costing a lot of money, requiring time and searching for connections.

    Download telephone number database

    There are popular sites on the Internet that appear due to requests for a given last name. They all provide links to special databases created by operators cellular communications, for example MTS. Such databases are illegal due to the fact that companies do not have the right to post them for free viewing. This is always stolen information or copied from an unknown source. Therefore, it can be difficult to trust it due to the reason that information quickly becomes outdated.

    Through law enforcement

    When your identity is lost, and the reasons for this are important, for example, debts or crimes, you can contact the police, where employees will help you law enforcement agencies. They have their own databases. Thanks to the latest updates, the police will find the right person without delay. To access the Ministry of Internal Affairs database, you need a compelling reason for the search, a statement of accusations against the wanted person. Otherwise you will be wasting your time.

    Video instructions: how to dial a phone number by last name

    Many people need to find out a person’s address by his last name.

    Situations and reasons may be different, some are looking for relatives or old friends with whom they have long lost contact, while others need to find a child support defaulter. For this there are several proven and effective ways, which you can use and find out the address of a specific citizen.

    Reasons for searching

    Before you begin to find out exactly how it is possible to find out a person’s address by full name, you need to understand the reasons why there is a need to do this.

    They look like this:

    • The person has been sued, he has committed an offense and needs to be found.
    • The person evades payment of alimony.
    • Search for heirs who are indicated in the will of a deceased relative.
    • Restoring contact with long-lost relatives or friends.
    • When purchasing residential space on the secondary market (to make sure that no one else is registered in the apartment).
    • When selling real estate (to obtain a certificate of registered citizens).

    In order to find out the address at which a person is registered, it is necessary to know his exact full name.

    How to find out a person's registration by name

    The duration of searches, as well as their results, largely depend on how much information is known about a given person.

    An ordinary citizen has much less opportunity for a positive outcome of the search than government agencies. It is very difficult to independently find a person only by his last name, but if you put in a lot of effort, it is possible.

    An important role is played by how common the surname of the wanted citizen is. In the case where there is information about his patronymic, as well as his name, the search procedure is greatly simplified. The geography of the search is no less important because, knowing the specific region where he lives, it will be easier to find him. If the area or city is known, this will make the search even easier than if you search for it throughout the country.

    Who is requesting information?

    The speed with which a citizen will be found by his full name depends on who exactly is looking for him.

    Information about where a person is registered may be requested by:

    • Organizations that issue loans if the person you are looking for took out a loan.
    • State traffic inspectorate bodies.
    • Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    • Employees involved in the personnel policy of the organization in which the wanted person is registered.
    • Social services.
    • Prosecutor's office.

    When a private person, and not one of the listed organizations, wants to find out information about registration, the procedure becomes much more complicated. The thing is that the personal data of each citizen is classified and is protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    In order to obtain information about the registration of a citizen, one name and surname is not enough; data from his passport is needed. How can you find out where a person is registered based on his passport data? There are many sites on the Internet that offer this service. They offer to enter personal passport data, but this is not worth doing, often these are scammers, you need to contact reliable sites, the main ones being the FSN website and Rosreestr.

    Find it yourself

    Today, there are several effective ways to find out information about a citizen’s registration address by full name on your own:

    • Consult the telephone directory.
    • Submit an application to the FMS authorities.
    • Request a service at the help desk.
    • Via the Internet.

    Thus, it is possible to find out information of interest about a person.

    Through the telephone directory

    If you look at the directory, it will show the person’s full name, landline phone number and address where he lives. To find out the registration address, you must have information about the city in which the wanted person lives.

    This method is ineffective due to the fact that telephone directory only the address of the permanent place of registration of the citizen who is the owner of the home is indicated.

    All other registered family members with the same surname, in phone book are not indicated. In addition, it is impossible to find out the address of a person with temporary registration. And the worst thing about this method is that the information indicated in such a directory is often irrelevant due to the fact that the citizen could change his place of registration.

    How to make a request to the FMS authorities

    A request to the Federal Migration Service solves this problem much more effectively. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any citizen living on the territory of Russia, in mandatory even those who have temporary registration are registered at their place of residence. All issues related to permanent or temporary registration are regulated by the Federal Migration Service. This organization has an extensive database that includes all departments of the state passport and visa service.

    To make a request to the FMS you must:

    • Come with your civil passport to the nearest FMS office at your place of registration.
    • Fill out a special State form. It requires you to indicate all the information that is known about the person, the reason for the search and your passport details.
    • Submit an application.
    • Receive, within the deadline set by FMS representatives, all the necessary information about the place where the wanted citizen is registered. This procedure takes on average from 15 to 30 days.

    Personal application submission is not required. You can make an online request to establish the address where the wanted person is registered or send it by mail.

    How to submit a request to the help desk

    Addresses and telephone numbers of information bureaus can be easily found on the Internet.

    To submit a request you will need:

    • Find out the address of the nearest information desk.
    • Come to this address.
    • Fill out an application, in the form of which you must indicate information about the person you are looking for.
    • Go to the information desk at the appointed time and get the necessary information.

    In the event that several persons are detected upon request, then all necessary information will be issued by the information desk to all citizens found.

    Via the Internet

    Trying to find out the address of a wanted person via the Internet is quite simple. After all, today a huge number of Russian residents register on social networks such as Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Facebook. During registration, they often leave their real data, residential addresses and mobile phone numbers.

    You can simply enter the first and last name of the person you are looking for in any of the search engines and his account will be displayed in one of social networks. The problem is that there may be quite a lot of people with such a surname and name and not everyone puts their real photos. But at least this method has the right to life and, with a successful combination of circumstances, it is possible to find a person and find out his address.

    There is also another option, if the information about a citizen is unknown, but the license plate number of his car is known, then you can go to the traffic police portal and submit a request.

    What makes it more difficult to find a person by name is that he is, for example, temporarily registered. The most popular resource where you can find out a person’s registration is Rosreestr.

    By TIN

    You can find out quite a lot of information using the TIN number, but this applies only to a greater extent legal entities, it will be much more difficult to find out something about an individual. You can find out your full name quite easily, this information is in open access on the Federal Tax Service website.

    Here's what exactly you can find out using your tax identification number:

    • Based on the first four digits, the region where this document was issued.
    • The next six digits allow you to access the personal data of an individual.
    • The remaining two digits are access to simplified data.

    To find out the address of a person by TIN, you will need to submit a request to the tax service of the Russian Federation, but not everyone will be able to obtain the necessary information. To obtain the necessary information, the citizen submitting such a request must confirm ownership of the residential premises. Another possibility is that the applicant has the authority to act on behalf of a person who is related to the disputed residential area.

    There is also the opportunity to issue an indirect request about whether the wanted person has arrears in tax payments. The information is easy to find out when the inscription “Repay the debt” appears; below you can see the address of the citizen whose data was entered.

    Checking a person against the database of enforcement proceedings

    To do this, you need to go to the FSSP website (Federal Bailiff Service). To start working with the database, you need to go to the search and select the subsection called “Search by individuals.” By going to the section called “Territorial Authorities”, you must indicate the region in which the wanted person is officially registered and enter his full name. The month and year of birth do not have to be filled in, but the date of birth can help narrow the search and more accurately identify the person.

    If you know the production number, you can find out the necessary information from the database through a special section of the website “Search by enforcement proceedings number.” There you need to enter the full name of the citizen you are looking for and press the search button, the system will display as a result of the search a list of all debtors, the production number and the subject of execution. Next, you should carefully review the information received and find the data of the person being checked, if any.

    Responsibility for illegally obtaining information

    By law Russian Federation The private life of any citizen is inviolable; violation of this law is punishable by criminal penalties under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    A citizen who collects and disseminates information about a person collected by illegal methods is obliged to suffer the following types of punishment:

    • Fine in the form of a fixed fee.
    • He may be charged income for the period established by law.
    • Punishment in the form of referral to compulsory correctional labor.
    • Prohibition on engaging in professional activities.
    • Imprisonment.

    In order not to break the law, you must adhere to only the permitted methods of searching for a person, as discussed above. As you can see, there are quite a few such methods and each of them is effective in its own way. You can search either independently or with the help of authorized bodies; they act many times faster, and the search will most likely lead to a positive result. Everyone must remember that illegal methods of searching for information about a person in our country are considered a criminal offense and are punishable by law.

    When we talk about passport data, we mean information that can be used to identify a person. In addition to the last name, first name and patronymic, this includes information about the date of birth, address, marital status, the name of the authority that issued the passport and the date of issue of the document, as well as some other data. Undoubtedly, personal information must be protected so that its owner does not become a victim of fraudsters. But in some cases, passport data may be required without any malicious intent. You can look for them for completely harmless and legitimate reasons. And then the problem of effective and legal search arises. Let's try to understand this issue.

    Reasons for searching a person's passport details

    First of all, let’s determine in what situations and for what reasons passport data may be required. Contrary to popular belief, such information in most cases is required not to commit any illegal actions, but to protect one’s own interests:

    • Checking the reliability of a potential business partner, bride or groom, tenant.
    • Finding out how solvent the applicant is for a loan.
    • Obtaining confirmation of the authenticity of a passport when purchasing real estate or a car.
    • Search for a debtor, relative or old acquaintance with whom contact has been lost.

    How to find out a person's passport details by full name?

    All methods of finding out information about a person can be combined into two groups (depending on whether anyone contributes to the search):

    • With the involvement outside help. We are talking about authorized bodies and other organizations providing services for searching passport data.
    • Independent search. Most often it is carried out through various types of Internet resources.

    Search through authorized bodies

    It is possible to legally obtain passport data by contacting the competent government authorities. This method involves some difficulties and the need to comply with formalities. In addition, a positive result is not guaranteed. However, when finding out personal information through authorized bodies, you do not risk being accused of violating the law. Let's look at which organizations can provide passport data and in what order:

    • Migration Service. On the official website of the department, you can request to receive passport data using special form. The service is provided free of charge, but information cannot be obtained anonymously. It is possible to find out passport data only on the condition that the migration authorities obtain consent to provide information from the person to whom they concern. The request can be sent not only online, but also by mail.

    Advice: if the passport details are known, but there are doubts about the authenticity of the document, you can contact the migration service to check its validity online and receive an almost instant response

    • Unified portal of State Services. By registering on this resource, you will be able to send requests for passport data.
    • Other government agencies. Databases about individuals are conducted in most bodies, but they can only be provided with the consent of the citizens who are directly affected.

    Independent search

    The main tool for finding out information about a person on your own is Internet resources. There are many offers on the Internet to help in finding passport data, but most of these resources, supposedly promising fast and even free search passport data can become a trap for the gullible and curious. In order not to suffer if you “catch” a virus, you should be careful with dubious sites. As a result of visiting them, you can not only waste time without finding out the necessary data, but there is also a real risk of becoming a victim of scammers who will take advantage of hard drive computer personal information or cause other harm. If you are asked to send an SMS message to gain access to the necessary passport data, it is likely that if this requirement is fulfilled, the funds from your mobile account will be irretrievably lost. In addition to the high chances of suffering from the actions of criminals, searching for passport data on your own carries the risk of receiving serious punishment for illegal actions.

    Another way to obtain information about a person without directly contacting the authorized bodies is the services of a detective agency. This is much safer than trusting dubious sites. The only drawback is the high prices.

    Responsibility for illegal activities

    When searching for information about a person, you should remember that current legislation protects personal data. Their collection and disclosure without the consent of the person to whom the information belongs is possible only in cases established by law, for example, for the purpose of executing a court decision or during the investigation of a criminal case. If the right of a certain person to collect and disseminate information is not provided for in legislation, the corresponding actions are a violation of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The culprit may be brought to civil, administrative or criminal liability. Depending on the severity of the offense for the illegal collection and disclosure of personal data, punishment can range from a hefty fine to imprisonment.

    So, searching for passport data, like any other personal information, is associated with certain risks and, if the rules established by law on maintaining confidentiality are violated, it can lead to charges of an offense and prosecution. Therefore, if there are serious reasons to find out information, you should contact the authorized government bodies, following the appropriate procedure.