• How friends are displayed in contact. How to find out important friends on VK from a friend

    Having completed these simple manipulations, your eye will be presented with a new window, in which it will be called " new list“in our case, “Those who can see my album” and add to this group those friends whom you consider necessary, that is, those who will be able to visit this folder and view this album. After everything is given to you the right friends and your comrades will be added to the list - press the save button.

    After which we already see that next to the photo of some of the friends an inscription appears that was previously “name of the list”. If you did not immediately add the desired comrade to the specified VKontakte list, you simply need to subsequently click “add to list” and uncheck the box next to the list.

    Why sort VKontakte friends?

    Why do you need such a wonderful function as sorting VKontakte friends into folders? It's very simple. People are different and many do not want to remove a person from their VKontakte friends for fear of offending, and at the same time many do not want some to not have this or that information. Since friendship on social networks and friendship in real life are two big differences. Often on VKontakte people are added to your friends who seem to be acquaintances, but are not really friends and you would not want them to have your personal information. That’s why the function of sorting VKontakte friends is a very useful thing.

    “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”(folk wisdom)

    More to each other, less to each other...

    You go to a friend’s page, look, and he only has 200 VKontakte friends. Why so little? and we begin to look for reasons. But it would be worth thinking about other things. For example, why order of VKontakte friends exactly like this? After all, if we open the full list of friends, remember it, reload the page, we will see exactly the same order. What's the secret? And the dog, as it turns out, is buried right at the surface.

    So. As we know, there are two types of friend lists - one that displays six online friends and just six friends. If you noticed, friends on these lists are never repeated. In addition, among your six friends, some appear more often, others less often. What's the trick? The trick is how often you visit their page. The more often you visit, the more often they are visible in this window.
    Similar order of VKontakte friends V general list. We go to our account on the social network VKontakte, click on the “Friends” button on the left side of the menu, and in front of us is a list of our friends. In it, friends are sorted as above and said by the frequency of your visits to their pages. Now if we go to the second tab “Online” friends, we will notice the same thing - order of VKontakte friends same.
    But if you visited your friend, or simply jumped onto an unfamiliar page, then the list of friends for you will be sorted differently. Here the list is sorted by the frequency of these friends visiting this person’s page. In other words, whoever comes in more often is higher on the list. The logic is simple and clear.
    By the way, this rule was introduced not so long ago. Used to be friends were sorted by the magnitude of their rating - those with a better rating are higher on the list. But first the administration of the social network changed VKontakte order of friends, and then completely abandoned the rating.

    I think it is useful for many users to know on what basis is the list of VKontakte friends formed? in 2019.

    Once upon a time, everything was very simple: whoever had a higher rating was at the very beginning of the list. But times have changed, the rating was canceled, and now friends sorting happens differently.

    First of all, go to the “My Friends” section and deal with the list of friends on your page:

    Who do we see first on our friends list? That's right, those with whom we communicate most.

    The principle of sorting the list of friends: the first will be those friends with whom you most often correspond, but also those whose pages you constantly view, like, and comment on posts.

    Thus, the first friend can be one with whom you may not have communicated at all, but always follow his page and (or) be active on it.

    But there is a small nuance: users whom you recently added as friends are initially displayed above the rest (usually occupying 5-10 positions in the list). This is done so that you do not lose sight of them.

    How the list of friends of other VKontakte users is formed

    Now let's consider principle of sorting friends among other VKontakte users. If their list of friends is formed according to the principle described above, then we see friends completely differently.

    We open the user's friends list and see the following:

    You are the first in the list if this user is your friend. Next are the users who have friends with you: the more mutual friends you have, the higher they are in the list. Even lower are users sorted by date of registration in VKontakte: those who registered earlier are higher.

    This is how the list of friends of other users is sorted.

    How to change the sort order of your friends list

    If you wish, you can promote in the list a certain friend. To do this, it’s enough to communicate with him more often, visit his page, be active (like, repost, comment on posts/photos).

    Thus, after a short period of time, the selected user will take first place in the list of your friends. The reverse way Can .

    It's hard to imagine the Internet without social networks. Most people, including the computer, go there first. And one of the most popular social networks is VKontakte. Its possibilities are very great, but the initial purpose of its creation is to communicate with friends. How is the list of VKontakte friends formed? Read on.

    Adding friends

    During initial registration, the list of friends will be empty. Therefore, in order to have someone to communicate with, you need to add them. You can do this in several ways, and then find out how the list of VKontakte friends is built.


    How to use the search? To do this, click on top panel"People" menu. And we immediately see a list of potential friends who may know each other. They are selected based on information about place of residence, educational institution, etc. If necessary specific person, let's move on. We enter the first and last name in the search bar, as a result of which a couple of hundred people with the same names may appear. Therefore we introduce additional information: country, city, gender, age, etc. We find that same person and add.

    When you go to a page with friends, to the right of the search you can see a button that says “Add friends.” If you click on it, a page with people you may know will appear. Distinctive feature will be what will happen to a person mutual friends. It’s also possible to find friends through other social networks here. You can ask your friends to send a friend request, which you will need to accept. In this case, next to the inscription “My friends” the number of applications will be indicated (+3, for example).

    How is the list of VKontakte friends formed?

    Now that friends have been added, you can start communicating. This directly affects how the list of VKontakte friends is formed. At first, all friends are lined up according to the date they were added. But after you start actively communicating, the list changes a little. Instead of the last one added, the first place goes to the friend with whom you talk most often and whom you visit most often. Therefore, at the very beginning of the list there will be those people with whom you often communicate.

    What’s interesting is that if you add another friend and write him a couple of messages, he will also be wedged into the top of the list. Not the first, of course, but he will get into the top seven.

    Next, let's look at the tabs. “My Friends” has 3 tabs: “All Friends”, “Online Friends” and “Friend Requests”. The first one presents all the acquaintances you have. In the second - those who are online in at the moment. The principle of how the VKontakte friends list is built is the same. The latter shows those who have applied for friendship and are subscribed to the user’s page. By the way, you can add them as friends without any problems.


    You can also divide your friends into lists. Standard options have following titles: “all friends”, “new”, “best”, “relatives”, “colleagues”, “at school”, “at university”. All of them are on the right side under sorting. You can add any person to the desired list by clicking on the “Customize lists” button under the “Write a message” button, and then select the desired person from the drop-down list. There are also very useful list called "Birthdays". By clicking on it, we open a calendar that shows who will have a birthday when. You can also find out user phone numbers by clicking on the list " Phone book", after which the treasured number will appear under the friend’s name and surname. In addition, you can create your own list and name it as you please. And, as has already become clear, they can be sorted and deleted if necessary.


    There are also several sorting criteria: city, age and gender (female, male, any). This sorting works in all lists, so you can safely use it. There is no need to bother your head with thoughts about how the list of friends on VKontakte is formed, since everything happens according to the same pattern: those with whom you communicate most often are in the first rows, the rest are lower or at the very end.

    Wide range of possibilities

    In the “My Friends” section you can see how the list of VKontakte friends is formed and what it depends on. Besides this, there is quite a lot useful functions and features that make using this social network more convenient. However, there is no limit to perfection, so you can expect some additions or innovations soon.

    Important friends on VK are automatically identified for all users of the social network, regardless of their wishes. The order of the top five changes based on a special VKontakte algorithm, which account owners are able to influence.

    The article will discuss what they are important friends, how the order in which profiles are displayed is determined and why users with whom you are with jump to the top for a long time didn't communicate.

    IN mobile application VKontakte they are on the toolbar in quick access(scroll down, first item after the menu).

    While viewing full list profile friends, you automatically see the top 5 first, and then the rest in alphabetical order.

    How are important friends determined in VK?

    There is a difference between displaying your own list and the order in which others' friends are displayed when you log into someone else's account.

    In the first case, important VK friends are determined using a special social network algorithm that calculates how much attention is paid to a specific page among friends. The frequency and intensity of communication, the number of rated or commented posts, reposts, and the frequency of profile visits are taken into account. In general, the main criterion is the user’s interest in the profile: the more attention is paid to it, the higher the person will be in the ranking. Recently added pages also appear here for the first time. As a rule, they push down profiles that previously occupied 3-4 positions. The VKontakte developers came up with this move so that you don’t forget about your new friend and communicate.

    If you decide to look at friends of another VKontakte profile, the list will be compiled based on completely different considerations. You will be in first place. It will put the pages of mutual friends in the top in the order in which their profiles are displayed on you. If there are none, after your account the pages will appear seemingly randomly. In fact, they are sorted by date of registration on the social network.

    How to set up a list of important friends in VK

    Additional settings for the list of important friends are not required - they are not provided by the developers at this stage.

    Nevertheless, VKontakte users can influence the list of important friends and the distribution of places in it. How to put a friend as important on VK - see the next block.

    How to change important friends in VK

    The principle of sorting important friends in VK takes into account how interesting the account is for you, depends on the frequency of visits, the activity of correspondence and the rating of photos and posts. It is logical that in order to make changes to the list, you need to improve or reduce the indicated indicators for a specific person.

    How to add a person to important friends on VKontakte

    We haven’t communicated with a close friend who lives in another city for a long time, and as a result, he ended up “overboard” from the list of important people in VK. There are two ways to raise a friend in the ranking.

    The long-term method is to improve the indicators listed above:

    1. Communicate as often as possible.
    2. Fill him with likes and comments.
    3. Increase the number of visits to the desired account.

    If you urgently need to add a profile to your list of important friends, there is a simple and quick life hack. In the article, we already said that recently added friends automatically take 3-4 positions in the rating, so why not take advantage of this?

    • delete desired page from friends, and after a couple of seconds add again;
    • remember who initiated the addition the first time. If you submitted the application, the other user will not even know about the manipulations ( standard notification won't come).

    Why did important friends in VK change?

    The top 5 important friends are formed based on the principle of demonstrated interest: the more interesting a user is to you in terms of views, likes, correspondence and reposts, the more likely he is to be in first position. Why did important friends get lost on VK?

    If you stop contacting one of the five for a while, the algorithm reacts by lowering his position.

    The owner of an account with whom you hardly communicate can also become a leader if you actively evaluate his photos and posts. A recently added profile can also dilute an already established list. By default, he is among important friends for some time, but in the absence of communication, he goes downhill.

    How to hide important friends on VK

    Contact makes no exceptions for important friends, so privacy settings apply to them as well. You can hide this category of people by digging into the Settings of any profile, regardless of the version you are using (meaning full or mobile).

    And finally: knowledge of functional new VK products is great, but real life It’s much cooler outside of social networks. Don't forget to remind yourself of this from time to time.